ffEDXESPAY. MARCH 10, 1920 rLASSIFIED BATES Btat Insertion only In New Today, .i, m adrance and not tak- -"TrrnTner irord Each Insertion one! WANTED . DressTniTkiT rvA , Vix "insertions 6 cent one montn , 15;m. 1 none CEDAR POSTS Se f. "L-artio.ns, 17 cents, -rt year, per j foiTsTle Ohr ; 1,1 c?dwr loganberry 'n! a -ent- Minimum per ad.25 . . -Uvap, 1 tMm wei,,,,t iots u! """ niirt-- , -i auijiM- ' I wrin an 1 v. - ... nhone. unless advertiser has! fop itt i- r- -fSr PJJSS2nt K allowance for f J' b ionthy aceount phone l.'ri KEW TODAY. ,,07?ALE 3 good-fsrtn horses Hannesran Bros., unran, ure. Rt 2 ' I ' ' Jvo"5LE Or trade timber claim in souther!! Oregon, 160 acres. c63 Phone S4F4. roT?p'T Furnished . house. S rooms modern; 1 bloc' from car Hne garage. 2 gardens.; $45 per month. Phone 960. J63 SaP Classy bug tor sale, $150. Act miick. American Auto Co. 185, 197 St. CO 53" SALE Nice gentle mare. T rs. old good for lad5' to ride and drive; fat and pretty.' r.iust sell at once. Price $40. Call at' Farmers feed barn. ou fnR SALE Thrifty Chester White pigS. o ffeeis m. -fet. ovr i. ctn OMONS for sale cheap. 197 South Commercial. o8G BABBITS Young New Zealand Reds $1.50 each while they last; pedi grees furnished. 2525 Hazel ave. e61 FOR PALE S room modern house, close in on paved street and carllne ' Make your own commission; Trice Is right; buy from owner, J. D. Waring. Phone 1259. n62 FOR SALE 6 acres $1609 for quick wile, lioofl nouse, Darn, a poultry houses, young orchard, good well on rock road, black soil; 2ft miles from Salem. Address Owner care Journal. ' . 1)62 FOR SALE Buckeye coal brooder, good as now. Phone 66F12. c65 SITUATION wanted. A competent man, experienced in- bookkeeping, implement salesmanship, auto drlv ',tog. What have you?, Phone 770. hf.2 FOR SALE 25 each. Phone geese now laying, $3 209U. f62 TO KENT Or sell, lots, set mil to logans and pear trees. Call at 1195 N. 2ith.. - .165 WANTED Men and women to train loganberries, pay 3c per hill. In quire at While House hestaurant. - 1 - g62 FOR SALE 250 first class Petite prune trees. Inquire at White House restaurant. d03 TOR SALE Turning lathe for wood, 1 blacksmith bellows and vise, .as sortment of springs for ' trailers. Werner Fennel, 803 N. Liberty St, 072 0HKT.OLET to trade for Ford. Cher ry City garage, 170 S. 12th,- St.- 63" FOR SALE Twelve acres of beaver dam land. Inquire F. O. Rape own er, lit. 9, box 95, Salem, Or. b65 FOR KENT Barn to be, garage. 249 N. 15th. used as 165 RESPONSIBLE party may use five housekeeping rooms downstairs for care of little girl from 8 to- 4 p. nr. 4So S. Church. m62 WAXTKD To buy 25 goats. 1173 S. 15th, or 30 head of Phone 609, 161 FOR SALE Two close in residence properties, one $4500,-me -$5000. F, L. Wood, 341 State St. n62 FOR SALE 2 'S. C. R. R. cockerels. Phone 34F21. . f(12 K AN'TKD Enough good timber for IOO11 cords of wood, will buy stump gggc.il. by cord. 106 Journal. 161 TO people who were ut 754 N. High street, I will sell any part of mv furniture. Have - all yet; haven't sold any. ' -- V . - c61 WAXTHD To buy one or more lots, some fruit trees, small or old house to remodel or fix up; Englewood, north or east Salem. Cheap for cash ..Phone 1274,1, 60 VVANTKD 2500 loganberry tips, Mate price, quality. Address L. L. Sioper, '. A u rorn, Or, 16 2 LOST book containing currency and valuable papers showing own ership. Reward for return to D. L. Spauhling. Phone 101F3, Rt, , or .. to C,ipital Journal office, 60 fOR SALE 8 room modern house attractive inside, fireplace, furn ace, paved street, near carline, with Uj, acres land, 'bearing fruit; best huy In Salem.' Inquire 53u N." 24th. . a65 a- I.I-...V! iive room-modern fla-t, allnr per month, near ; state Juiuse. W. A. Linton, 44 Court. 1 M AN'TKD To buy. a ' carload, of neavy -.draft .horses, must wemii 1600 and up and not over J J,,;lls old. Call 199 Cherry City rtet b.irn for information. i2 '0ri SALE R. I. ''" per lb. 1266 N. 10th. Phone g- -J.: : - - r 16 1 '9R -ALE Cheap, .tmti, Aiujiweii inurmar car In good condition, must soiu. owner Ipqv int r,u-n- - be "'n at Clark and Harris gar- q62 . Mate street. li- v-r, . . . Phone 793. 1, lh" From owner library ta lean d Sxljug. Call 174CR. 161 AIX.OU-A'xCE made on your old tires ncn turned in on Keaton's nonslcid "mill vnu save money? Horton Tire and Rm Co., 337 Court St. LV,i. ,-. . hAI.E fi 1-2 acre fruit tract 4 B1"i S. Call Jiin? 644W. owner phone- eve- M3 FOR T.F ri,Ann r - waxu-fll, overhauled, good running P'liLon; for quick sale $350 awl "nas to suit. Salem -VeftV com- pJ-Iy'tf,2.N" Commercial St... q62 Jl '"ALE Strawberry pjants. Wil-i?V- 0l'egon. 50c per 100. Phone ;tt 7.---- .. d65 Woman or girl to doliTm" houtwwork, small familv. jPhon? 12F2f,, ' .'