Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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I. J!
' I
--5MY, MARCH 6, 1920.
i, wruoin cam.-.
; I ceuis. iUnuu-
llSst twruun only u. or. .....
m advance
j'Tphoue. unless
v - lisle. us
--Jon-hi-se plow, -t or 10
. ....... ho in food shane and
. ... be in good shape ,u4
Phone 60F3 after p. m.
163 1
rlLE Alsike clover hay.
F-'K ' ofior -sn n.m. K7
Phone I3t-.- - "
- - . .r.). k - D.l.
cn -- - -- ---1
X. HiLiL - ju8
horn efSS tr nau.nmB, . juuu uw
u.Kiriand and Knglish Tom Bun
iniiui R. Woolerj', J44 S. iith.
foR"SALE Or trade ' on x Salem
woiwrty. one acre in Pratum with
t room modern house, barn, shop.
wod shed ml hen house- J
ueltv Pratum, Or.. Pilous H0F13
' ' n63
fTiR S4LE room house,' large lot,
eemVnt walks, paved streets, city
water, good fruit. Trioe $2000. For
termseall TH6 N. 14th. t7
foOM-E 1 - bay -korse. .wpight
alwot li: oneDtew Htter rirrier,
: io foot 01 Ciiuie; seea gray oats.
Phone 53F6. ; ' c6 8
jr5TED To buy a cash . register.
Phoiy 1SB0 or call 159 S. High. iS9
foRJALE One heavy canvas 'size
?tis ft., very heavy,, almost .Jiew.
twj only 2 months. Make good-!
tarpaulin. Call morning or after
S:3ti wnings, 1 0 60 llinea St. 67
FOR SALE A 6 room plastered
douse, modern except furnace, full
cement basement, bath, toilet, wash
basins up stairs and down, hot and
cold water, electric lights, wood el
evator, built in cupboards and clos
ets, east front, cement walks, 1
block to car line, block to sohool
. 50x113 ft. lot. shade trees, chicken
house. A fine home, come and see
atS!' S.13lliSt. a60
FOR SALE Or trade. 11 acres. 'ill
cultivated, good family orchard.
fair buildings, located 15 . miles
from Salem, will be on pared road
nest year, and 1 mile , from good
totrn with standard . high school
wire ;uuu. 1 acre with 6 room
house, small barn, chicken house
located in good town on railroad
14 miles from Salem, county pav
ing plant will locate one .block of
place where there will be lots of
work; will consider Ford car or
truck as part payment. Price. 11.
200. Or will trade both places for
a farm ana pay some difference or
assume mortgage. Write box 117,
Atimsvme, ur
6FIP.GLLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice
A. Miles, 451 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Heme Thursday
anernoon. rnone
MARRY if lonely; for t results, try
me; best . -and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; strictly confiden
uai; most, reliable; fears 'experi
ence; descriptions free. "The Suc
cessful uiuo," Mrs. Ball, box 6GB,
WKiand, Calif. -277
WANTED To hear from owner of
isooa mncn ror sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D.
F. Bush
Minneapolis, Jlinn.
MARRY FOR wealth, happiness.
Hundreds rich, attractive,-congenial,
willing to wed. Photos free. 24
, real experience. Mrs, , Warn, ,2218
Tpjet,LosAngeeai Cal.-
roll SALE A dandy little, farm SO
, Mi acres, level as a pavedstreet,
no rocks, stumps or ' brush; jMndv
loam. Berries or dnirv. (in . mil-
from flrlgw, station, twelve : miles
aiuany and six miles .from
Wmau. rook road; no improve
ments, also 28 acres adjoining if
. ou want more land. : F. P. Farm
ington. Hotel Alder, Portland, Or.
01' ntlernan agent want'od' in
Nilem for Watkins Famous Pro
auct. Watkins good known evory-
Viv h,, K lln,fits-. Write today.
V, kms Company 61, Winona,
--t. x r, 1 1 At
onco tract of tJmlwr
to WillMmotte river or
' Yalitiy Southortw-all.
road fi
Z ,",r Jj!"1",'"1"6 operation, Hlnk
ii'i'Ul"9 Kugene, Or. 168
i,, , , ., " your present
n 11 Sl"l'k'" Koyrtonnaoleth
unf"i"y nff ""usual oppor-
Solether used
u, snoes,
v m" fT J' J- aoh & Co.
In Jun?r,Pi,Si;Um as oTisekeTpTr
' "v r'." DAY
town tn , . V ""2 wuy n pac"
for p, """"" rree circulars
or'n.? p n,y N,,n-lholic fiav-
ee'h!er ' h 15P3' C- w-
AOTB,7isr rrrr t-2.
nient , roum apart
fun,ui, , 'urnuihed or un-
J fK- " nnne 955,
1 "ri M .P
Komi ri.i , v '. iw iacres of
Mr P 1 n 111 Washington for
iipisoar at 8111 w 1 it.....
-- ..- V el. 0
20 acre full henrlncr
. ".ni.uu, seven miles south
Tl,; " , em U herd BUrfanwlrrMrt
' the VdMn! the, "est orchards
"Peotinn f V ' u,u wl11 "ear to
M t is1 S??,M of P
thicker li 5 room hous- barn.
nLl,";Se.' Biehty !oei'"' a"l
essif.i, r) ' uuu- "umeaiate pos
tal , VrX.Y'5' reaeonabre it
"".ou; terms 1-3 cash
Percent. Owner. S H
40;, Oregon ldg. Phone
F(,kTTi r
S .... ab room DlaHtered hmte.
