Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Professor Delia Crowder Miller has
resigned her position as head of the
puonc speaking department 01 rru
lamette University. Since her strenu
ous work on the pageant last June,
Professor Miller s health has been un
certain and she feels that a Changs la
The following is from President
Carl G. Doney's letter:
"Dear Professor Miller- v,
jgnation presented last week has been
considered and it is with deep regret
inai me university accepts It. to take
effect from this date. Coming to the
to the Institution two and a half years
ago as the head of the department of
puoiic speaking, you have strengthen
ed and increased the enrollment, you
have sought to build permanent
foundations and you have been devot
ed to your work. Personally and on
behalf of the university, I thank you.
I trust that jour release from heavy
Muruen. win enable you to take com
plete rest and that your strength will
speedily be restored.
"Very sincerely yours.
Willamette University has been for
tunate to retain the services of Profes
sor Miller for the past two years ana
half. Her Ihnrni..!, .
---- -e- unu niunern
methods of education have placed her
... w.e jronc ranks of her profession
both as a teacher and as an interpreter
f literature. Her department has been
m me most popular In the univer
sity because the students have recog
nized her superior understanding of
her work and they have swelled the
enrollment of the department from
than fifty to one hundred and six
ty .luring the time she has been here.
Her strontr r"hfHn i .
helped many a doubting young man
and woman at Willamette into a new
concept on of life and .,. m,ln"Z
"cr influence and Inspiration will be
missed in university circles and her
place will be hard to fill
Shipping Board
Diverts 22 Ships
To Coast Service
Suit Will Test
Federal Trade
Board Powers
Washington. Mar. Id. Suit to test
the powers of the federal trade com
mission was instituted todnv in the
supreme court of the District of Pn.
lumbia by the Maynard Coal company
of Columbus, Ohio, the first of sav-
eral legal actions planned by the Na-
. I lionai ( :oal nRrwntion n 1., ....... i i
I .... . . . ... ...I.llll.v
Portland Cir Ufa. 1 A a . hnw f.. . v, . . . : - . : .
, ... . . A vuiiuuiMiun limy go in
ed demand by shipping interests of requiring private corporations to fur-
the Pacific Coast has brflnrhr from nish information nt th..i. l.
------ -. ........ vi ..... . i vuaiucaa.
ohMZPiaf fZfV, i ?-ciation said the suit, were started
vessels from the A,.a e ," " "5JP .mnt and no wa "Uiito
service on th. P..!,.- .."7." Z, Bn a"acK on lBe commission.
.... . .viiin UVVVI uius IU
The action instituted today took the
a leiegram received by the Portland uumuicu muay iook me bene(its
chamber of commerce from United form of a relest for an injunction to ' subieet-
States Konatnr Ch.,l r i-xt.j (restrain the commission frnm I J"
U McNqfry
States Senator Charles
made public today.
what proportion of thin tnnno-
which Will coma from lh Atlantic .
the Pacific will be available for Port
land loading is not stated, though it
e'ierany presumed that at least
three of the
- vu ai
those of the Columbia-Pacific Ship-
s uuinpuny lor the establishment
and maintenance nf a Vnn, nui..
iwuii v-umti
Negotiations Over
Railroad Wastes
Re-Opened Today
Washington, M,r. 10. Wage ne
ot atlon. between the railroads and
tlie r organized 'employes were for
mally re-opened today when commit-
tZ n'8 UnlnB M the A -
tlon of Railway Executives the own
era organization-met to begin the
; Ti'"n 01 J,,lnt boa to handle
...uui controversies.
, " '" was understood to be
10 "iv a definite program
before the conference with rspeo o
the wage demands which the unions
lHt August laid before President Wil-
Three distinct propositions to be
nldered by the Joint board are the
union demands, the reported program
'f the railroad P,.i,.i. , rln
Sand And Gravel
Rights Decided
M. W. Payne of Marshfield and the
Rcedsport Warehouse & Supply com
pany of Reedsnort wer .u.
sand and gravel rights in the vicinity
of Brandy bar in the Umpqua river
between Gardiner on on(,..i t
the state land board in session Tues-day.
