TAGE FCTT2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL j AN INDEPENDENT NEWSf APER Published every evening except Son Mr by The Capital Journal Printing Ce ll! South Commercial street Telephones Circulation and Business Office, 11; Editorial room, 1. GEORGB PUTNAM, Editor-Publisher Catered as second elaaa nail matter at Balem, Oregon. REACTION AGAINST PROHIBITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier SO cents a month. By mall rents a month, 11-25 tor three montns, tl.lt for six months, M per year In larion and Polk counties. Elsewhere ti a year. By order of U. 8. government, ail mall subscriptions are payable in aavance. Advertising representatives W. D Ward, Tribune lildg.. New York; W. H tockweU, Peoples Gas BIdg Chicago. KKWBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES The Associated Press la exclusive! entitled to the use for republication ol all aews dispatches credited to it or ot otherwise credited In this paper and also local news published herein 0 regon bservations .(that was pedfectly true for he had) " and I'm weary now of eating, as I'm tired of other things; andjnever pulle(i a tooth m hia whoJe , Tr.S Mr' lillltllll 2 vcagvtB0fj lug Ills mliia about what be was going to be when he grew up. First he thought he would be a gardner, so he would always have plenty of vegetables to eat. Next he decided he would be a preacher, because, so far as he could see, they never d:d -ny Albany. For making beer and maintaining a copimon nuisance In ht food stable at Lebanon, V. E. Parrish wum found Euilt.v in Judge OHiver's court Monday morning and fined ?25 uml cutis of J".2j. Alba n v. Judge L. G. Levelling of Albany will ask for the republican nomination for district nttorney tf Ail mi county, to succeed Ciale S. Hill. Portland. Immediate construction of a l.'i.HHI ton drydork was authorized Tuesday by the Portland public dork coin million. There will be five pon toon each of 3000 tons capacity. Newport. An immense run of her ring has been ill the Yutmina bay dur ing the last few days, the fishermen making large catches. The cold stor sge plant is running to its fullest ca pacity in caring for the fish. Corvnllitt. A convention of cattle feeders has been scheduled for March 2!-28 at Lit, Grande. The Oregon Agri cultural college will sponsor the gath ering, plans for which include work at the eastern Oregon experiment station. Portland t'nlted States Judge C. E. Wolverton has returned to the federal bench after an absence of a month In San Francisco. Judge Rob ert S. Itenn has left tor duties in the bay city and will return about April 1. Judge Wolrerton, who was quite ill while In the south, hns complete ly recovered. Albany. Clale 8. HIU, district at torney of Linn county ami prominent ntlorney of Albany, nnnoueed Satur day that he will not ask for re-eloc-tio'n Ibis year to the office he holds. Mu rub field The workmen of the Huehne Lumber compnny mill most of whom are members of the Loyal Legion, have demanded from "the com pnny $3,119 per day minimum wages, Instend of $4.80 as agreed upon two months ago when the employers and legion representatives met in Port land. UoHCburg. Mrs. Dolllo Watts was binned to death Monday night when lirr home near Kutherlln, Or., was rte Mroyeil by firo caused by a heated Iron Igniting Ibe covers of the bed tn which site was sleeping. Her son-in- law was seriously burned while at tempting her rescue. A DODular reaction aeainst the national prohibition amend ment and the Volstead enforcement act is sweeping the east and despite efforts of politicians to sidestep the issue, prohibition promises to be an important factor in both the national conven tions. In fact the prediction is made that, now that the saloon has been permanently banished and the brainless, sordid and soulless liquor traffic out of the way, that prohibition will be the division line between the two great parties, which in the past have never committed themselves on this question, and a national referendum be forced. Under the prohibition amendment, congress is given the power to define what constitutes alcoholic beverages, and it has done this with the Volstead act placing the limit of alcohol at one-half of one percent. The dry amendment, however, gives tne the tooth pcixer. states concurrent jurisdiction with the national government and - J"unr Rabbit was always cluing- various states have proceeded to enact laws increasing the amount of alcohol to permit the manufacture of light wines and beers, and the validity of these statutes is now before the federal supreme court for final determination. The Anti-Saloon League drive for a 25 million dollar fund to aid the enforcement of prohibition m America and to make the world dry met with a disastrous failure m its initial effort con ducted from Atlanta in the banner southern dry states and the campaign closed with a deficit and a set back that may cause the abandonment of the campaign in the rest of the nation, as the people