Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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l'lUST CHURCH OF CHRIST ternoon of Sunday. This will be tie
held j chance to hear a missionary Just from
a m. !the field. Come over and hear her In
Florence Wells, deaconess.
SCIENTIST Sunday service is
at 448 Chemeketa street at H
Subject of Bible lesson "Man". Sunday these two services. A. Wells, pastor,
school 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Read
ing room 20 Masonic Temple, open
every day except Sunday and holidays,
from 11:45 to 5 p. n. All are cordially
invited to our services and to our read
ing room.
school at :45. Morning worship at 11
o'clock. Miss Mary Hill, for years a
missionary to China, will preach. Chris
tian Kndeavor at :15 and evangelistic
preaching at 7:30. I'rayermeetlng on
Thursday at J:30 p. m. Our special re
vival meetings have closed with good
re.suIU; but out Altars are always open
and an opportunity given for people
to get saved, or otherwise receive spiri
tual help. A cordial initatlon iB ex
tended to the public. 1. O. Lee and wife
High street corner Center, two blocks
north of the Court house. Bible school
meets :43. Hear our big S. 8. orches
tra, the finest of It kind on the coast.
Morning communion and sermon at 11.
Sermon topic: The New Testament
Command to Evangelize the World,
the seventh of a series of New Testa-
i ment doctrinal sermons. The C. E. will
meet at 6:30 p. m. today to siuay
'"Life Lessons", Proverbs 20:1-15. A
splendid meeting last Sunday was the
result of the Albany convention, and
enthusiastic reports from the delegates
were presented. The evening church
services at 7:30, sermon topic: Beau
ties That Lie Hidden. Prayermeeting
Thursday evening at 7:15 to study the
methods of the Each One Win One
campaign, a twenty-minute lecutre by
tile pastor and three talks by "live
wires." " Loyal Women's class tea on
Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Clements,
280 North High street. The officii,
board issues a call for election of offi
cers at a congregational meeting on
Friday. March 12, 7:30 p. m. This is
which Father Anthony has been prea
ching, will close on Sunday evening
solemn benediction at 7:30. It has been
a most excellent mission and very well
attended Sunday morning masses will
be at 7:30. 8:30 and 10:30. The last
muss will be a solemn high mass with (hg nnnual election, and all members
three pries! s, and Rev. Father Anth
ony will preach. Everyone is cordially
During the week there will be the
R.wary and benediction on Wednesday
evening il the Stations of the Cross
and Benediction on Friday evening. On
March I'Jth, St. Joseph's (lay, there
will be special services In the church
at 9:00 a. m. and also at 7:30 p. m.
should be present. Brotherhood supper
postponed to March 15, on account of
sicknes. Lelnnd W. Porter, pastor.
North 5th and dallies avenue. Tomor
row evening at 7:30 the pastor, Evan
gxliMt A. R. Bell will give another Im
pressive sermon study. Subject "Is Clod
Particular In His Efforts to Save the
Hue Is (hid Losing Sight of Sin?" "Sin
is the Transgression of the Law." 1
John 3:4. The teachings of men will be
contracted with the word of the living
Hod, and It will be shown that sincer
ity amounts to nothing If it ls'not
supported by the Bible. All welcome.
Coiner of Winter and Jefferson Sts.
Thomas Aohesoil, pastor. Sunday
Hrhnol 9:45, Clias. llagemun In charge.
classes for all uges under the care of
capable teachers. Public worship 11
u. m., subject: Hellglou's Optimism.
Class meeting 12:15, Mr. C M. Clark in
charge. Kpworth League devotional
meetlns 6:30. A rousing meeting for
jiiiing people. Come early. In the ev
enliig at 7:30 we shall meet In the
Armory building to witness tne i-age-uut
Illustrating the great religious
in. inn movement In India. This pageant
was one of the great attractions at the
Centenary celebration. He sure to see
It. Wo extend a cordial Invitation to
the public to worship with us. Prayer
inoi'tliig Wednesday at 7:30 p m.
day in Lent. 7:30 a. ni. holy commun
ion; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m.
holy communion and sermon; 7:30
p. m. evening prayer and address.
Everyone welcome. Chns. H. Powell,
rector. '
LUTHERAN East State street and
Eighteenth. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at 10:30 a. m. sub
ject: "The Divine Necessity of the
Cross." The necesity for Christ and for
man. Passion service every Thursday
at 7:30 p. m. Visitors are welcome,
(ieo. Koehler, pastor.
