PAGE FOTia TIIE CAPITAL JOURNAL .1:1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL AX TVDEPKNT5ENT K'RWSPAPFR THE TOWNLEY INVASION. i June 1 is the date set for the systematic invasion of Oregon! yuti.hed every eni., except' u l!ie "on-ramsan league organizers, wno pian 10 coneci we Sunday by The critai JoomM Prim-i $18 initiation fee from everv farmer of the state who will listen! hirW K t0 the siren of socialistic redemption and every laborer who' m-w offiry, gi: K.ioria; rrra, s;. can be cajoled into being mulcted for a similar amount. The for-; o. iitxam. Eiuior nd imtiishfr. mation of the Land and Labor party recently at Salem was the pre-; timmary effort of the campaign. If is easy to understand the success of the Non-Partisan; League in North Dakota, when 85 per cent of the population are) farmers, who were being governed by politicians financed by the banks and milling interests of the twin cities in such manner "that most of their earnings went to enrich outside financial interests Kntered as e;oml ch tuaii mat ter at Sulem. Or$n. SUBSCRIPTION RATFS By carrier 60 cents a month. By mail 50c a month, IJ.SS for three i.ionth?, J2 !5 for nix months, f 1 per year in Murton anil Polk counties. Elsewhere $5 a year. By order of V. S. trovemment, nil nail subscriptions are payable tn art-vane. Advertising representatives W. l. S'ard. Tribune libit;., New York; AV. H. Storkwell, Peoples Oas bldg.. C'liiciieo. E OF Ml? BY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY A Danoc Witltout Mu.sio Iner kept bumping into other dancers. was natural enougn, too, oe- As soon as Tommv Fox bean to: That u-as natural enough, too. who exploited the farmers, but Oregon does not offer the Same op-1 dance with the strange lady (she was! cause how could anyone see. with a nnrtnnitv for the nrnfpssinrml nolitiral friend nf the farmer to y y Coon, you know), he pocket-handkerchief tied over his -toll f T fof , saw very quickly that she was not a eyes? install Class flictatorsnip. ; . . , ! good, dancer at all. She kept step- After a while Tommy noticed that To begin With, a third Of Oregon's population IS Centered at! Plus on Tommy's feet, and tripping they bumped into fewer and fewer Portland, which necessitates adding organized labor as a tail toj the TQwnley kite. ; Another third of the population lies in thei Coon. n r9 w Don't tell m. how to dance!" he nTa" Tt!" said. "You'r. a great, clumsy crea- And ZTr f tUre!" Quick, h ' ,r P" "I'm not!" Tommy retorted. "I'm awav p, hed 1M J the best dancer at the bait But you vOP aUy Co' mk can't dance any better than a coon!" other llni Ur, That was enough for Fatty. He other' then T lS tore the handkerchief off his-eyes. juL, Ws And Tommy Fox was Just as quick. anrthlnJ bhlt s"t ink He saw that he had made- an unwise be ZX 7' He tt?. speech. And he snatched? -the, .tend- besidea tJT " Cla age from his own face. ? iT e " itat, Jt kt "You've played a trick on me!" Th7 "a T Tommy Fox cried, When he saw that Coon and T ,ast "n tt , all the other dancers-and the fid- pav t JL,Ty F r dlers, too-had gone. Jim!: ' '.CJ' "touve played one on me!" Fafv " "ad t,.A. ." , ... ( I. II news dispatcher credited to it or not othei'wiHe credited in thU paper uml tilso local news publLshed herein. 0 regon bser vat ions 1EM1'.K OF AS.