THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PLAfl DiVERSIOH WALDOLAKEFOR TUMALOPROJECT The storage of 130,000 acres feet of water in Waldo lake on the middle frk of the WX.amette river, involving the construct'cn of a diversion tunnel vnder the divide to the head waters of the Deschutes river is contemplated ia an application filed with Statu Engi neer Cupp?r today by the Tumalo Ir rigation district . According to the plana of the Tumalo district the water weulrf be stored in Waldo lake and di verted to the lands In the projeet through the proposed tunnel. An in Teatirration to determine the feasibil ity of this plan is already under way fcy the state engineer's office. The appropriation of 30 acre feet ol water from the head waters of the Wallowa river is sought by the Enter prise Klectric company for power pur sMutes .according to another applica tion filed today. Other applications for water rlghtB filed today follow: By A. Braga of Mt. Vernon covering the appropriation of water from Cum tilings creek for the irrigation of 49 acres In Grant county. By Michael Dougherty of Pilot Eock covering the appropriation of water from the north fork of Butter creea for the Irrigation of 70 acres in Uma tilla county. By Frank H. Hownley of Vale, cov ernlng the appropriation of water Owyhee rlvpr for the irrigation of 65 acres In Malheur county. By W. B. Bayles and C. V.. Bayles t Dayville, covering the appropriation ef water from John Day river for irri gation purposes By K. K. Ilralnard of Golden, cov ering the appropriation of water from I'ost Gulch and two springs for Irriga tion purposes. By J. V. Hamilton of The Dalles, covering the appropriation of water from two springs in Wasco county for irrigation purposes. Uy 11. J. Biddle of lone, covering the appropriation of water from lthea ereek for the Irrigation of It acres in Morrow county. By Wm. F. Fink of Prairie City, cov ernlng the appropriation of water from Bosenburg creok for irrigation jmrposes. , By John Reeves of- Imnuha, cover ing the appropriation of water from Hat creek for the irrigation of 6 acreB in Wallowa county. By Hoy F'Mgniund of Enterprise, covering the appropriation of water from Hurricane creek for Irrigation purposes. By George A. Bourdman of Galice, covering the appropriation of water from tho north fork of Galice creek for mining purposes in .Josephine county. i By Horsey V, Baker of Walla Wnna, covering the appropriation of water from the south brunch of Mud creek for the Irrigation of 20 acres In Uma tilla county. appreciate it very much if the person QnU,n4!nn Armf or persons who borrowed the stage OUt UllUlt f I Illy curtains will please return them. The Pratum aid society met at Mrs. Abe Steffens last week. After "Unroyal" Meeting, British Mission Doubts Commander Plans New State Work One of the phases of the Salvation Army work which is to be enlarged upon in Oregon is the woman's phase. Coming to Portland from Chicago, Mrs Commissioner Estill, wife of Commis sioner Thomas Eftill. who commands Kiel, March 15 The Intense feel- in the western territory, and herself ing still existing in Germany against England was manifested toward some British officers who accompanied the Inter-AUled Commission of Control on a recent visit here. The town was crowded With German sailors who were clean and smartly dressed. They passed by with averted faces, but civilians on the contrary showed the keenest Interest and stared at the visitors, occasionally remarking "Gott strafe England." The British visitors took no notice and walked on fol lowed by a train of small boys many of whom repeated In a childish treble "Gott Strafe England" at Intervals. The shopkeepers, however, were quite friendly and trade became very brisk. Further evidence of the present at titude of the Germans was forthcom ing at the Kiel Canal, where the chil dren gathered on the banks Invar iably shouted out the old cry of Gott Strafe England." One man cried "We will have you yet" while the final effort at the close of the return Journey was that of the optimist who proclaimed: "We aliall have another war in five years time." t 1 - - . .... V I . A f State House An increase of 50 cents per month in the minimum flat rate for electrical service is sought by the Florence Electric company of Florence, Lane county. In an application filed with the public service commission Saturday. With the exception of five miles of