So I "I'll SALIOM FU1 ENDS Corner
Smith Commercial mid Washington
streets. II. E. l'eillberton pastor. Chur
ch Bible school 10 a. ni. classes and
teachers for nil. Carl Miller, superin
tendent. Meeting for public worship nt
It a. m. Oood singing. Preaching
theme: "World Redemption." Young
People s meeting at 6:30 In C. E. room.
7:30 wewlllcxpeet to have a roturneA
nilBMloiuiry l speak, Mary Hill o
China Is an able worker.
CHURCH Corner Church and State
streets. lr. R. N. Avison, minister.
9:15 a. ni. class meeting, W. L. Cum
nilngs, leader. 9:45 Sunduy school.
Prof. W. I. Staley, superintendent and
Grace Smith, assistant. 11 a', m. In the
absence of Dr. Avison, Dr. E. Sherwood
of Kimball school of Theology will
preach. 3 p. in. Bro. V. W. Rosebraugh
.will conduct services nt the Old Peo
ple's hoin.', corner 12th and Ferry.
6:00 p. in. Epworth league led by
Margaret Rahn. The merits of the
Pocket Testament league will be pre
sented. Note the change of hour for
today, only. Junior league in Epworth
hall 7:30. A meeting In the Armory to
witness a pageant put on by a company
under the auspices of the Centenary
movement, assisted by local talent.
They bring costumes and reproduce
what was given in Columbus, Ohio lust
year, illustrating the mass move
ment In India. No admission charged
The city council and the county
court are asked. In a resolution pass
ed at a meeting of the North Salem
Improvement association in the High
land school Fridiy night, to "give
more careful attention to the possl-
Diiities or remedying street condi
tions in North Salem, and other parts
of the city, with a view of paving
them, thereby saving the city unnec
essary expense, and also relieving mo
torists of much running costs. The
resolution as passed Friday night
Whereas the estimates of the city
street commissioner indicates . that
the city of Salem Is expending' over
fiOO per mile per year in a vain ef
fort to keep in proper repair the
macadamized parts of the main heavy
traffic arteries such as the Pacific
highway within the city limits and
the u ii paved parts of Front street.
Capitol street and Highland avenue,
Whereas the heavy and increasing
traffic on these main arteries, due to
the paving of state and county high
ways to the north, destroys the ma
cadam surface as fast as It can be re
paired, and this high cost of mainte
nance is wasted so far as permanent
and satisfactory results are concern
ed, and
Whereas the 200 to 300 maclUnes
a day using these rough macadam
traffic links in effect pay a toll of
at least one cent per -mile for in
creased depreciation wear and tear,
lost time, gus and tire expense, when
traveling on poor macadam as com
pared with the same costs, when
driving on smooth pavement, and
for the low estimate of only 200 ma
chines a day, the extra cost of ma
cadam to the driving public amounts
to'over 3700 per year per mile, and
Whereas, 'cither, the J700 per mile
furnished by Salem tax payers, or
the $700 and more per year added
expense to the driving public, will
pay interest at 5 perctuit and in due
time retire the principal of one third
of the Issue of bonds necessary to
pave these streets, allowing (25,000
per mile for that purpose, and
Whereas, the session laws of 1919,
foreseeing such contingencies, in chap
ters 70 and 340, give ample authority
both to the city council and the coun
ty court to cooperate with the own
ers of adjacent property to secure the
paving of important traffic links, con
necting with stilte and county paved
roads, where the Interest and profit
of such Improvement to the general
public is much greater than to the
adjacent property owners.
Therefore, be It resolved by
jacent property owners, and
Be it further resolved, that
heavy tax payers, and all civic organ
izations, interested in the sound eco
nomic and creditable development of:
the city, be asked to investigate the
possibility of preventing the abso
lute waste of city street funds on
temporary betterments, where per
manent and far more desirable im
provements could be secured at the
same cost by a more flexible policy
of cooperation with owners of ad
jacent property.
Community singing, led by John
W. Todd, and a talk by J. F. Hutcha
son on pubtlcttyand advertising, were
features during the meeting. The ad
visability of printing a booklet set
ting forth the possibilities In North
Salem was discussed following a pro
posal made by Mr. Hutchason that
such a thng be done.
