Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ,Ar,MAKCH lo, mo.
. n'.-iV. Hr,.l Tit
A Story With a Moral Get It!
71nk It the hardest j afeared, n I tells a mn wot's walkin'
1" ..i. nine. tespe- roun', bouis yer 'n 'e kuv .
i " iv mine) and have j c n have it.' "n w hen I goes back ter
.. .hnUi;h lone .,.,. .... . . .
K ZZ, he dreariest " "7 . . '
r-.1!! The dilapidated
r never
1.-, VK'
r n-wt was to her
l . .. turrets ana
ho went back
LTnts. ogres, pallan
princess and
wi dwp a"
? .other had to be away
L Cabbing job and
f , it Us boot-blacking
home .with
win '
" P,tJ
.-jmurr folk.
"head through the
v: "I J
yer a-goln' ter git ther'
me next time' vh,. r
jes growed fer Elner!" N El ner, yer
js' otta. see that er hat-sptt'l. They
make folks Jes' likes yer a strong "s
pansy says? It says: -Stupid, mavbe
Jes- s soon "s I c n git th' monev!" '
Brother didn't know how very soot,
his promise was to be fulfilled. The
man who had given the pansy, was in
a position to give other things to little
children like Elinor. He searched her
out, and soon the little invalid was
convalescing at "th" big harspifl."
The family was all there when the
great day arrived, and a happy family
it war mat cjamoered Into their kind
beiufaclor s big machine and whirled
out into the glorious ronnim Th...
. i IIC)
sat up proudly, hanoilv. their h,.n..
eyes drinking In every bit of the beau-
vre children off innla ln ever- 't of the beau
?T!ZZ?1 out I, J k wlndlm brooks.
T; ' ,. to her and rraSm wooded spaces, it wa
YV"?? " ,v w. fin- Elinor-, first real motor trip, ,the
U Sh:a2 caught trip h,d been in the ambulance)
and sue i ,
"Tliat so?" "My, I
L to' but I" 'er claHf '"
, , proud 8 anjuiuis
eauie in laughing.
W ... . L. .
,:.. finmlllV S th IUn-
, Billii"i'
,- ... that when
ties 'im in somethin' he
vn under his seat 'n makes
dert, n she gits ter laf
ut tech 'im. .Mary IJs
spiendid in 'er new pink
ii, Davey Jes' gits sweeter
in every word, laugh
!'v at the pranks and do
l,ait "nefus and neeces."
,u8 just as entertaining.
..j him Timothy, but the
to buy "poipers" and
sines shined called htm
He was indeed small ot
like that other "Tiny Tim"
J soul, we tiptoe earth to
lock each night he bound
nrs steps, waving a cheery
he came. He always burst
exictedly. "Tweedle
iitin." he would cry.
Lulil clap her tiny hands
Uufd he say?"
lam big 'n fat y'know, he
! i shoes 'n when I gits
ijkuJne. says e: 'Has this
scroundiil (lid a good Job
in?' Fierce ' anything he
comAi over 'n look at 'em
Couldn't be better!' 'N ol"
in ' lauRhs 'n says as nice
ise: "Ere's a quarter bub,
yer always does ' well!' "
Jtadbeen repeated until Ell-
say it backwards; but it
i new and different way
lay brother came hurrying
li behind his hack, "Guess
aid, and Elinor guessed "A
"'net." and a "nearl neck-
a lot of other things, until
N what'd he say?"
y pansy in her hand, mak
'Pi' beyond words.
yer think I gits it?" Ell-
idea. "Whv I uits It on
krounds wher' that 'er fine
Is. When I comes through
yers 'pose that 'er ol' pan
y: Tick me 'n take me
Kl'ner, but I was a little
nd she was fairly transnnrteri 'm
cried she, "yer tells me it's grand, but
yer didn't tell me a millyunth how
gr-rvind! I'm Jes' likes yilther folk
"Sure yer ar'." brother tnlrl h..
its ther harspifl wot done it Didn't
I tells yer th' harsnit'l M r..t
strong 's anybuddy?"
"Tr 'Jlv U,nC'ei the Plck1
?an,Hy n her b""-r and
un?Mrhrk:hoVhri,,inK ,,r-
ias,t Mundav ta r... . ...
iR k . ucr nuiu. Airs.
... cnuicK or trie flu
ht k- b!0am' rtl in barbed
, artery Wls a happfwd Jn
(the morning, but no Veterinary could
i be had imin r....- i . .
" ne arternoon.
