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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1920)
4 LEATHER FORECAST , nrfeoa: Tonight nd Saturday fair Vpt probably rain near coast, mod ule easterly winds, i ji-.Vo rainfall; river, 4.8 feet, . , film j jHmP"YEAR. NO. 68 CIRCULATION Average for Quarter Wm&sa December SI, 1111 5 4 5 8 Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Associated Press FaU Lesjsd Wtrs ' PRICE 2 CENTS. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 19, 1920. LL IN GERMAN at.- I I 7 m 11 tl ! W r 14 ! Llr tL, lJ -I Senate Adopts Revised Treaty Preamdl Stage is S ForDediding Action Today 'Washington, Mar. 19. Preparing i ((,r final vote on ratification ' of the ptc treaty the senate today adopted ttt modified reservation preamble ! worked out in the bi-partisan confer ence under which affirmative' accept ance of the reservations by the other power would not be required. ' The preamble provides that "failure on the part of the allied an4 associated powers to make objection to said res trvations and understandings prio to the deposit of ratification by the uni ted States shall be taken as a full and final acceptance of such .reservations and understandings by said powers." i Modification Refused. The preamble was offered by Sena tor Lodge of Massachusetts, the repub lican leader, and accepted without a roll call. I By a vote of 41 to 42 the senate re ! (used to write into the preamble a pro vision that the ratification should not be binding unless the president depos ited it within 90 days after the senate rted. . The preamble, as it then came up for final fight on ratification follows: i "That the senate advise and consent to the ratification of the treaty of peace with Germany concluded at Ver sailles on the twenty-eighth day of June, 1419, subject to ' the following reservations and understandings which are hereby made a part and condition of this resolution of ratification which knot to take effector birui the United States until the said reservations and understandings adopted by the senate have been accepted as a part and a rendition of this resolution of ratifica tion by the allied and associated pow ers to make objection to said reserva tions and understandings prior to the deposit of ratification, by the United States shall be taken as a full and fin al acceptance of such reservations and understandings by said powers." Defeat Predicted. :, When debate on the question of raw floatlon began there . was a virtually, unanimous agreement among senators that the treaty would fall and speak-i era on both sides sought, to shift the "lame for the nntim r, j iKeiy that the session would run well nto the night If the leaders carried out "eir plan to sist on a vote before ad journment. Formal Probe of Treasury Books Is Started Today Formal investigation of the conduct w the state treasury department ' by Mate Treasurer Hoff was Instituted t'o when Attorney General Brown -PPeared before the Marion county W id Jury to launch the probe order- by Governor Olcott last week upon we request of Hnff Tt i . :.,. Kill rf l "C UIVCOU8HUOII deal particularly with allegations mismanagement of state funds in ejection with the purchase of bono ' wn'cn unreasonably wide margins pL, l 1 have been Pad certain "itland bond house. ' Inasmuch as the auditors are not yei h'ough with the audit of the book. In that 'reasurer'8 office it is expected mat the grand jury will recess and re a at the convenience of the attor Lneral Wh0 ' devoting his entire Z 0 the assembling of informa rela Ive to the conduct of the de Partment by Hoff as well as by h! oreaecessors in office. Car Shortage In , Canada Holds Up U.S. Shipments t,aw,a' M"- 19 Hundreds of thou cm.? J fl""ars worth f merchandise "'"signed for export to the Unite. is beinpf held up here owing to whlZ " of forelS" railroad cars In ha. k 8h'P ,he 00ds-- The situation Krenderel more lnu,ltfc New V I 8n embarS "Placed by the shin J Ce"tral last Monday against Wnu from Canada east of Buf- Storm Sweeping Over Minnesota I St- Paul. Minn w.. , . . I h " i,ensitv equals any experJ''"" Wenne ""''ed thl. i . , graph and long distance telephone I 'teMtherL J t,r' 8UU PreVa"ed 'n communication In all directions was I n Minnesota. South Dakota, crippled. I .hi?hern Io a" north Wisconsin! The storm was accompanied by high 1 t"'.rn'n" S01"" of drawn! winds during the night which, how f mri11"" lm a point fifteen ever, had diminished somewhat by I 1 ik f"" the Twin Cities to! morning. The temeprature held around I tB1 Sul'rior, running south of the! 32 above zero. J'n about 39 miles, came re-1 