JIARCH 8, 1920. MONDAY, RECORD SALE FOR FOV LAND CLEARING Watt Shipp Pewder company ,'m0nth sold eight carloads of Du In,plo9ives in the Willamette val- This is the record sale of Du-W-. Lnlorfves for this company In 'i J they ve been in !Mder busing Two hundred nounda of powder in one " k an enormous amount of ex- f. This demand attributed to " 1 wes of work now all in full mo-,,;,L-road building, logging Indus !,d last but by no mean, the least 2C activities, land clearing, by L progressive farmers who are clear off land preparatory to sotting out ,"rL orchard and hops, recognizing he attributed the record breaking St. and a rapid -climb will corn et Ure the close of 1920. . With the increased facilities of fac fnriM to care for produce of all kinds is tiearly seen that markets are es Lislied that will care for the great Lease of acreage In an article in The Saturday Evening Post, issue of March 6 under the title "Frenzied Farm Finance," the west is now en tering a wonderful prosperity in the farming industry. It is an article worth reading, clearly showing that lands In the west have increased over toe per cent and are still advancing. It requires no stretch of Imagination to realise that the lands of the Wil lamette valley are far superior in ev ,ry way and with a climate incompar able will in the immediate future be eomerecognized and enjoy even a great ervalue than those ot the middle west. Mr. Shipp. in an Interview, stated that he atrlbuted their record breaking lwwder sales last month was chiefly due to the fact of the present advance in farm produce and the rise in the price of land. He went on to say, the Oregon farmer and especially those of the Willamette valley have come to realize their opportunity, not only In having ready outlet for all produce ri?ht at their doo'r, but also thnt east frn capital is becoming Interested In the possibilities of this section and the sale of lands in now an everyday oc curence. Of 6ourse, as he points out, the cleared lands- have the preference and command the price. 'v Mr, Shipp operates the powoer busi ness in the entire Willamette valley from Aurora to Ruseburg, each year improving his facilities for handling this valuable product which may right ly be termed "man's greatest aid" In development work. , Wireless Device Is Innovation' In Signal Apparatus London. Mar, 8. A novel wireless emergency calling device by, which ships in distress can ring alal'nV bells on other, ships within wireless range to reported by the American chain ler of commerce in London. The present wireless system of com tnunication requires that an opera tor to hear a call must be on duty wearing the usual telephone head piece. The new device is said to enable any station or ship equipped lth a special automatlce transmit ter key to call up any station or ship within range, fitted with . a corre sponding selective receiver relay, even if the operator is absent. . The call in! up, according to the American chamber, Is effected by a ball which tarts ringing on the ships called. It is claimed that one of the lrtost important uses of the devices will lw to ensure immediate and genera attention to S. O. S. calls. ' : , Nationalization Of Fisheries Is Urged In Canada Victoria, B. c; Mar. 8. Govern ment operation of British Columbia" nerth Pacific finishing Industry has been urged by William Sloan, pro vcial minister of fisheries, as a means of preventing the depletion of the salmon runs. . Mr. Sloan recently asked the Cana dian federal government at Ottawa to take over and operate the fisher " He told Ottawa that If the fed- ral government did not want to take "P me task the Rritluh rolumhia. wvernment would like to have the nuiege pf doing to. .' . "NationalWnfliM u i!.uH. i .uuv,vlt ut tut, iiBiUUK ail- "Wry would prevent depletion of the jaimon fisheries, would insure con nnuance of the fishing Industry and i!d eliminate useless competition M excessive overhead nharees." Mr. om declared recently In explaining, Fear that private operation of fish Me will win. .v. ., iut as the Fraser river salmon runs r wiped out was expressed by the wnister. The Fraser river, once the "west salmon river in the world. Sloan