Reform School
Escape Found 'it
Special Pageant
At Armory Gives
New Indian View
Earl llayo, 17. who escaped from
the state boys' training school Friday
evening, had not been found or heard
of by attaches at the reformatory up to
a late hour Saturday. Mayo was com
mitted to the school from Portland. It
i sbelieved that he might attempt to
make his way to his home there.
The disappearance of the boy was
reported to police here Friday night.
He is described. In a report made to
them, as being five feet four inches
tall, weighing 120 pounds, blue eyes,
outstanding ears, large mouth, long,
large teeth .and wore a blue-gray regu
lation uniform of the institution.
Liberty nnd Marlon streets. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. J.
C. Tlbbets. Theme for the morning
service "A Remedy for the Great HI
of Life," evening "Constructing the
King's Highway."
school at 10 Preaching at 11. Christian
Endeavor 7 p. in. and preaching ser
vice at 8. Mid-week prayermeellng on
Wednesday evening 7:30. Everyone Is
cordially lulled.
Comer South 19th and Ferry strool.
II. O. Stover, minister. Sunday school
10 a. m. Mrs. H. E. Edwards, superin
tendent. Morning address 11a. nt. C.
K. d:45 p. m. Evening service at 7;30
p. m.
Thomas S. Anderson, minister. A
good church school 9:45. Joseph H.
Albert, superintendent. Morning wor
Hlilp 11 o'clock. Theme: The Master's
Ureal Invitation to Our Needy Hu
inanity. Matthew Xt. 28:30. Intermed
iate Endeavor at 5 amf Young People's
mooting 6:30. No evening service In
this church that we may all Join In
the pageunt at the Armory.
and Marlon streets. Sunday school 9:4i
. AV. It. Hardy, superintendent. Preach
ing U a. in. and S p. in. In the after
noon at 3:30 there will be n mission
ary meeting at at 6:30 the yoiuiff peo
ple's Bible sillily, subject: Abraham.
7 .30 to 8 ii. in. a sting and praise ser
. Vice. There will be a nilsslonury con
vention beginning Saturday evennlg at
. 7:30 under the, auspices of the Mission
ary department of the National Holi
ness association. Miss Mary Hill direct
from the field in China and one of the
oldest inlsHiiiiiailes under the Holiness
association .will be the speaker. She
: will also speak at the meeting In the at
and Mill streets, Sunday school at 2:00
o'clock, air. 1). Hasael will preach at
3:00 o'clocer. Scaiullvavlnns are cordial
ly Invited to attend.
The India mass movement pageant,
showing how the caste system is being
broken down and whole villages under
the leadership of their mayors are
seeking Christian baptism, will be pre
sented in dramtic form Sunday even
ing. March 7. at 7:30 o'clock In the
armory. The pageant will be directed
by Rev. M. E. Osborn and Rev. C. C.
Hermann, both of whom have servea
as missionaries In India for a number
of years and are intimately acquaint
ed with exotic 'features of that coun
try. '
The production will be a presenta
tion of the astounding movement of
the native masses of India toward
Christianity, with a setting of the na
tive life, modes of dress, customs and
superstitutions of the people. The
Raja Yisu Aya Bong which has had S
tremendous influence in the Chrlstian
ization of India, will be sung in the
vernacular by the players in costume;
grouped about the village Chaudlm
and there will be added touches which
the directors themselves are able to
give because of their intimate knowl
edge of the mannerisms and habits of
the people of India.
Ths pageant was first given In the
India building at the centenary mis
sionary exposition at Columbus, Ohio,
and created such an impression among
those who saw It, that it had trt be
moved to one of the largest tents
which Beated hundreds of people.
Later it was presented with tremen
dous success before an audience of 30,
000. The present production is essentially
the same, and hits had everywhere the
same unparalleled success, arousing
favorable comment for both Its dra
matic and instructive value. The ap
peal of the India mass movement pup
eant is interdenominational, and Chris
tians of all creeds alike have attended
the its presentation with profit.
Save the Chicks
Dr. LeOear's Lice Killer, and Dr. Le
Gear's Poultry Prescrption will cut
down the chick death rate, make
more sturdy chicks and develop
chicks faster into healthy .profitable
pullets. Don't delay. Go to your deal
er for these valuable aids to poultry
raising. The following dealers sell
Dr. LeGear's Remedies. AVard K.
