Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 20, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    .-ord Each nw "'
!e pe, ' ruon. ceni. """"
.B1r J j cents, -one ea. pe
rJcnis. Minimum pe.fl -
if "-1. ,,,non only in N- . ia
I W iaf Xue. unless adve.iuw. ha
.fv!eoVt No. .11
, ' N 1 ! W JTODAY.
I -rf-Three lien eu Bf. Booths
P',r . ', plow and seed, tw. for
j pUBt-of " , t n!e know at once..
I ,eome 4 P. m. train Ban.
1 rvUM- highest price tor f...
I .HIU-MJ h or con.ins fresh
S Phone evening -rJJ
1 -TTBTe'the privilege of show
I 8- vou the spring collection of
I E-iwr importations.-the new
1 wrm ..'rulK a color. Phone
re appointment . Jessie
1 K ith St '
I pEx"for (The Home Guard.)
I w .photographic caproduc
I ? from Hiieoial wrange-
' m. Exclusive territory. A mon
I mw.t,. send lSe ftir sample,
f Some t uard ttovMr; Co., '4 tt Mont
I S StJ Francisco, Cal.6
t grjcSALB Fhivii disposed of
I m,- firm I will sell at public ue-
.n. 1 mile north of Independence
i ' ftUem ami Independence road,
' wUneUlav. March 24. .1920. com-
IrSt at 10 o'clock sharp, the;
l Swine described property: 6-
?!rsi- cattle. 23 head hogs, nay,
.,,,,1 complete set farming
machinery including " one .Samson
Tc tor model L No. 26. one 3-bOt-S
Oliver Plow. T. R. Heffley
Son, owners . 6S
irrTi7liration Oil & Refining com
ixinvi todav. Substantial dividends
mid Large production. High der
veleninents under way to make
1 inspiration among largest independ
I ejlt producers, brokers correspond
I ot wanted. Address Pan-Ameri
can Financial Corp., 20 Broad St.,
New Vork. . ' - "'
WVXTED For cash 1 to 3 lot. in
eood location. Trice must be rcas
ile. Box 275 Journal. . 9
SPIRELLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice
A MlleS. 91U wni. uicoju'm ......
eii, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
afternoon. rn"e ""'j
VolT. future foretold r Send dime,
Wi'thilate for trlitntui rename con
vincing trial rending. Hnwl Haune,
box 21i, Los Angeles, Cat. . ;
BARKY if lonely; for resulta, try
me; best and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage Boon; strictly confiden
tial: most reliable! years experi
ence; descriptions-free. "The Suc
cessful Club," Mis. Ball, box 566,
Oakland. Calif. 277
WANTED To henr from owner of
good ranch for .sale. State cash
price, full particulars. 1. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, jumn.
MAKiti' FOR wealth, happiness.
Hundreds rich, attractive, congeh
" ial. willing to wed. Photos-fro. 24
years experience, Mrs. Warn, 2216
ij Temple Ht. 1,0s Angeiea,t:ai,
I01T. future foretold: Send dime,
Wrtlnlate for truthful reliable con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Hause,
box 215. Los Angeles. Cftl.
WANTED Lady or gontlemau agent
wanted In Salem for Watkitis Fa
. moiis .Products. Walkins goods
known everywhere. Big profits.
Write today. Watklns company, f'l
Winona. Minn. . ,'
WANTED To buy- 5 . or 6 room
house close In. Give all details in
; connection therewith. Rotf L E care
Journal. 170
FOR SALE 40 cords of old fir wood.
Elvjn Herr, Rt. 2, Silverton. Phone
green 265. - eerO
5 bungalow, plastered, tinted
' walls, city water, full lot, fruit, ber
; ries, and want it at $1100, $250
cash, balance $15 per inontJi.
22 acres just outside of the city on
a food rock road; first class im
provements, loganberries and oth
er f mil; no better land in the coun
t.v. it you want a home and an in
, come investigate, tlu price Is cheap
and very easy terms.
I have large and small tracts, city
: property, exchanges. List with me.
.' II. . Radcliff. 100m 4 Bavno bldtr.
t nT0
I Kill SALE j room house, modern
1 excf-ii basement, with garage.
I Price $1800. good easy terms if de-
I ' -rirml c"'jJjf' N. 14th. 69
I FOR Sale Team of" young rnul&s
WfiKtir 2f,oo lbs., sound and true
! "!! Price $273. Farmers feed
s oarn iici-nsK from O. K, tiepot. 69
; FOR SAr.B-i9TiTchevrolet touring
ear. first class condition, fihone
JjSST orcall 1 620 State St. q71
f'OR SALE "Earliest of AH" seed
potfitui-s. Phone 1205M evenings.
: rome fine, lostanberry tracts .. and
loguflbfrry and prune tracts, also
. prunes alone. In the vicinity of Sa
lem, at right prices. Come and see
- Bs before buying. Pearcy Bros.,
"'horticulturists, 210 Oregon bids'.,
gaMiiljii)0n(, 663, - . ; 9
' w'A.Vi'Kl'SCMi Clievrolet, not earl
; 1-r than '18, must be chaep for
. JKtsh. J"'hone 1491. 69
ir0R fT.E,EBS(s for hatching. $3
4 Per t. mi. Tancrod and Tom Keren
, . ock. I'hone 17I)0W1. ' 71
. ATI DKXT wants wnvk nftr.rnnnnt; or
I - evenings and Saturdays. - Address
J J.3Li57Jotirnr1l .. ., Ii72
"ANTED Private exchange opera-
lr, must understand typewriting.