. - ; Ko2 ' 'tTTorto'se rim glasses in leathT er case. Ti-inHr. i k61 KEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Quar tr ction good wheat land 3 miles Ester.. Wash $40 per acre. .Whr't ..ave you? Phone- 770. B61 acres with barn, outbuildings and 'ami orchard. Good for fruit,, ber- . itn 11 uu " chicken ranch. --One mile 'om Salem bridge on good road, imns and a bargain if taken quick mi . "arr's- owner. 624 N. Capital -2lPhone 1781J. 60 'OR R T TJ T farm l By """er, 100 acre . '? noice land, 50 acres bottom upland f aclLes roIlinB "P'and. the P and l8 cho!c(l prune ,and the lor- T land iB tine 'or hops and van rrie8; 85 aere under culti- chrZ B20d timberr buildings, are 2 L, a 7 room house, atarse barn. good wells, family orohard, kp. PfUnes, cherries, pears, peach- iileat .t "earing; tne location Is ishL ree sta,ion8 in -isht of sidence, 4 miles to county seat tn,-in coast roa5- Rat amount of cw Pafses da'!' b? 'arm; school flew,.- ..tarm- Wrlte fwner tor full X. 1', -n and Prie- Adfiressr M IT 2- Dallas, Or. b NEW TODAY . " SDrine TMnn a,,.i i U separate. s Brooks ave near 61 lih c. ... - in , ate, good nwd 7 toom house in first class repair- mus, be thjs wk. 000 on easy terms. See Guy O OR SALE 53 hoom hotel at sum" mw resort on Muff facing ocean fully furntehed and doing a lil mess, owner selling on account of age, has S7 beds, fine lohbv, dining room and has been built but a few years, worth double the price- ask ed Would consider good' trade or will take $500 dowB .,, h. ?! - " f".!1 0".yie..bal"W percent i rl VT'. V Grabenhorst Co-. 275 State St. ,,B(, For Sale Houses. X r A tom plastefed house, modern except furnace full cement basement, bath. toUet. Wash basins up stairs and down, hot and cold water, electric lights, wood el II '? PrdsaTdclos- ets, east front, cement walks. 1 50x1.5 ft. lot, shade trees, chicken J?UJ5: hi"n. co and see JJin st. -(jo FOR SALE 6 room plastered house, 8 years old, with two lots in bear ing fruit. Sightly location, good streets, 1 blocks from car line Immediate possession. Exceptional buy, Priee $2000. Terms, $500 cah balance- easy. s. R. Pearson, 405 v'1"11 "g, -t none 4, I' OR SALF. 1 5 room house i-l,o i lot 75x150; 10 bearing fruit trees! it you, want a snap, phone 430. a60 r. rLB 6 room hse, barn, chicken houses, electric lights- 1 acre good land, all kinds fruit and - Son is;,rivate water astern. $2, 000, half cash, balance terms. See jwnrr nun waller St." RR FA'E room, modern bungalow want on, outie Dest terms. Mrs. Lobley, Journal office. WANTEDFoTcash, 8 room svmt- i. ;T" DlmSaiow, well located. Write Mrs. Ellis care P. O. box 256, Salem. TnD cut n : ""74 0 room house, one small nouse, s nice lots. Lots of fruit, nice garden spot. Price $1800, $1 -000 cash terms on balance; east front. 1395 N. Cottage. a3 One 5 roomed plastered bungalow, muuern, z nne lots. Must be sold Price $1500 terms. Phone 430. a61 run. AL,iii uood 6 room house. electric lights, city water, 2 nice lots with fruit trees and chicken house, near mute school, run h jeejal 2446 Hazel ave, - a63 run OlUl roo mhllnernlnnr Int Price $2150. For terms' call 1 son., irn. ..- 59 FOR SALE Modern 8 room house. large lot, paved street, garage, Basement, furnace and fireplace. i mo is not an 01a nouse. w. H Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. nCO' For Sale Farms. 40 ACRE farm with Ueepl rich soil, umy iniee miles rrom state high way, perfect drainage, ideal for oairymg ami poultry; good build ings, family fruit; 18 miles to Port land over good roads. Write owner for particulars. L Kearney, Rt. 2, box 115D, Hillsboro, Or. r64 FOR SALE -A fine 40 acre fruit ranch. Phone 97F12; n63 EXCHANGE 80 acres' well improv- eu, tor goou nouse lit or near Sa lem, balance terms. Price $8000. Rt. 1. box 66, Brownsville. Or. nfifi FOR SALE A fine CO acre fruit b64 farm. Phone 97F12. FOR SALE 320 acres. 85 acres cleared, balance timber and pas ture; old buildings, 7 room house, burn 40x60, wire and rail fence, spring water, mile to school; red soil. This place Is located 10 miles south of Salem and is cheap at $40 per acre. W. II. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. n6o B'OR SALE By owner, 40 acres. 35 in cultivation, balance timber; good fruit land, $6000; 27 lots In west Salem, large - unfinished house $1S00; 6 acres, 2 ft logans, family orchard, 5 room house, good barn, on paved street, $6000. tieo. H. Stoddard, 1480 Broadway. b63 FOR, SALE r Or trade 20 acres of good timber land in Washington for cur. Tlox Car Capital Journal. c61 FOR' SALE 30 acres MissIoiTRottom land, sandy loam soil all in cultiva tion nnd Crop, well ' Improved and on main river road, best of logan berry land, .ltif acres in bearing loganberries. This must bo seen to be appreciated, 8ft miles N. of Sa lem. Price $9000, terms. Address! Chas. Wilmot, Gervais, Rt. 2. b62 For . Sale Miscellaneous. GOOD hay $23 per ton. C. C. Rus sell, Waconda, Or. Phone 3F3. FOR SALE Baled hay, clover and timothy mixer, $20 per ton. Phone 7.F32,. Rt, 1, C63 FOR SALE New dining table and six leather seated chairs, break fast table, heating stove, Morris chair, 2 beds with mattresses and springs, book shelves, etc.