Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1920.
Pioneer Jurist
Of State Bench
Called by Death
The Da"
Or., March " 1". "SN'il-
Galloway, resident of Oregon
years, died here last
m at the home of his son Francis
7o!loway. He was 75 years old.
' judge Galloway had been in fall
m health since tho death ot his
L - year ago, and his passing was
t entirely unexpected, lie had gone
The Dalles last Monday.
Born in Wisconsin in June, 1S45.
lain Calloway came west across the
Si by ox team with his father and
'other at the age of T years. He
"the youngest in a family of nine.
The family settled in Yamhill county,
' the father engaged in farming.
Yamhill StJhool Taught
At the age of 1 Mr. Galloway was
. bellbov for pack trains which
Juwd the rugged trails through Ore
no, Idaho and Montana, taking sup
plies to the mining cams of the
mountain districts. -
He entered Willamette -untversltj
, jhg age of 19 and was graduated
with the class of 18C8. Following his
Khooling he returned to Yamhih
county, where 1 taught school for
leveral years and engaged in farming
with an older brother. Frank V. Gal-
'"inHT he married Miss Emma
Baker in Yamhill county, and in 1876
he was elected to the lower branch
o( the state legislature, serving for
three consecutive sessions as a np
reentative from Yamhill county. .
. He quit farming in' 1885. and in
1890 was elected county judge of
Yamhill county. He did not run for
re-election, but was the: democratic
candidate for governor of Oregon in
1894, being defeated by. William P.
Lord, republican.
Land Receiver Office Held
In 1896 he .was appointed receiver
of the land office at Oregon City
and served under the government
until 1903, when he returned to Yam
hill county. ' ' '
In 1904 Judge Galoway was elected
circuit judge of the old third judicial
district and was. re-elected in 1910.
He retired from active participation
In public life after the completion of
his second term as circuit judgw.
During his early days in Yamhill
county Judge Galloway owned ware
houses at McMinnville'and was one
of the largest grain operators in that
section of the state at that time,
Following the death of his wife a
year ago last January . Judge Gallo
way went to Salem to live with his
son, Charles V. Galloway, who was
state tax commissioner until, he re
signed last October.
Judge Cornea to Portland
When the son moved to Portland,
where he is now engaged in the bank
ing business, Judge Galloway went
there and had been living at his son's
home until he came to The Dalles to
visit his other son last week.
Judge Galloway is survived by
three children, Charles V. -Galloway,
Portland; Miss Zilpha V.. Galloway, a
medical student of I'ortland, and
Francis V. Galloway, district attor
ney of Wasco county, Charles V.
Galloway left for The Dalles last
Although funeral arrangements
have not been completed, it is prob
able that the body sent "to
McMinnvUle. where services will be
held nearly the early family home of
the pioneer jurist.
Accident Board
Work Speeded
; Acceptance of the recommendations
nade by the special committee named
by Governor Olcott to investigate the
iffairs of the state industrial accident
commission in its report of January
10. has resulted in the "speeding up"
it work In all departments of the com
mission, according to a report submit
ted to the governor's office Tuesday.
Acting under these recommenda
tions overdue contributions to the
workmen's compensation fund have
been reduced from 879.093.97 on
January 30, 1919, to 822.038.01 at the
present time; judgments against de
linquent contributors have been in
creased from 89,899.47 to 817,598.65;
the time elapsing between the date of
accident and the payment ot compen-.
sation has been reduced from 46.52
days to 23.61 days; contributions .
made more promptly than ever before
and the cooperation between contrib
uators, beneficiaries and the commis
sion has been greatly increased.
"The committee has also made a
number of minor additional recom
mendations and these have been made
effective with one exception," the re
port states. "As to this one exception
we believe a change In the law is nec
essary and the commission purposes
to present this matter when amend
ments are made to the uct in the fu
ture." - , . '
9 ' Revisions' Planned.