Transcontinental trains on the Chl- ! iEof, hvy wet snow and highlcago. Milwaukee St. Paul road were I ln no!h"n Iowa considerable being diverted to the Northern Pacific . reported; northern Wfacon-1 between Minneapolis and Terry, Mon- far south as Madison was cov-ltana, on accountof snow b ocka.l on 1 th ,now snd gem Dakota ex-1 the former road west of Aberdeen, "need a hlisard j s,,ulh Dakota. Through seniee on '" the Twin cities electric Hght and! the latter has been tied up for two wires were crippled. Street cars' dW by heavy snow ln Montana anc an.ving witn diffli-ultr. Te!e-,!Scuth Dakota. meriea Remonstrates Against Plan of Allies To Enforce Hun Payment Washington, March 19. "Strom? monstrances;-' have been made by tne American government against ruling of the allied reparations commission that under the peace treaty, sale or certain German property in m-u.raf countries can be forced if necessary to satisfy the Initial payment of ths Ger man Indemnity., .Under-Secretary Polk 'of the state department, writing today to Senator Henderson, democrat, Nevada, said "A further protest" was In Dreoaratinn as such a construction of the treaty was contrary to an official interpretation Repair Ship, Tug And Lighter Sent To Salvage H-l Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 19. A Uni ted States navy repair ship accompan ied by a tug. and a lighter left San Pedro today for Margarita Island, off Lower California, to attempt to sal vage the submarine ifl-. The submar ine went ashore there last Thursday night, with a loss of the commanding officer and three seamen. The relief expedition leaving today carried a com plete wrecking outfit. Negro Riddled By Shots When Resisting Law Baltimore, Md., March 19. Ria died by shots and probably mortally wounded; V. A. Scott, a negro, s captured early this morning after a desperate three hour battle wage from a barricaded house. Two policemen were wounded In the fracas and an other mistaken for the hunted man was shot three times by policemen and beaten b$-a mob before it was learned he was not the man. An exchange of greetings between a white dentist and another white man, according to the police, inspired a crowd of negroes with the belief that the dentist and his friend were look lug for prey for the dissecting table, and they started to beat the two whites. Two policemen in plain cloth es arrested one of the negroes whose friends turned their wrath upon the officers and succeeded In releasing the prisoner. The negro fled, firing his pistol as he ran. The chase ended only when he entered a house in West Saratoga street. A riot call brought reserves from three districts and several of the po licemen entered the house while the other held the negro at bay. The po licmen In the house chopped away a part of the floor, making "loop holes" through which they fired the contents of two heavily charged shotguns. Windstorm Does Million Dollar Wheat Damage -T Topeka, Kan., Mar. 19. Loss to wheat growers caused by Uie worst windstorm Kansas has ever known will reach at least one million dollars, according to S. D. Fioran, federal meteorologist here. Reports reaching the federal weath er station Indicated that the heaviest damage was felt in the south central part of the state. The winter drought was still In force, according to state ments by weather bureau officials, and the winds swept the highlands, carrying wheat and dirt into lower ground only to bury grain planted there. The wheat "simply blew away" said Mr. Fioran. . "It cannot be said that the wheat crop was destroyed," he continued, "for considering the Increased acre- whiia it Venn devastated In some parts of the state, it Will pull through in other parts. Hanging on i,.t,nm, .ervire between St. -Paul and e exchanged between Germany and the allied powers. Mr. Polk's letter was In response to an inquiry by Senator Henderson re garding reports that Great Britain had requested that German property and an the rights of German citizens In electrical enterprises in South America be taken over by the commission and i subsequently transferred to Great Britain as part of the Indemnity due It by Germany. Mr. Polk said the state department had no Information as to this, but added i Bonus Proposal For Washington Veterans to Pass Olympia, Wash., Mar. 19 Introduc tion at the special session of the Wash ington legislature convening here Mon day, of a soldiers' honus bill providing for a payment of H5 to former service men for each month spent in actual servio. was practically assured, mem bers of the Joint aproprlation commit tee last night of a tentative measure sponsored