', '"K f nit" c tt:l!h two Ots i bear-
. ' trw. V .."'smiy
location, good
from car lme
bur p, "5 .Pwe-ion. Exceptiona
"nce a Tf"","- M"
BlRg --!?:.J?h0ne48. n ,
. U:,. e for ale clieap. Phone
F(srrp -- f 7
Wood, Phone 1090M.
Rsale 7i r
o,v,, f'ot and 16 inch fir
rea.1 r. ? f pavenent. Silver-
of rnll!tlvr- Thi "
.Al I P' I8 miles to nKoK'
" chini!. ."" t!rcs- In very good
Whan'cal condition. Adams. iSl
to,?-&piZtunS& or !
bv , "- :ooa- s"'ictry eai. Will
-: ' Kindx .f .
8a it-
iifjKA t-r
JWrtv b, E' ectt. J4 Bonn
-""s. i nomieon-s
barred Rocks. 3j0
. BL 1 MiU
. BushSt.
room house? ; luTT
toe tor loganber,-. 960 kT
WANTED-Housemaid sWhJo'l
for the deaf, phone 64$; salary
board ana laundry. . r
FOR SALE-Cheap by the Zr 'Ib
" iem. i-none 1052, 57
fob Sir un. : r
' , .." re"n mod
ern house, large lot; lea vim, citv
win give immediate
Price right. 880 N. Winter street
1 Phnn. nicnr " """ .street.
I ...BIT,
-T31TV ...
uiwc location, fruit
nd1 B?r.n- Will se" furnished if
-""1": -" w care Journal a58
rZnr?'Y s room "dern
furnished or.-iif.iri.i.J '.
N.Capifoi. Phne or'ftU1 s2
TOR SALE-30 acres Milonc
land, sandy loam soil all in JulJiva"
tlon and crop, well improved and
on min rh-er road, best of logan
berry land. 1H acres in bearing
loganberries. This must be seen to
he appreciated, 8H miles N. of Sa
?.r.'.?e 9!00- te'"'S- Address
v-uCTCT. n iiniot, uerva4g, Rt. 2, b62
FOR SALE Modern fi room house.
m JZ , 1 "' oawni, J35U0, or
rtiie ior ontside -property Ad
dress Box 42 Journal. ' a58
WANTEDj- 60 00 ri-egon straTbeTrT-
i. 1 iiavuuon. Phone 616.
HAY God baled oat hv Ji
$18 .per to"n..3 blpcks from end of
iiii i. car une. 1. L. Da1dson.
LOST Between Spauldiiig's and Bu
sier s, nnnaoag containing bank
book, $20 and change. Finder
piease return to this office. k58
ivAiMfiiu small improved farm
about 40 acres close in from Salem
not over 8 miles from rlrv Want
10 acres more or less in fruit: alsc
pasture and buildings. I want to
nve on piace myself rand, am cash
buyer. Box 679 Journal. 57
TWO teams horses, harness and wa.
gons, cows, pigs and chickens for
sale. i0 1 2d and Turner road. c58
10 acres fine land five miles nut.
all clear. $1500. 10 acres, six acres
orchard, five miles out. $2400. kO
acres, fair buildings, 20 clear. $2.
800. 40-acres nearly all under plow
$80 per acre. 100 acres five miles
out, main roadV good improvements,
10 acres orchard, price right. Small
house and two good lots with bear
ing fruit trees, $500. Modern nine
room house, paved street $5000. B
room bungalow, paved street and
car line, $2500. F. L. .Wood, 341
State St. nr,S
DAT OLD White Leghorn chicks and
setting eggs. Choice setting eggs at
7c each, 60 per egg liy the case.
Mar. 21st will have 600 day old
chicks at 20c each. Phone Auras
vllle 4-1515 or write Chas. L. Mar-i
tin, Anmsville, Or. f62
A-l FARM land, every acre "Cultivable
$75 per acre. Easy terma Location
-Sutherlln valley, Oifgonr A. C.
Bohrnstedi, 401 Masonic Temple,
Salem, Oregon. u69
For Sale Houses.
FOR SALE By owner at a bargain,
; B room house, lot 106x110. all in
bearing fruit. BOO Turner St. be
tween 22 and S3 o nMill St. Price
$1300. a58
SPECIAL OFFER Nice, new 5 room
cottage, electric lights and bath,
' plastered, concrete foundation for
one week only,, price $1700. $900
rash. You'll have to hurry, it's on
N, 21st St. See John II. Scott Real
ty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. -n57
FOR SALE 6 room house, barn,
chicken " houses, electric lights; 1
' acre good land, all kinds fruit and
berries; private water system, $2,
000, half cash, balance terms. See
owner 1760 Waller St. a66
FOR SALE 7 room bungalow with
fireplace, garage, trult and two
lots, east front and paved street.
$$3500. 5 room bungalow with fire
place, paved street on Chemeketa
St. $3000. W. A. Liston, 484 Court
St. t57
FIVE room, modern bungalow want
ed, State best terms. Mrs. Lobley,
Journal , office. - 1
FOR SALE Five room modern
house. Inquire at 140 Meyers St.
