Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 13, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    rAGE Eight.
il -' LI
FIRST CHLKCH Kit CHRIST; in (Jlory. Jt will Le one of the most
SCIENTIST Sunday senile la held . important of the series that he is P re
al 440 Chemeketa street at 11 a m.jsenting. A cordial welcome to all.
Mubject liiule lesson Subtance.Sunday COl'RT STREET CHRISTIAN
achool 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening ! CHl'RCH Corner North 17th and
testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Read- Court streets. Our "Each One Win
lng room 209 Masonic Temple, openjone" campaign has been In progress
every day except Sunday and holidays,; one week and promises to be a great
from 11:45 to 5 p. m. All are cordially
Invited to our services and to our read
log room.
campaign for Christian citizenship.
The Iengt h of the campaign is to be
determined by interest. There will be'
services each night of this week 7:30
THE FIRST UNITED BRETHREN" j p. m. Bible school 10 a. m. This Is
CHURCH OK YEW- I'AKK Bible Home Department Day. Talk to child
school at 10 Preaching at 11. Christian! ren by pastor. 11 a. m. sermon "The
Kndeavor 7 pv nr. and preaching ser-! Kim Gospel Sermon." Intermediate
vice at 8. Mid-week prayermeeting on
Wednesday evening 7:30. Everyone Is
cordially invited. C. W. Corby, pastor.
CENTRAL, congregational"
Corner South 19th and Ferry streets.
H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school
10 a. m. Mrs. n. K. Edwards, superin
tendent. Morning address 11 a. in. C.
E. i:4" p. nt. Evening service at 7:30
p. m.
Hi)?h street corner Center, two blocks
north of the Court house. Bible school
at 9:45 a. m. followed by morning wor
Khip at 11 a. m. The Annual Foreign
Missions offering of this church wilt
bo taken at this hour. Let each take
par t in this answer to the great eom
niix.slon "Go ye into all the world and
preach the gospel to every creature."
The evening sermon at 7:30 will be on'a.
and Junior C. E. 3:30 p. m. T. P. S. C.
E. 6:30 p. m. Song service and sermon
7:30 p. ni. The Big Revival at Samaria.
Public .Invited. Don't forget .the cam
paign. R. L. Putnam, pastor.
(Director of Music for Salem Schools)
Oregon Slate Son. It is well known that the great ni-
A very timely and worthy move Isjjority cf concert anists of the first
on for composing a song that will tell j rank who are now tefore the public
particularly of Oregon. Words by Ore- j played remarkably well at i to 6 years
gon poets apd music by Oregon com-1 of age.
posers. It is sponsored by the Society
of Oregon composers, a new organiza
tion with headquarters in Portland.
General Xotts.
Walter Damrosch and a number of
prominent musicians are sponsoring a
Invitations were sent to people all overl bill in congress to recruit and perfect
the state to submit original poems, army bandsmen. The bill procides that
and of the 213 poems received, tm re , musicians may enlist for band service,
day In Lent. 7:30 holy communion;
3:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. the
monthly communion service, postpon
ed last Sunday on account of the rec
tor's absence, will be celebrated, with
sermon by therector; 7:30 p. m. even
ing praper and address. Weekday Len
ten services Wednesday at 4:00 p. m.
and Fridays at 7:30 p. m. Everybody
welcome. Chas. H. Powell, rector.
and Center streets. Sunday school 10
a. m. A class and a cordial weloome
for all. Divine worship and sermon 11
the Each One Win One Evangelistic
campaign, "What Can Poor I Do?" a
otudy or our latent religious energies.
Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30.
Thursday evening nt 7:15 another
meetln g of the same sort will be held
for all, studying the mutter of personal
equipment for evangelism. This wave
of personal work Is sweeping over our
brotherhood, and it comes to us hi re
in tMiloni with the same power that Is
being ho splendidly manifested In other
places, if we will but put ourach'ui In
the way of knowing what we may do.
Leland YY Parter,' Pastor.
CHL'RCH Corner Church and State
streetH. Dr. K. N. Avlson, minister.
9:15 The old fashioned classinoollng
In room 4 down stairs, W. L. dim
ming, leader. 9:45 Sunday sehoo',
Prof. J. W. Todd, superintendent, and
draco Smith, assistant. It n. m. and
7:3i p. m. the pastor will oe.-iipy th j
pulpit. 3:00 p. nt. service nt tha J
1'noplcs' home, 12th and Ferry streets.
li'110 p. m. Miss Dean Hutton wilt have
charge of the senior Epworth league.
