PAGE TWO. Planing to Divert Yellowstone Into Columbia Basin XJviogston, Mont. March IS. In order to retain, for purposes of irri gating between 1.000.SOO and 1,900,- acres of land In the southeastern Montana, water from Yellowstone lake which now finds its way eventu ally to the Atlantic ocean by way of tfca Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico, Montana residents are en caged in an effort to prevent its diver sion through the continental divide to the Pacific An attempt to divert the waters of. TellowBtone lake to the Snuke river, taking them through the divide which determines the flow on the great watershed in the Yellowstone national park, was planned by Idaho interests; after engineers had conceived a dar ing project to tunnel the divide and carry the Yellowstone water from its .-feet elevation into Shosahone lake for irrigation purposes, and then permit it to follow the natural course through the Snake river and the Columbia to the Paeific. " Montana residents now are organ M"g a gigantic irrigation project which would place water on millions of acres In the 500-mile valley of the Yellowstone river and control the tieatruetive spring floods of the area Oeorge T. Risley is able to be out after being confined to his home. Mr. Eyre and Superintendent W. M. Smith of Salrm will give an illustrated lecture at the Livesley school house Tuesday evening, March IS. The pic tures will be scenery of the Columbia highway and northwestern states. The Industrial club of this school will present a short program." ' James Clark of Olympia. Wash., was a guest at the Risley home Mrs. John Jades of Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bress-I ler. A dance will be given at the Qifery dance hall. Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass have re cently returned from an extended wedding trip in the east and are now located on their ranch near Falls City. C. D. Query and family are enjoy ing their new Dodge car. Revival meetings are being held at the Liveeley church in which a great deal of Interest is being taken. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and family have moved into the house recently occupied by the Osborns. Cloverdale Cloverdale, Or., Mar. 16. Levi Fli flet and family of Salem visited at the home of M. Fliflet Sunday. The Sunday school convention held at Cloverdale Sunday was well attend ed in spite of the inclemency of the weather. There were renresentatives as well. from Salem, Stayton, Murion and Tur- , Headquarters for the Montana pro-! ncr- A we" arransed program was jects have been established at this rendered and thoroughly enjoyed by city, where the Yellowstone river aH- conies out of the mountains and en- Mim Hazel Craig went to Quinaby ters the great plain which would be Sundav visit at the home of her irrigated by the stored water. Artl- uncIe. George Garner, for a few days. fieS of inromnriiHnn l.a.,A n. Ivan Hnrilov'lnft taut ii.nal, nm.. and the directors have started a cam- mook City to take care of census enu- , , 6 . , Juirt wh,lt paign to raise 150,000 for prellmin- meratlon over there. He expects to ' 1, IT"6 " , 0t hil; pIenty t worn required before the con- complete the work in about ten days, 7L .1 ul a aam at the point where " J. Craig returned Saturday me leuowstone river leaves the lake from a week's visit at her hmtw. ! O. Garner, near Qui,nabyi can be undertaken. v, uiiiig a aam at an Mrs,. Kay Karris hasher mother, stomT mmi. . :)00'000- t0 Mrs..Harrlng of ugene visiting her, flnn.l miners, me corporation plans to ap i-on.un me water in the Yellowstone organize irrrigation districts ctinsiruct canals which will Ir- ueiween i,uoo,000 and 3,000,- re oi iana In ten Montana Livesley. program ...veaiey, or., Mar. 16. A well at tended entertainment given by the Wvwjley school under the auspices of the teacher, Allss Hulh Weaver, was a big success. The sum of 75 was clear ed, which will be used for school im- muvements. The following was given : Patriotic Exercises Primary CIuhh." Readiug "Hats' Off Kdna Kogers. Dialogue "George Washington's Amas Dinner" Fifth and Sixth Grades. Song "Jingle Hells" ' ; Paul Johnson. . Play "The .Spelling Class" Klghth Grade. Heading Mrs. Will Pettyjohn.""""'"""" Duet Mis. Joe Hresslur und MIhs Gludys HrcsHlcr. Recitation "Three Little Kittens". Raymond Iligglns. Dialogue "Society for Suppression of Slung" Six Girls. Miss Opal Crawford of West Salem spent the week-end at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Blunkfnshlp. Mr. Bert Stout is confined to nor home by serious illness. Mrs. 