Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 13, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920.
' - -wt m.cri Insertion one
"".i.Mi-tiniis 5 cents, one month
.L-tions. 17 n one year. Per
7h cents. Minimum per aa zs
"t insertion only in New Today.
.A. rash in advance and not tak
Wwer Phone, unless advertiser has
"onthly account. N allowance tor
phone error
SAJCOX cheap, cloverleaf
I condition. See this. The B. & o
(Motor Co.-JlTi S. Cowl. 53.'
For SaleFarms.
LOST Cold wrist
-.vtFD To rent 5 or S room house
would lease. Thane 1201. 368
cfTro good'steel range for sale, and
a 63
-r-AT e 8 room modem house.
F11JT96N. th. 6 3
STnTED Wood cutters to .ut 100
MTds of fir, tools furnished, $3 per
cord. Skyline Orchards: g65
f5SALE Good secondhand lum-
ber and brickl765 N. Com'l. c68
i nr.AN'BERRY trainer wanted.
lPhone U2F12,,, -; 3
pnnn six room bungalow "With fruit
tract, overlooking City. Owner. Rt.
100. a68
FOR SALE Stum page 2ui)0
, mimr. i-mnf 44F5j
watch. I'hone 53
- . j reo?-
IXM , V, LA S EIGHT In perfect cW
ditn.n mechanically and otherwise
a high class m auto, cord tires!
'nr Bpure. win take smaller
as part, or will trade for real es-
'" t'. . L Motor Co., ITS
S. Commercial, ' j.
FOR SALE At a bargain, two good
a room nouses, modern except fur
nace, close in. huge lots, plentv of
fvnit iiavoil :
-. , . iiiiiifuiaie pos
session, easy terms and at the low
price of $3000 and" $3650 tor quick
sale. Phone 1170R tj
TO EXCHANGE For land. $lV000
wortn good income" property: close
in acreage for good automobile.
Phone 11T0R. . .. .
POR-SALE Bicycle. 20 S. .ConVL
fosT Somewhere between U. S.
A. ....i mum house, fountain
rn Leave or phone Dr. Fairchilds.
it c mnK uius. "w
fu-rnii&ihed house
ta vicinity of 1264 Broadway.' Call
ttTt hard wood dres
r also Black Minorca eggs for
f.nhinff. Call 454 Hood St. c64
unvwy-r.- .
rrTtr,r-r T.adv nr eentleman tiirent
wanted in Salem tor W'atkins Fa
" .... Products. Watklns goods
known everywhere. , Big profits.
-,.ito todav. Watkins company, 61
ir!i,nn Minn. b3
frSALE By owner, 6 room mod
ern house, an excellent lot: part
down and balance terras. Call 236
13,,-h st. a68
roll SALE 5 acre tract, ; TO uiin
i llten w-ulL- f. i;
. n V. m nut,, O ruuill
htinse. barn. well, with all kinds
of fruit and berries in bearing:
will sell at a bargain if taken at
once with terms to suit; south Sa
lem, second house on Highland
ave. from Jefferson road. P. F.
Stolzhcise. Rt. 4 box 17 4 1 hii
FOR TRADE Ten acre farm in Cal-
liornia, equipped with household
goods, stock and implements, for
place with splendid soil, ' all year
good roads, good house and other
buildings. Prefer Polk . -county.
. ,ir iviupirie uescnpiion'- ana vai
uation. Box 10. Siilem. Or n7
ETTERBEKO Ul si..,oei'ry plant FOR RENT Fi.ino, good tone and
(7.50 per lOOo; W.ison ii. Address
P. u. oo lit, yaivni,- or
FOR SALE 50.000-Wilson straw
berry plants. Well rooted from
young vines. Trimmed and tied li
condition. Smith & Barnes upright
mahogany case, per uiumu.
Please state whether children and
particulars. Bess K." Bailey, Good
Samaritan hospital, Portland, Or.
for 1000. Trimmed and sacked, not FOR RKNTBar to u.d
tied M for 1000. Can do shade 24 N. 15th. J5
better on large orders.
Bond. Rt. , box S8.
Wm. A.
For Sale livestock.
TO RENT Or sell, lots, set out to
lOgans and pear trees. Call at 1195
N. 20th. 15
'A f'l-tf-kit ,A - ZTTTt
, .'"--' " ae iract. win tsen si a
! bargain if taken at once, t Phone
! 7Ktf. , b7
FOR SALE Oandy 4 roout bungalow
electric lights, hot and. cold .watej.
in goou condition: 22 fruit trees,
chicken house, dandy little bar
$1500 ets it. 17.10 Lee St. corner
16th. , - ..-Re.
TRUCK for sale.,- one and "half" toh.
ihe b. & C. Motor Co., US & Com.
U, I
SIX acres with barn, outbuildings
and f 1 m i Iv fimlianl. mutt , . . .
berries or chicken ranch. One mile
frt. Clan, ) . 1
Huicm uiiur un guw ruHU,
Terms and a bargain if taken
Mti;iv. n. a. narris, owner, tH
K. Capitol street. Phone 1T81J. t3
SED car for sale, extra tires, jelec-
iric iigms. uetacnauie rims, and in
sftod running coiufition. $300 if sold
; at once. A real- barmin. Phn-
S062W. j
ford bull. Price $7&. Phone 1000
E. M. Croisan. Salem, Or. . eS
FOR SALE Fresh cow, Holstein
and Jersey. 640 N. Winter St. e63
FOR SALE One good . work team
cheap; one nun cow, iresn soon;
stock hogs, all sixes. A. E. Cray",
Rt. 1. Tel. 7F3.
rooms, modern; 1 block from car
line, garage, I gardens, I4 per
month. Phone . J6J
Lost and Found
LOST Tortoise rim glasses in leath-er-case.
Kinder please phone 1090
: M - - - - k61
A SNAP We have a decided snap
in 4,efai In n-K . ID ; .
