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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1920)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE F01I3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AN IXPEPEN'PENT VBWSPAPER i'lib-it-lieil vy evfiiius except Sunday by The Capiiai Journal Print in: Co.. 13S South Commercial street Telenhones Circulation and Busi ness Office. 81; Kilitorlal rooms. t O. Pl'TNAM, Editor and Publisher. Entered as itecond class mall mat ter at Salem. Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS Bv carrier 60 cents a month. By mail" 50c a month. S1.S5 for three month. $2.25 for six months. Jt per year in Marlon and Polk counties. Elsewhere J 5 a year. tv order of V. S. Rovemment. all rnau subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising representative W. I). Ward. Tribune Hlil.. New York, W. H. Btockwell, Peoples Gas bldg., Chicae. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press to exclusively entitled to the One for publication or all news dispatrhes credited to it or not otherwise credited m this paper and also local news published herein A QUEER CURE .... When that famous doctor. Aunt 0 regon bservations Forest Grove Dr. Henry L. Bates has been chosen by the unlversity faoulty as dean of the college, which position haB been vacant sine Dean Robert F. Clark was Inaugurated as president of Pacific university last June. v Med turd Lark Evans, ex-Portland youth, wits convicted of the kidnaping and robbery of W. O. White, a jit ney driver near Jacksonville an Sep tember 13. The Jury was out 21 H hours. Eugene Paving work will be re sumed on the Pacific highway be tween Eugene tind Junction City Tuesday if the weather is favorable, according to W. A. Itinehart, superin tendent of the Clark & Henry Con struction Co. Portland Charles E. Ladd, well known member of the Ladd family, financier and business man identified with the development of the state of Oregon for many yonrs, died yester day morning at his Ciirllon, Or., home at 4:30 o'clock following an illness of eeveral months. ... Klamath Falls : Although barely out of the hands of the painters and finishers nnd with most of the furni ture still to be Installed,' the new Warren Hunt hospital mndo a place for the stork to alight, when that old fashioned bird brought a seven pound Bon to Mr. and Mis. Dan McKenzie. Roseburg The Issuance of $500, 000 worth of bonds bearing 9 percent Interest, for the purpose of erecting a municipal llwht and water plant, will be voted upon by the residents of this city at the May election. It is proposed to construct the power plant at a point on the north river, about 12 mile east of this city nt a point known as Whist ler's liend. Medford Ever since the contro versy In the public, schools of the city over the disposing of 15 teachers by the school board nnd Superintendent Davenport and olher dissatisfaction with the superintendent started two week ngo, tthe high school students have been threatening to strlko, as an expression of their disapproval over the majority of teaohers in the high' (K-hnul bnlng dropped from next year teaching staff. Albany School superintendents nnd members of school boards tit the larger cltleB and towns of the Wil lamette valley have been Invited by the Albany school board to meet here next Friday ufteriinmi for the pur pose nf agreeing so far as- possible upon a schedule of learners' salaries for the coming year tind considering other matters of interest to the pchoulx. The invitation has been aowptod already by the school boards of Sa lem, Kugene, Corvallis. Roseburg and MeMtmivllle, nnd Is being extended al no to the schools of Tttilltts, Silvetton, Iehnnon, Wooilhurn. Cottage drove, flprlngflolrt and Newberg. Iiull.i The board of directors of Heboid district Mo. 2, In whtuh the olty schools of Dallas are lovted, this week decided to hold a special school election April 12 for the pur pose tif raising mora money for car rying oil the school work for the tim ing year. The object of holding the election fit