Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 09, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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TlSSDAY, MARCH 9, 1820.
i uons 5 ceut. out- muatb
17 cenia. one eur. per
t.,st U'5'
. Arnr tilt-
iion only in - luuay.
. in advance and iiul tuk
ne, unles advei'U-er nan
ionlol t.un No atlowaiKw for
otiose "errors :
i BARGAIN leaving town, new
Chevrolet, nntr ....,
. , c ..manmip Phnrrv Pn.r
tcoaei j-r.
garage, liui -wcv.. v
nir say hay 7 ton good vetch an:
BAI; (41 n- tun TIB R 19th,
ax n. . - r . . . .,
phone 1435M. 2
69 1
MR. FORD OWNER WouM you buy
t vaporizer it wo guarantee it to
lave 20 Per Dt or more of your
rasoline bills? Your , money back
f not satisfied after IS days. C. .
Veils 6S0 N. 20th St. Mammoth
Mack berry tips 5c.
gpOScleaiied 40c' per rug.
"16. '
i for SALE A fine 40 acre fruit
ranch. J'hone 97FH, - n3
FOR SALE FreRh cow. Geo. Kalb,
Silverton roaiL e64
FOR SALE Golil Coin seed pota
toes. Mrs. L- E- Hart wig, 2229
. fair -ground. - " e60
WANTED Good cheap secondhand
upright piano "for cash, or cash and
ft tricMve orKan; aluo wsnt a sec
viidhaiul rug about 9sl2r Brussels
..preferred. Address V .cars i Journ
al. . 89
i-YEAR Himalaya 149 -pJsnts -or
sale 13e each. 2249 K. Liberty St.
pOR SALE 1 5 room house close in,
kit -T'lXiSO: 10 bearing fruit trees.
if j-mi want a snap, phone 4S0. a60
C.1E1. or lady wanted for housework.
Call at 1277 S. CuTnmercial - g-gi
tTLi:V fine golden oak bungalow
size piano for sale at a genuine
bareain price. The Wiley B. Allen
Co., S19 Court St. C61
FOR SALE Farm wagon in -good re
pair ;aiso mixe aoatg nad-. cheat
hay. F. N. Shearer,
t, box li,
' e(!3
litrvaia, Or.
WE have three beautiful now pianos
of very fine quality,- One 'of them
the very best. We offer these this
week at special low prices and easy
term?. This is your chance for :. a
new piano. Come today.' The : Wiley
n. alien iu., am t-ourt at. c8I
WASTED One-horse wagon. in good
condition and reasonable. Write or
. call at nm Kerry St. J. E. Kirk
patrifk. 53
ONE used Brunswick phoiingranh for
sale, low price and terms. The XVI-
ley i-.. Alien Co.. 51H Court St. .c61
ftr.AKLi new combination g,is, .wood
and eoal range, cost $166, .will sell
tor casn. call sH9 Trade. St.-. 59
TOR SALE lienutfful ;.Mik",ptenoT
looks like new, bench to match. L.
u miner, did uourt St. c61
ECKiS .for hatching, Mottled Anoonas
from Sheppard's strain $2.26 per
-uiMCi larger quantities lor Incu-bntm-s
priced on application. Jas.
J:r.v. Rt. 3, box 253. Salem. . 59
i-OK RENT 6 room modern house
iioiie in; linoleum, bed, dresser
maier. woo and rent paid to
piu ist, an tor $75; rent $18 per
month. Phone 1SGS. 59
I-OR SALE 5 room house, one small
house. 2 nice lots. Lots of fruit
nice garden spot. Price' $1880, $1 -
00y cash terms on balance; east
from.13 95N.Ctitta ge. a63
One 5 loomed plastered bungalow
i fxm 2 ne loft. .Must, be sold!
-.Phone 430. . ,,.g0
-RRr;-,lil-t tnt- l.o
Winter. Phone 392-R. -
.uAh-HALF acre in - bearing apple
tieesf A nice little cottage, good
I, jell. strawberries, raspberries,
Wnt-kberries. Owner leaving -town.
r mke 'or own terms, .fiouth Com-
eu-iai at ttansen Ave,..out,of citv
TOR s VLE Onls and rvn hnv inf,ao
L' per ton at barn. Phone' 27F15.'
- r-- 61
" llA.Nsl-'EH, Moving, Storage -Wood
. Joi sale. Office at "People's Furnl
hnr More, 271 N. Commercial St.
. Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
VANH W Vacant house. E. E.
LaMlleur, 271 North. Commercial
Phone 734. C4,
fOR SALE Wilson-- strawberrv
pl, ,N by w. R. Tapscott, Route 6.
n 20. Salem. . R
RAiNTl I)rRition -0 farmi,liv
aole man th.
I" ft class worker. Write A
5 , TY t0 Mi. Call after 7
oV-n 7"" mlungnlow, lot
lit v , .n,Ce 2150' For terms ca"
-r- -' J. iilj 6 9
l(t SA! 5 roonTlplastered cot-
L,';., yT,w,at'"F' ,(,t 0:130, good
lrlPp J14UH,
i!!'Ll-i03 Brondwav.
