Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    r-ESDAY, MARCH 11. 1950.
. TFdach Insertion one
Ki . insert 5 cents, one month
,ics. II cents, one year, per
jl in.-"" Minimum per ad 25
tr. h.)on only in New Toda:
first ,,,.- d tint-In l
advance and nor tak-
c"y? nhone. unless
advertiser has
?.fhly '
Shone error ;
A-rvfEiFo rent about s"
.1 B care Journal.
-rrrlilPSelpfor patients' dining
, nreeon state tuberculosis
Phone 433.
jr-gCLE By owner, 8 room bun
l , A.rniesbed. large lot and
'k-ken house; basement bath
Siet electric lights, hot and cold
ST" ? tM
- 7T,- t a , limm. Ill
fob -, .
mek.Ma A ' c'-'J. . jv-i
riRuTE One two year old Here-fcrd-'bull.
Price $75. Phor.c-"1000
B. M. Cruisan. Salem. Or.
STStEP Messenger. Apply . to est-
rn Union. K
tfXTED To buy sprinp wagon or
bufrey. in Sood , condition;, state
where same may be seen and
price. Address box 34 Capital Jour
nal. i?s
inOTgive a boy 14 years old a good
nmJhno S6F2S. m62
fsEi car fr sa'e. electric lights, ex
tra tires, detachable rims and in
pood condition. $375 if sold at
once A real bargain. Phone 20C2W
FOR KENT 5 room bungalow with
pirdeu; two blocks from street car
$15 per month; no children. 10S5
x. 51st st. jo:
FOR SALE ID acres all in cultiva
tion. A-l loganberry land, close in.
Cheap 'f taken at once, A. L, Seam
er Realty Co., phone 363,
CARPENTER will work contract or
by dae. Able to finish house com
plete. ' 1100 N. 15th. Phone 6.1W.
FOUND Small purse, owner may
have same by calling at Salem Ye
lie company and paying fur ad. 61
FOR SALE At a bargain, 16 acres
of the finest farm lands of Dai lag,
. linle better than a mile out of the
city limits on the macadamised
roiiil. Rood modern house and ivtrn
and all implements -(except tractor
. and plow) goes with the place at
the price of only $175 per acre.
This is a real buy, don't tvait as this
will not last long. Call at G. Gies
. fcrecht. 618 Mill St., Dallas, Or. ii4
FOR SALE Himalaya. Etterbtn-g
- 121 and Champion gooseberrv. W.
C. Franklin.-Rt. 1, box 11. Phone
WANTED Position by stenographer,
experienced. References. Box Steno
Journal. ' ic
WANTED An experienced man to
prune shrubs and grape vines. Ap
ply Fry's residence, High and Oak
. streets. ' 61
FOR RENT Piano, good tone and
condition. Smith & Barnes upright,
mahogany case, $5 per month.
Please state whether1 children and
particulars. Bess K. Bailey, Good
Samaritan hospital, Portland, Or.
. (S3
HATCHIXC, egfjs, Rhode Island Heds
Eventually Itateliff's Reds. . Why
not now.. Have you seen them?
Phone 17S8W2. - ' f63
FOR RENT Two small unfurnished
housekeeping rooms. 1244 VI State
St. 1B3
FOR SALE Comfortable five room
house not modern, corner lot, street
, graveled, good barn, fruit and ber
ries. Located in North Salem-one
block from car line. Mrs. C, M.H
- i.rinu-s, 3305 54th. SE, Portland,
. Or?- l 61
FOR SALE Nearly new 2-ton l')ia
mond T truck, cheap for quick
sale. Phone 161SJ. A. H. Bieder-
FOR RENT 6 room house, $18.00
month. Kitchen lenolium $10.00.
Phone 1752. - 61
WAMbi) For cash, good second
hand car. Room 3. Bavne bids. .T62
FOR SALE Shell make canoe; ad
' H, P. Cash price $20. 6 4
FOR SALE Show card writers air
brush outfit complete, $22 cash.
Aduress W. H. P., care Journal. 64
V ANTED Deliveryman. Fairmount
Dairy. . dsn
? UVA) S8s for hatching, fine
"' myrs. Phone 8T.F2. X66
I'i'ii'iM.h steak cooker; also National
mn register for sale, at the gpa.
1 ti-. - .... -
"a.m to borrow $1500, can give
bwu security on Salem property;
i"ina-s having this amount of
money to loan kindly drop me a
ine t i,ox 275 and I will call and
talk it over. ci
' -"-K 1H16 Ford touring $325;
114 Ford touring $275; 1917 1
Mss. Studebaker A-1 rnnrilHrm TKn
- lis.v F'ord bug $r,00; late model
thesis $:i25, Thp Aut0 ghol)i m
WrtyjM,,,,,,, 7, , - 61
fK SAt'K5 room huuse, Zi lots
6xl.,o each, at 325. N. 23d St. Go
7 " !hls eek and see owner next
Sunday at the place and get a bar-
ir."'f jl63
AF. you a homestead rigiit? Do
- Jou.wisj, to use it? Do you want
"neat Innd? t v, .