...v. nuni to icvvquueu -a
perhaps the best 60 acre prune and
"..him, VIWUUU III UIV OUimit Itt'lU.
. If you are in earnest, come and
" rearcy rsros.. ziu uregon Diag.
This property is in the hills above
frost. ; n63
v. .-- -va liaiA . V t n , I r
f 1 1 r satj Pir. itjK" rgi I ttteaae return to this office, k63
.rtVi ' . t tt 1.-.. . .1. ' 't i- iiu I i . . J ,,,, n A Matm n 1 30x3 W
rvn oiiuc-riTOu ,w, vnrw. amii, uiw, wj r' - - -
Biiveriun nmu. . e"i r li ' . ... - ;-
fnR-SAiThourtnred oTirc. N. S"2 Ore. NotMy-Marlon Au;
' Ramseyer, Mac lea y. Or. . e63
, -v ..Best Buys. "
! acres best bottom land on good
ll Mtil, f,s- in,t nf hrillfe in
Polk county, all in fruit; 6 room
nlasiered house, wood shed, new
barn. $250 easy terms.
24 acres, 20 in. fruit, 8 room mod
em house with hot and cold water
and bath, barn etc. some loganuer
rles. $9600 terms.
40 acres 1 miles out on a good
road, good berry land, priced as a
whole. $2o0 per acre, win divine.
all hnttoni land In Keixer
bottom, IS acres prunes and 13 acres
in mixed prunes, apples and cherries
in bearing. 4(o per acre.
Lot S5X16S leet on pavea siren uuu
car line for $1250, terms.
Lot 60x100 feet on pavement lor
141 State st. . '
FOR SALE Fine business corner oa
19th St. and State, good modern. 1
riwim hiMian in first class reoairl
must be sold this week. Price $6,
000 on easy terms. See Gay O.
Smlth. a6
WANTED J- or 4-day old calves. I WANTED To borro
FOR SALE 1 bay horse, weight
about 1200; one urew litter carrier,
loo root 01 euoie; seea gray oats.
1 none ooro. coo
FOR SALE -50 head good 'stock TO MAKE a success you t have
WANTED Girl for general house
work; no children. Phone 897. g6 5
WE buy and exchange unimproved
acreages, city lots, old houses, mdse
live stock. What have you? Give
WANT To buy 5 to 10 acres stump
land, some timber. Want to rent 1
to 3 acres loganberry yard. Farm
P care Journal.' Phone 1205M eve
nings. 63
forp wanted for cash. What have
yfj&TED Small child to care for.
Address Mrs P lapiiai .ioui iihi. 101
PflH GIT 1 L!.,..,.,.lw.u ..I 1 aTTT
. v. k.uriiiucr 111 1111
vumuuiiii. ime registerea male
tfn.l.,.l.jn A ... . U .. . , , Vtl
. uvsiwihh-, v jiiuiunti uiu. 1 none i
FOR SALE Or trade, 11 acres, all
cultivated, good family orchard,
fair buildings, located 15 miles
Irom Salem, will be on paved road
next vear, and 1 mile from good
town ' with standard high school.
Price $2000. 1 acre with 6 room
1 ..n horn., nhifiken house
I1UU3C-, Diuati - '
located in good town on railroad
14 miles from Salem, county pav
ing plant will locate- one felock of
place where there will be lots of
work: will consider Ford car or
truck as part payment. Price $1,
oaa Ar will trade both nlaces for
I a fiirm and pay some difference or
assume mortgage, write dox iii,
Anmsvllle. Or. 63
FOR SALE SO high grade Cotswold
ewes,-ou lamns now. can or address
it. . vvn nee. Amity, ur. e6s
yOl'R future foretold: Send dime,
birtlulate for trutimu rename con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Huuse
box 215, Los Angeles, cat
MAURY FOR wealth, happiness.
u,,,l,oHa wph . ntlrnntive. rnnefln-
ial, willing to wed. Photos free.-21
years experience. Mrs. warn, z.'ie
y, Temple St. Los Angeles, Oil.
MARRY if lonely; for results, try
hoot nnit most ' Successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; striotly confiden
tial; most relinble; years experi
ence; descriptions free. "The Suc
cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 666,
Oakland. Calif. 277
40. ACRE farm with deepl rich soil
way, perfect drainage, ideal for
dairying and poultry; good build
ings, family fruit; 18 miles to Port
land over good roads. Write owner
for particulars. L. Kearney. Rt. 2.
box 115D, Hillsboro, Or. . b64
FOR SALE At a bargain, 160 acres
little better than a mile out of the
city limits on tne macaaamizea
iv,,,,, uuuu iiiuutri 11 iiuubo aim Dai 11,
and plow) goes with the place at
the price' of only $175 per acre.
Thlo la a m.I K'.- Ann' mSfr o Klc
.! 1CA .(.4 VU,. , . , CM, UC V111C,
w in not. last long. Lan tt u. uies
'brecht, 618 Mill St., Dallas, Or. n64
FOR SALE A fine 40 acre" fruit
ninrn. 1 none sir u, noj
FOR dry wood phone 1678W.
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will Baw
your woon. rnone iuui. moo
FOR SALE Fir and oak tmpage.l & rlocUM. auto transfer.
Phone 1043W c3 general draying, local and long
rnoneiiwvY. coa S1 -. i,,iinir office nhone 356
YOUR future foretold; Send dime
uirinuaie ior trutniui reliable con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Hause,
iiox ;u, ixis Angeies, cat
WANTED Contract to cut 1000 or
more cords big fir wood;suituble to
use drag saw. W. A. Liston, , 484
Court St. ' ' " 163
w jju ior sate, lirsi cmss 10 men ur - ..
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will TKANSi utt, moving, mouse
...... . . ..,..1 ..ii nffloo nt Pennle's Furni-
rnn Hit.1,1 t.,,,. 1.0., Ai.ii.. ....
. ........ r.,i,i u.ij
about 2800 lbs.-, n bargain-at $185.