"PWy to Manager Hotel Marjpr
OR SALE Cheap 120-egK McClau-
''"'111 inCUbnt.l" rir,tt Qiltfa
t - "nior, one ir o niive:
, .... - W.OI.ULU- tllHifcC'-Ua. 11
rr . t'"'t'e J946M. m
hr 'iV''E vcry Iine thorough
'ert i,iack Minorca Buiiet,,. phone
i T,'0r'OUGHI;RK.fl hntnhicr
I '25. Pfr setting. $9 per 100, pro
from our world's champion
maturing fall and early win
" aynS "train of White leghorns.
Comniercitl street. Phone
For i9
. LREXT Modern well furnished
imping r0om n,ar cty haJL bUFi.
Rf r.J"i,n Preferred.- 330 N. High
"J- Phone 4; j;1
inr. B'ederman Transfer.
-J!l. res. phone 1608J.
imr, Vsh io wn- a high grade,
Kr??Vd tar in tha OUnny south.
ut, bpttpr- p"ce low, tern to
X X:Jre L- H. Luter owner. 1H6
1-th St. tf,
i Acj.i- : .
Iv l "rc"ara luil bearing, most-j
'-' room "low, barn, gas
mp and tank. This orchard
w 1 'ntllcatlonii of a bumper
co,, , alpa -Sn locality and
ofDJmUnlty near Bunnyaide. aouth
sold i-Nn' wner will take if
' in two weeks. cash, balance
Percent S. R. Pearson. 406 Ore
Phone 43. . n
'LMflST rr
fun 1 ' room plastered tsouse 1
' at ' asement- every! bins th9 best. !
irajtiv, inside and out, rerr rUw
h,.. ' "me only. 1-jice
a T. ? eauh. bnlamee ( percent. ,
, .fko ;rs0B. 45 Oregon iUK.
WA' tE.1-Iwn giirdun worFbFSdd
jo-is i o.i .i.n. .
sale cheap, -uoue r7l
AC,;EiJr"r "'eces griM!n rea fir
timber 9 feet long, fhone Sj4 ai-
FOR SALK-6 R.'i. RMl hens H
one cockeivl. Inquire 629 North
winter. Phone 15S2J. II.
Our leading varieties on sale new
wejK. Get in touch with u9 .m..
- Si ?. k-v SL "lhone
400.C..Keediinu 69
WAa ED id .rade, Reo 7paasea
ger car for sraaUer car. Call on W
h. DeLone. q j
FOR SALE 28 acres. 16 in"faTl
wheat, balance plowed. New 4
room bungalow, barn; good loca
tion north near Pacific highway
crop and Immediate possession $3 I
800. V4 cash. 1). E. Hart, 20 Ore
Ron bldg. "6re.
FOR SALE 75 acres all cultivated
8 acres bearing loganberries, new"
5 room plastered bungalow, good
barn, 2 miles to cannerv. Price
$135 per acre, terms. D. E. Hart
208 Oregon bldg. gi)
For Sale Houses.
6 ROOM house extra good buy if sold
this month, plastered, modern ex
cept basement; garage; one block
from State street, north. Investi
gate this today. Price J2260, terms
1250 cash, balance term of years.
S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon "bldg.
rnone 43. a
FOR SALE Dwelling at 14ds Coma
street; 20 acre fruit ranch, Rose
dale district; 0. 264 N. Commer
cial now occupied by Chinese ba
saar; bungalow In Roseburg; store
with living rooms at 1390 S. 12th.
J. D. Giddings, Eldrldite hotel, u
l. n7a
FOR SALE Eight room house with
bah, gas and electricity Installed,
good location. For Information
phone 1712M. . a69
FOR SALE 8 room modern house,
close in. Phone 1877R. a70
JUST the house you want. Beautiful
modern bungalow on S. Commer
cial St. Must be sold at once. Call
at Paris Bros. Bhoe store, 357 State
St. a
6 ROOM modern bungalow for sale,
built in features throughout, full
. cement basement, fruit room firo
place, large lot, hot and cold water
linoleum and range go with sale,
if taken at once, $3260. Soe owner.
Peterson with John H. Scott Realty
Co., 228 JJrogon bltbx n
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house,
water, lighls and toilet; lot 105 ft.
wide, 110 ft. deep, all In bearing
fruit, mostly Royal Annes, at a bar
gain. $1400. 600 Turner St. between
22 and 23d on Mill. a78
FOR SALE Dandy 4 room bunga
low, electric lights, hot and cold
water; In good coudition; 22 fruit
trees, chicken, house, dandy little
burn, $1500 gets It. 1710 Lee street.
corner 16th. a69
FOR SALE One lot and 5 room
house in Rlvervlew Park addition,
$750. Box HEP cure Capital
Journal. a69
CLOSE in house, 8 room house mod
ern nnd extra closo in. Price is
right, terms. Possession in 24 hours
Brown, room 8, 341 State St. n69
FOR SALE By owner, new house,
modern. 7 rooms, fireplnce, furn-
f- nee. large lot, fruit, near car line,
paved street 530 N. 24th. a72
FOR SALE i vii lots 6 room hcu ,e,
some gar inn lantofl Inquire 911
N, Will or. 9
FOR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view, block and half from car
line in south Salom, 140. Superior
St. a94
FOR SALE 5 room cozy bungalow
nnd n 6 room bungalow, modern
except heat, some fruit. Inquire
1342 N.Front. a93
FOrt SALri len room house; large
corner lot. Inquire 589 N. High St.
