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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1920)
t'AUE SIX. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL "BOYS AND BARBER SHOPS?" IS GUY DIVORCE SOU "There is not a barber shop in the etate where vulgar and obscene lang uage in reference to women is not more or less in vogue." This wan the statement made by William Yates of Silverton, who testified during the divorce proceedings of Edna Shockley against T. K. Shockley, Tuesday. Yates had been called to the stand by attorneys for Mrs. Shockley in an ef fort to substantiate evidence that Shockley had made remarks concern ing women who passed his barber shop in Silverton. This charge had been denied by Shockley who claimed that he had worked hard in main taining a home for his family and that "ho did not step out at night, but stayed at home." In cross-examining Yates who also is a barber, John SicNary, attorney for Shockley, asked the witness how long he had been in the business. "Since I was about I4 was the reply "Did you hear any "obscene' talk at your age, while in barber shops?" asked McKary, "and did it 'ruin you?" The witness answered tne first query in the affirmative, but denied that his regard for womanhood had been affected by the experience. This cross-examination had been aroused by a statement of the witness, that he was certain that Shockley's barber shop, or any shop, was a suitable place for the presence of a young boy. Evidence previously presented had shown that Glen Shockley, 13, had been permitted by his father to con duet a "shoe shine" stand in Shock ley's shop. Previous testimony submitted by Mrs. Shockley had contended that Shockley had excessively abused the connubial relation and that on sever al occasions he had handled her roughly, matters coming to a crisis on Ueeember 18,1919. tTpon that date, Mrs. Shockley alleges that her spouse became enraged, blacked her eye and inflicted bruises and contusions upon Various parts of her body. Shockley denied charges of assault and alleged that his wife .had been In timate with various other men. Both parents claim the custody of the children, Bess, 15 nnn (llcnn, 13, each contending that the other is an unfit person for such trust. The ease occupied nenrly two days in the hearing before Judge Percy H. Kelly, who took the testimony under advisement. COMMERCIAL CLUB 10 C01 'IS On some day between April i and 20, when blossom season is at Its jniost gorgeous height in and around Salem, arms will be thrown wide to thousands of visitors and tourists, and excursions will be made to points around Salem where they may view the wonderful blossom fields. At the monthly open forum meeting of the Commercial club Wednesday evening Manager McCroskey was authorized, by a vote of the members, to name a committee to assist him, ana take whatever steps are necessary to insti tute Blossom Pay here. Creation of a blossom day, and pro visions of facilities to accommodate the many who will come here then, will be one of the "greatest advertis ing stunts Salem can do," Mr. Mc Croskey told the club. "It is an op portunity we cannot afford to miss." King Eing C. B. Clancey, for the Cherrians, volunteered to provide autos for the visitors here during blossom season. I'lans the Cherrians are shaping for the entertainment of the thou sands of Elks and Shriners who will visit this city this summer during their conventions in Portland were told by King Bing Clancey. The Cher rian's committee will meet with the Salem Auto Dealers association some time this week to further arrange ments for an auto tourist camp ground, he said. A committee, composed of W. C. Connor, Harley O. White and George E. Shaw, were selected to promote the Marion county poultry show n-re this spring. Billboards, especially when they contain foreign advertising that is par ucuiany painrui to the civic eye, came in for a rap during the meeting. Discussion arose when it was said that Portia ml advertisers are ar ranging to place advertisements here in electric de luxe signs. What action the clubs should take in the matter was left in the hands of Chairman R. O. Snelling, of the civic department. Following the business meeting the club members were shown many beautiful art picture slides of flower scenes In and around Salem. The pictures, made and shown by A. C. Barber, state insurance commission er, are exact color reproductions, and won -hearty applause from the club members. Mr. Barber said that the taking of these pictures was bis hobby, one thing that every tired business man should have." , Prominent Dallas Young Folks Marry Firm Note Dictated Paris, March 11. The conference of ambassador today decided to send the German government a very firm ly worded note demanding immediate application of the penalties provided tor tne outrages suffered by officers or the inter-allied commission to the Baltic states during the German evac uation of this region which has hith erto been delayed. Dalla, Or., Mar. 11. Laird V. Woods and Miss Marie Griffin, two of Dallas' most prominent young peo ple were united in marriage at the home of the brides' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Griffin at noon Wed nesday, in the presence of only the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Both parties have been prominent in the social affairs of the Dallas younger set for the past several years; and their wedding is the culmination; of a romance began during their, school life. The groom is an employe! of the Dallas National bank and his bride has been identified with the; local office of the Mountain States Power Company for -the past few years. Mr. Woods is a veteran of the Ger man war and returned from France about a year ago after having seen! sen-ice in all the big battles In which the American forces participated. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for a short stay at Newport after which they will return to Dallas to make this city their future home. are II. C. Keyser, Geo. Laurence and W. E. Canott. Articles were also filed today by the Oregon Rabbit company o Ba ker, capitalized at $23,000. A. J. Mc Dannel, H. H. Anderson and S. M. Anderson. Rogers Co., Inc., Portland, filed resolutions of dissolution. A certificate showing an Increase in capital stock from $2400 to f 12,500 was filed , by the Sherman Brothers Lumber company of Portland. Capitol Briefs at sr. ti. for : f-ir there h" - i the fii, r i the Patients at the state hospital ine insane nere now total 17 ne fin m t , highest number ever cared for at the'"'131 Inn,n institution at one time and fnr i iPI"Mr "eBere,r! cess of the normal rapacity of the ' uttpiim. inciuuing officials and at- .r,.Ua...a ,.cre are now more than tvw persons at tne Hospital. 