Pair chestnut sorrel mares, a low
blocky pair of chunks, and a dan
dy all round little team, fat as-butter,
fine little team for orchard,
etc., $150. Span chunky mares, wt.
about 2600 lbs.. $225; also a good
1400 lb. mare and her two year old
colt, both low and stocky .build,
with good heavy bone; and Several
sets double harness nt very rens-
nt Farmers barn opposite Electric
netror. - ia
EXCHANGE 80 acres well improv-
J .1 1 - I c.
cu, un suuu uuuav "' or uetii ou
Rt. 1. box 66, Brownsville, Or. n65
FOR SALE Twelve acres of beaver
., nam i.inu. inquire r . u. luipe own
er. Rr. 8. box 95. Salem. Or. b65
FOR SALE By owner, 40 acres, 35
In et 11 1 i'n t- inn VialmiiA llmhar1 a-rtnA
fruit land. $6000: 27 lots in west
Salem, large- unfinished house
$1800; 6 acres, 2ft logans, family
orchard. 5 room house, good Darn,
on caved street. 16000. Geo. H
Stoddard, 1480 Broadway, b63
. For Sale Miscellaneous.
WANTED Position either driving
- -u-iicK or lii'-gaiage, nave nan some
experience, rsox 4i journal. nti4
FOR SAT.R Eastman 3A foldine ko
dak and carrying case, cost iss win
sell for $50. Phone itsm. 3
6PIRELLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice
A. Miles, 461 N. 81st. MeaBurea tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
anernoon. fnone lftiaj.
WANTED To hear ' from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, fulL particulars. D. F, Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn.. . ' , f
A FEW dollars invested today may
bring you the biggest return of
join- lite. Have you pluck and fore
siplit? Write Chas. Frank! Co. 110
West 40th St.. New York.: '63
FOR SALE 40 acres of the vetry
cnoieest nottom loam, 0 mues rrom
Salem, all in cultivation; 16 acres
in two-year old prune trees, 12
acres of full bearing orchard, con
sisting of apples, pears, cherries
...'ilmila ,ilr.r,1 hnnan hnrn nnd
other outbuildihgRf This Is a great
uargain at per acre, aiuoi uv
sold within the next few days.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Ore
con bide. bfi4
ROOlU house for sale, close in, north
of State street, best location; plas
tered, plenty of closets, a conven
ient house, onodern except base
ment. Large lot, bearing fruit trees
and pirden, paved streets and side
walk. This is a good buy in a large
house close in. Possession In 30
days. Price $3750; terms, $1250
cash, balance 6 percent for a term
of years. S. R. Pearson, 405 Ore
gon hide. Phone 43. n
FOR SALE Secondhand range with
con, gooa conauion, cnenp ior casn
1095 H. 14th St. c;i
XYLOPHONES for sale, a bargain
dns in. winter 01. coa
FOR SALE Man's bicycle in good
conauion. mil iuij unn 01. coo
CHOPPED oats and vetch hay for
sale. Phone 109F12. c4
FOR SALE 1-horse light spring
marKet wagon cneap; aiso 1
chick brooder. 1760 Waller St. c67
FOR SALE Show card" writers air
brush outfit complete, $22 caBn.
Address . a. r., care journal. 01
W,H Khali make mnnA: 4d
(tress V, . ri. f. faun price vt
flnn lin.r 99 inn f f Rlia
VI W V ' 1 ' H.iJ T - " i' . ' ' "
sell, Waconda, ur. r-none an. -
FOR SALE Baled hay, clover and
timothy mixer, $20 per ton. Phone
7F32. Kt. 1. coa
THE greatest speculation of the age,
enormous profits predicted. Rois
4nu frniYi nnonn'n ilentha wrecks .Hid
cargoes worth billions now' made
niiKyihlt. hv tho S'llln-ftr Shin Salv
age 'system. Write for illustrated
Dookiet sent nee. ureennmyer v
Co.. 51' Fifth ave.. New Y'ork. 63
VMS art- offering a limited amount of
stock in Keystone -Soletner, manu
facturers of substitute for leather.
flfirtl. n.,..i,.l,:,rr rrnalratu tP t 11-
usual opportunity' for profit. Infor
mation tree. J. J. urauiicn r t-o.,
15 William St. New York. 63
$lo buys five acres- Texas field.
Hanger leases sold at 23q poy
woith thousands per acre. Nuttlc
paid $1 per acre and sold for J6,
(100 per acre. Texas-Rainbows End
now opening up shows same geo
logical formation as proven- terri
tory. Leases here may jump any
price with first well coming in. It's
sptculation, but'the kind of spec
ulation that has made many small
Investors rich. The Fortuna Oil Co.
started in by severa-i men pooling
$400 in leases sold, out... recently
for a million dollars. If you don't
understand business, .we will
i.-m n ..... i . 1 1 it
H"l'M .J,1UII1' an ieiHii. xvrniii
for fie acres. We send you legal
leftCr. f,.,.m nn.l Iran .'.II 1 1. ,Alllh
ii',,,, mi,, n,"Ci j vr .,. ......
with developments. Send name for
tree map and full information, re
eon Valley Co., 114 H N. Robinson.
Oklahoma. Oltla. 63
FOR rrnt Piano, good tone and
condition, mahogany; state wheth
er children and particulars! Bess
r-.. iwiiey, uood Samaritan nospii-
r inmnrt - n.,
WANTED Partner for garage, some
one that can sleep at garage, oniy
$250 for ft Interest. Write Box 20
Journal office. - 63
SPECIAL NOTICE For sale, a good
socominanu piano ior iau cun.