-OCIATEDPRESS nulTed ZTtL Sml1 cities 'and towns and industrial -centers, leaving but a thira to be classed as larmers ana tne uregon tanner is a nara headed individual, conservative in tendency, and not inclined to so cialism. He realizes, or is beginning to, the advantages of indus trial co-operation in- buying and marketing, -but has never fallen for political communism. The invasion of the Non-Partisan League will be a good thing . if it jars Oregonians out of their self-satisfied political compla i i x ii :i:u: tu. Pendleton. Several bovi -a'pn.ii ceiicy, una awaKeiis inein tu me uuires ut iiiiieusmp. iue scuut- i.i;di school hoe appeared Wednesday i tive socialistic fallacies of the league cannot be combatted byvap- i cusses m cud cioinirg as a protest ; peais to prejudice by paid agitators, but must be muted by rea son based upon facts. As long as the best qualified among our people shirk their obligations as citizens, leave government to politicians and graft ers, just so long will we be misgoverned. As long as business men, farmers and producers let the politician do it, instead of do-j ing it themselves, will they reap the reward of their negligence. Ketorm m government and abolition ot oppressive laws and; him passage of beneficial legislation requires organization and con tinuous work, just as much as socialism and Townleyism and other isms. As long as we are too little interested in public wel fare to render the service to the community, state and nation that citizenship demands, just so long will we have bad government. Good government requires organization as much as freak government. Partisanship is a device of the politician to perpetuate his power and is tolerated because of individual laziness, against the hi;h cost of dressing. Oh !s are expected to follow. About lulf the Itnye and girls are utilfurmeJ Kum-nc A cliKti'ict interna! revenue uffit'e will lie e.t;ibli.-du'd in KiiRenc April and three men u III be detailed to this ilistriet. which iiicIiKIrs n:x counties in the southwestern part ol the state. j-hieene. The Knuenp school boaTd decided Tuesday lil-ht to piaoe a cer tain salary for each job in the public nchools a'ld to discard tho merit sys tem. Kugene teachers will b given preference. Slie ... . i "M'l"g una. teet Oregon City. The funeva' ot Clittia Belle Culler, who committed suicide at her home noar Jennings Jjodge station Monday night by cutting ner uirnai with a butcher knife, was held fit the ill. Scott enmetnry Thurs auy morning at 11 o'clock. Albany. Frnns Lines, a resident of t.Inn county for over C4 years, diod ot his home near Knox Butte Tuosday night, few minutes betore 6 o'clock, t'eatli ws due to heart trouble. Eugene. H. i). Allen lias announced that he would be a candidate for nom ination on the republican ticket for the legislature from Lane, county. He favors the proposed initlage tax for the higher educational Institutions of the state, but fears the world l run fing riot when It comas to voting all Kinds of taxes on the city, county and ftwue. Albany. -For atlempilng to forge a onecK ot y.T.i) at the First National bunk drawn on J. R. Jenks, a well Known werehouxo man of Tanirent James r.ault, age IB, a son of F.lmer I taint of Tnlninn, was or rented and con flfieil in the county juil Tuesday ftfter. noon. Kugoiie. Itosii rriimpliroy, agej 1R it rlmiKliter of Airs. Blollle Ifumphn,,. living on n rami in the Mntdow View llstrli-t northwest of Eusoiip, died in a local hospital as a result of burns sus tained when she fell into a fiic;-!ace at home Wednesday. Baker.-Daniel Fehan, IS yen-old adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Josepn liynn of Cully, who ran away last Fri day because of aliened mistreatment, was found frozen to death in a snow drift in the hilla 17 miles wost of Ifnlty by searchers who had followoJ the child's roidprlntH in the snow. The Palley. -Uepi'racntatlvj K. J. Wiim.dt has telegrnphod from Wash ington, r. C, that ho will ccr..e b Tlie ihilles for tbp funernl of his irctlier, Hojjer Slmiott, who dii-j i,: p,-,niand Tuesday evening. Vortland. Clyd P B. Al'.ohlwii ' of Oregon, who has been chalrm uiieisiate coinmerce commission for the year, has been sticceadod by h !'