Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 09, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    fAGcl SIX.
In a game rounding out the Inter
collegiate basketball season In Salem
fur the year local fans are going to
have the opportunity to see Cole, the
sensational Lincoln high school guard
who made such a brilliant record iu
the recent hlKh school tournament
here, In action ones more when the
Willamette Bearcats, and Multnomah
club, of Portland, clasn on the arm
ory floor Wednesday evening.
Considerable interest Is being
shown In the prospect of seeing the
hiKh school star In action In faster
company, and the game Wednesday
will give a good line on what he real
ly can do. To stand out as a star with
his team mates. Cole will have to be
on his toes every minute, for the club
quintet has gone through the season
without a defeat.
In their first game Willamette went
down to defeat before the club men
by a margin of one point alter bat
tling them to a stand still through
two halves and an extra five minute
period, and the Bearcats are planning
i-mvpiiva ir II la In he hnit
Coach Mathews has made no defi
nite announcement of the men that
he will use In the game, but intimates
it Is likely that the lineup will be
the mine ns in the games with lilnho
here. The two weeks of enforced rest
since the Idaho games should have
si big effect In removing the stateness
which the bearcats demonstrated
then. In the opinion of the coach, and
he Ik looking for them to give the vis
itors a hard scrap.
Coach Ilurgiss, of O. A. C, who of
ficiated in the Lincoln-Salem high
school champlonhlp contest here Sat
mil'iy afternoon, will referee. Wed
nesday's game.
c.itri:NTii:n marrikd.
1'iii-Ih, Mar. 9. Georges Carpentler.
heavyweight boxing champion' of Eur
ope, was married to Mudumolmlp
(ieoruotta Ltiiii-entla KIkiissc nt the cllv
hull today. Tile rellKlous ceremony will
lm celebrated at a Purls church to
morrow. Tho civil marriage occurred
ome hours before the time originally
set, In order to avoid crowds.
j ber of the all Pacific coast team last
' year.
I lurno scored 19 points of the to
ftat number of 431 made by the lemon
j yellow five this season.
j also in bad faith to the adoption of the and which is earnestly held in many
, .,,6c lu all:u lur, appea.ea quarterg ,,, EyerJ. imperialistic
1 for support in a concerted aland . . .. . ...
(Continued from page one)
Itcgtna, Rank., Mar. 9. Bert Whal
ing, catcher for Ihe Boston Braves
In the national lengue In 1913, 1914
mid 11115, has been signed by the
Ki-Kln.i baseball club for the coming
Silverton Boy To
Lead Oregon Five
Hukciip, Mar. I), Kddle Dm-no of
Hilverton, midget forward on the
varsity basketball quintet and ono of
tin' smallest players In the confer
ences, was elected captain of tho
Oregon basketball team forjhe 1921
season fit a meeting Thursday after
noon. lMinin was one of the main
slays on the varsity five this yenr
nun is rated u one of the fastest for
wards in the conference, by sport au
thorities. He was selected as a mem-
purpose for which they fought.
"I think we can dismiss from our
minds the idea that It la necessary to
stipulate In connection with article 10
the constitutional methods we should
use in fulfilling our obligations under
ii. we gain not hiss- bv meh at In,, l..
tion and secure ribthina- not nlrearfv ...
cured. It was understood as a matter
of course at the conference In Paris
that whatever obligations any govern
ment assumed or whatever duties It
undertook under the treaty would
have to be fulfilled bv It naiml unA
established constitutional methods of
"Once or twice In meetlno. f ,
conference, when the treaty was un
der consideration 'reserve iim'
made to that effect by the representa
tives or individual. powers and these
'reservations' were Invariably received
in the way In which men who have
niet for business and not for tal
ways receive acts of scruplous super
erogationlistened to With Inrllfi r
silence as such men listen to what is a
matter of course and was not neces
sary to say.
Reservations Are Hit.
"There can be no nhwti,.n t -
plaining again what nun pntiailiiiiiih.. i
methods are and that'
can declare war or determine .i...
cause or Occasions for war --.I kn ..