For Sale Farms.
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acres
located just outside city limits, 3
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, nil cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. n71
NOTICE If you want close in high
Class lmproveo acre.iBu uoiur,
Brown, room n, Li.v 1 '
LIGHT your-farm. We have a light
ing outfit which we can sell you at
.. .,..! thnt u-iil m.ikt. vour llirhts
cost you less than. Mie coal oil lamps
Wo guarantee 11111 10 o; "ii
....,1 ,,-ni .ave Ann hnlf m more
on this plant. Liberal terms. Ace
Garage, Inueuendwce ;
Foil SALE Acreage, modern bun
galow, new barn, adjoins city lim
its lights, water; cash or terms.
Best soil for fruit or berries. Own
er, box 210, Stayton, Or. mS0
RXXMhouse r sale, close in. north
of State street, best location;, plas
tered, plenty of closets, a conven
ient house, modern except base
ment. Large lot, bearing fruit trees
and garden, paved streets and side
walk This is a good buy in a large
house close in. Possession in 30
days. Price $3750; terms, $1250
cash, balance 6 percent for a term
of years. S. R. Pearson, 406 Ore
gon bldg Phone 43. "
GOOD" farm for sale, 80 acres, about
65 acres in cultivation, 30 in crop,
some good timber, 16 more plough
ed readv for corn and potatoes,
lies 4 liiile from small town, good
road, living spring; all well fenced.
This Is a sure good farm. Price
$9000, terms. 680 N. 20th St. ot
phone 1160, owner. b69
FR E EHO II EST E A DS J . L. Porte,
Canadian government agent Spo
kane, wasn, win do i
Marion, Salem, on March 22d and
2.1d to give information to parties
who are interested in free home
utead land In western Canada, and
also to arrange for reduced set
tlors' rates from the Canadian boun
-1 dary to points in western Canada.
FOR SALE -By owner, 24 acres on
the famous Howell Prairie, 7 m les
east of Salem on rock road, 100
rods from proposed paved road, 60
rods from railroad station, all in
high state of cultivation, very od
for prunes, berries and general
farming. Price to sell $60M tame
dlate possession with crop, ho bum
NICE clean apartment and i'eplng
room, at tha CotUe apartment
at reasonable prices. J4S North
Com'l St. Under new management
FOR RENT Large bouse.
and Hign sweeis. ...r ... -.
FURNISHED rooms at in 'Worth
Kn eh Idren. j
FOR RENT Apartments at The Mil
ler. .
FOR-RENT t furaiobea Jff'J
housekeeping -
For Sale Kurserv Stock
MiANBKRRT tIpTf7rsileTlt--5-hiL5feh
uHii- for
fhone Hi pa
1 tuJ ? Beneral apartment of
nursery stock- "u"1 01
namental oct .h ""
to Clean m 4iort t1;.
trees to fee'C first class t 1
absolutely unhurt br fi-eP i i
d ..ones. Norths, ku'S t"0 !
-1UFs- dss,
titv Vh UhHV "la,US ny
tu ttterburg Gold tK,:iar-,
w,eSS-f, Everb'ig. Oregon,
L a" ;M i1Son- Thrifty- well root
ea plants. Low quantity prices. CitT
delivery. Ward K. Richardson. 2395
rront. Phone 494.
01 . . r
----- i iimrnr pi it.ts,
$..60 per 1000; '.Vllson ?6. Addrs
rl 0. 0US znjsaiem. Or. dTS
choice Wilson plants $4 per thou
J.ndunn1ji;nion St. d6
DAFFODIL cut flowers, 3doZ 25
cents; lilacs to close out 15 cents
each; lavender plants, Dorothv Per
in climbing roses. 801 Locust St.
J or Sale Livestock.
or 4-day old calves.
Call 3F3.
FOR SALE 9 grey Jerseys all fresh
but one. OAAronson, Rt. 1. e72
FOR SALE Good family ow, to
freshen this month, $125; and 48
little live rabbits for easter, $7 per
doz. In lots of 6 or more. J. C.
Briukman, Aumsvllle, Ore. e,69
FOR SALE 2 niceThorouKhbrod
young Berkshire boars, also some
gilts. Call 87F24 evenings. e69
FOR SALE-Work team nmTnew 3 V4
Bajnjvag02i:J595KCottage. e69
FOR SALE Fresh cow. PhoneToB
F21. Geo. KaldSilverton road. e70
YOUNG horse for sale. J. A.WaIiace
Rt. 7, box 16. ee73
This is a new one. We have for sale
a splendid, big team of horses all
around and true; grain fell and
ready for spring work. Will weigh
about 2800 lbs. This team will sell
for one half of what they are worth
If you need horses, come .and lead
them away. Terms. Ace Garage, In
dependence. e69
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE 3 pair giant runt full
blood pigeons at $3 per paid, wt.
about 2 lbs. each. 1 4-hole gas
range and oven. 6 roo jnmodern
house, paved street fruit, garden,
garage, chicken house and lot bv
owner. 345 S. 14th St. c69
FOR SALE Himalaya, Etterburg
121 and Champion gooseberrv. W.
