Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 18, 1920, Image 1

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Oregon: Tonight and Friday fair.
rS!le" southwesterly winds.
Local Rainfall. .1 inch; river. 5.6
(eU falling.
Average for yurtec Boding
i ira
peaiber II. 1'
. --. - - lilt i.ii i m l fiS&-
' - h Pi P- r-
11 ii liiiUiii
Member Audit Bureau ot denla&o
Aocistd Prsa Full Le4 Wlr
Is Keynote of
Wr.nfHinrn Session cf North
Filamette Valley flerd
ants Association is Ecihs
iastic Gathering
.itlon. trom which shall
. . i..i.r dominant in affairs of
!!!! state was sounded as a keynote in
" regular monthly meeting of the
North Willamette Valley Merchants'
Ration, held at Woodburn. Wed
nesday afternoon. The meeting, was
...ended by more than a jioxen mem-
hers of the ssaieiu -Zm
and a delegation from the Port
land association, and was permeated
with an enthusiastic 1 readiness to
Wl" that tended toward a general
filing for "Your Home Town First."
Stirring speeches, made by several
members of the association, and visit
ing delegates, instilled in the members
ihe North Willamette Valley asso
ciation a longing to work for the gen-,j
eral betterment 01 meir -commutm
nd state. Talks covered a wide range
of subjects, all centering, however, on
: a'growing spirit of co-operation.
State Control roraern.
The time when individual merchants
banded together In the Oregon Btae
Retail Merchants association, shall be
able to take over the reigns or govern
ment In the state.and direct, through
their individual aid, the conduct of af
fairs In the state, was predicted by
Walter Denton, representing the Bd
lem Business Men's league. The power
merchants throughout the state Bhall
hold if they "play teamwork" for a
common cause, was characterized as
"Inestimable" by Mr. Denton. He plot
'tured the Oregon State Retail Mer
chants' association as a boon to mer
chants, and expressed satisfaction that
the merchants of Woodburn had affili
ated themselves with the parent or
The merchants rere urged to strive
for a feeling In their communities of
"You Home Town First," the ultimate
value of which could not be undet
rated for merchants. Mr. Denton told
them. He was well received, and head
ed the list of speakers.
Collective Buying Coming-.
The time is not far off when mer
chants of the state will band themsel
ve together and buy all supplies col
lectively, a delegate from Portlapd de
clared; TJ. S. O. Miller, of Newberg,
confirmed this, Baytrtg thai an average
of five per cent could be saved the
merchants. Mr. Miller strongly urged
co-operative buying. '
"Skillful and Judicious advertising'
in home newspapers was urged as i
wise step for merchants by A. Rosen
crans, from Canby. He attributed the
tticess of the world's largest retail
ers to this. " . .. , ...
The recent convention In Astoria of
the Oregon Retail Merchants wns held
a huge success and was pictured as a
field wherein "seeds were sown that
will flower In the future" for the retail
man, by J. C. Mann, of Portland. Mr.
Mann urged the merchants to attend,
the next convention In Marshfield, as
sorting that their profit from such at
tendance will be great.
Kpeclnlkuitlon fJrgeK
The Oregon State Retail Merchants
axaociation's program for this year was
Pictured as "progressive and construct
five" by Norman L. Prout, member of
the Portland delegation. He spoke
briefly of the Astoria convention.
Specialization In the line of goods
they handle was strongly urged by
John F. Hutchason. Salem. He said
that the greatest handicap of the small
merchant is that he carries, a miscel
laneous line, with no particular line
"lat he could nntnt tn an onmntntn.
patinfaction of patrons would not be
"aa this way, he told the delegates.
Among the members from Salm
"no spoke were D. L. Schrode, Zadoc
gg, Hal Patton, Theodore Roth, R.
J Love, other Salem men who at
tended were: Charles W. Nlemcyer,
Ry WW, otto A. Hartman, P. E.
'U'erton, C. M. Roberts, Oscar Steel
Hammer, L. m. Barnett, Elmer Daue.