FOR SALE Six room modern house
full basement, largo lot,, fruit and
berries. Close to school and carline.
Owner 1S70.I. a57
FOR SALE 2 lots 105x110 feet, 5
room "house. 600 Turner street, on
Mill between 22 and 23 streets. a5S
FOR SALE Bungalow well located
in south Salem, five rooms strictly
modern, fireplace, furnace, hard
wood floors and "garage. Price $6,
000. Hawkins and Roberts, 205 Ore
gon bldg. n58
WANTED For cash, 8 room svi tct-
Iy modern bungalow, well located.
Write Mrs. Ellis care P. O. box
256, Salem. " " I
FOR SALE Good 6 room house,
electric lights, city water, 2 nice
lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute ; school, can be
see nat 2446 Hazel ave. a63
FOR SALE By owner new seven
room house, strictly modern, lot
75x200, close to car line, paved
street. Inquire 630 N. 24th St. a39
FOR SALE 1 4 room plastered
house and 1 lroom house. 3' fine
lots, fruit; 1 block to car. $1400.
Terms. 4 room celled house, .barn
hold 4 head; fruit, berries, 3 blocks
to car $1400, easy terms. Walter
McLaren, 180 N. Commercial St.
FOR SALE 12 room house 4 blocks
from Oregon Electric station. $2,
650, 4 cash. Sawyer & Emmett,
rohm8 Bayne bldg; n57
FOR SALE By owner, strictly mud
err 7 room house one and a half
blocks from car line, south Salem.
Address 140 Superior street. Phone
1159R. .168
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 74 acres two and one
half miles of Salem, one half mile
off of paved road on good graveled
road, all in cultivation and good
ouildings, some orchard. This place Is
priced at $250 per acre. If you are
looking for-something good at the
right price see Fred W. Dvirbin at
" 275 State St, and look thla over.
Phone 616. bj
FOR SALE At a barunin. 43 acres
of land 1 miles north ct Sale 111 and
haif mile east of Portland road;
twenty acre bsaverdam, all clear
ed and drained ready to aeed. Two
houses, barn, onion house, silo; 4
cows, t horses. Z hogs, t pigs and
machinery. Will sell all or a part.
If you are looking for something
'good. See owner Fred W. Durbin.
275 Staw St. Phone 615. nS7
FOR sifp 5
of 14 2, T;?me place
of I ihaH . tune west
nes. Phcne SsF4, A. E. and W A
lo ACRES located "near Aums7ille
cmthio,,hahW!U I6 wved?a7l''ln
E ' huse, barn and other
iltU. ca,h terns to suit on
. t. Stewart. Silverton.
U9 1
ennrt ..... " lu
h.. L" ina, 29 acres
T"ouse- most a" In culti-
hni t- I " ne,I(?ra. room
implements go with plaee. $23.00,
foL" vf 8ma" farm close to
rnrr "s tor partieu
acres et T,ntnA
or berry land. 9 miles south of si!
em, nule from Pacific highway.
40 acres clear, balnr, timvZ.
pasture; fair house and barn. This
fw W we"' " -H cash. Ed
'WPK. Ur"er' S" Sa!9m Ph0
For Sale Miscellaneous.
GCV1U(fa"Kf,'r( le eap. Inquire
- "l - 14th fat. CBt,
FOR SALE-2 canaVblrdillnnSgV
J too.
oALrj rnormiwhKi.fl.1 .
171 r- vi i iclUalC
o!i, fT,eL beautifully marked.
Call at1140Leslie St. e57
FOR SALE Good steel range. 13S
JFerry street. c5j
FOR -SALEA cumbinaUon range,
cost $165. will sell for $100 cash.
Practically new. Phone 1868. c58
GOOD violin and bow in first class
condition, for sale cheap if taken
"ow. 406 N. 24th St. ri7
Fti??Ai'E3ton cnain hoist- Phone
jwu-Hjijir-bN. Cottage St. c57
FC'R SALE Old library of. books
v-u ai it-iii Leslie St c57
FURNITURE for five room ho"uie",
. for sale 754 N. High. C58
ONIONS, good quality delivered, 2
10 per id. call 48F11. 67
GOOD table potatoes$4750 per sack,
also pigs for sale. Phone 86F22. -
FOR SALE Ladies bicycle, in good
condition. See J. Baumgartner, care
Salem Hdw. Co. cfio
CEDAR POSTS Seven foot, split red
cedar loganberry posts -in carload
lots. Write 'A. M. MattocK Lumber
conipany, Dallas, jOr. , c66
FOR SALE Clean red clover seed.
Rt. 2. box 1. Gervais. n63
SPITZENBERG and Baldwin apples
$1 and $1.60 a bushel, also some
potatoes for sale. Phone 97F12.
' 1 c58
FOR SALE Monarch steel range,
. good as new. Call 13S1 State street
or phone 1702. ' , c57
FOR SALE Home canned fruit. Al
so cupboard and kitchen cabinet.
1325 -Fall-mount St . ., . c59
For Sale Nursery Stock.
SPRAYING done. Large
preferred. Phone 754.
