Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 16, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    53 AY, MARCH 16, 1920.
-Tcer word Ea; I
r ...... a --etui.., uur ill U II I U
It cents, one
is .nsertion-.
jBiiL ceula' Mimmu"' "M
uuu only in luflay.
in advance ana nut lag
3U ails
unless auvrUtti
monthly account
No allowauw tw.
-non " ixir
Tmuru , daughter wishes po
No" itn.iw).-Aiiiir or for house
. ,,. a-nUl family. Address P W
- aT-Journal.
rrrS for hatching. Mottled Aaconas
from rt"- ---,.
-rtting: rargei h"""" -..,.-r,,.,
uriced on application. J as
p ' Rt. $, box 253 Salem.
WANTED I will give man and wife
a rood bargain to keep house lor
j am alone. 4 miles eist ol
Salem on Garden road. 4U. T. box
SOft J.Hlay. e6h
fSK SALE- White Leghorn eggs for
hatching, Phone M1. .ts?
rARkBA8iTB W taiy and
self "rabbits of -nil kinds. Rating
i-iliti 'our. specialty. 682 Eoufh
tn St.' - - - -
tTh Chevrolet, -1017. a snap
talis at once. Call and Te ft m
1P2 Center St. q6
KOK SALE By owner, a stridtly
modern" 5 room bungalow located
nn . Com1 St- If you are interest
o.i Tn first class property investi
rite at once. Owner leaving to wh.
Cull at Paris rBos. shoe store. a
E-iin SALE 8-16 Mogul tractor. Is
class condition.. Phone Turner- 94
' , c7l
WAXTED Salesman who is travel
tiiL through tne state, to nanuie me
' bejl line of toys on the market, as
' a side issue, on a commlsaion basis
Box Salesman, care of-Capital Jour
nal, . - - - K67
foil SALE 9 room . modern house
netr capitol, has oak floors, fur
nace, fireplace, beautiful tiKturea,
automatic gas heater, electric uieih-
waslier: a handsome home and a
excellent value at '$7500.
7 room modern house hear post tf
fice. has hot water furnace, fire
place, garage, all built In features
new and of the bungalow type;
Drive JiuiOO.
6 room bungalow near state Capitol
.fine lot, basement, bath, .well ar-
rnnged and com due made a very
attractive home at ft small cost
price S4-00. Mrs. Winnie Petty-
John, -75 state street, toi. is.-
-. - J at
W'AXTEI1 A good modern honu
well located. Oive best price and
terras. Address P care Journal. i7"
LOGAXB1CRRY tips for sale. RT73
Salem. C. W. Hoffman. . oiO
FOR SALE Fresh Saanan miitt goat
only ?tf. A snap. 1586 N. apttol
; ; ei7
WANT Kl) Lute model Ford with self
starter, must be reasonable for
1 cash. State condition and whcro tr
te seen. Box Bord Capital Journal
FOR SALE White Rock
hatching. Phone 93F5.
TO EXCHANGE Hampdon watch
17 Jewel, 18 size, new CA-yeur told
case, for good disc phonograph.
SSH Chemeketa stree,- . m-CB
1 HAVE top buggy which I will sell
or trade for clover hay. Rt. C box
1 " - c7
WHITE Leghorn hens for sale. .'Will
sell about 6" of our selected younr
hens at an average price of
each. These hens are laying better
than 00 percent at present. Laurel
Hill poultry farm. Phone 6F22. iP
V.'AXTEfi Children to beard and
..cnre'for. $25 per month. Mrs. N.
. C. Graham, Salem, Pen. Del, ' '
IEW Oregon, Gold Dollar and Cilen
-Vary strawberry plants, strong and
well rooted, delivered for $S per
. thuttsand. W. H. Loose, Btayton, Or.
LOST Package containing dress
. ftpron. cap and bunch steeiwood
rmiier please call phone S57. k67
tOST .Man's bill folder on or near
High street, containing consider
able money. Call Mr. Campbell 35
Fli. or leave at Journal office and
JHlliLj"2irewnrd, , k66
run s.i,Fj 5 room bungmloflr, pri
water system;' located in S.
' ': Kiht,v location. . Price 12.-
, u. M. urahenhorst & Co., 275
. State street. gj
rnD c- , rrr -
ctu.r, ibu acre tarm, SO acres
cultivation, balance pasture and
"""' ;'ish timber; has fine creek
running through place.; 7 r-nou.-v,
large barn; also small ten
ant house; one halt of all stock and
machinery go with, place. LocMed
two miles east of Turner; this is
Rood bottom soil and is offered for
a short time for $16,000, S0D0 will
handle, w. H. Orabenhorst & Co.
i!iitjte street. 65
e.Mlils. npvv t oD ').
chassis A-l condition; 1917 fitude
.J,-'1' SH(1 condition tmly $750:
- Dodge, looks like new, also
rord roadster body. 187 a Lib
-' -.