Eastern Oregon Man In
Congressional Race On
G. O.P. Ticket; Kozer out
Owen P. Jones of Baker, today en
tered the race for political honors as
a candidate for the republican nomi
nation for representative id congress
from the second district. In. his nom
inatinf petition Jones declares for
"legislation in the interest of all the
people and development of Oregon's
natural resources."
C N. McArthur also filed today as
a candidate to succeed himself in con
gress as representative from the third
district. McArthur's slogan promises
to "continue to serve my country to
the best of my ability."
Sam A. Kozer, present deputy sec
retary of state, and for some, time
past recognized candidate for the sec
retaryship this morning filed his
nominating petition for the republi
can nomination. Kozer promises, if
nominated and elected, to be guided
in the conduct of the affairs of the
office "by an Intimate knowledge of
its affairs gained through a long ex
perience as deputy secretary of state.
Otto B. Drain ot Portland official
ly entered the race for a seat in the
democratic national convention as a
delegate from the state at large this
morning. Drain declares tor the lea
gue ot nations, reconstruction laws
and more production.
George A.Gor e of St. Helens filed
as a candidate for1 the republican
nomination for . district attorney for
Defeat of Reactionaries is
FoIIoweddy Grave Threat
of Uprising of Radica
Bank Subscriptions Reduce Hospital
Fund Deficit to $30,000 Announcement
President Ebert Returns To Berlin AndNa
tional Assembly Meets At Stuttgart Un
der Protection Of Armed Force; Luettwitz
And Kapp Troops Are Wiihdraivn.
Stnffo-art. March 18. (Bv the Associated Press.) Two!
hundred and fifty members of the German national assembly met
in the Art Hall this afternoon. Military forces occupied tne great
open place before the hall. No disorders occurred while tne mem
bers were assembling."
Airplanes flew over the city warning the people against
:: FOUND :
Washington. Mar. Is.
Grand Duchess Olga, .sister of
the late Cxar Nicholas of Rus
sia, has been found by Ameri
can Red Cross worker living
In a bo car near Novorosaisk,
South Russia, it was announc
ed today at the headquarters
of the Red Cross here. , ,
The grand duchess, accord
ing to the announcement is one
of three surviving members of
the house of Romanoff. She
was found "tolling among fel
low refugees from the territory
recently conquered by the bol
shevlkl, giving such assistance
as she could although herself
clad in rags and grateful for
any food and clothing she could
Early ilcac::'
Led by a $0000 subscription from
the Ladd"& Bush bank Wednesday
banks in Salem have aligned with la
bor unions In putting over the $100.
000 fund campaign for the Salem Gen
eral Hospital, and today the' move
ment gained perceptible impetus. With
the huge donation the largest yet to
be made, outside of Marion county
the deficit was reduced to $30,000, and
Henry Meyers, chairman of the public-1
ity committee said today that by the1
end of the week he looked for $10,000
more to be reported.
Unofficial reports from labor unions
reflect more and more the feeling of
support of the working men, and good
progress is noted day after day. Com
plete reports from the various unions
are expected within a few days, and
it was said at campaign headquarters
that the figures would be surprising
for their eenerositjv
Campaign Manager William McGIl-
chrlst, Jr., urged today that the cap
tains of all the committees report at
headquarters by Friday noon so that
compilation of figures, showing where
the campaign stands, can be made. 1
Several of the committees have not re
ported, and it was said at campaign
headquarters that no Intelligent esti
mate could be made before hearing
tfom them. . '
The women8' committees were re
ported as continuing soliciting today,
and It la said they are receiving favor
able support. This committee Is head
ed by Mrs. G. C. Bellinger.
:: CHILD'S ::
Denver, Colo., Mar. 18.
Katherine Chrlstensen, IS, was
crushed to death here today be
neath the brick wall of an apart
ment house which had been
blown Into the street by a high
wind, her father witnessing the
" The wind registered 47 miles
an hour at 8 a. m. today and in
creased In force after that time.