The lessees will Dav th -tot. .u.
rate of 10 cents per cubic yard for all
sand and gravel taken from the strean,
with a minimum annual royalty of
JuOO. The lease runs for a period of
,u.8 ana is the first to be exe
cuted under the law of 1920 which
gives the state lanrt hn. ..,,.,. .
lease the beds of streams for sand and
gravel purposes. Similar leases will
be made on other streams, it was stat-
The price of 10 cents per cubic yard
has been f xed hv th i, , ' .
restrain the commission from renuir-
ing monthly reports showing costs, in
come andtonnage, and an annual re
port of financial conditions, it wa re
cited that the commission issued full)
Harmonious labor conditions, nmio
able relations between employer and
employe and the value of arbitration
in labor disputes, formed the topics of
mscussion at the regular weekly meet
ing of the Salem Rotarians in Hotel
.Marion this noon One pecularity of
ne meeting wag that each member of
ine ciuo brought- na nt h.
from his establishment to derive the
uoirms irom tne talks on these vital
The solution to the ! il.ri, nmklaM e
tuudy, Aauison Bennett, newspaper
man, Said, is the erWatinr. f Kt.
worklngmen and the employer of the
uwi i"B commission issued lull ) aim me employer of the
instructions for the preparation of the p?blems thaf confront both . From
it-puna, wnicn in iact nresrrihAH u
system of accounting for coal mining
operations differing substantially from
those commonly in use.
Board Places Ban
On Sale Of Olives
Helena, Mont., Mar. 10. Sale of
olives and olive preparations in glass
containers Is absolutely prohibited in
Montana bv a decision of h ofoto
board of health. This action was taken discord and dispute!
a inuu ui me ueains oi live per- jim ... ,
sons at Java, Mont., from bacilli bo-LA T qUe in that U is' 80 far
tullnus. " ,heknew- the only city in the United
"""" imving an arbitration board to
f .w... VWVM . mill
tnis education come on .!..... ,
. .. uuucioiiiim
ing from which must rise accord and
harmony, be asserted.
The watchword of the Salem Cen
tral Trades and Labor council is co
operation. L. J. Simeral, president,
told the Rotarians. He spoke of the
aim of the council f on .i
preach co-operation and harmony, and
.ueu me arbitration principle that is
gradually becoming an integral part of
labors existent .u ..
r- . , ' lc t,u lnat tne
Central Trades and Labor council, so
as ne had a voice in Its control,
would aid at all times in keeping down
LaRose Planned
To Give Himself
Upy He Declares
Jack La Rose, Portland "gasoipe"
murderer, who was returned to the
state prison here Tuesday after a
year's absence as a fucritive from hi-
tice, had planned to return to Oregon
l soon to give himself up to prison of
ficials with a view to seeking a par
don, according to the story he told
iu r. iv. enyaer, state agent who
brought him back from Shawnee,
Okla., where he had been arrested.
LaRose at the time of hi arroxt
and for six months previous there to
had been runninir a hotel In Shiirnu
under the .name of Roy Cassie. Some
three months ago, according to his
story, he was married to a Shawnee
girl, to whom ho haj v I
- : . . me storv
lL hcrime arl his prison tMarvi
and who, according to his i..."' l
, . . "'"'I IldU
Pixvaiiea upon mm to return trt
gon to "square his aecnnnt iiio
state. It is expected that Mrs. LaRose
no is reputed to be wealthy in her
own right, will come to Oregon soon
to intercede for her husband in an
attempt to secure his release.
Lanose escaped from the prison
wooa camp March 5. 1919. oft.. .,..
is ien years or a life sentence for
manslaughter, killing a Portland
pawnbroker with a length of gaspipe
w IPiff, n
H. A. Canaday of Jledford tn.iov
filed his nominating petition with the
secretary of state's office for a nn
on the republican primary ballot as a
candidate for district attorney of
Ieath cint ..
m- Wednesdavi-Wl. tt 3
uiness from k
s mily rJi N t
street The 1S35 -
the chapel of tne 'Lke4
company , Q J
In the investigations mnd hv tho
state board of health In tho lnhnr.
atory at the cauitol one of h con.
tainers in which olive were offered.
ror sale in Montana was found to be
The capital stock of the Statu nnk
of Rainier at Rainier, Columbia coun
ty, has been increaspd from $15,000
to $20,000, according to a certificate
nam with will H. Bennett, state su
settle labor disputes,
T. E. McCroskey
and h s employer comes only when
there is a feeling of partnership be
tween them. T: P. v. . .1.. mt
i i.-.. "l 1 nomas
thr. ?Jen mil,S' '"wl- He said
that it is the dutv of ,h , .
give good wages, good working condi
t.o, , . to provide care for emp.oyes
uccmont. The emlowr
must associate with the en.p.oves gX
their good win resDect ; ' f.a2
permtentlent of banks. A certificate , ,AH complete support and
!tat hn.,k or " "'""-n. ne
Besides his na."
id Mr rii. ir. r.. .