LJ' lst my poeketbookl7WaT-
amii".!1 i!'st ev,ninK- between 12
aid 14th Sts. There ws $4.08 in
jS' . , a,"rt a thrit- stamp with Fern
" nnoi- n?me wrl,ten o it, iu the
cS 5-i Fmpr can have .the
M-. they r't'-n th- b
L fiPurdy- 1650
r-'K SALE.
Wilu ,.. . u ouok eggs, aisr
hM :,. " r-tterburg No. 121 strew
"em- 1,1a t ,,, ...
well rooted. Phone
nil.,,. , " ""e siock or mr
located at 247 N. Com'l St.
XI Li old. at auction Saturday.
. rri, ,!..- . ... -
Fr-i.i .. lok for large ad in
rv" lu'7P"e thuaand logaiiber-
Rt J?lr pr,c
rilr: e66
st'iti '. u Farm "' 0wrn-
tuberculosis hospital. Phone
(VP? T " ' , B6'
cords BP", R,umPse for 60
Koom close '"i "ck road.
S" 1 Eldridge hotel 248 N
f-pyljtrt. Sf
"hi 8wJiSrAu,ine horse- 9 'ar"
lf'IFU 8 1 Hh0Ut 1200 lbB- Phon
fg-i- e6f
iiulln.L1,(nt lrvck suitable for
1'th berrie- Call at 170 South
F(Td- 070-
Call t, iosehold
vr,r'noons between
sod It
uiiiiiipi-( Aire.
O. B. Dur
.-. C67
asher tx ",lrFa own
Home Rest.,-JJ j N. Con
fiiootri 87
this 1, " xt,a fand uy if sold
eeit T;rnth' P'ed. enedem
'rom s,?.ment: one block
rste ,h f stro'' nrb- Lnvesti-
-.eo 1 F; VTict "
g o n, balance term of years.
ione 43?r8"' W rea
in r:7 "" "n" cow wat?r.
kuuu condirinr,.
chicken house, oa'n, v X 2'
1710 Lee St. coraor
si, 5 ,
ern house,
""i-T, room mtui.
down , "term.'c''-
an vnBtinH , .
-. . i, tUT Ilia
'OR SALE Vliigr.
chtcken houses electric l?ghu V
ere good lana. , kin(ls trm
oTn-iV .l.i" "rms. We
5 room bun-
r " , ""; oasement bath
water T' hot sn
water at 1610 Bellevue. Prio
FgR-SAL?-At '- good
8 room houses, modern except fur'
nace. close in. large lots, plenty of
sess.on; easy terms, and at th lot
price of 300 and $3650. for
$3650, for quick
i" "S prl addition.
Jonrna0 P Capital
For Sale Farmir
",""'".tJ ln nous- 154 aci- farm
om iyt miles from Sllverton. on
good road good buildings; 5 acres
in Hops balance good farm and
pasture land. Best buy i Marion
county at $16,600. on easv terms
A. E. Stewart. Silvertnn n..
,r en aci-e farm in Cal-
uorma, equipped with household
goods, stock and implements, for
Place with splendid soil, all vear
good roads, good house and other
buildings. Prefer Polk countv
Write complete description antfrai
uation. Box mo, Salem. Or. n67
A BARGAIN 8 acres. S rwn hA
i iivre m loganberries, balance in
good orchard and chicken runs I o
cated just 2 blocks south of city
limits, 1 block from street car line
, . . - -- ..-.-,
m-A rwrgain capita! Journal. n67
FOR SALE Choice 10 acre tract, 0
piuneu. n.tuu. r . L. Wood, S41
State street. r,e,t
A GOOD 10 acre tract, will sell at a
imBam it taken at once. Phone
tru. 1,157
a r, n 1 .: -
m nouse tor sale, close in, north
in piaie street, best location; plas
tered, plenty of closets, a conven
ient house, -modern except base
ment. Large lot, bearing fruit trees
and garden, paved streets and side
walk. This is a good buy in a large
house close ln. Possession in 30
days. Price $3750; terms, $1250
cash, bnlanre 6 percent for a term
of years. H. R. Pearson, 405 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 43.
Q OOO farm for sale, 80 acres. aCout
55 acres in cultivation. 30 in crop,
some good timber, 15 more plough
ed ready for corn and potatoes,
lies V, mile from small town, good
road, living spring; all well fenced.
This Is a sui good farm, price
$S000, terms. 680 N. 20th St. or
phone 1160, owner. bHK
EXCHANG E--5-8 0 acres- well improv
eu, xor goou nouse ln or near Sa
lem, balance terms. Price $8000,
Rt. 1, box 66, Brownsville. Or. n65
FOR SALE Twelve acres of beaver
unm lanu. inquire F. u. Rape own-
er, Kt. g, uox 5, Salem, Or. b65
For Sale Miscellaneous.
OR SALE Cheat hay $21 at barn.
Phone 8CF22. - c"0
WANT to rent five to fifteen aci-e
place. Address Box 44 Journal. i6
FOR SALE Top buggy nearly new.