Large quantities of soda were ap
plied to the cut. and in this way the
animal was kept from bleeding to
death until the doctor came and took
up the arteries.
Mrs. Frank Haack and daughter
Agnes, of Talbot spent Saturday and
Sunday at the N. C. Olsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brown of Sa
lem visited ol rh- i .
v.uigan nome
last Sunday. They are the parents of
Frank Sherwood's house caught
fire last Friday, but by quick work
by himself and neighbors the flames
were extinguished before much dam
age was done. . .
A. Wilson and li,.u,fi..
to Portland last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I,ee Doerfler have
moved to the home of their father,
The Kehrml . nHan,l..nn. I. 1.......
i "..v.i,.,i,,vr in ueiier
this week, but several are still out
vii ai-uuiii ui me iiu.
showered upon the couple. A delicious
bu'fet lunch was served, the guest
list included members of both fami
lies and many intimate friends
The bride's going away gown was
a dark blue tailored suit with hat to
match. The wedding tour will in
clude Eugene and Roselmrg. Mr.
and Mrs, Armstrong will reside at
Port Orford.
i. A. Harris is having a tool shed
S. A. Lewis motored to Crooked
finger the last of the wek.
The Calltson family is recovering
after being ill for some time.
Mr. Warner is making several im
provements on his ranch, recently
purchased from K. J. Whitney. :
Rickey. Mar. 19. Elnora and Ken
neth Edwards are visiting their grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards.
Mrs. Ivan Smith and J. W. Ma gee
of Scotts Mills were the guests of
their brother. M. M. Magee.
Orven Frysbie who has been 111 is
Damage To Lane
Fruit Crop Less
Than Predicted
. Eugene. Mar. Old-time fruit
men of this part of the valley claim
that the damage to fruit Is not as
serious as first estimated. With thel
'warmer weather of the past week, I
the discoloration on the bark of many';
irees is grauuany disappearing, giv-I
ing fruia men hope. I
Those who are not quite aoopti- i
mistlc, hold to the opinion that the
real damage of the past winter, will i
not be known until the sap runs, and ;
even then, not until fruit begins to!
develop. With prunes, those who are,
not inclined to be cheerful insist the
damage cannot be estimated until the
dropping time. . ,
Hut In general, fruit men are of !
more cheerful mind than for a time j
shortly following the freese. It Is ae- i
knowledge that loganberries and thel
blackberries H?re seriously damaged,!
and the crop cut at least 25 per cent I
After tho Iawe of 14 years, Poland
has again become a -sea nation." hav
ing recovered the port of PuUig.
Marion, Mar. 10. Mrs. Hupp died
last week with the flu at her home
east of here. She left a husband and
seven children to mourn her loss, and
at the time of her death they were
all sick with the flu, and alone. A
Ked Cross nurse from Salem Is now
there helping them, and It Is thought
that the disease will be robbed of
other victims in the family.
R. O. Small and son, Leslie, were
here last week visiting friends, but
have returned to Toledo and Elk
City, respectively.
It has been reported that .Plain
Mary of Bangor, Maine, has bested
Vive La France, and is now the
world s champion Jersey cow for but
terfat. Vive has been resting this year
as far as crowding for a record is
concerned, but if it proves true that
Plain Mary "has beaten her last years
record, Vive will enter the race again
and the PIckard Bros, feel sure she
can easily beat her own former rec
ord, and the record of Plain Mary,
and again Be the world's champion.
This Maine cow beat Vive by the
small margin of nine pounds.
Mr. Trester and children have
moved froin Mrs. fV'ebb's place to the
Grandpa Smith home, as Mr. David
son bought the property of Mrs.
Friends of the Chrismnn family will
be grieved to learn that they have
all been ill with the flu, and Ralph
and Vida have been claimed by death
and Clarence was not expected to
live when word came from them last.
S. H. Russell left last week for
Springfield for a visit with relatives
Miss Mabel Hunt is the guest of
her aunt, Miss Sophronia Farnhum.
Miss Hunt lives In Albany.
Mrs. Ethel Field of Portland is the
Cloverdale. Mar. 10. Mr. and Mrs
Clifford Hndley,of Portland spent
Sunday. Feb. 29, here at the home
of W. O. Ha-dley.
The TV. C. T. TT. ladies met with
Mrs. Herbert Fleetwood last TVednes
day; quilting was the order of the
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunke were
visiting friends in Salem recently.
Mrs. TV. Wright s grand daughter.
Mrs. liable Comstocl: of Salem, spent
a few days visiting here lust week,
but was called home Friday on ac
count of sickness of her mother, Mrs.