M otu acre Home
In Oregon. Call on sue and
ran talk it over. 32 Oregon
t.Ai. Eastman SA folding ko-
" " ,"u carrying case. Cost $55 will
Jorj5j)one 1618. 63
W. SALE 400 Rhode Island Red
.."J chicks; ait, lf, Biwn Ply
mouth Roek tm r, - '
h, "'""I'll, AtUU
am. 53s o,. .
I A t.-T l,r, -
ca,h Vv ANTED With $500
e can clear $2580 each' this
-o ner, you must be able to In-
hi,. -hl,si"c'i's nien- We have a
profit to split. This is-a clean
"--""ess in every respect. We
. make, every town in Oregon
-er at once for Interview. H.
- .volrin pi t.. ,
fv7- -" ""uaiai. 11
h,JiAL,E 60,000 Wilson straw
P ?ms- WeH -ted from
for 1L"e8' Trim""! and tied $'
or looo. Trlmmed an1 no(
Un. or 1900- C:n do shadf
K--jtSale Wood
-Wcdphone 167SW, ee69
Ton, ! boy -will
&,-2 'none 1094.
I. 1 " ' H.I..H.
' ... ie' riret 1 inch or
l wot mill
wood. Strictly cash. Will
or all
$05 01 cora wood. Office
5 5. Chnrxh r,, ...
.. iiuije 8iz, r ren
O 1 1 - 4
Wood. Phon i&afi&f
1IT r.TT!-
fn,m ,r'U. a"d th
' 1Zii- fl
P. T:
balance easy. s. . u iv" ,
OreSon bid Phone 43. "'
FM , SAEr6 '" fruit tract
Jjt cwner phone r
FOR SALE-8 room'mde
close in on paved rr. "...
Make vnn. wniM
f59: L "
uf-ri,, n"in house
attractive inside, firenu .
ace, paved street, near carline. wi h
1H acres land, bearing fruit: best
buy in Salem. Inquire 630 N 24th
Brn r . r " 1 ' -
chicken houses, electric uk,.- ,
acre good land, all kinds fruit and
l.r18" e. See
" "a"er St. 6fi
PIVF' wnm j .. r-
Vi c ".r " Duns"alow want-
V lerms. Mrs, Lobley.
Joilrnal office. ' . "uui':
U'l VTrr , rrrT: . .
......, ,ur casn, b room strict
ly modern bunrnilnn- ."vri,
FtiR SALE Ift rooin house, one small
nouse, . nice lots. Lots of fruit
nice garden spot. Price $1800. .,
000 cash terms on balance- east
JylBN1Cottage, ' .'m
One 5 roomed plastered : bungihw
modern t fine lots. Must be sold.
. Tiuuiyrnis. ihnne 4SS. a6l
FOR SALE Good 6 roomhSuSe,
u uma, city water, 2 nice
lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute school, can be
gegnat 2446 Hazel ave. a63
For Sale Farms.
40 ACRF: farm with deep! rieh soil,
"i.ij hiitb nines rrom state high
way, perfect drainage, ideal for
dairying and poultry; (rood build
ings, family fruit; 18 miles to Port
land over good roads. Write owner
for particulars. L. Kearney, Rt. 2
box 115D, Hillsboro, Or. D64
FOR SALE A fine 4ft n vit
nuuii. l-none y7t"i2. n63
EXCHANGE 80 acres well impli
ed, for good house in or near Sa
lem, balance terms. Price $8000
Rt. 1. box 66, Brownsville. A- s
uu HALE A fine 60
farm. Phcuie 87F12..
acre fruit
ter section good wheat land 3 miles
Estes, Wash,. S40
?LyvL.Pnon6?7' b6i
FOR SALE Twelve acres of beaver
dam land. Inquire F. G. Rape own-
. :.. ox f". Salem, Or. b65
FOR SALE By owner. 4o"nr.,-oa ac
in cultivation, balance timber; good
.uii uiuu, ouuu; i," lots in west
jiaiem, large unfinished house
twu; h acres, losans. familv
orchard, 5 room house, good barn,
on paved street, $6000. Geo. H
Stoddard, 1480 Broadway. b63
FOR SALE 6 acres $1600 for quick
sale. Good house, barn. 8 poultry
iiuuses, young orcnaru, (rood well
on roon road, black soil; 2 miles
irom Nuiem. Address Owner care
journal. 1,6 2
FOR SALE Or trade 20 acres of
good timber land in Washington for
car. box car Capital Journal. c61
FOR SALE 30 acres Mission" Bottom
lanit, sanuy loam soil all in cultiva
tion and orop, well improved and
011 main river road, best of logan
berry land, 1 acres in bearing
logannerries. rnis must be seen to
De appreciated, 8 miles N. of 8a
lem. Price $9000, terms. Address
Chns. Wilmot, Gervais, Rt. 2. b62
For Sale Miscellaneous.