Junior league in Epworth hull. Pray
eiiiieetlng Thursday 7:30 p. m,
LUTHERAN East State street and
Eighteenth. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service nt 10:30 a. m. sub
ject "The Hetrayal of Jesus." Luther
league at 7 p. m. Miss V. Oliler, lead
er. Eveilng service nt 7:30 p. m. sub
ject "True Christianity." Passion ser
vice every Thursday ut 7:30 p. m.
Visitors are welcome. G. Koehler, pas
tor. Hoi Til SALEM FRIENDS Corner
South Commercial and Washington
streets. II. E. Pemberton pastor, Chur
ch Bible school 10 a. in. classes and
teachers 'for all. Carl Miller, superin
tendent. This will be a missionary duv.
at 11 a. in, an address by Mary Hill, a
returned missionary from China. At
2:30 p. m. a missionary conference
with addresses by Mary Hill, Mrs.
Arnhold ttnd others. At 7. .10 the even
ing will be given in mission interest.
The public Invited to each and all of
these meetings during the day.
and Marlon streets. Sunday school 9:45
W. B, Hardy, superintendent. Preach
ing at 11 and at 8 tn the evening.
Voung people's bible study at 6:30 p.
in. Song and praise from 7:30 to 8.00
p. m. Midweek pieyermectlng Wednes
day evening at 7:30. This Is our best
service. We are making a specialty of
the gospel in all these meetings. Sub
ject fur Sunday morning Holiness and
Separation. Come over and enloy an
hour with us. A. Wells, pastor, Flor
ence Wells, deaconess.
Coiner of Winter and Jefferson Sts.
Thomas Acheson, pastor. Sunday
Mchool 9:45, Chas. Hngenian In charge,
classes for ull ages under the car of
capable teachers, public worship 11
n. in., subject Personal EvungolUi:i.
Class meeting 12:15 Mr. C. M. Clark
In charge. Epworth league devotional
meeting 6:10, led by Miss Sybil Smith.
oiing people welcomed with a glad
hand. Evening worship 7:30, subject
Winning Good Men for Christ. This
Mel'Wca U'lll lit il.ii'lli.illl' ai'murnllutli,
Special music will be furnished hy the
choir at both services, under the lead
ership of Prof. Clark. The orchestra
will furnish the music for the Epworth
league. We extend a cordial Invitation
tn the public to come and worship
with us. Do not forget prnjernieetmg
on Wednesday evening at 7:30. A sub
ject of vital Interest to all will be dis
cussed. . HIGHLAND. FRIENDS Bible
school at 9:45 a , m. morning worship
11 o'clock. CM. 0:15 -and evangeiwiio
preaching 7:30 p. m. Prayermeetlr.g
Thursday 7:S0p. in. A cordial Invita
tion is extended to all I. O. Lee and
wife pastors,
mass at 7:30, high niass and sermon
by the pastor at 10:30, subject "The
Center and Soul of the Catholic Reli
gion." Benediction and aermon 7:1
li. in. Lenten devotions on Wednesday
and Friday evenings nt 7:30. NNxt
Friday. March 19th Is St. Joseph's Day
the paii'on of the Catlmllu church !n
Salem. Masses at 7:00 and 9:0 o'clock
Henedlctlon and sermon In the even
ing ut 7:30. On Hunter nltiht the ctuur
will give a sacred conceit mid there
will be some speaker from the nrcli
dimes deliver the aermon. The public
generally I welcome.
North 5th and Gaines avenue. Tomor
row evening nt 7:30 Evangelist A . !.
Itcll, pastor, subject "The Seal of Hie
Living God. The Sign of God's Owner"-,
Nhii. What Is It?" In this sermon study!
tile evangelist will show a great last j
ilny work that the Holy Spirit Is to do.'
prior to the ncond coming of Christ
m. "The Sweetest Sound." C. E. 7
p. m. Evening worship and sermon at
7:30 p. m. Prayermeeting on Thursday
pel. Corner of Nebraska and 17th Sts.
George Chapman, pastor. Bible school
10 a. m. W. W. Rosenbaugh In the
lead. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Ladies aid Wednesday afternoon ,and
prayermeeting Thursday 7:30 p. m,
CH Liberty and Center streets. W. C.
Kantner, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday
school with classes for all ages, W. I.
Staley, a. m. "En
listment Under the Christ." 6:30 p. m.
C. E Miss Constance Kantner, lead
er. 7:30 p. m. "Flood-tide Epoch in
Human Lives." A cordial invitation to
corner South Commercial and Mey
ers streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor.