- Z. C. Kimball, Rt. 7, box 16. c60 FOR SALE Cold Coin seed - toes. Mrs. L. E: Hartwig, Fair ground. pota . 2229 c60 A VERY fine golden oak bungalow siie piano for sale at a genuine bargain price. The AViley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. c6l FOR SALE Farm wagon in good re pair ;also mixe tloats and cheat hay, F. N. Shearer, Rt. 2, box 11, Gervais. Or. c63 WE" have Ihree beautiful new pianos of very fine quality, one of them the very best. We offer these this week at special low prices and easy terms. This is your chance for a new piano. Come today. The W'iley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St. c61 ONE used Brunswick phonograph for sale, low price and terms. The Wi lcy B. Allen Co,, 519 Court Bt. c61 FOR SALE Beautiful Oak piano. . looks like new. bench to match. L. L. Miller. 519 Court fit.. c61 ONE-HALF acre in bearing apple trees. A nice little cottage, good well, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. Owner leaving town. Make your own terms. South Com mercial at Hansen Ave.," out of city Jimits. ' - M-6J! FOR SALE Oats and rye hay, loose, $15 per ton at barn. Phone 27F15. 61 FOR SALE Cheat hay $21, at barn. Phone 86F22. c68 GOOD range for sale cheap. Inquire C(Ht 161 S. 14th St. FOR SALE Furniture, 1 Davenport oak chairs, book case, oil stove and oven, dishes, oak table, mirror and etc. Miller apartments, 633 Ferry , St. apartment 8. - g3 FOR, SALE Ladies bicycle. In goed condition. See J. Baumgartner, care Salem Hdtr. Co. - c0 3ALL. vea fout. api.i rca ;. j 1 ... con, iw. ,. 1. " . wr FOR SALE Rss..,i,i. oak stumoaVe eA ewa .1, ' --- uivao DDI tif r- . c 'Xf1 sa Clean red clover 1 -- erva For bale Nurerv SuM-k STrIwrTrbv , hr-g.K - - ' - .uvu. rndirn i s -i . - ... Beechler. 1 1 -. . r- - B.moun. rnone 516. E?JI Plants for; biul 13 a. Liberty St. ppTTi i"TT . I,rune trw?s- 4 to ft. unhurt wr! S trees "''so'utely NrserV:PhVn7urF3ftrtnWe8ldi: 60,900 Improved Wilson strawberry Plants ta,m ,.y?r 0W pSS25 5aJ?tl mile noh Claxtar Wvnt El6Ctric Ry" o S Iem. " u",ue' l F?FnStrawberr5' Pnts "T2T: S7F2a. $5 per 1000. $3.50 digging them vmiMair n, . BtM -""- r.. bavage. 363 rnh n, 7Ulrw Petite treesTja cob Idlewine, 2123 N. Broadway. SSrrr - 063 . , -tiiKKY plants for sale. EN 1000erSI and"ilsu- 50c 100; $4.50 1000. J J. Wagers, Rt. 7, box 78 -glm-g"verton road. dgj IMPROVED Wilson slrlwbeies from ne healthy young pHml fiftv thee 'iftyStb seven tL ?UTni- Wyeant, Clastar f,rr . ' or ac assessor's of irit nouse. -d63 orKAllWi done. Large preferred. Phone 754. I?riT cm X . orchards 160 fn fr ur trade automobile for Loganberry tips or team. Phone NTTRsriDv- ot,,-.,-,,; V. .. - fiuv-a Italian prunes ?''fteJ . wahiuts, filberts, and all other kmds of nursery stock. Buy i, uvo "gen's commission, Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or. d67 S ,RAwERRY nlants inlurFqan tity Etterberg 121. Gold Dollar, TmL'f, EV'bearing, Oregon Irebla, Wilson. Thrifty, well root- " quantity prices. City gfHvery Ward K. Richardson. 2395 . rnone 4. tea ETTERBERu 121 strawberry planlS. X7 Fin liati "tftnn. utii sA . ... Ul 1Uj0n Address jl . an, aaiem. Or. fee I.-, IT, f, r n . "n aAc i-eacft seedlings, "for in l" "owara Jones. Phone d81 For Sale Livestock. I STILL have a general assortment oi nursery stock. Special prices vu ui.iiunemai biock, shrubs, roses, etc., to clean up. Howard Jones. Northwest Nursery. Phone 111F3. dCl FOR SALE Fresh cow. Oeo. Kalb ""'muii roau. FOR SALE Fresh milk goat, bar- gain at $50. 1586 N. Canltol. e60 FOR SALE Thoroughbred" O I C Pigs, with or without papers. Carl Ramseyer, Macleay. Or. e63 WANTED 3- or 4-dayidcalves Call 8F3, , FOR SALE No. 1 fresh Jersey cows Phone 84F11. e60 FOR SALE Two .year old Poland China boar and one black team weight about 2200 lbs. D. C. Mills' 821 Saginawphone 1073. , e5 9 FOR SALE Cood fresh cow With aI?iJJ-iinierekb eS9 FOR SALE i bay horse, weight about 1200; one Drew litter carrier 100 foot of cable; seed gray oats. Phone 53F6. ran FOR SALE One span of large mules, $200, near Sidney station on O. fi' J. O. Farr. e60 FOR SALE 1 sow. 2 years nlrt will get pigs about April 24; and 9 pigs 12 weeks old. Phone 110F11, Al bert Eggiman, Silverton, Or. Rt 2 efiO FOR SALE Stock hogs from 70 lbn up, nurses, oratt ana drivers; cord wood, oak and