Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 09, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    jSDAY, MARCH 9, 192a
Australia. March 9. Aug
i . uv.r tn Yi fi nnn
wlia's e''aim 10 le 6 .
(h i UUvil -
. s defended by Sir Joseph
Coot, p ce conference, in
4elee:. ,wh here. Commenting!
'attitude of a 'section of the
S'ates senate toward , the,
VgZJSJ? making objection Ao
, - X in the league's charter. The
Son is political f rom . first to
fft believe that when" the presi-
........ !. nvor nil obiection
n.nd" On the question of Aus-j
''" -presentation in the council of,
SfcSue. Sir Joseph said: :
-The Americans led by Senator;
,J say thut the .British Empire
dlld have only one vote. Senator
w py obJects 10 tha Empire
St ve or six times the voting
r of the United States. It is not
; fair statement. All the other states
in America have one vote."
sir Joseph enumerated under this
Ud Bolivia. Brazil. Cuba. Ecuador,
Guatemala, Honduras. Liberia, Haiti.
Vicarasua, Panama. Peru and Uru
' and pointed out that the popu
Utkm of these countries were largely
Indian or negro. "The South Ameri
ca states," he continued, 'have 12
totes. How do the British Domln
stand? New Zealand, Canada,
Australia, South Africa, India each
k... nnlv one vote.
"Australia's sacrifices in the war
in nun Head were greater - than
America's, and all died in an effort
t iMokit America safe. America was
fur three or four years out of the war
while Australia was helping to keep
W free.
"It has been said thnt there is no
force by which to carry out the treaty.
There is the force in the background
ind other things the penalty of
ostracism and the "Boycott. No na
tion, unless it can conquer the world
can Ignore these penalties of ostra
cism and the boycott. No nation
unless it can conquer the world, can
ignore these penalties."
returned irom Schnectadv, N. T.
accept work at Corvallis at O. A. C
Moth Mr. and Mrs. McMillen am grad
uates of O. A. C.
The next meeting of the HayesvlUe
Mision Circle will be Wednesday. lu,
10, from 2.3 to 4 o'clock. This mock
ing will be at the Madison Haiber.
home. These are delightful m-e.k.-i
ana everyDody is welcome to -omo
Farmers here say that ground is i
fine condition for plowing and o.a..
strawberry farmers here are alreadi
re-setting strawbery plants although
this work Is generally done In Ma
instead of March. Farmers claim iha
;he severe f reeling in December Uas
mellowed the ground to an unusual
Bethel. Or. Mar. S. Miss Kate
Brinkley and Leona Jones ha jus1
Girl Hikers Haave
Many Adventures
On Long Journey
"We'll walk. swim.
Quincy, 111, Mar. . Word was re
ceived here today of the arrest in Den
ver of Samuel Darr, nationally known
i as fire bug on an old charge of ar-
anvwav to iret' son- He ws arrested here nine years
there." sang the trio of girls who de- " on t,,e cna- 'n h
., - , .otners .one oi wnom aamiued tne ex-
parted from Salem, Sunday mormng.; lstence of , ..natlonal arson aynmcaU;..
en route to "somewhere." including organise for the purpose of beating
the famous Mason-Dixon line. I insurance companies.
The Misses Freddie and Micky Fin-' . t ,, Hu,, v,. ,
.2L"d B"ly Norrls accompanied by the class of Salem citisens who be
Chief Seymour. Boston terrier and Uevs it is far more honorable for
gentleman, made up the little party Salem to build a modera hospital
that passed here Saturday night. The now. lf we do not give th time
g.rls are "touring" the good old Unl- j ,., ... .
U?i St.ateLa"K,tWh"' 'v4" "0t that Salem will ever have a hospital.
Claim tn hA "htlf&u'. n I ,Ua.. .
viiij. mrjr n a- Vfthodtf in coins to sriv S.itam a hiw.
claim to be "hikers'
verse several hundred of miles eaoh
month on "shank's pontes."
pital and should some order or sect
build one, with Salem citisen's money
... j . . ,. . . - line, viui vmmrn s iMuiiry.
.f! ".Ki would belong to that sect and not
- wU IStOJl lUflUB IU
Claxter, Or. Mar. 8. The Bium
Crcste quintet in the recent basket
ball game with Keizer school consisted
of the following lads: Sciu f fr; Shep
herd, Bevkm-r and Oirotl iirothers.
