Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 22, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    1 .prH22. 1920,
. . A
precis arc
t-j rf i
cnrrr-.JFiring Break
rr m i wot- UUTTie
With players outnumbering Gilbert's
team almost two to one Captain En
trees' biffball and volley ball teams ai
the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium Friday
evening meted defeat to Gilbert's play
ers. The eanie wan the firi nn. !.
ives on ' in
'. m.lrket road the Mareh an1 Ami' series. The two
d tarwM. teams follow:
programs now u.. , Entrea8 (Captain)) Bob Paulus (eu
.h to any nn...w- , ivuam r. iviuc-KerooeKer.
ihis time, tm
it lev"
: . .Adpnnnll 1 I.rrisL I"ttr Urna'n I uu, . ....
" - .. uai-HllHIII, . ;i II -
t i. .nrt house See- kln Mi'Km. Koelpv
attnr----,..,. -------
Out in Berlin;
Anxiety Grows
Berlin. Mar. 25. i Rv .1,0
Press 2:40 d. m. hv
Since noon firing has occur.ed'in va
rious IWlrtu nf th ;l,. , : . .
Needham. th. ,'.. """-"? " 18 "Morteu
Owens, Farrar. Schramm, Price, Rich-1 down .11 ZmZZ 7 t! ShUOtln8
. v,, wlv DlUlu: iroops
.t this time.
leaeut; uriwrw, IV. na T kt. ...
.." " -" mctuins- remaining in Berlin
tooled a resolution -.jter, i-utnam, iiUK-rt, Connell, Yernt.
.rinciples before a- , Eiwell. Harold Cook.. Dyer, Rigdon,
5 ' jjU afternoon. I Morris, i tter. Bi o
Stirroaj tax i Hutchason a
Kafoury, Lee Per-
Todd. Hart Sen.
""V jiltU the resolution, ier, Abrams, Jenks Davie.
M ' i Gilbert (captain). Alderin ni.t
Jttee on resolutions:, ant). George Puulaus, White, White,
1..111711P in r-.,f i .,,.-.. -r i t - i ...
" ,y taxpa?Ia ; 1 lJV - 1 1 ruru, uaie, Maul
H i.iu.i .it Marion i Hon T ul-,. Mr,nuiiiDAH . .
SSSeiuw-" - "V"' "ooi , timiHuii, nr.
Franklin, Baker, Beechler, Hull, El
vin, Shields, Bayne, Hansen, Davidson,
L. C. Ehvell, Quisenberry, Dan Frv Jr.
March 20, 1920,
.rtjtlon i
, m w ,u.,hitlnna
M9 following v,-
.lions .mill' measures
ballot for the special
"ieheld May 21st contain
r that will our
. o it ,ill a made
.win rrom .- -
... tu commission last De
nmilMo be in effect for
.1 .,,., ,.
ttll necessary ).""""
.men, and for construction
sXsK na m'"'kel roads to
(rum the special automo
jtW tax revenues and bond
Mdy provided,
dtbat we are opposed to In
,Mr state tax levies at this
l SWial roillase taxes HBSre
increase -of 1 ler cent, aa
,.v sets aside -the 6 per cent
'-enacted by the people,
(rides that taxation could not
,jri over K ,lll f100 hl
M-rA that the officers of
,and the coinniittes named
ajiention he auli'oi-isserl va
m cum't'iitii.n of tiixpayers
purpose of presenting to the
slitive candidates to so l)c-
s-mnarj' on a piauorm repi-o-
;isai)iation and its pur-
aifiiient was presented by the
.nfomraittee: Alox La Fol-
i 1 Rigss, (Jeorge V. Weeks,
,.n, E. llofer.
V. G. Allen, Chase. Abberly. A. Ka
fury, Butler, Hoffnell, Findley, Dr.
George, Simeral, Cook Young.
