Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    1... ;... r
day relative to Sh. program of enter- "The New Poor" is a new term in
tainmem for the evening. Following vented to describe the classes who. be-!
the entertainment the club memliers ' , ,
luic iiic nai, nc vir i j niuiij
comfortably, but are now unjer strain.
will be feted to a buffet luncheon in
the game hall of the club.
What action tha Salem Commercial
Club will take In the mutter of featur
i inj? and commercializing Marion coun
ty's wonderful blossom s.ason will De
determined at the regular oiien forum
meeting of the organization at eight
o'clock tonight. The blossom issue
has been made a suectul order of busi
ness because of the proximity of the
wason, and the necessity of taking ac
tion if there is to be any taken.
"There is no reason why Salem can
not make capital of its blossoms, as
California has done." .Manager Mc
Crosky said. "When we have as pretty
blossoms that grow anywhere, and we
have every facility in the world to con
vey thousands of tourists- here, and
entertain them while on their visit."
It has been suggeste 1 that the rail
roods be urged to provide excursion
trains from Portland to Salem each
Sunday during the blossom period;
and to bring motion picture camera
men here to film the scenes for clrcu
lalion throughout the world.
Aside frum this other matters of Im
portance win oe lanen up oy me fiashPS n the dark, killed two
members, pursuant to the custom or g:4rs who tried to kill him.
the club no Intimation further than
"It is great" would be made Wednes- JOUKNAL, WANT ADS. PAY
Adjudication Of
Water -Rights Over
The adjudication of water rights on
the Malheur river and its tributaries
has been completed by the state water
board and Its (indings of fact and or
der of determination has been trans
mitted to the county clerks of Mal
heur, Harney and Grant counties; The
drainage area covered In this adjudi
cation includes approximately 4150
square miles in the northern part of
Malheur county, northeastern Harney
county and southeastern Grant count.
The adjudication covers the Irrigation
of approximately 46,(46 acres of lanu,
a number of power rights and the mu
nicipal supply for the city of Vale. A
total of 262 rights are involved in the
judication. A water master will be
named to oversee the distribution of
water from the Malheur and its tribu
taries according to the priority rights
established by the adjudication proceedings.
John Shell, who was Tijected as
soldier in the Civil war because he
was then It years old was still alive
and active when the census man called
on him the other day.
A United States major who fret
ted on a desk job during the war,
went Into the dark cellar of a neigh
bor's house, and, firing at pistol!
Grain: Wheat So. 1 12.00; feed
oats 80 85c; milling oats 80 85c;
cheat hay 1 8 eg 2 0 ; oat hay 121022;
clover hay 23; mill run 147.
I Buttcrfat: Butterfat $':. creamery
butter, 67 6 68c.
Pork, eai and muttoa: Pork oa fo
15Hc; veal fancy 24c: steers lie
lambs 13 He; cowa 7 6 9c; ewea to.
sheep, yearlings 12
Dressed pork 21c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 32c;
light hens, 3032c: heavy hens 28c;
old roosters 15 16c; spring 24c
Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c;
celery dot. 11.75; potatoes, Takuna
6c. Oregon 3ft 4c; sweet potatoes 8
beets per sack 12; turnips per sack
(3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip
per suck 13.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
lanes 40c dox.
Fruit: Oranges 36.00 7.00; lemons
$7 7.50; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 6 He;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; B rue
Bell sprouts $1.25; cauliflower $2 dox;
red peppers 25o lb; rhubarb llfte i ((Jrippe" IlCEVeS
peas lac lb. j vrl j TTT--1
xuaneys w eais
Retail price: Eggs dozen 38c,
creamery butter 73 75c; country but
ter 68c; flour., hard wheat $3.25 63.41
oft wheat $3.10.
i t - . . .1- V HW. " il t." S .''
Wheat and Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley. $72: oat
$59.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $59.50
Hay: Buying price, valley timotb.