C; Franklin, Rt. 1, box 11. Phone
LAYING pullets for sale, 12 White
Leghorns.' 12 mixed, fino laying
strain; 60-egg Buckeye incubator
for sale. 1227 N. 4th. f70
WANTED Settings hens. Goose eggs
for sale. Phone 2F3. no
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Cheat hay $21 at barn.
Phone 86F22. ,,70
FOR BALE 8-l Mogul tractor, ifst
. class condition. Phone Turner 94.
. c70
FOR SALE 6 tons good chet ha"v,
loose, $16 per ton, 2-year old Bel
gian colt II. J. Beardsley, phone
FOR SALE A large barn.
FOR SALE Baled hay at barn $20
per ton. L. H. Turner, Turner, Or.
ONIONS for sale at the Center street
feed barn. ' c70
FOR SALE Good wagon cheap; also
one cutting box.' Phone 1438. c9
FOR SALE Stake r.tck bed suitable-for
1-ton truck. Phone 734.
f ' " rf.9
FOR SALE Heavy plow suitable for
tractor or stump land, moderate
price. Call phone 1177, c69
WOOD sawing outfit for sale. 6 horse
power gas engine, nearly new, and
in fine mechanical condition. Saw
frame and saw, on Iron wheeled
truck. Will sell for an exceptional- i
ly low price. See us. Ace Garage,
Independence. c69
FOR SALE Cottage nrann, " Oriole7'
baby carriage, at Novelty works,
2;l9CoiiilSt. c70 1
FOR SALE 26 lbs. ioTe'r'aeed.lT. !
11. Jfudge, Chemuwa. Phone 11F
25J c"0
DIRT for, the h.aullny"" 7 33 N. 16th.
FOR SALE I'atlie talkiny machine
and davenport. Phone 403W, or call
wnW'nioti cr.n
FOR SALE Turning lathe for wood.
1 blacksmith bellows and vise, as
sortment of springs for trailers.
Werner Fennel, 803 K. Liberty St.
' J c72
ONIONS for sale cheap. 197 South
CommCrV'inl.) - ' ". c86
the very best layouts in a small
business requiring $3000 to $4000
capital, there is to be had. Large
returns well assured. Open only
for a few days. Come and see us,
Fleming Realty Co., 311 State St.
For Sale Wood.
FOR dry jvood phone 1G78W. ee69
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
805 9. Church. Thone 1542. Fred
E. Wells. ee
FOR SALE 16-inch old fir
Call 1090M.
FOR SALE First growth 4 ft. slab
wood. $7.50 cord. Phone 683. ce73
"Wanted Help.
WANTED Messenger.
Apply W.-st-
ern Union.
WATED Man to fir eand run en
gine. CajlpieJ$Jrnrn
WOMAN cook for cafe, confectionery
out of tnw TelephoneM. g69
WANTED A job" for a three ton
truck: let me know what you have
Box 69 Journal. B69
A SPLENDID opportunity for n roi'ie
man with r orn macnine. mum iw
reference! ani be able to furnish
bond. Wo hav? a good proposition
for a to r. out mi l
work. Established routes in Salirn.
Corvallis aiid Albany Apply 1 1
once C. D. Cole, phone 400 Sr.
State St. '.
WANTED Men for horse logging,
address L. C. Hutchlns, Turner, Or.
WANTED Girla between the ages of
20 and 25 to enter training n-nwii
for nurses. For particulars address
Matron. Hoquiam General Hospital
Hoquiam. Wash. gl
GIRLS if you care to learn a trade
with steady work the year around,
call at the Glora Factory, ,1455
Oak " ' m9
YOUNG men. 17 upward, desiring rail
way mail clerkships, $118 month,
write for free particular examina
tions. 3. Leonard (former govern
ment examiner), 1087 Equitable
bide.. Washington, I). C.
WANTED To work on farm by ex
perienced married man. 2185 X.
4th afreet, Salem, li9
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Dress making. Phone
1562M. 171
SFliAYIXii done. Large orchards
preferred. Phone 754. i7i
VVANIEU House with lanta lot.
rooms preferred. IStfO down, $ls i
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty i
Co. 416 .Masonic Temple. n ;
ary an1 " kinds- w- R- Whiteside.
Or.. Rt: 3. bos 120. m
M'lUvilN t Si,uCU'M, auto transfer,
general draylng. local and long
distance hauling. Office phone 356
" m8o
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at. People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 135S Hines
street, ' "
ORDER your jtwnings from 0illma"n,
Write 960 Highland ave. m74
BOARD and room in private family
for ! that will room together, with
working hours 8 till 5, and will car
ry lunch, $9 a week. Call 149 West
: Wilson. m69
FORD repairing, expert work at reas
onable. prices with satisfaction guar
anteed. We se genuine Ford parts
Phone us to tow in your car. Used
'Fords bought aiul old. The Auto
Shop. 187 S. Liberty St next t
Club stables. Phono 7. 073
FOR SALE A good Ford chassis
$300, an exceptional bargain; also
Ford car. Ball Bros., Turner. q71
Also upholstering
1 1 of all kinds, seal
covers. Service. O.
J. Hull, T. M. C
Building, Saiem, Oregon.
