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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1920)
PAGE TWO. MONDAY MTf-, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL JfST ONE OF SAiEM'S Sunday Sermons By Ke. J. R. Bock St. Joseph's Church Public Forum As a text is given: "15y the Grace ef God, I am hat I am." 1 Cor. XV, u. We ere taught in oar theology that "Grace Is a supernatural aid or gift from God." We also know that grace may be actual or transient, and ha bitual or sanctifying. Actual or tran sient grace is the supernatural en lightenment of the understanding and inspiration of the will to shun evil and to do 'good. While habitual er Sanctifying grace is' that quality which makes the soul holy and pleat lag to Ged. Habitual grace is the re sult of cooperation with actual grace. We are aware of the fact that a large class of people scoff-at the idea of grace and in fact of the teachings of Christianity generally. And would fain do away with all Christian teach ing. They remind Us of the- eld hhih who went to a menagerie for the first time, and beholding a giraffe eating from the top of a nearby tree, examined the animal carefully and then exclaimed "There ain't no slch animal." He had never seen it before, " therefore it did not exist and was a fake. , So, often times it is with those who oppose Christianity and Christian edu cation. They have never experienced its influence, have observed It only superficially or not at all. and come to the conclusion that it is a fit sub ject for the fanatics and insane. And when we speak of graoe, they cry most loudly, "There ain't no sich an imal." Perhaps one of the best examples of actual as well as habitual grace is given to us in the fourth book of ' Kings, where we read a most interest ing account of how Naaman was cur ed of the dread disease of leprosy. It runs briefly as follows: Naaman was a great general In the army of the king of Syria. He had been in strumental In freeing Syria and was therefore looked up to and made much of. lie was also rich, and being a favorite with the king was a man of great Importance. But Naaman was afflicted with the dread disease leprosy, and above all his desires was that of being freed from the horrible disease. Among the captives taken by the Syrians was a little maid who- was given to IS'na tnan's wife to wait upon her. This little maid, learning of Naman'a lep rosy, Mild, "t)h If he might only see the prophet in Israel, ha would be cured." Her faith was so great that it finally had Its effect on Naaman and at length he went to his king and fihknl fur a letter to the king of Israel In order that he might meet the prophet of Syria and receive treatment. When Naaman came to the king of Israel, the king was frightened and angry. He thought the king of Syria meant to use the Inability of the prophet to cure Naaman u an exetiHo for war." But the prophet Eli eus sent word to tho king of Israel to send Niinmnn to him. Nnnman went and was told to go wash in the river Jordan seven times. At first Naaman was indignant. Were not the rivers Abana and Phar phnr of Damascus as good If not hot ter than tho river .lordan? Why should this insignificant phophet wnd Mm I he great Naaman such word? Could he not at least come mill see him, But Nanman'a servants pre vailed upon him to at least try the bathing, and at length ho conceded to their wishes, nnd lo, Naaman was completely cured. No sooner hiul this miracle of ac tual grace come to Nnamnn than he iiaile it habitual by cooperating with it. He-decided-at once abandon the worship of idols and a religion which was so hollow and useless, and would henceforth cast his lot with those who believed in the true God. . Thus we have exemplified grace in ' its two forms; actual, - which prompted Naaman to seek help, and habitual which caused him to continue in the cooperation anil in God's true service. The oftener we coperate with actual grace, the strong er does habitual grace grow within us. There are religions which would teach that there are no such things. That sickness and all the other trials of lite are but figments of the mind and do not really exist. That there is no evil and a multitude of absurdit ies. But every one who has his right mind knows better. And if he has the grace of God he will see clearly that these very trials of life are intended by God for him to learn his way to eternal life. So if we wish 1 say with St. Paul. "By the grace of God I am what I ami" and "His grace in me has not been- void," we must coperate with actual grace until it becomes habit ual, and we shall learn, In spite of the sophisms of the world that God is eternal, that He alone Is to be desir ed, and that all that Is sent to us. if accepted at His hands, will become, as 8t. Augustine says, "A ladder whereby we may reach the s,kies." Water Permits H K Murdock of Klamath Falls has filed with State Engineer Cupper ap plication for permission to appropriate water from Klamath river for domestic purposes and for the irrigation of a 387 acre tract In Klamath county. Other applications for water rights have been filed as follows: Br. D. J. Kirk of Freewater cover ing the appropriation of waste water for the Irrigation of a small tract in Umatilla county. By Levi Longnecker of Aiwa, cov ering the appropriation of water from Narrows creek for a domestic supply. By J. C. Watson of Coquille cover ing the appropriation of water from an unnamed stream