heavy mud the Pacific from Saitm iu Medford is in splendid condition foi travel at this time according to Her bert Nunn, state highway engineer, Mrs. Commissioner Extill. ranking officer in charge of the Sal I vation Army work among women In l the territory, will be one of the big speakers at the. convention of Oregon county advisory boards to be held in Portland March 17. i She will tell the advisory board mem hers what are" the Salvation Army plans for the home service program of 1920 of enlarging the scope of service I to women. Coming from a good English family Mrs. Commissioner Estill 3o years ago began her Salvation Army work l-the London slums, when in her girlhood. She has held high positions in Aus- CANDIDATE ENTERED JHARY Bismarck, N. D., Mar. 13. Nonn Dakota faces the unique situation of a presidential preference primary on March IS with but one candidate. Sen ator Hiram W. Johnson, entered. In-' tra-r.arty delegation contests, pivoting about the non-partisan league, consti tute tho chief barbed wire entangle ments on the voter battlefield. Major General Leonard Wood and Governor Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, refrained from filing negotiations a, er a section republican state conven tion had voted that delegates to the national convention should go unin astructed. William Jennings Bryan withdrew his name as democratic pan-1 degrees of severity in every logaiv VAN TRUMP ADVISES SPRAYING OF LOGANS TO INSURE BIG CROPi tance in the control of this disease All fruited canes should be remov ed as soon as possible after the pick ing season is closed. These old canes and all trash along the rows should be burned and the ash applied to the soil. A spray of Bordeaux, 4-4-50. should be given the vines In the spring beforo the leaves appear. This spray should be applied thoroughly, to cover everv ThA mmmereial value of the logan-: portion of the canes and the crown herrv cron is so great today that no P'ant. A second application of . . . mk ln sane spray should be given after grower can afford to be content mtto: ,eaV(.g appear and the less than a 100 per cent yield, ac-jhave made a growth of ( to 8 inches cording to 8. H. Van Trump, fruit in- -After the fruit is set the. yard soector for Marion county. should be given a final sprav of h. Pointing to the fact that the aver-j Bergundy mixture. ThiB spray is made' aee loeanberry yield in me oaiem rcc-ioi: sai-soaa, x pounds. Connar .,!. tion varies, in different yards all t"ae,phate, 2 pounds and water 21 gallons. way from one ana one-nan 10 mui and one-half tons per ac?, Mr. an Wallace G. Thrill, district attorney Trump manes a epeciai uusinauuu.ii h neeier county, nas tiled his can bearing upon tne maiciuions inai con- araacy lor reelection. dition are not what they should be in many yards. DiNeu-se In AH Yards. "Anthrocnose Is present in varying sure Mifcf didate. The primary is to elect for each party a national committeeman, five presidential electors and ten national convention delegates. Political observers declare both re-, publicans and democrats have been di vided on the Issue of the non-partisan league. There is considerable speculation as to whether republican delegates vill be bound to vote for Senator Johnson at the Chicago convention. Under the state law the delegate takes an oath that he will faithfully carry out the wishes of his party as expressed by the primary. For the first time in this state, wo men will vote for presidential electors but cannot vote for delegates to m. national conventions, although .the state may be represented in those con ventions by women delegates, one of whom has been nominated by each party. Central Howell central Howell, Or., Mar. 15. The Central Howell school has been closed down for ubout two weeks and a half, but Is now reopened again. There has been a little sickness in this district but there are no known cases now. The basket social that was planned to be given about a month ago will b given next Friday evening, March 19. The school has purchased several school ground play apparatus such as 1.., ulli.l 1... 