Thone 5F21. c-u6
FOR SALE 1-hoi-se light spring
market wagon cheap; also 1 200
chlck brooder. 1760 Waller St. c67
FOR SALE 6 tons good cheat Iiav
loose, $16 per ton. 2-year old Bel
ginn colt. II. J. Beardsley, phono
14FI3. c69
FOR SALE Hay, one ton oat and
vetch, thirty dollars. Feed barn,
225 Center St. c6S
TWO good stool ranges for sale,
garage for. rent. 1386 Ferry.
CARPENTERS and builders notice
One complete builders encyclopedia
ten volumes, covers every branch of
structural work. Cheap. ,. Enquire
345 Chcincketn. c6
FOR SALE 6 percent mortgage. 5
years. $2300. Seoured by orchard
land. S V eare Journal. cG6
THE Willamette Valley Prune asso
elation has fo wtons nitrate of so
da fov sale. c66
FOR SALE Good hard wood dres
ser, also Black Minorca eggs for
hatching. Call 464 Hood St. c64
FOR SALE Bicycle. 920 . Com'l
FOR SALE Good secondhand lum
ber mid brick. 1765 N. Com'l. cfiS
GOOD hay $23 per ton. C. C. Rus-
sell, Waconda, Or. Phone 3F3.
FOR .SALE Turning lathe for wood.
1 blacksmith bellows and vise, as
sortment of springs fnr trailers.
Werner Fennel, 803 N. Liberty St.
- , c72
FOR SALE Buckeye coal brooder,
good as new. Phone 56F12. c65
ONIONS for sale cheap.
197 South
CEDAR POSTS Seven foot, split red
cedar loganberry posts in carload
loirf. Write A. it Mauve Lumber
company. Dallas, Or. c66
For SalePoultry
FOR SALE Eggs, Rhode Island
Reds, Utah strain, dark red color,
very large; IS for $1.68; also In
cubator settings. H mile south of
12th St. carline. Rt. C, box 40s Mode
Reedy, Salem, Or. f7
12 LATINO White Leghorn hens for
sale. Rt. i, R. S. Grettie. Phone 84
Fll. - f 66
FOR SALE .1 pair giant runt full
blood pigeons at $3 per paid, wt.
about 2 lbs. each- 1 4 -hole gas
range and oven. ( roo m mod ern
house, paved street; fruit, garden,
garage, chicken house and lot . by
owner. 345 8. 14th St. cW
EGGS. Ratcliffs Rhode Island Reds
ar red Reds. See Ihem. I'hone
178SW2. f5
1. I. RED eggs for batching, fine
Winter layers. Phone 3r2. 3 f66
FOR SALE Himalaya, Etterbarg
121 and Champion gooseberry. W.
C. Franklin, Rt. 1, box 11. Phone
BARY CHICKS Our leading vari
eties now on sale, free booklets
"Care of Baby Chicks" to all vis
itors. C. N. Need ham. 55 State
Phone 400. tfi6
FOR SALE Buff Orpington hatch
ing eees. prise winners of Oregon
and Colorado. Phone IF12.
--SHHiry Stock."
SALE Str-K. - "T?VT-: r:
son and Oreenn " j , ' d
M ure&n. c per too. rhone
MMtrha. . I . T7T-
-While tilr,v
Plants. va,2-,' .I. I wrawherry
ltros.Jpn Hunt
... '.u ,, saiem.
i sTi i t o
bi . 8 general
assortment of
,: ,?.L-:.r,'al Prices on nr.
MWMtal stock.' s,r "L or
Im-r KorU,WMt $z
vera o . t d65
lining out." i
Phone 111F3
seedlings for
! hundred.
KUJK.SERV STOrtl?r,.:.- :
diren .j nursery stock. Buy
BrL8!"'8 commission5:
iaiayette. Or.
- TbT w-, E'be"'s. oTe;;';
fle.a",S',,I ?"' Prices. City
jWPhone 4M. K'C,lardson-
iT'n '.'!!: i??L W. Addre-
-Sii'iiJlt Salom, Or.
For Sale Livestock.
- -.tnVL 'v.: "V.m ,cow- rr,s" soon;
RtL Tel 7 F3, S17'3' C;
FlTRoTri., , r
-u.irn good cow. 1 block
west of mausoleum. II. w. Thiel
ewes h iT8? hi!" K"'e Cmswoid
enes, (.0 lambs now. Call or address
" '" " imee. Amity. Or. nCS
SALE Seven year old
horse $5. 1562 Mission.
sale September piKs in fine
ulllT,!!: -ne .''Sistered male
p.'"""". " months old. Thone 41
t CtIC - a . " ' '
i.e. au neau mn, ctni.
f; lambing- and wiH finish
....u..,B ,is mon h: 19 head
,u cattle, yearlings and
I JPai: also 4 head of good milk
n-t'Mii in tnirty
Pelser. Stayton, Or.
For Sale Wlood.
FOR dry wood phone 167stv,
Fisher bovs Will GflW
your wood. Phone 1001. m66
.. m,, uiass it, inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
305 S. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
E. Wells.- .
FOR SALE Stumpago 2000
' or more. Phone 44F5.
