Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 19, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MARCH 19. 1920.
J For Title
' k uaukl International Ro
championship wtU
'v night. April IS.
"live teams from cities,
f Vtfsi Stat and Canada
to, tne handsome eham
Mionated by the Winnl-
entry fee. the only
TLfr the actual bowling
in sending in the
isarters. Great Interest
Iiiiiifested In this an
Vt ring the past, and
j iniiotioMi assure a record
tary club .fT"
i fejt jef' e"""' wi" als0
tach of the Individ
'naf the chamiponshlp Ave.
-Miring high individual grume
4 i4vdual total three games
4i rtcipient8 of gold medals.
u mil as the trophy .will
ltd te the winners during the
Mention of Rotary club, at
5,!jry clubs wishing to make
k, for entry or desiring full
m regarding the tournament
inuinicate with W. M. Lee. 6g3
fahart ve., Chicago. 111. '
previous champions:
jiianapolis 2882
jewland 2904
innipeg, Canada 9ia
Prohibition is
Socialist Party
Plank in Sweden
Stockholm, Mar. Is. Adoption of a
prohibition platform, by a vote of 118
to 15. and passage of a resolution In
favor of the separation of church and
state, were two of the decisions taken
by the Swedish Socialist party cong-
Adao,' J" f P Krt '
cation fiW wsU?!t2j r coumy. Ore-
Per today. Adams project involves the
Lastly you are notified that the
on or a canal about seven date nf K nZlT -..kiiUIT. ..-.
jwou.d pump The w recT tZ t 00 Ma"h iS,h'
flake to the lands to be iLtTrvl! G. E. UNRUH, Atty. ;
i"1" ' "e project, tt is est!
wouia cost
Of Krai hnnM am riAMtn.
Joseph F. Reed of Nyssa has filed B? virtue of an execution issued
an application, covering the appro- of the circuit court of the state
pmuon of water from the Owyhee ot Oregon for the county of Marlon
il I, ,J hrlgation of 100 acres on the Jd day of February, 19, in
in Jlalheur countv . ... . . .
oy ine oweaisn socialist party cong- Ron - i . r nn riicn pimuuit ana
resa whose labors here have Just coni applied fn? .'. McComb" have, against J. c. Fitch defendant, for
to a close. me applied for permission to appropriate the sum of five hundred seventy five
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
These decisions, however, wer. w.i ----. ?or r Te dollars. U. 8. gold coin,
i . . ."6iwn oi ten wnn mierest at tne
, juaepnine county.
ersliadowed by Internal party upheav
als which lasted throughout the coug
ress, much to the Joy. of ,the bolshevist
and other extremist factions, as well
as of rival political parties.
During the econoniie crisis, profit
eering reared its head In Sweden, and
several leading socialists were alleged
to have been connected with compan
ies accused of making excessive pro
fits. Whereupon, a cry was raised to
road all of them out of the party.
Hjalmer Branting, ex-minister of fi
nance and a leading socialist, defended
G. Kaliman, formerly chairman of the !
Eats Anything
rate" of per cent ,
per annum, from the id day of Feb
iruary, 1929, and accruing costs, j
. have levied opon and will sell at pub- j
llo auction, on Saturday the Sd day I
lof Anrtl 1ft9A IK Mfnot . m i
V Kaf-n IT the court bouse door in Salem, 1
UClOrC nini: Marion county and state of Oregon,:
. H the right, title and Interest which f
"Since 1 . ,. 1 i th eaid t. C. Fitch defendant had)
an !7? Vi,mmtKtd ,ak,n T"laci0n or after the 21st day of March,1
ail m troubles of eitrht years' stand- j 1917, date property was levied upon. '
Ins have le me uiTd I can do hs big ' ' o' the followfhg described
a days work as any man," said J iPrmiws. wlt:
Curry, a well known flagman on the! Ten acres n the S- w- cornr of
iey Koute system who lives at 577 loiiowing aescriDea real proper-
Also Junk of All Kinds
Best Prices Guarantees)
Capital JunkCo.