9:45 a. in. Sunday school, E.. Rhoten
superintendent, Miss Sue Williams In
charge of the primary department. 11
a. m. public worship with sermon by
the pastor, theme, "The Heritage ol
the Children of God." 3:00 p. m. the
choir will meet for a special reheaisai
on the Easter music, and will have a
luncheon at the church at 5 p. m. re
maining for Epworth league and the
illustrated lecture In the evening bj
Dr. Lewis. 8:30 p. in. devotional meet
ing of the Epworth league. 7:30 p. m.
an illustrated entertainment by Rev.
George Edward Lewis, educational,
authoiiative, fascinating, gilt-edge, k
reels of marvelous moving pictures,
showing one hundred wonderful scenes
and all were taken under the direction
of Mr. Lewis, who lectures on each
one while real Aluska life thrills you
upon the. screen. Some were taken
when It was 84 degrees below zero, yet
all are sharp and vivid ns though taken
in sunny California. No admission will
be charged but a sliver offering will be
taken. The public is invited.
were chosen for a musical setting.
March 15, is the date set for the
40 members of the composer's society
to have finished their part After a
choice has been made of the three
best tunes, the three songs wiil be
published and spread broadcast over
the state. At the end of six months the
most popular song will be adopted as
the state song. - - -
Mr. J. A. Churchill, state superin
tendent of public instruction, this city,
was one of the committee of five who
chose the poems. Those who have
read them will agree that they possess
merit and compare favorably with
other state and national songs.
Verily, it is high time that we were
awaking to the opportunities that are
ours If we but get together and boost
our state. Everybody is beginning to
realize the value of advertising The
old idea of fake advertising of catch
penny to green-cheese advertising, has
Just about run Its course; and in its
in i ciiiiivh mR n m w iiihi. tT on no n ....
r .... ... evangelical church bui ding of m
K? """I8"' " ? We h!V6 Hc'ty is to be dedicated with sneciH
may earn commissions and at time of
war. may not be. asked to do military I
duty other than their musical service.
The day of the American opera, and
of the American singer singing the
American language and of the Ameri
can composer, is at hand. The' day!
when English. was considered unsing-
able, when musicians must spend a
number of years In , Europe .getting
"atmosphere" and "kultur" has had
its lenith and its twilight Star and soon
will come the new day when in music
as in other lines of activity "My Own !
United States" Will fly with her own
Evangelists At
Tigard Dedicate
New Church Soon
Tigard, Or., Mar. 13. The n-sw
!.!:.! ; , I
I! Willi II lil f ill 1:1 . Tnra
!' ! 1 MhrM VSlibi B i
; a
J -
" I
State House
Governor Olcott this morning hon
ored the requisition papers of Gov
ernor Stevens of California for the re
turn of George O. Dixon wanted at
Martinet, Cah, on a charge of larceny
by malice. Stevens was arrested in
Portland on Information charging him
with the theft of an automobile on
which he Is snld to have paid only a
portion of the purchase price. Dixon's
offer to pay the balance due on the
car after his arrest Is said to have bejn
The only fatality Included In the list
of 410 accidents reported to the state
industrial accident commission for the
week ending March 11, was that of
James l'ollhroiils a Portland railroad
employ, who died as the result of In
juries received when run down by n
auto truck.
The mandamus proceedings throng,
which F. M. Bloom of Portland Is at-
temptlngto compel the state board of
dental examiners to Issue to him a li
cense to practice, denistry In Oregon,
was argued before the supreme court
Friday. The ense of the Berkshire
company vs. II E, Plumber, city build
ing Inspector for Portland, another
mandamus procedlng, was also up fol
argumeut before the court Friday.
offer them for their betterment and
delight. And in this game of state ad
vertising or boosting (or whatever
name you may' wish to call it), our
state song should go hand in hand
with Mr. Barber's wonderful, colored
photographic slides, and the literature
of the commercial clubs and publicity
bureaus, in chrystalizing public senti
ment and unifyiug the people.
When we were hero-worshiping
children, taught a h&ro-worshlping his
tory, we marvelled at the little 3-year-
old Mozart who climbed up to the old
spinet (or piano) and picked out little
tunes, and who, when he was 6 or 7
years of age had composed a number
of pieces, and when 9 to 14 years trav
elled and gave concerts.
But this Is the age when we refuse
to marvel at anything. In the mechani
cal, scientific, educational, artistic, in
dustrial world In fact in the world at
large, wonders are performed before
our very eye s with such rapidity that
we are ready for anything, expect any
thing, and with a passing remark,
straightway proceed to forget it.