For terms
m,L r',r!V'a" bear goats. Wm
"i. , can 87F31
. FOR SALE A fine ,0
wrni. Thone 97P12- '
pnpt;,v r ;
While : t T ' A-'C' SmKle Comb
-O. A. V.
i-eghorn pacrx tr,v hn.hin.
J ft.
Itr 15 eprra KA9 V Tt... . j,,'
pIm,...'-. nor, ou acres
.120 neres. dr.
t. ire- tin,ber and pas-
r: barn ?. A'" fl,.n room house,
I m i , :J w,re anu rail .'fence,
resT,,'" mile t0 8cho01'
1 n. T,K plaoe is located 10
n Si a Uth of -cheap
Co "XT- W' H. ttobcnhoist
S-ilLJt'tte street.. . ;n6
laree 1 rM(",crn 8 rooni ,10use-
hasemZ;' p!lve(l ' Pt, garage.
Tn I ."I-. furnao'. nnd f'wplace.
,'Un.horst, Co., 275 State St.
ord chassis.-Phone 43.
PhC t,"ertt hay2l- M-hun:
a l T n - -
enh 1 11. . 1 euie trees, ja-
""""ie. 2123 N. Broadway.
, - '" ' dfiS
ilam.InfProvM! Wllson strawberry
Per 1000 .if , you die-
ll rr. 1000 " we dig Plants
titnin81- H-Wi,e "orth 'Claxtar
Wnt E1Pctri.c Ry" r
lem. at B8RPwor-s office, S-
Wa XTrn - -
tub .nJ000'1 Mw, Porcelain bath
--11-. Address box 29 Journal. 160
5- is the time;" we
SfhSl wa,ta '0K new, and flirty
Priws ,!..; " Clean " fresh'.
lceS riehL nnll Cere
.HA Prune t i ....
unhurt !i!'.?tchim treea. absolutely
Kurerr i.u eze " Korthwestern
-SaPhone 11 IPS. d4
Pnf , ..?L,OCCA'- to transfer.
nce nal'ng.. OflioertMme ssl
refrerre7St17 ,r,dies' ePn7ed
rr cln. but "ot necessary. &a
fcot'el zl?1 t0 T P- . Marion
n and ask for Mrs. Campbell.
fd. for good tota""
u DX . Brownsville, n-
t ---.v Ravi's.
in inur . I "
d;...ferfec? draiK. ideal for
inst fimih f P.U"y; B0 build -
lS m.Ulf,t: ll n,il(,s Port -
"t Jcuiflis.,lt.Krm.i. u.
- l)ox !'. tllsboro, Or.
acne K0. 4470. Finder
nl& ...... ... . . ... muer
.-., juiis oifice,
run SALS 118 Babv
Brand Chev
rolet in Rood coadiiion. for tial
Cash K f -. 7 "J?."-t0r
- v(uiu&u, u.
box 1$
T" n . , -"
- Hi IT.-. IlPlUiniF atni'a nt
Wrings, book shelves, etc z P
Kimball, Rt. 7. hov 76 .P;
eo.LOOT-BIack wool .gwTpteMe call
i S78.
ed rooms, modern r.' ' "
"r K. Liberty St.
" " ' i.IWL 1H'V
For Sale Houses.
FOR BALI, A b room plastered
eement basement,, bath, toilet, Wash
basins Up stairs .and down, hot and
evil eteric Kghte. wood el
evator. in cupboards and clos-
iff 'r0nt- ceme,,t walks, i
lii -IK01' tr's- fhtcken
h r f .n." he' pome and see
h . My 'ner' 5 ,'O01 mod
ern bungalow; priced low for ouick
saU- half cash.. 1095 s. 14th st
FOR SALE-f room plastered house;
jr...n UIU, wun two lots in bear
ing fruit. Sightly location, good
streets. 1 blocks from car line
immediate possession. Exceptional
buy. Price $2000. Terms. $500 cash
"""' sy. s. ". Pearson,
mug, fhone 43
FOR. SALE 5 room house, barn",
chicken houses, electric lights- 1
acre good land, all kinds fruit and
.7 ; rivate water svstem. $2 -'000,
half cash, balance terms. See
""i tim wauer St. co
TPr l.r, .
-V room, modern bungalow want-
omm oesi rerms.. Mrs. Loblev
Journal office. ..'
W A WTpn w
..-... i-u, casn, room etnet-
w !rodt!"n bu"Balow,' well located.
ll ,MrS- EUis care p- O. box
268, Salem. la
tuf BAunuooa 6 room house,
titCtH uv.llS.htS.'. clty water' 2 ne
, lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute school, can be
pp uai tno nazei ave. a63
llV U O A T T" t
oAUia ay owner new seven
,u,uap. strictly modern, lot
'. close to car lino
street. Inquire 630 N. 24th St. a39
For Sale Farms.