by fhe American Legion and the veterans of foreign wars. The bill, as presented by the two or ganizations, provides for a bond issue of $11,000,000 to be retired from the proceds of an annual mill tax levy. Under Its provisions, conscientious" o jectors and persons who have been dishonorably discharged from the esrv ice, would be barred from participat ing in the bonus. Turks Organize .Jo. Hock; Allies?. Plan of Division Constantinople, Mar. 19. Leaders of the Turkish nationalists from Azer baijan to Palestine seem to be co operating ln a movement to oppose al lied proposals for a peace unfavorable to Turkey. Men closely associated with Mustapha. Kemal, leader of the na tionalists, have been skilfully promot ing opposition to all foreign Interfer ence, It ls asserted, and the Arabs, Kurds and other tribes are said to be aligned with forces planning to check mate any movement on the part of the entente looking to the partitioning of the country. The whole movement seems to be political rather than religious. Wheth er boleshevism enters into the situa tion has not as yet deevloped. Turkish newspapers frankly say tut allies cannot muster sufficient strength to force an unacceptable peace upon the country. They point to Captain Gabriele D'Annunzlo's defiance and other instances in jrhich the allies have been powerless to enforce orders. With the exception of the Maras.. incident there have been no massacres of Christians, although there are large numbers of Armenians and Greeks at the mercy of the Turks In Asia Minor. These people are living in terror lest they be attacked when the peace terms are made known. French detachments are reported to be meeting stubborn resistance in their effort to occupy districts northeast o Aleppo, where British troops were for merly stationed. Americans ln Asia Minor have been requested to remain absolutely neutral in the event of disorders in districts occupied by foreign armies. Hungarian Treaty Termed Sentence Of Death, Report Paris, Mar. 19. The Hungarian peace treat ! a "entenc of death." Count Albert Apponyl, head of the Hungarian peace commission declares in the first of two articles he has giv en to the Associated Press. The decision of the allies was based on one-sided information, and Hun gary never got a chance to present "the facts of her own problems from her own point of view," he says. Analyzing the treaty, he declares that it tnkes away from Hungary two thirds of her territory and population and gives to what is left defenseless frontiers, everywhere open to hostile invasion. Hungary was opposed to the war snd Count Tisza, her prime minister, objected to the ultimatum to Bervls, but he was dragged in by her allies, he says ln conclusion. KRl'PP EMPLOYS 45.000 Berlin. Mar. 19 A representative of the Vosxlche Zeltung. who went over Krupp's huge establishment at Essen recently, states in his report that the numb? of hands employed there Is now 45,080. Before the war the num ber was $9,000 and during the war. owing to the excessive demand for war materials, the number was Increased to 115,600. Berlin SHU Governed by Bayonet Rule (By the Associated Press) Berlin is still under the rule of bayonets but troops royal to the Ebert government patrol the streets. Forces which supported the regime set up last Saturday by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp and his followers left Berlin yesterday. Radical Uprising Feared , While radical elements have not made organised attacks oh the capi tal economic conditions are described as serious. The resumption of power by the constitutional government is opposed by those who believe It bar gained with ths reactionary leaders who tried to seise control, and there seems to be an urgent demand for reorganization of the ministry, ' and changes ln policy in important par ticulars. "Reports from Germany outside of Berlin are of such a character that a clear view of the situation ls hard to obtain at preent. White It is said Soviets have been formed In a num ber of Important towns and cities and In industrial districts, it does not appear the movement is gaining mo mentum. Communist sympathizers seem to have met with stern opposition at many points. Fire On Troop Ship Results in Death of Two San Francisco, Mar. 19. A fire ln hatch number 1 of the United States army transport resident uram on March 11 caused the death by suffo cation of George EfllBon. boatswains mate, Baltimore, Md1., and Charles L. Wray, Brooklyn, N. Y., the army trans port service announced here today. The President Grant was due in Yoko hama from this port yesterday, Sha is on her way to VlaclisvostoK to re patriate Czecho-Slovak troops. The men were suffocated by fumes, according to a brief wireless message received by the army transport service here. The bodies were embalmed and prepared for immediate shipment home, it was announced. The fire on the Grant followed a fire on the transport Mount Vernon while en route to Vladivostok from this port a month ago, compelling her to put back here for extensive repairs. Hitchcock Says Nothing Relative To Booze Stand Washington, March 19. