PAGE FCT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ' SPat AN INDEPENDENT NEWSfAfEK PIPER'S PLATFORM Published every evening except ''up ay by The Capital Journal Prlntm Ov ist South Commercial street Telephones Circulation an Bualneso Of ice, 81; Editorial rooms, il. GEOKGB PUTNAM. Editor-Publisher Entered as second class matt matter at Salem. Oregon- BUBSCRirTION RATES By carrier S cents a nosA By mall otnts a month, 1.15 for Uirea months. lor ei months. $4 year In Marion and Folk counties Elsewhere ''eVordier of TJ. 8. governmeat. all man subscriptions are payable ip advance.' Advertising representatives W. D Ward. Tribune UUlg., New York; W. H tockwell. Peoples Gas BIdg.. Chicago TIMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aoclated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news difipatoh!i credited ts It or ot otherwise credited in this paper sod also local news published herein 0 regon bservations Gol.l II111. David Force, who ha. been doing extensive development work on his quicksilver mine In the Mt-udowH dixtrict north of Gold Hill the it winter, him uncovered a large deport of clnnuhnr ore that runs 60 ler cent mercury. Albany. Ooi;;e August Asche, mm of the pioneer ranchers of Linn rotin Iv and u oil known throughout the communliv. dl(d nt 11. SO Monday evenlim at his home iicur Dover, ful lowing an attack of acute pneumonia. Cold Hill. Kuttcneuttor ft Knox of Medfm-ri have inirchiiscd the W. .1. Hmith sawmills on Sardine creek, six mile north of Cold Hill. Considerable Umber in tributary to the mills, hut the new owners may move the equip ment to n new Rite in this district Yule. Work was bcRun Wednesday tin the ditch, under the supervision of i. 1. Houhc. There are five miles of thin ditch yet to be dufr, covering most of the farms and ranches in the valley on the south side of Malheur river. Hlllshoro. A. N. Duties of Netlits, recently coming here to attend the closing of the affairs of his mother in law, the lute Mrs. (liihbcrt of Kinton, found 12fi twentyihjllnr gold pieces while KidiiK through the O.ulibert holism Hold etrectH. The ROld coins wore hidden In a laid bucket. I Flosebiirp; Ada Roberts, 'dnuuhter of l.rward Roberts, an employe of tne i.ieniiiuo Lumber compajiy, wss accidentally killed nf-Feravnta. It was learned today, when n heavy lumber truck on which she nnd other chil dren were riding collided with a logfting train. Sometime since the Oregon Voter announced that Editor Edgar r tinAD r tV, prrionri Orporinian. was the "unofficial head 01 the Republican party" which, in-as-much as Oregon possessed a national committeeman, a republican United wares sen-noi, uu republican congressmen, a republican governor, a repuunuin legislature and a republican in every state office, was regarded as some promotion-but it is evident that the Voter understated the case and underestimated the colonel's importance. ! ' Colonel Piper is not only "the Boss" who pulls the strings and makes the politicians dance, but he is The Party the Grand Old Party itself, that -is, everything except the votes. He has even written the platform for the coming campaign at least he was modest enough to admit it in his address to th'e'Women's League as printed in his own paper. If he would only name the candi date now, there wouldn't be any necessity for a convention. Per haps he will before the convention meets, obviating the necessity and saving the expenditures for slush money. - ; And such a platform! Such a collection flf glittering general ities as never before conscripted not even in the scintillating array by General Leonard Wood. We have "Americanization," the "maintenance of our institutions," the "supremacy of the law and punishment of malefactors," "democracy as opposed to autocracy", "payment of debts," "opportunity to enjoy rewaras of labor," "efficiency and economy," "regulation of public util ities," "equal service and equal rights" for sexes, "liberal recog nition of ex-service men," "moderate" protective tariff, "military training" but not "military service, except in case of war." The platform views with alarm a Democratic president and of course fails to point with pride to the winning of the war, but firmly demands everything already enacted into law, vigor ously claims rights inherent under the constitution, and staunch ly declares for liberties enjoyed since the Declaration of Inde-npiHlfiiice. Truly a statesmanlike document silent upon the League of - . . - , i ii i Nations, upon the problems ot reconstruction, upon proniDiiion, upon the great issues