this time Is to know- at the close Of the present school year what sal aries tfan bo pnld the teachers. The tix t be voted ns outlined hi a bud pet prepared by the directors will raise $24,500. SIDE-TRACKING SERVICE MEN. It is to be hoped that now congTess has finally rejected the: peace treaty, it will proceed to carry out some of the construction; legislation necessary for the nation's .welfare, which has been' before it the past year. j Of all the subjects upon which action was requested by Presi-j dent Wilson, only one question has been settled the return of the railroads. All the other great issues are still pending. Most disgraceful of all is the failure of congress to do any thing for the ex-service men. The treatment accorded those who sacrificed everything for the nation's welfare in the hour of need is contemptible. Only upon insistance of the president was care of the wounded provided for the balance of the pro-! gram congress marks time. j Former soldiers, sailors and marines are victims, along withi peace, of partisan politics. To pass relief legislation might react j favorably to the democratic administration, and to refuse any action might injure the administration hence the four million ex-service men can wait for glittering platform promises of the next election." - It was early in December, 1918, that the president requested congress to enact legislation caring for the war veterans. He renewed his request in May, 1919, and again in December, last. But nothing has been done. Tired of waiting, the veterans are now demanding relief, either in the form of bonus or such other method as deemed ad visable but congress has so far turned a deaf ear, declaring that bonds or money,-to the extent required, would demoralize the government's finance. At the same time they have no scruples in letting the profiteers demoralize individual finance. The government, which loaned billions to our allies and hasi t er,af rmnrtraria nf milli'nna fnr fho rellsf rvf starvmo- hiimnnirv I "Wnat UT" Mr Rabbit inquired. was w o!?1 DA A c) o i i V 1 u BY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY "It isn't Jomniy," Mrs. Rabbit told her. "It's the hot-mater bottle! I find that it's, full of holes: and I can't think how they came there." Aunt Polly put on another pair of spectacles. "Let me see it!" she said. "Aha! she exclaimed, as she looked at the hot-water bottle closely, "I thought so!" she said. What is it?" Mrs. Rabbit Inquired. "I hope it's nothing catching. For just think what a fix we'd be in if all the children should have that same trouble!" Aunt Polly told her not to worry. "You'd better get a new bottle,"' she said, "for this one can't be cured. But I'll show you what to do to pre vent the new hot-water bottle from getting full of holes like this one. Get me a piece of string!" said Aunt Polly. Now, for some reason or other. Jimmy Rabbit began to feel very un comfortable. He was no longer in bed. And when he heard Aunt Pol ly ask for a piece of string he started to sneak out of the room. But Aunt Polly saw him. "Come back here!" she said. "I want you!" And she made Jimmy sit at her feet and wait until his mother returned. "Here!" Jars. Rabbit said when she came back at last. - "1 this string what you need? It's a very strong piece." "Just the thing!" Aunt Polly told her. And she took hold of Jimmy Rabbit He began to howl. And he squirmed. And he would have kicked, if he had dared. Aunt Polly Woodehuck did a strange thing then. She hung the hot-water bottle, from Jimmy's neck. There!" she said. "Just let him wear that for a few days! I don't think you'll have any more trouble with holes in hot-water bottles." "Have you known cases like this Cn 22, 1921 before?" Mrs. rkm. . . V" "A few!" said AtlT thlelsbyfar the T'y' "Al them. Ive never krnI t " It seems to me it ? ,a-' "-Dr Kt sr aJF&ss h?r:vr a world of good," " aha Jimmy Rabbit hung hi. v . hated to' have that hot l1 B ngling from hi T made up his mind that w never prick another pta-hou i1 thing eLse ,ong as h.Uv But he was glad of one