393 N. Church, if taken nt once. e64
WANTED Girl for dining room and
tray work at Willamette sanitarium
, g65
FOR SALE Hay, one ton oat and
vetch, thirty dollars. Feed barn,
5 fnnlur St., . - . - e!n
FRlfE While thoy.. last, . slruwbcrry
plants, litterDtirg Io. in. nuiu
Tiros. PacklngCo. d65
For Sale Houses.
p. ,t) Hir.n 6 room nlnstered house
8 years old. with two lots in ocar
ina fruit. Sightly location, good
,...., i l Hindis from enr line,
Immediate possession. Exceptional
buy Price $2000. Terms, $500 cash
balance easy. S. R. Pearson, 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 43. - n
IF your property r worth the money
we list It, wo f averusw ii.
& Magee, Salem, 428 Oregon bldg..
Port la n a. 909 vi" imoer or t,am. m
w$1500, can
give good seeurlty on Salem prop
erty. Parties having this amount
of money to loan call at 32 Ore
gon hldr. or nhone-141$. S3
ewes. lambing and will finish
lambing this month; 1 head of
JJurnam siock cattle, yearlings ana
i years; also 4 head of good milk
coks, fresh in thirty days. Joe
pelser. stayton, or. eoo
an aim, work and study. The- lit
tle man looks for tne inue joo.
The big Job looks for the big man.
Its -up to you. international vorre
spondence Schools. For interview
with representative Phone 1735.
"For Sale Wood.
.c riiDPRvrFR will work contract or
by day. ADie to nnisn nuuse vum-
ni.i. iiqa iv. lstn. rnone ositv.
l.v.v. - -. - --
,. . . mow
distance hauling. Office phone 356
L'iicmitMrnnv ia. thA time: w
rvu.'.-'-'i . .. j .
make old walls wok new, ana mnj
unhealthy rooms clean and fresh".
Pr res r Kht. Call TOf O. 1"
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
305 S. Church. Phone 1542. rrea
E. Wells. ee
For Sale Poultry
mi C" -' v-.. - '
. OT1 IV CnnininrMn MI
Phone 734. Kesiaence ioo wm'
FOR SALE Eggs, Rhode Island
Reds, Utah strain, dark red color,
,aw 1 ,1 - rri - 1R fnm 1 1 R A ftlsn ill.
cuoator settings. e mue souin 01
12th St. carline. Rt. 5, box 40, Mode
Reedv Salem. Or. . f67
r,TT-ttrn vntif anrnlnarfl from 1)111 111.1 n
Writ Hsii Hii?ntana ave. 11111
WANTED 5 or 8 room modern bun
galow. $300 casn, Daiance mommy.
Pnr 866. Can tal journal. i-
zrzrzz ; ttt T mi iojs riYUMl,T. tniirintz car all OV
S." . n"v Moir Bros.7 371 Court St. Q7
558 State St.
. I a Ttmn rPADU A Wfl U I?. PA 1 ft IN O-
t ; i. I 1 A1BO upawiaiciiHi
nz-iti t-1 r m D 1-. 111. 1 1 a I nnr I saHNksHsk ....
4- t
of all kinds, seat
covers. Service. O.
J. Hull, Y. M. C
McFarland and English Tom Baun
strains. K. .vvooiery, o. : HnlldlnaTSalem. Oregon
rnone vw. -T-.n ,,i.
tJ. : i x?i it BAT.v.
R. I. RED eggs for hatching, fine " - - . 8alc
n,ln UwM PhlHU SSF!. IbBI " T .
n....... . - - -- , & ij iiiartacmnn.
HATCHING eggs, Rhode Island Reds! 66
Evemua y Katciui a neas, nnj
not now. Have you seen them? I BARGAIN Maxwell car, good 0011-
Phone 1788W2. ' f63 ditlon, I30U. o-i -'Li
. ... . ,......1 PAB QATV V-tun trlllK. nHS HICHI
FOR SALHi Himalaya, wieruui j tui. "- ,,..,-.
121 and Chamnlon gooseDerry. w. Dony ior wuwu . .
C. Franklin. Rt. 1, box 11. Phone . moving. Price reasoname. lerm.
' . . ! Phnnn 888M. I
Good Buys.
28 acre tract of ftrst-class prune,
loganberry and strawberry soil, near
ly all cultivated. A good room
house, barn, well, located on main
rock road 6)4 miles from Salem.
Price $6,0.
4.86 acre tract, two acres logan
k...Uj lil'inra Btrawherries. small
house, 4 miles south, good road;
price $2,660.
inA tir-a tritct IRA ACrPS Cultivated.
balance timber and pasture, running
creek, several tnousana corua w
standing fir timber, locatea s mnes
fronv Salem on rock road. Price $100
per acre. '
25 acres of line prairie sou. m cul
tivated; small house house and good
barn, located en gravel road, seven
miles from Salem. Price $5,000. .
It acres of gooa Bearing iiuuku
,.,,, 7 anil II vbhts nld. located 4Vi
miles from Salerno Offered for a
short time at $5500.
in aura tract located on main grav
.i .n.A 19 miles from Salem. 40
.,,ii(vnfii mod fences, run
ning water, good six room house,
barn, hop house; so acres or goou
timber. Price $150 per acre.
1ft acre tract locatea Close hi o
i.v. uii miitR'Atari. srood 5 room
house, barn, well, 1 acre loganberries.
Price $3500.
80 acre farm locatea o mues irom
Salem, good buildings, nearly all cul
tivated, some timber, good road
u.tA. tut nan
10 acres or gooa prune ann uerrjr
land, all cultivated. Price $1500.
ia ....... imnt R acres loB-anoerries.
8 room house and barn, 6V4 miles
out. Price $6500.
en m tract 7 acres lomtnoeriiQn,
8 acres of prunes, located on main
Pacific highway; small buildings. If
you are looking for a money maker,
investigate this, oiiereo ior a iiui.
time at $7500.
Villi ISHi t-il ) rt
k mmrtriurn hnnnnlow located
-l a te T lnnln alKaat TrlrA 1 3 A 00. i
Kl 5tO uuiUMii -onvv.. ... ' "
6 room modern ounsaiow lommo
nt 1516 8. Commercial mreoi. rviw
VVV- t nonn
room monern nuuio, mi ovvv
feet, garage, paved street, rnce a,
K nlnstered bungalow, gOOd
location. Price $1600.
