Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Thursday's Clint? To
Be For Defective Babes
The March clinic of the Marion
county children's bureau, which, is
te be held in the Commercial club.
Thursday. March 18th, is expected to
be the one mom resultant of good, of
any yet given. It has been set aside
for bablea up to aix years, who are
below normal, and in consequence
proving a problem to parents. Moth
ers who wish to register their babies
should, call Mrs, T. Von Eschen,
phone HJJ.
JIos. Height in.
. 16 1-J-.
1 ,
II .....
3t ......
M ......
t ...
....11 T-8
....24 5-S
2 -
Jl 8-4
33 1-4 -27 1-8
85 8-8 2 1-i
37 1-8 32 1-4
38 S-8... S3 3-4
39 1-2. ... ..........35 T-8
43.8 .45..
The lecture by Prof. Conklin. 'of
the U. of O. at the Commercial ciud,
tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock is
open to everyone interested. It will
he upon the subject: "Home influ
ences upon the mental attitude of .the
child." Dr. B. F. Pound will precede
him, discussing the care of children's
.teeth. A business session of the bu
reau will be held afterwards.
The table of height and weight of
a normal child is as follows:
Mos. Height in. Wt.lbs.
25 t-8 1 8-4
11 28J-8 20 8-4
II . ..... 81 1-8..: 23 3-8
24 33 3-8 26 8-8
30 34 7-8 28 1-4
36 36 3-4 30 1-2
42 - 39 82 1-2
48 .. 39 33 3-4
( yrs 43.4 ..43.3
had been sent to hira by the commit
tee to ascertain his attitude relative to
entering the race.
Snoiv. Storm Keeps
Scores From Polls
Concord, N. H. Mar. 10. Highway
blockades due to the blixzard of Sat
urday prevented nearly 100 towns
from participating in the presiden
tial primaries held in the state to
day. Secretary of State Edward C.
Mean expects thut the deferred pri
maries will be held as soon as traf
fic conditions permit.
It was believed the official returns
would not be received for at least a
week. Four out. of five registered vo
ters In the town of Windsor were
ick nnd the remaining voter sought
the advice of the secretary of state's
office as to whether he should go
throuxh the formality of a town
meeting and election.
Monmouth, Mar. 10. At chapel
kour Monday morning the juniors
made a unique announcement of their
class day excrctaes to be given March
S6. The nature of the program is a
profound secret but if one may judge
toy the number of meetings it re
quires much work, and will measure
up well to high standard sot by for
mer juniors in tliulr entertainments.
The 1 u in ni of the normal aro re
sponding in a most generous, loyal
spirit to the call In support of. the
niilluge hill.
Superintendent Duncan, who Hpoke
last Friday morning at the chapel
hour, visited Klkins rural center with
'resident Ackernmn Friday after
noon. The Vespertine entertained their
new members nnd the fuculty after
their proKiiim Inst Friday evening.
The Raster vacation is to begin
April 2 this year. It covers April 2-3-4-S
'reparations nro being made for
1he Memorial day program held an
nually at (hi) normal. The school an
nouuncH thut Judge Lawrence T. Har
ris, associate Justice, will give the
princlim! ntldrcss of the (Iny.
The student body dance given in
he gymnasium last Saturday evening
was n decided success in every re
spent. The Hllght change In the so
cial regulations recently authorised
worked imt very pleasantly In actual
Several students besides the eight
deiogaten have signified their Inten
tion of attending the stale oratorical
contest to be held in Forest Grove
ihls week end.
The motion picture to lie given I'l l
day evening. March 12, In tho chapel
is entitled The Willow Tree. It pre
vents a very pnlly Utile story -in a
nioHt attractive picture.
people of the county an opportunity
to elect a successor at the forthcoming-
reneral election. There being some
doubt asto the feasibilit of this plan
due to the fact that no vacancy woum
exist in the office until after the elec
tion date G Blowers has hit upon the
expediency of resigning at once, his
re-appointment being efefctive under
the state law, only until his successor
can be named at the next general election.
Political Pot.