Myrtle Oruybill.
Miss Ethel Craig spent the week
end here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Craig. ,
Mr. Garner, who has Iven visiting
relatives below Salem, returned home
Lennord Hamilton and family of
Springfield motored down Sunday to
.visit at the home of .1. M. Hamilton,
returning homo Monday.
School was closed two days last
week on account the teacher Mrs. P.
Kelly being a victim of tho flu.
Hayesville. Mar. 10. Miss, Martha
! Denny and Chester Armstrong were
i married here at the home of the
bride. In a setting of Oregun grape
jand yew with hundreds of daffodils,
I the young people w ere married by
; Reverend M. Denny, pastor of the
German Reform church, who Is an
i uncle of the bride. The bride, who 1
the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
j Jacob Denny, Is a successful teach
! er, Chester Armstrong Is an electrical
1 engineer connected with the state
highway commission. The bride, who
Is young and winsome, was charming
In white crepe de chine and carried
carnations. This wedding is the cul
mlnatlon of a school day romance.
! Many valuable presents were re
ceived and many congratulations were
lish Grey Samaritans Work in Warsaw
to Relieve Suffering of Little Children
. ,v v ft yr . ,a, " :
Vi" U-v f m-fwlr
I ! I ; tjt I V I I; ;
I M !" lF? ' ll 1 I '
, ! 1 . J
v . - - 7bj nMKb
i ' q MtM ituuTmrrms Messes
Heres aYour Grocers Sweetheart
The Sweetheart of the Corn
TODAY youf grocer adds another to the
many excellent services he renders you.
He makes it easy for you to supply your
family with the finest toasted corn flakes
known Kellogg s. By window and store
displays he brings them to your attention,
together with the other famous Kellogg
products Kelloggs Krumbles, Kellogg's
Krumbled Bran and Kelloggs Drinket.
Select Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes for
their richness of quality and their tempting
flavor. The natural sweetness stored in
fine, white corn is so enhanced that you save
sugar when you serve them. The energy
building quality of the selected corn is brought
to you at full value, and the oven-fresh good
ness of these unrivalled com flakes is per
fectly retained in the ttwaxute,, package bearing
the guarantee-signature of
l,f ' 1
Every grocer
sells Kellogg's
every day
NAevegi,r-,5,ho !" take
L. -f kitchens whirl, ,h.
f Polish
winter " 0p"'"g in
' tnTHJhe fir" "nit of
polish C,r - "c. 01
x il. x- -J . -'manians.
I tin Poland .nd talc
" m tnroute to War-
hTr'e ,?mJt"t' until
t im, 0r "le Children',
C ?a condition,
"5b? s"1,tr!' famiii.
TZ V'Ums- children',
WT Po,and' here
l!Cflf- Pa,r,i of Europe
ji reduced iLt death
rate in a cbildrtn's hospital fifty per
cent within three weeks by isolating
contagious cases. There arc few hos
pital supplies for them to work .with.
Drugs can be procured only through
the American Red Cross.. Ketting to
cover the bed, of children having
contagious disease, and of sick bab
ies to prevent the carrying of these
disease, by insects, would do much
to reduce the sirknes, but there is no
such netting to be had, and no screen
ing for the windows.
In only one of the hospitals where
the Samaritan, have worked did the
children have real crib. The heds
are made of plain boards with straw
stuffed mattress ticks. ,
Materials of all kinds are scarce.
There is little cloth' in the country
and scarcely any leather with the re
sult that the children will go bare
foot all winter or will wear wooden
sandals. Because of the scarcity of
food and other supplies, prices are
'txortiuntJy hij;h. aad soldicri re
ceive five marks a di.v, about fifteer
cents in American money.
A, a result of malnutrition, chil
dren's hospitals are found in-all parti
of Warsaw. When enough children
in a certain section become ill, from
exposure or lack of food, a hospital
is opened for them in a few tenement
rooms. The children 4iave been so
used to misery that they scarcely ever
cry. One Samaritan has written to
National Headquarters of the Y. TV.
C. A. in New York, saying that on
the first day in her hospital three
children sat on a bench for two hour,
without moving or cryiiw once, be
cause they were too weak to cry or
move. Vithin three weeks thev were
ntiife normal babies, though still very
The Polish Government has pro
vided a house for the Samaritans.
The units are directed by Y. Wf. C. A.
councillor. Thev wear a grey uni
form with the Polish eagle cn the
evolutionary E
A Lecture by
Thursday Evening
Salem Lyceum Course
Friday Evening, 8:15 p. m.