. Clark of Iowa, arcor.'ir.s (,, in', formation received here. people, until at last they never ran into any others at all. But he never (stopped to wonder at that He was only glad that it was so. Being blindfolded. ?he- had. not seen what was going on. Kut'Jimmy Kab bit was very- busy. He 'Jce)t going up to all the- rabbit ; daaCersT and whispering to them, and telling them to take their pocket-handkerchiefs off their eyes and run away, because Tommy Fox and Faftv Coon had come to the Kabbits' Ball, with out being invited. So two by two the dancers stole off, until there were un y three of the merrymakers left. Two of those were Tommy Fox and Fatty Coon, who were still dancing, still blindfolded, and each still thinking mat the other was a rabbit. The third was Jiminy Habbit himself. TO... U . . . tui nr was not aancing. He was peeping out from behind a tree, and wondering what was going to happen. And all the time Tommy Fox was wisning tne music would begin. Of course, he clidu t know that Jimmy Rabbit had sent the fiddlers away. row,- the longer they danced thi ,nd Tommy kept wishinir that the music would begin, so he could stop dancing. You remember that Jimmy Rabbit had said that this wasoftener the fat lady stepped on Tom e a dance without music, and mys feet. And he grew .so angrv that everybody had to be blindfolded, that he finally said: t0A ,.' m "Do be caref"l where you step!" At flist. Tommy Fox and his part- That remark did not please Fatty Mnflw! Tpnrli fKn fl:n Their Daily Health Duly You can't be too insistent! FEW children find pleastire in be eiven tn ;. f . -the thing, most vital to their fanufc hsvfc U v physica comfort and hearth. healthy SatriPfl meetings0 win' ETm TT9 !he,account of the difference of time, the meetings will be held at Junction ... City and Llbertv ehn.,i w-,i- ! "eiwure ratification may be voted be- It IS easier, at Cottage Orove and at (ioshen ifore Washington acts. Delaware's to let Others do it, than do it ourselves, and the politician is always ' ThuTsll'iy afternoon at Mapleton and votes, If It comes first, will be the 35th r.n thfl Inbsn thfi Tttonle reaD What thev SOW. ,h l,. rl.u."ce: .r,any "d Vvashington's the 36th. " v . - ...o.,..,,s m iie nem at uoburg r1 ,1 n.A.A.v..v..vi4- nmvnoa aVirnlf1 h& m0nni701 nil fiVW T n A Tn tha at.nnlnn .-. ... , . vjuuu ci iiiiiciib icisuco onuum . oaiuruay, luarcn 27, U state, not merely to combat political vagaries, but to. secure from individuals the "service to the state their citizenship requires, to put better men in office and secure better laws and better gov. ernment. '. - Rippling Rhymes BY WAUT MASON general meeting will be held in Eu gene with a number of prominent speakers on the program, including O. M. Plummer Mid VV. H. Ladd of Portland. The Lane County Pure Rred Stock Japanese Seeking Early Settlement loKio, Mar. 13 It W understood here that the government has instruct aaioolatlon, organized with twenty- 1'ukichi Obata, the Japanese mln with the watchful moth! welt , ZTr C hat they aredonc. Tlu, . ! &TUP Pe- A bottle can be bought st store. IQ a T. f "? there is a!wa VSLH woo d fH better fotTZ? so it rests er to set that they aredone. The ennu wiu oe grateiul m after years. Chief among the functions necessary to the upbuilding of the Kttb body, so that it will not be a dyipeptic, constipated body when it. matures, is elimination regu larly every morning. If ibe moth er will be insistent and allow nothing io interfere with it, it will soon become a habit, u daily rou tine that will not be forgotten Ti...... 4! i. - Pottles sold each war. luitu-n nui nut, nH-ruie unaided, fc,.;.. i 1 hot. give Dr. Caldwell's Syrup " 3 Pepsin, which is a comhinution f us:a .V J0" Simula axative herbs with nerwin not'. seni 5w nam and the headaches, the