refued to put up their dollars. v Rhode Island and other states are attacking the constitution ality of the dry amendment in the federal supreme court on the ground that it usurps police power and other inherent state rights guaranteed under the constitution. New Jersey has challenged the authority of congress under the "concurrent power" clause of the 18th amendment by enact ing a law for the manufacture and sale of 3.5 percent beer. A federal court in Wisconsin has upheld the validity of the 2.5 per cent beer act in that state. The New York democratic state convention declared "we are utterly opposed to prohibition by federal amendment" and the New York Assembly has ordered a probe of the political activities of the Anti-Saloon League which "put over" the prohibition law without a popular vote on the subject. Governors of Vermont, New York, New Jersey and other states have come out against prohibition and in recent elections held, most of the towns and villages of Vermont and Massachusetts have reversed their former policy and voted wet as a protest against the national dry law. The New York World summarizes the situation thus : ' The sentiment against Prohibition by Federal amendment is increasing, not diminishing. It will continue to Increase until this question "finds its way to the ballot-box. There never was a greater piece of political folly than that of the Prohibition lobby arid its subservient politicians when they assumed that the Constitution of the United States could be revolutionized, ,the police powers of the Stntes destroyed, the personal habits of all American kittens regulated from Washington and the most elementary rights denied by statute, without ever permitting the American people to have a vote on the new form of government to which they were to be subjected. Whatever the courts may finally decide in regard to the validity of the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Enforcement Law, the court of lust resort in all such oases Is the people themselves, and they have begun to speak. the dame who has the habit of arranging gruD lor me, murmurs iiae, as she fries the rabbit and prepares the senna tea. EMS BY ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY . r- v.. I Pi lie ll.i-,-,r.t.TT..1 fA v ' .o.o a jour tooth!' don't want It!" he cried. STATE BOND INVESTMENTS Portland. Hex 11. May, striking lineman, who sustained a fractured Hkttll in a fluht with A. W. Dennett a lineman employed by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company .Mon day, while May was on picket duty, was reported by physicians today to be in a crileial condition, with Utile hope for recovery. Kugetie. Or., Mar. 0. Postmaster V.. ti. Campbell has received notice that the central accounting system now in vogue by tlie postofflee will be chang ed .March 15. and that Portland will be made the central accounting office for Oregon. I'or the past 3D mouths the lOuaeue office has been the cen tral ucociinliiiK office for the seventy postoftices In Lime county, Portland. Multnomah Falls. Oro f.'on's most beautiful cascade, may be practically dry by mid-summer, unless the 11 -Inch deficiency tn rainfall Is made up. declared C P. Keyset-, super intendent of Portland's public parks rtfler completing a survey of the stream feeding the falls, A dam to control the flow may be constructed In Ibe spring ,lf conditions do not improve bo stated, Records of the state treasurer's office shows that since last August $1,770,605.59 of public money in the industrial accident, segregated accident, and catastrophe funds, have been invested in interest bearing bonds with a par value of $1,679,241.45. These bonds were purchased at a premium (above par) of $91,634.04 from bond houses, though in nearly all cases the bonds brought less than par to the communities issuing them. The interest rate varies from 5 to 6 percent, averaging about 5 14 percent. Of these purchases, 74 percent were made from Morris Bros, bonds with par value of $1,248,629.09 being purchased for $1,327,436.37. Twenty-six percent of the purchases were divided between seven other bond houses. The treasurer's books show for the Segregated Accident fund that during the four previous years bonds of a par value of $1,337,014.44 were purchased for $1,331,781.23 at $5,233.21 less than face value, though these bonds brought a lower rate of in terest. Many were purchased directly from the communities is suing them and only a small brokerage fee was allowed when the purchase was made through bankers. It is apparent that the same principle carried out during the past year would have resulted in a considerable saving to the state for most of the issues were secured by the bond houses at less than par and resold the state at a premium, which added to the commissions, made a fat thing f?r the bond houses. The grand jury will probably not only investigate the char acter of the investments but endeavor to ascertain the reasons for the change in policy of