TIIE CAPITAL JOURNAL lively Identified. The number of his name ( 666) counted and declared, and his mark made krwn." A cordi al invitation to all. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Cen ter and Liberty streets, W. C. Kant-j tin prison. ner. minister. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school with clauses for all, W. I. Staley. superintendent. 11:00 a. m. Rev. H. J. Kilbourn, of Montreal. Canada, will preach the sermon. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Miss Genevieve Endicott, leader. 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. J. Kilbourn will speak on "A Hope ful View of the World War." Mr. Killbourn was in the Over-seas serv ice and has a rich fund of experiences to draw upon In this address, him. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST SCIENTIST Sunday service is held North Fifth street and Gaines Ave.j t 440 Chemeketa, street at 11 a. m. (Tomorrow Evening 7:30 Evangelist A subiect Bible lesson "Matter." Sun-IB. Bell, pastor, subject, "The Mark of day school at :45 a. m. Wednesday . the Beast" A Great Last Day Apo evening testimonial meeting at 8 : taly. The Beast of Revelation post o'clock. Reading room 209 Masonic Temple, open every day except Sun day and holidays, from 11:45 to 6 P ni. All are cordially Invited to our (services and to our reading room. CATHOLIC CHCRCH Passion Sunday. Masses at 7:30 and 10:30. The Sunday is commemorative of Christ's retirement from publicity in the prep aration for His death. The pastor will sneak at high mass, subject. "Before Abraham was. I am." Meneuiotlon and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Lenten de votions on Wednesday and Friday eve nlngs at 7:30. Boys' choir practice at 2 on Saturday afternoon, catechism at 3 and confessions at 4. FIRST I'NiTED BRETHREN Tew park Bible school at 10 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. Young peoples meeting at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. Mid week prayer meeting Wednesday evening ut 8 o'clock. C W. Corby, pastor. UNITED EVANGELICAL Cottage and Center streets, Rev. G. L. Lovell pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. A class and cordial welcome to all. Worship and preaching at 11 a. m. "The servant of the world." Christian Kudeavor at 7 p. m. Evening worship and sercon at 7:3t p. m. Prayer meet ing on Thursduy evening. NAZARENE CHURCH Nine teenth and Marion streets. Sunday school at 8:45, W. B.- lltirdy super intendent. Preaching lit 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Morning subject "Holiness and the indwelling of the Holy Spir it." Younij peoples Bible study at 8:30 Sunday evening, Florence Wells teacli sr. This Is a good place to learn more of the Bible. Song and praise Bervlce from 7:30 to 8 p. ni. Sunday evening. Mid-week prayer meeting at 7:30 Wednesday evening. Everybody wel come to these meetings. Just the Good old gospel meetings, A. Wells,, pastor, Florence Wells, deaconess. ted to take in with them. Bakersfield. Calif., March SO. Two deputy sheriffs from this city are In Sacramento today obtaining the neces sary papers for the ' extradition of called at the end of the seventh in- ning because of darkness. The north- a vain heavy erners used four pitchers in attempt to stop California's hitting. The score: R. ST. PAIX'S Fifth Sunday in Lent 7:30 a. m., holy communion; :45 a. m., church school; 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; 7:30 p. m., even ing prayer and address. Everybody welcome. Chas. H. Powell, rector. FRIENDS - Steelhammer Is In Race for Job as County Assessor Oscar A. Steelhammer, secretary of the Salem Business Men's league, to day announced his intention of becom- Hearjng a candidate in the state Drimarv election for nomination for county as sessor. Mr. Steelhammer said that he would formally file for this nomina tion within a week or ten days, and get out his petitions. Even before his announcement newspapers throughout the county have been maklmr mention of his nroh- Bible'ab'e tan,'('ac' ai,d are urging support - ui vuieis in cuse ne suuuia aeciae to enter the race. . Mr. Steelhammer has been secretary H. E. S 1 8 0 Hughes. Keene. Cacgrove, Bawe and Calden; McHenry and Poomey. Rtieli Everlv and Ravmond Eyerly - . .. in O . . 