thin. was glad Aunt Pol.y mother what he had don! THE END. it.timi, i iti WWII! Hi lit ""III 1 71 are con- cannot afford the money needed to reimburse the service men for, m:""yhudt,huok' reached Mrs- Eab a portion of their financial sacrifices, say the leaders of congress,! '.s Vimmyworee'?' He ought to be many of whom insinuate that the action of the service men is1 almost weii by this time; for mumps unpatriotic thus adding insult to injury. don't last long, as a rule." Of COUrse the nation never can repay the debt OWed to herjness which quite different from, Natives of the Baltic states defenders, but it can t least aist m re-establishing them in the twilight which had been envelop-1 timiin w civil life and reimbursing fo some extent their actual money. i's the earth settled down about me. Poland donnnd. ti ri.h .., losses. There is no comparison between the patriotism of thej 1 think was curiosity wHich made 'vlse the destlnv o( provinc-eg 8ituated service man and the patriotism of a congress that refuses to en-; n.,e t,urn- never hav een the west of her eastern frontier as it stood act reconstruction legislation, and refuses to ratify a peace accept-10 n"e that th4 roar of the wimfhaa 1.48 year? ag0 and a8ksth'u the futnre flioi om-a-o- i.,, - , . , . 1"""" inw provinces D6 oeter-. Comei ino " i? mined by the people themselves. I Come! Come!" beckoned the h. h. ..u ... .v., the terms might be interpreted as con- able to the rest of the world. "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick"- gress makes us all sick. -and certainly con- Kw Toik, Mar. 22. Pioes of lib tvty bonds at t:ES p. m. today were: $H's vS.DA; first 4'a seoond Va St. 10; first 4's 0TC; second tVs K9.0; third 4's t.66i fourth 4Vt's fi.J; victory 3 -4' T.; vic tory 4 S-4's 8T.44. THE UNTAXABLE MELON. Stock dividends represent capital and not income and hence are exempt from income taxation, according to a recent decision of the federal supreme court, which decided the mooted point by a vote of five to four. Under this decision, the government must refund tens of millions and lose a large amount of prospective income. The decision opens the way for big corporations to evade double taxation, by "cutting a melon" that is by distributing sur plus in the form of stock dividends instead of cash, which would be taxable. It puzzles a layman to understand why the recipient 18t? was should not have to report such a gift dividend as taxable income. Of course, if the stock presented earns dividends, they are subject to taxation, though repetition of the process of increasing the stock would enable the evasion of taxation indefinitely. How the plan works is shown by the American Car & Foundry Com pany, which is ready to divide its surplus of $31,321,521 into stock dividends equal to $104 a share. Another instance is that "of Morris & Company, packers, holding $52,823,864 surplus or $1,7(50 per share. The Standard Oil, Republic Iron & Steel, National Biscuit and numerous other industries are in similar position. Hence the boom occasioned in securities by the decision. New York papers generally approve the decision, holding that it removes "hampering burdens and restrictions from capital" freeing it to engage in the development of industry ; that "to tax investments, in addition to taxing earnings, is the surest way to discourage enterprise, block expansion and curtail prosperity." Let us hope, as a result of the decision, capital will really be more available for industry and an era of expansion follow. Rippling Rhymes - BY WALT MASON A WINDY DAY. The wind was blowing hard today, it nearly blew my rags waves, "and we will give you rest!' Slowly I took a few steps forward and then stopped.