GOOD hay $23 per ton. C. C. Rus
sell, waeonda, Or. Phone 3F3. '
FOR SALE Baled hay, clover and
timoiny mixer, $20 per ton. Phone
7F32, Rt. 1. c63
A VERY fine golden oak bungalow
size piano for sale at a genuine
bargain price. The Wiley E. Allen
Co., 619 Court St. c6l
FOR SALE Farm wagon in good re
pair ;aiso mlxe doats and cheat
hay. V. N. Shearer, Rt. 2, box 11,
Gervais, Or. c63
WE hai-e three beautiful new pianos
or very line Quality, one of them
the very best. We offer these this
week at special low prices and easy
terms. This is your chance for a
new piano. Come today. The Wiley
B. Allen Co., 619 Court St. c61
ONE used Brunswick phonograph for
sale, low price and terms. The Wi
ley B. A 1 1 en Co. lCourtSt.c61
FOR SALE Beautiful oak "piano,
looks like new, bench to match. L.
L. Miller. 519 Court St. C61
ONE-HALF acre in bearing apple
trees. A nice little cottage, good
well, strawberries, raspberries,
blackberries. Owner 4enving town.
Make your own terms. South Com
mercial at Hansen Ave., out of city
limits. M-63
FOR SALE Oats and rye hay', loose,
$15 per ton at barn. Phone 27F'15.
FOR SALE Cheat hay $21, at barn.
Phone 86F22, c68
FOR SALE Furniture, 1 Davenport
oak chairs, book case, oil stove and
oven, dishes, oak table, mirror and
etc. Miller apartments, 633 Ferry
St; .apartment 8. 63
TO people who were at 754 K. High
street. I will sell any part or my
furniture. Have all ret; haven't
sold any. c61
FOR SALE Turning lathe for wood,
1 blacksmith bellows and vise, as
sortment of springs for trailers.
Werner Fennel, 803 N. Liberty W.
v'7 2
FOR SALE Buckeye coal brooder.
good as new. Phone 56F12. c66
ONIONS for sale chenp. 197 South
Com mercinl. c8 6
FOR SALE Or trade timber claim
in southern Oregon. 160 acres.
Phone 84F4. c63
CEDAR POSTS Seven foot, split red
cedar loganberry posts tn carload
lots. Write A. M Lumber
company, Dallas, Or. c66
FOR SALE Clean red clover seed.
Rt. 1. box 1. Gervais. c63
" For Sale Nursery Stock.
STRAWBERRY plants, Etterberg 121
$5 per 1009. Phone 16F3. C. W.
Reechler. d62
FOR SALE Strawberry plants. Wil
son and Oregon, 60c per 100. Phone
86F5. '
WANTED 2500 loganberry tips, state
, price, quality. Address L, I Slopor.
Rt. 8, Aurora, Or. i62
FOR SALE 250 first class Petite
' prune trees. Inquire at White Jiouse
restaurant 6?
ITALIAN prune trees, 4 to ft.
grade, first class trees, absolutely
unhurt by freeze at NortbwesuTn
Nntwrr. Phone 111F3. d4
FOR BALE Strawberry plants 121.
87F25. $t per 1009. $3.56 digging
them yourself, W. . Savage. U63
cob laiewine ii-a " n r T"
... .,.
ii RAWBERRY plants for sale. Et-
alem, Silvenon road.
i f Et,A-i..
fr, . w'lso ' strawberries
fraded from thie fifty to seven-!
'.fiv a thousand. Vfyt. Cr
. or at assessor's of
FOR sai.e-. HJt -
. - v. . if.
, "u auiomabile
S9'90 Im"ro WilsotTawoe-rFy
"' l-ear old pLTms for
s.s. per 1040 if you die
Plants, $7 peMOOO if we dig plant!
M. Wygant, H mlle north Chuaar
station, Ore. Electric Ry., or w
".vgant at assessor's office, Sa-
CT?"' ' ' - d64
iSfS STCK-Itaiian prune
, . wa,nuts'- '"berta, and all
other kinds of nursery stock. Buy
xt 8 agents commission
Wooks Nursery.; Lafayette, Or.
QTT? 1 1, 1 u T. , .
Vit 1... u pmms any quan
tity Etterberg -121. Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everhearino- n...
Trebla. Wilson Thrift 5U...-
e plants. Low Quantity prices. City
r. T : mcnardson. 2395
Front. Phone 494. f66.
$1.50 per 1000; Wilson $. Address
"? in, saiem, Or. f66
oai reach seedlings, "for
"'"K out. Howard Jones. Phong
For Sale Livestock.
aiiL,u nave a general assortment
of nursery stock. Special prices
.. uiuaui.iiuti siock, shrubs, roses,
etc., to clean up. Howard Jones,
Northwest Nursery. Phone 111F3
r,iv ba,i . resh cow. Geo. Kalb,
Silverton road. pb
FOR SALE Thoroughbred O. I. C.
PlgS. With Or Without nnn,
amseyer Macleay, Or. e63
"'calSFT3" r 'iaV ld CalVe,'
FOR SALE 1 bay horse, wnlirht
about 1200; one Drew litter carrier
100 foot of cable; seed gray oats.
Phone 53F6. c63
FOR SALE Cheap, 1 team, weight
J300; spring wagon and harness, or
will separate. 2865 Brooks ave near
fairgrounds. j
WANTED To buy 25 or 30 head of
-I?iJ-1'3Iith. Phone 609. i61
RABBITS Young New Zealand Reds
i.u each while they last; pedi
grees furnished, 2525 Hazel ave.