The day of geniuses is past. In fact
there are more genulses in the world
today than ever before, probably
partly because there are more people
in the world than ever before. Two
notable examples are Sammy Kramer
and Mildred VVellerson, both living In
New york. Sammy is six anil one-half
years old, and recently played Infor
mally a violin recital before a group
of critics and medical men. Dr. Thad-
deus Rich, violin soloist and concert
muster of the Philadelphia Symphony
orchestra, pronounced him "the great
est musical prodigy that America has
ever produced. Dr. Witmer, head of
the department of psychology of the
University of Pennsylvania, submitted
the boy to an extensive Binet test, and
declared he had the general intelli
gence of a child twice his aee. Dr.
Turtmeyer, an eminent physician, said
this Is the most remarkable case that
has ever Come to my attention." The
boy's program included some 8 or 10
numbers of standard violin solos, such
as "Perpetuo Mobile" by Pagannini,
Mildred Wellerson Is a nine year old
lassie who plays the cello. Her case is
quite as remarkable as that of Sammy
Kramer. She has attracted the atten
tion and unqualified endorsement of
Pablo Casals and a member of the
most eminent cellists of the day. At
1 years of age she played a sonata, at
6 years her repertoire included several
long an d difficult numbers, at 7 she
gave a recital in Carnegie Hall, and
now at 9 she is studying and compos
ing and playing concerts.
Articles of Incorporation were filed
with the Oregon corporation denar
ment here today by the Beta Iota of
Sigma- Chi tulldlng association of the
I niversltyof Oregon. The fraternity
is capitalised at $30,000. Crrston Mad-
aock, waiter kennus and
vtatson are the Incorporators.
Other articles were filed today as
ioiiows: . . -
. Portland Service League. Portlunil
MOD; Ira L. Riggs, H. Kent and R.
ii. nam. -
i.umiy Cheese company, In, Mvrtle
Point. $400; John Pebry, S. S. Reed
and r . O. Reed.
Texas Druggists State Every
Bottle 40 Sold Has Given
Paris, Texas, March 19, 1919, "In
regard to results obtained by us
from sale of Number 04 For the
Blood, will state same has been far
above our expectations. We sold out
our opening order in about a week
and are about out of our second ship
ment. Every bottle we have sold has
given unusually good satisfaction and
has not only repeated but has caused
us to sell others after they saw the
results obtained. Please ship another
gross at once." Palace Drug Store,
40 Is Indicated In chronic rheuma
tism, catarrh, constipation, stomach,
liver and blood troubles, eczema and
all akin eruptions. Sold by Shaefers
drug store. (Adv)
w mi m
w I
Beautiful Women
of Society, during the past
teventy years have relied
upon It for their dlstliw
iubhed appearance. The
ft, refined, pearly
white complexion It
render Instantly. Is
always the source of
flattering comment
laddDush Bank Building
fa 625 , Uizh
services Sunday, March 21. Rev. W.
A. Goeffroy, pastor of the church, ex
tends a cordial invitation to all to par-
Death only a matter of short time,
Don't wait until pains and ache?
become incurable diseases. Avo.a
painful consequences by taking
t he world's standard rsmsdy for Itldns.
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles tho
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Guaranteed. Three sixes, all drujjists.
Uok fot nun Cold Medal ea wmj bx
and accspt no imitatioa
From a Woman Whose Serious Ill
ness Was Overcome by Ljdia E.
Pinkiam's Vegetable Compound.
Garnett, Kas. "I first took Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for a
complete nervous
breakdown follow
ing the birth of my
oldest child. I got
up too soon which
caused serious fe
male trouble. I was
so weak that I was
not able to be on my
feet but very little
and could not do my
housework at all. I
bad a bad oain in mv
left side and it
would pain terribly if I stepped off a
curb-stone. One day one of your book
lets was thrown in the yard and I read
every word in it. There were so many
who had been helped by your medicine
that I wanted to try it and my husband
went to town and got me a bottle. It
seemed as though I felt relief after the
second dose, so I kept on until I had
taken five bottles ani by that time I
was as well as I could wish. About a
year later I gave birth to a ten pound
boy, and have had two more children
since and my health has been fine. If
I ever have trouble of any kind I am
going to take your medicine for I give
it all the praise for my good health.
I always recommend your medicine
whenever I can." Mrs.EvA E. S&Mf,
Garnett., Kansas.