fir. Sweet cider. Address ffm. H. Egan & Sons. Gervais, Rt. 2, Phone ilFll. c61 FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness; 6 and 7 years old, weight 3200 pounds. Harness new, 34 , Sturlehaker wagon, good as new. J. A. Rlcketts, Rt. 8, box 155. e61 FOR SALE 60 head "good ; stock ewes, lambing and will finish lambing this month; 19 head of Durham stock cattle, yearlings and 2 years: also 4 head of good milk cows, fresh in thirty days. Joe Kivso.r, Stnyton, Or. - e60 For Sale Wood. FORdrywoid phone 167SW. WOOD SAW FishornBojii will" your wood. Phone 1004. ee saw m66 WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or 4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will buy all kinds of cord wood. Office 305 8. Church. Phone 1542. Fred E. Wells. ee FOR BALE Wood. Phone loH)M ee2. FOR SALE Old and second growth fir from 8ft to 9ft. Call after 7 p. m. 1244. ee61 For SalePoultry BROODER STORE An up to date self regulating Kresky room heat er and two 20-egg incubators, used for 1 hatching, cheap. Call evenings or write J. I Wariner, 2144 North 5th St. Salem, Or, ' - : feo WANTED Chickens, will pay big price in trade for hrt-ge lot on Lib erty St. deed and abstract up to date. Write or call evenings, J. L. Wariner, 2144 N. 5th St., Salem, Or. f60 FOR SALE Eggs, P.hode Island Reds, t'tah strain, dark red color, very large; 15 for $1.60; also In cubator settings, ft mile south of 12th St. carline. Rt. 5, box 40, Mode Reedy, Salem. Or, f67 SIX White Leghorn hens for sale, good layers. Phone 1940. f0 FOR BALE O. A. C. Single Comb White Leghorn eggs 4or hatching. $ 1 forl 5 eggs. 542 N. W'ater. f6 1 FOR SALE Single Comb White Leg horn eggs for hatching. Wycoff and McFarland and English Tom Baun strains. R. Woolery.. 344 S. 25th. Phone 798W. f83 DAY OLD White Leghorn chicks and setting eggs. Choice setting eggs at 7c each, 6c per egg by the case. Mar. 21st will have 600 day old chicks at 20c each. Phone Aoms ville 4-1516 or write Chas. L. Mar tin, Aumsvllle,. Or. f62 BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS White Leehorns, Buff Leghorns, R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks, Black Mi norca. White Wyandotte. Buff Orpingtons, Anconas. These vari eties each week. C. N. Needham. 65 Bute 8t Tel. 400. fJ FOR BALE R. I. Red pullets 2 each. Phone 1698W. f60 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL tVH SALE. ..ftuue island Reds '"u lu-uduuuvity, 15 for 1 , ii.... t.iiwj C. A.Rat-j i-'-li .w f60 ! Help. WANTED Housemaid state school for the dv.nl, phone S46; salary $30. board and laundry. gtl GIRL or lady wanted for housework. Call at 1277 S. Commercial gSl WANTED Live man with' car" for real tamte work. Must be a hustler. Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bids jCU WANTED Sales ladies for house tn! house canvass.ng. Those having nad previous, experience preferred, sal-; 1 ary paid. Call Monday from 10 . to 4 p. m. at Marion hotel, ask I tor Mm. H. Campbell. ; WANTED Experienced loganberry trainers, diock west of mauso leum. H, W. Thielsen. k0 WANTED Experienced loganberry trainers; transportation furnished. Call 100F3.. 63 WANTED Two good farm hands. C. C. Russell. Phone 3F3. WANTED Girl or woman to care for children from eight to five. Phone 1043J or 717. 1 g0 CUT the cost of living. I have, a house and will give free rent to some lady who will cook my meals. 178 S. Liberty or 1258 S. Commer- iaL g60 MEN wanted, splitting cord wood. Phone 68F8. - gg3 WANTE D Position on farm by rell able man thoroughly experienced first class worker. Write A M G Canby, Or.. Box 172. h60 WANTED Man to shear goats. Wm. Fitts Rt. 9, call 87F31. g60 WANTED Sales ladies, experienced preferred, but not necessary. Sal ary. Call from 4 to 7 p. m. Marlon hotel and ask for Mrs. Campbell. Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED To purchase heavy team, harness and wagon suitable for hauling wood; also some shoats. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Ore gon bldg. WANTED Fox terrier pup. Address PUp, care Journal: ' 62 FOR SALE Separator run 4 years, and 20 horse engine, run 8 years; separator 3262 Advance. Phone 20 Fll for particulars. c63 WANTED One-horse wagon, In good condition and reasonable. Write or call at 1464 Ferry Bt. J. E. Kirk patrick. - e3 WANTED House with large lot,- rooms preferred. $600 down, $15 per month. A. L. Seamster Realty Co. 416 Masonic Temple. n HAVING sold my farm, I want to buy a modern bungalow, 6 or 7 rooms. Would like a little fruit. Send particulars to M B Journal office.. i WANTED One-horse plow, 8 or 10 inch, must be in good shape and cheap. Phone 60F3 after 6 p, m. 162 WANTED To furnish you a nice, new five, six or seven room bun galow all ready to move in, or will furnish you the material all ready to put together to complete the same. Can save you at least thirty per cent on purchase of material and construction. Have formed con nections with parties who are abundantly able to supply the ma terials on short notice. Plans and specifications all furnished free. Come and see me at my residence, 629 North Winter street. If busy during the day, come In the eve ning. If married, bring your wife with you. Phone 1532J only be tween 5 p. m. and 9 p. m. W. H Burghardt, Sr. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, over garage, cheap. 170 S. 12th St. J60 FOR RENT Apartment and single housekeeping rooms ut The Mil ler; 1(r FOR RENT Furnished room in prl- vutefanillyPhone 1669; J0 FOR RENT Four or five unfurnlsh ed rooms, modern. 818 Broadway or N. Liberty Bt, J61 WANTED Vacant house. E. E. Lavalleur. 271 North Commercial St Phone 784. (H Lost and Found LOST On Commercial street between State and Bellevue streets, rubber air pad. Finder please phone 231 or 39 for ownerj 66 LOST License No. 44070. Flutter I2eajreturnto this office. k63 LOST 2 bans, one with tools, the other with chains. 277. Reward. Phone k60 LOST by E. A. Morgan 1 30x3 ft Flsk tiro attache dto rim, license No. 37762 Ore. Notify Marion Au to Co. q LOST Niekle plated auto crank near 8ilverton, Address B. W. Poyree, Macleay, Or. K6Q LOST Black wool Bhawl. Please call 578, Fullerlon, ki'.l Personal THE International Correspondence school will have their local repre sentative at the Bligh hotel every Saturday to give their students all assistance possible. He also will be glad to glv! the public Information regarding the schools and their courses. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-Miood used porcelain bath tub. Address box 29jIournal. 180 WIGGIN & HLOCUM," auto transfer, general denying, local and long distance hauling. Office phone 366 m85 KALSO.MINE now is the time; we make old walls look new, and olrty unhealthy rooms clean and fresh. Prlces Tight, Call 7SP6, 16 4 FOR plumbing and general repairing call 1746K ; 58 TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood for sale. Office at People's Furni ture Store, 271 N. Commercial Bt. Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hlnes street. ORDER your awnings from Dlllman, Write 960 Highland ave. m74 WANTED 6 or I room modern bun galow. $300 cash, balance monthly. Box 666. Capital Journal. I REAL ESTATE. , FOR BALE Or trade on Salem property, one acre in Pratum with 6 room modern house, barn, shop, wood shed and hen house. B. J. Welly, Pratum, Or. Phone 110F12 .; n3 QUICK BALE Improved 19 acres, fine soil, buildings, fruit, best of wa ter; stock, tools, furniture; 10 min utes walk to Asylum ave. car, total twenty minutes from business cen ter city. Fourth house east on J) Bt from city limits at Park and D Hts., white house north side D Bt. Apply there to owner, B. F. Keef er, Rt 7, bo 14. , n3 REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE Or trade. 11 acres, all cultivated, good family orchard, fair buildings, located 1 miles from Salem, will he on paved road next year, and 1 mile from good town with standard high school. Price $2000. 1 acre with t room house, small barn, chicken house located in good town on railroad 14 miles from Salem, county pav ing plant will locate one block of place where there will be lots of work; will consider Ford car or truck as part payment. Price $1,- 300. Or will trade both places for a, farm and pay some difference or assume - mortgage. Write, box 117. j Aumsvllle, Or. FOR" SALE Two tracts ,of logan berry and prune land, one '20 acres and 'one 40, near Sidney" station, O. E., $190 per acre. J.- O. Farr. - v . . - ,,69 , or, room modern house at T4S Ferry street, built about eight years, has furnace, two bath rooms garage, freshly tinted and painted throughout; possession- can be had at once. On the market for a short time. Price $5000. 1 room modern house on Salem Heights; two large lota, fin view, on street car line, furnace, fire place, dutch Kitchen and many other built m features. An attract ive home for $5000. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State streeC Tel; 515. n ACREAGE AND FARMS i acres 3 miles from Salem, paved road, choice dark loam. $1500. 16 acres near Salem, 12 In cultiva tion, good buildings, orchard; cows, horse, fowls, feed, crop. Snap. $5000. 10 acres choice dark loam soil good house, other buildings; good orchard; near school, good road, $4.- 600, easy terms, or exchange for Sa lem residence for part. 60 acres near Salem, good build ings, water system, orchard good soil tor quick sale, $8500. 3 room cottage and Bleeping porch large lot, plenty fruit. $850, easy terms. See us for good bargains, Perrine & M&rsters. 