FOR SALE--Or trade automobile
for Loganberry tips or team. Phone
363 j
NURSERY STOCK Italian pruneB,
garfted walnuts, filberts, and all
other kinds of nursery stock. Buy
direct and save agents commission.
Brooks Nuraery, Lafayette, Or.
' 167
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity rjtternerg 121, Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Oregon,
Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty, well root
ed plants. Low quantity prices. City
delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front. Phone 494. f 66
ETTERBERG 121 strawberry Dlants.
$7.60 per 1000; Wilson $6. Address
P. O. box 214, Salem, Or. f 6 6
FOR SALE Peach seedlings. How
FOR SALE Peach seedlings, "for
, lining out." Howard Jones. Phone
111F3. dCl
VROMAN Franquet walnuts grafted
on black stumps; these trees are
grown and acclimated here anO
stood the freeze and are free from
frost. Middle Grove nursery. Phone
24B. ' i,7
FOR SALE 1300 prune trees 8G0
each; 1 team horses weight 2600
, and 1 black horse weight 1600 lbs
Claude. H. Stevenson, Rt. 3, box
175. Salem. Phone 36F16 C57
For Sale Livestock.
I STILL have a general assortment
of nursery t stock. Special prices
on ornamental stock, shrubs, roses,
etc., to clean up, Howard Jones,
Northwest Nursery. Phone 111F3.
, ' dSl
weeks old.
-Chester White
Call 36F13.
pigs, 7
FOR SALE Team of young horses,
Jersey cow, one O. I, C. sow.
chickens and household goods. In
quire Waconda. store on Oregon
Electric. e58
FOR SALE 1 span mules, harness,
1 wagon, 2 plows. 825 N. 21st St.
FOR SALE 1 sow, 2 years old, will
get pigs about April 24; and 9 pigs
12 weeks old. Phone 110F11, Al
bert Eggiman, Silverton, Or. Rt. 2.
FOR SALE Stock hogs from 70 lbs.
up; horses, draft and drivers; cord
wood, oak and fir. Sweet cider.
Address Win. H. Egan & Sons,
Gervais. Rt. 2. Phone 3F11. c61
FOR SALE Team, wagon and har
ness; 6 and 7 years old, weight
3200 pounds. Harness now, 3.1,i
Studebaker wagon, good as new. J.
A. Ricketts, Rt. 8, box 155. e$l
FOR SALE 50 head good stock
ewes, lambing and will, finish
lambing this -month; 19 head. of
Durham Btock cattle, yearlings and
2 years: also 4 head of good milk
cows, fresh in thirty days. Joe
Kieser, Btayton, Or. e60
FOR SALE Good work team, 7 yrs.
old, about 2800 lbs., harness and
ZVx Mitchell wagon. Must sell
quickly. Call at the Simon place.
FOR SALE Jersey cow, heavy milk
er. Inquire Waconda store. A. ' R.
Walker. e57
CENTER Street feed barn, 225 Cen
ter street. For sale 1 mare, weight
1600. 1 black team, weight 1500.
Inquire for George Smith. e58
FOR SALE Small team horses, work
double or single; drive anywhere.
Bargain. Apply 1670 8. High Bt. e57
FOR SALE Hambletotiian driving
horse, work single, or double; .1
covered hack, 1 two-seated surrey
and light wagon. Call J04 N. Zlst
St. or phone 345R. ' - e57
For Sale Wood.
FOR SALE Wood, Phone 1090M.
FIRST class 16-inch mill wood from
Silver Falls Timber Co. Car on
track at Church and Trade St.
Friday. Strictly cash. Phone 1542
Fred E. Well. 73
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will
. your wood. Pbooe 1004. .
For Sale hoult ry
BROODER STORE An up to date
self regulating Kresky - room heat
er and two 220-esg incubators, used
for 1 hatching, cheap. Call evenings
or write J. L. Wariner. 2144 North
5th St. Salem. Or. ' fo
WANTED Chickens, will pay big
price in trade for targe lot on Lib
erty" St. deed and abstract un to
- !.... ..-:. , ,
"iiis-vr cii evenings. J. J.
nariner, .m. oth st, Salem
r. fa
FOR SALE Ancona hatching egg's
$1.50 for 15. Phone 1558J. tit
HATCHING eggs. .Rhode pu,io
of color and productivity, 15 for
..av. ruyne xioai,. . tjt A. Rat
cliff, Salem, Or. fen
FOR SALE Eggs, Rhode Island
neus, t- tan strain, dark red color
verv Urge: IS for 11 sn- .i 1-
cubator settings. Vi mile' south of
12th St carline. Rt. 5. box 40, Mode
neecy, saiem. ur. fs7
nnue tegnorns. Huff Leghorns. R.
L Reds. Barred ' Unrira uinni
. . .-- ...... ji.i-
norcas. White Wyandottes, Buff
urpingiong, Anconas. These vari
eties each week. C. N. Needham.
658 State St.- Tel. 400. f6S
FOR SALE One 120-egg Old Trasty
incubator. G. Broacher, 995 South
HtU St. -57
WANTED Live man with car fof
real estate work. Must be a- hustler.
- Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bldg
WATED At once experienced wait
ress. Call Imperial Cafe, Albany
Or. e5si
WANTED Sales ladies for house to
bouse canvassing. Those having had
previous exoerienee nrnfnT-ra ,1.11
Monday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
' iuunon noiei, asx tor Mrs. H.
Campbell. 67
WANTED A ennd homo fii. s lit.
tie boys in Advent homes, their
ages- y, in, 18 years. Call or write
2470 Oak St., Salem, Or. 158
STENOGRAPHER wanted with
knowledge- of bookkeeping and
general office work; must be quick
aim accurate, cox ID Journal. g57
WANTED Men to unlit norrt w.,rf
oy u. At. nail, one mile west of
waconoa. Will pay $1.25 per cord,
Or Write C. M. Harl, Gervais, Or.
' g57
WANTED Man to cut brush. Will
furnish shack, garden ground and
pasture for cow. Phone 1141J be
tween 7 and 8 o'clock morning or
evening. g57
WANTED -Woman to do washing
nrst 01 week. Mrs. F. J. Rupert,
860 Chemeketa Bt. - g57
YOUNG men for railway mail clerks.
$110 month. Experience unneces
sary. B'or free particulars examina
tions, write J. Leonard -(former
government examiner) 1087 Eauit-
able bldg., Washington, D C. g57-
MAN and wife want position as first
and second cook for small crew
W H care Journal. h57
Wanted Situations. ,
WANTED To drive stock, beef cat
tle especially, years of experience
in Arizona. Phone 199. h58
FOR lawn work and garden making
phone 1327 or call 1467 Center St.
W anted Miscellaneous.
WANTED House with large lot, 6
rooms preferred, $600 down, $15
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty
- Co. 416 Masonic Temple. n
JOB press wanted. Phone 1597W.
- . - m59
HAVING sold my farm, I want to
buy a modern bungalow, 6 or 7
rooms. Would like a little frUlt.
Send particulars rto M B Journal
office.. !
WANTED To furnish you a nice,
new five, six or seven room bun
galow all ready to move In, or will
furnish you the material all ready
to put together to complete the
same. Can save you at least thirty
per cent on purgliase of material
and construetiohllave formed con
nectiona with parties who are
abundantly able to supply the ma
terials on short notice. Plans and
specifications all furnished free.
Come and see me at my residence,
629 North Winter street. If busy
during the day, come in the eve
ning. If married, bring your wife
with you. Phone 1532J only be
tween 6 p. m. and 9 p. 111. W. H.
Burghardt, Sr.
FOR HENT 2 unfurnished house
keeping rooms, upstairs. Phone
1868. JJ)8
FOR RENT Four or five modern un
furnished rooms close- in.- 818
' Broadway 'St. or N. Liberty St. J7
FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, over garage, cheap. 170
S, 12th Ht. J60
FOR RENT Single housekeeping
rooms at The Miller, 633 Ferry.
FOR RENT 5 room furnished house
Lavalleu r,27 1 N. Com. St. J5 6
FOR RENT Three large, clean un
furnished housekeeping rooms with
bath, lavatory nnd lights, upstairs
in private residence; no children.
$15 per month. Inquire 170 South
12th St. . 157
Lost and Found
LOST round wrist watch,
Swiss Wultham. Phone 282. Re
ward. . 1157
LOST A pair of nose glasses with
chain attached. Leave at Journal
office. k57
LOST On Commercial street between
State and Bellevue streets, rubber
air: pad. Finder please phone 231
or 39 for owner. 66
LOST Nlckie plated auto crank neaf
Silverton. Address .B. W. Pcyrce,
Macleav, Or. . kBO
THE . International Correspondence
school , will have their local repre
sentative at the Bllgh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
glad to give the public information
regarding' the schools and thelf
FOR plumbing and general repairing
ith 1746UV ' ' mS8
SECONDhand store in Salem for sale'
or trade. Call 6M. m58'
ORDER your awnings from Dillinan,
Write 960 Highland ave. m74
WANTED 5 or 6 room modern bun
galow. $300 cash, balance monthly.
Box 666, Capital Journal. !
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Uet our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 714.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, $47 Court tit
LIST your property with Liston, we
have the buyers. If your property
1 is worth the money, we can sell it.
1 W. A. Listen.-484 Court St. - 5?!
TO EXCHANGE Wea i.up.-uved
aero iaud in ooduui 11 for ur a i
room house and lot .h S.Ue.u. J. R. ;
' Oynn care Peoples cash s.oic m8
LISr your property with Liston, we j --are
the buyer if your property!
is worth the money, we can sell it t
W. A. Liston. 484 Court St. 57'!
IF your property is worth the money)
we list it. we advertise it Bsiea
Magee. Salem, 428 Oregon bldg.,
Portland. 909 Chamber of Com. nlo
LIST your property with Liston, we
have the buvers. If your property
is worth the money, we can sell it.
W. A. Liston. 484 Court St. 67
' i-vi.-S e( r i.-a xi 3
..ACKt-U. AW) f ARMS
act?si3 '""t f,rom &!'m- Pavd
road choice dark loam. $ 500.
1 acres nearalem, li in cultiva-
tiott good buildings, orchard; cows.
hors, fowls, feed, crop. Snap. $00.
10 acres chotee - dark loam soil
good house, other buildings; good
orchard; near school, good road. $4.-j
600. easy terms, or exchange for Sa-
lem residence for part.