- The Square Deal Houm
171 Cheraeketa St. ha IM
way. and mean, committee Varner j wegt Ble h 0akIan'de8c; &" ty: Beginning st the S. W. comer of
1 natl the worst sort of chronic J- " enneay iarm oesenwa as
Ryden, formerly minister of education,
Herman Lindquist. president of the indigestion
secona cnamoer ana senator u.
continued Mr Cu,;v ! ""mw,i ceginning at a point in me
; could haidiv m. . center of the county road extending
Magnuson. burgomaster of Stockholm, stomach and had spells of beicht. Z alons ,he n0herly t .undary ol the
in respect to certain tharge. brought : ancl nausi,a aIluost e l"'n Louis Vandell D. L. C. which bears
against them. - ; bad . , . ,,fc .., ' : south 66 degs. 45min. east 40.80
Last'Nevember Kellmun, Ryden and time. I wi
is so constipated that I had
laxative nearly every day.
1 chains from a point which bears
I north 23 degs. 25 mln. east 80 links
hrd Wins Two
whtFrom O.A.C.
jrd University, Cal., Mar. 19.
ijunl varsi!y baseball team
second racuic t'oimfienuc
fM Oregon asi-icuuuiki cut-,
I 2 here Thursday. A ninth
i!ly, it) which Stanford se
p hits and two runs was re-
(or the uaroinai s victory.
I R. H. B.
2 4
3 4-5
tn: Miller and Gill; NeWlands
My. - "
ing School A -m
Caught At -mne
p. Or., Mar. 19. Clarence
I Bend and Harry Miller of
I each 17 years old, who es
om the state Industrial school
I Sunday night, were caught
ient Thursday afternoon by
f-ed 0. Slickels and placed In
county jail,
piately after their escape the
Irted a series of robberies, av
jto their own story. They said
e two raincoats near Salem1
king on south, stole some
and shoes from an automobile
ftreets of Harrisburg.
flay they broke into a box car
Southern Pacific at Junction
I took a suit of colthes, and
e another suit from a farmer
fshort distance south of Eu-
ilile the family was away, jtn
to break into another farm
! i the same vicinity was
1 by the arrival of the owner,
and Miller are said by the
"ilent of the Industrial school
pad records In the Juvenile
also the liberal minister. Axel Schotte, 1 to take
resigned their offices. Now, in conse-as troubled a lot with lumbago and'fr0m Plnt 11 ch,llnS ea8t f the
quenee of the action taken by the con-! was so nervmm thut ,,t nih t ,,! northwest corner of section 2, T. 6
gress. Ryden gives up his seat in the roll and tumble from one8ide of the S' R' 2 W' ot lhe willamette mrli
I senate, and bui gomuster Magnuson. al-' bed to the other without getting near ian rur",ins thence along the
j though popular with all classes in enough sleep and when morning came onter of said road south 66 degs. 45
Stockholm, retires and will no longer i would be so tired I simply had to!mln' e!,st 25 !'8 ohnins ,0 ,he I-emery
i sit on. the numerous municipal com- drug myself to work land; thence south 23 degs. 15 mln.
mittees of wliich he was a prominent j- "I began takine Tanlnc nmt n-ill I west a,onK tho w esterly line of said
and active member. He will also lay say right here it measures i,p to ev. Lpinery la,u1 3910 ehams; thence
down his senatorshlp. ; erything people sav of it for it haslnorth 66 flPB 45 mln- w,Bt !"' n
Herman Und.iuist alone .weathered put me back in as fine health is iichains; thence north 23 degs. 13 mln.
the storm. He was chairman of a com- ever was. I eat anything set before ' enst 39 20 cnalns t0 the p,nce of be"
pany called the Arbeterbraesnsle, j me without the slightest bad after of- i ginninB' containing one hundred acres
which imported coal and coke from fects I sleep like a log every night'0' lana,u,re or ,ess and situated In
tlerinany during tne war tnrougn Par-: and all my other troubles are gone. 1' . " 1 " , " , '
.... . - . ... 19 The tfind pnnveved hv this In:
vus, ui suimusi jiiiaiiuif r. j i nave more lire and energy about me
Branting succeeded In having Lintj-j than I have had in, years ancl can't
qulst retain his seat as president of the j praise Tanlac enough, for it is the
second chamber. I , most dependable medicine I ever
The socialist, are sure of retaining ' heard of."
their numerical superiority in parlia- Tanlac Is sold in Salem by Tv'.er's
drug store, and by all leading d-ug-iists
in every town. (Adv)
I Or., Mar. l9. Marmrjn
f- , Knights of Pythias of
I will hold their annual roll
"ng which was postponed
f month on account of the In
gpidemic next Monday night.
fancellorJulien A. Hurlev will
' at the meeting. Special
f w Put on for his benefit. A
V be S'ven at the clos ot
r .