FOR SALE -H.mnegan
Rt. 2.
- 3 good farm horses
Bros., Gervais, Ore.,
FOR SALE Thrifty Chester White
pigs, 8 weeks 'd36ja3. c61
FOR SALE Stock hogs from 70 lbs.
up; horses, draft and drivers; cord
wood, oak and fir. Sweet cider.
Address Wm. H. Egan & Sons,
2. Phone 3F11. c6 1
FOR SALE Team, wagon and har
ness; 6 and 7 years old, weight
8200 pounds. Harness new, 3
Studebaker wagon, good as new. J.
A. Rlcketts, Rt. 8, box 155. e61
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE Eggs, Rhode Island
Reds, Utah strain, dark red color,
very large; 15 for $1.60; also in
cubator settings. H mile south of
12th St. carline. Rt. 5, box 40, Mode
Reedy, Salem, Or. f67
FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs
$1.60 per 15. 1266 N. 16th. Phone
1617W. f61
FOR SALE 2 S. C. R. R. cockerels.
Phone 34F21. f62
FOR SALE 25 geese now laying," $3
each. Phone 209LT. f 6 2
FOR SALE O. A. C. Single Comb
White Leghorn eggs for hatching.
$1 for 1 5 eggs. 8 4 2 N. Water. f61
FOR SALE Single Comb White Leg
horn eggs for hatching, Wycoff and
McFarland and English Tom Baun
strains. R. Woolery, 344 S. 25th.
Phone 798W. f63
DAY OLD White Leghorn chicks and
setting eggs. Choice setting eggs at
7c each. 6c per egg by the case.
Mar. 21st will have 600 day old
chicks at 20c each. Phone Aums
ville 4-1515 or write Chas. L. Mar-
tin, Aumsville, Or. f62
White Leghorns, Buff Leghorns, R
I. Reds, Barred Rocks, Black Mi-
norcas. White Wyandottes, Buff
Orpingtons. Anconas. These vari
eties each week. C. N. Needham,
658 State St. Tel. 400. f63
Wanted Help.
WANTED Housemaid state school
for the deaf, phone 646; salary $30,
board and laundry. g62
GIRL or lady wanted for housework.
Call at 1277 S. Commercial g61
WANTED Live man with car for
real estate work. Must be a hustler.
Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bldg
. g
WANTED Sales ladles for house to
house canvassing. Those having had
previous experience preferred, sal
ary paid. Call Monday from 10 a.
m. to 4 p. m. at Marion .hotel, ask
for Mrs. H. Campbell. '
WANTED. Experienced loganberry
trainers; transportation furnished.
Ca U 1 00F3. 63
WANTED Two good farm hands. C.
C. Russell. Phone 3F3.
MEN wanted, splitting cord wood.
Phone 68F5. g63
WANTED Sales ladies, experienced
preferred, but not necessary. Sal
ary. Call from 4 to 7 p. m. Marion
hotel and ask for Mrs. Campbell.
WANTED Woman or gill to do gen
eral housework, small family.
Phone 12F25. g62
WANTED Men and women to train
loganberries, pay 3c per hill. In
quire at White House hestaurant.
Wanted Situations.
SITUATION wanted. A competent
man. experienced In bookkeeping,
implement salesmanship, auto driv
ing. What have you? Phone 770.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
Dress making.
WANTED To buy a carload of
horses, heavy draft horses, must
weigh 1600 and up and not over
t years old. Call 199 Cherry City
feed barn for Information. 162
WANTED Enough good timber for
1000 cords of wood, will buy stump
age or by cord. 106 Journal. 161
WANTED From owner library ta
ble and xlJ rug. Call 1746R. 161
WANTED To purchase heavy team,
harness and wagon suitable for
hauling wood; also some shoats.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Ore
gon bldg.
WANTED Fox terrier pup. Address
Pup, care Journal. C2
uk separator run 4 years.
Blla ,u norse engine, run 3 vears:
separator 3252 Advane Ftinn. n
Fll for particulars.
ANTED One-horse wagon, in Rood
condition and reasonable. Write or
call at 144,Ferry St. J. E. Kirk-
pairicg. ,'
' House with large lot.
rO0mS " down. $15
Co. 41S Masonic Temple. n
HAVING sold my farm, I want to
buy k modern bungalow, t or t
rooms. Would like a little fruit.
Send particulars to M B Journal
WANTED One-horse plow, 8 or 10
men. must be in good shape and
cheap. Phone 60F3 after 6 p. m.
WANTED To furnish you a nice,
new five, six or seven room bun
galow all ready to move in, or will
furnish you the material all ready
to put together to complete the
same. Can save you at least thirty
per cent on purchase of material
and construction. Have formed eoni
necuuns un parties who are
abundantly able to supply the ma
terials on short notice. Plans and
specifications all furnished free.
Come and see me at my residence,
629 North Winter street, If busv
during the day, come in the eve
ning. If married, bring your wife
with you. Phone 1532J onlv be
tween 5 p. m. and 9 p. m. W. .H.
