FAGS EIGHT. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL nn a i many oaiem Pupils Win Pen Awards The following Salem school chil dren are awarded diplomas for pen manship, as the result of scrutiny by the Palmer Institute of writing in Portland, that has just made known Its decision: Washington Junior Hitch Business diplomas: Dorothy Brant, Iris Page, Louise Nunn. Mary Mc . Kinnon. Rita Alkire, Hazel Pierce, Loyal Gray. 8tudents certificates: Bernice 51 ul vey, Helen Pettyjohn, Sarah Solof, Lavinia Buergy, Pearl Mee, Juunita Bullock, Helen Ramsden, Vera Ke sa l A old. - ii Hogau. Mer edith Landaker, Edith Brotherton Mary West, Mary Irons, Evangeline Powell. rrens pins: Hazel Shephard, . Robert Ramsden, Anna Jeski, Sher man Plimpton, Alvin Burton, Sidney Hswthorne. Mae Grucho. Elsie Wil liams, John Hctzel, Helen Sande, Geraldine Selig, ' Pearl ' Osterman, Richard Fish Madeline Brown, Ivan Shedeck, Alvin Kurtz, Louise Hen en, John Irons, Clarence Osterman, Lou ise Poujade, Hazel George, Fay liar tell, Jenerva Bailey, Grace Stevens. - Wayne Mentzer, Gordon Barker, Claudia Lewis, Mildred Garber, Wan da Wlckizer, Blanche Marshall, Carl Kewton, Beatrice Lrabo, Pauline Knowland, Harry Walp, Genevieve Barbour, Alice Papenfus, Lydla Johnson, Lora Toelle, Ruth Scott, Genevieve Mulkey, Donald Allison, Audrey Trlhble, Vivian Jackson, Ol ive Barnard, Mareta Palmer, Gene vieve Campbell, . Marjorie Hamer, Ethel Llvesley, Winifred Clark, John Propp, Orval Williams, Newell Hurst, Nina Cole, Bernice Garner, Paul Qhehowoth. ' Palmer Method Buttons: Louise Darby Hazel Shephara, Irene Pierce, 'Nina Cole, Oliver Kupper, Jessie Da ley, Newell Hurst, Quincy Wedille. Martin ISngerbrctsen, nKrl Stelner, Ralph Walker, Beulah Launer, Her man Kreft, Clyde Miller, Genevieve Scott, Opal Orey, Lyndon Harris, Reas Hallin, Maurice Begun, Helen Berv Floyd Mills, Raymond Olson, Elizabeth Turner, ltryson Clutter, Susan Martin, Walter Martin, Fred Jobelmun, Floyd Baker, Margaret Harlag. Ruth Cody, Helen Weller, Ruth Scott. Vivian Jackson, Claudia Lewis, Jenerva Bailey, Olive Barn ard, Grace Stevens, Helen Sonde, Richard Fish, Dale Ausmnn, Jane Htllpnt. Fay Hartell, Arthur Vv'ul dorf. Florence Clutter, Edwin Rocks, Beatrice Leabo, Paul Lee, Robert Ramsden, Paul Devers, Vernon Brown Cora Gardner, Ellis White, Ralph White, Frances McKeiiney, Anna, Jeske. Ruth Patton, Olenn Dougher ty, Ruth Stewart, Lester McDonald, Edith Lyons, Audrey Davis, Harold White, Earl Conklln. Washington Gi'udcs Palmer method buttons: Alloe Race Helen Wolfe, - Elizabeth Wechter, nr ah Samuel, Donald Dockebach, Clark H. Durham, Richard Ptolz, Bonnie Schaefer, Mildred Ollbort, Leona Goer Rosalind Van Winkle, Rollln Griiber, Theresa Irons, Edward Solgmund, Lin den TiHuner, Mlzner Wilson, Snrah Orr Herta Toelle, Ross Harris, Ruth Gil mer, Ruth Chnnoweth, Tlemona Cuin- mlns, Louis Holograph, Moody Ben tier, Solma Larson, Harriet Patterson, Lois Leppold, Martin Muellhuupt. Evelyn ErlckBon, Catherine Mulvey, Bencltta Edwards, Chrystale Maxwell Claudlne West, Elizabeth Waters. Grant Junior lllu'li School , Diplomas: Clara Wiley, Gahiiclle Ancey, Rhea McCoy, Thelma Owen. ' Progress pins: Joseph Ino Peebles, Mardell Dletz, Mae Eslcew, Frank Gardner, Gladys - Wheeler, Jennie Thompson, Florence Pope, Mark Waldespel, Lois Hockctt, Dorothy Hutchnson, Alice Hayden, Douglas