biliousness, the torpor will quickly disappear. It acts gently and without griping, and us it contains no narcotics and is pleasant to the taste, it may fell's Swift P,h ,l. ,U ,.. i." ...i , '' - id) Hijma laxanvt in the world, there oeing over 6 million and acidress for a fret trial Botue to Dr. W. B. Caldwtll, jit Washington Street, Monticcllo, Hiinoit sat eight members last September, now nas a membership of eighty-five SalemGirl Returns After Service In War Swept Regions FACTS AND THINGS. Our treasured landmarks disappear in a surprising way ; the thing that was a truth last year is but a fake today. When I was young the village doc said ailments like the flu, which give the system sucn a siiock, io tnuaea piiii vvcic uuc. i c ii ii "vife.ivo,, nurr a year s service with the or wet our feet, and went to beds of pain, and called upon the i Friends' reconstruction forces in name of Pete, and that of Mike in vain. But now the doc, in Fmn1 nd neigium, Miss Laura sounding terms, another platform springs, and all our ills are due "'rf "hon0" frm to germs, tin doggone measly things In fifteen years, or maybe f." less that graft will look iorlorn, and doctors then I make the Mrs. Agnes Hammer Eskeison a gUess will laugh our germs to scorn. The rules of health of yes-1 sister. teryear look now like silly fads, and scientists sit up to jeer the Mi8s Hamoi,e"Jf!5 wen known in the wisdom of our dads. The doctor of the olden time had whiskers r"y ' .here nearly an her i" . " 1 1, nnMn't l,n fr. corn n Hima iinloaa ho hnA n ! 1,fe'. n'ld f'"- SPVerl V associated toiig iti.u uini-n., ''" & various schools in StaCK. IjUI UOW Hie uwiui vviiu uwiu in iiecy jjiivauuu miunius, the man with lambrequins is learcd, tor they are lull ot germs. It is a world of piffle, friends, yet let!s retain our grins; for when one streak of wisdom ends, another one begins. ister in Peking, to begin negotiations immediately for a speedy settlement of the Shantung question, as the views or the Japanese and Chinese commis sioners appointed to investigate have Been found to concur in the main points ana Japan is ready to make large concessions toward an amicable solution. LOVE andMAP&IED'OT fctj. the noted author c J Idah MSGlone Gibson this county and in other parts of the state. She went to Europe early In 1919 for the purposa of participating in the reconstruction vork being pro moted In th? devastated sections by the Friends church of the United States. During her stay in France, Miss Hammer's duties took her to every section that had been, occu pied by the American expeditionary forces, during the war. 0 ilneafurgfB I LJJ'uunJL'. SH0E:F0USHiS For Washington May Be Thirty-Sixth i i I I COVCtttCY' MfmM mmm Ft ..i iT -'Eli I V'"U ClMM tte- hi! f iisv'v, mm i m.i ju,u wiiat t Will ao about the children or the moment Helen's troubles rather this letter from the children." loomed an much larger than mine. "AVhy, there's only one thing to do!" Whatever my hurt was from John, I r-Ki,i .mi ,i,,t , .mi ,Jt in did not have back Of if tho fear of ,,olin. anv ,h!U vol. nnn.i lt soidal ostracism. And I knew that n,.,,i, ,,..t - I even it Helen was not Jealous of the v.nt iln't vnn oo i;,n,n,.ino i.. """'age amendment to the children ns she affirmed, still back that CPl.p woula be rathel. awkward ?i f0""1"""""' wniKh- ' believed, will in ner tmntt wonut always remain He might have reasmi to suspect that' v 10(1 nppp ,onnay t a special ses the sense of having wronged the in- lt wnB not whnllv through mistake1'4'0" of ,1,p leRllature, may be the de nocent. it was something she could tn. i opened the letter." elding thirty-sixth ratification neces- never shake off. it made me think ..Tu.,t l9 n contingencv that vou saiy to 1,,u the amendment into force of an ancient proverb of the Arabs: cnn not foresee. It wouldn't be like!" W!W mM here today by state offl "The fate of every man . has been ilobby t0 tnll,i5 thnt the woman whomid"lH aml suffrage, workers. hitllllil til, .ml 1,1., 11.1..I; " AK..iit . . . 