F(iR,.SALE74 acres two ""d -one
half miles of Salem, one half mile
. ort ofiavcd road on good graveled
road. all . in cultivation and good
buildings, some orchard. This place is
priced at $250
looking for something good at the"
riitnt price see Fred W. Durbin at
271 State St., and look this over.
Phone 616, k.
run bALt-By owner, 40 acres. 35
m cultivation, balance timber; good
fruit land, $6000; 27 lots in west
Salem, large unfinished house
$1800; 6 ncres, 2 logans. family
orchard, 6 room house, good barnj
iiaveu Hireet, jbUUU. Geo. H
Stoddard, 1480 Broadway. b63
FOR SALE Or trade 20 acresof
koou iimoer mnu in Washington for
car. ox t:ar capital Journal. c61
FOR SALE A dandy little farm 30
1-12 acres, level as a paved street,
no rocks, stumps or brush; sandv
loam. Berries or dairy. One mile
from Griggs station, twelve miles
from Albany and six miles from
Selman, rock road; no Improve
ments, also 28 acres adjoining if
you want more land. F. P. Farm
Ington, Hotel AlderT (Portland, Or.
9 1 b59
A-l FARM land, every acre cultivable
i5 per acre. Easy -terms.. Location
Sutherlin valley, Oregon. A, C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Maspnitf Temple,
Salem, Oregon. ,' 1 .' ' iiG !
FOR SALE 30 acres Mission Bottom
land, sandy loam soil all in cultivn-
- tion and crop, well improved and
on main river road, besfof logan
berry land, 1H acres in bearing
loganberries. This must be seen to
be appreciated, 8V4 miles N. of Sa
lem. Price $9000, " terms. Addrc-sR
Chas. Wllmot. Oervais, Rt. 2. b02
FOR SALE Home place consisting
of 14 21-100 acres, 3-4 mile west
of Liberty store on main road. All
in cultivation; some fruit and ber
ries. Phone 88F4, A. E. and W. A.
Free. Rt. 3, Salem. Or. b59
For SalePoultry
BROODER STORE An up to date
self regulating Kresky room heat
er and two 220-egg incubators, used
for 1 hatching, cheap. Call evenings
or write J. L. Wariner, 2144 North
6th St. Salem. Or. f60
WANTED Chickens, will pay big
price in trade for large lot 011 Lib
erty St. deed and abstract up to
date. Write or call evenings, J. L.
Wariner, 2144 N. 5th St., Salem.
Or. f60
HATCHING eggs. Rhode Island Reds
or color and productivity, 15 for
$1.60. Phone 1788W2. C. A. Rat
cliff, avlem, Or. f60
SIX White Leghorn hens for sale
good layers. Phone 1940. fiiO
EOR SALE Single Comb White Leg
horn eggs for hatching. Wycoff and
"MeFarland and English Tom Baun
strains. R. Woolery, 244 S. 25lh.
Phone 798W. f63
DAY OLD White Leghorn chicks and
- setting eggs. Choice setting eggs at
7c each, 6c per egg by the case.
Mnr. 21st will have 600 day old
chicks, at 20c each. Phone Aiimn--ville
4-1615 or write Chas. L. Mar-
tin, Aumsvllle. Or. f62
FOR SALE Eggs. Rhode Island
Reds. Utah strain, dark red color,
rery large; 16 for $1.60; also in
cubator settings. U mile south of
12th Rt. earline. Rt S, box 40, Mode
Reedy, Salem, Or. f67
White Leehorns, Buff Leghorns, R.
I. Reds, Barred Rocks, Black Mi
norca. White Wyandottes. Buff
Orpingtons. Anconas. These vari
eties -each -sttk. C. N. Needhsm.
658 State St. Te!.-4M. f63
FOR SALE 6 R. I. Red pullets $2
each. Phone 1698W. f60
"For Sale Miscellaneous.
GOOD hay $23 per ton. C. C. Rus
sell. Waconda. Or. Phone ir 3.
FOR RALE Baled hay, clover and
timothy mixer, $2 per-ton. Phone
7F32. Rt. 1. c63
HAT Good baled oat hay for sale.
$18 per ton. 3 bioefcs from end of
12th St- car line. T. L. Davidson.
l -
saie cheap. Inquire
4th St.
1,...,, - VWV
"V '""""Mi 4
also ii. f. " rr-" sack.
uj. rnone 66F22.
( oak book case oil
! k table.
stove and
mirror and
St. apartment s .errs
B64jFOR SALE Ladii
condition sJ-,.?" 1U soou
.1 ' opnberry posts in carload
6 k S5 ReiWHWe, estra good
Tnn,.T v s Address . Box. 5$
Home Fann.l ,,TT; TT
. ....muuilt GC.
co 9
For Sale Nursery Stock:
"ii: . as
. L. Davidson. Phone 516.
K"fK SUP n... ' : !-r-
-ftVV : fuawoerry plants 121.
J ',er l0, J3.50 digging
J!nyoorself. iW. E.? Savage. df
"""J Plants for sale, Rt
Mtn -T V ,u ",Mni 5o 100; $4.50
r ;' "' " v;isors. tit, 7, box 78
tjuvrrtun road
W I HAn ...nn,i , . .
from fine healthy young planti
graded from three "fifty6 to "seven
?"f?d- w'". Claxtar
Jfice. court house.
