Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    ?AT. MARCH 5. 1920,
kicks, 1' cent yBar- " uli SAJ ti
CU ,.. unless Mvertnw has
ecount No allowance lor
I B9 errors.
I--"Tt 12 room house 4 blocks
hZm Oregon Electric station. $2,
K 14 cash. Sawyer & Eramett,
1 "ne bUig 55?
mirVROLET tounus. mwiuiuw,
tires. down, balance
S terms. 156 S. Commercial St.
' 56
KfsALEpBy owner, strictly ra,d
' f. t room house one and a half
Softe frm car iine' Bouth Sa'em.
Jjidress HO Superior street. Phone
rrTos SIX, late model, repainted,
iood tires, in first class mechanical
Sine Will sell on easy terms, with
p,U payment down. Phone 861. 66
ftfi At once experienced wait
"ms Call Imperial Cafe, Albany,
r :
Svjsior hatching, niottled Amoonas
torn Sheppard's strain, 83.26 per
(filing; larger quantities for iucu
tatori priced on application. Jas.
fy,. Rt. 3. box 253, Salem. 66
fVRSALE 7 room bungalow with
fireplace, garage, fruit and two
lots, east front and paved street.
?500. 5 room bungalow with fire
plac. paved street, en Chemeketa
a tmo. W. A." Liston, 484 Court
: - : t5T
FOR SALE 3-ton chain hoist. Fhone
1!M. Call at 565 N. Cottage St. c57
10ST ladles purse containing "5c
change and receipts with loser's
janit. Pleaso leave- at Journal of
fice and keep change. P6
fOF. SALE Or trade automobile
for Loganberry tips or team.. Phone
jus. a
WANTED House with large let, 6
rooms preferred. $600 down, . $.15
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty
Co. 416 Masonic Temple. 1 n'
fylTSALE 1 4 room plastered
house and 1 lioonv houst', S. flue
lors, fruit: 1 block to car.. !l4ul).
Terms. 4 room ceiled houseJbarn
hold 4 head; fruit, berries. 3 blocks
to car $1400, easy terms. Walter
McLaren, 180 N. Commercial St.
' aS7
FOR SALE One 120-egg Old Trusty
inculiator. G. Broacher, 995 South
14th St. . . , e57
600D violin and bow in first class
condition, for sale cheap if taken
now, 406 N, 24th. Ht
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished house-
neei'ing rooms, upstairs. Phone
j"-:- jsj
TOR SALE A combination range,
cost $165, will sell for $100 cash,
frantically new. Phre la. ess
LUST Un Coninici'ciul strict between
Siate and Bellevue streets, ruhbr
air iiiid. Finder please phone J31
or ?,! for owner. - . gl
STEXfx-iRAPHEH Wftntedwith
kiioIedge of bookkeeping and
general office work; must be quick
ana acpiirateJto2JoutnaI. g57
WASTED A good home for 3" lit
tle boys In Advent homes, their
55'.? 7A1.0, 13 yo"rs- CaI1 r. write
J4,(iOak St., Snlom, Or.- i68
1 ni4thf'st 8a,e Chtai' Imjuire
FOR SALE Team, wagon aiid hTir
JJ; " and 7 years old, weight
-pounds. Harness . alw,3
Stodetaker wagon,' good as new. J.
A?ts, Rt. 8, box 186. egi
FOR SALE-By-lnwn, close to car line, paved
-Efj Inquire Bflft TC. 8,h e T
ALLOWANCE nia"dFoTWir l.i',;..
..un-sKKi. itorton Tire and
J?!!L2zl" Court St.
birds a,d cage
Km SALE-Sinck liogTlrorn
sr ?' (lraft nnd drivers cord
ISi.08 nd..'. Sweet cider.
''RLlone 3F11 "si
"'" 'ocateu near Antnsvilio
.rLL b...paved; aH. in
ItW S"iif V nice izf-
A. E. Stewart, Silverton,
fop5Tn? t'o I
- Re.l rth,EBK8' R,lode Island
rt "terrier Tl,roufll-ed female
lean Ml,"b"n5Tnnn5.