of the hour, ft would, with minor alter ations, fit either of the parties and as it means nothing, and conn takes the place of convictions, and above all offends no one, is therefore eminently fitted for politicians bankrupt in principle. I.n elucidating this sane and safe platform bunk, the author voiced his uet theory that partisanship and patriotism are syn onvmous. and independence a menace to the nation. "Independ ents" he asserted, "contributed little to the advancement 01 poi- fical thought." and after declaring that the republican party was founded by Hamilton and the democratic party by Jefferson, concluded with the assertion that "Jefferson was no democrat he was a republican." " There are those who fear that the ponderous weight of his megalomanical responsibilities as The Republican Party and the tremendous strain of preparing innocuous desuetudes for his plat form, have seriously impaired Colonel Piper's sense of humor. On the contrary, he is more amusing daily and promises to be a source of continual joy throughout the campaign. Rippling Rhymes BY WAL T MASON WAlfi Wifi air Mm mm mmw BY ARTHUR BAILEY .11 "But you promised to give me an ear of corn for my tooth!" said Un do Jerry- "Well, haven't you got your tooth?" asked Jimmy Rabbit. And Uncle Jerry Chuck was so pui iled that he went home without say ing another word. ilf You Need a Medicine Yoo Should HaTe the Best A SLIGHT DISPUTE You may have heard somewhere of Uncle Jerry Chuck. He was an old m-nr.a,.h,i,ir who lived in Farmer, Green's pasture. And he was known f.i. ami will, il the stineiest person In Pleasant Valley. He never paid for anything if he cc han it Well. Vnele Jerry had the tooth ache. That was nothing new for him either. He often had the toothache. And it was alwavs the same tooth too because he had only one in is head. But he never would go and have his tooth nulled, Decause ire simply hated the thought of paying anyone to take it out Have yon ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are eiten""'" advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon for gotten? The reason is plain the ar- CUTlBir" Catarrhal Def,, If you know of som. troubled with rTr4 head noises or"erdiB, 4 ot this formma ;E and you may hSTB bj of saving some from total deafness. In p?,"1 enustsfor,longtiwi. ognlaed that ct.v lut, said: , JAMES RABBIT TOOTH PULLER -iieuo: sam i. "!ticle did not funfil the promises of something new! I've never noUeed;the manufacturer. This applies more that sign before." And ne stepueu particularly to a medicine, A medic inxid'e the hollow stump to which the lnal preparation that nas real cura- sism was nailed. t And there he found Jimmy Rabbit, in a white apron, and with a pair of pincers in his hand. Frisky .Squirrel was there, too, sitting in a corner and hniintr onto his head. what are vour prices?" Uncle Jerry asked al disease and neeessanjy tomtit, ;w. constitutional treatment Sprays, inhalers and "sow an. liable to irritate thii?' passages and force the aT the middle of thenar wwJX IT means total desfn 'w- V e driveT Uve value almost sells Itself, as likejP8 towar(l5 the lUnS8 an endless chain system the remedyl equallf dangerous. Th, tZl 1. nnundul V,V tVinm i hn hnM men IS U.VX v. , been benefitted, to those who are need of it A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- I Root, a preparation I have sold for He had an ''i 1,1 going right down there,' my Rabbit said. Jim- said many years and tew hesitate to rec lommend, for in almost every case it An ear of corn lor a loom: Tt.,..-,ir 7?9hhir nmmntlv. That's reasonable enougn, incino "im "'""J Terrv Chuch replied. And ne sal my customers teBtny. no owier aiuuey down at once. "Uo aneaa: ne nam. Jimmy Rabbit was delighted. "Which one is it?" he asked. "All of them!" said Uncle Jerry. That was even better than Jimmy had expected. But when he loonea inside Uncle Jerry's moutn ne disappointed. "vhv. von ve only one loom your head!" he exclaimed in ms. surprise. Hurry up: Lncie jerry simmieu. I came here to have a tootn puneu remedy has so large a sale, According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used, the preparation, the suc cess of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, so many people claim. waB.that it fulfils almost every wish In overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism, o Tou may receive a sample bottle of Swamn-Root by parcel post. Ad- dlsease mav h . , . " '" o fttu. - the damp Enellsh eii.. , itH. . . 