1 f
fny itm? of day C
DO not make the mis
take of. flunking that
cocoa is only an occa
sional drink. It is so val
uable a food beverage, so
rich in the elements of
nutrition, so delicious in
flavor, and so wholesome
that it should be used
regularly and often.
Beokltltf Onict Rtcipa ml frtt
Man's Drink
Labor does the real work of the
world work that calls for steady
nerves, a clear brain and "Folger's
Golden Gate coffee at every meal
two or three cups of it, too.
Different in taste from other coffee
and better.
Golden Gate.
the brand Folger's
ticlpate In the day's program, which
Is given as follows:
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. '! .
Pr-aching and communion, 10.45
by Riv. H. Schukknecht of Portland,
DeJlcatorlal services at 2 o'clock hy
Rev. C. L. Schuster of Albany, Oregon.
Union meeting of the Young Peo
ple's societies, 7:45 p. m.
Preaching services at 8 o'clock by
Rev. Young of the Tigard M. iu.
The pillory was abolished In Eng
land In 1837.
Notice is hereby given that the un
derslgned has filed in the office of
county clerk of Marlon county, Ore
gon, his- final report In the matter
of the estate of Arthur B. Poole, de
ceased, and that an order has been
made by tVie county court fixing the
time for hearing said report at 10
o'clock a. m. March 15, 1920, all per
sons interested are hereby notified to
appear and show cause If any they
"""V " " wny saio report should
not be approved, or an order will be
entered approving the same.
Has the homemake taste Try a loaf today.
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street.
Minneapolis Fire and Marine
Insurance Company
Ataouat at upltal .lock pud
.... 300,000.00
Nt pr.mlum. raoiv.d durln
MuiMi. m. jr.r...,
iBcom. from other Murcea ro
cotvod during th. year
Total Id com.
Not loam paid durlox lb. roar
Includlnc adjustment .iiHin
......,,..,,. g
aivld.nd. paid on capital it'oc'lt
woinmlulono and ulart.a pall
during tho jrar
TaiM. Ilc.nm ,,j feM ' ji
durlni th. rear
turV ' " e'hr Mpenu-
M. 848.08
Total oxBaadlturea .II.IM.MO.W
Valu. of Mock, and bond.
owned (market value) age 021 Ml
Un. on mortgage, ,nd e,,.' mA'BI'M
iiarKi, mm
CMh in banks and on hand.'.'"
Premiums In coura of collect
JO191n "nC 8eptmlr
tntwrtt and rents du and'acl
crud "
Supreme Courts
Ruling Heartens
Stock Exchange
New York, Mar. 13. The
market was visibly heartened this
week by the decision of the supreme
court exempting stock dividends from
taxation and another ruling by that tri
bunal providing for equitable valua
tion of railroad properties.
A vigorous rally In foreign exchange
was also an encouraging factor.
Oils, motors and numerous special
ties whose dividend policy was contin
gent upon the tax decision of the su
preme court benefitted most by the
Additional reasons for the strength
of petroleums and motors wero fur
nished by continuous upyard revision
of price schedules for raw and refined
oils and the high pressure of activity
reported by automobile manufacturers.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fender" and Gai
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for gait
198 S. 12th St. Salem, Or.
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
WANT 85 N. Ui 8t, Portias!
N E LP P We fern Ml BToaiptty Farn Hefe
Phone Broadway 3205
Total aaaets admitted In Ore- '
' ,0 ll.010.S4T.Tt
Onm claim, for loaee. unpaid . 54 U. ,
Amount of unearned premium. "
vn mix ouwanoini risk. K71 n.
Pu. for commluton. and brok
erage All other liabilities "
T.500 09
Total ttabimiea exclude of
capital nock of $ eT.0TJ.l
MtM la Ontoa fee th. Y,.
Met premluma received during
th. year ,
Low paid during the year'.'. 8271
noeee. incurred during th. year I ajj fj
Statutory reeldent attorney tor aenrfe.
lommlMioner of In.uranc "e
i.i;-wMl 8S,M. Co- ta Board ml
iad V!d.. Portland. Oreton,.r
Care of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease. '
Open Sundays from 10 a. tn.
until lp.n,
153 South High Street
Salem, Oregon. Phone 231
With 5 years eiptrte' "
me in my dental office
SOS V. 8. Bank Bid
C.S. Hamilton
40 Court Street
Also Junk of All Kindt
Best Prices Guaranteed
Capital Junk Co.
The Square Deal House
ill Chemeketa St Phone til
Transfer Co.
- r,rru WITH T" .
ITt Court -