Wire communication to the
north, west and south has been
virtually cut off.
Portland (Writer
1 Arrested Aboard
Finnish Steamer
Senate Defeats
Reservation to
Reserve Decision
London. Mar. 18. A dispatch to the
lndon Times from Abo, Finland, saysJ
that at a preliminary hearing and un
der cross examination the man arrest
er! In a coal" bunker of a Finnish
learner bound for Sweden recently as
set-ted that his name was John Reed
and declared he was the editor of tw
In Oregon. The man, who
previously had given his name as Cas
gormllch and declared that he was an
American, said he had arrived in kus-
sla five months ago according to the
dispatch. . -
(By Associated Press)
Germany has cast off the govern
mental regime suddenly set up by the
reactionary elements last Saturday
morning but advices Indicate she is
now facing another extreme peril in
tne form oi a wave oi raaimirou.
Reports from Berlin say Dr. Wolf
gang Kapp, the reactionary chancel
lor and his adherents have either fled
from the city or contemplate going
at once. Armed forces of the react
ionary element are leaving Berlin to
day and the presence of Guatav
Nnaka. minister of defense in tne
Ebert cabinet, who arrived In Ber
lin last night by airplane from Stutt
gart, would seem to indicate that the
constitutional government intends to
sn me control immediately. Gener
al Von Seecht, President Ebert's chief
of staff, has been named commander
ot government forces In Berlin,
Uprising Feared
A nnnimrements by Dr. Kapp as
well as statements from the bbert
government, reflect the fear of a raa-1
leal uprising in Germany. In tact, Dr.
Kapp's announcement stated he had
resigned so that the country nugm
be enabled to fight bolshevtem. From
various cities come reports of upris
ings of workers and advices from Ber
lin .tat. that red forces under com
mand ot Sparlaclst leaders are marcn
Ing on the city. As the Ebert troops
have not as yet resumed full con
trol, an attack by the reds la learea.
Throughout Germany raaicai ele
ments have in many piuiu
over direction of affairs at least tem
Proletarian oictatorsnips """ ""
at it n at Dortmuod, Gera, Halle, Da
lles. Unna and ,elsenmrcnen
rAin tn rrnorts. while in
workers have driven
:: RUMOR ::
are current In Berlin that Dr.
vtougang A.npp, wuv w
of the reactionary government
ael up In Berlin last Saturday
and who resigned yesterday
has committed suicide, accord
ing to a dispatch to the Ex
change Telegram company
from Amsterdam. The reports
were received by telephone In
Amsterdam from Berlin.
- . mm
Crowds Parade -
Berlin Streets
Washington, Mar. 18. Returning
consideration of pending reservations
to the peace treaty, the senate soon
after meeting today rejected, 48 to 27,
a reservation presented by Senatoi
Reed, Missouri, which would reserve to
the United States for decision ques
tions affecting "Its national honor pr
its vital interests."
Radical Menace
Ytich Germany
Faces is Claim
from the suburbs of the city
and were engaged late yesterday in
. fichtlnr. In the Knenwn a
..i...H., InAmttrtlU districts it Is
YV enipiiaiiu,.
said the workers ore reaay
radical leaders.
Chicago Express
Shipments Move
Despite Strikers
Chicago. Mar. 18. Partial lifting of
the embargo on express shipments, Im
posed as the result of a strike of Chi
cago express workers, was announced
today. The American Railway Ex
press company removed restrictions on.
outgoing shipments, except orainary
parcels to Texas, Oklahoma and other
southwestern points and on all through
shipments to the east through New
York. '
Shipments of perishable goods.
fruits and vegetables from Florida anu
Into Chicago over the Chicago and
Northwestern system were included.
Bravery Tales Abound
In Story of H-l Wreck
U Angeles, Cal., Mar. 18 Another
of matter of fact bravery in the
wee of death was added to the annals
the American navy when the sur
.Jiors f the crew of the submarine
"1 arrived here today aboard the.
"Worship Mazatlan.