Mar. 19.A telegram from
y crowd violated an ar
Jiged between contending
I " and atacked the barracks
i" VUard- This attack was
iXr " bth S'de were
0 Tl
1 ""-lt Rldof Ikoic
l'10 hw easy it i. tn r.
i 04 'rckle face?
.0unce ot Othine.
tro,n your druggist
, I ?""" 8houM ow
ananl , aUtiful complex
I hi March have
i thi. Mult more Othine
fCr thfn " this
Jttaii. . L or money
u" to remove the freckle.
fanatic Pains
lurd oil
th hrmIe preparation
C . u rh'uIn.i!,.
ritt. " " penetrates
tiff mt'n. and lim
il""g Joints and mus-
l!i1!noi,t '"ily"u- for
sudrten mishap!, or
'- TJpnim- bruis '
h o), "ar:'-he, toothache.
- 5'(J'irE::Ki!,U for " cents.
tw? the bou,e anJ
f !. r hav head
ihu "ard Uvr Whips.
i Pink Pi". 30 cents.
- (Adv)
ment at least until after the general
election-next October. '
Creation Of Rate
Making Zones Is
Sought By Board
Division of tho nation into three or
more rate making districts to con
form to the districts now established
for valuation purposes, will be urged
before the Interstate Commerce Com
mission at a conference in Washing
ton, D. C March 22, by the Oregon
Public Service Commission through
John E. Burton, general solicitor for
the National -Association of Railway
and Utility Commissioners, who has
been authorised to represent the Ore
gon commission. All state regulatory
bodies have been asked to take part
in the conference but press of busl-
Of the state of Oregon, for Marlon
County. Department No. 2
J. E. Pettycrew, plaintiff, vs C. "A.
Rockhill and Lulu A. Rockhlll, hi.
wife; Guy S. Smith as administrator
of the estate of F. O. Doyle, deceas
ed ;Mrs. Howard Allison and Howard
Allison, Gus Doyle and Guy O. Smith,
Edna oDyle and Geo. N. Doyle, de
fendants, Summons.
To Howard Allison, Mrs. Howard
Allison, Gus Doyle, Edna Doyle and
Geo. N. Doyle, above named defend
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap'
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
court and cause within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summon, towlt: Friday, Feb.
ness will prevent the attendance of 1 13th, 1920, and if you fail to so ap-
. .. fe,t,4 Anmnlnlnl rtlnlrt.
any member ot tne uregon commis-jpeai m w.r.c...., K,...
slon. Any action on the part of the tiff will appl yto the court for the
Interstate Commerce Commission as rellel prayea ror m nis compiuim
will ultimately result in country-wide 'filed herein towit: for the foreclos
ure of his mortgage recorded m dook
of mortgages, vol 71 at page 428 on
Dec. 7th, 191, for Marion county,
Oregon, and for the sum of $1700 and
for the sale of the real premises de
scribed In said mortgage and com
plaint and being the N. W. quarter
of the S. W. quarter of section eight,
... -.j ii o.Jt. 8. a. R. 3 west of the W. M., Ma-
All COnceiuruivu uonnncinai - -
,(a - in nroirnn nuistlrion county, Oregon, and also an un-
be labeled to show the minimum per-, divided one half interest in acre
centage of crude protein and fats and being a strip 15 and feet wide for
the maximum per centage of crude; road purposes and being situate In
fibre contained therein, according tO;tne . Kj. oi ui a. ... - v
ii for .1 TV Mickle'8 T. 8 S. R. 3 W. ot W. Marion
horizontal increases in rates will also
be opposed by the Oregon commis
Stock Feed Labels
Must Tell Contents
state dairy and food commissioner,
by I. II. Vanwinkle, assistant attor
ney geneial. The opinion is based on
n ri pf ni iv enacted Oregon law whose, fee.