Wilkinson. Palmer method bullous: Raymond Gibson, Evelyn Churchill, Lucille Brown, Lewis Matlock, Tiernlee May nard. Raymond Slier, Meredith Craw ford. Thomas Coombs, Ronald Mont gomery, Melissa. Persons, Gertrude Oehlcr, Edward Roth, I.ols Prnett, Darius Morgall, Harold Fielding, Verl Taylor, Exthur Lnmkln, floors John ston, Ijtwronce Myers. Cnrnet Stern berir Tlu"h Ward, Caroline Harris, Charlea Hagerman, Mary Ragsdale, Eunice Robinson. ( Lincoln Junior High iMplomn: Myra Bordhardl, Ernia Mevks, Clarence Wenger, Florence Roberts. Progress pins: Roberta Hansen, Helen Marcus, Helena Reinemcr. Wilda Callahan, Frances Dim, Doris Nye, Winifred Plant, John W. Todd, Imogene Gardner, Alice Johnson, Col las Mursters, Lloyd SehnetVr, Effie Williams, Lorotta Vnrlcy, Gladys Dan Ison, Krmii Klolinrds. Helen Horch ardt, Eurl Douglas, Manning Bros, Palmer method buttons. Velma Ruckles, Harold Jensen, Charles Him mons, Stewart Kibble Louis Allen. Ellon Clemens, Lucille Gnstafson, Fred Turner, Lydia Russet, Llndley EdmundMon, Floyd Hnmman, Doris Nelson, Elsie Grnndstaff, Weldan Llfy, Esther Town, Teddy Yconhurdt Lillie HumiiiKsou. Garfield School Improvement cortlfioixtet . Mary Bowen, Dorothy Uoweu., ,. Progress pins; Evelyn Paulson, Lil lian Walter, Dorothy Bell, Carolyn Lamuerth, Bertha Bullock, Jack Spong. Palmer method buttons. Charles Chottlck, James Twndoll. Kenneth Sellg, Dean Churchill, Willie Miles, Kenneth Webb, Lucille Bunn, Harold dinger, Eugenia Fischer. John George, Sam liarhyte, Dorothy Twee dale, Virginia Best, Laura Burton, Robert Choate, Howard Kurtz. Leona Brown, Jack Kulin, Kenneth Allen, Bertha Ekln, Dlryl Myers, George Young, Edna Main, Robert Ryan. Carl MrMahnn, Kenneth 1'ugh, Gor don Bt unelle, Pauline Johnson, Eloise Wright, Ronald Simpn, Clarence Ham Jlton, Margaiet Pierce, Edward Marr, Chandler Brown, Harry Stelnbarh, Pauline Klonsen. Henry Klosscn, Burt E. Haffhlne. Ruth llaggcrty, Mal colm Grader, Lyle , Beever, Grace Rhonda, Verda Cracker, Marjorie Hewett, Hazel Maddox, Helen Brad ford, Beth Shank, Virgin Billings. Mllo Blume. Lottie Notdurft, George Miles, Doe II lines. KntlrMcxid St lnrl. Progresz pins; Helen Yarnell, Har old Taylor. Palmer method, buttons: WeldonlThe lowering of standards and tend- Kirk, Lean Hichmond, Richard Straus baugle, Ava Bartell, Alice Claxtoi), Vel ma Combs. Harold Arnold. Loi;ra. Koener, Viola Cooke. Julius ilson, Hazel Arnold, Teddy Pickell. Ava Bar tell, Lawrence Tilsinger, Zulette Paint er, Mildred Rich, Otis White, Hazel Arnold. Viola Cooke, Ronald Ferel. Silver Star Primary buttons: Elvin De Bord, Ralph Tilsinger, Marshall Snyder; Joe fuffitt, Robert Randolph, Donald Rasmussen, Edgar Reitz, Ray mond Grafer, Ruth Palmer, Orta Hoff man, Ida McNeill, Ralph Keener, Gladys Cooke. Clare Palmer, Melvin Propp, O'Brien ency to deterioration which followed this newer immigration will be t he center of the discussion. His discus sion of possible means of modi fying our immigration policy will touch upon exclusion for a period of time and upon the minimum wage law applied to immigrant laborer. Dr. Gilbert will hold as his objective throughout the discussion the preser vation of the high standard of Amer lean stock. In other words, the ad dress may be designated as "immigra- Edna Raymond. William , uon alm eup?mc8- Louise Kayser, Myrtle Ennis. Richmond