18 const. . cmmPnl ana ()lo especially efficacious to suffrJ? who live under nior. matio conditions. Secure from your druggigt , of Parmint (double strength) 5 this home and add to it ,iM J water and a little granuhtej JIT stir until dissolved. Take n, VT in N. Y., nnd enclose ten cents; also mention . the Salem Capital Journal. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. (Adv) Roseburg Jidin Bookman, a iiionn liiinviT. Ilviiig in a lone cabin in the Ctimiis Valley lrimintlus, f miles west ot here, was found dead in liix bed by nelRhboi-s, it became known todiiy. Bookman had lived here fur 1!5 yenrs nnd Is reported to have wealthy relatives in Chlrago. He was horn in Switzerland nnd was nattiral iKt d in Koseburg. He had been de!ul for several weeks. Political Pot CONVALESCENT idea that he was the one who should be paid. But he never could find a dentist who looked at the matter in that light. - Uncle Jerry was strolling through the woods. He had a big red hand kercheief tied about his face,, because it waB a cold day. And he was get ting very tired of the toothache. He was just wishing that he could get rid of it for nothing. He even thought he would be willing to part with that tooth without asking any pay for it, when what should he see right in front of him but. ;a big sign, which : , Bakery Output - Shows Increase Lincoln, Nob. W;n 11. W. J. llry an's recent stntoment if elected a deloKMio to the domoorntio national :onvviittiiM he would nut vote for the presidential nomination of United (tlitles Senntor Hitchcock- has be en re plied to by J. 11. Mithen, of ti Hitchcock for president club with a statement that "Senator Hitch cm-It's friends welcome tho iiwiuc" and "Mill meet Bryan In every pnci-icl In N'eliraMia." Sliiillwii, Wis.. Mar. 11. Fivuluin of Npeccli and press, the ,f .the ticaly of peace nnd of the league of nations, the repeal of the espionage law, are some of the provisions in the platform of the "I.aFolletto pro-Mi-essive republican delegates" ean.iii h.iIim to the national convi ntioo, ln Mied today. There are two sols of Wisconsin repultlicnn' delegate can didates for the national republican convention In the primaries here April s. One delegation is "unrestrict ed" mid the other is running under Hie label "LnFollette progressive re publican." " I've recovered from the flu, but I'm feeling worn and weak, and my nose and lips are blue, and my hinges groan and creak. Racked and broken down I am, and so long have I kerchooed that my priceless diaphragm from its moorings is unscrewed ; and my ribs are flapping loose, I have pains throughout my. trunk, and I'm feeling like the deuce, if the deuce is feeling punk.'. Soon again I may be strong, but no cheerful thoughts I think ; something else will come along that will put me on the blink. And the learned physician says, "You will soon be strong and hale;" but he's talk ing through his fez, and he ought to be in jail; for he knows diseases wait round the gorner, just ahead, and they'll get me, soon or late, and they'll ride me till I'm dead. In this happy frame of mind are the victims of the flu, when those convalescents find that some years of life are due. They should dance around a heap, for thev mourn a ghastly lot, as old Rachel used to weep for the children who were not. I am lying on my couch, singing songs of broken hearts, for 1 have the grisly grouch that the dad-blamed flu imparts. Berkeley Man On Farm Loan Board I 1 LOVE and MARRIED LIFE wj. tne notea auuior G - Idah MSGlone Gibson A Visit lrtmi moiiicr ueiween, and I am rapidly reach Charles' Intimation that It was cow-jing that place where, like Helen, I am iH'diee that made me plan to go iaoKi;1imot,t ready "to take my happiness where I find it." (iiwn Awuy from Teachings As I sit with these thoughts cours ing through my mind I shudder a llt- to my husband as soon as I felt phys-j lenlly fit sot too to analyzing my true: feelings about John. I pondered the mutter for a lon time l..-iure i went 10 sieep i ".;,, tl) tim, how ful. nw j nave g,,own nmi i ituon now mai f,0ni my mother's teachings. .lonn. 1 snow hub, . "n..