The iJuena C: esters are exout 'piny
era and the same was their in U ri
st-ir. ti, finish. This game Itkp its pie
(lessors drt.v' a lurge crowd unci
precia'.ive. The lads on both s.Ops ac
quitting th"i!iselves with credit.
William Rickman hiiviny, inil';t-
id l.'ii I'curse at the tract jr sh-jcl has
rttun ed to his farm hero where iii- is
busy with pn.-parail.iiis for big Mini
mer's work.
Evefott Brown has recovered' from
ms recent u'ness ana;. ;s hi to- ru-
sume t,is work at the Sa'aw ..Jligh
Mrs. 3J:'iiU Buker ami hoih nuvt: ti-
turnert to their Claxter co'.'.unw ;ir the
summer. liiokins faiiiil:
ihimi hoveral mont'is in u'"-'r-fii.
"In. Hunger meml-ers of il-i- fu i
are in:. sU-d in Ks-iz.ur trc'.ooi.
n'lihii-al club work ;s iifc'uil
tiU.i; iho attention of K-u. t - u ;us
Tr.o rjji ng club orgarii.ioa tiiery la.w
c::icersd by the following ia-
': ; r;i , li nt, Viola Mettle' lice
f'..unt. (le,-trude Banks: :i .-:a.
"-' bathes; advij.-, .Mis. A.u
"ndgren .Myers.
ilr. and .Mrs. Fred O. McMillen and
too were recent guests of E. M. Ballay
d family. Mrs. McMillen was Miss
MzaU-th Uetiney of ' Hayesville and
return here is a source of much
""ure to her friends. Mr. McMillen
It 3 I if Hp ChWArm
W m,sV . viIIIUl VII
. Needed Mothers Care '
My stomach suffering was so se
re that I could not have lasted
ucn longer. I did not care so much
w myself but did not want to leave
mv three little children who needed
mother's love and care. A cousin in
wuiornl! wrote me about Mayr's
" 1 "C"U1 "emeay and I took a
wurseof It. I have since been entire-
e'li It is a simule. harmless nren
"Won that removes the catarrhal
' , u rron the intestinal tract and
an the inflammation which causes
Practically all stomach, liver and in
testlnal jmt. ......j,-. .,
,.. ""', uiuiuuing appenni
' ?ne "se wll convince or money
Wunded. J. c. Perry, D. J. Fry. and
- v,v.Jnllp,Bj IAUVI
Tried PyrcirJd
for Piles?
" "'i-'."' I " Frrr Tmi.
uau tared 1 rat
B r0aa.
kTdV.0U ,ri,ed p"m'dT If not.
Iwt you? Tb trial la free-:
Bl' coupon below and the
U1 1.. .'' wenierfel. Vm
smrelj Agree After 1-rtol.
siSrTT. mAz' "- Others are
''f 35is rwn,d p" Treatments
uo. 'lirw why not youT Mall
,r-T dr,IT ?r S box from
obsii.,.,!8"' anywhere. Take B
"""b Mro POWANT.
tlWhT " BU)t" "", e.
W'1M. . rn -Ie
nMatatt.ia auis irraiifMr.
to the citisens of Salem and every
returned irom Biavion wnere th-,v ti.- tpihumm aM .
- - - - nw J'-'J WfiV. i ' Uit . :.. f i .,
oeen visiting with Mrs. Jones, fornvUy recently been Joined by Miss Norris, w - .v
miss nope urtnKiey. whose home Is in Bremerton.
The school has been closed for the! The girls claim that this is the
the teacher, Miss Ethel Samnous. ."a.tlaest way of living and In their
Mr.-and Mrs. - C. A. Nichols t.. .K-trim walking costumes presented the
supper with Miss Avis Willians of Sa- Proverbial picture of health with hap-
lem. Friday, March 4. j ptnesa in addlton. In a happy go
The neighbors have been dis:io--init! ,ucky manner, they describe their
niemou or travel ana now, when the
3t their potatoes ince the prue has
raised to four cents.
Mrs. SundbOrg, who has oeen i.i b-d
for the past 4 months is improving
fast. She sits up a part of the -lay
Mi.s Lucille Wolfe of Salem and Mr.