- Again came the mournful sound of the wind, and it seemed as though the clouds dropped lower, when far out I saw the whit ened cap of an incoming wave. Sud denly I made up my mind that when that wave came near enough to the shore to make It possible I should nccept the Invitation of the sea and go to its embrace! Thrill of Anticipation I watched its incoming with an aweu thrill of anticipation. Nearer and nearer it came! Would it mean it sleep eternal? In a cealing imperialistic aims. moment I should know. I drew near er and nearer to ttie.rall, a part of which had been broken earlier in the day by wind and storm. - . . Carefully I calculated the seconds it would take for my wave to recah me, and then Just as I decided that it was time and had placed my hands upon the broken rail through which i meant to leap to that blessed bourne I felt a strong grip on my shoulder! and a voice, in which was blended pain and exasperation, said sternly: "Katharine! Katherine. don't ha a' (To Be Cuntmued) Modesty These lines nva nnrntAA - ,j "" wno recently spent a short term out of prison and found there had been a decided ohange in women's fashions since he had been Incarcer ated. When every pool In Eden was a mirror , Which upon Eve her dainty charms . proclaimed, She went undraped without a single fear . . Or thought that she had need to be uu-o,. . ! f,A w,,. ...;n. j ii " ? l nsnamed. ... , u iiin:u niv Mia nun r-niiu null until, mere was a KICK 10 Twas onlv wh., i. i. a . . every gust; It lifted off my only tile, and carried it about a mile;' appie ' "h'had M,e-n of thej to keep it from abducting me, I had to anchor to a tree. With hair That she became inclined to be a and sideboards twisted loose, perhaps I had a good excuse to sin ppndp' a while as others sinned, and curse the blamed dingbusted windJAm! fot"nd tl,at evermr8 she'd have Jiut I was tempted much to sing, for winds are harbingers of! with the n ob . spring; they come before the gentle rains that bring the verdure: the nude? pro""" 01 to the plains ; they 'are the heralds of the time when roses make the Therefore she devoted her attention world sublime, and ail the air with gladness throbs, and doodads Her tim an her money to her bloom, and thingumbobs. The wild wind pushed me through a1 A , , lo,uea' v fence, it raged as though it had no sense, it dumped me in a muddy, the beKinnlng ot con- pool hard by the village eighth grade school; it split and spoiled; And modetv, as well i suppose my Sunday coat, and wound my shirt around my throat; it hust-RMl't'''n's come about in fashions' re- Railroad Rates . Hearing Opened Washington, Mar. 22. Hearings to determine the basis for an adjustment of railroad rates go as to yield tno roads a return of 6 H per cent on the aggregate value as provided in the new transportation law began today before the Interstate commerce com mission. The commission is to determine whether the adjustment shall be made for the carriers as a whole, or in rate groups or territories to be designated by it and what methods shall be em ployed in determining the aggregate value of the railroad property. Longshoremen Of New York Extend Strike Is 'Report iew York, Mar. 22. The strike of longshoremen engaged In coastwise traffic today was extended to deep sea longshoremen when 760 men went on strike at the piers of the United Fruit company. The walkout was in viola tion of the Instructions of T. V. O'Con nor, president of the International Longshoremen's association, issued Saturday, union Jeaders declared. rears were expressed in shipping circles that the strike would affect other deep sea longshoremen who were in sympathy w itthhe strike of the coastwise workers, ma nil nt-nv flimi lrwl.- nnA f I rr A vha , . r, ; .1 .1 . i ' v., ,v t. W.& win, in. iwn tiuu Kjiivm mc UlolUC UUYVll , U11U still until my voice grew hoarse, I loudly blessed its pen and force for it was proof, and something more, that spring was smiling! a would m lite uuur, cent, OWE andMARRIED'iSl Ihj. the noted author $ B Idah MSGtone Gibson I A Let tc from John And now the girls conceal so little rt'om the men. seem in the name of all thnfs decent, Some one ought to pass the apples round again. . . Germans Prepare World Propaganda To Revise Treaty Portland Blaze Does Big Damage rorimna, ur. Mar. 22. A loss es timated at tlOO.000 was suffered b' me rortlana Railway, Light and Power company here early today wnen