60 acres near Salem, good build-,
.ngs. water system, orchard good oll
for quick sale, $8500.
3 room cotjtage and sleeping porch
large lot, plenty fruit $850, easy
See us for good bargains.
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com, club bldg. n
Real Investments.
1200 acre stock ranch near Browns
ville, including stock and equipment.
$24,000, terms. .
Stock ranch consisting of 220 acres,
65 acres in cultivation and mostly-
seeded. Good family orchard, spring
water piped to the house. Stock and
machinery all goes. Price $7700, good
terms. ......
200 acres at $5H per acre. Asses
sor says that it is worth more.
Homestead relinquishment $400.
20 acres, new buildings, sou ino. 1;
clover hay made 4 tons to the acre.
We know that it is worth more than
the price. $2500. ,
Good house in Mt Angel, food lo
cation. For Salem property.
5 room bungalow, H block from
car line. $2260, good terms; worth
$3000, ask adjoining owners.
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not increase the price
and make the Bale impossible.
Pistes & Magee. .
, 428 Oregon bldg, Salem -Portland
office, Chamber of Com.
Located n few miles from Salem on
good roads, first class soil and most
ly In cultivation and crop. Land lays
level to slightly rolling. 26 acres bear
Ing prunes and cherries, Royal Anne
and Lamberts. Good 8 room plaster
ed house, built In conveniences, bath,
hot and cold water; hydraulic water
pressure. Large barn, Implement
sheds, mostly under wire fence. The
owner of this farm Is going east and
wishes to sell everything. The price
Is below the value. Price now $150 an
acre and $7500 will handle, immedi
ate possession. See
S. R. Pearson
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n
Modern except furnace. 6 large
rooms and sewing hall. Built in fea
tures. Bath, toilet, large closetw, full
basement, electric lights. Large lot.
Price $3250.
7 room bungalow type, full base
ment, furnace, improved street, gat-
age. A good buy. $5600. 1
7 room modern house, -large lot, on
Improved street, close in. $7600; good
.7 room house. Its' a dandy, lust
overhauled, painted, and up to the
minute. Lot 100x140; some fruit, on
improved street. $3500 for quick sale.
Call In a nil see our farm list of
high class lauds.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. -
Good Buys.
5 acre tract 10 minutes from Salem
fair grounds. House, good roomy bars
frost proof fruit house, tower, large
water tank, engine and all conven
iences of a real home; choice orch
ard, etc. $8250. .
10 acre tract fine land, 7 prunes
apples and cherries; good barn and
deep wen or water, close in. ib&uu.
10 acres close In, 6 acres loganber
ries, produced lust season 26 Vi tons
of berries; 1 acre of strawberries
balance in fruit and garden; good 8
room house and. other useful build
ings. ... . "
43 acres 4 miles out, all tile drained
large new barn, large frost proof frutt
house: 6 ncres fine bearing fruit pro
duced 78 tons last season. Well equip
ped "with tools and stock. $20,000.
24 acres 14 In cultivation, good
improvements, well stocked. $8000..
5 acres good land, modern 9 room
house; 2 acres in bearing loganber
ries, must be seen to appreciate.
Must be sold very soon. Let us show
you today.
Oregon Land Co. ;,
442 State street
32 acres, with 7, room dwelling and
barn, situate 2 miles from -Salem,
fine loganberry proposition. Price
$450 per acre.
173 acres with S mom house and
other buildings, 21 acres In bearing
prunes, 12 acres logans, situate 8-4
mile from 8.- P. de,pot and small
town. Price $31,000. ,
20 acres, all in cultivation; 1500
bearing prune trees; 400 apple trees;
400 bearing Bartlett pear trees; 50
Royal Anne cherry trees, 15 years
old; cheap farm buildings; miles
south of Snlem. $10,000 with terms,
40 acres; good house, barn and
fruit dryer; 15 acres of bearing prunes
2 acres of apples, walnuts arid cher
ries; all far mequlpmit. Price $15,
000. . , . , - .. . ; ;
10 acres, fair houwe and 'barn; 9
acres In cultivation; 2 acres logans;
strawberries and nice young orch
ard; uille to school, 4 mile from
Salem. Price $4500.
24 acres; six room Jiousie with wa
ter connections, equipped for -chicken
ranch; iht miles from Salem, at $8,
000. ,
23$ acres; t room modern house,
with fireplace and pressure wator
system; 20 acres 7-year old prunes;
abundance of family orchard and
small fruit; 80 acres seeded to crop;
60 acres timber; balance pnsttire; 8
miles from Salem, fully equipped.
Price $45,000. Easy terms.
90 acres; 70 acres In cultivation;
good 8 room plastered house; hot and
cold water with bath; 13 acres in
loganberries, u bearing; 4 miles
out- $13,500. I
2 story brick building; lot 25x166;
known as the old Salem post office
building, on N. Commercial street
If interested. Investigate.
8 room strictly modern house, with
lot 75 foot front, situate No. 1499
Court street Price $7000.
t nice six room modern bungalows
price $3000 each.