FOR SALE Light truck suitable for
hauling berries. Coll at 170 South
12th St. qJO
FOR SALE Cheap 1-ton Maxwell
. truck In A-l condition, terms if de
sired. Salem Ve4ie company, 162 N.
Commercial St. q7 2
GENERAL automobile repairing,
magnetos repaired and recharged.
Ford work a speclaflty; batteries re
charged. The Fairgrounds Garage,
M. D. Jackson, Prop. Phone 308.
FOR SALE Brand new medium
priced car at a sacrifice. If you
have a cheap car and want to own
a classy 1920 model try us on a
trade. This car has not run a hund
red miles. Cherry City garage, 170
S. 12th. St. q72
Salem Auto Exchange.
' Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 State St. Phone
IF your property Ir worth the money
we list It, we 1 dvertlse it. Estes
& Magee, Salem, 428 Oregon bldg.,
Portland, 909 Crmber of Com. n75
7 room strictly modern bungalow
near state house.
7 room bungalow modern 'except
heat, now ready lor occupancy.
2 six room bungalows with furnace,
possession at once.
1 6 room bungalow with fireplace
and large lot. ,
1 5 room bungalow with two lots.
1 6 room cottage with furnace and
1 4 room cottage with fireplace.
1 brick block on Commercial St.
1 30 room rooming house.
We write fire Insurance in compan
ies that pay their losses. '
W. A. Liston
484 Court St. , - n
40 acres choice Howell Prairie farm
S2 acres growing grain, & acres tim
ber. All best of black loam soil; near
ly new 10 room house, good barn and
other buildings. On paved road. Price
$10,000, Will consider good residenoe
in trade.
6 acres, about 3 in prunes and ap
ples; nil best of Garden road soil,
close to street car; good 6 room house
good barn, water system. See this if
you want the best location, $7500.
Choice loganberry land 10, 15, 20
acre tract, well located andpriced
right . ' . ' ,
' Oregon Land Co.
442 State atreet
Four room house and nine lots,
1650. Five room piuierea house
one lot $1100. 10 acres with good
house and barn $1200. 10 acres fine
berry land, all plowed, $2500. 20
acres one mile out well improved,
$10,000. Five room bungalow pav
ed street. $2000. Five room bunga
low, paved street and car line, $2,
500. Nine room plastered house,
close in, $3750. 7 room plastered
house, good location, $1750. $500
cash. Small house and acre ami
half land, close In, $60. Mammoth
blackberry and strawberry plants.
F. L. Wood, 341 State St. n70
177 acre stock ranch one mile from
city limits of Roseburg, Or. Snap, $6,
000; will exchange for prune orchard
near Salem.
40 acres near Salem, mostly In cul
tivation; 2 sets huildlngs. 5 acres bear
ing orchard, fine soil. $8000.
20 acres choice prune orchard In
bearing near Hnlein, $0500.
15 acre tract near Salem, fine 6
room bungalow, goo barn, choice
dark loam soiL family orchard, $7000
easy terms. '
1 Nice modern 6 room bungalow, pav
led street, nice location, near carline.
Petri ne & Marsters.
I 211-12 Com, club bldg. n
j , Good Buys.
i 20 acres of good prune, loganberry
and strawberry oil, all cultivated.
Price $3000,
10 acre tract, 5 acre cultivated and
in strawberries, balance In timber and
stump pasture, house and barn; 5
miles from Salem. Price $3200, $1650
down, balance 7 percent Interest.
Well improved 5 acre tract located
close to carline, bearing fruit, good
bungalow, electric lights. Price $6000.
20 acre tract all cultivated, 4'aores
logans, & acres cherries, some apples
5 room plastered cottage, jjarn, well,
on rock road close to Pacific high
way. Price $9000.
60 acres of good fir timber located
northeast of Salem, Price $100 per
160 acre farm located on North
Howell prairie, 120 acres cultivated
and in crop, house and barn, best of
oil. Price $175 per acre.
10 acres bearing Italian prunes,
seven and 9 year old, located 4 Hi
miles south of Salem. Price $6000.
t acres locatedon main Pacific
highway, 214 acre In prunes, located
1 3-4 miles from carline. Price $2.
500. $150 down, balance S percent
interest. t. '
26 acre tract, t acres full bearinr
lagans, 1 acre net out last year; S
acres Italian prune, small house,
some fine timber, two springs. Price
( room modern bungalow, fireplace
corner let, east front 15 IS South
Commertial Ire. Prtca $.
S room btmgalow, bath, loilet, elec
tric light- Price $1(.
I room house located at 1595 oNrfb
5th street. Price $42,
W. IL Grabenhorst & Co.
76 State atreet n
REAL EsT A'l L..
Real Investments. v
If you are looking for a real stock
ranch, dont wait until tins ts gone.
3S0 acresu lo acres in .cultivation,
right at the door of over tiit acres
of out range opened by a specii act ;
of the legislature. Plenty of running!
water. 2 hours drive of Salem ou uia.u i
road. Fair house, two barns, spring j
water. Some stock and equipment go)
with the place at $13,000. Good terms)
27 H acres. 16 acres In cultivation.
13" acres of rich peat bottom land
sub-irrigattd. New room bungalow,
barn and other outbuildings. 6 miles
of Salem on good road. Price $16,000.
