Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    fAGt: six
Quintet Clinches
Honors of League
Won Lost
Anderson-Brown - T 2
Capital National t i
Hauser Bros. i 4
V. S. National 1 S
Upsetting the dope (or the second
time, the JIauaer Pros, quintet de
feated the Capital National bank five
It to 10 in the closing games of the
Commercial basketball league last
night at the Y. JI. C. A. The other
game between the league leaders and
the cellar champs ended with a score
of 26 to IS In favor of Anderson and
Hauser Bros, and the Capital Na
tional five played a hard fought clean
game, only two fouls being called on
either side. Springer and Hulsey cap
tains of the opposing teams were the
big point getters, both of whose ag
gressive playing is a pleasure to
watch. The Anderson-Brown team Is
a well balanced combination, and
their team work was the feature of
the second game.
Laxt night's games marked the end
of the series, leaving Anderson-Brown
In first place, Mauser Bros, and the
Capital National bank tied for sec
ond berth and the V. 8. National
bank' brlnping up the rear. The pe
culiar feature of the series was that
though the Capital National bank
ties for second place, they were the
only team successful in beating the
league leaders two games out of three
Next Tuesday night at the Y. M.
C. A. all members of the league will
meet and review the season's battles
while enjoying u banquet given in
their honor,
Basketball And
Football Stars
Given Sweaters
Jn the annual award day exercises
at Willamette university last ingot
eleven football men and six basket
ball men were awarded sweaters and
certificates. A cup was presented to
Bernard Kamsay for giving to the
football squad the best service ren
dered by any man who did not earn a
letter and a four year blanket was
awarded to Harold Dimick, -who. be
sides playing football four years, has
won 'awards in four athletics. Paul
Wapato received the "Bar W" pin for
oratory, and Paul Flegel a sweater
for yell king.
President Basler of the "W" ulub
presided, and introduced Coach Mat
hews, wha spoke of the "W" club and
athletics. Attorney A. F. Flegel of
Portland, a member of the board of
trustees, gave the address of the eve
ning on "Power to see the unseen.'
The varsity quartet sang a selection
"Song of the Bow." Austin Ftegel.
several years ago athletic manager at
Willamette, was called upon for
short talk, after which President
Doney presented the awards.
Following the award day exercises
the "V" club held Its annual banauet
at the Hotel Marion. President Doney
was toastmnster. Speeches were made
by Hendricks, who played fullback
for Willamette In 1915; Don Randall
another alumnus, football captain
elect Rarey, President Basler of the
"W" club. Coach Mathews, basketball
captain Wapato, Clare Gillette, Har
old Dimick and A. F. Flegel.
The men who received the "W"
for football are Rarey, Basler, Vin
son, Zeller, Day, Lawson, 11. Dimick,
Tobie, Wapato and Irvine.
Basketball sweaters were awarded
to Gillette, R. Dimick, Wapato, Jack
son, Mckittiick and Rarey.
(ini.; won't rid
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
nrvuj apply. It at night when retir
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gently with the finger
lo this timiglit. anil by morning,
most If not all. of your dandruff will
be gone uml three or four more ap
plications will completely dissolve
ind entirely destroy every single sign
nd trace of it, no matter how much
dandruff you may have. '
You will find, too, that all Itching
mm UIKKIMK Ol lllf Bruip Will Slop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, silky ami soft, and look
nnd feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid nrron at any
drug storti. It is inexpensive and nev
er falls to do the work. (Adv)
The Inhabitants of the Balkans, for
lack of other garments, frequently
wear Red' Cross pajamas as Sunday-go-to-
meetin' clothes.
Bearcat Teams
Select Captains
For Coming Yearl
Paul Brown was elected captain of
the williamette university baseball
team and Robbin Fisher captain of
the track team at meetings of the lot'
ter men in those sports yesterday.
Brown was elected in place of "Fros
ty" Olson, who has left school. First
turnouts for candidates in both of
these sports are scheduled' for this
The prospects of a winning baseball
team are promising, as nine letter
men will turn out. Behind the bat
Brown and Basler will vie for a berth
and in the infield R. Dimick, Davles.
McKittrtrk and Austin are experienc
ed men. Story and Wapato are the old
outfield men. Harold Dimick and
Spiess are the experienced pitchers.
but It is possible that neither will be
able to turn out There la a wealth of
promising material in the freshman
class, from which a squad of, pitchers
can probably be recruited, as well as
men who will make a strong bid for
infield and outfield positions. Fisher,
Ohling and Dimick are the letter men
in track, but. several of the new men
are high school winners.
decoration which will create that at
mosphere which carries with it spring
time, music and flowers. The affair is
sponsored and financed by the fresh
man class.
Freshman Glee
Big Event Of Year
Willamette university will stage the
big event of the year from the view
point of the people of Salem Friday
night in the armory. Pan and all ol
his elfin troop will be there and sweet
Orphean strains will fill that edifice
with melodious harmonies, for the
musical spirit of Willamette will be
At that time the four classes will
vie with one another for song suprem
acy. There will be that intense mo
ment Just before the Judges' decision
Is rendered, and then the victorious
class will carry away the pennant In
triumph. By this custom Willamette
annualy heralds In the coming spring.