ScliooL Improvement certificate; Lucile An derson. Fay Wolz, Lavanda Maxwell, Dorothy Jolson. Progress pins; Glen Shedick, George Koehler, Capitola Allen, Rose Huston. Gladys Murphy, Francis Sande, Made line Gtesy, Faye Wolz. Winona bmlth. Palmer metnod button: Viola Eiche, Virginia Donnel, Melvin Dugan, Doro thy Fisher, Wilma Mayer, Viola Fish er, Leota Angel, Harold Zurchcr, VIoi Mayer, Frances Sande, Pauline Find ley, Maxine Maxwell, Frederica Carl son, Elizabeth Bennet, Raymond Nash, Albert Walker, Verle Thompson, Myr tle Spratt, Irene Greenbaum, Eliza beth Miller, Elliston Bloom, White. Park School. Palmer method button: Lillian La Branch, Willie Riley, Florence Oesner, Eugene Gosser, Dora Lelman, Charles Wilson, Aron Bradbury, Gall McClean, Kenneth George, Emery Campbelf, Charles Simpson, Jessie Fanner, La voy Thompson, Thelma Flake, Alpha Herboldt, Marjorie Brant, Mary Rec tor, Dagmar Carlson, Arthur Herboldt, Katherine Lucas, Alice Daley, Greta Chamberlain, Robert Hoyt, Sylvia Da ley, uretta Lyons. Highland School. Improvement certificates: Ethel Cooper. Progress pins: Margaret Pro. Ruby Moreland, Eula Pence, Mary Hurlev. Opal Hill, Moneta Williams, Alpha Holcomb. - Palmer Method button: Lillian Har vey, Hazel Pro, Edith Wilson, De Lilc Burton, Mildred Freakle. Elvin, Vir ginia Brickell, Herman Betker, Ross r'oweil. Irene, Haven, Alice Ancey, Mary Warihg, Grace Flynn, livelyn Hall, Beverly Wygant, Delores Cleuln ger, Gladys Powell, Anna Russel, Con stance Smart, Martha Berger, Juanlta Williams, Clcland Wilkinson, Ruby Moreland, Gladys Towell, Opal Hill, Beulah Graham, Juanlta Williams, Gladys Miller, Delores Clevinger, Mil dred Strenklc, Marie Hitchcock, Mo neta, Williams, VVliinlfred Richie, ell Paul, Margaret Pro, Eva Berger, Eula Pence, Mary Hurley, Clyde May nard, Mildred Cooper, Harold Mensor, Frances Graham, Delpblne Jones. I Dr. Gilbert, who is head of the de partment of economics In the Univer sity of Oregon, is one of the best think ers in the state In his line. He Is an educator whom the state is fortunate to libld. In his former lectures before the Salem audiences he has won a well deserved appreciation. The lecture was originally announc ed for Friday evening, but in order to conform to the Wednesday evening plan for the library lectures. Dr. Gil bert has consented to give Salem Wed nesday evening the J 4th. It is yet un certain whether the library auditorium can be used on the appointed evening, but the audience who enjoyed William H. Galvani's lecture last evening found that they could be very corn- Grace fortably and pleasantly accommodated in the main room of the library before the fireplace. It is probably that this Immigration to Be Lecture Topic Of Dr. Gilbert "Immigration and the future Amer ican stock" is the topic o the address to be given by Dr. G. H. Gilbert ot the public library next Wednesday even ing. This is a specially interesting phaso of the immigration nuestion. He will trace the progress of immigra tion from the settlement In America or superior people 'of picked races, through the influx of about 1890 of undesirable persons of inferior races. week's lecture rrH! fca p'anncc! for the same space. This is the last lecture of the library lecture course for the year with the exception of the postponed lecture re cital on American music which will be announced for