Modern 8 room house, gooa loca
tion, on main street. Price $5000,
W, H. Grabenhorst & Co.
HAS the $ lost its vnlue? No. Wry?
..... - 1 1 -T
tsefause ZOWl. ,l,,wif nil,
per month will buy a I room mod
ern bungalow basement, fureplaee.
Dutch kitchen, on paved street in
good location.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353. 416 Masonic Temple.
u i r- tr rT ac priT. rsriTR .
28 acres, acres beaverdam land
renting as high as $50 per acre. All
under plow, 20 acres in growing grain
Modern 6 room house, garage, barn
and gass water system to all build
ings. Gravel road. Price $13,500.
10 acres nest sumiroan ana income
......... . n.ilu . DlMat M, S
logans, last year s crop 26 tons; 1
acre strawberries, 1 family orchard.
balance garaen; I crops.wiu pay ior
place. Price $10,000.
40 acre Howell Prairie farm, 32
acres growing grain, 8 acres timber
and brush: new 10 room house and
nlkui wrnnA lllinillVlll,lb, 810.000.
Will consider good residence in trade.
11 acres fine suuurnan nome, musi
ly bearing prunes, about 1 3-4 mile
out. Strictly monern s mrai nuuar,
fall cement basement with furnace
and gas water system. Water to all
rooms and out buildings. A fine home
and Income property. $13,000.
5 acres, elegant suuuroan nornv.
close in, 7 room modern house. Gas
water system. Water to all buildings.
For a short time, look this over and
you will be pleased.
Oregon Land Co..
Whlte Leghorns, Butr Legnoms, k. wnen in. : Ire and
.1 Reds. Barred Rocks. Black Ml- lutely non-skid. Horton Tire ana
norcas, White Wyandottes, Buff Rim Co.. 3il louri ai.
r I . . AM.nnna ThMA VRfl.l . IW,,,1IJT1 l. nalntlntf flimltUrS TO
etles each .week. C. N. Needham, I finishing. The Salem Refintshlnf
658 State St. Tel. uu. iq Co. Iho B. lain w.- mum
EGGS for hafohing, Mottled Anconasl GENERAL automobile repairing
cv,D,,',,,ir,i' aivnin 13.25 Deri Mnimatna rennlred and recharged
443 State street
" Real Investments.
t,.u iiutA.1 i&a nrr Httiiik ranch. 20
acres in cultivation, 80 acres slashed.
water on every 40, senooi on corner
of the place. 7 miles from good town
on main road; good barn, fair house.
Real buy at, oesi oi terms.
mn .... I. mnrh 4ft acres In
cultivation, most all ean be cultivated
when cleared. Fair buildings, spring
water. Price 4,suu, gouu ivnua.
40 acres, an in cultivation, p,ij
....i. snrai nt ni-iinefl. X miles
of town; good buildings. Snap, $5,260.
13 acres, all in cultivation, um
loganberry land, loganberry tips to
set 4 acres, 4 miles of town. Price
$2,000. Kasy terms.
We have two good buys In S room
We advertise your property ai your win nnt. increase the nrtce
and make the sale Impossible.
Homesteaa reiinuuwiiiurui o.
120 acres, , 20 acres in cultivation,
,.i,,,, i Ann nftft ft. of timber, new
barn, fair house. Place well fenced.
Price $4600, good terms, win accept
Estea & Magee.
jos ntrnn hldff. Salem
Portland office, Chamber of Com.
275 Btate street
from Shep))ard's strain $2.25 per
Betting; luger quuniuies ior uicu-
l,alni. nrined on RDDliCatiOn, JaS.
vvv Rt. 9. 'box 253. Salem. 82
POP KAT.TC Farm wa&ron In cood re
pair ;nlso mixe aoais ana cneui
hay. F. N. Shearer, Rt. 2, box 11,
Gervals. Or. c63
FOR SALE Furniture, 1 Davenport
oak Cliairs, dook cuse, uil oiuve ttnu
oven, dishes, oak table, mirror and
etc. Miller apartments, 633 Ferry
St. apartment 8. 63
Wanted Help.,
, ... and recharired.
Ford work a specialty; batteries re
charged. The Fairgrounds Garage
U. D. Jackson, Prop. Phone 808
wiHTRl) Messenger. Apply West'
em Union. - . - (8
WANTED-Help, for patients' dining
ronm OrecoiV " state luoercuiosis
hospital. Phone 433. g63
FOR SALE Turning luthe for wood,
1 blacksmith Bellows anu vise, as
sortment of springs for trailers.
Werner Fennel, 803 N. Liberty St.
' 72
FOR SALE Buckeye coal brooder,
Mind ns new. Phone Dtofl. cod
WANTED Work on Saturdays' by
hlizh school KlrU would line care rTTTTur a :ri.! murio on vniir n 1 , tires
of children, Phone 133W. h84 ' turned In on Kenton's nonskld
Would you save money? Horton
Tire and Kim Co., sst court m
ONIONS for sale cheap. 197 South
rnmmercial. coo
FOR SALE Or trade timber claim
in .nrnhnrn Orecrnn. 160 acres.
- Tlione 84F4. cM
CEDAR POSTS Seven foot, split red
cedar loganberry posts in canoau
lots. Write A. M. Matlock Lumber
enmnnnv. Dallas. Or. c66
ron sat.p. Clean red clover seed
m P. box 1. Gervals. c63
Good 7 room house, corner lot, pav
a of,.oot 'T,n0. Neat 5 room bun
galow with fireplace, paved street.
$2000. F. L. Wood, 341 State St.
FOR SALE 7 room house, 1 acres
ground, outbuildings, fruit, swell
place for loganberries, part cash
balance terms, cheap. House for
sale on South Cottage, cneap. .ut.