..... uiiu mill n
alone can authorize th ... .u-
"W UO- Ul 1. 1 1 1
armed forces of the United States on
.m or on me sea. But to make such
a declaration wouM
work of supererogntibn.
"I am sorry to say reservations thai
nave come under mv iw.ti ..
without exception, not Interpretations
of the articles to which It is proposed
nT.iii, m Dut ln e"eet v'"-tual
nullificallons of articles.
"Any reservations which seek to de
prive the league of nations of one
force of article ten cuts at the very
heart and life of the covenant itself
...... ..ukub or nations which iin.. .
guarantee as a matter of Incontestab
right the political Independence and
... r,.. or eacn of its members might
llu hue.lln ........ .i CT
"n a futile scrap of
Paper, ns Ineffective in operation as the
-...e.u oetween Belgium and Ger-
u 7 T" " tno 0e''"s violated in
1HH. Article ten i-i,..,. ...
"vtua lilt) rt?-
nunc tatlon by Oreat Britain and Japan
. ww hlld bl,K"' to
. HI 11 a iv 111Te...ulu l .. .
" luinnion in
against the aggressions and pretensions
of Germany. If we were to reject ar
ticle ten or so to weaken It as to take
Its full force out of It, It would mark
us as desiring to return to the old
world of Jealous rivalry and misunder
standings from which our gallant sol
diers have rescued us. and would leave
use without any vision or new concep
ts of justice and peace. We would
have learned no lesson from the war
but gained only the regret that It had
Involved us in its maelstrom of suffer
ing. If America has awakened, as the
rest of the world has. to the viainn tt
a new day In which the mistakes of I
fluence in Europe was hostile to the
emooaiment of article 19 in the cove
nant and its defeat now weuld make
complete consummation of their ef
forts to nullify the treaty. I hold the
doctrine of article 10 to be the esses
of Americanism. We cannot renuli-
ate it or weaken it without repudiat
ing our own principles.
Sees Imperialistic Hand.
"The Imperialist wants no league of
nations, but If. in resoonse to the mil.
vera! cry of the masses everywhere,
there is to be one. he is Interested to
secure one suited to his own nnrnnae
one that will permit him to continue
me nisionc game of pawns and peo-
nlM .u. . ... - .
,t . . . me jugsung or provinces,
the past are to be corrected It n-in i x u . . ..
m . uauuves or power, ana tne in-
17' P?un'tV 8hare the rVltab,e w attendant upon these
sponsibilitles of article 19. things. The ,vr.
Article la Protective".
It must not be foreotten
that this article, constitutes a .-,, '
elation of wrong ambition on the part
oi powerrui nations with whom we
were associated rinWno- .v.- .. ,
,.B i .. -ai. JL l is
by no means certain that wlthn.n- tifi.
article any such reunuciation will take
place. Militaristic ambitions and im
perialistic policies are by no means
dead even in the counsels of the na
tions whom we most tiust and with
whom we mostdesire to be associated
in the tasks of peace. Throughout the
eions oi tne conference in Paris It
was evident that a mllitari.ti,.
under the most Influential leadership!
" awning 10 gain ascendancy in the
councils of France. They were defeat
ed then, but are in control now. The
chief arguments advanced in Paris in
support of the Italian claims on the
Adriatic were stragetic arguments, that
is to say, military arguments, whiea
had at their back the thought nt .,.,..
supremacy In that sea. Pn- m !.,
part, I am as intolerant or im,riii.
tic designs on the part of other nations
as i was of such designs on the part
ui jermany. . , ,
"The choice is between two Ideals
On the one hand th irfo-i j '
racy which represents the rights of
free peoples everywhere to govern
ineniseives, and on the other hand. th
Ideal of imiierinllam n-kink
dominate by force and unjust power
an Ideal which is by no means dead
would perpetuate the old order rwi
anyone really want to see the old game
Played again?' Can anv one reillv
venture to take part in reviving the old
muw' me enemies of a league-of
nations have bv- everv true (ntiiK-
centered their efforts against article
i, lor It is undoubtedly the founHnri ...
of the whole structure. It is the bul
wark, and the onlv bulwark- nt kA
rising-democracy of the world against
me iorces of Imperialism and reaction.