, "" lvl- or at assessors of-
fcimca, rnone 754.
tZ r?Z."r. .,lraae Jtomobile
ps or team. Phone
KtS"Y STCKiiair
K., ecJ , 'n'alnuts' filberts, and all
otinir kinds of nursery stock. Buy
direct and save agents commission.
Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or
"ty iuerDerg 121, Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Oregon,
Treb a, . Wilson. Thrifty, well root
ed plants. Low quantity prices. Citv
delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front. Phone 494. tR
ETTERBERG 121 strawberry plant;
$7-50 per 1000; Wilson $6. Address
P. O. box -214. Salem. Or
i-n. bauh. reaoh- seedlings, "for
lining out." Howard Jones. Phone
For Sale Livestock.
SI ILL have a -general assortment
of nursery stock. Special prices
on ornamental stock, shrubs, roses,
etc., to clean up. Howard Jones,
Northwest Nursery. Phone 111F3
Kan CiT P. T7T7 :
- rirau miiK goat, bar-
gahi at $50. 1586 N. Capitol. e60
FOR SALE Thoroughbred O. I C
pigs, with or without papers. Carl
amseyrJlacleay, Or. e63
Call 3F3.
or 4-day old calves.
FOR SALE No. 1 fresh Jersey cows
Phone 84F11. Pn
bAUIU 1 wo year old Poland
iChma boar and one black team
weight about 2200 lbs. D. C. Mills,'
821 Saginaw, phone 1073. e59
FOR SALE Good fresh
alf12016 N. Commercial. e59
run aAUb 1 bay horse, welo-ht
one urew litter carrier
100 foot of cable ;. seed gray oats.
Phone 63F6. , rnq
run ti.t. one span of large mules,
$200, near Sidney station on O. E
J. O. Farr. gg q
FOR. SALE 1 sow, 2 years old, will
:get pigs about April 24; and 9 pigs
12 weeks old. 'Phone 110F11, Al
bert Eggiman, Silverton, Or. Rt. 2.
FOR SALE Stock hogs from 70 lbs.
up; horses, draft and drivers; cord
wood, odk and fir. Sweet cider.
Address Wm, H. Egan & Sons,
Gervals, Rt. 2, Phone 8F11. c61
FOR SALE Team, wagon and har
ness; 0 ana 7 years old, .weight
3200 pounds, Harness new, 314
SHidebaker! wagon, good as new. J.
A. Ricketts, Rt. 8, box 165. e61
FOR SALE 50 head good stock
ewes, lambing and will finish
lambing this month; 19 head of
Durham stock cattle, yearlings and
2 years; also 4 head of good milk
cows, fresh in thirty days. Joe
Kieser, Stayton, Or. e60
For Sale Wood.
FOR dry wood phone 1678W
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
you r wood. Phone 4004. m66
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
305 S. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
E. Wells. ee
Phone 1090M.
FOR SALE 4 foot and 16 inch fir
wood near end of pavement, Silver
ton road. Call 113F3 evenings. ee59
Wanted Help.
WANTED Housemaid state school
for the deaf, phone 646; salary $30,
board and laundry. g82
WANTED Live man with car for
real estate work. Must be a hustler.
Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bldg
WANTED Sales ladies for house to
house canvassing. Those having nad
previous experience preferred, sal
ary paid. Call Monday from 10 a.
m. to 4 p. m. at Marion hotel, ask
for Mrs. H. Campbell.
WANTED Experienced loganberry
trainers. '1 block west of mauso
leum. H. W. Thielsen. g0
WANT ED Experienced loganberry
trainers; transportation furnished.
Call 100F3. - . - 63
WANTED Experienced saleslady.
Apply Mr. Hodgson, Peoples cash
store. g5 9
WANTED Two good farm hands. C.
C. Russell. Phone 3F.
WANTED Girl or. woman to care
for children from eight to five.
Phone 194 3 J or 717. g0
CUT the cost of living. I have a
house and will give free rent to
some lady who will cook my meals.
178 8. Liberty or 1258 S. Commer
cial. g0
MEN wanted, splitting cord wood.
Phone SftFS g!.1
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED To purchase heavy team,
harness and wagon suitable for
hauling wood; also some shoats.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Ore
gon bldg. .
WANTED Eon terrier pup. Address
P"P. care Journal. t2
FOR SALE Separator run 4 years,
and 20 horse engine, run 3 years;
eparator 3252 Advance. Phone 20
Fll for particulars. c63
WANTED House with !arje lot.
rooms preferred. $0 down. $15
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty
Co. 416 Masonic Temple. n
WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room apart
ment close, in, .furnished or un
furnished. Phone 955.
JOB press warned. Phone . 15S7W.
tiAMNU mill my farm, i nut lot
buy a modern bungalow, ( er - T
rooms. Would like a little fruit, i
Send particulars to M B Journal
office.. - ' 1 '
WANTED To buy a cash register.
- Phone I860 or call 159 R. ITiirh I5 I
WANTED Onehors w ' c n a
nf b in good shape and
- f M . . Ui . V
cheap. Phone 60F3 after 6 -p. m,
WANTED To furnish you a 'nice.
new five, six or seven room bun
galow all ready to move in, or will
furnish you the material all ready
to put together to complete the
same. Can save you at least thirty
per cent oa purchase of material
ana construction. Have formed con
uemiuns wuu parties who are
aoumianuy able to supply the ma-.-terials
on short notice. Plans and
specifications all. furnished, free.