Reno, IS'ev., Mar. 10. The democra
tic state convention meeting here Tues
day to elect delegates to the San Fran
cisco convention turned down the
nomination of Senator Key I'lttman to
be a delegate at large. The conven
tion was formed by the state central
committee resolving itself into a con
vention. The state primary idea was
turned down by a vote of three to one
The convention named a delegation
of 12 members, each to have one-halt
vote. The delegation is uninstructed.
North Howell
North Howell. Or.. Mar. 10. Mr. an
Mrs. J. K. Waltmin and Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. McElwain have returned home
from an extended trU to Southern
Kenneth Coomler,' who. has been
suffering with blood poison in his
hand has so far recovered to be able
to drive his new Chevrolet which he
recently received. ' "
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Keene and Nancy
were visiting in North Howell last
Mrs. Leona Sawyer is enjoying a
visit from her sister.
Mr. Corbett and family are living
on the place formerly owned by Chas.
Walter Smith and. Hugh Giles mo
tored to Creswell, south from Eugene
Sunday. '
Thos. Bump visited at Mr. Layton's
18 miles south of Albany Sunday.'
S. H. Van Trump was visiting
friends in North Howell Wednesday
and Thursday.
R. C. Jefferson and N. R. Foster are
each setting Out an acre of strawber
ries. August Woelke and family are now
domiciled in the Schneberk house. He
has purchased the farm and the Eng
elbretson place has been sold to a Mr.
Gunderson of near Selah Springs.
V. H. Stevens who has been in
charge of a creamery at Toledo, will
try outdoor work and plans to drive
a truck for the Marion county Cream
ery this summer.
A T. Cline has a new Ford and R. C.
Jefferson has a new Ford truck.
Th nmit m-ttU .... Iniunn nf lflflft .1
year receives Just 870 in value of the
sianuara or 1813.
Manchester, N. H., Mar. 10. The
native state of Major General Leonard
Wood will send to Chicago a repub
lican delegation pledged to vote for
him to so long as he Is a candidate for
the presidency.. At Tuesday's primar
ies the Wood-pledged ticket for dele
gate at large, defeated by a big ma
jority an unpledged group of four and
a fifth pledged for Sen. Hiram John
son. Tho unpledged men won in only
one city, Dover, the home of Fred N.
Beckwith. one of the unpledged group.
The Wood men won easily in the first
congressional district and wefe unop
posed In the second district.
The democrts elected three district
delegates pledged for Herbert Hoover,
one In the first district and two in the
second. The other democratic dele
gates elected were unpledged but are
generally , considered favorable to
London, March 10. John W. Davis,
the American ambassador, declined to
comment today on tho action of the
West Virginia democratic state com
mittee la indorsing hint for tho demo
cratic nomination for president. The
ambassador said he had not yet re
ceived the message which Parkers-
burg, W. Vu., dispatches announced
The Tuft Lumber company of Eu
gene, capitalized at $100,000 filed arti
cles of Incorporation W'ith the corpora
Hon department here Tuesday. The
incorporators are M. M. Tuft, J. M.
Williams and L.. E. Bean.
Other corporations filing articles to
day were:
Palace Public Market, Portland,
85000; K. Menashe, B. Babani and N.
Ridgefield Lath company, Portland,
$5000: Fred Cassldy, Ed Miller and
Eugene McComach.
The capital of the Milton Creek Log
glng company at Milton Creek, Clat
sop county, has been decreased from
$333,000 to $320,000 according to a
certificate filed here.
Paderew-Bkl is said to be in fear of
plot to assassinate him.
Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo
There is one remedy that seldom
fails to stop itching torture and relieve
skin irritation and that makes the skin
soft, clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
Zemo, which generally overcomes skin
diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes,
blackheads, in most cases give way
to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes
disappear overnight. Itching usually
stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti
septic liquid, clean, easy to use and
dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra
large bottle, $1,00. It will not stain, is
not greasy or sticky and is positively
safe for tender, sensitive skins.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O.