a future date which shall be chosen by Miss Holman as, most convenient for the school of mu sic who present it. Baby, Held Dead, Revives On Slab San Francisco, Mar. 20. Baby Harry Frietzsche, two days old, who was reported dead and carried several blocks in a. suitcase to an undertaking establishment, only to revive on tsn embalming table yesterday, died today after having been returned to a hospital. CHARLES LADB DIES Portland, Or., Mar. 20. Charles E Ladd, a native of Portland and son ot William S. Ladd, founder of the Lada & Tilton bank, died last night at his farm at Carlton, Or. He had been afflicted with impaired heart action for some tlme.i The new Evangelical church at Tl- gard will be dedicated March SI. The church, costing severa' thousand do-, lars, was built by funds donated by the congregation. MwvtiMlSw mm m As Serviceable as it is Handsome 'T'lIE Lexington Touring Car is especially de sirable for family use. It is roomy, deeply upholstered, and equipped with unusual com pleteness. '' All the exclusive mechanical betterments which have made Lexington models iamous are embodied in' this dependable, serviceable car. - Visit our showrooms and judge it for yourself. THE B & C. MOTOR CO. 178 South Commercial Lexington Motor Company, Connersville, Indiana, U. S. A. Second Week of Campaign Finds $28,000 Short The end of the second week in the Salem General hospital campaign for $100,000 today found the solicitors about $23,000 short of the goal. Like the uncertain path of a barometer the campaign at the first of the week' subsided, maintained a standstill lev el during the week, and yesterday and began to rise slowly toward the apex. Seven thousand dollars have been raised during the week, reports at headquarters show. Feeling among persons of means in the city is growing In favor of the project, it was stated at campaign headquarters. The donation ot $1000 each by Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Boise and Mr. and Mrs. William Brown Is an in dication of this, campaign leaders pointed out. The campaign will be swept to a successful conclusion by the end of next week, if Salem citizens do their part, Publicity Chairman Walter Den ton declared this afternoon. He de- curci t.... tc is assuming! that just a little spurt now will put I the project over the top. Ebert Declares Berlin In State Of Rigid Seige Public Auction Thursdayjttar. 25 1:30 p. m. At Sidney, Oregon, 13 miles south of Salem on the O. E. Railway. Dairy Cows, Tools, etc TERMS CASH Bring in what you have for sale E. A. EPLEY Owner F.X. WOODRY Auctioneer Berlin, Mar. 20. A decree by President Ebert issued today pro claims Berlin and the province oft Brandenburg in an intensified stte of siege. The regular troops and tne security pqliceare empowered to search motor cars for arms. If occu pants of these cars are found carry ing arms without permits they are to be shot on the spot, the decree or ders. The decree also warns the popula tion of Greater Berlin against being in the streets after nightfall. Extraordinary courts martial are Sugar Prices n Fortlani $c,, , Or.. t,, -....u, vr., Mar ,a ' me wholesale ,j Price of euear. lB hm- :wi-.lbe .taM'", wholesale price ... """wia. highest markeV1 - "rt. The retai, Cm '? cor.wn-.er. it was 7.:' cents. woull b n TJW previous highe to, ; JOURNAL WAgg- ttttTTtt"""rttttt 1 tttttt tt ""'"Mltl MICHELIN UNIVERSAL CORD "Quality equipment for your car. Michelin Cord Tires and Michelin red tubes represent the ultimate in quality. Try one of thesejiigh quality tires and be convinced of its superior durability. One quality only the best adjustments madekre, Phone 74 CLARK'S TIRE HOUSE. 