Come and. see me-at my residence,
629 North Winter street, -If ousy
during the day, come in the eve
ning. If married, bring your wife
.with you. Phone 1532J only be
tween -5 p. m.-and p. m. W. H.
Burghard Sr. . . - - ,
FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep
ins rooms, over garage, cheap, 170
S. 12th -St. - ' ien
FOR RENT Apartment and single
housekeeping rooms at The MH
ler. FOR RENT Furnished room in prl-
vaie mniuy. rnone 1669. j60
HOUSE for rent, 9 rooms and gar-
aen. 30 per month. Ill Chemeke
St. J59
Lost and Found
LOST On Commercial street between
btate and Bellevue streets, rubber
air pad. Finder please phone 231
or 39 for owner. 56
LObt' 2 bags, one with tools, the-
otner with chains. Reward. Phono
277- V k60
LOST by E. A. Morgan 1 SOxStt
Fisk tire attache dto rim, license
No. 37762 Ore. Notify Marion Au
to Co. q
LOST Ladies gold wrist watch on S.
Commercial, Myers and High Sts.
Sunday. Return to Journal office.
Reward. k59
LOST-r-Nickle plated auto crank near
Silverton. Address B. W. Peyree,
Macleay, Or.. k60
THE International Correspondence
school will have their local repre
sentative at the BUgh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad. to -glv the publlo information
regarding the schools and their
FOR plumbing and general repairing
can 17HIK. m58
ORDER your awnings from Dlllman,
Write 960 Highland ave. m74
WANTED 6 or 6 room modern bun
galow. $300 cash, balance monthly.
Box 666. Capital Journal. i
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
ana Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 784.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, S47 Court St.
QUICK SALE Improved 10 acres,
fine soil, buildings, fruit, best of wa
ter; stock, tools, furniture; 10 min
utes walk to Asylum ave. car, total
twenty minutes from business cen
ter. city. Fourth house east on V
St. from oitylniits at Park and D
Sts., white house north side D St
Apply there to owner, B. F. Keef.
er, Rt. 7, box 14. n63
151 acres; all choice river bottom
land, located on good graveled road
only 5 miles from Corvallis. The
owner's present income from this
farm is about $800 per month. Good
7 room house with basement, bath,
pressure water tank, etc. Big barn for
30 head cows and lots of hay. Other
buildings on the place are small ten
ant house, silo, hen house and other
outbuildings. With the farm go ,25
head of fine grade cows, 3 horses,
harness, wagon, mower, rake, disc,
buggy, bow and pigs, feed, seed, etc.
Everything goes and you can begin
taking in the entire proceeds from
the farm as soon as you make the
purchase. Price for all, $20,000. Half
cash, balance long time at 6 percent
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
4 acres 3 miles from Balem, paved
road, choice dark loam. $1500.
16 acres near Salem, 12 in cultiva
tion, good buildings, orchard; cows,
horse, fowls, feed, crop. Snap. $5000.
10 acres choice dark loam soil,
good house, other buildings; good
orchard; near school, good road. $4.
500, easy terms, or exchange for Sa
lem residence for part.
60 acres near Salem, good build
ings, water system, orchard good soil
for quick sale, $8500.
3 room cottage and sleeping porch
large lot, plenty- fruit. $860, easy
See us for good bargains.
Perrine & Marsters,
211-12 Com. club bldg. n
28 acres, about 9 acres beaverdam,
all under plow and 20 acres planted.
Modern 6 room house, garage, barn
and gas water system to buildings
on good road. Price $12,600
10 acres best suburban and Income
home, 3-4 mile from street car; 6
acres logans, last year's crop 26
tons; 1 strawberries, 1 family orch
ard, balance garden. Good house,
barn, etc. $10,000. ,
6 acres adjoining city; prunes, ap
ples and family orchard. Good house
barn and well water supply. $7500.
11 acres choice subdrban mostly In
bearing prunes; strictly modern 9
room house and high class Improve
ments, fine water system. $13,000.
40 acres choice Howell prairie
farm, 8 acres timber and pasture;
fronts on paved road; good building
throughout. Price $10,000.
6 acres 1 14 miles from street car,
fine prairie land, about 200 bearing
fruit trees; fine barn and large hop
house. $2500.
1(0 acres in Franklin county, Wn.,
all in wheat, Z miles to station. Will
trade for acreage near Salem.
Oregon Land Co.
442 State street
FOR SALE Or trade. 11 .acres, all
cultivated. goad family orchard,
fair buudiags. located 15 nuies
from &ueiu, will be on paved road
next year, and 1 mile from good
town -w.h stnud school.
9.iiin k
house, small barn, ch.cken house
located in good town on railroad,
U nl from Salem, un pav -
ing plant will locate one block of.
maM .h.r. h.n...iii .h- .. -
work: win mma.iW crd ru-
truck as part payment. Price "ll. -
200. Or will trade both nlaoes far
a farm and Day some difference nr
assume mortgage. Write box 117, i
! - Aumsville, . Or.