,. r.onrinn 775 Bellevue.
For Sale-Nursery StocL
n-nti ht.v? Strawberry plants. Wil
son and Oregon, 50c per 1U0. Phone
SALE A real buy. 110 acres
""in. inn lunn locatea 10 "irD
irom Snlem, will be mile of pav
ed road this vear. extra good build
"gs. 2 drilled wells, running-water
on place year around, about 50
acres in cultivation, rest timber and
Pasture, bargain at $11,000. Mine
terms. Chas. Ransom. Aumwvll'e.
. jh-' gon. - 63
pOP. SALE 35 acres nil "in. cultiva
tion, win be on paved road next
,...,i, inuaiea i nines nuiu a.,
town with standard high school
and 13 miles from Salem, no build-
iks. a real bargain at $3-'u. w
tn . ... ... . 69
.v.'umi i. AiiniRvnie. i,r. w.i
FOR SALE Good five room plaster
ed house on paveti siren. m
not last long. Price $2600 W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St.
FOR SALE 6 1-2 acre fruit tract 4
int. a u- ni. i' nnoiie r,r-
mit' br
FOR SALE 8 room modern house
attractive Inside, iirepmce,
nee paved street, pear carline, with
IVi acres land, bearing fruit; best
buy in Salem. Inquire 630 N: 24th.
a oo
mil n mow, my. ji . " '
TEP.Ms5 room, good lot. $800; also
room it. tvtt it In rvA lot immedi
ate possession, $1100, terms easy.
.H. E. Brown, 841 State. n64
FOR SALE Fenutiful home on Cap
itol street Downstairs, living room
with fireplace, window seats, oozy
""it, ioveiy timing room, mini in
buffet, dask, kitchenjvith all kinds
of cupboards, large bed room and
Jo, bath, screened in back porch,
.tpstairs, 4 bed rooms with large
- run cement Dasement. ma-
tionary tubs, dandy furnace, fin"
"-"'5 iiu cnifF-n miuw. x'. w-j
H0; east from. I-rice $5S00. Phone
-112 or call 744 X, Cottage. 63
LOGANBERRY tips, anything in the
fruit and ornamental line. iNursery
tnrin nt 160 S. d63
FOR SALE Cheap, 5 passenger
Maxwell, overnauiou, gouu iuuii,u
condition; for quicK saio ju
terms to- suit. Salem Velio com
nanv 12 N. OommoicliU St. q82
WANTED Ford chassis. Phono 43.
WANTEL Live man with, car for
real estatu work. Must oe a nuBtier.
Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bldg
WANTED- Housekeeper, lUit over 35
tnr widower without'' children
Good home or right party. Box 91
Capital Journal
CHEVROLET to trade for Ford. Cher
ry City garage, in b. um, pi. n
Salem Auto Exchange
WANTED Good all around cook for
a logging -eamp; steady joit nno
good wages. Phone 702M. goJ
itr ATwiiT.iri A utimoirraoher. call' in
person, Oregon t, rowers uoupera-
tive association, wiuboih,; n-miw
n..ii.. nnw nn display. Contt
g63 and see them. 229 State St Phon
WANTED Dellvcryman.
Dairy. , .
HAVE you u homestead right f uo
you wish to use It? Do you want
wheat land? I have 340 acre home
stead In Oregon. Call on me and
we can talk It over. 329 Oregon
Every day you wait thinking you
will miike a bettor buy or find some
thing In close that suits you, you wil
Snlem is the best
home city in Oregon. It Is growing
larger every flay, more large iimun
trios are going to be built during 1020
and it means you will have to pay
bigger money ror lots, nuu m
farms, You are on the ground now
It's youii opportunity; make use of It.
v....iii um! make money. We
are offering some especially ft1'""-
Ive homes anil tarnis to you now um
i is. .h nn thn market they
are in fine condition and ready for
you to take hold ot.
u... iks ft v., on. modern home with
all built In fixtures, full basement,
fli-enlace. furnace and garage, two
. ..... . 1 7 K 11
iois, at foiuu, .
n nun'Iv vianered and painted
bath, tollol, electric lights, two nice
lots with plenty ot iruu on miiv,cu
streot, for only .mui).
u.uHfiii hnme close In
O I-OOllI .
right up to the minute, improved St.
11 'room, none better, furnace, fire
place; one ot the oesi in me .-"
$8000. . ,,
a .,nn ii houses reasonable
Cull at our office, H will pay you lo
consult us. -
John II. Scott Realty Co.
lildir. n64
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time,
t H and 6 percent Interest.
City building loana. - .
A. C. Bohrnatedt.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Orego
FARM LOANS Any amount. Loer
rates, uil repayiuent
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at I per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg.
Snlem, Or.
wawthii K.Kiterienced
....,.,.. trnnannrtutlon fumlshed
n ii 1 noirs 63
WANTED Two good farm hands C.
f!. Russell, rnone ar t.
nci o,uniH.l. aolitting cord wood.
Phone 68F5. g3
-T ; Z., I QUICK SALE Improved 10 acres,
loganberry P ., ..,,(, frit. best of wfl
ti-ep. 4 . to 6 ft
l i.i.i..., r' - -
grade, first class trees, aosoimeiy
unhurt by freeze at Northwestern
K'nrurv Phone 111F3. d64
nriWci. iflnloa Indies, experienced
nreferred. but not necessary. Sal- er. Rt. 7
ary. Call from 4 to 7 p. m. Marion roR SALE
hotel and asKfor Mrs, uamppeu. -
fine soil, buildings, fruit, best of wa
tor; stock, tools, furniture; 10 min
utes walk to Asylum ave. car, total
.......I., ...i,, nt..!. from business cen
ter city. Fourth house east on D
St. from city limits at ram anu u
Hts., white house norm sine i m.
a..iu .k.,a in owner. B. Keef-
ii'ij Hi.." - r -.,
hox 14.
