THE CAPITAL JOURNAL rAGF. ZiQlH. WHA T SHALL IT PROFIT A Story With a Moral Get It! By Mollie Brunk nrw hospital " "Hut the old ones are entirely inade quate. .Many deaths resulted from the lie flue last year, because there was no place in which people could be cured for." "Let them die then; they had better do it and decrease the surplus popula tion." The conversation was broken into by the timid voice of Scrooge's little clerk: "I feel that I want to rlve earth was worth the time and atten-1 s0111ething to this fund." He handed tion that Scrooge gave his; but his, a smai mm to one of tne gjiictors. another Scrooge, was as dead as Marley. and Marley was as dead as a doornail he evt-n had a ghost. Scrooge had no ghost, but he had two spirits, one the spirit of the Vast and or.e the Spirit of the Future. The Spirit of the Past came back to earth and lived In tht person of Scrooge II. Scrooge II lived for nothing, save his business, himself, and his daughter, (His loves were In the order named.) No business on Scrooge got out onto the street, and he went straight as a bee to the Com mercial Club. He passed into a small room, where several business men, sacrificing time from their work, were taking in subscriptions for the Gen eral Hospital. "How much do you lack?" asked Scrooge. "Forty thousand dollars." said one of the men, dumbfounded to see Scrooge there. "Sign me up for that amount!" said Scrooge. daughter well that was I Scrooge glared at him, "Ah," said thing entirely. Scrooge's daughter was; i, .so you're getting so much money Artisans Will Frolic Tonight beautiful, sweet, kind, in a word charming; she was everything that Scrooge was not, and Scrooge Idolised her. Kut every gift and luxury that he bestowed upon her was wrenched from some poor s.iul.' Scrooge didn't care a rap whether that soul was a poor widow, with a big family, nor whether the widow was sick. No sir! Scrooge would have his pound! O! Hut he was a tight-fisted hand you don't know what to do with It all eh? If that's the case, I'll cut your wages down!" "But I I" ' - . "Let me hear another sound from you, and you'll lose your situation." The men let themselves out, glad to escape from Scrooge's presence. Time went on, and a second epi demic of the flu struck the town. Sud denly, one day, out of a clear sky. i mr k inuaiMi.. a i ocrooge s Deautirui daughter was MMiieezing. wrenching, grasping, scrap-1 stricken. Scrooge was frantic. He summoned the town's best doctor, but he was already overburdened, and one life was as valuable to him as another. He did his best to aid Scrooge in find ing a nurse, but there was none to be had, and the hospitals were already overcrowded. Scrooge's beautiful daughter slipped down into the Valley of the Shadow, and passed on to the Haven of Hearts Content. Scrooge was wild with his grief. The words of the doctor kept ringing In his ears: "If we had the new hos pital that the city is trying to raise money for, your daughter need not have died." Ing, clutching, covetous old sinner! External heat and cold had little in fluence on him. No warmth could warm him, no cold could chill him. No wind that blew wa3 bitterer than he. no falling snow was more Intent upon his pur pose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. The heaviest tain anil snow and hall and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect, they often "came down" handsomely, and Scrooge never did. Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks "My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?" No beggars Im plored him to bestow a trifle. o chil dren asked him what time it was by his watch, no man or woman ever once in his life Inquired that way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blind men's dogs appeared to know him; ami when they saw him coming would tug their masters into doorways and up courts; and they would was their tails as though they said, "No eye at all is better than an evil eye dai k master!" . Hut what did Scrooge care! It was the very thing he liked. To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all humanity sympathy to keep its distance, was what the know ing ones called "nuts" to Scrooge.' Scrooge: II lived lu the town of Whut-does It matter. One day as he sal In his place of business two men came In. They were hi"s fellow towns men, but there was no feeling of fel lowship between the three, "We are out," said 0110 of the men, "to solicit