buying directly below par to buying through brokers at a premium. thing except tak. and he was sure that oouldn't be very hard work. And one day he told his mother that he expected to become a tramp, bo he wouldn't have to wash his face. Bui i.ie soon put that idea out of his heaa. So Jimmy had to think of something else. i Now, he had heard that there were places where one could go to have a tooth pulled. And it seemed to him that it must be very pleasant to pull teeth and he saw no reason why he need wait until he grew up, either. He saw no reason why he should not be gin at once. Jimmy knew of a hollow Btump not far away which would make as fine an office as anyone could wish Jo he hopped into the woods. And outside the hollow stump he nailed a sign that said: JAMES RABBIT TOOTH PULLER. He didn't have to wait any time at all before some one came along. It was Frisky Squirrel. And the moment he read the sign he decided that one of his teeth was in need of pulling. j "Come right in!" Jimmy Rabbit ' said. He had on a white apron, which he had borrowed from his mothet when she was not looking. And in his hand he held a big pair of pin cers, which he had borrowed from his father while Mr. Rabbit was away from home. "Do you really know how to pull a tooth?" Erisky asked. "I've never yet had a complaint from anyone who let me pull a tooth for him," Jimmy Rabbit said. And guardian of the . - xi II Wf,., - Wll auam to license LOVE and MARRIED LIFE I - Eg, tne noiea auuior 1 ? IdahMSGlone Gibson . A MAZi'ti VIEWS. TYPHUS THREATENS EUROPE. Electricity will be the greatest le- i.trnctlve force in future wars, says M. Ttirpin, of Franco, Inventor of mollte one of the most terrible explosives used In the world war. i vJ l'n!cs a feller Is a diy Ijl.o'rr bis wife iiev.-r thinks he work . hard J.s she does. Jtow'd .Volt like t' be ft rcbln an' be able t' build this spring? Poland, according to recent cable from Colonel Gilcrist of the United States army is experiencing the worst typhus fever epi demic in the history of the world, which unless blotted out at once, threatens all Europe an emergency that the government, of Poland is unable to cope with for lack of financial resources and sanitary- supplies. The epidemic is in its fourth year, and has increased in intensity with each year, due to the influx of refugees and war prisoners from Russia, where Bolshevik armies are ridding themselves of typhus cases by sending them in ar mored cars to the Polish border and turning them adrift. The victims, without any kind of medical care, lack food and shelter and are dying by . thousands, their bodies being piled in great heaps awaiting burial. Whole towns and districts are crip pled by the disease and business practically suspended. There are few doctors and no nurses, and the country left devastated and devoid of materials by the successive occupation of various ar mies. Famine stalks the land. The only method of sending relief to these sufferers is by means of food drafU now on sale by leading banks upon the United States Grain Corporation. These drafts are handled by the banks without charge to the customers, and will insure the deliv erance of food to the stricken people. Rippling Rhymes BT WAL T MASON NO APPPETITE I am tired of boiled potatoes, I am tired of prunes and slaw; I am tired of stewed tomatoes, and of predigested straw. And the dame who cooks the vittles sheds a sad, discouraged sigh, as she takes her knife and whittles apples for the daily pie. All our lives we are repeating ancient mealtime stunts, by jings; one grows tired at last of eating, as he tires of other things. Once the horn that sounds for dinner made my pulses travel fast ? oh, it seemed a four-time winner when I heard its welcome blast; like a kangaroo I sprinted,' from the distant field I flew, when that brazen trumpet hinted that the pork and beans were due. But my tummy then was younger than it e'er will be again, and it knew the pangs of hunger that are felt by husky men. That was in a season oldcnjon a happy vanished day, when my sideboards, bright and golden, showed no gizzled strands of gray. Oh, the years are short and fleeting, they have flown on whizzing wings; When I arrived at my room I look ed eagerly at the floor as I opened the door to see if any letters had been put under it while I was away.. There was no sign of one. My eyes moved about the room hoping to find that some, servant had picked up my correspondence and placed It somewhere for safekeeping. In a moment I had pounced quickly upon a little bundle of unopened en velopes that the maid had laid upon my writing desk. There was nothing, however, from John. True I had . not answered his last letter, for I felt there was nothing to say; I could only wait and dumbly wish that something would bring him not declare it audibly, but he would to his senses and to me. If I returned to him now he might always think that I only came back because I had spent all my money. I was determined