I FOR SALE Or trade"
on - Salem
-property, one acre In Fratum with
room modern house, barn, shop,
wood shed and hen house. E. J.
Welty, Pratum. Or.- Phone 110F12
. -. n62
ALE Two tracts cf losran
berry and prune land, oil SO acres
and one 40, near Sidney station,! 18 aCFe si miles -from -a good
9, E $100 per acre. J. O. Farr. .town on good road; all in cultivation,
' n6osootl fair ,18USt! nll od new
" , ... !...
garage, freshly tinted and painted
throughout; possession can e had
at once. On the market for a short
time. Frlee $1000.
7- room modern house on Salem
Heights, .two large lots, fine view,
on street car. line, furnace, fire
place, dutch Kitchen, and many
other built in features. An attract
ive home for $5000. Mrs. Winnie
Pettyjohn, 875 State street. Tel
615. n
Real Investments.
1200 acre stock ranch near Browns
vllie, including stock and equipment,
$24,000, terms.
Stook ranch consisting of 220 acres.
65 acres in cultivation and mostly
seeded. Good family orchard, spring
water piped to the house. Stock and
machinery all goes. Price $7700, good
200 acres at $5U per acre. Asses
sor says that it is worth more.
Homestead relinquishment $400.
20 acres, new buildings, sou no. 1:
clover hay made 4 tons to the acre.
WeJsnow that it is worth more than
the price, $2500.
Good house in Alt. Angel, good lo
cation. For Salem property.
6 room bungalow, u block from
car line. $2250, good terms; worth
$3000, ask adjoining owners.
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not Increase the price
and make the sale impossible
Jiates & Magee.
428' Oregon bids. Salem
Portland offioe, Chamber of Com.
Modern except furnace. ( large
rooms and sewing hall. Built In fea
tures. Bath, toilet, large closets, full
basement, electric lights. Large lot.
rnee $3250.
' 7 room bungalow type, full base
ment, furnace, Improved street, gar
age. A good buy. $5500.
- 7 room modern house, large lot, on
improved street, close in. $7500; good
terms. .
7 room house. Its a dandy, Just
overhauled, painted, and up to the
minute. Lot 100x140; some fruit, on
improved street. $3500 for quick sale.
Call In and see our farm list of
high class lands.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
Good Buys.
28 acre tract of first-class prune.
loganberry and strawberry soil, near
ly all cultivated,. A good . 8 room
house barn, well, locufed on main
rock road 5 miles from Sulom.
Price $5,000.
4.88 acre truct, two acres logan
berries, 314 acre strawberries, small
house, 4 miles south, good road;
price $2,650.
200 sere tract. 100 acres cultivated
balance timber and pnsture, running
creek, several thousand cords of
standing fir timber, located 6 mllee
from Salem on rook rod. Price $100
per ncre.
25 sores of fine prairie soil, all cul
tivated; small house house and good
barn, located on gravel road, seven
miles from Salem. Price $6,000.
10 acres of good bearing Italian
prunes, 7 and 9 years old, looated 4H
miles irom wniem. offered for a
short time at $5500.
70 acre truct looated on main grav
e road 13 miles from Salem, 40
acres cultivated, good fonces, run.
ning water, good six room house,
barn, hop house; 30 acres of 1, good
timber. Price $150 per acre.
10 acre tract located close to Sa
lem, all cultivated, good 6 room
house, barn, well, 1 acre loganberries.
Price $2500.
80 acre farm located 6 miles from
Salem, good buildings, nearly all cul
tivated, some timber, good road.
Price $16,600,
10 seres of good prune nfl berry
land, all cultivated. Price $1600.
10 acre tract, 8 acres loganberries,
8 room house and barn, 6M miles
out. Price $6600.
20 aero tract, T acres loganberries.
S acres of prunes, located on main
Pacific highway; small buildings. If
you are looking for a money maker,
Investigate this. Offered for a short
time at $7600.
6 roo mmodern bungalow located
at' 245 Lincoln street. Price $3600.
8 room modern bungalow located
at 1516 S. Commercial street. Price
8 room modern house, lot 60x200
feet, garage, paved street. Price $3,
75. 6 room plastered bungalow, good
location. Price $1600.
Modern1 S room house, good loca
tion, on main street. Price $5000.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
" 276 State street n
5 acres, 6 room house .full 2 story
good house; 1 acre prunes balanc
' under cultivation. Price $3,150; 4
blocks off car line. '
5 room house, bath; fruit, barn, good
eiiie lot on corner. Terms, $1,100.
8 room house 17th street close In;
electric Ills, bath, big lot, fire place,
cement walks, corner; easy terms.
Price $3,300. '
S room house 17th street ; electric
-. lights,' bath. 4590 mortgage pay
able $10 month. Some terms. Price
W. E. Compton.
469 State St. Phone 830 or 34F13
IF your property is worth the money,
we list It, we advertise it, Estes
tc Magee. Salem, 428 Oregon bldg..