WANTED Messenger. Apply Weat
ern Union, B
WANTED Live man with car for
real estate work. Must be a hustler
Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bldg
WANTED Girls between (he nges of
u ami zo to enter training school
for muses. For particulars address
matron, lloqulam General Hospital
rioiuiam, wnsn. g7i
uikl,h ir you care to learn a trade
wun steady work the your around
can -at the- lllove Factory, 14 55
Oak St. m-o
YOUNG men, 17 upward, desiring rail
way man clerkships, $110 month,
write for free particulars examina
tions. J. Leonard . (former govern
ment examiner),.' 1037 Equitable
bldg., Washington, 13. C. gf.9
iiA.Mr.iJ wonu cutters, rirst class
- timber near Halls Ferry. Inquire
si. commercial St., Salem, gfifi
WANTED Man to take contract to
grub river bottom land with don
key engine. Engine and equipment
furnished. See Merlin Harding nl
Jlalem Hdw. Co. or phone 1765. 65
WANTED Girl wauled for light
housework, two in family. Wash
ing done outside, phono after 6 p.
m.l33. h66
WANTED Delivery man. Fuirmounl
Dairy. , . pee
WANTED Two good farm hands. C.
C. Russell. Phone 3F3.
WANTED Wood cutters to cut 100
cords of fir, tools furnished, $3 per
cord. Skyline Orchards. . gfls
WANTED Sales ladles, experienced
preferred, but not necessary. Sal
ary. Call from 4 to 7 p. m. Marion
hotel and ask for Mrs. Campbell.
WANTED Girl for dining room and
tray work at V illainelte sanitarium
WANTED Girl for general house
work: no children. Phone 997. g05
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED To rent a furnished house
in vicinity of 1264 Broadway. Call
165. - " 165
WANTED Dress making.
WANTED To buy small prune ranch
from owner. Wouldn t object to
some berries. Box Ranch Capital
. Journal. . 167
WANTED House With large lot, 6
rooms preferred. $600 down, $15
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty
Co. 416 Masonic Temple. n
OASOLIXE engine repnlrieg. station..
ary and all kinds. W. K. Whiteside.
Salem, Or.. Rt.3, box 120. 169
WANTED To r-cnl 6 or 6 room house
would lease. Phone 1201. j68
FOR RENT Nice quiet sleeping
room close iji. Phone 1525. 65
FOR RENT One room furnished for
light housekeeping, modern. 325 S.
J 4th St. jfl 6
NfCE clean apartments and sleeping
rooms at " the Cottage apartments
t reasonable prices. 343 .North
Com'l St. Under new management.
. JC9
FOR RENT R0010 in modern house
. close in; also sleeping porch for
"one or two gentlemen. Box G rare
Capital Journal. J66
FOR RENT Five room
Ished. 705 K. High St.
flat furn
1 .
WANTED To rent about S
house. J B care Journal.
, j60
used as
FOR RENT Barn lo be
garage. 249 ti. 15th.
TO RENT Or sell. lots, set out to
logans and pear trees. CaU at 1195
N. 20th. " JSS
NICE furnished roo mfor rent, pri
vate home. 439 8. 14th St. Phone
3734. J66
Lost and Found
LOST Tortoise rim glasses in leath
er esse. Finder please phone 10
'" '
success you must havn
an aim. work and studv. The lit.
tie man looks fnr ,h. ii,ti 4"
The big JolrKMk, for the hi. man!
Its up to you. International Corre-
spondenoe Schools. For interview
with representative Phone lUi.
Wanted Situations.
. , r
WANTED Position either drivii,
truck or In garage, have had some
experience. Box 47 Journal h4
' a a jyj 4--i-juXj. JC.UUO,
CARPENTER will work contract nr
by day, A hip -to finish
plete. 1190 M 15th. Phone 31W. J
WIGG1X & SLOCUM, amo transfer,
general a ravin a, local' nd . long
distance. hauling. Office phone 356
: - mS6
TO EXCHANGE For ktmL 1,80
worth good income property; close
in ncivage for ,good automobile.
Phone 117BR. " ,et
TRANSFEil, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store. 271 N. Commercial St.
' Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
street. ,
ORDER your awnings from Dillman,
yiiie gotf niKiiianq ave, m74
WANTED S or 6 room moaern bun
Pi low. $800 wish, balance monthly.
a ubw, viipuai journal, i
1915 MAXWELL touring car all ov
erhauled, good tires, $200 cash
Molr Eros., 371 Court St. n7
FOR SALE Ford car.
Inquire i996
Court street.
CHEVROLET touring in good shape,
$175. will handle, very easy pay
ments on the balance. Phone 361.
J q65'v six. it new car at a second
hand price; just been repainted.
1918 FORD roadster for sale. Call at
Capital Garage. . 066
MiiiMLLL light six. late model tour
ing. This car has been thoroughly
overhauled nnd is in first class con
ditlon. Repainted; has good tires.