S3028; alfalfa $31.50; grain $2
cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch
Millstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, clt
attage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots o
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $78
colled oats $66.60; ground barley $79
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $66; cracked $68.
im complete outfit or the "Imliy wlrclosx" telephone, allowing the transmitter, the timing set' for locating
cull mid Urn receiving set. The Inventor, D. De Forest, gays with tills equipment It U possible to talk with
Hui iici iiimnt of u moving automobile
Health crivina fraOTarictMl
ox me lonnern Fines
most soothing for
44 'M' .-!
Portland. Mar. 10. Cattle steady;
receipts. 67; grain and pulp fed
steers $41.50 12.00; choice $11.00
11.50; good to choice J10.00 -a 11.00;
medium to good $9.00310.00; fair to
medium' $7.50 8.50; common to fair
$6.50 7.50; choice cows and heifer
$9.00 10.00; good to choice 18.00
9.00; medium to good $6.507.50;
fair to medium $5.5096.50; cannerf
$3.005.S0; bulls $5.007.5O; prime
light cajves $15.50 917.00; medium
light $10.00 15.i0; heavy $7,00 0
10.00; stockers and feeders $7.60
Hogs steady; receipts 1093;
mixed $15.16616.75: medium $15.50
15.75; rough heavy $11.00 15.25;
pigs $12 15.
Sheep steady; receipts none;eastern
lambs $17.00018.00; light valley $lt
17.00; heavy $14.5015.50; teedei
lambs $1215; yearlings $15 18.50.
wethers $13 013.60; ewes $10 11.
Portland, Or. liar. 10. Cubes ex
tra 62c; parchment wrapped box lota
65c; cartons 66c: half boxes He more
less than H boxes lc more: butterfat
6465c fob station; 69c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., liar. 10. Eggs sell
ing price case count 40c; buying price
case count 35c; buying price, 44c;
selling price, candled 48c; selected
candled In cartons 46c.
Poultry: Hens 8034c; broilera 36
iMOc; roosters 20c; turkeys dressed
4960c; geese 20L25c; ducks 35 040a
The epidemic of colds and grippe
that has been sweeping the country)
has seemingly left even a greater
number of people than ever
weakened condition from which
there Is but a slow recovery. Much
this after weakness affects te kid
neys and bladder, making it difficult
for them to perform their natural
functions. Sufferers have to get In
and out of bed halt a dozen times a
night, their backs are weak and pain
common symptoms. No serious trou
rj At Mealtime, Means Good Ap petite, Good Dfasfa r,, 1
.?'! Cheer and Shiar t's iWnn,.;. rl . . vl i
To sit back after a good meal and
know there Is not going to be sour
risings, gas, drowsiness and discom-
sick4 headaches and dizziness are fort ,s tne ,oglca, resul of u , ,
mnn Avmntnms Nn aorimifi tmu.
ble may exist but the time to check art's Dyspepsia Tablets Immediately
such symptoms is at once before mat- after eating. Most people believe they
ters grow worse. No complicated
treatment may be needed if a few
doses of a good safe kidney regula
tor like Solvax la taken right away.
Solvax straightens out an ordinary
can trace each attack of indigestion
to the something they ate and can
still "taste." And it surprises them,
invariably, to note how quickly relief
comes after using one or two of these
prime case Qf weakened kidneys' in about tablets. Whether it is highly season-
CIAl. . . . , (. . .
twenty-four hours In many Instances,
sifts out and neutralizes poisonous
uric acid and drives the clogged up
poisonous kidney waste from the body
so that you can begin to feel better
right away. Solvax is harmless, con
tains no alcohol or habit drugs and
Daniel J. Fry and other leading drug
gists agree to refund its full purchase
price if In any case it fails to give en
tire satisfaction. Adv
fi-JDiCB. O'Neill
t ,
laddiBush MBufldimf
tfCor Stile apf
Girls if you want plenty of thick
beautiful, glossy, silky .hair, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces
of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gent
ly with the finger tips. i
By morning, most if not all, of your I
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will complete
ly dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred times better. You can get
iquld arvon at any drug store. It is
inexpensive and four ounces will be
all you will need, no matter how
much dandruff you have. This sim
ple remedy never fails. (Adv)
ed food, rich pastry, the heavy hearty
roods or some one particular offend
er the relief cornea Just the same.