Portland, Or., Mar. 17. At a con
ference of employers of Oregon here
Tuesday a committee of eleven was
named which in turn will select five
men who will be recommended to Gov
ernor Ben W. Olcott for annointmrm
on a committee of 15-to revise the
state compensation act. The commit
tee of 15 will consist of five repre
senting the employers, five represent
ing labor and five representing the gen
eral public.
its loft at the seaplane
entrance of
Tugs picked up the "shipwrecked"
aviators and towed the plane back to
Pearl harbor.
Girls! Buttermilk Creates
Beauty Overnight!
Xo Fuss. Just Try it Tills Jicw-Way.
The first application of Howard's
Buttermilk Cream will astonish you.
It creates beauty almost like magic,
hut the most wonderful thing about it
Is the fact that whilst It. turns the
dullest and most lifeless complexion
to radiant boauty and makes red or
rough arms snowy white, yet there Is
not the slightest sign of its use after
application. It actually vanishes from
S'Sht and the most heated atmosphere
Ml! not produce the least shininess or
sreasiness of the skin. ...
It Is absolutely harmless and will
wither produce or stimulate the
inowth of hair. Within twenty four
hours this wonderful combination
railed Howard's Buttermilk . Cream
Till work a marvelous transforma
tion. Get a small quantity today at any
Bood drug store or toilet goods coun
ter.' The directions are simple and It
eostti so little that any girl or woman
ean affor dlt. In addition the manu
facturers authorize every druggist to
turn the purchase money unless the
rir application shows noticoablo im
provement, so be sure to try it at our
"Pens. . ' , , i - .
Pigeon Delivers
News of Airplane
Wreck to Base
Honolulu, T. H., March 16. A car
rier pigeon released from a disabled,
falling army seaplanae here recently
reached Luke Field aviation station
four miles distant with a message
telling of the mishap fifteen minutes
after the plane started its plunge.
While Lieutenants Lester J. Mait-
land and Marion Elliott and their
mechanic were over the city at an
altitude of about 1900 feet, a crank
shaft broke with . a strong backfire
that sent a streak of flame out behind
the plane for a distance of thirty feet.
As the machine headed downward
in a sharp glide, Lieutenant Elliott
scribbled a note telling of the acci
dent, attached it to the leg of a car
rler pigeon carried tor just such pur
poses and started the bird on Its
trip home to Luke Field. Fifteen
minutes later the bird lighted at the
The size of the waves of the Atlantic i
ocean has been carefully ascertained
as a result of extensive investigations
made by the officers of the hydrogra
phlc office of the fnited States navy
department. Tn height, we are assured,
theso waves usually average 30 feet,
but in rough weather they will attain
some 40 to 48 feet. During storms
they are frequently from 500 to 600
feet long and endure 10 or 11 seconds.
The longest wave measured by trje
hydrographic office officials was half
a mile, and it did not siend itself for
23 seconds.
Sixty-five high schools in Idaho, Ore
gon and Washington are correspond
ing with the schools of Chile through
the Junior Red Cross.
like thiSiv
if you wisli
No; we won't say that
Schilling - Tea - makes 300
cups or 400 cups to the
pound. : We could say more,
and could say less.
We don't know how large
your cups are, nor how
strong you like your tea,
nor what flavor you like
for instance: Ceylon-India
makes many more cups than
When we say a thing,
we like to know what we're
talking about.
isut we ttift say this; a
pound of Schilling Tea
makes so many more cups
than a pound of common
tea, that it is really cheaper
per cup.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Francisco
Flaming, Itching
Skin Diseases
Cause untold suffer
ing that could be
. , of 6ie ot Ilea) Property " ",;
: Sotlee is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Margaret Burrougns, : at
fu"llan of the person and estate of
uian D. Burroughs, a minor, pur
"J" o license duly made and enter
"e county court of the state
, Y&n for Marion county, on the
-""a day of February, 120, shall
i? and aftr " 3 1 day March
"-'. proceed to sell at private sale
r cash, subject to the confirmation
j "a'i curt, the undivided half In-
inn".0' the 8aW ward ln.nd t tn
fiZ!"8 descrHed premises, towit:
winning at the southwest corner
t number 7 In block .number 31
On, Clty ot Sa'om. Marion county.