(jp-7 "-""e et. t.fl-
IllectriP " a store 0" Oregon
! lOrT,-i- e58
' m;J T mi"'1""'- "070. Find
! Or hai for . Bo s, Turner.
1 IT vS?: - S 6
'We'? Iadifia for house to
o S 1 r P r-. -
1 1 ' si k e clover hav. Pi:,
rTX'-. 86
o hti SnoA asaortmen.t of used
-peat h, . , e cl08in8 out '
room house,
rtment , 01 UBca Car- God
h k.'0. M'Iect ''on. These
alt h.. . 8ele rrom. '
M:ar to K. Tnte the time
It win y a secondhand
,f". AmiL 7 TOU ta iok tlw8e
-i??-in a nnn , Automobile Co..
CArTk 5s
fxl used eJ0? Want to et
bi8Wsal S ior reai low value.
J-il-Sk .A"tomobo Co. Come in
J ,nf automobile. 4 ;ood
bat" ".r,- e'ectrte lights.
" smTll 4Sh ". This
J- W 4 blinder egnlce El
a wl." make good. kgr.
Wood. Phone 1090M.
"cIsmTTJ gt
Fall. , i'.nc? mi" xd from
ck J J'mr Co. Car on
jVeT? Phone 1142
"aotrjrrI-. a
wood Tubr
ood. Phone log. . 6
-!wonth 1! handf- balance at
. TOR SAl.Fi : . xwrtftiAJU
""irtions, U cent J6"- er owner at bargain"
I jiU. - - bearing fi- Bl
1 mseriwn only w Ne day. j M 22 and ill o nMiil St Price
- in advance and utH ut- I13WU. T
cottage electric lights and bat?
Plastered, concrete foundation for
one week only. prio, ,4i Moo
cash. You-Il have nurryit.
N. 81st St. See Job. M 0ua Tl . .
' f- room hoase, birTT
chicken hou. eUu-ic ijh
ere good land, all kind, fruit and
berries; private water aval. t5
000. half cash, batanca &
.... .OT be.
uauq mriciw modern 7 rZT
house locaud on Sa1eHe? s
S lots S9xl$t each, Iruik.
butifu! flowert tid snrutt
wee. fireplace, dutch kitchen, bailt
" oookease. and '
t'JL f V"U "hfd. en T4d
street and streetcar Une. Prk-e jl -00.
Mrs. Winme Pettyjohn 175
State street, Tel. SIS
"i? iT" """-bunralolT-ant-
Jonrnl ey.
FOK SALIi, Five room
house. Inquire at 140 Meyers St
Pnn ii 1 1 iV ii i
... H. Purvlne. 80S Oak JSt. t56
ROOM house., larm lot "
garden, barn or garage, near school
This property is close in. north, In
i!Tble 'ocatlon- Pr'ed cheap at
J1S00, and H cash, balance 8 per
,-? "n3r ?!here- S- K- Pea.-son.
Y'.F"n P'g. fhone 43.
FOR SALFTi-r.Tr-i- .
room hoUa-r.l,'-."e n
SXV yr"rr.n. on
1 "'" l& ana Z3 streeta a58
S ROOM plastered house for galeTl
siffhtiv T .. taring fruit;
iiVr. j i' ear sr"00'. car
..u puvea streets, immediate
. possession. I Advertise .only, good,
buys .Price ,300 and $1091 clh
"oie. B. K-. Pearson, 405
-"Fiu mni?. t-none 43
FOR SALE Bungalow , well located
in south Salem, five rooms strictly
........... urcpiuue, lurnace, hard-
!odIIfloo and garage. Price $6,
000. Hawking and Roborts. 205 Ore-
-??Sld nS8
WANTED For cash, g room' ircT
ly modern bungalow, well located.
Write Mrs. Ellis car. P. o. box
256, Salem.