Portland. 99 Chamber of Com. n75
They say "Optortunlty comes to ev
eryone at least once In a lifetime,"
and here- Is one for someone who
has $508 to $1000 to put Into a 21
acre tract of fine berry or -prune
hind. There is a proposition to be
had In connection with the pur
chase of this whereby yon can have
permanent income while you
grow your fruit. The sale pries of
this property is $22.10.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
418 Masonic Temple. Phone iai, n
Ax .
seres m Kaiser bottom; 16 acres
i,n,ma 1 J"ca acres mixed , prunes and apples; 12 acres
fann la",,: room house and
tenant house, water system in all
" T tlflV "i?a tor snort time only
a llJ1",85; ,. . ' .
- . re. close, to city liouts-of good
own,'. "'J'"1 'lt.vation., well fenced! But-crtU- nZtTZk, Ll .
hO tight, good barn, good black soil.1l "Met- Butterfat te. creamc.-y
At a- bargain. m -aish or will trade
'l IO ,oae r acreage.
t- H w . ivlnilea (ram city limits
M Paved road; small house, new
wo; a acres Cleared Dest or sol
for loganberries. $4200' terms.
S0 acres. 28 in prunes. $ loiranst
and - 4 apples - and cherries;, good 4 !
room house, barn and new dryer; oetliKht ueua SO f 32c; he.ivy hens gi-c;
01 tne best prune orchards in the
country. 12.a)0, terms.
t acres, IK miles from elty
tlmits on paved road; an m cultiva
tion and the best loganberry land.
! 2. 000.-terms.
...... 'Wll l "!' "U mCn.
go with the farm. $0.0 for all. in
cluding equipment, -terms.
8 aerea river bottom tend in Mis
sion bottom; 34 acres cleared balance
timber; 3 acres logans, 8 acres peach
es, family orchard; 2 small houses.
$6,500. terms.
10 room house, strlekly modern, on
paved street near the slate house.
$5,500. terms -
room house, good location jiesr
car line. 1,000.
6 room house, .water, lights and
bath, good lots, lots of fruit and
good garden. $1,800. terms,
41 State St.
ALLOWANCE made on your old tires
when turned in on Keaton's abso
lutely non-skid. Horton Tire and
Rim Co.. S3 7 Court St.
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re
finishlng. The Salem Refiniahing
Co. 156 S. 12th St, Phone 1673. m67
GENERAL automobile repairing,
magnetos repaired and recharged
Ford work a specialty; batteries re
charged. The Fairgrounds Garage.
M. D. Jackson. Prop. Phone 308.
FOR SALE Or exchange for cows,
good 1915 model Studubaker auto,
good running rder. 4 new tires.
Price $500. A dress Fred Ling, Rt.
6, box 49 B. q62
IF YOU want a good 6 passenger
touring car, in good condition, with
electric lights, extra1 tires, and In
good condition at a bargain, phone
2062W. Terms if desired.; -q59
Also upholstering
of all kinds, seat
covers.. Service, O
J. Hull. Y. M. C
Building, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come)
and see them. 22V state tit. t'none
Stove Repairing.'
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. SO
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sixes 28 to 68
inches high. Paints, oil and yarn-
hooka e8aiemKFencey and U mZ
Works. 250 Court street. Phone 121
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
' Any amount. Long time.
64 and 6 percent Interest.
City building loans
, A. C Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. (Full rcpuyment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 8 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg,
Salem, Or.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLWROptoms-trist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted
610-12 U. H. bank.' Phone 341.
WANTED Second hand furniture
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prlcet
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 286 N
ComJJt. Phone 947, '
long distance hauling. Office 446
Court St. Phone 998, night phone
679J. . 71
DBS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
pathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. H- bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr
White, res. phone 4A9: Dr. Marshall
r! phone8JM '
DR. JolIN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F5; offlct
phone 1394. 78
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd Rush Bank. Salem, Or
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 V. percent. 803 Salem Hank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Water Company.
e. Com 1 erclal and Trade Sts
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 57
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead an.
malt removed. Office phone Malr
Lodge Directory.
-v CHEMEKETA 1 dge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday ai
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kuntx
K. R. & H.
Oregon Graga camp No. 1360 meets
(very Thursday evening in McCor
nock hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs, Carrie E. Bunn, 848 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 73$ North
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
p. m. in t. O. O. V. hall. P. An
dresen, M, A. ; A. A. Oueffroy, see
retary, Balem, Or.
W. 6. W. BALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at I o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. P. Ross, C, C. : L. 8. fleer, clerk
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6346
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock in -McCornack building
Court and Llt.srty streets. H. O
Courscy, V. C.j Frank A. Turns?
Gfaar Wheat No.' 1 100; feed
foats 80S5e; mllUn oats S0S5c;
(cheat hay $lSff2Q; eat hav $2i2'!:
Ltav.,Jh ,,, f, ' '
1 butter, f7(FSc."
Pork, veal sad mnttoa: Pork on foct
15 Uc; veal fancy 24c: steers lis:
lambs llic; cows T9c; ewes 9c;
sheep, -yearlings 18 He. 1
Dresd pork. 21c. , ; : .