This year the freshman class has plan
ned an unusual and original form of
MM t t
More than 20,000 persons In the
1 'lilted Hates took Red Cross first aid
courses during 191. '
Valley Motor Co.
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
Big Inter-Class
; Series Finished;
Frosh Five Wins
The freshman basketball team of
Willamette university won the inter. 1
class championship by defeating the
Juniors 29-17 in the final game of the
series yesterday. The game was hard
fought and fast, the teams exhibiting
more teamwork than they displayed
in the preliminary games. Superior
guarding won for the first year men.
The clever passing of Davles and Fish
er of the juniors was not good enough
to get by W. Socolofsky and Thomas
Ganians got most of the points for the
rooks on long shots, Ellis being also
lucky in this regard.
Freshmen Ganxans (9) and Ellis
(S) forwards; Stone (6), center;
Thomas (5) and W. Socolofsky,
Juniors Davles (3) and Fism?r (12)
forwards; Easier (4), center; E. Soco
lofsky and Lyman, guards.
Referee Mathews.
San Jose, Cal.. Mar. 17. The Ore
gon Agricultural college baseball club
lost the first game of their California
tour Tuesday afternoon when they
were beaten. 9 to 2, by the University
of Santa Clara.
R. II. E.
Santa Clara 9 12 4
Aggies 2 6 6
The Oregon Agricultural college is
to play Stanford university March 17
and 18; University of California
March 19 and 20, and the Sacramento
Coast league club at Sacramento
March 21.
A Prosoerous Year for
Who Use Fordson fracfors
Opportunity for the Farmer was never as er
today. srcat flij.
The demand for all kinds of Farm Pmi t
PRICES makes it imperative to work eZT
acre . y av!l
It can be 'done with Modern Methods.
Indianapolis, Mar 17. Personal in
dorsement of the American Legion by
Samuel Clompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor is con
ained in a letter from Mr. Goinpers
to Frank B. Wilkin, secretary of the
nion labor council of Needles, Cal.,
according to an article printed re
cently in the Needles Nugget, a copy
of which lias been received here.
During the demobilization period the
25 Red Cross canteens In the North
west gave 75,000 newspapers to serv
ice men.
Highest Award r
World's Fair
De Voe's Extra
Quality Scotch Snuff
.bold Exclusively by
We Want To
Talk Power
Farming To
:,; Progressive ,
Farmers !
Come in and
Look at Our
Fordson Ap
,' proved
Y 0
r r - - hi i -v., n H
' 1
rA Fordson Tractor makes it possible to work the am
the proper time; to be more or less free from ih?C
ai ine proper time; to oe more or less free from they
wc? vi iuuur, unu uo au mis wun less physical druk
than is possible under the old methods.
Join the 'Army of Satisfied Fordson Owners
alley Motor Co.
Power F arming Specialists
The Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Rest:
Chandler Leads Because of
Its Real Worth
TT Is easy to boast and make claims and to so magnify mere
J" incidents that they may appear as mighty events. It is easy
to paint Jn the colors of exaggeration.
Chandler advertising has never carried boasts or unfounded
nssertions to the public. It has never extolled some single per
formance as final evidence of superiority.
The Chandler Six Is so distinctly the leader among medium
priced high-grade cars because of its own worthiness, which for
sales purposes does not need the support of exaggeration.
Chandler worthiness ties primarily, of course, from its
great chassis, light, strong and enduring,- featured by the
famous Chandler motor developed throughout seven years of
constant manufacture with no change of type of design, but
with refinements and developments which have kept it lonis
strides ahead of any other six.
This Isn't a claim. It's a fact, and over sixty thousand
Chandler owners would tell you so if you could ask them. ,
Six handsome bodies, splendidly built and finished, are
mounted on the one standard Chandler chassis.
J?theT cars of some similarity are H,
listed at hundreds of dollars more ! 1
J 4
Sevrt-r st,ntr Touring Car, $1895 ' Tour.fas,tntt Ruhttr, Sim
rour-rmsinger Dispatch Car, tl97S
Sn.rM,ng,r Sedan. IMS Tour.fMKnitr Coup. SJ79$ limvutinttim
UHhUmf. t. k Omhii. OH
, - -- -m
Pl nri r t
, mowr uar company
m commercial bt., Salem.
The World's-' Largest Production
of Tires on the Smaller Cars Alone
We call attention not so much to the size of
this average daily production as to the extent
of the effort we put into the making of these
30x3-, 30x3V2-, and 31 x4-inch sizes.
The separate factory we have devoted to
their manufacture is not only the largest of
its kind in the world, but i- makes fully
effective that experience and resourcefulness
which have produced the tires most popular
on the higher-priced cars. .
No tires bearing the Goodyear name contain
a higher relative value than these tires for
Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell and other
cars requiring the sizes mentioned.
If you own one of these cars, go to the near
est Goodyear Service Station Dealer for these
tires and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes.
He has them.
30x3'i Goodyear Double-Cure er
Fabric, All-Weather Tread 23
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube are thick, itrong tube A
rcinrorce casings properly. Why risk a gooa ".
cheap tube I Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more
303 Goodyear SinKle.Cure rn T.T1 Goodyear HeavT Tounst Tubes com
Fabric, Ami-Skid Tread. Z 1 52 than ,ube f merit. 30 x 3'2 k " ",e" $4
A. proof bag ,,,