Hary Young of Oregon City nem .-Is-
ttlng at the home of Mr. and Sirs.
J. M. Nichols Sunday, March T
Political Pot
Elwood Washington, of Hammond,
Indiana, wants to be the republican
candidate for vice-president of the Un
ited States Rather he does not want to
be, according to the card accompany
ing hi s request for a place on the Ore
gon primary ballot, but has simply
yielded to the pressure of his friends
and is permitting his name to go bb
fore the people as a candidate.
This is "probably the first instance
where a member of the Washington
family has allowed his name to go
before a national political convention
since our first president," his candid
ate's card also assure the voter.
Samuel E. Adams of Chicago, pub
lisher of the American Fruit Grower,
also has vice-presidential ambitions
on the same side of the political fence
as occupied by Mr. Washington. His
request for a place on the Oregon re
publican ballot, received by the sec
retary of state's office today, however,
was not in proper form and is being
returned for correction before accept
Oregon citizens with political - bees
buzzing In their bonnets today filed
nominating petitions with Sam A. Ko
zer deputy secretary of state as fol
lows: Arthur Howard Marsh, Looking
Glass, Oregon, candidate for repub
tlon nomination for representative for
the fourth representative district.
Richard W; Montague, Portlahd,
candidate for delegate to the national
democratic convention from the state
at large.., . . v . ;
Hamilton Johnstone, Portland, can
didate for delegate to the national re
publican convention from the third
congresls'iial district.
remittance arrives from home they
celebrate by purchasing a few hun
dred miles worth of railway tickets.
Adventure meets the girls at every
turn of tho road. There are annoying
experiences with would be "lady kill
ers," encounters with suspicious civil
authorities and thrilling happenings
when the trio attempts to steal a ride
on a fright. At Nampaa, Idaho, the
party suffered durance vile in the city
bastile when they crossed the trail of
the "constabule..' later being released.
Upon departing from Salem, Sun
day morning, the girls announced
their determination to make Albany
by noon, providing that there were
any kindly motorists on the road.
Sir Oliver Lodge has had to warn
his hearers against "fake voices" from
the "spirit world. Do not take ev
erything for gospel simply because it
comes through by an unusual meth
od," he says. "Be on your guard
against that. Maybe you are tapping
your own dream stratum."
Good Health for You
Dr. Carter's K.&B.Tea
Costs but Little and You Can Hake a
' Whole Lot from One Package
More people are drinking Dr. Cirter't
K. & B. Tea than ever before, bccaiue
they hive found out that for liver.itomach
and bowels and to purify the blood there
ii nothing surer, saier or better. The little
toll fust love it.
Daniel J. Fry
Yellow Mustard
For Rheumatism
A good hot mustard plaster or poul-
eice ia pretty sure to overcome most
rheumatio pains,
and even sciat
ica and gout but
it's a mussy af
fair and general
ly blisters. t
Heat is . abso
lutely necessary
if you want per
manent r e lief.
Begy's M ustar
i n e, made of
true yellow mus
tard with- other
pain relieving in
gredlents added
is just as hot, Is
cheaper, cleaner
and more effec-,
live than the old.:
fashioned poultice Or plaster ami can
not blister. ,
Besides rheumatic pains and swell
lngs Begy's MUBtarlne Is speedily ef
fective for lumbago, backache, neuri
tls, pleurisy, bronchitis, sore throat
chest colds and all aches and pains
because heat ease pain 30 and 6(1
60 cents at druggists or My mall, S. C
Wells & Co., LeRoy, N. V.
' 111
Stock Reducing
167 North Commercial Street
Look for the big Electric Sign
Giving Greater Values for Less Money: Profit Not Consid
ered. Shoes Must Go. We Must Have the Money. You Get
the Profit.