At the price this car is a snap. $300
flown, hnlance easy payments. Ad
ams, 36L - ,
FOR SALE ....early ne w2-tou dia
mond T truck, cheap, for quick sale
Phone 1608J. A. H. Biederman.
AUTOMOBILE oalntinir. fiu-nitm-a ra.
finishing. The Salem .Reflnlshlng
- o- a. st. Phone 1673. m6;
GENERAL automobile reoairiiis
magnetos repaired and recharged
Ford work a specialty; batteries r
, charged. The Fairgrounds Garag
M. D. Jackson, Prop. Phone 808
A LLOWANCE made on your old tire
wnen turned In on Keaton's nonskid
Would you save money? Horton
ing nna mm Co., 337 Court St.
CHEVROLET to trade for For. Cher
ry city garage, 170 S. 12th. St. 65
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on dianinv. nnm.
and see them. 229 State St. Phom
Also upholstering
of all kinds, sea'
covers. Service. O
V J. Hull. T. M. C
A. Building, Salem, Oregon.
IF your property ,ir worth the money
we ust it, we dvertlse It. Este,
& Magee, Salem. 428 Oresron bide.
Portland. 909 Ch-mberof Com. n7f
HAS the $ lost Its value?' NoTWry?
Because $2600, $L00 down and $2S
per month will buy a 6 room mod
ern bungalow, basement, fireiiluce
Dutch kitchen, on paved street, ii
good location.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353, 416 Masonic Tern pie.
111 3-4 acre alb in cultivation, 2
acres of Royal jfnne cherries, apples,
blackcaps; nil kinds of fruit; 8 roou
house, good barn; 1 horse, 1 cow, 1
wagon all implenients and chicken'),
cream separator; 84 miles from Sa
lem. Three thousand cash will handle
this deal.
6 room plastered house and barn,
lots of fruit, bath, toiTet, electric
llsiht", lot (10x1:10; fine location, on
paved street. Owner leaving, $100
job goes with place. Price $1S00,
For quick sale list your property
Sawyer '& Emmett
Room 3 ftayne bldg. 65
25 acres near Salem, 16 beuring
prunes, aere loganberries, set farm
buildings, $450 per acre.
Modern 7 room bungalow, paved
street, garage, 2 fine lots, nice loca
tion. $3500.
10 acres near Salem, all cultivated,
fine soil. $1300.
20 acres choice bearing prune or
chard near Salem. $9500.
Fine all modern 6 room bungalow.
corner lot, choice location on State
street. Bargain.
62 acres nil In cultivation, new
bungalow near town, $10u per acre.
rerrine & Marsters. ;
211-12 Com, club bldg. n-
24 acres, all new land and la fine
dark loam soil. Fine new house, barn
garage and big chicken house. Young
family orchard and berries. About 16
acres in cultlvatlen and In crop.
Would be excellent berry land. This
little farm is luo yards from station
and about mile to school. Lo
on good graveled road only 6 miles
from state house. Just a 15 minute
drive to Salem. With the place goes
the entire erop, gag engine, 175 fine
chickens, light team, harness, wagon,
plow, harrow, cream separator, stump
puller, feed and grain In barn. Ev
erything goes for $8000. Water piped
into house, barn, chicken house and
pasture, from large red wood tank.
This is an Ideal . country home.
Neat 7 room plastered home with
modern conveniences except base
ment and .furnace. In excellent con
dition. East front; pavement to back
of lot. Room on lot for another bun
galow. Several good bearing fruit
trees. roi rar out. 'in is is a good buy
at $3200, $500 will handle.
Fine modern i room home with
full basement, furnace, etc. Located
on pavea sireei in line residence sec-
lion, close in. A dandy place at $4,
We want more listings of city prop
erty well located. Also small farms
and larger ones. Give us a chance to
sell your property, we want to be of
service to you and our community.
Kinney & Smith.
291 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
1 3 room house and 1 5 room house
with 3 fine kt4 In good location. $1,-
, t
-fT' "ouse, oatn, toilet
1-"" B"t. -ox.!., close in,
----- ' .. . . .
.1 .. . ceuea ana papered.
hL ..kV-i, v 1'
r. hf;
ic ,.gi,is. ciiy water, fru.t. fine
" iiouoc. vrc-iit-u, not Alia i
water. bath etc.. lot (axlAS. Verv
lot 10X160,
elose in. $3T5.
wis. oest garden soil, i fruit
"'B uarn. gooa room plastered
V?t Vinimii. cnicken
I T ', t-ow.
10 acres good black soil, til.ini-h...!
Wanted, acreage with house on ie!
exchange for f room house and lott
bouse on
exchange for 6 room plastered house
modern, equity' $1200.
T room house, 2 fine lots, good lo-
cation. $!00, Must be sold,
Walter McLaren.
. Room 21. ISO N. Com. St.
200 acres of choice level land on
good road. 1 V. miles from im,n
railroad, can be bousht on esv tru,.lw"B -urnace. pved sti-eet,
at $100 per eore.