1P1. !..i.. , " ' ' "" Li. pe loves anil trusts ns he does you, uvc states nave ratified it thought there was something Inflex- would do a thine of that kind. I he. was said but the vote of na ni,i .., ible, immutable, inexorable. - lievtd you, Helen, when you told mcjli(,' "1 In the United State's supreme Tea is sold by the pound, but the real way to measure your money's-worth is by tne cost per cup. mi i ne more enjoyment you get out ot every cup, and the greater number of cups per pound, the better State To Ratifv s-worth the tea .is, Olympla, Wash., Mar. 19. Wnsn- Schilling Tea is the fine or the proposed I nrartiral t, fnr tU A : federal , iivii- can nousewite. There re four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon . India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In patchmyn-Iined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco Lobby children wre victims ot y0u opened it by mistake, and how 't. .The legislature of the Delaware selfishness of Helen and their ,,. more reason would he have to Monday to ratifv the amendment On her and Ruth-for Huth also was bplu,vo you. He loves vou more than : " f VM ff-'rt 111 B' MiHC3 IUv.ionslW!hk Much flrcater ' NT El Tl 'ii.T Xrv-is .As I read IhB cl)ildeen, letter m I again I could see that Helen knew that Eobby never would give up hi children. Ami it dawned upon me. as I knew It had on her. that th? responsibilities of life were much greater than the passion we call love. All nt once I knew that while I loved John and that his physical at traction for me wa greater than that of any other man I had ever known, ii . ... J' '"i nunie n.MHn m.v neau vol l wnut1 prnsppctin for atwftfpa. tho ous inaiiKie. , unvthlmr else in the world" I knew that Helen felt this even1 ..Ahi Katherine, I wish I could feel more-nciitoly than I. She also knew KU1.p th,lt ,uia , ,,,,,,.. .,,, T , , that without reasoning much about her eyes the dawning of a tragedy of ii, .uf. iii'iiiu nr-, mufc lie Iiail lun- in enii,ln,.n, n oeii ins eiiiuireii oi uio latiuer tiie' devotedly and blindly loved. I could see that deep don tn her heart Helen dreaded the children as potential rivals and as sho had given up evcrj'thiim to sath-fy her love for Hobby she was fighting for her vcrv life.' Bronchitis Chest Colds "Oh, my dear Helen, stop and think' a moment! Don't ymi know that tiierel are thousands 'and thousands 'of men! . When ti. , V : " and women who become tired of I MJ Jmt. ,K ,tne appears- in martial yokes, thousands and thous- nif" .. ,, ,T9 smrp pains slS" i.. j ...... . nit inriainmatfon' nA . auun in men, wno, ntter a moment of! sudden passion, would like to ex- nj iiniannnauoir and eAi,(retl,. you need a hot . application right change old wives for new. nut men, w;' , . . - no matter what their trows . iindL "tnt fasp Pain,. en when you use pledges have been to the 'other wo-! . f5. 8. , !""ari,u just the man.- always accept the old regime!,, , d of "at penetrating heat of respectability. Few men love a! . m,ip,v reduces all soivnew woman enough to brave tho world's congestion. Apply it tonight and disdain. This defying of conventions . er wltn clot, you U fet i 'lots is almost always a woman's preroga tive. Could Never Plstrnst ITIm The suar-saving cereal Grape-Nuts finds a handy place in homes uhere the cost of living is considered. Tneres -a Reason" "It seems to me that if a man had',Lortoy- N- T. given up wife and children for me, as Iiobby has for you, I should never dis trust him." "Oh, but Katherine, I do not heed to tell you that marriage Is a very fllf- oener in the morning. 