IS acres all in cultivation, fine lo
ganberry land, loganberry tips to set
4 acres; 4 miles of town. Pnco $2890
Easw. terms.-
Homestead relinquishment $325.
We have 4 good buys in t and (
room bungalows.
We advertise your property at
your price, we will not Increase the
price and make the sale impossible.
Estes & Magee. .
428 Oregon bldg, Salem '
Portland office. Chamber of Com
- - n-
45' vacant houses for sale)
5 room house strictly modern, on
paved atreel, 5 blacks from capitol.
4 apartments. 2, 3 and 4 rooms each
good income, close in. $6000.
7 room house, modern except base
ment comor lot, east front, garage.
6 room cottage bungalow, strictly
modern on paved street $3000.
M acres, no improvements, paved
road, IVi miles out. $2500.
26 acres all under cultivation, on
paved ruiul, fair buildings; will trade
for nice home.
6 room house, modern except base
ment, big lot, paved street and car
line. If sold this week, houso vacant.
160 acres In N. J 140 in cultiva
tion, to trade for Salem property.
8 fine lots on Fairmouut Heights
addition, for quick sale. $900.
6 room house and Mi acre close to
fairground store, good barn. $2000.
Photos of nearly all the above can
be seen at our office.
We write insurance.
Laflar & Laflar
406-7-8 Oregon bldg. ; ' 69
1 3 room house and 1 S room house
with 3 fine lots in good locution. $1,
400. ... .
9 room plastered house, bath, toilet
electric light lot 60x165, close In.
4 room house celled and papered,
electric lights, city water, fruit, fine
barn, chicken house, east. $1200.
6 room house, ceiled, hot and cold
water, bath etc., lot 65x160. Very
close in. $2750.
10 lots, best garden soil, S fruit
trees, big barn, good 8 room plastered
house, windmill, bath, chicken pns;
fine property. $4250.
10 acres good bLftlc sbtl, ploughed.
$1300. .
Wanted, acreage with house on to
exchange for 6 room house and lot
60x100, equity $1200.
Wanted acreage with house on to
exchange for 6 room plastered house
modern, equity $1200.
7 room house, 2 fine lots, good lo
cation, $2000. Must be sold.
Walter McLaren.
Room 21, 180 N. Com. St n
24 acres, all new land and is fine
dark loam soil. Fine new house, barn
garage and big chicken house. Young
family orchard and berries. About 16
acres in cultivation ana in crop.
Would be excellent berry land. This
little farm is 100 yards from station
'and about i mile to school. Lu ;
oh good graveled road only 6 miles
from state house. Just a 16 minute
drive to Salem. With the place goes
the entire trop, gas engine, 175 fine
chickens, light team, harness, wagon,
plow, harrow, cream separator, stump
puller, feed and grain in barn. Ev
erything goes fur $8000. Water piped
into house, barn, chicken house and
pasture, from large red wood tank.
This is an ideal country home.
Neat 7 room plastered home with
modern conveniences except basa
ment and furnace. In excellent con
ditlon. East front; pavement to baek
of lot. Room on lot for another bun-
I galow. Several good bearing fruit
; trees. Not far out This Is a good buy
j at $3200, $500 will handlo.
I Fine modern 6 room home with
I full basement, furnace, etc. Located
!on paved street in fino residence sc-
tion, close in. A dandy place at $4,
I 300.
i We want more listings of city prop
erty well located. Also small farms
and larger ones. Give us a chance to
'sell your property, we want to be ot
service to you and our community.
! Wo sold a $14,000 farm to a Sa-
! !,,, wr,n WurlneMflriv Ibrolllfll our lo
cal advertising and we have more
arms to offer. List where you get
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
Best Buys.
5 acres all In cultivation, good val
ley soil, close to town on paved road.
$1500. "
ls acres on Garden road close In,
best of soil, 1 V, acres family orch
ard; 8 room house, hot and cold wa
ter, liatih; good barn aul other build
ings. $12,000, easy twins.
6 acres on Pacific hiyhway, fam
ily orchard, 2 acres logans; 6 room
modern bungalow, 4 blocks from
street car. $1(500.
24 acres, 20 In orchard 9 years old,
loaanberry fillers In part; 8 room
! house, hot and cold water, bath; good
'barn and other buildings; 6(4 miles
'out $9600.
HO acres, 60 cleared, 22 acres oeav
er dam; family orchard, large barn
and silo, small house; Joins city lim
its of good town, 15 blocks to school;
would make an excellent dairy farm.
With equipment $10,800.
100 acres on good road 3 miles
from town; fair house, good barn ar
ranged for 20 to 30 cows, 2 silos;
with Bevral thousand dollar worth
of stock and equipment $20,000,
95 acres, all cultivated, 40 acres 7
year old Italian prunes. 25 acres In
crop, fair Improvement, on road to
be paved this year, nil good soil. $12
500. $6500 rush, balance at ( percent.
This place is 2 miles from Mon
muutti, Or , and represents one of the
best values In the real estate market
today. Are you going to get tola oneT
not If you are a alow mover.
30 acres all cultivated, fenced, barn
close in. $3600, term If desired. This
Is mostly good berryland,
11 acres, logans. bearing English
walnuts, family orchard, good Im
provements, atofk and equipment
roe jtirt oat aitro Salem Hrnlts, on
paved rond. best location; a snap.