State House
I'crniiHSion tu construct an overhead
crowing over til,- Southern I'aeil'ii'
tracks near Ashland is granted to the
slate highway cini mission In an order
limni n- Hi,, public service connuts
Mini Tuesday.
Aimlher onler i-nited by the I'oin
inirrlon eliminates two hazardous
c.rade crosMiiiMs nea r Frederick in
.lrteks mi cmtnv and establishes a new
Ktailu cros-'lm,'. In the same vicinity..
With It I files in the statu outside of
Tortlaml during I'ebi uary. losses a1;
dtregateil only $:15,N&0 during the
nitin'h. according to the report of A.
C Harbi-r, state firo marshal. Sixteen
nf the :il fires were in dwellings.
The resiituatinn of J. N. Blowers as
count .Indue of Hood Klver county,
rt'fectlve immediately, was received by
tii.vernor Olc.itt Tuesday and Blowers
will bo reappointed to the position to--day.
Blowers some time ago sent ir.
his resignation to heroine effective
December 31, next, in order to give the
to many thousands is practi
cally a matter oi the right use
f reliable means oi main
taining vitality.
time-honore8 and reliable,
combines payability, inherent
virtues and unrivaled efficacy.
At the first sign of weakness
take Scott's Emulsion. a. j
; CIt la known every j
rhr by the "Mark of VJjf
Efficecy"-the Fishermen A Uf :
eneaSawat.Bl0MleM.nj. K.
m fe, nth. I hone s
Yes, We'er Retiring
And in these words are wrapt up Poten
tial Savings for all who avail themsel
ves of the Opportunity to grasp them.
10 Per Cent or More
That'8 your saving on every pur
chase no exceptions. We actually de
duct that from your bill. Marked
down article reduced much more.
This Shoe
And Man! If it were not for the buttons you wouldn't have
a chance at them at this price. We doubt very much if you
can find as evenly selected leather in shoes at double the
price. They are White House Shoes high grade, all sizes
5 1-2 to 11. Wear a good shoe and save $o.
Work Shoes '
Thoroughly Good Throughout ; , ,
Here is a lot of rent good one,
mime of J. Miller's medium
heavy, brown, welt sewed soles.
they'll not hp here
long at
Minim's Oxculf, black, unllned,
nailed soles, flf) p
Heavy tan work shoes with
heavy grade lining,
nailed sole, pair..
Another lot unllned black anil
tan, good summer field ahoca,
nailed soles, well
worth more
Mark ami
old shoea,
All our Hi-Tops in one lot.
Theso are mostly 10 inch lops.
Solid leather throughout, welt
ed soles, not
all sizes
Good Rubber Boots $3.25
Dr. Frank Bohn
Lectures Here
This Evening
Tonight at the armory Dr. Frank
Bohn will giv his famous lecture on
RSvolutiunary Europe." 1. Bohn
la quoted -reneateilly by New York
papers on roost important Questions
becaiut ho can express- Iwmaelf with
wondeftul clearness. Ho is an author
ity oa tho bolshevik menaee; for he
has seen it at clou quarters in Eu
rope where ha has bean since the
close of last summer's lecturing. His
arUclea in the New York Times on
this subject are among the most in
teresting and illuminating that hae
been written.
Washington. .Mar. 10. President
Wilson today took his third automo
bile ride since he wasordered to bed
last October. .a open car was used
aud Mrs. Wilson, Miss Margaret Wil
son and Rear Admiral Clrjyson. his
physician, acocmpanied him.
Hoffman and his captors were Adam
Viazikows'si and John Sochanski
Ironwood, Michigan. ,
m For C'oldj GrtiiJT
Regarding a wire dispatch from
Portland that wholesalers there had
announced a reduction of SO cents per
hundred weight in the wholesale price
of sugar, effective Monday next, inter
views with local dealers Monday morn
ing revealed the fact that prices in Sa
lem would follow the lead of those in
Portland aud drop accordingly. Salem
prices, they said, were gaged by those
in the metropolis.
According to the word from Port
land, retail prices would be reduced to
either 14 3-4 or 17 cents per pound.