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, the democratic leader in the senate, declined today to comment on published reports that his telegram to a democratic dinner at Omaha, Neb., March 11 was to be re earded as an announcement of his candidacy for the democratic prest dentlal nomination on a wet planortii. L The telegram, Senator Hitchcock said, spoke for itself as setting fortn his opinions on the liquor Issue for his friends In Nebraska, where an attacr had been made on him as a result of the filing of petitions to pledge the state delegation to support him for the presidency. In the telegram, the senator said that while he accepted unreservedly the people's verdict against strong in toxicants, he thought "a lawful way will be found and ought to be found to permit the manufacture and harm less use of light wines and beers." Turk Nationalist Leaders Deported By-British, Report Constantinople, Mur. 19. Hallde Edlb, the most prominent woman lead er among the Turkish nationalists, and Reouf Bey, deputy for Hlvas and mouthpiece of Mustapha Kernel In the cities; Cara Vassif Bey and several ori er members of the chamber of deputies have been deported, presumably to Malta by the British. They were placed on board the cruir Hebiscus today shortly before that warship sailed. When the Greeks lunded at Hym gymrna and some Turks were killed. Hatide Edib cast aside all traditions of Turkish women. Hhe organized and addressed mass meetings snd so In flamed the Turks that the allied high forbade further meetings. Hhe has often been described In the British press as a "firebrand and a dangerous agitator." - She was graduated from the Ameri can woman's college here and won rec ognition as a novelist and poet. CANADIAN TRADE GROWS ' Ottawa. Mar. 19. An increase of $10S, 024, 832 In Canadian trade, both Imports and exports was made In the eleven months ending February 19 over the same period a year ago, ae cording to statistics announced today by the customs department. The total for tbe past eleven months was 12. U9.g48.iv4 as compared with $2,004. 421,472 for the same months a year ago. CITY JAILOR :: CHOKED :: FOUND DEAD Spokane, Wash., Mar. 19. William B. Nelson, city jailor, , was choked to death early to day tn the corridor of the -city . jaH. Police declare Steve Po taskey, arrested yesterday on an Insanity suspect, was the only prisoner outside the cells at the time, and they believe he was Nelson's siayer, Potaskey later was overpow ered after a struggle with three officers who entered the jail upon hearing screams. He had escaped earlier In" .the night, from a padded cell where he was first confined, and was. locked up ln a strong cell. How he escaped from the latter was unexplained early today. Revolt Leaders Had Planned on War of Revenge Berne, Mar. 19. Chanchellor Bauer caused a sensation at yesterday's sit ting of the German national assemnty at Stuttgart when he revealed the con ditions presented the government bj Dr. Wrolfgang Kapp and General Von Luettwltz before they left Berlin last Saturday morning. "They wished to prepare for a war of revenge and plunge the country In to another cataclyms," chled the chan cellor. "Pitiless pulshment must come to these offenders." Phillip Scheldemann, leader of the majority socialists, Herr Burlage of the Center party, Herr Kron of the German nationalists and Herr Becker of the peoples party are unanimous in their condemnation of the attempted revolution, according to advices re ceived here. Berlin Again Cupltul. Cqblenz, Mar. 19. The Ebert gov ernment will return from Stuttgart to Berlin tomorrow. The national assem bly and the Prussian diet have been convoked to meet ln Berlin Sunday, Favorable Report On Colby's Name Given to Senate Washington, March 19. The nom ination of Butebrldge Colby to be secretary of state, which has been the subject of extensive hearings by the senate foreign relations committee, was favorably reported today by the committee without a record vote. The committee's report generally was regarded as forecasting favorable action by the senate, although It was indicated that there probably would be