Burghardt, Sr.
FOR RENT Apartment and single
housekeeping roomn at The Mil
Jej; do
FOR RENT Four or five unfurnish
ed rooms, modern. 818 Broadwav
or N. Liberty St. jGl
WANTED Vacant house. E. E.
Lavalleur, 271 North Commercial
St. Phone 734. g.
FOR. RENT Five room modern flat.
25 dollars per month, near state
house. W. A. Liston, 484 Court, j
FOR RENT Barn to be
garage. 249 N. 15th.
TO KENT Or sell, lots, set out to
logans and pear trees. Call at 1195
N. 20th. .65
FOR RENT Furnished house, 8
rooms, modern; 1 block from car
line, garage, 2 gardens, $45 per
month. Phone 960. J63
Lost and Found
LOST Tortoise rim glasses in leath
er case. Finder please phone 1090
M k61
LOST License No. 44070. Finder
please return to this office. k63
LOST by E. A. Morgan 1 30x3 V.
Fisk tire attache dto rim, license
No. 37762 Ore. Notify Marion Au
to Co. q
LOST Black wool shawl. Please call
578, Fullerton. k61
THE International Correspondence
school will have their local . repre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to give the publio information
regarding the schools and their
RESPONSIBLE party may use five
housekeeping rooms downstairs for
care of little girl from 8 to 4 p. m.
485 S. Church. m62
WIGGIN & SLOCUM, auto transfer,
general draying, local and long
distance hauling. Office phone 368
. m85
KALSOMINE now is the time; we
make old walls look new, and dirty
unhealthy rooms clean and fresh'.
Prices right. Call 76F6. 164
FOR plumbing and general repairing
call 1746R m68
TRANSFER, Moving,' Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1369 HInes
ORDER your awnings from Dillnian,
Write 960 Highland ave. m74
WANTED 5 or 6 room modern bun
galow. $300 cosh, balance monthly.
Box 666, Capital Journal. i
YOUR last opportunity In Central
Alberta and Saskatchewan Hre rich
park lands open prairie ready for
the plow, intttispersed with trees,
which afford excellent shelter for
stock. Here grain growing, -.dairying
and live stock raising are be
ing carried on successfully. The
country is ideal for mixed farming
The Canadian Pacific railway in
offering a large area of these fer
tile lands in Lloydm luster . and
Battlefield districts. This fertile
land will become the home of thou
sands of prosperous farmers. On
similar land Seager Wheeler grown
the world's prize wheat. Near Lloyd
minster the world's prize oats have
been grown, and butter of the
highest quality Is made. A man can
soon become independent on a
farm in this district. These lands
can be bought Tiow at prices aver
aging about $18 a nacre. You pay
down 10 percent. If land Is pur
chased under settlement conditions
no further payment of principal un
tli end of fourth year, then sixteen
annual payments. Interest is per
cent, M. E. Thornton, Hupt. of Col
onization, Cunadian Pacific rail
way, 987 First Street, E. Calgary,
FOR SALE 53 hoom hotel at sum
mer resort on bluff facing ocean,
fully furnished and doing a big bus
iness, owner selling on account of
age, has 37 beds, fine lobby, dining
room and has been built but a few
years, worth double the price ask
ed. Would consider good trade or
will take $5009 down and time to
suit on the balance at ( percent,
price $13,000. W. H. Grabenhorst
Co., 275 State St. n62
FOR BALE 8 room modern house at
745 Ferry street, built about eight
years, has furnace, two bath rooms
garage, freshly tinted and painted
throughout; possession can be had
at once. On the market for a short
time. Price $5090.
T room modern house on Salem
. Heights, two large lots, fine view,
oh street car line, furnace, fire
place, dutch kitchen and many
other built in features. An attract
ive home for $5000. Mrs. Winnie
Pettyjohn, 278 State street Tel.
615. n
FOR SALE Or trade on Saiem
property, one acre In Pratum with
( room modern house, barn, shop,
wood shed and hen house. E'. J.
Welty, Pratum, Or. Phone 119F12
QUICK SALE Improved 19 acres.
fine soil, buildings, fruit, best of wa
ter; stock, tools, furniture; 19 min
utes walk to Asylum ave. car, total
twenty minute from business cen
ter city. Fourth house east on D
St. from city limits at Park and D
Bt., white house north side D St.
Apply there to owner, B. i Keef
er, Kt. T, box 14. n63
: FOR SAJ Or trade, 11 acres, all
cultivated, good family orchard
I fair buildings, located 15 miles
j from Salem, will be on paved road
next year, ana 1 mue irora good
town with standard high school.
Price $2000. 1 aero with f room
house, small barn, chicken house
located in guod town on railroad
14 miles from Salem, county pav
ing plant will locate one block of
place where there will be lots of
work; will consider Ford car or
truck as part payment. Price $1,
200. Or will trade both places for
a farm and pay some difference or
assume mortgage. Write box 117,
Aumsville, Or. -
FOR SALE Two close in residence
properties, one $4500. one $5000.
f. L. wood, 341 State St. t62
4 acres 3 miles from Salem, paved
road, choice dark loam. $1500.