FOR SALE Strawberry plants 121,
87F25, $5 per io, " uiss'"b
them yourself. W. B. Savage. d63
FOR SALE Large Petite trees. Ja
cob Idlewlne, 2123 N. Broadway.
FOR SALE 6 room house, Darn,
chicken nouses, eiecinu
acre good land, all kinds fruit and
berries; private water system. $.,
000, half cash, balance terms. See
,i,llft WalW St. BOO
O v. 1 1 e i ii.v
FOR SALE room house, one small
house. 2 nice lots, t
nice garden spot. Price $1800, $1.
000 cash terms on balance; east
rr"nt-iigiN'- Cotlng''- 52
FOR SALE 5 room house. 2 lots
60X150 "eat;h. at 325 N. 23d St. Co
see It this week and see owner next
Sunday at the place and get a bar-
, a63
Nl'RSERY stock for sale, 500 Ital
lan prune trees, 6-8 ft. 60c; 1500
Italian prune trees. 4-6 ft. 60c;
1500 Italian prune trees o-i ii. ;,
140 Franquet walnut 4-8 ft. $2.25
each; Royal Anne cherries and De
licious apples. By direct and save
agents commission. Fruitland Nur
rv.n. 1HP21. Rt. 6. Snlem,
" ' d6
nttti uLuijr nlunlii fnr sale. Et
terberg and Wilson, 60c 100; $4.50
1000. J. J. Wagers, Rt. 7, box 78.
Salem. Sllverton road. AM
IMPROVED Wilson strawberries
' from fine healthy young plants,
i.j tmm three fiftv to seven
fifty a thousand. Wygant, Claxtar
station, Rt. 8. or at assessor's of
!.. m.1,,1 hntin. do 3
ift dmau S ncroM In bearing logan-
berries, 3 acres 7-year old prunes, V,
.. ... ..ii-wr pi I m. acres in imn-
VANTEIJ 1'osition oy sienomaiMici, i ture. family orchard, o roum nuu"
Hxtinrienced. Itcierences. ciokn j hnrn. hard roaa. 1'rice ouui,
V '...,i 63 r"
H' , . .ii i I IttrillH. ,, ,
m. o j ansAd f.itnuv nrrnara. ait m
ltlvatlnn- hOUBO Htid hU out huUd-
.,u rook iruad. 4 miles to Salem.
171 price $1600, terms.
room nouae.
Wanted Situations.
WANTED Position by stenographer,
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Dress making.
1RR2M o i rni ,uvv, ........
t2H: i- , rt -.-. viHi.m it room house, 4 blocks
WANTED-To buy sma I pi une rantn " . r lc0 soo, terms
from owner, wouiuni oojec u V.mmMt. '
'some berries. Box Ranch Capital
T.i.i.n'il . Iv I
FOR SALE Separator run 4 years,
and 20 horse engine, run 3 years;
separator 3252 Advance. Phone 20
Fll for particulars c63
WANTCOime-horse wagon, In good
condition and reasonable. Write or
-call at 144 Ferry St. 1. B. Kirk-n,ri.ii-
WANTED House! with large lot
....... nrornrren. . iouii QUWD. liu
per month. A. U Seamster Realty
CO. 410 Masonic xenipie.
RlYTT-i, . . .
man netween ri ana o
" sooa habits for permanent posi
. n soiieiting ag rollertlng. old
rellaTJe company paying guaranteed
minimum salary and liberal com
mission. Experience unnecessary.
e teach you. For particulars write
Awlrtant Superintendent, room 212
V- 8- bank bldg., Salem. Or. Give
'"dress and telephone number. S3
FOR SALE By owner. 5 room bun
galow furniesnea. it.- in..
chicken house; basement bath
toilet, electric light!., hot and cold
water at 1510 Bellevne. Price $2.
600, : li
it- r. r r- nA 4t room hoUW.
electric lights, city water 2 nice
lot with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute ffhool. can be
tiii xiawl mvm. 8"
FOR SALE Or trade automobile
for Loganberry tips or team, rnro
353. -n'
50 000 Improved Wilson strawberry
plants from 1-year old plants for
sale, $3.60 per 1000 if you dig
Plants. $7 per 1000 If we dig plants
K. ... u mllo north Claxtar
l. " JB"i"i 7 " , " -
station. Ore. Electric Ry., or see
Wygant "at assessors omce,
do 4
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
garfted walnuts, filberts, and all
other kinds of nursery stock. Buy
direct and save agents commission.
Brooks Nursery, iaiayetie, "r.
Sawyer & Emmett
Room 3 Bnyne bldg.
for RENT Apartment end single
v...,.uniiM.,iinff room, j r.a jhii
j;r i
wiWi'!l Vai-ant house. E. E.
Y, n 1 ' ' ' " . ' . ' ,
Lavalleur, Z71 ivortn uommercmi
St. Phone 734. "
FOR KENT Two small unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. izi mate
Ht i
L.U Dili' .
5 acres, 6 room house full 2 story
. good house; 1 acre pruiita
under cultivation. i-ii.
. OIUCKR OH Vii I." v.
5 room house, bath; fruit, barn, good
size lot on corner, lerms,
. hi.,.. nih -street ctose in
.i..,ri Ufa hath. Dig lot. lire iiihcb
cement walks, corner; easy terms
i room house 17th street; electric
lights, bath. $590 mortgage pay
able $10 month. Some terms. Price
- W. E. Compton.
469 Slate St. Then 930 or 34F13
- . m Is
Money to Loan.
On good real estate seourity ,
muriu ir roRn
Over Ladd Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
Ass'm Government money io "
at 6H pereent 301 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. I. Bmlth.
WANTED - Second hand furniture.
rugs, enrpets, stoves, mncninerj "u
tools. We pay the highest prices)
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware end Furniture Co., 281 N.
