Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    tsDAY. MARCH 17, 1020.
M Events At'
With other Salem business mea he ha ! T
converting the demand for t
vertising into hard dollars for the par
vftf March l -io on tw n,w feni
1 v. ,k. earin' of the AIlhouR t Bishop 15 to paint!
, ... saiem business i
men are buying space at enough mar
gin to purchase a tew boards f the!
wT , T ,r hieh l" WMhlnpo War. it-Nearing the
Thoi0who 17 eml of his ,ong 8Ut ' -!
BlddiI Tff h.takfn dnUg m -ate investigating committee. Rear Ad-
u, ,7 "KU ut permaneat a"J aims today elaborated his
-.1 w
tor St Pa
. in
.t the armory,
jT-. vnwn aa one
Of Testimony to
Senate Probers
rJthekind of
dance orchestras in
ki niaKe - rauuj
La ' hi" nightiest.
the nisht when the
1 T Ict to make their
T: ...ffi iit funtto
team will be
and "a
is as-
tT,.... The W. VT. charges that the inadequacy of his
v . """"u"c """Pny: tne Blighisltt abroad prevented
sist him. the admiral said, and this
man with his one aid comprised his
entire London staff.
rtk to complete
. MM.
u hosts
a-ro of a tiome
Z. t. show that the baae
t dont think they are
I Jv deserving enterprise,
ii's-embers of tne team
parchased t0
. " at the ar-
' THursday night. - ,
Mi, Bi8H'.vs hat wh"
Lrt don't forget that Car
, fcwa) No. 88 i trying
'create a sic11 bneflt fund
;cnJfr te aid comrade upon
m "rioua illness has laid a
y hand.
. . . . , ... - - r" (. . . v 1 1 v v . n t .arivra i
, P'aynouses; Kafourj- Broth- months maximum efficiency in the I
.. ;:..'tvand afl"Jted States naval participation in I
'8h' of Sh9l- - . ' j"e war. He testifie that he was un-i
. "Take advantage-of the first goo('ab,e to brin the department to1
weather." -aas-a Bishop, "and run, out, f8"1"0" f the importance of his!
to the nark at 12th and Oxford " 081 and neelty for providing a
streets." The grandstand and bleach- UirKe 8taff at tn out" to compile
ers are out there as large as life, and!"'1 dlKest allied naval Information
ftha tiianager -mt- tle Senators wants iand dlrw!t t,le 8arlj' dtails of Amer-
e-erjiod.v-1ii Salem to know that they p 000Prion the was.
are getting the worth of their dona-! Admlral sim a'd he arrived in
;tiona Contractor Bahlburg announces! London AprU 1517 'lth hut one
4c j that the grandstand will be completed I aid and immdttely realising the
by Saturday, and If the dance at the i maSn'tude ot the task confronting
ik armory la a success tonight work will ! lm' oabled ,he department request-
be started at once on the new fence. that tnree additional assistants be
If you want advertising space on the ': sent him at once- Bt,for he received
Senator park fence call up Bishop at ! a"y reply he waa nlaced als Jn com-
at the Willamette Valley Transfer i mand of th destryer forc abroad.
jt': company. ind thereupon acked for three more
! If you want to help the Salem team I0"'?- , tl .,
complete its drive for funds tell Bishop ' ot pr one otticr arr,v-
ik about it or leave your donation with d a"d Was assiKned to the destroyer
' Harry Wenderoth at the Ladd & Bush ! baS at Qunstf,wn- Throughout
bank. jJune he remained in ignorance of the
" yu D?lieve 'hat Salem should ' , ' i L ,7 7 .
hiva a B.hia..., u j i further aid. the officer said. An Arn-
ment park for all occasions, pitch in I "lean civilian who had resigned
and help 'em to finish in a rush from th navy ln 1914 to enter ln
buHinees in London volunteered to as-
Sunday Schools
To Convene Here s
In Distrid Meet
Sunday. March t8. at the. Jason te
Memorial church, the Sundav srhnnt
convention of the Hayesviile. district
will be held. The following program
win maru the day observances:
S:4 Song sen ice. Devo
tional. Charles. Hageman: Reviewmg
lessons 14, Florence Fraxier; l.
sons. 5 S. Luther Cook; Lessons S IX
C. M. Roberts: Address Reverend H.
M. Humbert, general secretary Oregon
Sundav School noMnotntinn- i9.ika .
Basket dinner. After dinner talk.
Reverend RF. Humbert; l:J Song)
serv ice; . business session, nolo, Grace :
Faw-k- address, Mr. I. O. Lee; solo,
M-jbe! Maivus; address, eivrend
Thoaias Acheson; olo, Gertrude Aid
rich: announcements and closing pray
er. Reverend William Nicholl.
Full professors will receive from a '
hp's Efforts To
vote Club Cause
Jo Vary "Roles"
, the time that he has thrown
art ability and energy into the
i of a fast semi-pro baseball
r Salem, Biddle Bishop has
j is canvasser, organizer and
r. Now, the hustling- baseball
hat turned salesman is out
I road" with a good article.
Iriaing! Bishop believes in it.
t tVtWs. Cnmp. Catnrrh Re-
:Ueiei In Two Minutes
iur throat sore?
tlhe Byomeh
t you catarrh ?
uhe Hyomel.
you a ceugh?
Mb Hyomei.
tin I oold?
pshe Hyomel.
fci li the treatment fop nose-,
fan lung trouble. It doe not
1 cocaine, morphine or other
Join drug and does away with
Si dosing. Just breathe It thru
Jtle black pocket Inhaler that
twilh each outfit.