for a domestic sup ply. By Gasser Caspard of Joseph, cover ing the appropriation of water from Hurricane creek for tho Irrigation of a small tact in Wallowa county. By the Aider Slope Ditch company of Kntcrpriae covering the appropria tion of water from Hurricane creek for the Irrigation of a small acre tract. By Robert K. Breeding of Kerby, covering the appropriation of water from an unnamed spring for Irrigation of a small tract in Josephine county. By the Oregon Caves Orchard com pany of (J rants Pass, covering the ap proprintlon of water from Rogue river for the Irrigation of 36 acres. By Anton A'aga of Wonder, cover ing the appropriation of water from Slate creek for tho Irrigation of 1? acres of land in Josephine county. By Charles Reynolds of Waldo, cov ering the appropriation of water from Rough and Ready creek for the irriga tion of a forty-acre tract. To the Editor: About the year 400 B. C. Plato remarked tha't "it is experi ence that causes our life to move for ward by the knowledge we acquire, while want of experience subjects us to the effects of change." A little be fore That, about the year 430 B. C or two thousand years ago, Sophocles re marked that "theee is no- greater ill khan anarchy; it destroys cities, lays houses in ruins, and in the contest of the spear, breaks the ranks; but disci pline saves those who obey commana."j We have had some ten thousand years experience with anarchy, but we do not seem to have "moved our lives forward" In handling It,' The deporta tion of" droves of reds "may have a salutary effect on those left, behind, but it is more apt to make martyrs of them. And nothing is quite so costly to a government as martyrs. It might be worth-trying Ho eure some of the things that make unrest and before making any more loans to foreign government! to build-battle ships and organize .standing armies with, to devote some of these billions to the cure of conditions right here at home. -- . Without doubt, -we should give ev ery aid possible to the starving multi tudes of Austria and other countries, but this should be done direct and un der American supervision G. F. SHERWOOD. AMKItHMNK I FIIAXCK IX " FAVOR OF TRAINING AI,L Paris, Mar. 7. Resolutions favor ing universal military framing In the United States was passed at a recent meetlpg of Paris post, American Legion. Incorporations. Articles of association were granted by the state corporation department today to The Dalles Co-operative asso elation of The Dalles, capitalized at $ 10,000. The association, will engage in a general mercantile business. The incorporators are Harry T. Shearer, Martin Morast, George Wensley. Rob et Palrymple, Otis Martin and William Tucker. Cft porations filing articles today were: Walrod Mercantile company, Gre- sham. $10,000; B. L. Walrod, L. A. Walrod and A. M. McManus. Portland-Denby company, Portland $10,000; R. J. Monroe, P. W. Campbell and Geo. L. Rauch. Bend Concrete Pipe company, Betid, 20,000; C. H. Knowles, Thll Easterday and S. Knowles. Beaver Falls Shingle & Lumber company, Portland; $5000; J. J. Brug- ger, J. S. Gay and Rcnwick Thomas. The capital stock of the S. Birken wald company, Portland, has been In creased from $50,000 to $200,000 and the capital of the O'Bryant Gruln com pany of Portland. The Consolidated Warehouse com pany, Nevada corporation capitalized at $100,000 has been granted permis sion to operate In Oregon. W. H. Rob erts of Lakeview will represent the company as attorney In fact for Ore gon. THE BATTLE WON Confidence in your physician or the tonic that he may prescribe, is half the battle won. The consistent Use of SCOTTS EMULSION always begets confidence in those who take it Scott's is a tonic-nutnent recom mended by physicians everywhere. ill you win yotir battl against weakness. O Scott a Bowat, sloenficld, M. J. Vhk Going StrongOar Retiring From Business Sale ihat Must You Pay? what oL? TVth8 iaVG "i0lled al?K What mu8t you for whlter wearables? Just St lL , J t P,ed'Ct' ,but' doJaay' w:hat every honest merchant must say, that the rnar ! i ? rroT nearly depleted, good merchandise never so hard to get, nor prices ever to ,o e m2? awhf successful retailing in Salem, we are retiring and will I be here vouKvPK yU buy here now' wil1 MVe you PerhaP8 a third of the prices you pay later. kSJ4&ij .:. . ..... Embroideries Our entire line of several hundred yards of em broidery edges and in sertions, innumerable widths, qualities and patterns, reduced 10 50 per cent. Reduced pri ces are 3c, 5c, 7c, 9c, 11c 13c, 15c, 17c, 19c, ,21c per yard. to All Prices Re duced at Last m7 In Many Instances Much More All Fixtures Are for sale. This in cludes one large" Hall's Fire Proof safe........$375 With money chest. For immediate delivery. Out side dimensions are, width 35 inches, depth 34 inches, height from floor 56 inches, . ' Family Expenses Were $40 Yearly; Sixty Years Ago Denver. Colo., Slar. 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rodgers of 1974 South Yrk--9treet, who have just celebrated, their -sixtieth .wedding anniversary,; agree Ciat sixty years of married life, is a comparatively short stretch when viewed retrospectively. Mr. Rodgers; ssid, that the first: year of their marrie life, the expen-j ses of the home, including food and! clothing, Amounted to only 140. "We lived on a farm," he continued, "and! that helped some, but that amount! wouldn't go very far with a pair of newly-weds these days." Another thing of which Mr. .Rod gers is unusually proud is that for the past 51 years he -has been the superintendent of a Sunday school. He is 83 years old and is actively en gaged in the real estate business six days a week. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers were married in Ross .county, Ohio, Portugal report firing at Lisbon, Opor to and Yizeu, according to announce ments today by the ministry of the in terior here. Reports from the frontier state bombs were thrown and shots were fire J at a military train near Viana ro Castello. 41 miles north of Oporto. Travelers Report Portuguese Revolt Madrid, liar. 8. Travelers from For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE EROMO QUININE Tablets Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on ths box. 30c. (Adv) JOHNSON IX WI'.f.K Sioux Falls, S. D., Mar. S. Senator Hiram Johnson of Califorri.i, enroute from Yankton to Watertown, S. D., had the novelty of being in a train wreck today when the Great oNrth ern train on which he -vas riding was struck by a Chicago and Northwest ern train at Davis, thirty miles south of Sioux Falls. No one was reported injured. FOR SKINTORTURES Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle for $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Roet Co., Cleveland, O. BLIGH THEATRE-TODAY Stock Co. Presents the biggest Laugh hit of the year "Some Baby" If you don't laugh you'll need to see a doctor ALL NEW SPECIAL SCENERY - Bligh Theatre Hippodrome Vaudeville Friday CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ,ADS PAY , I Men's good quality white sport shirts re- aucea to .-. , tF Buys Like These Develop Thrift Boys heavy nainsook Pajamas in cream and white, for youngsters, 8, 10 and 14 years, reduced to gj gfj All boys' suspenders, choice Men's fine ribbed union suits in cream and white, size 34 only (g Men's canvas leggings, lace, sizes 17 and 18 only, heavy quality, worth double the price of ".' A" ' r " 45c Men's best horsehide gloves, sizes 8 and 8 1-2 only, worth double Women's striped and blue chambrav over a"8' pair : .-; S1.65 women s khaki unionalls, suit ... Misses knitted skirts, each Leather hat bands SI. 75 $1.95 70c 15c 'Black rubberized sleeve protectors made ; with threa snap fasteners, pair "5( Alarm clocks, well known make, thoroughly reliable, $1.25, less 10 per cent P1 1 o Croup ai Areo est 1 reate Cold Troubles d Externally GOLDS are simply inflammation or congestion of the mucous membrane, or lining of the respiratory organs air passages and lungs. They should be treated just as surface inflammations, such as burns or bruises, are treated that is, the medication should be applied directly - to the in flamed parts. But medication cannot be applied directly to the air passages and lungs except in the form of vapors that can be inhaled, and until the discovery of Vick's VapoRub, there was no efficient, economical method of supplying these vapors. VICK'S VapoRub is the discovery of a North Carolina druggist, L. Richardson, who found a way to combine the standard, time-tested reme diesMenthol, Camphor, Turpentine, Eucdyptua, Thyme, Juniper, etc. in salve form, so that when Vicks is applied to the body, these ingredients are vaporized by the body heat These vapors, in haled with each breath all night long, cany the medication direct to the affected parts. At the same time.Vicks is absorbed through and stimulate! the skin, aiding the vapors inhaled to relieve the congestion. Spasmodic Croup and Children's Cold Vicks is particularly recommended to mothers with small children. It is externally applied and, therefore, can be used often and freely with'perfect safety. Let the children run out-doors, even in Winter, and get their needed fresh air and exercise, and simply apply alittte Vicks over the throat and chest at the first sign of a cold, covering with a hot flannel cloth. For spasmodic croup, rub Vicks freely over the throat and chest until the difficult breathing is ' relieved. One application is commonly sufficient, and , an application at bed time usually prevents a night attack. Deep Cbett Coidt, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Coughi For inflammation oi the respiratory organs where there . is tightness or soreness, Vicks should be rubbed well over the throat and chest until the skin is red; then spread on thickly and covered with hot flannel cloths. The bed clothing arranged in the form of a funnel, so that the vapors-arising may be freely inhaled. - In scveru cases, hot, wet cloths should first be applied over the .throat and chest to open the pores of the slrn be fore applying Vicks. If the cough is annoying, small portions of Vicks, the aiie of a pea, can be swallowed every few hours. 7 )fe 1 1 , Head Cold, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever For these troubles, Vicks can be melted in a spoon and the vapors inhaled, or a little applied up the nostrils and snuffed back into the air passages. There is no "cure" for Asthma and Hay Fever Vicks" gives temporary relief in .'"on cases, ' Insist on the Genuine At All Druggists 30c60c $1.20 Used at a Liniment, Salve, Poultke or Plaster In addition to its vaporizing qualities, Vkks has il been found to be an excellent anti-inflammatory applica tion. It makes a cooling, soothing dressing for such trouble! as Bites, Bums, Bruises, Cuts, Frost Bite, Headache, Itch ing, Poison Oak, Soreness, Sprains, Sunburn, etc. ; Your Bodyguard Against Cold