211-1$ Com, club bldg. ' n CHOICE REAL ESTATE 28 acres, about 9 acres beaverdam, all under plow and 20 aci-es planted. Modern 6 room house, garage, barn and gas water system to buildings on good road. Price $12,600 10 acres best suburban and income home, 3-4 mile from street cur; t acres logans, last year's crop 26 ft tons; 1 strawberries, 1 family orch ard, balance garden. Good house, burn, etc. $10,000. 6 acres adjoining elly; prunes, ap ples and family orchard. Good house barn and well water supply. $7500. 11 acres choice subdrban mostly in bearing prunes; strictly modern 9 room house and high class improve ments, fine water system. $13,000. 40 acres choice Howell prairie farm, 8 acres timber and pasture; fronts on paved road; good building throughout. Price $10,000. 5 acres 1 ft miles from street car, fine prairie land, about 201) bearing fruit trees; fine barn and lurge hop house. $2500. 180 acres In Franklin county, Wn., all in wheat, 2 miles to station. Will trade for acreage near Salem. Oregon Land Co. 442 Statu street BUNGALOW Modern except furnace. 6 large rooms and sewing hall. Built In fea tures. Bath, toilet, large closets, full basement, electric lights. Large lot. Price $3250, 7 room- bungalow type, full base ment, furnace, improved street, gar age. A good buy., $5500... 7 room modern house, large lot, on Improved street, close in. $7500; good terms. 7 room' house, Its a dandy, Just overhauled, pallitr'd, and up to the minute. Lot 100x140; some fruit, 011 Improved street $3500 for quick sale. Call in and see our farm list of high class lands. John II. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg. Good Buys. . 25 acre tract of first-class prune, loganberry and strawberry soil, near ly all cultivated. A good 0 room house, barn, well, located on main rock road 6ft miles from Balwn. Price $5,000. 4.86 aore tract, two acres logan berries, 314 acre strawberries, small house, 4 miles south, good road; price $2,650, 200 acre tract, 100 acres cultivated, balance Umber and pasture, running creek, several thousand cords of standing fir timber, located 6 miles from Salem on rock road. Price $100 per acre. 25 iicres of fine prairie soil, all cul tivated; small house house and good barn, located 011 gravel rood, seven miles from Salem, Price $5,000. 10 acres of good bearing Italian prunes, 7 and 9 years old, located 4ft miles' from Salem. Offered for a short time at $5500. 70 acre tract located on niiiln grav el- road 13 miles from, Balem, 40 acres cultivated, good fences, run ning water, good six room house, barn, hop house; 30 acres of good timber. Pi-Ice $150 per acre. 10 acre tract located close to Sa lem, all cultivated, good 5 room house, barn, well, 1 acre loganberries. Price $2500. 80 acre farm located 5 mile from Rolem. good buildings, nearly all cul tivated, some timber, good road. Price $16,500. 10 acres rtf good prune ami berry land, all cultivated. Price $1500. 10 acre triiat, acres loganberries, 8 room house and barn, 5ft iiillos out. Price. $6500. 20 acre, tract, 7 acres loganberries 5 acres of prunes, located on main Pacific highway; small buildings. If you are looking f.ir a rnonoy maker, investigate this. Offered for a short time 'tU $7-500, . HOUSE BUYS 6- roo 'mmodorn bungalow loeaterl at 245 Lincoln street Price $3800. 6 room modern bungalow located at 151& B. Commercial street. I'rfce $6000. . 8 room modern houso, lot 60x200 feet, garage, paved street. Price $3, 97(7.. 6 oOin plastered bungalow, good Ipcstion. Price $1600. Modern 8 room house, good low tlon.,07r main street. Prlee $nnfl0. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Htate street n' FOR BALE 6 acres, ( room house full 2 story good house; 1 acre prunes balance Under cultivation. Price $3,150; 4 blocks off car line. i ro(4m house, bath; fruit, barn, good sine lot on corner. .Terms, $1,100. g room house J 7th street clos In; electric Ills, bath, big lot. fire place. , eeiukiit walks, corner; easy term. Price $3,800. S room house 17th street; electric light, bath. $50 mortgage pay able $10 month. Borne terms. Price $1,800. W. E. Compton. 4-69 State Bt. Thone 930 or 34F13 REAL ESTATE. Best Buys. 41 acres In Kaiser bottom: 16 acres In prunes 2 years old, 12 acres mixed cherries, prunes and apples; 12 acres farm land: good 8 rotim house, and tenant hmise, water system in all buildings. Priced for short time only at $400 per acre. 30 acres close to city limits of good town, all In cultivation, welt fenced hog tight, good barn, good bla,ek soil. At a bargain for cash, or will trade for Salem house or acrige. 10 acres 1H miles from city limits on paved road; small house, new barn; 5 acres cleared best of soil for loganberries. $4200' terms. 