1. s a rand sensible remedy, that nil who v se it praise. So cents. S. C. Veii c- r mmit T fiiiil ...I tn r.t t, 1.. - . ... ' , ri ii rorent thing from love. Sometimes homely manner, place all my eggs in u ., , , , . "" !" one basket, and although John might lovers of history have raid: 'Marriage! make me very unhappy for a tline,knig love'." - i,e wo rn not ue s n e to make my life' -Tou &on-t mean tnat w , Wh. completely nuserable forever. KlIls passoll. With thp mimnprlos8 , "! Wlf,'1, 'l!Tt th(,n' J0U ",,a" is- marriage, in a wa? reallxlng that wltlim a day my heart, thine. th. . i. ... ' .. .1.. .... . I ...... mnuiru lltf, .. .. cu,,. elu , uiiiiiauit my neau, ith the peculiar Intimacies ot every and hat I should be perfectly willing Jay experience, the illusion and giant-' o throw my life away because Us our of passion fades. But It seems longings ui.satisf.ed. t0 me (1t,al, th(lt ,IlaiTlaM mignt I did net think, conscou- y of the.even a happier if sedate ex things I have just written while I was nei-lenee .. ..... HAND LAUNDRY VfllF CLEANING AND I JILL 194 12th. Phone Our Bread is full of the life giving elements that go toward the making of healthier, stronger bovs and girls and more capable men and women. Order this real staff of life and you 11 discover that it's the most delicious bread you have ever tasted. - ; ".!,', . .... . . v . PWUP WIXTKRS, Pro, 1 (0 . ConVl. St. BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES. AND UQUIDS ?& THB F. F. Di'!Y CORfORATlONS LTD,. BUTFALO, N.Y, BEFORE AND AFTEB Often severe headauhes and othK head ailments come from not tear ing glasses or from wearing the wrong glasses. Whichever your out may be, we can remedy the ituatloi for you. You will be a man of smltsi and satisfaction after we have fuel you up with the right glasses. Malt no mistake about this if your head aches or dizziness comes from till cause, we can relieve and cure yon. Lenses Duplicated - Dr. Albert R. Miller Eyesight Specialist 510-12 U. S. Bank CUlg. Phone Sil COME ON. FURNISH UP YOUR KITCHEN WITH NEW THINGS L00KIE talking with Helen. It was only afterward that I was able to reason carefully and to analyse these IhmlHhis. At the time I said to her: "I aeknott ledge all that you have said, and this loiter from the chil dren, Helen dear, pulls at Tnv hcart- st rings. Hut 1 can not understand' why you need to r. home. Iiobbv1 will not be hark for at least three ft ' Eugene. Or., Jtfareh 19. The Lane four weeks " j Comity 1'ure Peed Livestock associs liist lVchlc Wliat to Do tion i.-i to put on an entire week of "Hut In tho meantime. Katherine. I in I.nnc connty. beginning lionlit be ,f I'd comfort rUhor ta vnu Airi-eh 2, fwonon roi-ei-al lu-r- Tomorrow Helen Goes Home. Lane County Prize ! Stock Growers To Meet Next Week Oyermire SfeeL Conslrnciion Company e nave in stock for Immediate Shipment vv.I'T ' " ,nrl o 0 f(K.t lengths, t HWMXS, from S to 13 tm-lies. tip to fl.i tZu , A.MiI.rS, 1x2 W inches to 7SS4 llu-lie-a , - ""5"9. a TANK, FLAXGE Slannfacnrers of TU, Bollw stacks, Plpe. Fabricated Mater- il for Building and Bridges r-M Str-t and "JAj- PORLTAND OREGON HOUSEWIVES SHftTIT.h NTDT WORRY TRYING TO Pj PARE DAINTY DISHES WITH OLD, WORN KITCHEN i WE HAVE ALL OF THOSE KITCHEN THINGS 10U KUM A SCRUBBING BRUSH UP. clrKrj WE CAN. NO DOIIRT. f?HOW YOU NEW W'ORK- UTENSILS THAT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN. COM, w LOOK AROUND. p orJ EACH TIME YOU SEE THE SMILING FACES , Uf y YELLOW KID TWINS. RKMEMRER THAT WE HAY. t THING IN HARDWARE. OUR HARDWARE WEARS RAY L FARMER HDV. CO. ' Everything "in Hardware and Auto Accessories LADD & BUSH B ANKERS Established 1853 ' General BanMsg Business Office flours f rcrlO a. n. to 3