(filiate outfit costs but lltth? at
Jv Fry's or any reliable drug
kd Hyomel is guaranteed to
catarrh, croup, coughs, colds,!
Iroat and bronchitis or money
it Hyomel inhaler lasts a life
aid ratra bottles of Hyomei can
iimd from druggist for a few
i (Xdv)
r ;
is indigestion
liitKt jtomach misery, sour ttonw
dchiag and all stomach diseae. or
fbiet Large box of tableU 60
nijjiaU ia all towui.
"Father" Grammer
Non-Sectarian and Non-Catholic)
"World's" Divine Healer
rh -hi i
And teacher will lecture and
heal and teach and demon
strata the true principles of
immunity from sickness and
sorrow, at Grand Opera
House, Salem, Thursday,
March 18th to Sunday, Mar.
21, at 8 p. m. o'clock every
evening, and heal and bless
the people daily.
"Father" Grammer is mak
ing a world's tour under aus
pices of the School of Life,
and carries record of many ap
parently miraculous eases of
healing, from Colorado, Tex
as, Seattle, Portland and
many other places. Many are
healed instantly while hear-'
ing him speak. Admission
Harvard Faculty ,
Members Given j
Salary Increases
Cambridge, Mass.. March 17. Sal
aries of the teaching staff at Harvard
will be advanced from 4 ta 38 per
cent on September 1. President Low
ell announced te the faculty that the
result of the Harvard endowment
fund caniiwign had enabled the gov
erning board of the university to
draw a new scale of salaries -
hn received from Si, 509 Ui
AAA will. .,..- . . . - ,,., .,f li n.ia ... - nm, ui o.iinn ana
" . receive an annual increase of ts9
fS.oeo. whereas ap to this year they until they rnH a limit of t.&6.
have received frm t4.o tn S,50. I
Associate professors will . be paid ' To the relatives of each man who
S5.0 for five year and $5,5tl dloH vei-ses tl Red Crotw s sending
thereafter aa against an. olti rate of a pltoioui-aph of the grave.
13,680 to $4.aQ. Assistant profes-: MM RNAL WANT AIM TRT THKH
flbsl.3.v V
Similar to Cut
! 1
- ' i a
4 1 y
ill , , u
Here is a Brunswick combination of machine and
records on easy terms that is going into dozens of
homes daily. When the present stock of this Style
7 is exhausted, the same size will sell at $125.
In keeping with our policy, we. will deliver as
long as we can at the lower price.
We urge you to secure yours now. It may be
purchased, as follows:
Brunswick, any finish $115
Iwections, to the value of ----- $10-20
fy$15 downr balance at $10 monthly $125.20
It!!! a.?d send & this ad with your remittance and we will deliver free of charges to
Sales Representative, Sherman Clay Pianos
wYgu Ccnl Get Avoy ten IV
says the Good Judge
A little of the Real Tobacco
Chew gives more genuine
.satisfaction than the big
chew of the old kind.
Saves money, too because
this class of tobacco lasts
much longer. The rich to
bacco taste stays right
with it.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
E-- '
Tie Or igia!
. ma. htti
AV aad Suto.ijtS
Porlnhmt, InIidod QrowmjChndrwi Rich milk, msltsd gndg tatractin Powder
The Origins! rOod-Drinh ftrf All AgMN CLaf arii t isg - Difatiitt
Iff' S -x - t
iw in
DO YOU WAKT your friends to avoid you? They
will certainly do so when your breath is bad.
There ia no excuse for anyone having a bad
breath. It is caused by disorders of the stomach
B which can be corrected by. taking Chamberlain's
aw ma- a. a A
i ablets. Many nave cen permanently cured ot
stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after
years of suffering. Price 2$ cents per bottle.
"Mm Taylor"
M h: ...
i'll !
I lljlllii Ml H fl ' -
t ;! jlnlfihW1!!) ill
are more than making gpoos
Thefirst day of our big MINA TAYLOR INTRO
DUCTORY SALE has come and goneand ehihus-
iasm of our customers has confirmed our own belief in
the most unusual quality of this line of dresses.
No. 34803 House Drrm
Made of fine quality cambrlo
with collar, pocket, cuff
and belt trimmed with ma
terial to match the body
tripe. Each
There have been a great many en
thusiastic purchasers but there are
still a multitude of designs from which
to make a selection. So,-whatever the
colors or the styles you most favor, there
that are just right for you.
The woman who likes her frocks just
a little "different" something distinc
tive, finds that she can take real pleas
ure and pride in these unusual gar
ments. .
"Mina Taylor" Dresses
One for every occasion
V 1
There are simply cut, darkerhued dresses, just right
for household activities. Others fit in well for daintier
uses for an afternoon's wear on the porch, (or a picnic
or an auto ride.
And with their good looki goes satisfying comfort
for no less than six "comfort points" ensure your per
fect ease and comfort.
There is not much more time for you to make a choice
of the most engaging of these unusual frbeks-f or every
day narrows down the selection. Plan to come and see
them tomorrow, you'll enjoy looking at the display and
you'll enjoy even more the selection of some for your
own special needs. 1
You want the best and we have provided it at
prices no more than usual.
L ten
mI' 1 i w.
, It j
U ' 1 : ' I
. i- t.
f i
4: J. ! '
i "f '
' it
I 1 f 7 . .
N. l7 Htiwt lrtt
An ullrnrtiv frouk of flae
plaid kIiikIi'ihi, with tlitfVl!'-
culr oiKHiKly aollur, cufi
and pwkKl trimmed with
the hi'iiiHtlti lmi! ruffle anil
plirot eilK. KacU
Ladies Store
4GG-474 State St.
1 r'tBi ',trr mrwri
41C State-' St.