fun is for u "new - General Hospnai. A" ' ' "Are there no hospitals here?", "Ves, but they ate a dlsgracle. The city has outgrown them. What shall we put you down for?" "Nothing!' "You wish to be anonymous?" "1 wish to be let alone. Since you nsk me what I wish, gentlemen, that Is my answer. We have got along very well without putting on airs over a urn Not A Blernis" mars the perfect appearance of her com plexion. Permanent and temporary (kin troubles are effectivelv concealed. Reduces un. natural color and eorra-ta greasy skins. Highly antiseptic, uncu wan oeneticial results as a curative agent for 70 years. r'4" mm A special program, providing one of the best times ever had at their meet ings, has been provided for the meet lug tonight of Capital Assembly No. 84, United Artisans, at the Odd Fel lows' hall. Court and High streets. The meeting begins at eight o'clock, and all Artisans and their friends are invited to attend. This evening is "prospect night" for the lodge. All persons who con template becoming members, or have been approached on the matter, are invited to come and see what social times are enjoyed by the members. It is expected that reports on tick et sales for the big Artisan Drill Girls' team dance, at the Armory, April 7, will be made at this meeting. Cats are almost extinct in Warsaw, Russia, During the last year of the war they were sold in the public mar ket places. RESCUED Kidney, liver, blad-Jer and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attac-s. Heed the first warning thy eiv that they need attention by taiin Tne world's standard remojy for thr disorders, will often ward oSf thesa di. asea and strengthen the bodv ae-aim. further attacks. Threo sizes, all druggists. Lock for the Mm. Gold Medal on erery boa sua accept oo unjUuoa I ! BAK.E-RITE BREAD If you try a loaf today, you'll buy a loaf tomorrow. I Hot Rolls, Pies, Cookies, Cakes and Doughnuts. i Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery I : ' ; 457 State Street. ; i '(lliKvffj to Pi jhlJfP' ml E7a "",,":; is - m - -J, wiUfWlSj:- Winter Meals From Your Summer Garden. tit IN the cold winter, when canned of fresh vegetable are so expensive, how fine it is to be able to go to ths fruit closet and select a jar of home canned beans, peas, beets, carrots, sweet corn, etc, r Home canning,' or cold packing proves most satisfactory when tha vegetables are fresh from the gar den. All varieties best suited to canning are easy to raise and big yields are the rule when grown from Northrup, King & Co.'s Seeds. For 36 years our seeds have made gardening a source of pleasure and profit to. thousands of "back yard gardeners.' Join this vast garden ing army go to your dealers early and select packets of all the varieties 5 ou are fond of, from the convenient Northrup, King & Co. Seed Case. Standard site packets are only a nickel this year and think of all the vegetables you can, raise from one packet. t- ., ,-v,JL"-; :M&& Under Seaidhu Do you ever wince inwardly i AN unexpected meeting a bat JLA tery of eyes focused upon JL JL your face Can you meet it with composure? Is your skin flawless? Clear, lorely in coloring? Or is there some blemish that stands out mercilessly in your own consciousness? Some fault in your complexion that you know observant eyes must take notice of? There is nothing that so destroys a man's or woman's poise and self confidence as the consciousness tff a complexion at fault. Even a little blemish in some conspicuous place makes you miserably embarrassed. You want to shrink into the background. You lose your confidence, your gaiety. Your very personality is dimmed, just when you are most anxious to appear at your best. Yet this suffering is entirely need less. You need never be miserable and tongue-tied from such self-consciousness. Almost anyone, by simple, regular, hygienic care of the skin, can free her complexion of the defects that so commonly mar an otherwise lovely face. Disfiguring blackheads enlarged nose pores a skin that will get shiny These things can be corrected. Take care of the new skin that is forming every day as old skin dies.' Give it every night the right treat ment for your particular trouble, and within n 'week or ten days you will notice a marked improvement. Howio remove skin blemishes Take one of the most common kin troubles. Perhaps your skin is constantly being marred by unsightly little blemishes. No doubt you at tribute them to something wrong with your blood but authorities on the skin now agree-that in the great majority of cases, these blemishes are caused by bacteria and parasites that are carried into the ores from outside, through dust and fine particles in the air. 