1 I .. ....mi,, luumuii, rope for Bwi,1(w teeler-totters nnrt a ghuU stride. These articles are not all pal, for. ho come to our basket social, bring a basket and help pay for them. The Central Howell school would who returned Saturday afyer a tour traliu and was for 12 years in Japan, over that section of the state. I where she had charge of Salvation John W. Cunningham was a capitol Army work with her husband, work visitor Saturday, In consultation with ing with him in the administration of State Engineer Percy A Cupper rela-jthat territory as she is now in the ad tive to the development of the lower ' ministration of the western territory unit of the Jordan Valley irrigation of the United States. district, which It is hoped to have uu der water sometime In time for this year's crops. Arguments In the case of George L. Green field vs. the Portland Centra) Labor Council and G. Hcitkeinput against the Portland Central Labor Council have been advanced for hear ing on the supreme court calendar to March 22. Both cases Involve the right of labor unions to maintain pick ets before establishments whose em ployes have gone out on strike. The cases are before the supreme court qn appeal of the plaintiffs, Greenfield and Heltkoniper, the labor council winning In the lower court. Mrs. Commissioner Estill is known as a splendid organizer and a keen observer. Much of value to the state of Oregon will result from her visit at this time, when the convention? of upwards of 150 prominent business men of the state, members of the coun ty boards, are gathered to consider the broad program of Salvation Army service in Oregon's rural district. While here Mrs. Commissioner Es till will Investigate facilities for con ducting the Oregon program and muke what alterations are necessary to expand It to Include the service to be given the state at large. Former Salesman Dies In Accident turn McNary, former Salem police man and familiar character here, was killed Saturday night in an auto acci dent at San Jose, Cal., according to word received In this city. McNary, according to information received by Chief of Police Welsh, wus rendered unconscious by the accident, add died a little later in a hospital. Chief Welsh was usked by Sheriff Lyle of San Jose to notify McNary relatives. So far as Chief Welsh could deter mine McNary's only relative Is a sister, Mrs. Surah McNary of Narragansett, N. J. He is said not to be related to tho well-known McNary family here. Alumni of the University of Ore gon at Bend are planning to give n reception and dance In honor of the j university Glee club which gives a concert at Bend March AO. HELP FOR MOTHER t A mother whose strength is over-wrought or who is thin, pale or nervous, should find re newed energy in every drop of SCOTT'S EMULSION Let it help rum your daily tasks from aburden to pleasure. Scott's Emulsion is abundant in those nourishing ele ments that every mother in the land needs. f aeon a Inm, Moomleld. N. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT Retiring From Business Sale There is nothing mythical or magical in these words they mean just what they say. To every one that takes them at face value they mean a substantial reduction in prices on quality merchandise. THE PRICE OF EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE RE- DUCED AT LEAST TEN PER CENT All Fixtures For Sale Glass cases, counters, Ijimson end- less cable cash carrier system ( with electric motor. Money chang t Ing machine, office furniture and J one Hall's fire-proof safe with I money chest, outside dimensions 4 56x35x34 Inches $375 4-4 4 Special Price Reductions VELOURS: 56 inch black, reduced from $4.75 a yard to $2.93 and Mahogany $5.35 a yard - $3.35 SUITINGS: All wool, 40 inch Tlaida suitable for skirts and girls dresses at less than half present val. $1.95 DRESS GOODS: 36 inch part wool in red and brown only, reduced to yd 65c 32 inch Plaids known as Ren frew Winter Ginghams, yd....45c Storm Proof 56 inch Green reduced from to I 25c Toilet Soap 15c Williams Priscllla Violet Scented Toilet Soap. Large, round, firm cakes, dos l.7j Still a Good line of Plaid silk taffetas atyyard $1.95 Umbrellas Lay To, Men! .We have just entered the shower sea son and here is n dauntless array of I'mbrollas for your protection. There are many grades of material for cov ers an' endless variety of handles and two distinct styles of construction the old style nnd the India as illus trated. $1.35 lu $5.50.Iss io Per Cent White Gloves I 45c LA lot of good long, white Clum-X lsette gloves, a fabric that weais well and washes well at a grace-1 .1 Men price. I ; Political Pot. St. Paul, Minn., Mar. 15. Minneso ta's special primary at which republi can voters will express their choice