$11 000, easy terms.
If you are Interested In any of thee
above Item and mean business, I
would be pleased to have you call on
111 m.'m
Water Company.
. r r,n.wrrtal and Trad gs
P.IH lsavabla monthly in advane
Phons 87.
HAS the $ lost Its value? No. WTry?
Because $2600. $00 down and $25
per month will Buy a 6 room mod
ern bungalow basement, fireplace,
Dutch kitchen, on paved street, in
good location.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353, 416 Masonic Temple.
- Safety Raiwr Blades,
AFEtV rasor bind sharpening ma
.'tutie. (list installed at A H Stew
.in, sirnt. S4i Court Ml
Stove Repairing.
lOVES rebuilt and repaired in
hu experience. Depot National
and American fenu. sitaa 26 to $
nigh,. oil and vara
ishe& etc., loganberry and hoi
nooks Salen, H'buc and Stov
vv.pfca taO C-mit street Phone 121
hy Sell forLesa.
WE will pay you mora cash for youi
household gooda Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peuplea Furnitur
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone ?S4.
Money to Loan.
On good real eatat security
wer Ladd ft Bush Bank. Salem. Or
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time. . .
$H and 6 percent Interest
City building loans
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Tempi. Salem. Oregoi
refuse of all kind removed on
.monthly contracts at rausonablt
rales. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ant
mats removed. Office phone Mali
FA1U4 LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about out
20-year loans at 6 per cent Haw
kins & Roberta, 206 Oregon bldg
Salem, Or.
.VJARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Asa'n. Government money to loan
at 6V4 percent $03 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
WANTED Second hand furnitur
rugr. enrpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prioe
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture C0.1 285 N
Cjm'l St. Phone 947.
long distance hauling. Office 44t
Court St. Phone 998, night phom
679.1. 71
DR. ALBERT R MILLER -Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly sx
amlned, glasses made and fitted
510-12 U. -S. bank Phon 141.
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
pathic physicians and surgeons
506 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869. Di
Whits, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshal
res, phone 834 '
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathU
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Or;
gon bldg. Res. phona C8F6; offlci
phone1394. t T$
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing lOo bundle. Cap
ital Journal office. "
Lodge Directory.
--. CHEMEKETA 1 dge No. 1
meets every Wednesdas
evening at 7:30 at I O, O. F. hall,
Cornack hall on every Tuesday ai
8. i. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kiniti
rv. rt. or. b.
Oregon Grage camp No. 1860 inoeti
every Thursday evening In MoCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie . Bunn, 648 Union 81
recorder. Flora Nelson, 738 Nortl
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday a
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Oueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or,
v.' 0" W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meet
every Friday night at 8 o'clock It
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lit
artv St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ross, C. C.i L. H. Geer, oters
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U.
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. In McCornack hall, cor
. Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. L, Brown, finan
cier! A. Euffene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 24i
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock In McCornack bulldlnp
Court and Liberty streets. H, G
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turnei
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.00; feed
mis fcOtlS.'-c, milling oata 80086c
cheat hay $1819; oat hay $21 .22;
clover hay $23; mill run $47.
Butttrfat: Uutturfat 70c; creamery
butter 69 70c.
'. and muttons fork o foe
15'4e; veal fnny 24c; steer lie
iamb 13 He: cows 79o; ewe lu
sheep, yearlings 12 Ho.
Dressod pork 21o
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 30c.
light hons.- 80f32c; heavy hmm 2ft
.Id roosters 15'16c: iprin;; c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c:
celery do $176; potatoes, Vaklm.
6c. Oregon SVMMc; sweet potatoes 9c
beets par sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; paranlp
"" sack 4hn. spinach 10a lb rd
ishea 40O dog.
I'Yult: Oranges $8.0097 00; ler.iant
(6.501 1 j bananas lie; honey exlracl
20c; bunch beets 46c; cabling lo:
head lettuv $1 26; carrot 46c; Bru
sell sprouts $1.25; cauliflower $1 doz
pepper 25e lb: rhubarb 12
oeas 1 5c lb.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 6c;
reamery butter 775c; country but
er 68c; flour, hard wheat I3.UOI-4'
oft wheat 12
Portland. Mar. 29. Cattle steady:
receipts 76; grain and pulp fed
steer $11. 60 12.00; cholos $11.00.
11.50; good to choice $10.00 011.60.
medium to good $9.00 10.00; fair to
medium $7.60 w 8.60; common to fall
$6.SO4r7.S0; choice cow and halter
19 Gf lf.9t; good to choice $8,099
9.00; medium to good $8.607.69
tlr to medium $ it: eanner.
$3.006 5.60; bulls $3.00-87.60; prim
ight ealven 116 I ? mt
tight tlO.00eiS.5O; heavy tT.6-0
19 00: sirtcker and feeders $f i
i. ' ,
Hogs steady", receipt 751; prime
mixed $15.76 16.25; medium $ll.lf
15.75; rough heavy
plr $121
Sheep steady; receipts 111; eastern
lamlM $16.71017.71; light valley
tan 71: hsavy tl4.SU I9.
comux'u to medium Hi 14.50 year
ling tl4.60rlt.0O; wethers $11 990
1$.69; ewe tioeii.
Portland. Or., Mar. 20,Cub8 ex-
tra 64c; parchment wrapped box io.