Would buy or trade for 80 to 100
acres of land s.t $76 to $100 per acre,
if you have this see us.
38 acres, acres beaverdam land
renting as high as $50 . per acre. All
under plow, 20 acres in growing grain
Modern 6 room house, garage, barn
and gass water -system to all build
ings. Gravel road. Price $12,600.
10 acres best suburban and income
home, 3-4 mile to street car, 6 acres
logans, last year's crop 26 ft tons; 1
acre strawberries, .1 family orchard,
balance garden; 2 crops will pay for
place. Price $10,000.
40 acre Howell Prairie farm, l
acres growing grain, 8 acres timber
and brush; new 10 room house and
other good improvements. $10,000.
Will consider good residence in trade
11 acres fine suburban home, most
ly bearing prune, about 1 $-4 mile
out. Strictly modern 9 room house.
tun cement basement with furnace
ana gas water systom. Wuter to all
rooms and out btiildinKS. A fine hnm
ana income property. $13,000
o acres, elegant suburban home.
close in. 7 room modern house. Gas
water system, water to all hullriine
For a short time, look this over and
you win be pleased.
Oregon Land fo.
442 State street
Real Investments.
If you are looking for a real stock
rancn, (ton t wait until this is gone.
.380 acres, 100 acres in cultivutbm
right at the door of over 20 00 acres
of out range opened by a special act
of the legislature. Plenty of running
water. 2 hours drive of Salem on main
road.. Flr house, two barns, spring
water, some stocg and equipment go
with the place at $13,000. Good terms
--27K acres, 16 seres in cultivation,
13 ucres of rich peat bottom land
sun-irrigated. New 6 room- bungalow,
Dflrn and other outbuildings. 6 miles
01 saiem on good road. Price $16,000,
18 acres all In cultivation, fine lo
ganberry land, loganberry-tips to set
4 acres; 4 miles of town. Price $2000
ciasy.. terms. - ,
Homestead relinquishment $32.
e have 4 good buys in 6 and 6
room bungalows,
ne advertise your property ; at
your price, we will not Increase the
price and make the sale impossible,
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon bldg, Salem
Portland office, Chamber of Com
. - n
. Good Buys. . .
20 acre tract. 4 acre lo'sriinberrles
5 acres cherries, soiho ttjiples; good 6
room plastered house, barn, well,
rock road, dose. -to highway. Price
6 acre tract located on main Pa
cuiu mgnway, 354 acres of prunes.
balance fine loganberry and str..'
berry lund, 1 3-4 miles from carline.
trice sooo.
15 -s acre tract located 14 nine
south of city limits, south of Sulcni,
nearly all cultivated, house, barn,
well, beaiitlful view, close to carline.
price $10,000.
ii acre tract located on naved
road, good 5. room bungalow, barn.
goon prairie son. price J 12.800,
61 y, acre, tract located 011 main
highway, ly, mile from street car
line; 26 acres cleared, 8 ucres of
prunes, about 1500 cords of standing
iir umber: nouse and barn. Price
$300 per acre. .
20 ucre tract located about a-4 mile
from carline and city limit. 6 room
house, barn; 5 acres Italian prunes
some apples, cherries and pears, good
road. Price $11,600. ,
10 acres of good prune, loganberry
and strawberry, soil. 6',i miles south
of Sulem. Price $1500.
Good 6 room modern home locat
ed at 1515 8 Commercial street, large
lot. Price $6000.
6 room house located at 130 H.
Commercial. -Prk, $8800.-
Good 8 room modern home ixt 1595
tt, 6th street. Price $4200,
6 room house .located on paved
street. Price $4200.
8 room housa located at 1010 Oak
street. Price $2800: ,, ,
W. IL Grabenhorst & Co.
27 Sit street- n
Best Buys.
24 acres. 20 In orchard' 9 years old.
with loganberry fillers In tiart: best
of fruit land; 8 room house with hot
and cold water and bath, barn, chick
en house, etc., 514 miles out. $9,600.
s acres 4 ft miles from center of
Salem, near paved road, fair improve
ments, good soil. $3000
4! acres in Kelser bottom, 16 acres
in prunes. 12 in cherries, prunes and
apples; good house, barn and tenant
house; water pined to buildings; all
in cultivation and no better soil any
where, 400 per acre.
100 acre alt in cultivation; good
bulldinffs burn room for 20 to 30
cows; stock and ' implements Includ
ing 17 cows, 6 .hi-ifis, 2 calves and
J thorouehbred bulls, of the cows
are registered. 8 fine horses, tractor.
M finer' in thresher, and ell other
tools needed on a. first, class farm.
Price Including equipment $20,000.
seres best valley loam, all in
cultivation; 7 room house and large
barn; 4 14 miles fi Cm good town. $150
per acre.
10 acres. 5' in prunes with straw
k.t finer 6 plowed ready to set
logans, plants will be furnished at
$25 per M If wanted. $2500
5 room bungalow, modern except
furnace, fireplace: s-ood hiirh lot toil
shade trets. on pavement. $3860.