1 - - trom a Thirty patients at the state hosnit. ' 4 TOMORROW 'AND SA TURDA Y Elaine Hammerstein Incorporations. The Mnrman Maid Creamery com pany of Portland, capitalized at $50. 000, filed articles of incorporation with the state corporation depart ment here today. The incorporators JOURNAL WANT ADS PA'S. QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICE Lloyd Rigdon To Be Candidate For County Coroner Lloyd T. ltlgdon, member of W. T. ltlgdon & Son, undertakers, today fil ed his declaration of Intention of be ing a cant! Id nte for the republican nomination ' for county coroner of Marlon county, in the primary elec tion, May 21. Mr. Rigdon has never been a candidate for or held any po litical office, except ns a member of the Salem City council, which office he resigned early In 1918 to enter the service of I.' mile Sam. I'pon his re turn from the army he assumed ac tive manngi inent of the undertaking establishment, and has conducted It since. Lloyd Rlgilon Is a native of Marlon county, attended the public schools nnd University In Salem; nnd is a graduate of the Capital Business Col lege and the Cincinnati School of Em balming. He has been associated with his father In ,tlie undertaking busi ness for ten years, and Is eminently iiuallfied for the position of. coroner. He Is SI) years old. On his declaration of Intention Mr. Rigdon states that ho will "perform the duties Incumbent upon the of fice In a straightforward and econom ical manner." lie also claims to stand for "honest and faithful nervtnf mn.! inimical administration." The office of coroner has been held In this county for 24 years by A. M. Clough of the Wcbb' Clough company. kill f :j4 ;'i The New in Spring Frocks You can find no lovlier dresses than these of tricotine, serge and Panama cloth. The new wide hip line, distinctive pockets and the clever placing of buttons are outstanding features of these frocks. In shades of navy and brown they are the ideal thing for street wear these early spring days. An extensive "buy In Canada" cam paign Is now In progress In that coun try to combat the high rateof ex bunge charged on Canadian money In the I'nlted States. Sir Walter Scott's letters, to the number of 150 pages, were discovered recently in u San Francisco second hand book store. 31. dL If tpbg Ota tm.'&lJSSF v' 145-147 Liberty Street . i XVh'ere Vou Find Shopping a Pleasure A Breakfast Standby Always ready and Always pleasing" Grape-Mits A food of delightful flavor, crisp, sweet granules that re quire just enoudh chewing to bring out a defihtful nut like taste. VetyNoxirishin Economical Made by Postum Cereal Cfcu Battle CreekWich- Dallas Legion To Hold Social Affair ! Dallas, Or., Mar. 11. Carl 11. Fen ton Tost of the American Legion of this city are planning a big social if fuir to take nluce nn Sjitm.rL.iv iw-i.t of this week. One of the features of! the evening will bo the distribution! of the Victory Service Medals to mem- bers of the Legion who took part In i tne lute war. A big dance will be held Inter In the evening. Carl IS Kenton Tost has a mem bership of more than 100 members and an endeavor is being made to In crease the membership roll to 200. Invitations have been sent to all ex service men In the county asking them to come to Dallas and enjoy the hospitality of the Post on Sat urday night. At a meeting held Friday night the Post went on record as favoring leg islation now pending In Congress for compensation of ex-service men and women and the members of the or ganisation have been asked to write letters to the Oregon representatives in congress asking them to favor the passage of such legislation. JOURNAL WANT APS BRING 'EM CLASS AD IT AND SELL IT HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE TOMORROW IN "Greater Than Fame" A STRONG VITAL STORY TOLD IN A ' TENSELY GRIPPING WAY COMEDY PATHE REVIEW . PATHE NEWS 2:15, 7 and 9 p. m. i it ".,5 t 1 M it WURLITZER MUSIC with HAWLEY "F e l ire g oe iviosi vv eicom V That Ever Came to Market Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer TheBrtmsmA In every great tire factory, the" thief question is: 'IIow much can iwe give for the money?" And the product depends on the policy adopted. ' Every man who has become ac quainted ; with Brunswick Tires knows that" Brunswick standards are again evident.. This famous con cern noted as a leader in every line it entered since 1845 has once more proved that its policy is right 1 fA perfect tire is simply ia matter bf knowledge and standards and fckill. iNo secrets nor patents pre yent making an ideal tire. But standards come first. For ui iire making there is vast room for tskimping, for subtle economies, for hidden shortcomings. Makers with out the highest standards don't build high-grade tires. The Brunswick" organization of tire makers includes a brilliant staff of technical experts. Not a man . among therh Hag gpehi less than 20 years in handling rubber. Each is a master of his craft And the new ideas they bring to the attention of Brunswick fo tors receive sincere consideration ',' Every proved betierrrierifis adopted unanimously. The Brunswick Tire is a combi nation of acknowledged features plus Brunswick standards of mana facture. The result is a super-tire, theiiki of which you have never known be fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. ' Yet Brunswicks cost no more than like-type tires. Try ONE Brunswick. We pro ise a surprise. And we feel certain that you will want ALL Bruns wicks. ; Then good tires will have a nw meaning to you. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. . Portland Headquarter: 46-48 Fifth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis Ml i lH v M Ww VxkA mM , ' "- ir 1 -VCV ysvVI ' "' ' ttl-l-- Cord Tires with MDrivingw and "Swastika" Skid-Not Tread t Fabric Tires in "Plain n R;kk-j j Rnr dMJ.Nnt Treao Great Western Garage ii i. rngn street CherryCHjG'l! 170 9 B igh Theatre