'By using the Woodbuty method of cleansing your skin, you can free it from such blemishes. I By the right careyou can not only free your skin font olemishes you can keep it smooth and clear. Use the special treatment recommended heft. Just before retiring, wash in your usual way with warm . water and Woodbury's Facial Soap, finishing with a dash of cold water.. Then dip the tips of. your fingers in warm water and rub them on the cake of Woodbury's until they are covered with a heavy cream-like lather. Cover ' each blemish with a thick coat of this and leave it on for ten minutes.' Then rinse very carefully, first with clear hot water, then with cold. - J Use this treatment until the blemishes have disappeared, then con. tinue to give your face, every nightj a thorough bath in the regular Woodbury way, with Woodbury's Facial Soap and warm water, finishing with a dash of cold water. In this way you can guard against any reappear ance of the blemishes. - Special treatments for all the com tnoner skin troubles are given in the famous booklet of treatments that is wrapped around every cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap. Get a cake today begin, tonight, the treatment your skin needs. You Will find Woodbury's FadaT Soap on sale at any drug store or toflet goods counter in the United States or Canada. ' A 25 -cent cake lasts for a month or si weeks'of any treatment, or for general deansing use. Would you like a trial size cake? tot 6 cents we will send you a ' trial size cake (enough for a week of ' any Woodbury facial treatment) to gether with the booklet of treatments; "A Skin YoU Love to Touch.',': Or for 15 cents we will send you the1 treatment booklet and samples of Woodbury's Facial Soap, Facial Pow der, Facial Cream and Cold Cream? Address The Andrew Jergens Co.," Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati,1 Ohio. ' ' ) If you Irve in Canada, address 7Tw r Andrew Jergens Co, Limited, SheA brookc Street Perth, Ontario - -J This Is the lme For you to think of Bread More wheat-ia grown in America than any other country in the world. Yet we eat less bread per person here in America than is eat en in any country of Europe. This is wrong-. BREAD is more health . ful, more nourishing, more economical than . any other form of food. , Americans should eat more BREAD.' Holsum Is Your Best Bread Buy More Of It Bread Is Your Best Food Buy More Of It Cherry City Baking Co. Bl'KNKD WOMAN DIE Oakland, Cal., Mar. ,11. Mrs. Jo hanna House died this morning from burns received when her clothing cauglJt fire at a lodge nieetingshe was attending lust evening. Mrs. House approached a heating device In the Kastern Star hall and th evening gown she was wearing caught fire.v" PKRSHIXa WILL INSPECT CANAL ZONK DEFENSES Washington, Mar. 11. General Per shing will leave about March 25. for the Panama canal zone to Inspect the military defenses there. This will con stitute the last lap of his Inspection tour of the nation's military posts. He will be away two'or three weeks. The American soldier is an W vlsatlon, but It must be admitted i a good one," says the former fen t'luwn )iiuwi W.W.MOORE House Furnisher AnDO VTiTfftflLi HUME V i You get more for josr. Money at Moore's. Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas - Tanks Repaired ' Tractor Radiators a. Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale ' , 198 S. 12th St. Salem, Or. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL "WANT" ADS PAY L. M. HUM Care of' Yick So Jong Chinese Medicine atid Tea Co. Has medicine which, will cure any known disease.- .. Open" Sundays from 10 a, m. until 8 p. m. . Ui South High Street Salem, Oregon. - Phone 283 Bay Remnants AT THE Remnant Store 254 North Commercial HATE EXPERT 4 With 85 jen eiperk. mo In raj dental oi" liJl. D. X. BEECnXEB 803 V. S. Bank Bl HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kinds Best Prices Guaranteed CALL 398 Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal Ho'use 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 291 Biaw" -r YOUR Wiiii'v"- 340 Court btrw FOR LON(j DISW . AUTO TRCCKIS3 WillametteVaW Transfer Co. ' PHONE H" WE ALSO DO ill) iv MOTOR & TIKE i-t CO'T-t -" "