1 , nan nn thft'O. A. C. tieoiCM ill CHuni, u t -" ..... t - charge of having stolen an automobile California - 10 from Mrs. C. F. Bennett, wife of the late supervisor Bennett, two years ago. The Eyerly brothers, with Harry Clark, were charged jointly with the theft of the car. Clark was captured In Montana where, it is said, all three fled. Clark was brought back to this city from Montana after some difficul ty, an appeal to the attorney general of Montana being finally necessary to extradite him. Clark was tried here, found guilty and is now in San Quln- HIGHLAND school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock; C. E. meeting at :15 nnrl a va-nvai lal In ttMnnhlntf at 740 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday at of the B"slne! '-n " for about 7:30 p. m. We are still preaching the,a ear: and served six years as chief full Gospel and people are getting 1 Puty county assessor from 1913 to saved nnd sanctified. We will be gladl He "as nevr been a canodidate to" help any one in need of spiritual help. I. G. Lee and Wife, pastors. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL for the position before, although he is Intimately acquainted with the duties of the offices, and has several times. Deiore been urged to become a candi- Dr. R. N. Avlson, minister. Corner date- Mr. Steelhammer will enter his Church and State streets. 9:15 Class name on the republican ballot. meeting room 4 down stairs, W. L.i Cummlngs, leader. 9:45 a .m. Sunday! TM.fr. 1 r t school; provisions made for all ages Ul V H'lk id L-iUICoL from the cradle to 100 years and up wards. 11 a. m. Sermonette, "Walk ing with God" 1 Cor. 3-9. Morning sermon for nil, "Jesus In the Hos pital." 3:00 p. ni. services at Old People's Home, corner 12th and Fer ry streets. 6:30 p. m. David Lawson will have charge League devotional Uople are invlled whether .members or not. Junior League In Epworth JASON LEE MEMORIAL Corner; u- m- sermon, now uoa Winter and Jefferson streets, Thomas! Works." The pastor will occupy the Siindnv school 9:45 l,u'P" Dl" morning ana evening. In the Y. M. Ai'lieson, pastor. with classes for all agos, under the leadership of capable teachers. Ht rangers and visitors always wel come, but if you are looking for a monotonous place to Bpend an hour do not come; we cannot take care of you. Public worship )1:00 a. m., sub let aiiiotiirhtti On The Christ. Class meeting at the close of the morning at ten o'clock service. Epworth League devotional meeting 6:30. A Splendid opportun ity is offered to young people in this meeting. Come early. Evening serv ice 7 : MO. subject, The Damascus I'.nad. We most eordiully Invite the public to (ill of these services. The regular prayer meeting will be held! on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Thursday at 7:30 p. m. prayer meet ing; tue last was exceptionally good. Come again and bring another. Addition To The Senators' Staff After a two weeks' search, Biddle Bishop has checked .Bob Brown, or of the Epworth Amity, in on the Senators' pitching Jiour, all young staff. Brown is a righthander and : expected to team with Cole and TCralg, who also delivered from the northeast quarter. With Cox as the southpaw for the team, Biddle is beginning to feel satisfied but just to play safe on material, he is scouting about for one or two more delivery-men. Brown, who has been given employ ment at the state highway garage, comes to Salem with the rep for ntcv- Police Called to Quell Uprising of Boys at Theater Police were called on Friday night to quell a disturbance in front of the Oregon theater and by the Oregon Electric depot in which boys, rang ing from 10 to 18 years in age. were the principles. Unles such disturb ances as occured last night are stop ped a restricted district around the depot will be proclaimed, Chief of Police Welsh said today. Upon the call of Manager Cupper of he theater Officer Jack White went there to find a group of boys block ing the entrance to the playhouse. He rounded up Herbert. 7, and James Johnson. 11, of 797 North Winter street; Edward, 16, and Henry Klos sen. 14, 645 Fery street, and W. M. Miles. 