4 room bungalow, water, lights.
bnlh snd basement, on good street
and car line. $1600.
4 roo-" end woodshed, i lols on
corner of of gov3 streets, fruit. $1900
some terms,
7 room bungalow, full basement,
close in on paved street and car. $4,
500. Socolofakv.
141 Sts' 8L
Fine business corner m
19th St. and State, good modern, 1
room house in first class repair;
must be sold this week. Price $6.
000 on easy terms. See Guy O.
Smith. jg
A Darvain ln a tract about 14
miles from the city. The very best of
- ,...u.u.,utA Location srood: h-vran.
berries and other small fmit tt
want a home- . living .
..ut investigate.
31 acres ojt riverbottom. weU im-
proved. . .
. aCT T miles out. bargain at
fiua per acre,
, I h v-v .lehBtin :.. . i
farm. List your property with me.
Tell your wants to
H S. Radrliff
7 Toota noueev corner lot, east front
t-pi dk seme in; garage. A
rare buy. $800 down. Price $2300.
To trade, 2 acres of best black soil
good barn, fair house, small orchard,
good road; all In crop; want to trade
for nice home ln Sak.u, good loca
tion. No Junk considered.
! . roo cottage oungaiow. modern
ready to occupy. $3000,
( room house on N. Cora, close in,
nice lot. A bargain, $2500.
room hou-w, modern except base
ment, south Salem, Fine big lot, east
iront; lots or crutt,' garage. 12500.
7 room modem bungalow, fireplace
one oi oest cum houses ln Salem,
good garage, close in; H down, $5,
22 acres best land in valley, good
buildings; alt in cultivation. Might
take some trade, jsooo.
List your good buys with us.
Laflar & Laflar
406-7-8 Oregon bldg. n66
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
6H and t percent interest.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonlo Temple. Salem. Oregoi
FARM iOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about eut
20-year loans at & per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg
Salem, Or.
Money to Loan.
On food real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6tt percent. 303 Salem Bank ol
Commerce. W. D. 8111 Ith.
WANTED --- Second hand furniture
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest price,
for everything. The Capital Hardware-
and Furniture Co., 286 N
Com'l St. Phone 947.
EilPEy ; TRANSFER Local and
long distance hauling. Office 44!
, Court St. Phone 998, night phone
. 679J. , 71
OR. ALBERT R, MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted
610-11 U. a. bank. Phone 341.
DBS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
pathi physicians and surgeons,
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr
White, res. phone 469; Dr. , Marshall
res phone 834 '
DR. JOHN .L. LYNCXL osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 68F6; office
Phone 1394. 7$
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 10o bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
Why Sell for Less.
WEI will, pay you more cash for youl
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 73.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma-
ohine, first installed at A. B 8tew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court Bt.
" Water Company.
comer Commercial and Trade Sts
Bills, 'payable monthly In advance
Phone r7
Lodge Directory.
O--v. CHEMEKETA I dge No. 1
iiieois every Wednesdai
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hull on every Tuesday at
8. J. L, Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunta
K. R. & B.
Oregon Grace camp No. 1360 meet,
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oraol
Mrs. Carrie E, Bunn, 648 Union Hi
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
bly No,- 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Oueffroy, sea
retary, Salem, Or.
W O W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meet,
every Friday night at 8 o'clock Ir
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lll
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D.'Ross, C. C; L. H. Oeer, ciers
PROTECTION lodge No. t A. O. IT.
W. meets every Mondsy evening
at 8 p. m. In McCornack hull, cor
Court and Liberty streets, John II.
Carson", M. W; A. L. Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624
meets every Thursday evening at r
o'clock ln McCornack building
Court and Liberty streets. H. O
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turnei
clerk. - .
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, size 29 to 6'
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry . and hot
hooks. Salem Fence and 8tov
Werka 260 Court street. Phone 131
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonablt
rales. Cess pools cleaned. Dead enl
mill removed. Office phone Mali
Grain: Wheat No. t $2.90; feed
oat l85c: milling oat $09$6a
cheat hay $1S20; oat bay $2193$
clover hay $23; mill run $47.
Buttsrfat: liutterfat 70o; creamery
butter 69 0 70c.
Fork, vsl and ditto! Ptk toti
tSHc; veal Uncy tic; suers lie,
lambs Ulc; cows Tfi 9c; ewe c;
sheep, yearlings 13 He
Dressed pork 21c
- Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 3o;
light hens, JO p 32c; h&ivy hens 2Se;
Old roosters lo-&lc; spam 24c.
Vegetables: Onions Jer Bound to:
celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Y4iun
. ' w, g,jn c- 'eet potatoes So
-urnips per sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip
per sack $3.60; spinach 10a lb.; rad
ishes 40c dot.
Fruit: Oranges $1 0t 9; lemsne
$6.59 Sf; bananas lie; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 4oc; cabbage fic:
head lettuce $1.35; carrots 45e; Eruo
sell sprouts $1.25; cauliflower $2 doa;
reo peppers 25e lb; rhubarb 13 lies
peas 1 5c lb.