W. A. Listen
Agent, 484 Court street -57
ihcy uy 'jpiouunity comes to ev
c vi.t 6ti (east once in a lifetime,"
-.U here is une for someone who
ht.a $jii io $H)oi to put into a 21
acre tract of fine berry or prune
land. There is a proposition to be
: had in connection with the pur
- otwsi-of th.s whereby you can have
a permanent income while you
grow your fruit The sale price of
this property is $2250,
.... L. ehuiier Realty Co.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 351. - u
. ,
Say II you are going to move to
oodburn soon, we have one t the
Jst h"ya a modern 7 room
i"0"?6. ' th towii; uj?5 s bJ??k?
: tr? Maln st- and lf S"1!1 80n 226
t We Jtrst Meted a strtctrj- modern
(bungalow in senth Salem at $J800.
I 22 acres of the best kind of oil
on!y mllej froin Salem, with good
. buildings, all cultivated, at $7500.
1 i00 acre8 of (he Dcst iand , Polk
eoUnty, close in on paved road. All
Jn cultivation; no buildings. $!08 per
a!r. i
( reom cottage bungalow, modern
wjth (urnaee, paved street $3000.
40 acres, about 30 res orchard,
mostly prunes, full bearing; good dry
I er. house with water piped; about
miles from Salem, t $10,000,
S room house on paved ' St, good
lot; bath, otUet'A sreat.tiuy. $1400.
5 room house close in, toilet, city
water. Foe. quick sule $850
14 acres. 1 mile out; 6 acre orch
ard; good buildings, electric lights,
water system, on tmved road; wants
to trade ou larger farm. , ;
50 acres close to Portland, good
buildings; all under cultivation, $12,
500. Photographs of nearly all the
above places at our office.
Laflar & Laflar
406-7-8 Oregon bldg 57
We've never asked you for your re.
pair work; we hadn't, the room to do
It full lustlce.
But now that we've doubled our
shop space, at 229-237 State street,
we can serve you as you've alwavs
dreamed an auto shop SHOULD
serve good work, fair prices. ,
If your motor needs attention Mr.
Albert Espenel will inspect it, and
tell you what Is the trouble. If you
leave it with him, he'll do the work
Right. . - . . ;
Meanwhile, we sell the Avery Trac
tor. the Graium-Bernsteln truck, the
Monitor cars, and buy and sell used
cars. We'll save you some .good mon
ey on tires, too.
Bring us your useCiears we'll get
rid of them.. -...-.
Salem Auto Exchange
229. State street 68
Best Buys.
6 70-100 acres, 4 miles out on Pa
elfic Highway, nearly all In prunes,
$2,100, , t
2tt acres, ;1H miles from city
limits; family orchard, 14 acre straw
berries and all kinds of small fruits;
4 room house and - barn, chicken
house and fruit house; near paved
road. $2,000.
20 acres 3' miles from city limits,
all In cultivation; family orchard
bearing, 13 acres wheat and 4 ncres
clover; 6 room house nnd fair barn;
H mile to school on good road $8,000
with equipment.
11 acres Just outside city on paved
roan; river bottom; about 6 acres
logans, 1W acres strawberries; wal
nuts, cherries, apples, pears and all
kinds of small fruits; 9 room house,
good bnrn, store house,-large chicken
house, etc; hi mile to city school.
$11,000; terms. l
178 acres, oleared, balance tim
ber; Si mile from small luwn on rail
road; 25 acres prunes,, bearing; 12
acres logans, 8 ucres peuches; 6 room
house, large barn, dryer, storage
house, etc; 3 wells with running
water at barn; sandy loam soil. $180
per acre; terms.
132 acres 6 miles from railroad
town; 26 acres plunes; S room house,
barn and other buildings; 90 acres
cleared, 32 timber and pasture; 75
acres creek bottum. balance bench;
1 mile from school on good road, $100
per acre; terms.
205 acres 2 miles from good
town, on good road; 125 cleared, bal
ance timber and pasture; Mnck loam
bottom and bench; 9 room house and
2 good barns, also tenant buildings;
$21,000; terms. .
We also havo a fuw good buys in
houses from 4 to 8 rooms.
341 State St.
Good Buys.
25 acre tract of f list-class prune,
loganberry uml s'travvberiy soil, near
ly all cultivated. A good . 8 room
house, barn, well(' located on main
rock road 0 miles from Salem.
Price $5,000. ,
4.86 acre tract, two acres logan
berries, 314 acre strawberries, small
house, 4 miles south, good road;
price $2,650,
200 acre tract, 100 acres cultivated,
balance timber and pasture, running
creek, several thousand cords of
standlifg .'fit!, timber, located 6 miles
from Kalem on rock road. Price $100
per acre. .;.''".
; ,25 acri.'M of. fine prulrle soil, all cul
tivated; smull. houne house und good
barn, located 011 gravel road, . seven
miles from Salem, price $5,000.
10 acres of good bearing: Italian
prunes. 7 and 9 years old, located 4V4
miles from Salem, Offered tut a
short time at $6690.
JO acre tract located on main grav
el road 13 miles from Salem, 40
seres ttiltivtifert. good fences, run
ning water, fcood six' room houiaS
barn, hop house; 30 acres of good
timber. Price $150 per acre.
"10 acre tract located close to Sa
lem, all cuHvated, good 5 room
house, barn, weil, 1 acre loganberries.