The H-l went ashore off the coast of
, VWT California in Magdalena ba
"fch 11. The commanding officer,
"eutenant Commander Jamee rt.
M. and tftnlisted men lost their
. In sttempting to leave the
sun Ivors erprtrted that the
01 tWO. H S rulnnsrlna offl
and Harry W. Gllles. seaman
"a ms, were watted to the beach
id Weri, Hlrfed there. Com-
"tier Webb's body and that of Sea
n Joseph Kauffman had not been
1 I
""h Wag ho!r, 1,-.... .I,.
u Tle night of the disaster was dark.
m!T and with a heavy sea, accord-
10 ,n men. and their first warn
' of trouble was when the -
"Tended. The H-t was about 400
oenma and
tni when the Matatlan left, but
her lookouts saw
was In trouble so thr
caused the H i ta change
carry no small boats. Therefore tne
H-! could give no aia, ana me
. . .1 1 nwn nhilltv
crew had to reiy """
as swimmers to reach tne snore oi
Redondo Point The vessel was about
400 yards from shore, lying head to
. . . Knw afloat.
sea ana ner siem - -----
The conning tower was openeo. me
crew ordered out of th submarine, and
the men, swimming alone or aiding
each other, all made the shore with
minn of the three enlisted men
who were found to oe miasms
a check was made ashore, and who
were believed to have perished In their
efforts to reach land;
Commander Webb was washed over
board from the conning tower, where
he was directing the movements of the
crew. The night was so dark that ef
forts to ail him were unavaung.
McNarv Shoe Probe
Bill Wins Approval
Washington. March
McS-ry. resolution
prices wa """"
.,1 ;mlav bv senate eom-
A dispatch to the Times trom Abo
Monday announcing the arrest ot tne
man on board a Finish steamer said
he had English. American and German
passports and diamonds and money
aa-ereeating a large sum. Also there
was found on him. accoraing to xne
dispatch, soviet propaganda literature,
cuunlngly prepared photograph films,
reduced to the size of postage stamps,
and a very small compass.
' Iiullrfted In Chicago.
John Reed, editor of the Voice of
Labor, said to be the party organ of
the communist labor party In the Cni-
te4 States, was indicted In Chicago,
along with a large number of other al
leged radicals, last January, charged
with conspiracy to overthrow the gov
ernment by force In violation of the
state syndicalism act.
Previously he was reported to have
sailed from New York on his wify to
Russia to Join the bolshevik!. While
In Russia, It was asserted, it was mm
Intention to arrange for closer affilia
tion between the Russians and their
sympathizers In the United States.
u.e.1 was born In Portland, Or., and
Is about 82 years old. He is said to be
a close friend of both Lenlne and Trot
sky. In February of last year ne ap-1
peared before the congressional
mittee at Washington Investigating
propaganda and defended the Kusman
soviet government.
Is Portland Man.
Portland, Or., Mar. 18. John Reed
Is the son of the late C. J. Reed and
Mrs. Reed, who is a resident of Port
land. The elder Reed was onre t'nl
ted State marshal for Oregon. John
Reed left here about l0a and after
wards graduated from Harvard. There
after he traveled widely. Once he
toured Mexico and obtained some In
terviews with Villa and his aides which
were published in this country.
Ebert In Berlin
Londkn. Mar. 18, President Ebert
arrived 1ft Berlin last night, according
to a telephone message received by
the Amsterdam correspondent of the
Exchange Telegmpn uom m w.
t-Htin raDltal.
President Kbert has orrterea in.
Imperial court at Lelpslc to bring act-
ion again me ira or ; ' t
nun, t-'i ! . , ,
wits Gottlieb Von Jagow,
Troths and Captain Erhardt. the cor-
respondent said.
London, March IS. The London
Times understands tliat telegrams
from a well informed source In Berlin
received In London Wednesday con
vey the Impression that the situation
In Germany is serious. The question
as to what particular government
shall hold office that ot Ebert or
possibly some niresh combination Is
thought in some quarter to b of
Iami liimortance than th menane of
extreme suclallsts and communist
actlvttlec '
Signs of this art hot wanting, say
The Times, and the action ot some of
the international socialists In Joining
the workmen's councils Is regarded
as Important.