"Either We' ahnnM anta kA 1 ., , .
fearlessly, accepting the responsibility
and not fearing the role of leadership
which we now enjoy, contributing our
efforts toward establishing a just and
permanent peace, or we should retire
as gracefully as possible from the treat
concert of powers by which world was
saved For my part, I am willing to
trust to the counsel of diplomats the
working out of any salvation of the
world from things which it has suf
fered. Cannot Be Graduated.
"I believe that when the full signifi
cance of this great question has been
generally comprehended obstacles will
seem insignificant before the oppor
tunity, a great and glorious opportun
ity to contribute our overwhelming
moral and material force to the estab
lishment of an international regime In
which our own Ideals of justice and
right mav be made to Drevnil and th
nations of the world be allowed a
peaceful development under
oraer and safety hitherto lmnn.d
"Ineed not say that I have given a
the Pacific; bv Franco.- i... t...... ,
all the great fighting powers' of lh.
ol me out pretensions of polltl
nal conquest and territorial aggrandise
. J. 18 a n,"w doctrine in the
i.unu 3 unatrs anil miwt i. . . ,
,. ......... i T-uuuiseu
or there iH no secure i.ui. p..- n...,.i. .... .. peace
.... .. ..,B woi-m so longingly desires
..... . uesperateiy needs. If article 10
Is not adopted und
cn.nients which reject It will, I think"
'!k :!d..' ' People
" ""'uceu to make the infi
nite sacrifices of iho i... .u ..., would be tiZZZ
's.ess.on. They ., be notJnR
Baby Slmnitec!
Because of Eczema!
J-hn M. ShoutiiiK, 01 Mala St, UutcwUr
iilxut, witlett
"My Iwl'jr bnf contrartn! wrrrrm cane
VrKi'i'm which cover.-d hU uA
licit d. ,
tir't'11 iMK'Utioe h looked 10 twrlhle,
I prK artttlUitllfl of I). 1). D. In tit In
crviibly iliort tim my boy wtu cun,d.
' Thnuundi of ktlort from rmtoful owrt of
I 1, I). iniv ttn woudfrful ri'iulii iu hfrtliuic
tofturiitif ikmdiftw. Tlie very tlrtt mpplica
turn bllaii the IUhiuff and burn Inc. Why not
Uv n Uitllti at oiico and be convinevdr Your
Uknybu(H if th Ant bo tile dori not brine
toU;f, Iftr, 0o &n J Si 00. Try D.D.U. Soo, loo.
m lotion for Shin Disease
J. 0. Perry, druggist.
Druggists Recommend
For many yearn iii-ium-iui., i.
watehed With much Interest the ro- record maltitnineiV by )r
.Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney, liver ami bladder medicine.
It is a physician's prescription.
Sivatiip-Itoot is a strengthening
medicine. It helus
, . . , , " .Ti iivri
ami uiauuer ao the work nature in
n-mien mey should do.
Swnmp-Ktiot has stood, the test of
years. It is sold By all druggists on its
merit and it should help you. No oth
er kidney medicine has so many
He sure to get Swnmri-Hnnt ,!
;diut treatment at once.
However, If you wish flrat In to.t
this great preparation .send ten cents
10 turner & Uo.. Binghamton, N.
t., tor a sample bottle. When writ
ing be sure and mention ik' hi
Capital Journal. (Adv)
Chapped Hands?
Turpo, the OnlV Tllrnontln !
ment, will fix It. After washing hands
rub In Turno befn ra rlnvlnn nr..
what a difference! Try it.
Ask for free samnlft. P,-rv'
in New York City alona from kid
ney trouble last ysar. Don't allow
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
against this trouble by taking
The WOrldS afant.r 9m..A l- I.I j
u . wu IJ. I U I J P V,
livsr, bladdtr and uric acid troubles.
Holland's national r.mody tinct 1656.