3 Communists
Found Guilty
of Syndicalism
Tortland, Or., Mar. 22. Three air,
ttged members of the communist par
ty of Oregon, on trial here for 1 .
days on charges of violating the state
syndicalism act, were found guilty by
a jury in circuit court today. Sentence
will be passed March 25. court an-
Tnter Den Linden hrwtiori nonnced. Tbe penalty provides for a
with barbed wire andthe Hotel Adlim maximum 14 years imprisonment,
os morougniy screened with it and
guarded by troops. Wild rumors art
afloat, becoming grotesquely magni
fied in circulation.
The inner city streets are seeming
wih excited people. Disorders are
occu.-ring In the suburban districts;
There Is a conspicuous absence of
troops in the working men's dwelling
districts where agitators are fever
ishly busy.
Heart Sewed Up;
Youth Recovers
. San Francisco, Mar. 24. Calvin J.
Gilmer. Francisco youth, is on the
rui to convalescence today after an
operation for a gunshot wound in the
heart, it beins necessary for th snr
em to take three stitches in the or
jran. t:ilnier, it was announced, shot him
self because of family difficulties.
It tmk an hour to perform the oper.
TTiere it notliing o good for Yo
and Baby as Vinol, our Cod
. Liver and Iron Tonic
The Jury recommended leniency.
The three men found guilty are
Karl W. Oster. stale secretary of the
Communist labor party; Claude Hurst
and Fred W. Fry.
The case was given ti the Jury late
yesterday and was the first to be
tried in the state under the Oregon
criminal syndicalism law.
Oregon Watching
California's Act
On Gas Increase
Memorial Trees
Planted in France !: large. .percentage of tannin
Schilling Tea ,( is cheer,
Common tea is gloom.
. Schilling -Tea ,deUghts LU
and invigorates it is a
gentle . stimulant harmless
to stomach and nerves.
, Common tea irritates.; It's
ouckerv taste is due to a
6 Bell-ans
Sure Relief
Washington, Mar. 20 On the battle-
fields where American soldiers Kve h and ncrvK
their lives when the call from human- .
Peoria, 111., Mar. 20. The unquali
fied support of 80,000 Illinois miners,
through representatives in session
here today, was given State President
Alexander Howat of Kansas, when he
announced a program for the launch
ing of a general miners strike in Kan
sas, imlefiance of state laws thorn
i-oriianu, Mar. zu. xot until the! m"u io now pronioit strikes fis f n nimnrii. nn ih. iv.ttio
California public service commission j 01 an' nture. fleldg wne,.e n0f gong. aPswerei1 ,,,
completes its investigation into the! , call of humanity the livimr growing
rise in the price of gasoline and learns! With the obiect of Apii,-,- ,.f.w,.,i- trees of America."
or not its powers permit it tOiinir tli ho,.nv, r u,
' is proposed to organize a cnuntv-widn
and tannin is bad for
itv came. Fiance is planting trees sent
by the American forestry association.
"In years to come," said Charles
Lathrop Pack, president of the as
ciation today, "America will have the
Mlic Forum
Edltui1: It is intensely
blame to speak In the highest
ie party given at the armory
NKiday evening, the 17th of
aider the auspices of the Sa-
organization of which
Bishop is maimiicr. As & na
Erin I was'especially proud of
finer in which the party was
at It was free from all Inso
fimces to Irish character and
si thereon, it was a high
artainment such us you will
irj! cities where I h:ive lived,
Americans of Irish birth and
:kn charge of such entcrtuiii
Anothtr matter which ploasei.
Wngly was that it was given
Jirick'i nitfht. the time u- pur-
such kind should be held.
P Bishop is to be cnntrrutnlateo
flit courage not to conceal the
me other orgunixatrbns J
iind, that It was given in hon-
Patrick. Mr. flishon is noi
'PiliUcian and that is the i-c,v
H nothing to cover up from
and the public when he was I
'm doing honor to Bh rat
io introduced into Erin Chrls
1 .civilization whereby it ne-
"lan.1 nf B,,iii.,,.,
a arms."
J. C, SMITH. .
regulate gasoline prices will the
service commission of Oregon take : health association In Hood River
steps toward sceklnir a reduction In 1
the price of gasoline In this s'ate.