one of its. power sub-stations was completely destroyed by fire said to have been due to the explosion of an oil switch. It is understood the loss is covered by Insurance. lans, Mar. 22 Germans. ar n paring a formidable wnrM n, n,i- snherA nrnriiicftil In tli faalincr , , ... lt ,n 4 . r v ... ,vi u revision or me Versailles 1 mistily toi pen the envelope and exultation. The whole world seemed; treaty, and the holding of a new lnter my heart frrow cold as I rad the '0 bc waning agaainst the compla-1 national conference at which van words, scrawled aero, one side of n of "ery-day things. jflnished nations might be represented note sheet. The note began mMt ' , " ,7 T ' , " . , , for the ubJw" f -h"Srns or ello.Inat- 'I " standing outside, .ganlng nt the sky; lg many clauses of the present treaty formally. "My Dear Kaiherlne. with a worried look, and he courts-! between the allM L Uona Per Although your letter did not saylously informed me that I had noimany according . n, J, so. I read between the lines and I! umbrella, and that If I had to go far! a i" . l l. ? nU,"P.atcl1 know Umt h mr..,v ..., , iwi. 1..1 Hi. ,..,i,.ki .. - ,.,,,1 me i.reates sjrime borrowed from Allc line ri 1 i i before I U,.h7rt ' or Mun.nnlt- has len ,HvpareJ and " I ----- - -...v.. nn m nn iwin . "44 You went nway witthout tny permis- "I haven't far to ge." I said, with sion, nnd nganlst ten million copies printed for free dis- tribution especially in America, Eng- mv commnnd I no premonition of where mv Muni-, . . . ' wnnl.t l,n i.,iif..i.. .. .i i . . , .i , unu rance. you to return. Consequently, you will The wind ws now blowing a gale.L. V, '"'""""n'T revolt in Berlin have to come back to me as you went, and the waves were coming up above ,1 a,a,c" 13 D"t temporary itop to at your own pleasure. John." (the. board walk with a boom that told! "'"vement. tt Is said. After reading the letter, all my e that the orean accepted the! , " ' philosophy dropped from me like u'fcsuge thrown down by the wind with I Pn 71 tl rl C Tmt Cii discarded garuieut. I was like a woman distraught. I could not rea son; I could not think! All I was con scious of was a hurt in my heart that was so great that Its ache was phy sical. How long I sat with that letter In my nana, casing guiltlessly upon the mental disturbance. ocean which was booming in with great waves that were the precursor of a storm. I do not know. Peace For Soviet Delayed In Transit TUford Moots uj B,iously this umriun' when his car hit a phono se?. but his daughter, wui satin' in tV bottom th' wnnt me! Jte Is happier without me Ktnn k by Urulality I wild this over and over to myself.' from what Tho pain, heart hunger is the brutality of his letter struck and sorrow that had been mine ever me, with each perusal, anew. since my marriage r I 1 wasn't aware of any sudden de- I looked at a great, green incom- cision, hut it seomea to me tlmt with-jlng wave that was rolling up, up far out willing It I found nyslf outside above the pier, and it seemed to me hurt -'he Isold nnd on the board walk. The that I would only be 'safu" when I to!: heavens had suddenly darkened, was sinking out of sight beneath it! who ! Thi-re was a peculiar twilight coloring It sevmoJ to be calling; bevkontng car over ev.H thing.. The Imurd walk to me, and I watched It. f ant-mated hy defiance. It was almost all I could do to I stand, but some way I walked the! distance between the hotel and the steel pier, happy in the fact that my! K".'n" wtmir nun me n lull was WniMAii- t.. 9 A w making me forget some of my great ,,,.. .,,' w' J",.-. iPm. r rsaa,.ak n un lv- : 1 V. -wiyLoufh:1rtthr,;':1 ffv 71: s went.hMrealh.eevehad1 Ipa, Mnt. of th. been land Millerand ot Great Britain and Breathe the Fragrant Odors of NT ,U n- ft S. Tuiiaiti.ii riiiC3lf-wj'j n for Catarrh f r , . ' kNk- LA ; Uatarrn is a great menace to good health. The fxcess mucous mem brane that it causes often leads to serious trouble. Clear the nasal pas agt, and raise thi exaggerated mucoui membrane with Mtyr's Pint Needli Bala. A pure natural product that is de lightfully seething ma refreshing to us. CtiiTh,roldmthtnnaMnddVoiitRua: is mourn biWui sad otwi fetu bteim. Cai nct tbtm mmukuuir. Mtyr", fW NttJU Blm sold in two sum, l y joc Atk far your maoty sstlssKtMIQ FREE TRIAL WsMKMirt,iitW.AiMk.AvCUa !Urr'iIrWklUma(orkbr J. C. Perry, Daniel J. Fry, and drug gists everywhere. fklDiCROTielll U 5 1 OPTOflETRlST-OPTIClAM bddfiBush Bank Bti2dic 'XxfQr.