Cmn'lJt Phone 947,
long distance hauling. Office 44S
Court St. Phone 998, night phone
879J. 71
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trad 8U
Bills payable monthly In advance
Phon JJ.
gTRAWBERRT planU in any quan
tity Etterberg 121. Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Oregon,
Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty, well root
ed plants. Low quantity prices. City
delivery. Wsrd K. Richardson, 2396
Front Phon 494.
4 acres 1 miles from Salem, paved
road, choice dark loam. $1600.
1 acres near Salem, 12 In cultiva
tion, good buildings, orchard; cows,
horse, fowls, feed, crop. Bnap. $5000.
10 acres enoice aura. iuiu "'
good house, other buildings; good
orchard; near school, good road.
, '600, easy terms, or cuunw
w A l r. u iu mi, - ."v... icin fv.i'i-.i" k .
aDt by business man; ho children. it acres near. Salem, good nulio
Call 1857, 179 N. Com'l. h4 Ings. water system, orchard good soil
ior quica. Ml.,
FL'KNIHHED rK.m to rent. 1215 N.
Com'l; no children. Phone 2080R.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, nice
ly furnthe each suiiaoie ior two.
with bonrfl. mon j.
,i. . v li i Tn rnt about 5 room
house. J B care Journal. Jl
FORTRENT room house. Ill Che-
meketa St. A. B. ueeiy. J'
nan an A . ft if, If DOrCh
ruuiii iu"i " w
large lot, plenty fruit $860, easy
Be us for good bargains. .,-
Perrine & Marsters.
111-12 Com. club bldg. n
DO nt, ini i,,... -
40 acres cultivatea anu io ucrea h
ivii h cooil stream of
,,!.,' .. ....... Thi. ia il hlirhlv produc
tivity "' . i .ii,i.
.i.... um, la ii viti y uniii."B
place. ' 0 room farm house, wvertil
outbuildings una new ni
Located in Benton county on good
graveled road; close to school and 3
miles to shipping pnn. i'"- -dundy
little farm and Is a rare bar-
I2B m-r acre. Half cash, bal
ance 6 per cent Interest-
t ...... i t n.iiua from C'orvullls on
...... in.1,,0- imved: 28 miles
from Salem. 65 acres cultviated and
60 acres In full crop, ah urum.
ly. Some orchard und berries, fcx-
.... .1 ii., ..,i 1 mom house with
hot and com waier, wm, .
sleeping porch, etc. is m i -
i,. i...n i.o in only 6 yeors,
Ham '50x70, hen houses, and other
outbuildings. Just a sw "'""' "
over the pavement to v ..,...
, A..i,.i,iiiiriii college which
VII lift VI J 1 ...... - .....
has an enrollment of more than 8.100
students. We can sen tnis
1125 per sere and arrange i"
. .. .. i -.1 it Immediate DOB-
terms on iiv ... - - -
session. Cie u. for complete details.
it won't last long at mis pr .-.
,..,1 .hunt 17 miles from Ha
l.M In 1IU COIllltV. and only about
y. mile from west sine ihsmw-j "
being paved. 106 acres of excellent
land cultivated and 60 acres In fall
. ...i ,.i,.vur- balance to be In
spring grain and corn. 10 acres fine
oak grubs for family wood. Good
woven wire fencing, unoa i
house, 2 room tenant house, granary,
tn.itiui hni house, ma
chine shed and nearly new barn 44x
44 with 20 ft. shea, tsarn is t'i'ni
for both dairy and horses. With the
place goes all the crop, head cat-
:. . . i .n,l harness. bUKgV.
lie, a iiuiac. ' - ,
I hack, wagon, binder, mower, rake
plows, feed grl der, fanning mill,
PlgH. about "loo chicken
I. . i .ii wii.ii. of small
, leeu, seeu in 'i . ,.,.
.tools. F.verything goes i. " '"
Tcre until April 1. Exceptionally good
i, .... Kr.-,i .twi lotM of tarrM.
I iij uiumu - -
.. . ... . v. ,.a.M V.H hnvi hti Walt-
Inff for: don't let the other fHow beat
you to it.
t. Huiintri nt rllv oroDer-
ery; also large and small farms; we
will sell the nuor you.
DrTaLHERT R. "MILLER Optom-trist-optlclan,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. B. bank. Phone 241.
DltS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
pathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. 8. bank bldg. Phone HI. . Dr.
Wblte, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone J.
DR." JOHN" L. LYNCH, osteopathia
physician and surgeon,
gon bldg. Res. phone. 68U6; offlj
nhone 1394. If
FOR SALE Old papers tor wrap
ping and packing mo ouuuio.
Ital Journal office.
Why Sell for Less.
VVE will pay you mors cash for y"1"
household goous. uet our .
fore you sell. Peoples Furnltur
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 784
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY rarer blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at a. j
art Repair Shop. 347 Court St
Ixidfre Directory.
nvnrv Wednesday
evening at 7 : 80 at I. O. .OFhall.
Cornack hall on 'very Tuesday at
8. J. L Tucker, C. C; P..J. Kunta,
K. H. -j-
r. . . . ; So-ic tiiiAiia OF AMERICA
uinn ----- -- , ..,.,
Oregon Orag camp u.
tvery Thursdsy evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator e"'c-. Vat
Mrs. Carrie B. Hunn. V,"1"? I
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
t3JITEl7UTISANS-Capltal Assem
bly No. 84 meets every .
I p m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
arisen, M. A.; A. A. Gu.ffioy. -
a. . HnUril r.r
every Friday nigni st ' "- -McCornack
hall, cor. Court and Lib
ertv Bt. Visiting Woodmen welcn..
e njiJj.; !, B- Peer, my
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. V.
W. meets every Monday evening
at t p. m. In McCornack hall. cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W: A. L Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aurrajirj--.
Kinney & Smith.
261 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 4
Ztl every Thursday evening at t
"cTocV McCornack bulldin
Court and Liberty street-.
Coursey, V. Ci Frank A. Turner,
clerk. .