This was the opinion of Chairman
Buchtel of the Oregon commission,
who arrived in the city from Salem
and who evinced keen interest in the
news dispatches from California,
which stated the California commis
sion would seek to lower the price of
gasoline in that state.
"The California commission, how
ever, is somewhat different tha- In
Oregon," he said. "There they have
ample, opportunity of prosecuting an
investigation right in the oil fields to
Oetormine the cost of production and
thus learn whether or ndt the in
creased price Is justified.
"It the California commission finds
there is no justification for the in,
cretwe, naturally the Oregon commis
sion will be Just as eager to bring
about a reduction in this state, if prop
er authortiy to do so is vested in the
commission." '
Schilling Tea.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. AU one quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling t, Co San FraucUcQ
"Where Eobsc
Comforts Aboonf
Tin. pleasure of your (rip t Port
iMnd wilt depend upon tbo hotel you
-Int. Cozy surroundings, modarato
trx, ki1 the welcom you find in
inur own bom towa, await you at
:h Multnomah.
Caragt la Connection.
To impart 'the life giving and body grow
ing elements to your bahv, you must be
in good condition yourself you must be
stronu and v:tal, you must have real
red blood, and your own food must be
well digested and readily assimilated.
Vinol will give you all this. If you
need strength and your baby is not doing
as well as he might try -a bottle of
Vinol and see how baby will improve
and how much better you will fed
NOTR: Your leading druggist hm ft
many yers NHcilly recommended V
because he knows then is nothing twitter
than this famous Cod Liver and Iron Toms
U) erente ftreniitli and build one up. Ths
formula of Vinol is on every laliel.
Your money back if it fails.
lOmll A. Schai'tVr, Druggist.
Mollis Huntington ,tho well known
football player, has dropped his stu
dies at-the University of Oregon and
returned to his home at The Dalles.
ftitista Leader,
You Can Be Free from Pain
as I Am, jf You Do as I Did.
Harrinpton, Jlc.-I eulTered wit!i
backache, pains fliroujh my hips
ami such a
i n g down feel
ing that I could not
stand on my feet.
I also had other dis
tressing symptoms.
At times i hail to
give up work. I
tried a number of
remedies but Lydia
K. Pinklmm's Vege
table Compound did
mo more good than
t,lt,r-,-t:i,riif"-i aiivtlung else, i am
regular, do not gufTer'the pains I used
tn iruon and do all the work. 1
P.. ' '.,.1 nioilicino to all wllO
Mrrenaers belt I suffer as I did and you may use my lct-
"City,Mar.2o.-Manue. Pala-ter as you Hke."-Mrs. Wissm MrrcK-
-nted' ZTlliila W'5'..ere,'areg nanwomen who suffor as
" m nhtton r T' Utted by this great medicine every day.
J,,, " ,f remaining !t , , t,, d tlI0,Ml of women who
T'h UmW cu"'-l.ave been troubled with displacements,
miluno Zapata, who was 1 innamniation, ulceration, irregularities.
M ii L WHh government ' periodie pains, lmekaclie, that bearmg
11, 1019. Thcse bands Qown feeling, indigestion, and nervous
Jrosand nearbv state. t. I . ....ti
Lvdia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable com
pound contains no narcotics or harmful
drugs. It is made from extracts, of
a i,.b. .,! is a safe medium
for women. If you need special advice
write Lvdia E. Pinkham, aieaicme wf.
(ooufldential), Lynn, Mass.
. . , "j "mivoi a. a.-
C m culd not continue to
Present government In alll
Francisco Villa, Felix Diaz,
"""tana other rebel leaders
'k."i,hr ma"y automobile
an hour? Th' wed-
" Moots home last night
Southern Mothers .Have (Found ,a
Way to Treat Children's Croup and
Colds Without; Internal Dosing
ALL mothers everywhere know that chil--TjL
dren's stomachs are delicate and their di
gestions easily disturbed, and therefore .they
should be given as little internal dosing as
possible. Yet croup and colds come often and
certainly cannot be neglected.
hired giri said
must be good
esters At. niiV .
xybrinds so many
r "I
Pa says life, is
short arywayi
and lie's going
to have me best
Dostum Cereal Co. Battl CrMk.Mich.'
r i b ib
A Narta Carolina Druggist Solves ;
the Problem
Thanks to Lunsford Richardson, a
druggist in Greensboro, N. C, this
problem has been solved, and Southern
mothers have been given a method of
treating cold troubles externally. Mr.
