Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Argentina Capital
"Not Whatlt Used
To Be," Lid Is On
... c k.uou., ) uara in as among tne most Industrious and centage of tinted yellow and
, Hii"iiion 10 popu- tnritty on the Islands, and their chil
muon as mere were in .ew lork lnidren readily become Americaniied.
pre-proniouion days, in these bars,
tnirsty Americans arriving from the
I'nited States find familiar drinks.
Tht "Manhattan," "Bronx" and
"Clover Club" cocktails are as wvll
known by game names as in New
York. The Martini" however is
nere called a "San Martin" which la
Each of the five mines owned and
worked by the great De Bers company
In the Kimberly district produces dia
monds with well marked characteris
tics. The Kimberley mine yields a
the name of one of the patriots of good PereentaSe f white and many
Argentine history.
Thrifty Spaniards
Leave Hawdiians
for United States
Honolulu, T. H., March 16. Only
twelve hundred Spaniards remain of
huve',he 8'000 brought, to Hawaii in 1917
yeiiow stones. uutoispan mine is
famed for its large yellow diamonds.
At Bultfontein small white and spot
ted stones are common. From the
Wesselton mine come many beautiful
deep orange-colored diamonds, while
the De Beers mine shows a good per- j
stones. The Premier mine (Transvaal)
yields a large number of "off-colored"
stones. The Cullinan diamond was of
exceptional purity. From the Jagers
fontein mine in the Orange Free State
the fume us bluish-white stones are de
rived. The diamonds found in Ger-
j man Southwest Africa are small and
yellowish in color.
Buenos Aires. March K. Buenos
Aires, which once had the reputa
tion of being a "wide open" city and
"gayer than Paris" is "not what it
uwd to be" In the opinion of many
travellers who were here before the
war and have returned recently.
The gayety is still here, they say,
but It Is more decorous aand mean
time the lid has been clamped upon
many resorts In which the worst sort
of license was wont to flourish open
ly. Public gambling places have been
-uIma tiMrilied. riisyolute women
been driven off the streets, and . be-1 from Spain as sugar plantation work-
glnnlng this year the police have be- ". according to T. F. Sedgwick, bjon
gun the suppressslon of houses of HI orary vice-consul for Spain,
fame. The ciaim is made that Buenos) By dozens, scores and hundreds.
Aires Is today cleaner morally than the Spaniards, who were brought here
ever before in its history, due to the by the territorial Board of Immigra
"reform" regulation of a recent city I Won, have left for the mainland, the
administration and continued by the. 'majority headed for California,
present one. . ! .. I A dozen years ago these thrifty
Cnburcts Low Class -' Spaniards arrived as . immigrants of
The city council also a few days the peasant class packed aboard big
ao passed an ordinance imposing a' freighters. Most of them were poor
tax of 20,000 pesos annually ' on anl some were in actual want,
cabarets, which Is expected to put- - Now hardly a ship leaves for the
some of the lower class places out of mainland without some of these same
business. La Epoca, the government i Spaniards aboard and, say the steam-j Dyspepsia Tablets are well supplied ing auto-intoxication
organ, in approving uie measure, re- vl Kenuitr, nicy uivuriuuiy iravei " imfsiiimi uigeaiaut so mail STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS
iers o tne tsuenos Aires cabarets as i c'ss J.. ...L f. " you contain among other! powerful di
t-KiuuilHUlUCWllB VI CUri'UpilOn Una uvw wuu cihuiwjcu incus icgin "icw caatMiuai, UUUriSIilllKi poutivoa a Biiholanr.0 nnllarl
Inlstinal. Indigestion!
. :" ' ' ' . .. . v . r
A torm oi Dyspepsia Usually Resulting from the Inability
to Digest S'archy Food
A great many people re severely! In a complaint of this character
bothered with Intestinal indigestion; many persons use paragoric, bis
due to the fact that the Btarcjiyj muth and tannin to relieve the
foods, such as potatoes, rice, white diarrhoea, all powerful astringents
ureaa, eic, are digested in the small and they stop the trouble suddenly
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Overmire Steel CoaSS
"c W Btx-k for r .. I""
I-BEAMS. fro to 24 lnci . wua, SbW.
K CHANNELS, from , fo M '
ANGLES, Sxa inches , ui5l ,0 M
ANGLES, JxSH Inches to 7xSU,to M 'fe
V. M. PLATES, 8 to 24 Inches! .j "
Manufacturer, of Tanks, BoUer8, R CTE PUx
W for nj C
East Water Street ana Hawthorn '
intestine and not in the stomach as
is generally supposed.
To relieve this condition Stuart's
"locking up" the morbid secretions,
throwing the toxic intestinal poison
back on the system, and often caus-
demands that minors be
tfinied "cabarets" in Buenos Aires
are merely dance halls with an
orchestra, and, with one or two
ceptlons, are poorly furnished. Drinks
are Herved, but there are none of the
entertainment features which made
the caburet successful In the United
Slates. Here and in the restaurants,
both of which are open nil night, is
where most of Buenos Aires "gayety1
, Theatres and moving picture bouses
do not close until IS or 12:30 o'clock.
as line as two o clock numerous
restaurants and cafes are still filled
with men, and some women, with
orchestras or electric pianos going
tun blast, streets In the guy life
district are still brilliantly Hunted
taxicabs flit about and the sidewalks
have many strollers. What is culled
"revelling" in the restiiurnrts, is,
however, not In evidence. The pa
trons sit and listen to the music, eat
or sip their wine or other drinks, but,
as an American observer put it,
"there are no high Jinks."