Richardson, 2395 North Front St. D.
A. AVhite & oSns, 254 State St. H. L.
Earl. Hunter, Oregon. (Adv)
w Yunnan ji. Lewton, I. B. S A.
"In this Lecture it shall be shown ththe
i secures all the rights and privileges of the Fir
e llt ad3 pjj a .bone
J ears. Who rirW..n
Even now the Nations are girding themselves for , t
-;"66Kaii w una Markets"
Hear this interesting subject discussed and eoDc!
drawn, not from guesswork, but from the Word of
Moose Hall, Sunday, March 7, 2:30
North Salem Improvement associa
tion, that the city council and the
county court be requested to give
most careful attention to the possi
bility of remedying these conditions
by mutual cooperation with the ad-
All protestant churches of Salem will
unite in this special presentation, there.
being no evening services lu any r.f
these churches. There , will be no ad
mission charge.
9. E. Corner 13th street. O. S. Roeder,
minister. Sabbath school 10 o'clock.
Preaching 11 o'clock. There will be no
Kpworth league meeting nor preaching
In the evening, because the congrega
tion will go to the pageant at the Ar
mory at 7:30.. ' .
Homer is said to have died of cha
grin because lie could not solve a riddle
Keep the vital organs heahhy bj"
regularly taking tiw world's stand
' urd remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troul ka
fhs Hsms.1" of Holland f.r
canturietaml ondowej if Qmn ViVi ;i
mina. At all drugims. th.vej M
l?H foe th ncuo CU M)l e .n (
la VII
m m a
l ... .
Appear At Your
If you receive a Hidden
oiler or an unexpected In-
vitatton you can (eel con
fident of always appearing
it your beet In but a few
moment II rendera to your
skla wonderfully , pure.
oft complexion hut
beyon J com parUoo.
It. has the home made taste. If you try a loaf today, you'll
buy a loaf every day.
': Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street. j
1f1 STORAGE ff
TRP( JCj!Ttite
3. F. Hutchason wfll act as one of
the colonels in helping to raise the
necessary fund for the Salem Gen
eral hospital. Hutchison said. "The
finest thought In this campaign Is
the fact that Salem will have hos
pital which will b a credit to the
city; non-sectarian and owned by all
the people."
EVERY minute a battery
works there is evapora
tion going on; but it affects
the water only never the
acid. No matter how old the
battery may be it has its full
'supply of acid, and that acid
keeps its strength unless
'some of it happened to spill
out Water is the only thing
that should ever be put into
your battery and only enough
of that to keep the solution
within a quarter-inch of the
Auto Electricians
233 North High Street
In His efforts to save the race is God losing sight of Sin)
"Sm is the transgression of the law" 1 John 3:4.
Another Impressive Sermon Study by
Tomorrow Evening, 7:30
In this study will be given the answer of Jehovah to the
questions and quibblings of men. What says the Bible)
That is the only thing that counts.
Come and hear this Question answered. Others are be
ing benefitted. Why not you? : ' .
S.D. A. CHURCH, North 5th Street and Gaines Avenue.
In all over leather or tapestry. In wood arms and back
either tapestry or leather upholstering. The forethought
of our buyer has made it possible for us to save you money
All the merchandise we are now displaying was bought at
the old price. That tells the story and explains why we are
able to always sell to you for less money.
Leather Rocker Specials
Reg $105.t)0 genuine leather, spec. $83.90
Reg.' 98.50 genuine leather, spec $78.35
72.50 genuine leather, spec $57.80
69.60 genuine leather, spec $54.80
66.50 general leather, spec $51.80
57.50 genuine leather, spec $46.80
45.50 genuine leather, spec $36.20
43.75 genuine leather, spec $34.85
36.00 imitation leather . $2W
$24.25 Imitation leather........$19-3S
17.50 imitation leather ....... $H-80
No rockers will be sold to other dealers.
They are for our customers only!.
JMi'ilmfl 4 : ' " Reg.
sPtMM Reg.
Wizard Dusters
The most sanitary type of cluster made. It does not stir up and
scatter dust. Its chemically treated yarn gathers and holds the .
dust. When it becomes soiled you can wash it wUhout injuring its
chemical properties. Needs no renewing. Convenient in shape, price
only 73c. . -- .