Price $2500. -
80 acre farm located S miles from
Salem, good buildings, nearly all cul
tivated, some timber, - good road.
Prkse $16,500.- - ...)
, 10 rrs of geod prune and Deny
land, nil cultivated. Price $1500.
10 acre tract. 8 acres loganberries,
8 room house arid Irani,' 6 miles
out. Price $6500.
20 acre tract 7 acres loganberries'
S acres -of prunes, located on muln
Pacific highway: email buildings. If
you are looking for a money maker.
Investigate Offered for a short
time at $7600. -
fi roo tnnindern buni-alow located
st 24 Lwcein street, it'co u.
room modern bungalow loesled
st 1515 B. Commercial street Price
8 room modern house, lot 50x200
feet, garage, paved street. Price $$.
975. 6 room plastered bungalow, good
locution. Price $1600.
Modern 8 room house, good loca
tion on main street. Price $5000.
W. II. Grabenhorst & Co.
876 8t2te street
One 2-story bvick sture btuldin.
also frame building, .!;- C!e3. m.
$i.eo. -' - -
Nice buncalow, pi ered, S lots,
for $185. : .
Ckse in bouse. ' p, tstcred, bath,
lights, fireplace. $250u.
room house,' plastered, lights,
bath, garage, to ate street. Of
fered for short time ftr $2259,
H. E. Brown -
Room 8 341 State street ST
151 acres; ail choice river bottom
land, located on good graveled road
only ' 5 .miles from Corvallis. The
owner's present income from this
farm la about $800 per month. Good
T room house with basement, ath,
pressure water tank. etc. Big barn for
JO head cows and tots of hav. Other
buUdings on the place- are small ten
ant house, silo, hen house and other
outbuildings. With the farm go 25
head of fine grade cows. 3 horses,
harness, wagon, mower, rake, tlisc
buggy, sew and pigs, feed, seed, etc
Everything: goes and you can -ttegin
taking in the entire proceeds front
the farm as soon as you make the
purchase. Price for all, $20,000. Half
cash, balance long time at percent
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce) bldg. n
SAXON SIX. late niodol, repainted,
good tires, in first class "Mechanical
shape. Will sell on easy terms, with
small payment down. Phone 361. 66"
ALLOWANCE made on your oliTtires
when turned in on Keaton's abso
lutely non-skid. Horton Tire and
Rim Co.. 337 Court St.
AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re
finishlng. The Salem Reflnishlng
Co. 156 S. 12th St Phone 1673. m67
GENERAL automobile repairing.
magnetos repaired and recharged.
- Ford work a specialty; batteries re
charged. The .Fairgrounds Garage,
M. D. Jaokson, Prop, phone 808.
HUPMOBILE bargain. For aula or
trade for lighter car. Run only
4000 miles. Box Bargain Capital
"ournal. 05$
BUICK bug, a winner for any buyer
pome quick'. It's a snap. Salem Aute
Exchange. 229 State. q6T
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 State St Phone
869 ' e
Also upholstering
3 of all kinds, seat
covers, cservico. km
3. Hull, Y. M. a
A. Building, Salem, Oregon.
Stove RpKTng.
STOVE8 rebuilt and repaired! IT
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sites 88 to 68
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fenoe and Stove
Works, 860 Court street. Phone 1:14
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time,
6(4 and 6 percent Interest
-City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregoa
FARM'lOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privilege
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 8 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
DR. ALBERT R. kMILLKR Optometrist-optician,
eye thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
i"-iaJ-' hank. Phone $41.
WANTED "Second hand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices
' for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 286 N.
Com'l St, Phone- 947. ' "
long distance hauling. Office 44$
. Court Ht. Phone 998, night phone
679.1. 71
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall,
50ft U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
ra. phone 8 t.
DR JOHN L. LiNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Rea. phone 63F6; offloe
phone 1394. 78
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd Bush Bank, Salem, Ore.
refuse of all kinds . removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rales. Cuss pools cleaned. Dead anl-
, nuils removed. Office phone Mala
Tiodge Directory.
SHRINE Emblems 1920 11x12 la.
for autos. Aluminum. See J. U.
Hilmmut, 291 N. Commercial. 6
. CHEMEKETA I dge No. 1
inenis every Wednesday
evening at J:30 at I. O. O. F;hall.
K N (llli-!- OF PYTHIAS meet at Mo
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunta,
K. 11. & 8. '
Oregun Grage camp No, 1360 meets
ivery Thursday evening In McCor
- nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday SX
8 p. m, in I. O. O, F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, seo-
retiry, Salem, Or.
W 6 W SALEM CAM P 11 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty Ht. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. RosSjJC.: L. fi. Peer, elerk
Oregon Cedar Camp No. $24$
meet every Thursday evening at
o'clock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty street. H. O.
Coursey. V. Ci Frank A. Turner,
clerk. ;
Notice 1 hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed In the office of
county clerk of Marlon county, Ore
gon, his final report in the matter
of the estate of Arthur B. Poole, de
ceased, and that an order has bees
jmade by the county court fixing the
time for hearing said report at It
o'elock a. in. March 15, 1929. all per
ison interested are hereby notified to
j appear and show ceusa if any they
have, a to wny earn rcpori mnaum
not be approved, or sn order will be
entered approving the same.
1 v M