'Oeorge k.ii spent the week end with her husband at Livesley. The following young people from Miilem attended the box social Friday opal Crawford, Virginia eaWver, K Clemens, Gladys Dressier, Kdna Kusel HUSH, Artnur ruts and Miuitll Mrs. George Higglim returned Fri day after a short visit in Oregon City. The O. T. C. club will meet with Airs. C. 1). Query Thursday at eleven o'clock. Albert Hennis of Porland is hnm tor a few days.. He expects to return to Portland about Tuesday. Claxtar Claxtar, Or., Mar. 16. Sir. and m Thomas Andrews and daughter, Grace Hal h Bisurated Magnesia FOR DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION Heartburn, belching, sour acid atom ach, gas in stomach, etc., take a tea spoonful of Bisurated Magnesia in a half glass of hot water after eating. Is safe, pleasant and harmless to use ana gives almost Instant relief. It neutralizes stomach neldity and sweet ens the food contents so that digestion is easy und painless. Sold by druggists everywhere. (Adv) BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with 'pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL no Elizabeth, are guests at the Jacob Denny home, having come down from Bridal Veil, Oregon, to attend the Denny-Armstrong wedding last week. Mrs. Andrews was Miss Anna Denny of Hayesville before her marriage. Professor and Mrs. Fred O. McMil len and son, Frederick Jr, came down from the Corvallis argricultural col lege to attend the wedding of Mrs. McMillen's sister. Miss Martha Denny. The McMillens are guests of the Jacob Denny's and of the E. M. Bailies of this place. Allie Kites and family are scheduled to leave Arlington, Cal., March 15, for Claxtar. Mr. Kites is an extensive grower of fruits, having one of the best improved and most productive farms here. x The Claxtar Nursery has put out ex tensive plantings of choice shrubbery at thei rtrial grounds here. Also they have another large nursery near Quinaby on land which was formally me Joe -Petzel place. All of this new ground and close proximity to railroad station makes these sites ideal for nursery Durrjosea. inese nurseries are conducted Pearcy Bros, and Frank Davy. .ilartin Holmes has bought himself an international tractor for use on his fann. here. Captain Robert C. Wygant has add ed a Cleevland tractor to his equip ment. G. I. Newton, ticket agent for Clax tar, received a recommendation of honor from the general inspector, W. r. Turner, this week. The recom mendation cite Mr. Newton for hon esty, efficiency and strict attention to business. Potato sorting and marketing is in order among farmers here. The prevailing showers are causing farmers here to wear "the smile that Just what is needed of straw berries and plenty of stored up water for the big potato crop. AU agree that Oregon always has something good up her sleeve. The big meeting under the auspices of the parent-teachers' organization, and the Epworth league, held forth to a crowded house Friday evening. The program contained not a dull number and the pie social end of the enter tainment was a success both socially and financially. ' This all happened at Keiser school, district SS. Some land changing hands in this vicinity recently sold for $08 per acre and another piece at $300 per acre Land prices in Marion county may yet cause Yakima, Wash., and California to set up and take notice.. Sour Stomach Mi-0-Na Puts the Stomach in Fine Shape in Five Minutes If your stomach is continually kick ing up a disturbance; it you feel bloat ed and distressed; if you belch gas and sour food into the mouth, then you need Mi-O-Na Stomach Tablets. . Mi-O-Na stomach tablets give in stant relief, of course, but they do more; they stop the poisonous gases. They stop excess fermentation of food and thoroughly clean, renovate and strengthen the stomach so that it can readily digest food 'without artificial aid. Mi-O-Na stomach tablets are guar anteed to end indigestion, acute or chronic, or money back. This means that nervousness, dizziness and bit lousness should disappear. Druggists everywhere and Daniel J. Fry sell Mi O-Na for 60 cents a large box. Yes! It showers a little! We dont have to pray for