All druggists, threa siiaa. n,,0r... i
lok for th. w Cold MW.I M TWT
aa. WW laaiuOoa
Ford Sedan
In first class condition
.1919 Maxwell
Overhauled A fine buy
1916 Chevrolet
Price on this car exceptionally
low -
1917 Maxwell
New tires, repainted and over
hauled, looks like new
Ford Truck
2-ton attachment, tires in splen
did condition.
Suitable terms on above cars
For Stomach Agony
Ask Your Druggist About Mi
0-lNa. It (iives Relief in five
Tour druggist will tell vou that
.Ml-O-Na Is guaranteed to relieve
quickly and safely, upset stomach
and indigestion, or your money will
oe refunded.
Have you gas on stomach?
One Mi-O-Xa Tablet- and the mis
ery is ended.
Are you bilious, dizzy or nervous?
Mi-O-Xa will heln to nut von rliht
,in a aay; gives relief in five minutes
Now.dear reader, don't bo on snf.
fering with stomach trouble. Be fair
to yourself; throw aside preiudice
and try Ml-O-Na. .
.And money back If you don't say
Ml-O-Na is worth its weight in cold.
Sold by leading druggists everywhere
and by Daniel J. Fry.
greai deal Of thought to the whole
matter of reservations proposed In con
necuon wun me ratification nf th.
treaty which contains the covenant oi
the league of nations
struck by the fact that nractir-aiw 1.
ery so-called reservation was in effect
a rather sweeping nullification of the
terms of the treaty. I hear of reser
vatlonists and mild reservations, but I
cannot understand the difference be
tween a nulllfier and a mild nullifier
Our responsibility as a nation in this
turning point of historv la an .
whelming one .and if I hart th. "
... "HC"1 -
lunuy x wouia peg everyone concerned
to consider the matter in the light of
what It is possible t nv.n.u.L
- - vwuijiiwn ii ir
humanity rather than in the light of
special national interests.
If I hava been trulv tnfni-n..j
. . - . ..... vi V.U 11 -
cerning the desire of some of your col
leagues to know my views. I would be
very glad if you would show this letter
iu mem,
"Cordially and sincerely yours,
Ends Catarrh or money back. Just
breathe it in. Outfit including inhaler
1,15. Extra bottles 60c. All Druggists,
The mention of the
one brings the thought
of the other to all
who have used this
great remedy for
And they are'always
pleasant thoughts.
for Anti-Uric never
disappoints in cases
of rheumatism.
Communicate with
Mr. Valentine Pink,
1323 Stockton street,
San Francisco, and ask
him his experience -With
Anti-Uric is for sale
at Perry's Drug Store.
The first thins- -p.. .7
"and, on a com or ZT
t the pal. Then S ' '"
or callus and Jitt.r
1 1 0ehi-lr I
I I "iii f
I I riaii. 1 1st Ctraa J
Soon, It is
You help It lust a i .r'..?"
Off 'twixt thumb ..r?. Btt
don't even fee. I K":"'!8'' '
hurt left in it. UmZ
the cleanest, surest, safest ,d a!
most pleasant method.
Gets-It," the never fnu. -
anteed money back
costs but a trifle at any drugZ
MT1 by E. Lawrences Co., ml
, Sold in Salem and
as the world's best corn remedy w
J- C Perry, U. J. Fry, Capital d
store, Wm. Neimeyer, Frank 8. Wart
v-iystai urug store. (am
n. i
Mary Pickford
Larry Semon Comedy '
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street. t
M tlitiU
Revolutionary Europe"
A Lecture by
Thursday -emg.
Salem. Lyceum Course
Ilawley Plays "Smiles" Ml
J r
o c o o o r
Women's Footwear of
Style and Quality
Art and skill combined
have achieved models in
evening and daytime pump
of unusual distinction and
Friday Evening, 8:15 p. m.
I If w
Southern ties, artistically smart, black
kid, Havana brown kid and patent
leather. New, striking, beautiful A
trim ribbon bow at instep, high tongue,
long tapering toe, arid perfect f'dH
. ' . and moderately priced at
Buster Brown Shoe Store.
125 N. Commercial SL