provisions had been objected to oy a you are nereoy lurmw
county, Oregon, and for his costs
and disbursements Incurred herein
together with a reasonable attorneys
certain district attorney as being im-that this summons Is served upon you
possible of application to a particular by publication thereof in tne capital
brand of "hog feed" manufactured byjjournal, a newspaper of general cir-
a Seattle firm. culatlon published daily in tne cuy
of Salem, Oregon, Marlon county,
pursuant to an order made on tne
11th day of February, 1920, by the
Polk Veterans Get
Medals For Service
ioiiD. rr Mnr is. At a hie cele
bration held in the Dallas armory Sat
urday night by. the members of Carl
B. Fenton post of the American
vinn mHnia werA nrpsented to the ex-
soldiers and sailors of Polk county
who took part In the recent war with
Germany. The presentation was made
by Senator I. L. Patterson In the pres
ence of a large crowd of interested
citizens. "
Aft. tha nreaentntlon of medals
social dance wa. Indulged In until a
late hour by members of the legion
and . their friends. Carl B. Fenton
post has been growing rapidly the past
few weeks and their membership has
now reached the 200 mark with appli
cations still coming in.
The land conveyed by this Instru
ment begins at the S. W. corner of
the above described land, and ex
tends 528.55 ft. in a northerly direc
tion along the west boundary of the
above described land, thenoe 82S ft.
In an easterly direction to a polnl
which point is 528.55 ft. from the
southerly boundary of the above de
scribed 100 acre tract of land, thence
628.65 ft. In a southerly direction to
a point in the south boundary of the
above described 100 acre tract which
point I. 825.37 ft. from the S. W. cor
ner of the said 100 acre tract, thence
In a westerly direction 825.87 ft
along said south boundary of said
10 acre tract to the place of begin
ning, containing 10 acres more or less.
Terms of sale, cash, unless bid In
by plaintiff.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th
day of March, 1920.
Sheriff of Marlon county, Oregon,
By O. D. Bower, deputy.
'Y Court Wreet Phone 636
of finest quality, some eating pota
261 Court street
Thone 330 Bring us your eggs
C.S. Hamilton
340 Court Street
With 85 year, experience, with
me In my dental office
SOS V. B. Bank Bldg.
Salem Aula Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fender, and Gas
Tank. Repaired
Tractor Radiator. Specialty
Ford Radiator, for Sal.
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Or.
For Expert Electric Work, Magnet Wire
and Supplies, see
337 Court Street
Phone 4SS
fir -Vt
Bread Is Your Best Food
Bake-Rite Is The Best Bread
Eat More Of II
. Its Good For You
Rolls Cakes, Piesy Cookies, Doughnuts.
457 State Street -
Southampton, England, Mar. 19.
The 8. S. Imptator which arrived here
yeterday morning from New York will
haveto be again overhauled, although
this is only her second Atlantic trip
under her new management. Her next
sailing has been cancelled.
Water Permits
Permission to appropriate 15 sec
ond feet of water from tpper Klam
ath Lake for the Irrigation of 15"
Cold In Head?
Attend to It now. Pat Turpo. the
only Turpentine ointment, in the bo
trils. also on forehead, nose, threat
id chest. Rub in well.
. . i r l
.'i","r7'iri:,7. w j.' - r ii-Miii bii, '..jt s'm t (....hi" r ur-'.im i i mi iKir-ri
P-ff KrV" Vi-'V i.
t..T . T'l i i- - -1 ' I FV, M-A"" : - I
( r.'i : i. .-$ tm.,..m i'.D U- ..-nil..'. .1
' rz r - ,
packed Coffey
x uaea ihP Coffee pot handy- at the breakfast
...hAH riiriri cMn West . Uacuum.
1 1 If I. JJffi X I IM V H . m .m Ull 1. ' ' MM w WW ww W
I.!'UIW YW9 Wi- ---ww -
he conee wim irs.swwmw
XT -A A ( ft"
43UVaa flavor;
. i n m r , 1 1 1 1
,3 31 1 J 1 1
I II I Hill
1 'III
r V J "I
I ft- !v. '. ' -V. P1 Hit''
--"! " - -.V .SuX- n '- i I
? if
i Ask for free sample, Perry's drug
store. fAdv
?m "mky man. mmmmm. mm
& y kid-. mbUiimmJi U . UwHiHi.M M -