Boys Sizes lto6
Lots 807-808 Brown Calf Eng. tfr nr
Men's Fine Dress Shoes
Lot 718 Men's Brown Russian Calf with
, tan calf tops, English lace, (PI O 70
easilv S14.00 tpA-ile I. V
Lots 717-720 Brown Calf Eng
lish lace, value $9.00
Lots 722-0722 Brown Calf Qfi
Blucher round toe, value $8.50 tpUatU
Lot 704 Black Kid, broad toe, &( OA
-; comfort shoe, worth $9.00 pU.tlJ
Lots 0702-0700 Black Kid, round toe, Bluch
er, Kid lined, Goodyear welt, ?Q OA
value 110.00 - PUUV
Lot 728 "Brennan" Velour Calf, English
lace, a dressy young men's black shoe,
worth $9.50 - 7-60
Lot 732 A "Brennan" similar shoe, round
toe 7'40
Lots 741-744-Gun Metal Blucher, round
toe, easily worth $8.50 to $9.00.....-. $6.20
"Lots .""730-739 Gun Metal English, lace,
leather and Neolin soles, value $7.50, Ij.40
lish or round toe, value $6.50....
Lot 817 Gun Metal English
Lace, value $6.00
Lot 832 Brown Army Jr. Bluch- 1 r
er, value $5.50 HcLO
Lots 813-818 Gun Metal Blucher and But
ton, round toes, value
$6.00 -
Lot 831 Heavy black grain
Blucher, value $5.00
Lot 834 Brown Grain Blucher, -value
$4.60 $3.65
Lot 841 Black or Brown Elk Bals, value
$3.50 $2.19
Lots 866-863 Gun Metal Blucher and but
' ton, round toes, value $4.50.... $3.60
Lot 867 Gun Metal English Lace, value
$5.00 $4.30
Lot 811 Brown Calf Blucher, round toe,
value $3.00 : $4.20
Lot 834 Brown Grain Blucher, round toe,
value $4.25 $3.35
Lot 360 Brown Grain Bals, sizes 12 to 2,
value $3.50 $2.90
Lot 877 Brown Army Blucher, 12 to 2,
value $3.00 ....$3.80
ti .l- 41,. ntaro r vou may not gel such high qualities for anywhere near such prices.
Don't mistake the place or you may lj .. i,:u. .r!ui ,.. j
Tk Rrnnanw "Union aiade snoe is una;jiuw.H ... ...v .Si. nu
The Brennan unum , npvleet ih onnortun itv .
they compare very lavorauij m " : rr
Men's Heavy Work Shoes
Lots 755-756-Heavy Brown Blucher, value
$7.00 - - &-4U
Lot 724-Brown Army Style Blucher, value
$7.00 " J'bU
Lot' 767 Black Extra Wide Blucher, welt,
value $8.00 - - 6'zu
Plenty of other Work hoes of best wearing
qualities at very reasonauie
Gifts to Women
Jiffy-Jell Users Need Them and are Welcome. See Below
Jiffy-Jell nsiie with Sun-Maid Rs'sins ft
None Such Mince Meat.- Made with
Style C Mold Pint Slie.
3alf a Pineapple
Crushed to Flavor One Jiffy-Jell Dessert
Here is one example of the wealth of fruit
in Jifi'y-Jell desserts.
W't crush pineapples in Hawaii fruit too
ripe to ship. The juice of half a fruit is con
densed and sealed in a vial to flavor one pint
Yet the whole dessert costs but a few cents,
ready at your call.
So with eight rich fruits which come in Tiffy
Jell. All arc made from crushed fruit, ail are
abundant. All come in liquid form, condensed
and sealed in glass a bottle in each package.
. Real-fruit flavors in bottles
" Mark this Jiffy-Jell distinction. Note how it
differs from old-style quick gelatine desserts.
Jiffy-Jell alone has these bottled fuit-juice
Jiffy-Tell desserts are fruit-made dainties,
rich in fruit. The fruit tastr. is not mere flavor
and not artificial.
People need fruit daily. Now, when fruit 5
costly, this is an ideal way to serve it.
Complete desserts
Jiffy-Jell conies ready-sweetened.. It Is acid
ulated with evaporated fruit acid. A rare
grade gelatine is in it, and the fruit-juice es
sence in a vial.
You simply add hot water as directed on
package, and let cool. Then a package of Jiffy
Jell serves six people in mold form, or twelve
if you whip the jell.
Vet this fruit-made dainty, rich in fruit, costJ
a trifle. It costs less than serving apples. .
Twill delight you
Try Jiffy-Jell in various fruit flavors. Try lime,
fruit flavor for a tart green salad jell. Try mint
. for a mint jell to serve, with meats.
Learn what these dainties mean to you. Compart
them with old-style dtsserts of this type.