E-ggs and poultry: Eggs cash 3.1c;
r"vrs in tc; upaiu.'e 24c.
vegetables; Onions per pound 6c:
celery .dom, .$1.75 1 potatoes, .Yakima.
6c. Oregon S?s4c; sweet potatoes 8
beets jwrsack $2; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.15; parsnips
per saek $3.50; spinach 10c lb.; rsd
ishss 40o doz.
Fruit: "Oranges $8.00 ?.r0; lem-aas
$7 4? 7.50; bananas 11c; honey extraot
20c; bunch beets 45c; -cabbage f He;
head lettuce $1.26; carrots 45e; B rus
set! sprouts $1.25; cauliflower $2 dos;
reo peppers $60 lb; rhubarb 12 He;
peas 15o lb.
Retail price;,-Eggs dozen 38c:
creamery butter 73 75c; country but
ter 68c; flour, hard wheat $3.26 0 3.4
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Murch 8. Cattle sttmly;
receipts none; grain and pulp fed
steei-s '$11.600 11.75; choice $11, tOj
11.60; good to-choice $10.00 11,00;
medium to good $.00f 10.00; fair to
medium $7,504(8.60; common to fair
$.P07.60; choice cows and heifers
$9.00$ 10.00; good, to choice $$.eo
9.00; medium to good $8.607.S0;
fair to medium $B.606.50; oanners
$3.005.60; bulls $5.0007.50; prime
light ealves $15.501T.OO; medium
light i$19.0015.50; heavy $7.00
10.00; stockers and feeders $7,600
8.60. .
Hogs firmer; receipts none; prime
mixed $15.E016.25; medium $16.60
16.79; rough heavy $11.0016.25;
pigs 118 16.
Sheep steady; receipts -nonejeastem
lambs $17.00 18.00; light Valley $18
17.00; heavy $14.60 15. 60; feeder
lambs $121B; yearlings $15018.60;
wether tlS13.C0; ewes $10911.
Portland, Or., March 9. Cubes ex-
tra 62c; parchment wrapped box tots
65c; cartons 660; half boxes He more
less than boxes lo more: butterfat
465c fob station; 69c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., March. -Eggs sell
ing price case count !49e; buying pries
case count 35o; buying price, 44c;
selling price, candled 48c; eoleetod
candled in cartons 46c.
Poultryt Hons 80 f34o; broiler IS
940o: roosters 80c; 'turkeys dressed
49060c: geese I0L26c; ducks 15 40.
Wheat and Mill Stnffs.
Wheat: $3.20; barley, 172;
$59.00 bid; corn No. 8 yellow $59. 6
bid. - -.
' Hsy: Buying pries, valley tlmoth.
$30028; alfalfa $31.60; grain li
? oat. and .tch
Mtllstuffa: Prices f.o.b. mill, eltf
artass 12 extra. Mill run, car lots o '
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $71
rolled oats 168.60; ground barley $78
srrstoh feed $80. . . .
Corn whole $66; cracked' $88.
Real Estate Transfers
Portland Trust company of
Oregon .'to John V Wehrunv
150.77 A. I) L C Louis Aus
san In 6H 2W ..,
James D Wright and 'Verbid
Wright to Peter Becker and
Theresa Becker, It 12-13 D
I,. Remington add Woorlbnrn $1600
John J Fltspatrick to Joseph
Ebcrle and Christina Ebsile
pit SW cor sec l.dn 4H..1W
Sam Koser and Elizabeth Koser
to Herman L Lutz .and Mar
garet Luts 5 A sec 5 In 7H
Louis J Wolfard and Maude
Wolfnrd to A 8 Booth and
Olga Booth, prt l U C J.ims .
Hrown In -68 1W . -
Phillip Stum and Salomu
Htortz, Samuel and Emma
'Starts' to Daniel Dylsntter
and Mabel Dylsetter, 49.90 A
see 32 in 63 1W 1 1,000
C V TieGuIrn and Julln E Flo
flulre to John Ludoveuwo,
It 8 end HE of It 3 Silverton
W W Hull and Clura Hall to
William J Onrgnier. It 16
bl 1 Ben Hall's add Wood
' ' burn :
Laura E Holmes to William
Wnrenler. U 3 bl 1 Ben
Hall's add Woodburn
A N Gilbert and Estelte Oil-
bert, I L Patterson and
Mary Patterson to J H Gal
lagher, bis 25 and 26 North
Salem , ......
Alvin Williams, Samuel and i
Anna Williams to Frank 1
Newton, 242.27 A . In 48
1 W ....1,00
L F Brown-anil Maggie Brown
to Michael Becker and Mary
Becker, prt It 7, bl 16
Ellen Feedt to Untile Slith
and A li Stlth, It 2 bl 22 Sa
lem Volney Phillips and La Verne
Phillips U) F B Follister, It
4 bl 1 Brown's add Silver
ton : ..
Henry Ambler and Georgians
Ambler to Lacy A Lick,
A sec 24 8 3W 2.5
Albln Kckhout and Frank
.Eckhout to David A McKee
and Harriett McKee. It 6 hi
3 Woodburn Packing Co
add 1600