14. of 1460 North Front street, and took them to the city jail. After receiving a fatherly talk by Night Sergeant Elmer White they were per mitted to go to their homes. Police say that numerous com plaints have been made to them of boys frollclng around the railroad depot, interferring with passengers, and creating undue disturbances. This will not be tolerated, they said. CONCERNING MUSIC By C A. DAVIDSON (Director of Music for Salem Schools) The Leads Malone Logging company is reported to have purchased the M. J. Kinney timber holdings on the up per Lewis and Clark. The tract con tains approximately 30,000,006 feet of fir and spruce. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION x ue regular meeting ui uitj cuueiu i j , . , , Ministerial Association will be held L"f "f!d'rm ?"d.the pledge of Talbott, D. D. C. A. Monday morning Paper by Rev. H. J. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN- STATE INSTITUTIONS Services at the institutions Sunday will be held as follows: 2:30 p. m. Chemawa In dian school, by H. E. Pemberton. 3:00 p. m. Girls' Training school, by Captain Geo. Hunter. LESLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner South Commercial and Meyers streets. Horace N. Aldrlch, Come,- N. 17th and Court streets. wejl,",ur- aunuuy scuooi are starting our second week of the with clnsses for all ages, E. A. Rho nlghtlv meetings with' home forces, to", superintendent; primary depart The meeting is growing in interest ent under the direction of Miss Sue and minis are being saved. Sermons! Williams. 11:00 a. m. public worship like Peter preached on the Day of with sermon by the pastor; theme, Pentecost are being preached by the"The Thorn Crowned Man." 6:30 p. liustor. The subjects for the coming, m. iicvotionni meeting or me r.p how to got results from his pitching skill. Dume rumor has it that one of the McCredies talked contract with Brown, shortly after the latter left the McMinnvllle Yelobans following a sue, cessful season. However, the confer ence evidently failed to land Brown, who is looking for a permanent location. worth League, Leslie Springer, pres ident. 7:30 p, m. Evangelistic hour. Special music In nil services by the ohorus choir. , week beginning with Monday night: "The Sin of Procrastination," "Al most, but Lost," "How Are You Building?", "The Burning Question," "The Hindered and t!te Illnilerer," "The Question of Human Destiny," "The Hardest Things to Do," "Pre pnre to Meet Thy God." Tho serv ices Lord's Day are as follows: Itlble school 10:00 a. m.; talk by the pastor to the children. Sermon, "The Good Confession". The Junior 'C. 13. 3:30 p. in.i Intermediate C. E. 6:30 p. m.; Young People's C. E. 6:30 p. m. Song service ana sermon , Morelock on Information from Bakers- Curlat", Attend these crv Ice, B fiel(,, cl., authorities that they hold a hear the Gospel preached wMJi power. ,,,,,, charging grand lar- " Where the P "Veny, were still In the city jail here to- Speak and Where the Scriptures are ' J 8 lent." Everybody Invited that wants Pollc. believe It probably will be to hear such pre,chlng. Don't forget Tuesday before extradition proceed, to attend the meetings durlnff the1 '"W ne arranged, and the pair will be ,.,..!, isu,.h nno win mm " R. L. taken to California. The brothers Eyerly Brothers Still In Jail As Removal Arranged Russell and Raymond Eyerly, ar rested here Friday by Officer Lee spend most of their time In Jail play ing on Instruments they were permit- Public Auction Tuesday, Mar, 30 1:30 p. m. 945 Chemeketa St. Piano, Vlctrola, rugs draperies, ranges, gas range mahogany and oak furniture comprising, all furniture and furnishing of the home of Hit Leroy Hew lett. See further advertisement. TERMS CASH F. N. WOO DRY, the auctioneer Aggies Fall Before California's Nine Berkeley, Cal., Mar. 20. The Uni versity of California baseball team de feated Oregon Agricultural college 10 to 0 here Friday. The game was ANTI-URIC FOR RHEUMATISM Thousands of people who suf fered with rheumatism in this state have written to the man ufacturers of Anti-Uric andj stated that this remedy cured them." These letters are being pub lished from time to time and if you suiter with rheumatism you are at liberty to write to any of these people and they will gladly answer any inquiries you may make as to their ex perience with Anti-Uric. If you