asserted, is practically flsh- out .. . . I Christian Science Case Decision Made ' r t E . Boston. ta a - i i.L. - . , "c 'r. o. i iv iruntcm "ie Christian' Science -Publishing wy may not be controlled by the 't,1 o' the mother church, the th. nurch of Christ. Scientist. In opinion of Judge Frederic Dodge, tian iL . na,n master In the Chrie- Hlor. "ul,s 'as filed with the tJ. me Judicial court of the state, w master also finds that the direc nad no legal rieht to remove John ui tm',re fnni their own board, or UTttttes. ands from ,he board of M DUt ID w n nin riBmal draft "t the master's t20 w was Prepared two months thJ,thdirPC,or already have indicated fiirhi k e Profed to continue the C. 01 th fu" of the ttate ne court Fishermen Down Big Project; Will Not Work Sunday London, March 8. Lord Lever-1 hulme, has encountered the religious; prejudices of the Scotchmen who live on the extensive property he he pur- chased in the Outer Hebrides and has' suffered a rebuff. He had Dlann.d to make Stornoway, on the Island of Lewis, the headquarters of a huge fishln&r flppt thnT ahniriil an.AA tu - H'.VU.U " . 1. (J kllQ, seas for 600 miles around. The pre lect involved Slindnv Iflhnr anA islanders who adhere to the strict and Intense form of the Presbyterian faith, rejected it Commenting on the Incident, the periodical. Common Sense, says: "Lord Leverhulme is a man of big ideas and new ideas while the popu lation over whom he has declared the rights of lairdship are folk of old and intense ideas. Hence, the inevitable collision." Relation Claim To King Doubted London, Mar. 8. Referring to a New York dispatch printed here to the ef fect that William Fitzherbert, who died at Brooklyn, claimed to be a great grandson of King George IV by his marriage with Mrs. Fitzherbert, and as such entitled to large estates, the Daily News says: , "Whatever the facts about the mar riage, there is no doubt that Mrs. Fitz herbert believed herself to be lawfully married to George IV. It has always been understood that she died child less." . - Eugene. One of the largest appli cations for timber ever received by the office of the Cascade national for est in Eugene, is In the, hands of N. F. Macduff, supervisor. The application is for 50,000,000 of Douglas fir tim ber, located on the north fork of the Willamette rljer on the Natron ex tension of tho Southern Pacific. Covers of old Persian manuscript; are made of shagreen, or sharkskin. JOURNAL CLASS ADS SELL IT V? it BR. FRAKX i I i ' ' ' ;7 I-,,' V:; V- ' :' . Dr Frank Bohn, noted writer, publicist and lecturer will appear here .con on the Lyceum Course with one of the most absorb ng and intere.t wmpeUlng lecture, of the year. Dr. Bohn ha. but recent!, returned from Europe and he ba. .ome Intensely Important thing, to say about .octal Sron the otbe, side of the AUaotlc. Hi. arU.es of Tork Time, on Bolshevism were among vne uio.i - 5at appeared. HU lecture I. known a. "Revolutionary Europe and t will convince .nyone with reason that BoUhevi.m will not cure our ills. HI. U i Scture oTpractical value and t the .am. time blghl, interesting and entertaining. . ' Dr Bohn will be at the armory on Bohn. "Both govern without the con- f vtorh 11 at 8:15 p. m. ent of the people. New York Time, one of the worm greatest newspapers, should be recom- mendatlon enough to , mo-. peopl.- 'The bolshevlsm of today is quite the czarlsm of yesterday, says ut. v Uses Sugar OnHs Cereal I Decause it ieeas Jhis is unnecesaaryvhen one eats This food is naiurally sveet tor it contaans its own pure cereal suar. develcped trom its own grains. GrapeNuts is Argentina Paper Is Purchased By American Capital Buenos Aires, Argentine.' Mar. 8. The Buenos Aires Heralj, a member of the Associated Press, established xorty years ago as a newspaper devot ed to British interests in Argentina, hereafter will be an Anglo-American journal. A number of American res idents Of this Citv hav. - ' nuu British residents here in the forma- on oi a company which has pur chased the control of the Heralj from Thomas Bell, the present pro prietor, the arrangement to become effective April V The company will have three Am erican and three British directors and its