that cost me what it might, I would not return to John on any other conditions than those under which I had married him. John Gordon must want me, want mo ns badly as he did when he persuaded me to undertake a runaway marriage with him. Getting Along Very Well. Up to date, however, he seemed to be getting along very well without me, and my heart stopped beating as the thought came to me that he might be glad that I was away. Tears were very near my eyelids and to distract my thought (for I had determined that John Gordon should never make me weep again) I ran over my letters again, and opened one from my cousin Charles. "Your mother and I will join you shortly," ran a paragraph in his let tei "She has been consulting that silly ouija board again, and as It always pictures you In great trouble, sho is determined that we shall both come down to Atlantic City, where ouija says we can be of great use to you. Besides, my dear, someone has been telling her that the Mrs. Bob Gay lord, who has been- your copipanion at Atlantic City, was not the Ruth fiaylord that she used to know. She will not believe, however, that it was! vour old friend, Helen Van Ness, who as the gossip Informed her, had brok "Even she, my dear, has sensed tha you and John are not particularly happy together. (There I have said it although I did not mean to, but of course you know that we who love you can not be deceived. We know that you have found unhapplness where you expected happiness). "Your mother opened her heart to me last night and said that she thought your marriage to John was a mistake, and she was sure that you were grief-stricken. 'I must go to her, Charles', she said, 'because I do not want her to get the modern idea that marriage may not be for all time, for better or for worse. It would break my heart If anything should develop that would make my little girl think that she would be more contented divorced from John. No woman In her father's family or mine has ever been divorced. I am going to her and make her understand that the only way to rectify a mistake of this kind is to be brave and make the best of every thing." Did Not Agree With Her. "Of course, my dear Katherine, I did not tell her that I do not agree with her. But I believe that no woman should live with a man and nurse a grievance against him in her heart. In fact, I would ha much more re spect for your friend Helen Van Ness for Insisting that a love like hers and Bobby Gaylord's would excuse all. things, than I would for a woman who' It would have been a shame if Frisky Squirrel had lost one of his sharp, white teeth. But Frisky didn't know that. He thought it would be fun and he sat down and told Jimmy Rabbit that he was ready. So Jimmy Rabbit stepped up to him. But he hadn'a any more than closed his pincers when Frisky Squirrel began to scream. Jimmy Rabbit was so surprised that he let the pincers droD unit jumped back. - "My goodness," he said. "How you startled me! I didn't hurt vn did I?" Yes, you did!" Frisky answered And Jimmy could see that he was angry. "You hurt my Hp terriblv - "Well, you must have moved u said Jimmy. "Having a tooth pulled is a good deal like having your pic ture taken. You have to sit still " Now, sitting still was something that Frisky Squirrel was never able to do. "I'm sorry," he said, "but I shall have to get along with tny teeth lust as they are." "Better .try once more!" Jimmy ure-- ad .him. "Most everybody hns at least lln ot said allev rt.ia, tnnth T' . . . l,l 9 . . '"Ul.T With a tsi,n.: rs of th. k" SnWKi!S "smaing to j c exercise. " " Ui, . . ot Safe of IW 5K Kotic ls herehv ft). for rnak ...ki. uuJect to th , I ill. I- Afl K. i . aciflUft . "le county o Oregon ot 26th day of Februl f, fromud after the jS' M "20. proceed .J, iS following descrilrit' Kmmng at the , l of lot number Tta Oregon, and runni. along the west boundary " lot, twenty nn "T"7 " X u thence east parallel witw H i boundary line of !, ,T "e tMk line of the a.ley" ru i block; thence souih ZT! one tooth out. It's ouite the fashion But Frisky would not let him. try again. "I haven't heard that it was the fashion to have your lip pulled off," he said. "But I'll stay, here a while," he added. He wanted to see a tooth pulled, even if it wasn't his own. "Oo!" said Jimmy Rabbit. "And after you ve seen how ea "Ml! said lot; thence ! line of said lot to the , f n ng; subject to the do," 2 ! Margaret M. Burroughs uW " i Bids to purchased & t an ward i said real Z. oe received by said aruardi.