' his untime,; J
Pru has hZTTT-"
New Scrims, Marquisettes
and Curiam Materials
Portland Veteran
Fatally Injured
Portland. n m m . ..
Burch, 30, :ZA""."r
company B, 81st engineers and re
cently employed as brakeman on the I
,i irtif KRln5 comlany's logging
ir r "regon, was fatally
njured when he fell between two
cars according to advices receiVed
here today. Burch is said to hull
Wt a widow in Seattle. 9
filed by the Clatskanie State bank of
oiatskante, Columbia county, shows
an Increase in capital from $25,000 to
6 "?mhetlc strike were
-"rfvvt iur, ivay
A total of 303,219 crallmis of ,Sfii0
ana ti(,.ii gallons of distillate were
hold by the Union
report led today with the secretary for president. tC soldieTlln
Davenport, la., Mar. 10 A
spread poll among returned ,i,n.
ff this vicinity brought n m.
One of the irrontct 1, . ..
world Th r 1 , ""'iis in the
blln A t , Gl'"nhaw Wllkinson-ls
Wind. But by tuste, touch imi mn
"SSjn.d. by President Wsou j ZT!l
or states office. Accompanying the
report was a check for fans ia i
cover the state tax imposed on fuel oil
Former Kmperor Charles of Aus
tria has now in his own right less
than $500 a year on whih tn ,...
himself, his wife and six children.
Uncle Joe Cannon is the only man
living whose name appeared on the
same political ballot ith , f
Anrnnnm Lincoln.
S ififlra. fcV mi in, mm, 111
against prohibition bv a large
vote and the score on military train
ing was close.
Bought several months ago before the recent advance in nrW w
able to offer this lot at prices below the market 36 ih Je-&YZ
29 c, 50c, 55c and 65c
Our Prices Ahvays the Lowest
Formerly Chicago Store Court and Com'l Sis.
A New Hospital Would Be a Great Asset to Salem
We Have An
Extra Fine Stock
bins U
In mi, from 2 to 14 years. They are mad. n a ereat variety ot styles ot such Eood mater
..o nun.,, junii, wiute vones, popnns ana ginghams.
White lawn and voile dresses.
Poplin and Peque Dresses
Gingham Dress ,
Women and Girls
We have just received another fine new;
shipment of the latest in Spring Hats. You
owe it to yourself to come and look them
over and see what we will save you.
GMs hats $1.29 to $4.98
W omen's hats....$4.50 to $16.50
42.98 to $8.90
.$3.98 to $5.50
.$1.69 'to $5.90
We call your attention to our new
Dress Goods
fTLh n make your selections
the lowest. dreMes- 0ur Prices
Fancy voiles....59c to $1.19 yd
Fancy crepes ....'..........p yd
Novelty silks ..... ,.$1.39 yd
11 , 11 1
I I ryr
11 iJ
1 1 i
V s
'-Mm - li
1 ti
w jr
You can economize by baying Hart
Shaffner and Marx Clothes.
Every man knows that Clothes are high
priced; and the poor ones cost about the
same as the good ones.
Every man wants to get the most for his
- money. There is only one thing to do Bay
Hart Shaffner and Marx All Wool Highly
tailored Clothes. "
They save for you because they last Ion
ger. There are no Clothes more stylish, more
dignified, in better taste than the new ones
for Spring from Hart Shaffner and Marx,
One, two and three huUnn c.;r ..,, . ..... ,
sauare nntrhoJ n0u. " viir vreasiea suits, coats a little longv,
Teare thea-ouble breasted; they are
M?edZl?ri .conservative suUsM many different
ZCantja1lTJa,i and Marx S" cause throughout the
-Swr rd"',i?arf Shattierand Marx have supplied us
Let us show them to you rccommd to any one. .
You take no chance to lose if you purchase Here.
it fj&i$r$t
- nm 111 Hi ami,
.Copyright 1919, Hart Schaffner & Marx
Woolen Mills Store
Every Family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron.
in f-