-i i.... ...,., m , .,, , An .h ,,, Since I have been down tie mother; I hate to be untruthful to Salem people are eating more. Either this is true, or the Cherry City Bakery is baking bread for fun. According to reports just completed ' and sharp.; He knew that he had got the Cherry City Bakery baked 6,000 i himself into a fix. And he couldn' more loaves of breand last week than they did during the. same time a year ago., In February the bakery turned out 13,000 more' loaves of bread than it did In February, 1919. A cow defended her calf against a bear which broke into a barn near Olean, N. Y. The cow, hearing her offspring in distress, broke her rope and after a battle defeated the bea.. JOURNAL CLASS ADS SELL IT TOM not to be talked to." He was always : dres(j Dl, Kilmer Co,t Binghamton, ill tempered. And his tootnacne uuiy made him crosser than ever. So Jimmy Rabbit went to work. He tugged' away with all his might and main. Now and then Uncle Jerry eroaned. And whenever he groaned, Timmv tm-ned nale. For he was Somewhat afraid of the old gentle man. ' At last Jimmy tumbled backward. head over heels. That was when the tootb came out, "Well, vou were long enough about It. I must say!" Uncle Jerry Chuck said. "Give me my ear of corn now for I must hurry home." ....... .. nnvnl" .Tlm- AllVe yOU yUUl Ci" . ...... mv Rabbit cried. He could scarcely believe his own ears and goodness knows they were big enough to hear anything anybody said. "Why, certainly!" Uncle Jerry re nlied. "I asked you your prices, you know. And you said: 'An ear of corn for a tooth!" , Jimmy Rabbit didn't know what to do. '. "Why" he gasped, "I thought you were eoinz to pay me! "Well, you see vou were mistaken,' Uncle Jerry told hira. "And you had better eive me that car of corn at once, or It will be the worse for you.1 For all the old fellow was toothless. Jimmy saw that his claws were long often bring quick relief from iiJl lng head noises. Clogged C should open, breathing become and hearing improve as the mation in the eustachian tubes Is . duced. Parmint used in this m directly upon the blood and wi surfaces of the system and has a tw 1c action that helps to obtain the fe. sired results. The preparation is to make, costs little and is peasMt to take. Every person who hascaUnt or head noises or is hard of hesrtM should give this treatment a trial (Aiv) KiFRXAL WANT ADS ?AT BBfl Eighty f ' i- No power on earth can halt the flight of time, but in spite of years you need not "grow old." It's all a matter of keep ing the body fitstrong, vigorous and healthy so that itwi arrest the effects of time. The approach of "old age" simply means the gradual decay of the body's organs and tissues. Keep the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys, bladder, heart and lungs in good working order and Time's fingers will touch you lightly. At the first sign of breakdown, either physical or mental if slight exertion makes you tired, weak, nervous or irritable if your appetite lags, your digestion is poor, your sleep troubled and broken in short, if you find that you're losing your "punch" and "pep" and physical energy begin the building up process at once by taking think of any way out of it. "You've got my tooth! I want an ear of corn! You've got my tooth want an ear of corn!" Uncle Jerry Chuck kept saying. And each time he said it, his voice grew louder, until he was shouting at the top of his lungs. Then Jimmy Rabbit had an Idea. He picked up Uncle Jerry's tooth off the floor and placed it in Uncle Jer ry's hand. "There's your tooth!" he cried. ": don't, want it!" r-j-r u-l CC to STATE g STREET UJ z: 8 Dr. C.B. O'Neill OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN - laddDush Bank Duildinrf fOr. Stole atf flow 625 ASdeBOi acre name, i nave .. .. """-jbor, and yet I am sure that If she now I nave wauieo ... cc. . ""-i,ooUs lllt0 my heart she ,vll, be rifled ns w?ll as unhappy, Her life Washington, March 11. William K. Joyce. Berkeley, Cal., was nomin nted today by President Wilsor. to he H member of the federal farm lonn'd to succeed (icoruv W. Morris, re-Idfciied. WW l nliotit me, to look up into his eyes nnd know again that he wanted me. I love John hut I do not like him: he is my lover but not my friend; he is my husband and still a stranger, .limt to remember how he says, "girl, girl," thrills me to my finger tips, but my whole being rises up In selfishness. Between us there exists the eternal discord which is the great tragedy,, ns well as tho great attraction of the sexes. Pei'liana Ilie Host Part Arnold Bennett said In nn essay on women: "Who wants the sex discord to he resolved? The sex discord may, be the most exasperating thing lit ex istence, but It Is also by general agree- , ment the most delightful and the most interesting. Its development for the devilish ndveiiturousnoss of mankind is a part of the great search for truth and perhaps the best part. "If men and women were to wake up one morning in perfect and mutual comprehension, and In the nssurance that no discord separated them on that day, the