IS acres near Salem, IS In cultiva
tion, good buildings, orchard; cows,
horse,, fowls, feed, crop. Snap. $5000.
10 acres choice dark loam soil,
good house, other buildings; good
orchard; near school, good road, $4.
600, easy terms, or exchange for Sa
lem residence for part.
50 acres near Salem, good build
ings, water system, orchard good soil
for quick sale, $8500.
3 room cottage and sleeping porch
large lot, plenty fruit. $850, easy
See us for good bargains.
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com, club bldg. - n
28 acres, about 9 acres beaverdam,
all under plow and 20 acres planted.
Modern 6 room house, garage, barn
and gas water system to buildings
on good road. Price $12,500
10 acres best suburban and Income
home, 8-4 mile from street car; 6
aores logans, last year's crop 26 H
tons; 1 Btrawbernles, 1 family orch
ard, balance garden. Good house,
barn, etc. $10,000.
6 acres adjoining city; prunes, ap
ples and family orchard. Good house
barn and ..well water supply. $7600.
11 acres choice subdrban mostly in
bearing, prunes; strictly modern 9
room house and high class improve
ments, fine water system. ' $13,000.
40 acres choice Howell prairie
farm, 8 acres timber and pasture;
fronts on paved road; good building
throughout. Price $10,000. ,
5 acres 1 miles from street car,
fine prairie land, about 200 bearing
fruit trees; fine barn and largo hop
house. $2500.
160 acres in Franklin county, Wn..
all in wheat, 2 miles to station. Will
trade for acreage -near Salem.
5 room modern bungalow, no base
ment, on paved street, 10 blocks from
Court St. Good, lot, with fruit. $1000
down. $2600.
5 room house, modern; good cor
ner lot on paved street; -plenty fruit,
garage. $2950.
5 room house, close In with ' a
small lot. $200 down. $850.
6 room modern cottage bungalow
with furnace, paved street. $3000.
7 room modern house, no basement,
big lot, fruit, garage; quick fur cash,
6 room modern house, big lot, barn
paved street and carline; empty now.
1 room house, big barn and acre
close to fuir grounds store; easy
terms. $2000.
7 room house close In, N. Com,
south of bridge, good big lot. $2500.
6 room house. eWipty, close to capl
tol on paved street; modern, furnace.
$3000, ' -v. ' ' - '
6 room strictly modern bungalow,
south Salem. $4000.
10 acres close in, some fruit; no
buildings. $2500,
22 acres, best of soil, good build
ings, close to O. K. station. $7500."
4 acres mile to street car line;
1 acre strnwbprrloa, some logans,
good, family orchard, uou small
house and barn, paved road. Quick
sale. $2600.
Many more good buys. i
Laflar & Laflar
406-7-8 Oregon bldg. , n62
Good Buys. ,
25 ncre tract of flrst-rlnss prune,
loganberry and strawberry soil, near
ly all cultivated. A good 6 room
house, barn, well, located on main
rock road 5 miles from Salem.
Price $5,000.
4.86 acre tract, two acres logan
berries, $141 acre strawberries, small
house, 4 miles south, good road;
price $2,650. .-; t y. .
200 acre tract, 100 acres cultivated,
balance timber and. pasture, running
creek, several thousand cords of
standing fir timber, located miles
from Salem on rock road. Price $100
per acre.
25 acres of fine prairie soli, all cul
tivated; small house house and good
barn, located on gravel road, seven
miles from Salem, , Price $5,000.
10 acres of good bearing Itullan
prunes, 7 and 9 years old, located 4H
miles from Salem. Offered for a
short time at $5500.
70 acre tract located on main grav
el road 13 miles from Salem, 40
acres cultivated, good . fences, run
ning water, good six room house,
barn, hop house; 30 acres of good
.timber. Price $150 per acre.
10 acre tract located close to 81
lem, all cultivated, good 6 room
house, barn, well, 1 acre loganberries.
Price $2600.
80 sere farm located 6 miles from
Salem, good buildings, nearly all cul
tivated, some timber, good road.
Price $16,600. - '
10 acres of good prune and berry
land, all cultivated. Price $1500.
10 acre tract, S acres loganberries.
$ room house and barn, 6 miles
out. Price'$6509.
; 20 sore tract, 7 acres loganberries
S acres 'of prunes, located on main
Pacific highway; small buildings. If
you ars looking for a mney maker,
investigate this. Offered for a .short
time at $7600.
5 roo mmodern bungalow located,
at 245 Lincoln street. Pric $3600.
( room modern bungalow located
at 1515 8. Commercial street. Price
$6000. , , ,. i.
8 room modern house, lot 50x209
feet, garage, paved, street. Price $3,.
t room plastered bungalow, good
location. Price $1600.
Modern I room house, good loca
tion, on main street. Price $5000.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 Btate street n
FOR sals:
6 acres. room house full 2 story
good house; 1 acre prunes balance
under cultivation. Price $3,159; 4
blocks off -car line, 1
S room house, bath; fruit, barn, good
size lot on corner. Terms, $1,109. J
I room house 17th street close In;'
electric Ills. bath, big lot, fire place,
cement walks, corner; easy terms.