Retail prices: EgRs dosen S6c;
creamery butter TS75e; country bat
ter 68c; flour, hard wheat t3.2l0t.t
soft wheat $3.99,
Portland, Mar, 16 Cattle steady:
receipts 34; . grain and uulo rWi
steers $11.50 12.00; choice $,
11.50; good to choice $19.vttf;
medium to good $9.00 10.00; fair ta
medium $7.60 8.50, common to fair
$6.56 $r 7.50: choice cows and heifer
$9. 00!S10.00; good to choice $3.0
9.00; medium to good $6.6037.50:
fair to medium $5.6966.60; can n era '
$3.00 5.50; bulls $5.007.59; print
light calves $15.80f 17.00; medium
light $10.00$ 15.59; heavy $J,ji)
10.00; stockers and feeders $7,509
8.60. - - -
Hogs steady; receipts 16; prime,
mixed $15.75 16.25; medium $15.59
15.76; rough heavy $11.00 15,26;
pigs $12 15.
Sheep weak; receipts none; eastern
lambs $16.75 17.75; light valley
$l5.50(ff 18.75; heavy $14.5015.59;
feeder lambs $12.00?15.0; yearling
$14.60916.00; wethers $13.0013.5O;
ewes $10.00 f 12.00.
Portland, Or., Mar. 16. Culies ex.
tra 64o; parchment wrapped box lots
67c; cartons 6Sc; half xoxes a more;
less than boxes lc more; butterfat
66i67o f.o.b. station; 70o Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or.. Mar. 16. Eggs null
ing price case count 34?36o; buying
price case count 32c; selling prlos
candled 38c; selected candled ln car
tons 40e.
Poultry Hens 11$ 35c; broilers ft
46; roosters 20c; turkeys dressed
49 50c; geese 22 25c; ducks 40043
Wheat and Mill Sniffs. ,
Whnat: $3,26; barley, $71; oat
$59.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $59.60
Hay: Buying price, valley timoth.
$26,00; alfalfa, $29.00; grain $2;
"'heat $28; clover $31; oats and vetsh
Milistuffat Price f.o.b. mil), elt
artage $3 extra. Mill run, oar lots
mixed car $44 ton; rolled barley $71
rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $7
scratch feed $80
Corn whole $66; eraefced $58.
Windup of League
Series Will Give
Big Show Tonight
Tuesday night (tonight) is the date
for one of the biggest local basket
bull event of the season when the
loop four team of the commercial
league clash In the last games of the
series. The public is Invited to b
present at "Y" gymnasium, no ad
mittance, Is charged and the game
which have been played every Tues
day night have attracted general lu
te rent. ; ' " '
As a result Of lust Tuesday night'
games, the Anderson-Brown quintet
holds its lead; the Capital National
bank is only one game behind WltU
Hnuser brothers a good third and the
V. 8. National five brlngl&g u iho
rear, " '
Tonight, Ituuscr brothers meets lite
CapUal National team, while the sea
ond game will be played between the
Andersqii-Itrown and U. 8. National
quintets. It Is conceded by nil follow
ers of the scries that A-B will wiu
their seventh game tonight, but there
is much room for conjecture as to
the outcome of the first contest
Should the Huuser brothers team de
feat the strong Capital Nutional quin
tet these teams will close the season
with a tlo for second place.
Girl Reserves Of
Y. W. Organized.
Here Yesterday
In the Y. W. C. A. rooms Monday
afternoon, Miss Luia Gamble, girl'
work secretary of the northwestern
field of the Young Women's Christian
association, with headquarters in Se
attle, began the organization In Sa
lem of the girl reserves, known as
"The Blue Triangle Girls of the Y.
W. C. A."
The organization is for girl be
tween the ages of 12 and 18 years.
and is solely for members of the X.
W. C. A. Three program are includ
ed in the work reaching three gi-uui-s
of girls: grade school pupils, high
school students and young buium-na
women. From ten to twenty glrhi
make up a corps, two or more corps
compose a company, and all coipi
and companies In a locality inaka up
a division, The uniform is a wnite
middy and dark skirt, with a m
skirt for drees occasions. Chevron
and arm band denote rank.
The reserve slogan It "To face life
squareiy;" Me purpose, "To find and
give the best" and Its code, "As girl
reserve I will be gracious In manner.
Impartial In judgment, ready for aer
vice, loyai to friends, reaching toward
the beet, seeing th beautiful, eager
for knowledge, reverent to God, trie
torious over elf, ever dependable.
sincere at all times."
Miss Gamble met with the womea
of th city Monday afternoon, and
this afternoon and Wednesday wui
hold a meeting for the young giria
of Salem.
Th manufacture of apple boxes will
beingat Butherlln about May 1. Last
year over 30,600 apple boxes were ship
ped Into the district. To meet th de
mandthl year, 80,900 boxes will be required.