sun where It had shone would shine in vain. The globe would have to put up Its shutters, the sublime adventure would be over and the great first cnuse would have to think of something fresh by which! to begullo men and women within itsj snare." There you have n man's opinion, nnd I do not agree with him. Women I do not want to live in discord even if It makes "the great adventure." We poor, mistaken mortals are al ways longing for erfection, for un alloyed happiness, but having ol- wltli my father seemed one of perfect bliss. Are there such perfectly hnppy marriages, I wondered. I'm going to ask my mother if she ever felt the twang of discord among the strings of her life. Was her life with my father always '"one grand, sweet song." So busy was I thinking over this' that I did not finish Charles' letter. When I read further I noted that they were duo any minute. The letter had been delayed In the mails. I still had It in my hand when my telephone rang and the srirl announced my mother and Charles. I felt that I was not ready to meet them. I had not yet decided on what I should tell or what I should not tell my mother. And above nil else regretted having Charles see that I was not happily married. I was afraid that it would bring about again a declaration from him. ... Mailing Outside tor Mo All my ljfe I had realised that he was waiting waiting just outside for me. I was shocked when I saw my mother. She had failed visibly since I was home at the time of father's funeral. She looked so small and while. I was more than ever sure that Charles had made a mistake In bringing her when I literally picked her up in my arms and found my burden so tiny, so light that I felt as though I were holding a child. Tomorrow A Quarrel with Charles SER.IES 20 FUNDAMENTALLY sound en gineering principles, and competent and resourceful manufacturing ex perience have been centered upon mak ing the Studebaker BIG-SIX the greatest value seven-passenger car ever offered to the American public. Because Stude baker manufactures practically all of its own parts in its own plants, middlemen's profits have been eliminated. This sav ing and the constant improvements in manufacturing methods and processes have inade it possible to offer to you this big, powiiu.l 6f I orsepower car of 126 inch wheeUiuse, upholstered in hand buffed genuine leather and equipped with cord tirei ' $2575 F. O. B. Salem MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. ( 11IIT tiOVKKXS SPAIN. I',ljwl t irniilfl nnl IkA itlCOn . ,'.'.... ... r Madrid. Mar. 11. That Spain is .emeu .trc-iuji- u. Munripc .... .i -n.,i,i i,. ,-..' governed by the cabinet of the day- worlds to conquer T However I nm;"" '" "rU' s 'vldent from !, r how th' ole time hobo guile sure I could stand a little more; ntuu- o Koyai ivcrees .ssuoo. ana ic for n bod is rlttln liappi'iess man I nave ueen iinvinK ... ... ........... .... riedi tiiietv. I do not want more mem man yi i..n . m..-.. day In my lire. Bly hour of ecstaey xvmie tr.e laws wnivn wunii ineir way since my marriage have l-een few and through parliament numbered but 365. thnt w aat.'d a rlji l.v V !. Mii-t I'nsh. u'hw got ir a .-.k nn, his eone b.cit t If r fle f Salem, Ore. (i The Great General Tonic XfrthKlnff will taafnrA trnne nrronrfth mnpw your health and revive your Bpirits like this mas ter body builder. It reconstructs the decaying tissues by enriching the blood and tones up and invigorates the entire system by stimulating the sluggish organs into normal activity. Fine for over-wrought nerves, headache, loss of appetite and indigestion. Geta bottle of this splendid tonic today. Don't put it off. It's mildly laxative and keeps the bowels in fine condition. . Your druggist will supply you. Solo Manufacturers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY m . v i. ir.-... r:., Ms 'ww uri-L wiif. sans - ---- oi.-n For Sale by all Druggists. Always in Stock at Perry's Drug Store. ivini, .!d i eriflaw V gc. only. Iik P'clure Vtee .11 mtalSM"- . ,s.r: vx ijour -Jtep, Color inijour Cheeks and Sparkle m Before that tired feeling saps your energy come m ., and get a Spring Tonic. Has overeating and lack of exercise in the winter, clogged your system? If so, come in and get our bracing SPRING TO It will build un vour avstem and put Pep J" ' entire body. We are Careful Druggists. mm Ft. kJ - . .M V ""T WJMaT II i lAiaH-TYi iiii iii-J TYLERS 157 South Cowmercial Street LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18G8 General Banking3usines3 Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m-