It ' Is also stated" that Noske con
siders the Bpartacans outrage in
some of the province as serious. No
confirmation of ths reported resigna
tion of Chancellor Kap, The Times
adds, has been received In official
cirislea in London, but there I ground
for believing that his action may in
part be ascribed to loss of nerve. He
mav also have been Informed oy news
of the great deiuoiiBtrtttion lit Colonue
Monday to protest against his gov
ernment which was attended by ?00,-
000 people, -
Paris, Mar. ,18. Official advices
from Berlin today describing condl-1
tlons there last night said the pub
lic place ot the city were filled with
crowd in an ugly humor. The mili
tary seemed to be ot a panicky dis
position. Many of the Baltio troops,
the advices added, had Joined forces
with the Independent socialists wno
were reported to have 12,009 armed
men at their command.
The forelan office reports declared
tht the Von Yuettwlt party, under
cover ot the Spartacan movement,
nilMvnrlnaf to form a coalition
ministry., including Independent o
ciallsts, According to this plan, Lieu
tenant General Herthold Von Deim
llng, who was one ot ths active copi
'mander on the Verdun front, was
slated to be chancellor.
The Snartacan movement was re
ported continuing In the suburbs of
Rerlln. but the Impression was
Its strength was being exaggerated by
th military element which was using
th. menace as a weapon in dealing
with other parties In an eriori 10
force them to permit Us cooperation
in the formation of a new ministry.
Report that a soviet government
hri hn nroclatmed in Berlin were
denied by the delegations. Calm pre
vailed there, Its members declared.
New York, Muf. 18. Ht-rbert Hoov-
. . 1 1 Kl ntf-
er In a iaimem iu
fice here today, advocates early ratifi
cation of the peace treaty "so loiS as
the final form gives us freedom ot c-
tion and room for construction aeveiop
ment of peace," and with reservations
which "should satisfy the moat timid
a to eniangit!mem. n
was Issued, It was explained, W re
sponse to a request of the Washington
Star for his views on the subject. ,
Mr. Hoover's belief that the reserva
tions "do not destroy the possibility of
the creation of a potent objection t
mitigate the danger in front ot us and.
the alternatives are a continuation of
our state of war for another year or .
the unthinkable thing, for us to make
separate peace after w have gone so
far as to agree on It main lines wiu
its comrades in arm."
Despite th feline ot President Wrt
and his associates that th
strength of the league is somewhat un
dermined" by the reservations, Mr,
Hoover expressed the opinion "thef
also should accept' them.
"Regardless of what any of ue think
should have been the provisions of
either the league or the treaty," he as
serted, "we and the world should not
be kept waiting longer for a settler
meuU" . - ' .,...-'
Cellltinilans Busy.
San Franclsoo, Mar. 18. Petltleni
to place on the May primary ballot the
names of the candidate seiecieo ny
th Hoover republican club of Califor
nia for delegates to the republican na
tional convention wer put on th
streets of San Francisco, Los.Angolest
and Oakland today, Ralph P. Merrttt,
campaign manager for the club, an
nounced, here today.
Headquarter for the campaign will
be occupied here tomorrow and In
Los Angeles a few days Inter, It w
announced. . - ,
XI m It I, TVotio Withdrawn
m.,.,r,l,im. Mar. 18. General Von
'.LuettwlU, who commanded the troops
ha. left Berlin with hi. armed forces.
according to a wirii....
ceived from Benin i
...... hefore his withdrawal
I"" ... ' of the Kapp military
irom "' - . ,
Disabled Troop
Ship Repaired
And Away Again
San Francisco, March IS. Follow
ing repairs necessitated by a fire In
her bunkers and leaks which de
veloped on the high ea the United
State army transport Mount Vernon
cleared from ner for Vladivostok at
4 30 a. m. today.