considerable debate. Only a few minutes of 'discussion preceded the commltteee'es decision. There was said to have been a gen eral agreement that Mr, Colby's state ment yesterday hud made It unneces sary to call additional witnesses. Rocky Mountain Region is Freed From Dust Storm Denver, Colo., Mar. 19. Normal conditions were restored In the east ern Rocky Mountain region today fol lowing the worst wind storm ln nine teen years which yesterday crippled wire and train communication, caus ed thousands of dollars property damage and resulted In the loss of at least four lives. In addition to the three deaths re ported ln Colorado yesterday Juan Borado, 32, was killed when he step ped upon a live wire on the streets of Cheyenne, Wyo., where a 70 mile gale played havoc with light and power wires. In Denver several automobiles were wrecked by the wind, several collis ions resulted, there were 47 fires and huitillnza were damaged. Numerous minor accidents resulted from the storm. In northwestern Colorado the dust storm hid the sun for hours and the tracks of the Colorado and Southern railroad were covered so deeply with sand at Wellington, Colo., that trains were detoured over the Union Pa rifle road. The Denver and Salt Lake road was forced to suspend opera tions in the mountainous district be cause of a hundred mile gale which swept the mountain pass at Taber- nash. Edward Roullier, Famed As Artist, Called By Death Chicago, Mar. 19 Edward Roullier, well known artist, died today after an aoute attack of heart disease. Ths French government recently made him an officer "Instruction publlque" for his efforts toward promoting friendly relations betwen the United States and Krone. He was born In Paris In 1858 and educated at the Paris Lycee. Hundreds Killed When Troops aud Workers in Mining Sections ClasE fighting Reported From Nearly all Districts Where Severs . and Laborers are Opposed!; Death Dealing Mey h Parting Shot f Iron Div'sioa and Naval BrigaJcs b Departure from BerEn . London, Mar. 19. Hundreds of persons have been killed in the mining districts of Germany in collisions between miners and troops, it is declared in reports from Germany received at Copen hagen, the Central News correspondent in that city telegraphs. Telegrams received from the btgi towns In Germany, the message states show that fighting Is proceeding In nearly all the thickly populated areas where soldiers and workers are op posed. - Death Volley Parting Shot. . . London, Mar. 19. All. Germany with the exception of "th southern states Is rebellious and Berlin Is a "barrel of gunpowder which may be ignited t any time," says a Berlin dis patch to the Exchange Telegrah com pany filed at Berlin yesterday. The dispatch describes the with drawal from Berlin of ths Iron divis ion and naval brigades, which march- od down Unter Den Linden at 4: SO o'clock yesterday afternoon In the midst of a pouring rain. Crowds, the majority of which were extremist radi cal workers, looked on as company after company filed down the street in the direction of the Brandenburg gate on their way to Doeberlts. Women Wave Greeting. " "Many soldiers smiled mockingly at the crowd as though saying: 'Walt a whllei we shall return.' " the mes sage says. From the Hotel Adlon elegantly dressed women waved their handker chiefs at the soldiers, this raising to a white heat the anger of the workers. They suddenly made a rush toward the hotel and some actually Invaded the vestibule before being repulsed by a strong detachment of security troops guarding the allied missions at the hostelry. "Hardly had the last soldier passed the Brandenburg gate when the rear guard turned and fired a vollry Into the crowd standing In the street. Those near the middle of the roadway had no recourse but to fling themselves on the pavement. Along Unter Den Lin den, Sommerstrasse and Budapester strasse, men started to run away. Many of these were either killed or wounded during the firing which but ed for half a minute. Four dead and ten wounded were carried Into the Ho tel Adlon. New CrMs Frtired. "UAtnliaM rt ttija iinonHtv irunrrin stationed at he Brandenburg gat did not Interfere during the firing, being few In number. "Workers believe the soldiers may return presently and bring on a nrlsls more serious than that of the past few days. They are particularly furious over the appointment of General Von Soecht as commander of forces here, he being placed in the same category as General Von Luettwlts." 