for president, will be held tonight between 7:30 and 8:30 o'colck, except In some counties where county chairmen have designed the time from 7 p. m. to 9 p. in. Five candidates are on the ballots Leonard Wood, Hiram W. Johnson, Frank O.. Lowden, Miles Poindexter and Warren O. Harding. In Henne pin county (Minneapolis) Herbert Hoover's name also appears. SAXD BATHS f OR THE IMMACULATE JERBOA The jerboa, a strange little animal that lives in Africa, looks like a tiny kangaroo and belongs to the same family as the rat, is called the clean- estanlmal there is. The jerboa digs a trench In the clean sandand rolls over and over In the sand, which is the lit- tleanlmal's method of keeping clean. Pl'XISIIMEXT FOU PROFITEERS The anti-profiteering campaign in England has resulted In the conviction of 1320 persons, with more in prospect. Many of. these'. were handed prison terms and tJS.'OW) in fines collected. berry yard in this section and is an unsuspected but very serious source of loss t many growers. Careful ob servation indicates that this loss Is not less than 5 per cent in the least infected yards, while it often amounts to 20 or 30 per cent, loss in the worst infected yards. In the midst of the ripening pea- eon many of the fruiting lateral canes are observed, first to wilt, and final ly to dry up with their half develop ed berries. This condition Is common ly attributed to drouth, but In most cases it is due to the lavages of an throcnose. Close observation will dis cover the characteristic bluish-black spots at the base of these dead laterals. Anthracnose is due to the growth of a specific fungus, gloesporlum venetum. This fungus growing in the tissue of the cane produces the char acteristic detld spots in the cambium and bark. The fungus Is reproduced each summer by the development of myriads of small spores which are scattered broadcast in the w.ind. Sanitatiou Necessary. Experience has shown that sanita tion in the yards Is of first impor. STOP ITCHING ECZEMA Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo . win Help You Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zema Furnished by any drufrfist for 35c. Extra large bottle, $1.00, Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually, every trace of eczema tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy.alwaysuse Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain. When others fail it is the one dependable treatment for skin troubles of all kinds. The, E. W, Rose Co, Ckvtkod, O. D.. ,11 f J ASK FOR ann r, "HICK' mm ,z ""gmai SOSSSCOVGHs HAVE rxi'KHT pi . -vjij; jfjj Willi 85 years'eiiierieBc. we u my dcta, oKle i . s. Bank BWt A new level for the price of tim ber lands Is the sale of a tract of 143 acres in Clatsop county for $50,000. For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. (Advl The two secrets "of real tea enjoyment are: I. Buy good tea. . 2. Don't boil it, nor let it steep too long not over 6 minutes. A third secret : Schilling Tea. Theia ate four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-linedmolsture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco I .TfYI-nVAT n...... ,r7he utmost powewalm mi m I. " Pure throughout, dependable always, Red Crown gasoline gives the utmost power-value. It is made to meet the requirements of your engine. "Red Crown" is all-refinery gasoline with the full and continuous chain of boiling points necessary for ready starting, quick and smooth acceleration, steady, dependable power and long mileage. Look for the "Red Crown" sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY --.v. v . (Cliiiiiia) ...". Aq Gasoliiw of Qray .A . B tare to ask your grocer for Kara Maple in the Green Can. It U guaranteed to please you or your " grocer returns your money. SSaftac AepftMMtetfM A PwrtUad, Onto F No Fancy Price for Karo Maple But High Quality and Delicious Maple Flavor FEW housewives are disposed these day to pay fancy price for what may or may f be genuine maple syrup. They much prefer to serve the Karo Mpt Flavor they know, with the appetizin? fen of the purest maple syrup. The new Karo Maple has the .delightful maple taste, si the same time pours like regular Karo, wiw spattering and making the cake soggy. You, too, will find Karo Maple Flawr delicious economical spread for pancak waffles-and just th thing or sliced brea fpr children. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery Place NwYork