Tc; cartons tSc; half cozes c more;
less than boxes lc more; butterfic
6?67c f.o.b. station; 70s Portland.
Poultry and EKga.
Portland, Or., Mar. 20. Eggs sell
ing price case count 8435c; baying
price case count 32c; selling pries
eandk-d 3Sc; selected candled In tar
tons 40c.
Poultry: Jlen 31 35c; broilers 49
45; roos.era 0c; turkeya dressed
49 trSOc; geese 22f 25e; ducks 4004$
Wheat and Mil Stuffs.
n-i 43.20; barley, $72; oat
$59.00 bid; corn No. ! yellow $9.59
Hay; Buying price, valley tlmoth.
$26.00; alfalfa $29.00; grain $26;
cheat $23; clover $26; oata and vetch
MUlaruffs; Prices fob. mill, eltf
artaga it extra. Mill run, ear lots
mixed cars $44 ton; roiled barley $7$
rolled oata 166-50; ground barley 171
scratch teed $80.
Corn whole $8$; t8.
Sophomores Win
Annual Freshmen
Glee Competition
Before tht largest audience which,
has ever crowded into armory for such
a performance, the sophomore class
won the annual Willamette freshman
glee last night by a single point over
the seniors nnd freshmen, who were
tied for second place. In spite of th.
closeness of the decision, everyone wn
autlKi'ied with the decision, as the
sophomores were conceded to have tha .
best rendition .and their song bolr?
most adaptable as a rally song.
The words of the winning song were
written by John Lucker, who also di
ected the class la the rendition, and
tho music was by Miss J-'va Robertx. .
ihe song Is particularly tuneful, and a,
lively yell is sandwiched Into the chor.
us, The theme of the song. "Fight
"Em Bearcats" ! a eulogy to th ath
letic warriors of the school. . .
- The twelfth annual freshman (ties
was one of the most successful ever '
held, both from the quality of sung
and rendition, and from the Interest
displayed. The armory was packed be.
fore 8 o'clock, large crowd stood up
In the back of the auditorium ami
numbers had to be turned away. The
decorations were the, most elaborata
and at the same time most artistic that
have ever graced the - armory stage.
The color scheme was green and gold,
with potted palms and ferns, bloom
ing acacia and daffodils, with across
the back of the stage a black and gold
representation of the opening bar o
the freshman song, through which th
singers burst as they came upon the
stage. A pretty picture resulted when
the white dresses and sunny smiles ot
the co-ed or the somber black of tha
cups and gowns of. the seniors w
added to this brillancy,
Music Brings to
Men in City Jail
Saddened Memory
"Muslo hath charm lo sooth the
savage breast" And because It lui
police here have struck unwittingly
onto a new mode of criminal reform,
Down in the city Jail, where tha
light of day creep in only sparingly,
and the musty odor of a craven dung
eon pollute the air, was an odd in
cident today. From It mlgfht spring,
if the lesson la heeded, new methods
ot dealing with crlmiiiui charges.
Russell and Raymond Eyerly. be
ing held for Eukersfleld, Cel., author
ities are quite talented musicians. .
They play, a mandolin and a steel
guitar. Through the kindness of
Chief of Police Welsh the pair were
permitted to take their Instrument
into tho jail with them,
George Z 00k, "doing" a 40 day
"Jolt" for bootlegging was there. Hw
has been in for more than 20 day
now, and the mark of prison servitude
In showing. When he Hits aiTwtd
he loft an aged mother and a sister,
destitute, in a shack in the hills ncsr
Halls Ferry. There was no monev
In the house, and very little food. Tha
mother was heart broken when she
learned that her wn had erred and pay the penally,
"Home Sweet Home" through the
dingynos of the Jail the mellow
tones rang this morning. The Evmly
1 .,, b wi re absorbed, only a those
who have been touched- grief strick
enmay play. Zook paced to and
fro on the cold, concrete floor. He
puffed hard at a rlgarette, then, un
able to bear It longer, sat on the edge
of a couch and wept He would not
trust himself to speak. Not often
does the confinement In Jail become
so oppressive as when saddened mem
ories waft buck to them with tha
strains of tender melodies.
Senator and 16
Others Sentenced
(Continued from page one)
led on In first charge and none wae
found guilty on the sixth count.
The penalty la a fine of $10.00 or
less and two years or less In prison.
Ki'ntpiicca Pronounced.
Sentences were pronnurired upon
the convicted men this afternoon as
Senator Newberry, two years in
Leavenworth and $10,009 fine.
Frederick Cody, two years In Leav
enworth and $10,000 fine.
Paul King, two years In Leaven
worth and $19,000 fine.
Charles A. Floyd, two year In
Leavenworth and $5000 fin.
i"t'llam j, Mlcke), two years,
Allen A. Tcmpleton, one year and
six month.
Roger M. Andrews, one year and
six months.
Milton Oakman, one yean and srx
Richard II. Fletcher, one year and
three month.
James K. McGregor, one year and
three months.
"red Henry, one year and three
Hannibal Hopkins, one year r,4 oe
E. V, Chllson, one year and oc day.
Jonn 8. Newberry, fined $1.00.
- Harry O. Turner, fined $2iiuu.
B ".'rank Emery, fined $3009.
George S. Ladd, fined $1609.
Judge Bafwlons overruled rotten tut
a new trial pending an epp'fcl.