We offer you choue of several 50-cent molds it
you will do this, and at once. Cut out our offer sa
you won't forget. ,
. Ten Flavors In Glasa Vials
Bot'te in Each Fackaf
lint Llm Clurty
Ritptwrry lr.intrry
Strawberry 1'iueaprl
Or.nte Lemon Coffe
Individual dessert molds
Style 4 Th ume in pint .at Slylt-C
In assorted styles of alumi
um, six to the set. The Six
will serve a full .package 'if
Jiffy-Jell. Send 5 trade-marks
fur the 'Six assorted.
II U s'
I ft Jm
Jiify-Cui) for measuring
An aluminum half-pint cup.
Fill twice with water to dissolve
cne package Jiffy-Jell. Use as
an enact cup measure in all reci
1 1 s. Send 2 trade-marks for it.
Teaspoon Size Vk
jr-: wrn. Kooe r a o oon n a
Silver Dessert Spoons, teaspoon size, in a favorite pattern of Wm. Pogert
silver plate, guaranteed 2'.1 years. For the first spoun send 2 trade-marks,
plus 10c for postage and packing. Then we will offer you the balame of the set.
Free to users
Cut out the (g; trade-marks in the circle on the
front of Jiffy-Jell packages. Send 5 fur any f!it
mold or the Set of Six Individual Molds. Send 2
for the Jiffy-Cup, or 2 and 10c for the Spoon.
The pint molds are s follows all aluminum.
Style B Pint Mold, heart shaped.
Style C I'int Mold, fluted as above.
Style D Pint NM Mold.
Style E l'int Mold with pinnacles.
riot Moldt
, .. .fltyl B
... .H tylo O
.... Style D
....Ktyle E of Sir
....Silver Bpoen
' Send S clrolte
for uny pint mold
er tlie Met of ftlx.
FftiJ i fr Jilfy
f'tip. Pnd t Knd
lttu for upoon.
Jiffy Dtsgert Co., MAIL
Waukesha, Wis. THIS
I enclose... (5) trade-marks
for which 'send the gifts I
check at side.
Indite 10c for postage and
pat kmc on the spoon alone.
For reul effectivenw, tills old
hotne-nuMln remedy lias no
rquul. Ixdly and cheaply
r You'll never know how nuickly a
bad cough can be conquered, until
you try this famous old home-made
remedy. Anyone who ho couphed
all day and all night, will y thut
tba Immediate relief clvcrt la almost
like maglo. It is very easily prepared,
and really ther ia nothing better for
Into a pint bottle, put 2 '4 ounce
of Plnex; thtn add plain granulated
nuRar ayrup to make a fuil pint. Or
you can una clarified ihgLih., honey,
or corn iryrup, Instead of augar rrup.
Either way, the ful pint saves about
two-thirds of the money uxuully tpent
for cough preparations, and give you
a trior ponltiv, effective remedy. It
keep perfectly, and tames pleasant
children like it. .
Tou can feel this take hold In
atnntly, soothing and hestling the
membranes In all the air parage. It
promptly loofw-ns a dry, tUrht cough,
and soon you will notice the phelgm
thin out and then dlaappear alto
gether. A day's use will uxually
break up an ordinary tf.rcuit or cheat
sold, and It hi alKO splendid for bron
chltia, croup, hoarsen),, and bron
chlal asthma.
. Tlnei is a most valuable concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
!plne extract, the most reliable remedy
(for throat and chest ailments.
) To avoid disappointment, unk your
I druggist for ounces of Plnex"
(with direction and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to Klve abM-
lute satalKfactlon or money refunded.
jThe Plnex Co.. Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiator. Fenders and Cm
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Bals
198 S. 2th St. Salem. Or.
Cars of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.
lla intulcine wlu'.'ti will curs
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 1 a. m.
until I p. m.
153 Booth High Street
falem, Oregom rhons 283
Also Junk of All Kinds
Ktst TrU-es Guaranteed
Capital Junk Co.
The (Square Deal House
in Chemeketa St. Phon 3M
WillametteV alley
Transfer Co.
PIIONJ3 1400
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore'a.
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
tTt Court Btreet Phone till
With S3 years rspcrlenc, wtib
me in my dentul office
JOa V. B. lluiik Bld.
C.5. Hamilton
340 Court Street