William de Morgan made a world
reputation as a norerist after he was
80, and in the last months of his life
busied himself on- -ubmarine detector.
The severity of the winter may be
Judsed by the fact that In southern
Michigan the ice has attained a thick
ness of two feet without a thaw, while
the ground is frozen to a depth of
four feet.
iur u. w. GF.m : :
a the Uu. JOc. tS-r-
There are thousands of wild horses
near the t'tah-Nevada line.' They
dra-.v off domesticated horses to their
company and tear down range, fences.
Toys that were popular during the
war have been gathered into a per
manent collection at the Smithsonian
"If labor would consent to a 54
hour week until 1923. with propor
tionate additional compensation, pro-;
duction would so increase as to force!
a general lowering of prices." Wil-j
liam A. Law . . "
Wireless telephones are being rap
idly introduced in China. Wires are
too costly and clumsy for the Orien
tal. ' ' i
A Newfoundland railway train com
pleted a 29-hour run in three weeks
The President's letter, dismissing
Secretary Lansing, was dated Friday,
the 13th.
After your first cup of
Schilling Tea, you will
wonder how you ever could
have been satisfied with
common tea.
The delicious flavor of
Schilling Tea, free from the
puckcry taste of tannin, will
give you a new idea of tea
invigorative, restful, re
freshing. There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
patchmyn-lined moisture-proof paikoget.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co San Francisct
The first German prisoner capture,
by American troops was Leon Hayd
Louise Coifs r
Beauty Talk
That dainty and eharmlng actress.
Louise Huff, Is famous for her beau
tiful complexion and as an author of
many articles on the subject of
beauty, she has been persuaded to
tell the readers of this paper how
they may quickly acquire a soft,
smooth, rosy-white complexien like
hers. She says: "To get the best re-
sitlta thA alrtn ahAnlri tta rhnrnncnlT
eleansed, then apply Derwlllo which i
caa be obtained at the toilet counter ,
of any up-to-date drug or department
store." This instantly beautifies the
complexion and its continued use I
makes the results permanent. Over I
nve nunared tnoutanu gins ana
women are using Derwlllo in prefer
ence to face powder and other beau
tillers and they are just as enthusias
tic over It as Miss Huff. Be sure to
read her large article on the com-
flexion soon to appear in this paper,
n the meatitlmo get Derwiilo which
she recomrr. :nd8 and try it to day,
you will be delighted with it and
soon have a complexion for wM-h
erervone will compliment you.
- V
D. J. Fry and J. C. Perry.
Fwlolams.lnvelidsand GrowingChildten I Rich milk, malted snm. S'
The Oriirinal Pood-Drink for Alt AM.lN.rL: . ..'e,lsIW
1 ".
Outfitters to Women, Misses and j!
Salem Needs a Hospital
The Drive Is On
Subscribe Liberally
itik (Sk i
Merchandise v
Overmire Steel Construction Company
We have In stock for Iiiiiiiiilluic Shipment
I-BKAMS. from S to 24 Indies, tip to 60 foot lengths.
CHANNELS,, from 3 to 13 inches, up to foot IcngllH.
ANGLKS, 2x3 tntlies to 8x8 im lics, up to 80 runt lengths.
ANGLES, 2x2 ta inches to 7x3 & Indies, up to 0 fout IcnjllB.
V. SI. I'LATKS. 8 to 24 ineiicsl wide, 'x to 5-8 inches thick, as netl
Manufacturers of Tanks, Boilers, Stacks, ripe, Fahrlcalcit Mater
ial for .Building!) and llrldgcs
East Water Street and Hawthorne' Avenue 1'OllLTAXD OltrXJOS
Phono East 872t
.-..5y8-4 tCJi'i) BM A satk ,
.J- . 1M
:' ';v!:v::::;:v:v '::,: A':. : ' ,j . -. ... ', ,-.
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.Sacks of fl
lo-lb., M' I
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At youf "carC3t 8r0C"" j
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j cd "'ir- 'iiuis dvi