io " runnlnK ' thence nf
n the west boundary line of t -.
twenty one and a half tet;
n east parallel -with the .south
wnndary Une of Mid lot to the weBt
block 'he aIley runnin" through said
K ' thence south , along the west
said alley, twenty one and a
aid i . t0 the "oulheast corner of
line t thence west along the south
in ald Iot to the V,ac ot beehv
k,ILubJoct to dower estate of
fiSlrt M" n-oughs therein,
as to purchase the Interest of
W tZtd ia aid ral property via
jJfewed by said guardian at her
r!f North Commercial
fro ,em- Marlon county, Oregon,
.VT nd ftr the 31st day of March
""til sold. .
d this 2d day of March, 1820.
f Jur or and estate
an D- Eurroushs, a minor.
it is now pretty generally
conceded that a great majority
of .the suffering that the nu
man family undergoes, comes
through ignorance, and hence
could be avoided. '
This sounds like a Droaa
statement, and yet it. is only
too true. So many people are
dragging through life the vic
tim of some chronic ailment
that is either misunderstood or
mistreated., when ; intelligent,
rotiAnai treatment would re
invtvum .
stre them to their : normal
healthy condition. ::
. .......
Diseases oi ine sui nre
from beneath the surface,
hence . they can be reached
only by remedies that pene
trate down lo their very
source. ,
flition of vour skin depends en
tirely upon the condition of
your blood. Hence when you are
afflicted witn wnat is common
ly called a skin disease, you
mav be sure that the real trou
ble is with your blood, and must
be treated through the blood, it
you expect real rational reliet
' v . . ....
, S. S. S. is the most saimrao
tory remedy for diseases of
the skin bocaoso it is the
mostth orough blood remedy
ever discovered. It searches
out and removes all Impuri
ties from the blood.
Mr. Joe Katorkin, a leading
furniture dealer of San Antonio
Tovfts. writes: "After bix
uik of continued use of S. S
s . and . bathing the affected
nsrtj aa directed by you. I wish
to advise you that I am wholly
relieved of the miseraoie dis
ease which has afflicted me for
mr,ri thun twelve years. I can
highly recommend S. S. S. to
nvrtn. and 1 wisn to man iuu
for the personal advice given me
in my case, whicn was positive
ly beneficial."
If you are afflicted with ec
zema, tetter, erysipelas, nng-i
tt'nrma. Dimples, acne, scaly
prtwtions. boils, irritations of
the skin, or other similar disor
And right here-lies the secret
of so much continued suffering
from so-colled skin diseases.
Simply because the disorder is
manifested by irritation, itch-,-
onri nftMi a . breaking out
i r,,Vn nt th surface
of the 'tit to ynfd f e,xpect,y
Oi ine BKin, .c h locaj appiica.
eainio pei ev., 8 Va wal' , and the sooner you dis-
SKSEr card their use. the sooner you
aisoraer. . , , ... y. the roaj to recovery,
XXC Wood remedy
A tlTmraMAv direct to the seat .of the
Sn are severe, that you trouble, and . by cleansing the,
fed LISeTto 5 almost any-;blood of all impurities and di
thinXWe?S that is why ease germs,, it keeps the skin
voufeupof local treatment of free from infection, and re
yV?Z?Jir. lha and stores it to its normal, healthy
Selves, UUl"V .. -
such remedies.
YI..A. iLAnA AmU"1 1P9
nossibly "tar. Tny Veal curative vice regarding your own case
BET uon the trouble, be- write fulbr to Chief .Medical A
cause your disease comes from viser, ut o
far below the surface. The con- lanta, Ga.-Ad.