20 Killed In Berlin Coblensi, Mar. 18. Twenty personj were killed when General Von Luett- wltz's troops fired into the crowd as the soldiers were leaving Berlin this evening, aocordlng to Berlin advices received here. Troops of the Ehert government were guarding the city and genera! communist outbreak was still threat ening, according to these advices. Information direct from Berlin this evening was that the Independent so cialists had decided to .continue the strike. Food conditions were report ed serious, as r.o trains had come In to Berlin for five duye, Luettwlts lOsenpes London, Mar. 19. General Von Luettwlts Is reported to have left Ber lin by airplane and It was Impossible to arrest him while the Iron division was In the city, says a Berlin dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph company. In fact tne aispatcn says it is not known whether orders for the arrest of Luettwlts or Dr., Wolfgang Kapp. chancellor of the reactionary" government, were ever Issued. BRYAN KIXTY TODAY New York, Mar 19 William Jennings Bryan celebrated his sixtieth birthday In New York today. He arrived here this morning from Washington to speak at a banquet to be given In his honor by friends at the Aldlne club tonight, ' LATE BULLETINS Copenhagen, Mar. 19, Warrants have been issued for the ar rest of General Ludendorff and of Colonel Bauer, characterized as Ludendorffs "right hand man," says a dispatch to the Social Demokraten from Berlin today. f Amerongen, Mar. 19. (By the Associated Press) Evidence that an extremely close guard has been placed by the Dutch gov ernment over Former Emperor William wa3 obtained today. Police officers were detailed to follow him, a few steps in the rear,as he walked about the garden of the Bentinck castle here. London, Mar. 19, A bomb exploded outside the British em bassy in Berlin last night as a naval division was marching past, a dispatch says. Several persons were killed or injured, but tha embassy apparently suffered no damage. Von Bernstoff Given Berth on German Cabinet Copenhagen, March . 19. Count Von Bernstorff, former ambassador to the United States, will be minister of foreign affairs In a reorganised German cabinet, according to advices) reaching here today. The slate la printed by the Hamburg Nachrlchten. which declares Its Information cams from a reliable quarter. f Dr. Bchlffer, vice-premier and min ister of Justice, will become chancel lor, according to this program and General Von Seeoht will become min ister f defense. Captain Fisher Cuno. general man ager of the Hamburg American Steamship line ls slated for the min istry of finance, Niwke Resigns, Rumor Copenhagen, March 19. Both Gu tav Noske, minister of defense In tho Ebert government, and Dr. K. W. W. Heine, Prussian minister of tne in terior, have resigned, according to dtspatdh from Stuttgart quoting th Hamburg Fremrtenblntt, Youths Arrested For Theft of Car Two Years Ago An auto theft mystery of more than two years' standing was said by police hero today to have boen solved with the arrest of RussbII Ayerly, II, and Raymond Ayerly, 20, his brother, on Information from the sheriff at Bakers field, Cel., that they are wanted ther on a charge of grand larceny. Tn Ayerly brothers admit that they tola the auto more than two years ago, nut claim that the affair was settled. Th "to was recovered In Montana several months ago, The brothers were arrested Thurs day afternoon by Officer L Morelocfc 8, few minutes after the receipt of letter from Sheriff IT. B. Newell, at Bakersfleld asking that they be arrest ed. Tho pair will be held in the Jail here pending extradition, proctedlns, by Bakesfleld authorities. Convicted LW.W File Petition To Secure Re-Trial Montesano, Wash,, Mar. 19. Motion for a new trial for the seven I. W. W. convicted her Saturday for the slay ing of Warren O. Grimm, one of th four victims of the Centralla Armis tice day tragedy was filed this morn ing by Defense Attorney George V. Vandeveer. Arguments on the motion are expected Monday. Th motion ls asked on the grounds, first, that Juror Harry Heller entered the J iry box prejudiced to the extent that he believed all of the defendants guilty; second an eror of law to which the defense took exceptions and tmr that l he verdict was contrary to the law acd evidence. The seven convicted defendants for whom the new trials is asked ar Brltt Smith, Bert Bland, James Mclnerney, Kay Becker, Eugene Barnett and John Lamb. WEBER NOT GUILTY New York, March 19 A verdict of not guilty was returned by a Jury In the federal district court here to day tn the case of J. D. Weber, secre tary of the Pictorial Review company, who was charged with attempting to bribe an agent of the Internal revenue department to falsify the Income tax return of the corporation.