Price $3,300.
S room house 17th street; electric
lights, bath. $519 mortgage pay
able $19 month. Borne terms. Price
W. E. Compton.
4C9 State St. Phone (3 or 24F1
FOR SALE Fine business corner on
19th St. and State, good modern 7
room house in first class repair;
must be sld this week. Price $6.
000 on easy terms. See Guy O.
Smith. a66
Oregon Land Co.
44J state street
Modern except furnace. large
rooms and tewing hall. Built In fea
tures. Bath, toilet, large closets, full
basement, electric lights. Large lot.
Price $3250.
T room bungalow type, full base
ment, furnace, improved street, gar
age. A. good buy. $5500.
7 room modern house, large lot, on
improved str-.-et, close in. $7500; good
1 room house. Its a dandy, lust
overhauled, painted, and up to the
minute. Lot 100x140; some fruit, on
improved street. JSsOO for auiek sale.
Call in and see our farm, list of
high class lands.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
. 28 Oregon bldg. 1
Rest Buys.
41 acres in Kaiser bottom; 16 acres
in prunes 2 years old, 12 acres mixed
cherries, prunes and apples; 12 acres
farm land; good 8 room house and
tenant house, water system in all
buildings. Priced lor short time only
at $400 per acre.
30 acres close to city limits of good
town, all in cultivation, well fenced
hog tight, good barn, good black soil.
At a bargain for cash or will trade
for Saleir house or acreage.
10 acres 1H miles from city limits
on paved road; small house, new
barn; acres cleared best of soil
for loganberries. $4200' terms.
30 acres, 20 in prunes, 3 logans,
and 4 apples and cherries; good 4
room house, barn and new dryer; one
of the best prune orchards in the
country. 12.600. terms.
8 Mi acres, 1 hi miles from city
limits on paved road; an in cultiva
tion and the best loganberry land.
$2,000, terms.
100 acres 3 miles from A good
town on good road; all In cultivation,
good soil; fair house and good new
dairy barn for 30 cows; 2 good silos.
2 wells and engine; several thousand
dollars worth of stock and machinery
go with the farm. $20,009 for all, in
cluding equipment, terns;
. 68 acre river bottom land in Mis
sion bottom; 34 acres cleared balance
timber; 3 aores logans, 8 acres peach
es, family orchard; i small houses.
$6,500, terms.
10 room house, strlckly modern, on
paved street near the state house.
$5,600, terms
6 room house, good location near
car line. 1,000.
6 room house, water, llghls and
bath, 2 good lots, lots of fruit and
good garden. ' $1,800, terms.
' 841 State St. " - '
IF your property is worth the money
' we list it, we advertise it,' Estes
& Magee, Snlem, 428 Oregon bldg..
Portland. 908 Chamber of Com. n75
They say "Opportunity comes to ev
eryone at least once in a lifetime,
and here Is one for someone who
has $500 to $1000 to put into a 21
acre tract of fine berry or prune
land, There Is a proposition to be
had In connection with the pur
chase of this whereby you can have
a permanont Income while you
grow your fruit. The sale price of
this property is 12250,
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 363. - n
, . Rflftl Tnvflst.ment.a. -'
iust listed 340 acre stock ranch, 29
acres in cultivation, 80 acres slashed,
water on every 49, school on corner
of the place, 7 miles from good town
on main road; good barn, fair house.
Real buy at $5,000, best of terms.
160 acre stock ranch, 40 acres in
cultivation, most all can be cultivated
when cleared. Fair buildings, spring
water. .Price $4,800, good terms.
40 acres, all in. cultivation, partly
seeded, few acres of prunes, 8 miles
of town;, good buildings, Snap, $5,260,
13 acres, all " In cultivation, fine
loganberry land, loganberry tips to
set 4 acres, 4 miles of town, Price
$2,000. Easy terms.
We have two good buys In 6 pooni
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not increase the price
and make the sale impossible.
Estes & Magee. ' ,
428 Oregon bldg, Bulum
Portland office, Chamber, of - Com.
40 acres cultivated und 16 acres In
open pasture with good stream of
living water. This is a highly produc
tive farm and is a very desirable
place, 6 room farm house, several
outbuildings and new barn 86x48,
Located In Benton county on good
graveled road; close to school and 3
miles to shipping point. This is a
dandy little farm and Is a rare bar
gain at $125 per acre. Half rash, bal
ance 6 per cent interest.
Located 7 miles from Corvallls on
highway now being paved; 28 miles
from Snlem. 65 acres cultviatcd and
60 acres in full crop. All drains nice
ly. Borne orchard and berries. Ex
ceptionally good 1 room house with
hot and cold water, bath, Z toilets,
sleeping porch, etc. Is In good con
dition; has been built only 5 years.
Barn 60x70, hen houses, and other
outbuildings. Just a 20 minute drive
over the pavement to Corvallls and
Oregon Agricultural -college which
has an enrollment of more than 8300
students. We can sell this place for
$126 per acre and arrange favorable
terms on part of it. Immediate pos
sesion. F us for complete details;
It won't last long at this price.