It Is considered that a prohibition
movement In Argentina would find a'
very strong sentiment to overcome.
Recent despatches from the United
Blales telling of the Intention of
North American prohibitionists to in
vwla South America did not appear
to cause much concern here where in
dulgence In some sort of alcoholic
liciuor Is almost universal. The news
papers Ignored the despatches edi
torially. One entire province, Men
dimii. Is devoted to the wine Industry,
and Just us In the Latin American
countries of Europe, the drinking of
wine seems to be regarded almost its
natural us the drinking of water.'
prohibited their departure,
1 -I
a tin,
them regret niay eat these essential,
for they are classed foods without distress.
In the small intestine the pancre- starchy foods
nv-to upun me Biaruues una
ordinarily, in a state of health, pos
sesses the power of converting them
into grape sugar and dextrine
htarch must be so transformed be
fore it can be of use to the bodily
economy. Remaining as unchange
starch, it either passes through th
alimentary canal, and proves a use
less burden to the system, because i
resists absorption, or It causes in
testinal Indigestion, the food , prod
ucts becoming acrid through putre
faction, which often sets up a
catarrhal inflamatlon of the in
testine, resulting in diarrhoea.
to eai?
and how to get them.
Just a little yard, a little
time, a little care: and to
be sure of results, a plant
ing of Morse's Never
Failing Seeds. The kind
professional market gar
deners use.
Five cents a packet at grocer,
florists, drug and hardware
itorei, etc., everywhere.
C t. MORSE & CO.
Optrolor. of World', Larw..t S..d Farm.
129darktSL San Francisco
thoroughly digests
in the small Intestine
thus preventing intestinal Indigestion
These tablets also contain calcium
carbonate, which is a mild though
effective sub-astringent, and which
by its antiseptic properties removes
the intestinal poisons that are always
present in inttestinal Indigestion and
Not only are the starches digested
by the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, but through the action of
other indigestion and dyspepsia. Buy
a package from your druggist today
for 50 cents and note the sense of
relief that follows in short order.
For Sale
By owner. Located at 876 North 14th street, large lot,
plastered, dutch kitchen, panelled dining room, buffet built
in, book cases built in, fire place, large mirrors in bedrooms
furnace, cement basement, large room in basement, plaster
id, also fruit room, massive cobble-stone fillers in front,
garage with cement drive. If you are looking for a home
this will please you. Owner will be on premises Wednesday
and Thursday, Can give possession at once. Price $5500.
The New In Spring Suit
"Why is it, with so many
brands of corn flakes
offered to the public,
Post Toasties outsell
all therest?
The answer is in every dish of
this wholesome, satisfying and
pmoxe-pieasino xooa.
excel through sheer merit
Every packageis identical with every
other package in .oyality; and the de
mand is so great they are always fresh.
PostjQasties.are a substantial food;
not thintasteless wisps, hardly recog
nizable in flavor; but a robust food of
high quality; v
No Wonder Post Toasties are Paramount
... . . ..
, Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Cre.ek, Michigan..
And Poplk
There is an air of jaunty Ej
distinction to these suit, that
strikes a note of y0uthfulnes8
while not destroying the perfat
lines that are found in th bet
suits. The new shades of copes,
navy, reindeer and taupe pi,
dominate and the styles art
varied that the most capricious
buyer can surely please her
There are certain things you should know and remember. The value of attentive and interested
service is of marked importance. Our saleswomen are able and glad to give you expert advice
as to material and cut of the suits shown here and they will take a personal interest in as
sunng you of the utmost satisfaction. This parsonal service is always to be found at Shit
leys. ... .... r
Prices Range from $29.75 to $125.00
It is the cor
set that makes
the suit
r 'fi ! -
Warner and
- Corsets -
fiH V
s k
V "iniii y f-
Black velvet calf, English or
round toes, all " Goodyear
welts and white oak soles, ex
cellent fitting qualities, "Un-
lon Made" $5.65 t0 S10
Vici kid, broad toe, comfort
shoes for older men in either
leather or Neolin soles,, priced
$8.00 ' 10.00 -
Sayf Man!
Those new Spring Styles for men
who enjoy being correctly dressed.
There's a marked tendency for rich
colors. We are featuring the new
lastsy in cocoa brown and cherry red
and many new styles in black.
There's a beautiful tony red Russian calf with beaver,
buck top, English last, very swell and $12.50
high grade. Price only ...,
" A very elegant tony red English lace, finest $1 2.00
quality, beautiful fitting at -
For the middle aged man there's a tony red calf com
posite toe that fits the foot, looks fine $12.00
and dignified, at only --.
Similar blacks at a little lower prices.
Shoes For Heavier Service
Brown or black double soles built to stand the wear
$6.00 40 $8.00
Satisfactory Shoes For Men
167 North
3m. AMHMKMMMVasnif M.aa i
Tim I II " ift I' I tis .Tin