rain like they are do ing in California the past week. Spring beauties are here. by the doz en and the swet rain-washed air speaks eloquently of violets. For Colds, Grip or Influenza nd at a Preventative, take LAXA TIVB BROMO QUININE Tablets." Look for E. W. GROVE S Mature an ths box. SOc. (Adv) HYOME HE (mams hkho-mi) Ends Catarrh or money back,' Jost breathe it in. Outfit including inhaler 11.15. Extra bottles 60c. All Druggists, The national remody of Holland for ovsr 200 yt! it is an enemy of til pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggets, three sizes. Leok for the nam Gold Medal on erery baa ad mm apt no imitation A BEAUTIFUL, crfu-oit, arlMo ciatic car or 120-inch wheelbew nd 60-hortepower. Its linn re in exuUent taste in good style, harmonious throughout one of the most attractive seven-ptsscngej cars ever produced. Evsry lile detail ol Onleh d equipment is high-class. And its mechanical advantages include sucb, features ss ths perfected interin. diste transmission, flexible coupling and sub-frame which supports both power plsnt and transmission -giving won. Q detiul balance snd etiminsting driving hho:k, remlting in a smoothly optri ng cat with IjttU or no vibration. ,w J2575 -v';- F. 0. B. Salem MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. Salem, Ore. a Iaawaaaa u mrjrmrms mmm. mm m 1 1 hi iwmvh. m m an- 1 w V4. H rmmmmmB' The Joy Of Aj Perfect Skin" . i ... , happiness that comes n to one thru possessing J beauty. The soft, dis- H anguished appearance it n natural beauty to its fulUQ est. In use over 70 years. JJ HAVE EXPERT PLATE MAN With SS years e.ipcricncc, with me in my dental office DR. D. X. BEECBXER . - 302 U. a Bank Bldg. Salem Auto Radiator Shoft Radiators. Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty -Ford Radiators for Sale 198 & 12th St Salem. Or. CLASS AD IT AND SELL IT "i JOURNAL WANT AD3 BRING EM - House FW n AT tub -- North Con.,..., . fc 1. M. ljtjjlf IJ (Irj, - Lnilaren , ' Off n1i-fi 1 vpWt s Merchandise : A Samuel Goldwyn -f) : (Presents ' Madge Kennedy n Other New Goldwyn Releases) Rupert llugbea' "The Cup of Fnry'J Tom Moort In "Ler J and Lsdy Algy" Da Beach's "Th Girl from Outside" Will Rotors In " Almost s Husband" CeraMIno Parrar la "Flama of tha Daaert" fauline Frederick In "Tbo Lotos ol . Utty" Goldwyn Bray Animated Cartoons trictlu Confidential It's a wise man who knows his wife's relations! And they're more particular about it In Eng land than they arc ever here. Here yeu ca -marry anybody. In England, It Isn't done! But it couldn't be helped in "Strictly utww dcntial." lmnftSns! twerty-three relatives all In on 3 house, and Madge Kennedy west and DisttlM the Owner, after lying about her social sections. Funny? It s no word (or It. Its a riot of risibilities 1 m. u Vamry pulling tho Boll ror for t'nrtet Or poshSnt s butt mi twice for Cousin Emily to hrtn op s bid it aoda (yes. they're still serving tham in F.ntlsM), Bat II this is prcmaluro. The play's the tblnjl See lisdte Kennedy. She's Inunltsble. And II m te acn uneuay. rto charitable. No wife Is tmpmiIMS inr hee relations. Sho doesn't went to be ht wol . a is UTiaS under so assumed name leutii WATCH FOR THIS GOLDWYN PICTURE AT YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE GOLDWYN MOTION PICTVRES gMU"l l U Nj PI C TY RE'SpMlfag Profiteering pVERYBODY'S buying x-sf uiue Label Karo by the dozen cans. Save moneyask your grocer the price. ESPECIALLY during these high prices of jama, iellies and nr4?s?rv. thr om vMn,. -4;t,. uses for Karo (Blue Label) that it pays to buy in quantities. For pancakes, waffles,: biscuits and sliced bread for children; for fudge, taffy and other kinds of candies; for cooking, baking, stewing fruits hundreds of foods are prepared with Karo the Qreat American Syrup fof Every Purpose. . ' ; " .. - CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery PUcs New York - A r - "iff .. 5 NOT FOR US!. So we are moving to cheaper ren(H$ rents come out of the consumer. So our moving to W Court street is your gain. - - : ; ; you are with us for good service, fair 'dealing r ani against exorbitant prices-See 'the Electrical Machinal and Engineering Co., at their new home, 337 Court street, opposite Hamilton's. New prices in all classes of Electric WorkElectric Goods and expert service.. Electrical Machinery & : Engineering Co. 337 COURT STREET m m mm