Located about 17 miles from Sa
lem tn Polk county, and only about
mlle from west side highway now
being psved. 109 acres of excellent
land cultivated and 60 acres in fall
crop and clover; balance to be in
spring grain and corn, 19- acres fine
oak grubs for family wood. Good
woven wire fencing. Good 7 room
house, 2 room tenant house, granary,
garage, hen house, hog house, ma
chine shed and nearly new barn 44x
44 with 29 ft. shed. Barn is equipped
for both dairy and horses. With the
place goes all the crop, t head cat
tle, S horses and harness, buggy,
hack, wagon, binder, mower, rake,
plows, feed grl. der, fanning mill,
woodsaw, 7 h. p. gas engine, cream
separator, pigs, about 100 chickens,
feed, seed and all kinds of small
tools. Everything goes for $125 per
acre until April 1. Exceptionally good
family orchard and lots of berries.
This Is the farm you have been wall
ing for; don't let the other fellow beat
you to it.
Tiring your listings of city proper
erty; also large and small farms; we
will sell the mfor you.
Kinney & Smith.
291 Bank of Commerce bldg.
cuove hvj.unnT.
SiOVES rebuilt aua repaired. SI
"" experience. Depot National
n American fence, im 26 to
"" tugh. Fants, oil and varn
... e.t. loganberry and hop
hooks Salem Fence and Stove
" "" ...yreet. Phone ljt
Money to Loan.
t euerai Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time,
i and percent interest.
City building loans
A. a Bohrnstedt.
"i Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregoa
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
, rates. Fuil repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
30-year loans at ( per cent. Haw
kins & Roberta, 205 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLKR Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. 8. bank. Phone 341.
WANTED Second hand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
' tools. We pay the highest prieea
for everything. The Capital. Hard
ware and Furniture Co.. 285 N.
Corol H Phone j47. e.
long distance hauling. Office 44i
Court Bt. Phone 898, night phone
679J. fl
DKS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
pathic physicians and surgeons,
509 II. 8 bank bldg. Phone 85. Dr.
White, rea. phone 460; Dr. Marshall
rs. phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 5SF5; offiee
phone 1394, 7
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
'""ver Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loaa
Ass'n. Government money to loaa
at 5 percent. 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Water Company.
curlier Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly tn advance.
Phone 67.
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing lOo bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Offioe phone Main
WliyleTIor" Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid he
tore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Cora
merclal street. Phone 134.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 847 Court St.
Lodge Directory.
04-s CHEMEKETA 1 dge No. I
every Wednesday
evening at 7:3
at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornaok hall on every Tuesday at
8. 3. L. Tucker, C. C.J P. J. Kunts,
K. R. ft B.
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meet
tvery Thursday evening in McCor-
. nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle.
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
I NlTELi ARTISANS "Capital Assem
bly No. 84 meats every Thursday at
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An-
a dresen, M. A.; A. A, Guctfroy, sea-
' retnry, Balem, Or. .'
A'. O. W. BALUM CAMP 118 Meet
every Friday night at t o'clock la
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. I. Ross, C. C; L, B, Peer, clerk
-Oregon Cedar Camp No, Hit
meets every Thursday evening at I
o'clock . In McCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets. H. ,G
, Coursey, ,V, C; Frank A, Turner,
clerk. - - '
ALLOWANCE made 011 your old tire
when turned in on Keaton's abso
lutely non-skid. Horlon Tire and
. Rim Co..'. 337CourtSt.
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re.
finishing, The Hulem Reflnlshlng
Co. lr.d a 12th St. Phone Ifif 3. m67
GENERAL automobile repuirlutta
magnetos repaired and recharged.
Ford work a spocUilty; batteries re
charged. The Fairgrounds Oarage,
M. L. Jackson. Prop. Phone 808,
... : .' !2
FOR BALE Or exchange for cows,
good 1816 model Studebaker auto,
good running order, 4 new tire.
, Price $600. Adress Fred Ling, Rt
6, box 49B, q63
f OR SALE Cheap, S paste n go r
Maxwell, overhauled, good running
condition; for quick sale $350 and
terms to suit. Salem Velli com
pany, 162 N. Commercial St. q62
WANTED Ford chassis. Phone 48.
A. BARGAIN Leaving town, new
Chevrolet, never been run, 1939
model $ passenger. Cherry City
garage; 12th street. t6'
Also upholstering
of all kinds, seat
covers, service, O.
Hull. Y. M. a
A. Building, Salem, Oregon.
ALLOWANCE made on your old tires
when turned In on Keaton s nomtkld
Would .you save money? Horton
Tire and Rim Co., 837 Court St.
FOR BALE Cheap, one Maxwell
touring car In good condition, must
be sold, owner leaving town; Can
be seen at Clark and Harris gar
age, Stale street. PJtone 793. q2
CHEVROLET to trade for Ford. Cher
ry City garage, 170 B. 12th. St. ti
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Com
and see them. 221 Btate St. Phone
nslfT" ' - 11
IJl-r-ttirri j.