Richardson discovered a salve that
would vaporize by the body heat when
applied over throat and chest These
, vapors, inhaled with each breath, car
ried the medication through thf air pas
sages to the lungs, at the same time the
salve was absorbed thru and stimulated
the skin, attracting the blood to the sur
face and thus aiding the vapors inhaled
to relieve the trouble. This prepara
tion Mr. Richardson called Vick's
Vicks contains no harmful drugs,
just the old-fashioned, time -tested
remedies Menthol, Camphor, Thymol,
Eucalyptus, Turpentine, etc. com
bined in a new-fashioned way.
The Use of Vicka Ana Steadily
f v Increased
Starting with the customers of Mr.
Richardson's retail ai store, the sale of
this external treatment has grown, coun
ty by county, state by utate, until now
Vicks can be fouri in almost any drug
store in allsectiens of the United States.
Motliers who once 032 Vicks always
keep a bottle oniand thereafter. It is
so easily applied, so quick in its effects,
and, best of all, can be used as often
and as freely as desired, without fear
of harmful results.
-!!lPJlltH J
mw m m m vm;
J 'l I'll iiil'-C I 'ifSrnm,- TrfTITlA
: israraDiite
WMMMSSVJir ' 1915
I "
ill 5WSf
1 II II I 'C '
Vapors Important - For these trouble
large part of the value of Vkkt lir in
its vaporiin(S qualities So whenever
Vicks U app'ifd vCT t,,e throat and
chest, care ahould be tken to leave the
clothing loose arouiid the neck rd the
bed clothee arranged In the form of a
funnel, so that th vapors arising may be
freely Inhaled.
Hot Wet Cloth In casee of Jep cheat
colds, severe sore throet or incipient pneu
monia, hot, wet towels aliould b used
over the tliroat and chest to open the
the akin before anolvint Vicks.
f?kVA For Head Cold., Asthma, C.Urrh, Hay.
XT' f' 1 -
Now Over 17 Million Jars Are
Used Yearly
The best evidence of the value of
Vicks is the increasing number of fami
lies who, each year, are converted to
the use of this real "Little Body
guard in the Home."
The number of jars used annually
for the last few years is:
1910 347,748 Jan
1911 523,152 Jan
1912 1,027,063 Jars
1913 1,357,590 Jars
1914.... 1,462,330 Jais
2,418,213 Jars
4,302,764 Jar3
6,799,511 Jars
17,377,408 Jars
Insist on the Genuine
At All Druggist
30c-60c $U0
Farer Vicki can be melted in a spoon
and the vapors inhaled, or a little 'should
be applied up the nostrils and snuff'd up
the head.
. For Spasnurflic Croup. Children's CnUis
Rub Vicks over the throat and chert until
the difficult breathing it relieved, then
spread on thickly and cover with a hot
flannel cloth. An application at bed time
usually prevent! night attack of croup.
Vicks i particularly recommended for
children'i colds since it l externally
applied, and can, therefore, be used often
and freely without disturbing the young
tera' delicate digestions.
For Deep Chest Colds, Sore Throat
Tomilitii, Bronchitis, Cough or any
affection of the respiratory organs where
there it tightnest or torettrw, Virks should
be applied over the throat and chest
if necessary, first using hot wet etotht
and rubbed in well until the tkin H redi
then spread on thickly and covered with
one or two thickneteet of hot flannel cloths.
If the cough it annoying, small piece
the size of pea can be twallowed every
few noun.
Minor Ailment
In addition to itt ue for Cold Troubles,
Vickt hat been found eaeellent as a salve,
liniment or platter for trouble such a
Bite, Burnt, Itching, Soreness, Sunburn.