&i,le YALE U't nnt a'.f-. Tit T ioit i -.Im I laughed at the word "safe!" Safe Tv'"' ZTTf1 a"d r"" HAND UUMY CLLNINC AND 184 S, 12th. Thone JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING 'EM Office 445 Coat! St Sllem rSSrb- ovr -Mhc top Pjy 998 hgrt- org J. f-nioki-r, ! . -- , - nped, Business fcs a 1 1 1 1 f '.it font? and .beauty.- Then f..f t I tin I ' ' ' tmk r 1 Gi-iK Worn Out In Mind and Body Your child is quick to observe disturbances iayour mental attitude physical condition. And when he asks:. "What's the matter Dadov there's a tone of solemn anxiety in his little voice. The deDreJikr, stamped upon you reflects intensely upon him because of his profound &h itude. He at once drops his playthings and rushes to your side bHt hi happy smtle has disappeared and his buoyant spirits are goue-reDlaeed by a countenance of worry and a bearing of hopelessness 1 . 7"? v il to It hMppiT!!"ui "" WU- fmily to keep trim in body .r.d kee. i. Intellect. You are the in and Uw inspiration of their 1 vee. Dark, threatsnT! k er their head, the in.unt you ehow .urn. of being "of '' to, itttl" Don't imnM-il their firtur bv nlAaai. mi, hulik wn ute weecaer. 9$ IMCD I YKO 1. sM Isi 4Inl mIs. Ukm sslcture mhrn; RsJmoU ubHusi NW Yodl The Great General Tonic will banii that "tired feen"and dispel thatwor- look. It will renew your etrenirth and vigor, ovrrcon the raviahing effects of overwork and worry, mire row pirite and increaee your hold on life. Hem a refma. ins- apoetiier, a valuable aid to diMtioo and a worth, promotorof tho general health, becauaeof iUpotitivere. vitalizing- and reconstructive value, it. e ii escw.'!. deurahh) in caeeeof aubnormal conditiona. Ii' yoamiiter from nervous exhaustion, rnuacular or rm-ntsl fatiaue. or deficiency of vital force due to ireneral weakira or wasting- iUneaa, you'U and "LYKO" particularly bea. flcial. It tonea up tl;e entire tyetum him kmoa u feeling fit, Aak your urmritiat for a bottii- today. Sole Manufacturera tYICO MEDICINE COMPANY Kamaa City, lie. ! I pmhrfAGCprl by disfiguring blemishes. If VOU are linahle to raallv entnw the society of others because of the fearthat that wretched skin eruption on your shoulder will begin to Itch, or that your scarf will slip and ex pose the disfiguring rash you had tried so hard to conceal, try Reilnol Ointment There is no need of enduring mch discomfort when Resinol Ointment OKuMy relieve itching promptly and m lt8 the skin clear and healthy gain. When aided by Resinol ior p It k even more effective. KtVHOl SHAVING STICK euda M umat liriktlloii, Alt kli kU Urn XismM Fly 0 "Hi H V'.lii5v tt Ii till nn ri J. t l . am. il II El El 11 It H I LAXATIVE A$ed People 1 aftSei.T si' , HE BANE of old a?c is constioation. The bow- A els become weak and unable to perform their functions without aid. For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain's Tablets are a favorite with people of middle age and older on account of their gentle action. '.'' !- ii... i i jmwui aym Overmire Steel Construction Company We bare In stock for Immediate Shipment I-BEAMS, from S to 24 Inches, np to 60 foot lengths. CHANNELS, from S to 15 Inches, up to 60 foot lengths. ANCXKS, 2x2 Inches to SxS ladies, ap to 80 foot lengths. ANGLES, Suli, Inches to fx34 tnrhes, up to 60 foot lengths . V. M. PLATES, to 24 fatdiesl wide, V, to 5-S tncbes thick. M as TANK, 1XAXGE STEEL and MARINE STEEL PLATES, Manufacturers of Tanks, Boilers, Stacks, Pipe, Fabricated Maer- inl for JiatkUngs and BrMse East Water Street and Hawthorne Art-no's POKI.TANO OK ECO Phone East 8JS1 L ADD & BUSH . BANKERS Established 1S68 General Bankbg Business Offlfr ITnnr frm ID n, n. S-J51-