suffer with rheuma tisn try Anti-Uric. If you do not get relief your money will be returned. ,,. COMMUNITY MUSIC What we know as community music is, in most places, the singing of pa triotic, popular and old favorite songs. It is this and more very much more. There is hardly a limit to the extent of its possible development. Like public school music, and in fact like music in general, community music began with singing. The war gave it a great Im petus and a great stride forward. It is bound to go forward very rapidly for the simple reason that it is established on a firm basis that basis being the longing for self-expression that ex:a in us all. Music has too long been a highbrow, snobbish sort of thing, holding itself aloof with its head in the air, super cilious, pretentious, demanding that IT be coaxed and flattered before it will condescend to visit the rank ana nun of humanity. Now comes "music for the masses." It is as normal to mankind to sing or whistle about their work, as it is for the birds to sing, for horses to neigb, for cattle to low and for dogs to bark. It is only the conventions, the repres sions, the disgruntled views and habits that we acquire as we grow up and fight our battles of life, that obscures the spontaneous outburst of song. But music is a great game of nutke believe. And if the world is kind or un kind, we may think the same thoughts and feel the same emotional thrills; and get together more closely thru Its medium than thru the other Accordingly the Bureau of Commun ity service. New York, is beginning a survey of music conditions of the country. In the questionaires sent out some 100 questions are asked. From the data thus secured a re cognition' of the Immediate means of' each locality, and of the best metnuus i of approach will be obtained, u ne general aim is eventually to raise the standard of appreciation, but first of all to make sure that every individual citizen has a taste of song, band, or or chestra first hand and not by proxy. We shall probably hear more of this subject in Salem within the next few months. Briefs. The first ail-American concert was held in New York not long ago and was a success. The program consisted .. ,. . vi nunioers Dy American composers rendered by a soprano and string trio. Other programs of like nature are to be heard. As Percy Grainger, the noted pianist (who by the way plays in Port land soon) said, "there is no use to wait for the American composer, he is already here." No doubt henceforth he will be given a hearing and win find his place alongside those we have been wont to honor across the water." 4n spite of the high cost of living everyone has money and in spite of the thrift campaigns, everyone is spending money as never before. Any way McCormick and Galli Curt sang to capacity houses- of 7.000 people, thru all their New York engagements. Two new songs by American com posers that are having quite a vogue on concert programs are "There Is no Death, by Gooffrey O'Hara, and "Christ In Flanders," by Ward Steph ens. New York's concert audience num bers 30,000 people. Practically the same people make up the symphony audiences from time to time. Isn't there some way to provide symphony concerts for the whole population? How much longer will it be till muni cipalities provide good concerts for public consumption Just as they pro vide good water? Pans, Var ,. ' --is, iiar. 20 -'n.uj- ana John V r tnJ engineer of N ? . j Port of Honneurte.T"411' rv.unures total') fredmillintra the earning out of S, 1, Kreat deal of Aa) invested. aa WUI, ; For Store.- sale -Adv. by Perry's Drug In the Future t For Expert Electric Work, Magnet Wire and Supplies, see the Electrical Mach. & Eng. Co. 337 Court Street Phone 488 t " STATE g STREET Dr.CB. O'Neill OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN laddDush Bank Duildinrf 'titale art Putnam, pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN Center and Illnh Mtreels, two blocks north of the eourtliouse. Bible school at 8:45, Dr. H. C. Kpley, superintendent. Hear our great. 8. S. Orchestra. Morning worship at tt:00. a "Lads nnd Dads" sermon, preliminary to our Fathers and Sons banquet Monday night. Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. nt. At 7:30 Mrs. Leland VV. Porter will ' preach: sermon topic, "The Kternal Love of God." Our pre-Raster cam paign of personal evangelism contin ues to grow In interest, and we hope to make Muster a great Decision Day, for I'hrtHl, Pro. .Abe Bennett, of E, 'it. !., will hold us a week's meeting cloning that day, and all workers will do personal work at every opportuni ty. Attend the cottage prayer meet ings this week, and the midweek meeting Thursday evening at the church, l.eland W. Porter, pastor. t- . - SOUTH S A I.EM FBIKNDS Corner of South Commercial and Washington.' H. K. Pemberton. pastor. Church j Bible school at 10:00 a. m clauses for alt; Call Miller, superintendent.! .Meeting for public worship with sing ing and preaching at 11:00 a. m. and . 7 ::0 p. in. Youn people meet at :30 In C. K. Uooni. Thursday at' 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting with Bible , HtUllV. Marlon County Holiness Asxoclatlon will bessln a series of meetings at the. HaHille Baptist church Sunday! evening. March Si at ?:S0 p. m. This Is strictly , Interdenominational and the pcac!ilng will be done by differ ent pastors of the city, W. J. John son, secretary. ;. ' CENTRAL: CONGREGATIONAL Corner South lth and Ferry streets. H. ,C. Stover, minister. Sunday K 'lioul :it 10:00 a. in Mrs. Burton E.; I'M wards, superintendent. Morning nnd evening sermon by Dr. Thomas, i Street, of Boston. Christian Endeavor, at 6:4(j p. m. Miss Mable Van Fatten,' j leader." Evening service at 7:30 p. m. j ctorneSa & ). A. CHURCH, NORTH FIFTH ST. and GAINES AVE, Ktreet. Sunday school 10:00 a. m., W. 1 , ' 7X. m.rae- - . COME 'And bring a FRIEND : Sir'-r 7 aoon. . TAKE NORTH COMMERCIAL CAR t'. MMMMM miH4ffW0tMI The Mark of the Beast See Rev. 14:9-11. " A Great Last Day Apostasy The Beast of Revelation positively identified. The Number of his Name (666. See Rev. 13:18) Counted and ' declared, and hi s Mark made knoivn. 'Another Important Sermon Study by I EVANGELIST A.R.BELL It will pay you to hear it TOMORROW EVENING 7:30 "Father" G rammer (Non-Sectarian) "World's Devine Healer And teacher will lecture and heal and teach and demon strate the true principles of immunity from sickness and sorrow, at Grand Opera House, Salem, Thursday, March 18th to Sunday, Mar. 21, at 8 p. m. o'clock every evening, "and heal and bless the people daily. "Father" Grammer is mak ing a world's tour under aus pices of the School of Life, and carries record of many ap parently miraculous cases of healing, from Colorado, Tex as, Seattle, Portland and many other places. Many are healed instantly while hear ing him speak. Admission Free. Adv. . WhenaFellei Needs A Friend -When a fellow reall, a 'riend I, wnen, weakened eye ta "V have someone else ml nim. r So many people, becau earlier life, ere now ing upon others. Had they provided the frfo liness of glasses to their at the right time h M life, they would still be Joying good eyesight m dependence. An examination will reml the true condition of ,, eyes. It's a little thing t, seek, but a big thing to and so important. Henry E. Morris &Co. Eyesight Specialists 305 State Street I BBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBnBBBSBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBSSHISBWSBBBSBBBBBBBSHBHM Jill . . ' '-ra This week we are specializing on Davenports. Good over stuffed Davenports at very reasonable prices. We haveagooi showing of these goods but must make room for new stock to arrive. We are offering over-stuffed tapestry Davenports from $75.00 up. 'All over-stuffed chairs are included in ihh sale. 1 CHENEY PHO OGRAPHS . nil -d pnw g Considered the world's best talking ma chines. H ave just been added to our line of musical machines. ; rnr You should hear the Cheney, noted for its perfect tones 0i high class cabinet works of exclusive designs. The motors the Cheney are guaranteed for the life of the machine. If is a big advance over what other makes are giving and in sures you against expensive repair bills. -SEVERAL USED PHONOGRAPHS For Sale very cheap. We will take your old machine in -. for a new one Have you seen the new ELECTRIC SWEEPER-VAC? !niafs with no whining or wheezing. Let nsD& :; . onstrate . -; C. S. HAMILTON 340 Court Street meet ing Thursday at 7:J0 P. n M444t4f 4 . 1 A-- s i