- . residence. Sfifi 15 WI LI, asily the ! street, Salem. Marion Timi thing is done, I've no doubt you will ! from and after the 31st d -v X want me to 'tend to your case." He j 1920, until sold. d'i Dated this 2d day of MarclUHt ! MARGARET Bl'RR0l:GH& j Guardian 0f the pi was very cheerful. But Frisky Syuirrel did not appear very happy. His lip pained him ter ribly. of Julian 1). Burrough: iSi & Biinar. Springtime Very Severe on Catarrh There's No Joy In The Glad Season to Those Who can Hardly Breathe Just as the happy springtime is about to bud forth with all its joyful message of nature's won derful changes, there comes a discordant note to those afflict ed with Catarrh, for just at this season while the system is un dergoing a thorough renovation, any physical infirmity becomes more aggravated and pronounc u Hence those who are victims of Catarrh that most trouble some and tenacious of disorders find that with the anDroach of spring there is a decided ten dency for the air passages to clog up, the throat and nostrils become sore and inflamed so that their breathing apparatus operates only with the greatest pain ana ainicuity. beciwise she was afraid to face the world's reproach, would go on as the wife of a man she hated, or even greatly disliked. "Without love marriage is well, its something vastly different than was Intended Charlie is always saying things to me which make me probe my own neart even if they shock me a little, I get a man's viewpoint from Charlie tne views a man never gives his wire, nowerer. (Tomorrow A Visit From Mother) During President Wilson's illness, Vice-President Marshall has been ad dressed on all sorts of matters, from petitions for federal pardon to ap pointments in the consular service, the people supposing that somehow he was the president's office assist ant and substitute. But It en up the Gaylord home and married out, especially since the Lansing inci- , J, oel"' Ulat the vice-president has ' "'".r rrnti. walked an absolutely correct course Of course, your mother with her, calling a meeting of the cabinet only mid-Victorian Ideas Is properly hor-'when especially Invited to do so by imt-u, niiu one iiunns tutti. Hue suuuiu, ine presiuent. be with you to counteract any rad Spring is tlo great house cleaning season, the time when nature -throws off all impurities unci takes on new Bl'e and fresh vigor and strength and vitality. ical thought which Helen, If it be Hel en, might put Into your head. The peanut is "plndar" In India and "goober" in Africa. fife and fresh vigor and strength and vitality. Therefore, this is the best season of the year to get real rational results from the intelli gent method of treating Cat- arrh,. because the nsrht treat ment co-operates with nature in her rebuilding and eliminating efforts that are now in full op eration. Catarrh, as any victim of this disease will readily agree, is a great deal more than a local ir ritation and disarrangement of tne breathing apparatus. If the disease were nothing more than this, then the usual methods of local treatment would give some aennite results. But have you, in all your experience and ob servation, even seen il x nunc man temporary reuait-j suit from the use of sprays, t- f omizers, jellies, lotions, salves and other locally applied trckt ment ? j Take your own case, for in ' stance. Doubtless you tat' faithfully tried. all of thekwl remedies ever recormnended Outside of possibly unstopping, 1 for the time being, tha dodged-, up air passages, and afford! little temporary relief from I-, ficult breathing, what real bene fit have you received from rat- edies, locally applied? ' Nature acts with Uwrwiih- t ! ncss. She will tokmite no anil i way measures. Site inabti I upon eradicating ail hupor- 4 ltte, and Is not content to I havo them nierelj hiddea t! from view. 1 t i 1, Nature's remedy for tk treatment of Catarrh, is S. S. I ; which has been so successfulls used for this ailment for tk, past fifty years. Made from the roots and herbs of recognize medicinal value, gathered direct from the forests, this fine, remedy stands unique in thes nals of medicine, because therapeutic value is in net strict accord with the laws t nature. , ., Vnii Rhniild lose no time, tlr fare, in taking advantage of tL excellent season to get natir assistance in cleansing P system of Catarrh. Begin once to take a thorough cor of S. S. S., which will act dim. ly upon the millions of tiny u arrh germs that infest f blood, and give direct, rat results by eliminating w from your system. S. 5. & a at all drugstores. . For free expert medica! vu:e regarding your own write fully to Chief MedicA viser, 175 Swift Laboratory. A lanta, Ga. ASSY Hcmiter. V? aw i aurora. . . v -a , tor h DrooK3. J ' Im . I a I When All Advertisers Demand their money's worth, all locations wJJ vide circulation reports verified by the Audit tsurett Circulations. f , It is one of the mysteries of the advertising while all manufacturers demand verification of weig quality in the material purchased, some of them w advertising? snaee without knowing what they are 9- . Such advertisers, however, are now exceptional, of them demand verified A. B. C. circulation state.w fore placing contracts. , . In the case of The Capital Journal the demand mediately met. The Capital Journal is a memoer Audit Bureau of Circulations. . LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 18G8 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a, m. to 3 p.