policy will be "to further the in terests of the British ami Xorth Am erican communities in this ami the neignoonng republics and to foster the good relations which now xist between this and their ccuntrier." In the homes of those who enjoy fine tea, and know that it is more, economical than common tea that's where you will find Schilling Tea. You will also find it at your grocer's. Your money back if you don't like it. There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco BOHN harlng j,r, Bhn will miss the op- portuitJ- 0f a Jif-timo. Remember the date ThursV, ,-h U. a con i a SugrSaver THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 0-4 fflPn Do Yoa Lihe the Taste M' SmV of Maple Syrup? Karo .Ml MaPle !i M Expensive J 'I VT 'T'HESE two fact have made the fj s J?? - " New Koto Maple Flavor popular ruf&. - V .'everywhere:- Lt ! vK (1) It has the delicate, deliciou tangr B tjf'ilR 111-- ' re3" lnap'e yruP"ftnJ i heavy - Ilk Si?N enough to pour nicely. . . . . rS tfjjillM!fe (2) It U o reasonably priced that you I Ml -T . can enjoy Karo Maple Flavor every time ill If Pf ' yu ,erve : ' feffl 5 ittoL - S. Be tar ta ask your groctr for Kara Maptt) Rfflv ('iiwr 1 in th Gnu Cam. It it goarantttd (Jean VWMISlwdllflJ W I CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY ' llliSv WrtT' 17 Battery Hace NewYork 'Mm4y JOHNSON, LIBER COMPANY Portland, Oregon ROStBl'KO MAN FILICS C. E. Ricker of tlaidineF, Douglas county, filed his. nominating petition with the secretary of state's office Thursday morning, as a candidate the republican nomination for repre sentative from the fourth district coin- prising Douglas county. Ricker will run on a logan which doclures 'Tours for reason and experience as a guide, to better conditions." SOSCOUGUS JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT A3 PAT HIIJOH' 9J Handsome Dresses LADIES' STORE . 466-474 STATE STREET ASK FOR and GET Hdrlick's The Original Rlalted FnlitH Tor Infants nd Invalid .Avoid imitation und bublitut OLDS Head or chesty flrs best t r e a t e if vi - . . '"externally;'-with., 1 Jgfcfy VICRS VAPORUl Salem Aito Radiator Shop Radldtors, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractoy Radlutors a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale IDS S. 12th St. . Salem, Or. 71 wapic 1 Mr HAND LAUNDRY CLEANING AND L PRESSING 1D4 S. 12th. Phone 8 imlSm Ccmforti Alound" n Tin -' PORTLAND. OBI. Ths pleasure of yonr trip ia Fort land will depend upon the hotel you elect. Coiy surroundings, moilerst rates, and the welcome you find In your own home town, await yeu the UultuQmivb. Gangs la Connection IL For Women of Taste And Discrimination. The prettiest we have ever had the pleasure of asking you to come to see. Here are dazzling costumes for after noon and evening wear and many lovely cre ations for utility and dressy wear in Georg ette Paulctte, Net, Taffeta, Satin, Tricolctte, Khaki Kool, Velvet, Jersey, Tricotine, erge. Colors are those in popular favor..Trimming8 are exquisite and prices are reasonable. Salem needs a Hospital. Sub scribe now. MEN'S STORE 416 STATE STREET PAGE TIIHED FOR LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WiltametteV alley Transfer Co. PHONB 1400 IV B ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING , ' L. M. HUM Care of , Yick So Tong hirte Mertlclw! and Tea Co. Uu medicine whi'.h will cure any known disease, ' 0?-n Sundays from 10 a. m. until S p. m. ' 153 South Hiiih Street Salem, Oregon, Plume 2 S3 HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kinds Heat l'rlces Guaranteed CALL 398 . Capital Junk Co. The Fqunre Deal House 271 Chemeketa St. l'lione 29 Buy Remnants AT TUB Remnant Store 264 North Commercial - W.W.MOORE House Furnisher BOMB OF THIS YICTOOLA . You get more for your Money at Moore's. lORD TRUCK WITII TWO TOW ATTACHMENT, BCKS LIES A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH : MOTOR & TIRE CO. 171 Court Brt Phore $t HAVE EU'EItT PliATE MAX With S3 ream eiiMrtemv, with me la my denial office tiR. V. X. BEECHLER S0a V. S. Itaiik Bldtf. . . Draperies 1 MAPB TO ORDRR TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS CS. Hamilton 340 Court Street RN'AL WANT ADS TRY THEM