The repair wer expedited and the
Mrs. Chaplin Not
To Allow Charlie
To Escape Her
Lo Angeles, Cat., March 18. Mrs.
Mildred Harris Chaplin, wife of Chaf
les Chaplin, motion picture comedian,
will take "court action" unless her hua
hand return to her, according to an
Interview in th Los Angeles Examln
er. Mr. Chaplin, according to tn
Rxumlner. said she had not e her
husiiad for two weeks.
At the Chaplin residence last night
a woman who said she was Chaplin
secretary denied there was any dlt
ficulty between Mr. and Mrs. Chaplin
and aald they wer living together.
Ho:?iid Llciuy
Soon Is Prcr.::a
American Draft
Evaders Facing
Trial in Mexico the Spartacan
. ,tinn of a soviet republic
under possible moment In
formation the might reach Vladivostok on
llot oi The p'olitikenApri. I, the army tran.por
uci "
n IT.rnftttt
In Berlin, propu--' " , ,ronMhlD cWttl at the earliest
leauer, - ( . ( .
on or about
t service
It is expected by service executives
her that the Mount Vernon will re
turn her with her detachment of
rrho-Blovak troop, which ahe will
take out ot Siberia for
home and ten will clear for Trieste
by wuy of th Panama canal.
Giant Sandstorm
Brings Havoc to
Colorado Towns
Gasoline Price
Advance Without
Reason Is. Claim
Kterl!.g. Colo., Mar. 18.-Northea.t-
ern Colorado Is 1"
day under dense ciouos oi
.and while underfoot the contour of
the y Pflrle. is changing hour
Large drifts of sand have bloekea
country roads while "'minuttve I Mf.
wr, driven under doors and
through crevice, of widows
The high wind, wnicn mi.
midnight for the flrt tlme since Sun
day wer driving wtth renewed vigor
Pioneer Woman Dies,
. w .e w TT Ji,m have been blown dow and win-
At Llfe-LOng HOme hr.k.n. Thousand.
Mr Margaret A. France, who d-e- ofe of winter
Tuesday, following a n,1)ably Will reach million.
.....j -ii v nr. the home east of the los proiaoi mii
Sa.em where the end came. She -"- ,, r;dpnoe here"": :,!l;.nd h. Ram.den.ical. no sandstorm, of similar propo,
died in 1900, and a few years later she Ulon. Mir ,
w married to vt. n- rram.-, "i." " ., ,.- inter
dfed in 114. ! ' f KaW ' 'I".-,", 'w.f ores, burdening the public.
Mrs. France, leaves four children, j rupted tne ;7;- , sported t
Mrs. Edith Gage of Portland R.y C. 1 assort on. J nj
of wanon ew.iT. .(- r..M lhr,.h ,
tih tn canauian rm ur
lied it. member with meir posiu i
Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, March
18. According to official . advices
from Hermoslllo this morning the
two alleged American draft evaders,
Edward Fllmore and Herman Sid
way, giving their address as New
York city, and who were last week
taken Into custody by secret agents of
th Mexican government and charged
with conspiracy In furnishing anus
and ammunition to warring tribe of
Yaaul Indians, have been ordered re
. ".-...'moved to the city of Mexico, where
ir.i,... i. , ... . ..... In f-d,,rHi
inr win law . ...
court. Th prisoners, since their ar
rest on the tenlh of this month, have
been confined la. Jail at Hermoslllo.
The American wer apprehended In
the southern part of Sonora near the
stat line of Chihuahua with two auto
loads of ammunition, which, accord
ing to the prisoners, had been turned
over tothem on th west coat for de
liver t a certain snoi on the Sonora
San Francisco, Mar. 18. The state chlhuahUa stat line, where It was to
railread commIion ha branded a j,, turned over to agent, who,
Inadequate" the .reason assigned oy . u 1(1 ciamed by the prisoners, are
Salem is destined to have a first
class hospital In the near future If all
signs do not fall, so F. B. Wede!, presi
dent of th Salem Dsrnneiw H'Mplt
association, advised a representative
of The Capital Journal today.