Those who are susceptible to attacks
of Indigestion or dyspepsia should
try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets as they
supply the stomach with an alkaline
effect Just as It does naturally when
it is working in a perfectly healthy
A glance around the table will
likely indicate one or more who plain
ly look as if theT
dyspeptic's toourilf, ""aw a,
distresses shortly aft"1
finished. Many a bon
, has learned how to J
ble in a haoDv fr, ' It
use of Stuar?'
diate,y r lZ
t was rich soup, nl
dishea usually ra? aPn
tablets contain ingrfenh" m
8t food, assist the i?
work of digestioatn
kaline effect that th.
Quires. Thus before y'
the trouble, that orttaaS""
follow eating 80me favoX W
this plan of avoidance
Or if the trouble i, ,irea(h . .
its worst get a 50 cent J
art's Dyspepsia Tablet, of l"
gist and note how .,,."'
ly your stomach Jn J , T BM
behavior. UUWB
m l
M0THING that we could say would so thoroughly
Al convince you ot tne value ot Chamberlain's
Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell vou
of thousands Who have been permanently cured of
chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, ad
headache and disorders of the stomach and liver,
but this v!Il have little weight with you as compared
to a
personal trial.
i a&i taways convinces.
ort.and a Corrective
A Corrrf(
ILU and other infedious germs develop in a nose affeded
with Catarrh. These germs remain in the nasal passages.
When the mucous caused by Catarrh becomes excessive,
mouth breathing results. Prolonged Catarrhal affedion often cau
ses foul breath. Mayr't Pine Needle Balm opens the passages and
promotes a dean, wholesome condition. Healthy nasal passages
do not harbor germs. Afyr'f Pine Needle Balm is a pure natural
product. Pleasing and refreshing to use. The healthy and whole
some odor of Pine is wonderfully beneficial and exquisitely
delightful. Colds of the head and throat clear up quickly by
the use of Mayr's Pine Needle Balm,
Correct Catarrhal indications immediately.
Do not allow achronic condition to exist.
When Catarrh, colds of the nose, head and
Hygtatc NoM-TW
Mwtwd KkOm. cuurii
fxnh M( iubiCM, uk coJti wrt
bttth ,pny ot monir mum
hw, KikMrd ty I tuufc mbbtng
f eh body wiih bath
towti. On who on uMy mm
Ch ahodi ef a oid pinole or
via mi pontntf may with im-
mut rniSiottf dnlUMtvtti at
h is possible to feel, Mayr's Pine Needle 62rS Iff
Balm will Drove a comfort and mrmtive
Excellent for children as well as adults.
Sold in two sizes, 25 SC 50 cents.
J. c.
Ferry -J.
11. 1
W.AunMAva, ifftl
. Oootoa yfl
. ... , : ,
:i rxmrwn ? riivn mn ciyau i wv-hua
ti. P V M 11 1
h& Ui KA -- . rM Al f ja W !
No Other Light Car
Utters So Much
falfto? S1, -up "nd "rtmo'di'y acceler.tion to tod ipd, ire'
? t5e5leTctad SlI feature, with which CleveUnd owners are deliehted.
CleJeStoSl uS"- "U i W0UU be hml to you'wha't.soodcartte
The Cleveland n wonderful because it is a splendidly
developed and finished product, not a car rushed into
the market. Three years ago the plans for production
of this car were far advanced. But, with war ap
proaching, production and marketing were delayed
though experimental and engineering work were con
tinued and test cars kept on the road. When war
ended, came the Cleveland.
Built in. a fine big factory, with all conditions and
equipment assuring the very best of mtuiufacture,
and built by men whose successful experience had
been wholly in the production of fine cars, the Cleve
land Six began rolling out to the world last August.
Since then thousands have gone to delighted owners,
and thousands more are going every month.
There isn't any other light car that will give
you so much of all that you wish, and at such a
fair price. ,
Come let us ihowyou what a car the Cleveland i
(AH prices F. O. B. Factory) '
Oleson Motor Car Company
349 North Commercial St., Salem.