30 acres, 20 in prunes, 3 logans. and 4 apples and cherries: good 4 room house, barn and new dryer; one of the best prune orchards in the country. 12,600. terms. 8 ft acres, 1 ft miles) from cits limits on paved road: au in cultiva tion and the best loganberry land. $3,000, terms. 10 acres 3ft miles from a good town on good road; all in cultivation, good soil; fair house, and good new daii-y barn for 30 cows; 2 good silos. 2 wells and engine; several thousand dollars worth of stock and machinery go with the farm. $20,900 for all, in cluding equipment,, terms, 68 acres river bottom land in. Mis sion bottom; 34 acres oleared balance timber; $ acres logans, 8 acres peach es, family orchard; 2 small houses, $6,500, terms. 10 room house, sirtckly modern, on paved street near the state house. $5,500, terms room house, good location near car line.. . 1.000. . 6 room, house, water, lights and bath, 2 good lots, lots of fruit and good garden. $1,800, terms. Socolofsky. 841 State St. IF your property is worth the money we list it, we advertise It. Estes & Magee, Salem, 428 Oregon bldg., Portland. 90 Chamber of Com. n76 They say "Opportunity comes to ev eryone at least once in a lifetime." and here is one for someone who has $500 to $1000 to put Into a 21 acre tract of fine berry or prune .land. There is a proposition to be had in connection with the pur chase of this whereby you can have a permanent Income .while you grow your fruit. The sale price of this property la $2250. A. L. Seamster Realty Co. 418 Masonic Temple. Phone 853. n Real Investments. Just listed 240 aore stock ranch, 20 acreB In cultivation, 80 acres slushed, water on every 40, school on corner of the place, 7 miles from good town on main road; good barn, fair house. Real buy at $5,000, best of terms. 1 160 ncre stock ranch, 40 acres In cultivation, most all can be Cultivated when cleared. Fair buildings, spring water. Prioe $4,800, good terms. 40 acres, all In cultivation, partly seeded, few acres of prunes, $ miles of town; good buildings. Snap, $5,250, terms, 13 acres, all In' cultivation, fine loganberry land, loganberry tips to set 4 acres, 4 miles of town. Price $2,000. Easy terms. We luive two good buys In 5 room bungalows. We advertise your property at your price, we will not increase the price and make the sale Impossible. Estes & Magee. . 428 Oregon bldg, Sulom Portland office, Chamber of Com. n EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD FARMS j 66 ACRE BEAVERDAM DAIRY 40 acres cultivated and 18 acres in open pasture with good stream of living water, This Is a highly produc tive farm and Is a very desirable place. 6 room farm house, several outbuildings and new barn 86x48. Located In Benton county on good graveled roatl; close to school and 8 miles to shipping point. This is a dandy little farm and Is a rare bar gain at $125 per acre. Half cash, bal ance 8 per cent Interest. FINE 80 ACRE FARM Located 7 miles from Corvullis on hlghwuy now being paved; 28 miles from Salem. 65 acres cuitvintod and 60 acres in fall crop. All drains nice ly. Some orchard und berries. Ex ceptionally good 7 room house with hot and cold water, bath, 2 toilets, sleeping porch, etc. Is In good con dition; has been -built only 6 years. Barn 60x70, hen huusoH, and other outbuildings, -Just a 20 .minute drive over the pavement to Corvullis and Oregon Agricultural college which has an enrollment of more than 8H1111 students. We can sell this' place for $125 per aire und arrange favorable terms on part of It. Iiiumsdlate pos session. See us for complete detulls; It won't last long at this price. 116 ACRE FARM KQUli'PK)") Located about 17 miles from Sa lem In Polk county, nnd only about ft mile from west side highway now being paved. 106 acres of excellent land cultivated and 80 acres in full crop and clover; balance to be in spring grain and corn. 10 acres fine oak grubs for family wood, Good woven wire, fencing. Good 7 room house, 2 room tenant house, granary, garage, hen house, hog house, ma chine shed and nearly new barn 44X 44 with 20 ft. shed. I tarn is equipped for both dairy and horses. With the place goes all the crop, 8 head cat-! tie, 5 horses and harness, buggy,) hack, wagoit, binder, mower, ruke, 1 plows, feed gri. tier, fanning mill, 1 woodsaw, 7 h. p. gas engine, cream separator, pigs, about. 100 chickens,' feed, seed and all kinds of small tools. Everything goes for $125 per acre until April 1. Exceptionally good family orchard and lots of berries. This Is the farm you have been wait ing for; don't let the other fellow beat you to It. I Bring your listings of oily proper erty; also large und. small taenia, wt) will sell the mfor you. - 1 Kinney & smith. 