Gives yon a
1 4 -
g V
tftA II I li II a
wjm Mm
New IDEAL-Arcola
Puts IDEAL HOT WATER HEATING comjort at low cost
in cottages, flats, or stores, with or without cellars
The IDEAL-Arcola takes the place of a parlor stove. But a
stove wastes much of its heat up the chimney, whereas the
IDEAL-Arcola is water-jacketed, and conveys its heat by hot
water circulation through pipe-connected AMERICAN Radiators
stationed in the adjoining rooms. Every bit of the big volume of heat
developed from each pound of fuel is therefore made useful in keeping
ALL the rooms uniformly, healthfully warm. There is no coal-waste.
The IDEAL-Arcola does not rust out or wear out will outlast the
building is a genuine, permanent investment!
Shipped complete ready for immediate operation
The beauty of the IDEAL-Arcola method it that no cellar is needed. Everything ii on
one floor. The Areola is placed in any room that baa a chimney connection. No run
nine to cellar. If there are two or more tenants in the building, each can have hit own
Areola and make the temperature to suit his own needs can make hit own climattt
If you do not wish at first to heat the entire building, buy a small lire IDEAL-Arcola
and later on buy extra section! for the IDEAL-Arcola and two or three more radiators
to warm more rooms. .
Simple way of heating a four-room ctllarleM cottage by IDEAL
Arcola Radiator-Boiler and three AMERICAN Radwtors.
Cleanly heating healthful heating
free from fire, risks!
Unlike itovea, there are no coal-gat leaks into the living-rooms. The
IDEAL-Arcola delivers the toft, radiant warmth of hot water not the
dry, bumt-out atmosphere of stove heating. There it no fire risk to
building no danger to children fire lasts for hours I The Areola burnt
hard or toft coal, coke, gas, or wood. Brings cost of heating down to the
lowest notch and gives IDEAL comfort.
Catalog showing open views of house, individual
flats, stores, offices, etc., with ths IDEAL-Arcola
Boiler in position will be mailed (f rat). Writs today
Any Fitter will furnish in iis ta tuit room, wis tliaaniro condition.
No. 1-1 Si.. IDEAL-ArcoU with WO w. ft. f R.JI.lion 1S
" - " ISO " " 'in
" -B " " " " " ZSO
" 4-B " " " " S50 " ' " S4T
"-"" " iJH " " 4U1
' Prlrri Includ Rrptntlen Tank and Drcln Vslve. Prlrtr c not Inrlitdr labor, sir
1 and rittknaa. Radiation it of rrsular .It-in. height 3-ttumn AMKKICAN paarlraa,
in alA ai nrrdrd to auit your room. KAIY PAYMENTS, If dairrd. Outfit
hipped tompirit t o, t. ur nterul wtr.liouta at faa Frtnaln r Sratilc.
Ipaclsl tqulrmtnt for buminr ( orollcanbtfuralthtdlf drat red, at tntr tharf .
Sold by all dealers
No exclusive agents
Phone or write ot st
1219-21 Fourth Ave.
Seattle, Wash.
Public Showroom t Chicago, Nn York. Borto Providence. Worcntar, Philadelphia. Harrtafcurf. Newark, Peadini, Wilteibarre. B.Itlmor , Waahfaotton, flrhmnael, Alba,
Sytacuor, Rochntcr. Bu8,K, Piltrfcureh, Clcvtlaud, Datroit. Grand Kapiila, Indianapolu, Ciwinnali, Louiavillr. Atlanta. Birmuiihain, Nrw Oiwwna, Milwaukat,
Slmiualrolii, St Paul, St. Loua, Kanua Citr. Da Uouiw, Oah. Oonvar, boo frauuKU, U Aiujcloa, bMUle, f urtload, tut us to, BrauUord, iOat.)
Coffee Expense
Buy the Famous
The Quality Coffee
of America
s Farther
of finest quality, some eating pota- i
tots. .
n. 8. M'NEILL CO.
261 Court street j
Thons J39 Bring us your picks.
CS. Hamilton
U9 Court Street
Hot Cross Buns
It would be like Christmas
tvithout a stocking
To think of an Easter without
Hot Cross Buns.
Delicious and wholesome thru
and thruthese arey as, we
bake them.
Better place your order early.
'Ask your grocer for
Cherry City Baking Co.