319 N. Commercial St. SALEM, OREGON. iPYirsinu ly 11 IIWl AS We should be very glad to demonstrate to you that. the Victrola is the most versatile and so the most interesting of all instruments, and that it contains greater possibilities of musi cal satisfaction than any other instrument theworld has even known. For this purpose you will be able to select your own favorite musjc from the Victor Record Catalog in which more than six thousand records are listed and which cpvers the entire field of musical art. - VICTROLA XI Mahogany, Oak or American Walnut calling, 43 inches Men, 2(1 Inches wide, 23 inches deep. 12-Inch turntable. Nickel-plated Victrola No. i sound box, new improved' Victor tapering1 tone anil and tapering "goos- neck" sound-box tube. Automatic brake and epeed regulator ana autumn io speed indicator. Newly designed, patented and improved, double spring, spiral drive motor (can be wound while playing). A Ls,,-?i A j) if Ppr j WeWisK TO ANNOUNCE The arrival of a new and comvlete stock nf Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags. 1 . We invite your inspection and closest exam-;, ination of this merchandise, because it is, ! ivithoiit doubt, superior io anything that we:, have had the pleasure of placing before our I many friends. If you realy appreciate high class merchan dise aUeasonable prices, come in and look at our stock. j We sell the Victor EXCLUSIVELY because j we feel that when it comes to phonographs1 there is only one BEST, so we carry no sub stitute stocks : ' i? You get more for your money at Moore's - I I j 7 Vr " .JSsr- J- .- V ' - . . , J..Vf" 5 tr jM VICT0R0UTF1T 1 No. XI. VICTROLA 200 Victor Needles 12 DOUBLE FACED RECORD Or 24 Selections $150.00 $10.20 VICTROLA XIV Mahogany or Oak Cabinet, containing 13 Victor record albums for 130 records. Size 47 inches high. 22 inches Wiite. 2.1 3-4 Innliett ripen. 1 2-Inch turntable. Nicktlpliited Victrola No. 2 sound box! now improved Victor tapering tone arm and tapering "goose-neck" sound-box tube. Automatic speed indicator. Newly designed, patented and improved, quadruple spring, spiral drive motor .(can be wound while playing). $160.00 PAY $16.20 DOWN; $10.00 A MONTH tJ--f .l..--"tffcjr it H, I I 'I t Iff' u VICTOR OUTFIT 1 No. XIV VICTROLA 200 Victor Needles 12 DOUBLE FACED RECORDS Or 24 Selections $225.00 $10.20 .m vcf ,-! .. - I'!)' ' II " Afsh $235.20 ir PAY $23.50 DOWN AND $15.00 A MONTH 'D 1ft VTrmT? pprni3na vAtt ovmn n HAVE TN YOUR HOME Canzonetta" (Fronzaley Quartet) 64784 11 "Seguidilla (Piano) Cortot . . " - 64819 11 "Bird Song" (Hempel) .. "' 87268 $1 Sing. Smile. Sluml Ann, Ann, Ye Brave" (Witherspoon) 745H1 "Moto Perpetuo" (Heifitz) 74581-$ "The Loreley" (Homer) " .....88204 $1 !;F,0USweetest Maiden" (AldV Md Mneffi)Z.....A------- Solo Profugo" (Caruso and Journet) r 89036-12, "Madam Butterfly" (Duet) Caruso and Scotti ...Z. .-..89043-$2 00 00 .00 00 50 .50 50 50 .00 .00 BE PREPARED FOR THE DAY AVE OPEN OUR FIRST FLOOR RECORD BOOTHS BRING YOUR LISTS Sales Representatives Sherman and Clay PianoS