201 Bank of Commcj-ce bldg. n AUTOMOBILES. ALLOWANCE made on your old tires when turned In on Keaton's abso lutely non-skid. Horton. Tire and Rlm Co 337Coui-t Bt AUTOMOBILE pulntlng, furniture re finlshlng. The Balem Roflnlshlns Co. 156 S. 12th Bt Phone 1678. m67 GENERAL automobile repairing, magnetos repaired and recharged. Ford work a specialty; batteries re charged. The Fairgrounds GarnKe, M. D, Jackson, prop. Phone 308. 176 FOR BALE Or exchange for cows, good 1915 model Htudclraker auto, good running order, 4 new tires. Price $500. Adress Fred Ling, Kt. , box 49B. q62 FOR BALE 1916 Baby grand Chev rolet In good condition, for $400 cash. , C. Kimball, Rt 7, box 18. q0 MR. FORD OWNER Would you buy a vaporizer If we guarantee It to save 28 per &fnt or more of your gasolln bills? Your money back f not satisfied after IB days. C. i'. Well, 689 N. 20th 8t Mammoth black berry tips lo. 60 TAGS KlXi I AUTOMOBILES. , WANTED Ford chassis. Phone 43. A BARGAIN Leaving town. Chevrolet, beTer been run. model & passenger. Cherry garage. 12th street. Salem Auto Exchange. m-w 19j City q04 j Monitor cars now on display. Cum and see them. 229 State St Pn-me 1 85$. - DIRECTORY. Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired" 64 years experience; Depot National and American fence, siiee 2 to ail inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 260 Court street Phone 134 Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loan 1 Any amount Long time. 6ft and ( percent Interest. City building loans A. C. Bohrnstedt . 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregoa FARM LOANS Any amount "Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at ( per cent Haw kins & Roberts. 205 Oregon bldg. ' Salem, Or. Optician. DR. ALBERT R MILLER Optome- trtst-optlcian, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. 610-1! U. 8. hank. Phone 341. WANTED Second hand furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. We pay the highest prices for everything. The Capital Hard ware and Furniture Co., 28s N. Comn St. Phone 947. EMPEYYrANSFER Local ana long distance hauling. Office 445 Court St. Phone 998, night phone 679J. Tl Osteopathy DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo ' puthlo physicians and surgeons, 606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 86. Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr.. Marshall res. phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathia physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore gon bldg. Re, phone 58F6; office phone 1 394 . ;n T$ . Money to Loan. "'.'," On good real estate security . 1 THOS. K. FORD nvw Lnrtrt Bush Bank, Salem, Ore. IVIARION-POLK National Farm Loan Asa'n. Government money to loan at 5ft percent. 808 Balem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Smith. "Vater Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Of flee corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67, FOR SALE Old papers for wrap , plug and packing 100 bundle. Cap ital Journal office. Scavenger. SALEM BCAVANfiER Garbage anl refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates, Cess pools cleaned, Dead ani mals removed. Office phone Main 167. 1VhyScl for Less. WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 734. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY raor blade sharpening m , chine, first Installed at A, B, Stew ! art Repair Shop. 847 Court Bt, Directory; Lodge Directory. Okrx CHEMEKETA I dge No. 1 meets every Wednesday evening at7:30 atL O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet af'M? f Cornack hull on evory Tuosday at 8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunts, K, R. & B, ROYAL NEIO tfijORS OF AMHiTl IC A Oregon tit-age camp No; 1360 metis every Thursday evening In McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie B. Bunn, 648 Union Bt recorder. Flora ,Nelson, 733 North 20th, . ., ' INITIOD XitTisANS Capital Assem bly No. 8 4 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall, P. An dresen, M, A.; A, A. Uueffroy, sec retary, Sahnn, Or. W. 6. WSAIJCMcXmP llSMaeS every Friday night nt 8 o'clock In McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib oily St. Visiting WoodrAim welcome. C. D. Ross, C. C; L, B. fleer, clerk MODERN "WOliDMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246 meets every Thursday evening at $ o'clock In McCornack building. Court and Liberty straeU. II. G. Coursey, V C; Frank A. Turner, clerk ......... D ; rv omen rr orr Almost every type of work for women is of- It fered in ouf Classified Advertising tection. Skilled and untrained worker find It great Clear ing House for potitlons. And If you want particular kind of position Want Ad will help you find it. V 1 UM W" get m ft - .. M lmm IhK CAPITAL JOURNAL i Ngys. 2-tlem. yffy