On December 3. 1910. Balem
nenraneis Hospital OPnc Ha flair
on tho ground now occupied by that
Institution on Kimlh Winter street mm
since it began it work It has grown
steadily and now find. Its establish
ment entirely inadequate to meet the
demands for service. The prearnt
pltal affords accommuUaiiofis for 3J
beds, alt of which are jiecupled prac
tically all of th time, and an excellent
sm-gerv In whloh apprfrtlmately 03
operation have been performed dur
ing the last year. Th hospital I sn
Institution devote'l to the care, main
t.nmce and nursing of th sick, !
Jured and physically Intlnn, and th
ministration to tn poor ana ne.i
who require special attention, and
much work of a charltaui nature 1
done by the Institution, which Is oper
ated under the auspice, of the Men
noulte church, although Its work I
non-sectarlan and all people are en
titled to It privilege. '
To meet the demands for larger
service the association Is raising fund
for the erection of a new hospital to
cost spproxlmately $60,000, and which
la to b modfrn In every particular.
Work has already commenced on thl
new building and the management ex
pect, to have It finished and ready for
nntlents by the first of October next.
Th Salem IMacnnes Ho.oll lumn.
elation has been regularly Incorporat
ed under the laws of the stale of Ore
gon, and Its duration I perpetual. Uit
should It be dissolved. It equipment
does not belong to anv Individual btit
it to be used exclusively for charltaui
work under the direction of a commit
tee designated by the Monnonlw
church for that purpose.
the Standard Oil ompany of Califor
nia for sharp Increases In the price of
gasoline and fuel oil.
In a strongly worded letter to K. R.
Kingsbury, president of the company,
the commission demanded that he
make full explanation to the public re
garding the necessity for the advances.
The commission asserted that the In
crease In price of crude oil would ne-,
representatives of leader of the new
revolution to b launched under in
i..ri.rhin of Francisco Villa and
Felix Plat.
Corvallls school children will engage
In a paper drive lhl month and nt
for the purpose of raising money for
the school library.
Two hund-
r-.t xtn- is (P.v The Associated Press)
of cewrttate an Increase oi eu-cir.v ... rf . ' h h-v t)pPn attending; the fair at L-CipsiC, nave
in California to a total of several red American" WnO nave DtH n mrr,rrl-
mii.ion dollar., and declared that ; telegraphed and telfphonea k;:iri,;M
- I it mt b -itistified on the ground;. V,, wherA thev describe conditions as dangerou 10
. - ..... . I W ,M"..( - 1 . t linnvlhllia
storm that this private control is,.,
end that It Is not unduly or uniainy
tion of shoe.
r. ,i Pnrtiand and Carl Rams-1
. vr.n Kh Is also Kirvlved r connection
aen u - j,urftlon UPI'
bv three brolnera, k- ""'f"! , ... ,
Buena Vista. E. G. Murph, of White-Hhe world, news
son and C. C. Murpny or romanu, ,
a half-sister, Mrs. Mamie Hurlburt of;
Interment was Thurslay afternoon
at the J"i I ct"--t"rT-
18. The Finnish I
their lives.
London, Mar. 18-An artillery battery at ; Wet er wetpn8
iTl uA .ir hv Rnartacans. according to an offioai
H.irrv Learned ha. ben re-elected
chief of The Kail's voluntr fir A"
partment. Jam Pa!mer is assistant
i: v,. i,. Mnni nut hv Rnartacans. according
Soutlaervi. north oi :a the Clliccrs OI me oauery biiu iicmi,
Lake I-adoga and retire In a norm
west direction to Porajaervl, accord
ing to an offl'ial staument of the
Fmnish general staff, which report
d rer fighdns with the boltihe
viifi yesterday.
Fanaa City Mo Mar. 18. William LaTrasse. notonous
bantmS SUU the Kansai, t
Kansas, in 1915, has been arrested and is on his way win to i-
- -- - - -- - v&r-
" irtsnna of (h tj'p cf th R-l