FOR SALE Good is room houW,
electric lights,-- city water, t nice
lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute school, Can be
. see nat 2446 Hazel avei a3
For SaleFarms. ;
V. ur' f acrM tv" and one
half miles ot Salem, one half mile
off of paved road on good graveled
road, nil in cultivation and good
buildings, some orchard. This place is
priced at $260 per acre. If you are
looking for something good at the
. tt,price Bee Fred w- Durbin at
H76 State St., and look this over.
i-nune oin. k
FOR SALE Home place consisting
r llv" acres, 3-4 mile west
of Liberty store on main road. All
In cultivation; some fruit and ber
ries. Phone 88F4, A. E. and W. A.
Free, Rt. S, Salem, Or. b59
. "-". i a- uargain. i;t acres
or iana 7 miles north of Salem and
hare mile east of Portland road;
twenty acres beaverdam, all clear
ed and drained ready to seed. Two
houses, barn, onion house, silo; 4
cows, 2 horses. 3 hogs, 9 pigs and
machinery. Will sell all or a part.
If you are looking for something
sjood. See owner Fred W, Durbin,
zyd state St. Phone 615, n 5 7
FOR SALE 165 acres close to town
good river bottom land, 20 acres
hops, hop house, most all In cultl
atlon. 400 acre stock or dairy
farm, 25 cows, 10 heifers, 8 room
- house, 2 big bam, all stock and
implements go with place. $23,000.
AH kinds of small farms close to
Salem. Phone 64F14 for particu-
lnrs. b58
FOR SALE 80 acres of choice prune
or berry lam, 9 miles south of Sa
lem,. y mile, from Pacific highway.
40 acres clear, balance timber and
pasture; fair house and barn. This
place lays well. $8000, V cash. Ed
Dinger, Turner, Rt. 2. Salem phone
1MF12. b5l
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE flood steel range. 1386
Ferry street. c57
ONIONS, good quality delivered, ly,
to 3 He per lb. Call 48F11. G7
GOOD table potatoes $4.50 per sack,
also pigs for sale. Phone 86F22.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay for sale
at barn. C. S. Teeple. RL 1. Phone
8 to 9:30 p. m. c&S
SHOW case for sale. 141 N. High St.
FOR SALE Ladies bicycle, in good
condition. See J. Baumgartner, care
Salem Hdw. Ce. - . e0
CEDAR POSTS Seven foot, split red
cedar loganberry posts in carload
lots. Write A. 11. MatiocK Lumber
company, Dallas. Or. c66
FOR SALE Clean red clover seed.
Rt. . box 1. Gervais. vtS
SPITZENBERG and Baldwin apples
$1 and $1.50 a bushel, also some
potatoes fo sale. Phone 9TF12.
FOR SALE-r-Monarch steel range,
good as new. Call 1381 State street
or phone 170!. c57
FOR SALE Home canned fruit. Al
so ctiplioard snd kitchen cabinet.
1325 Fairmount St. c59
For Sale Nursery Stock.
SPRAYING done. Large
preferred. Phone 754.
NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes,
garfted walnuts, filberts, and all
other kinds of nursery stock. Buy
direct and rave agents commission.
Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or.
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity Etterberg 12L Gold Dollar,
PnSgressivie " Everbearing, Oregon,
Trebla. Wilson. Thrifty, well root
ed plants. Low quantity prices. City
delivery. Ward K. Rlehartlson, 2395
Front. Phone 494. f66
ETTERBERtt 121 strawberry plants. per IftOO; Wilson IS. Address
P. O. box 214. Salem. Or.
FOR SALE Peach seedlings. How
FOR SALE Peach seedlings, "for
lining out." Howard Jones. Phone
111F3. d61
VROMAN Frs liquet walnuts grafted
on black stomp; these trees are
grown and acclimated here and
stood the freese and are free from
frost. Mid die Grove nursery. Phone
14F5. d67
FOR BALK 1300 prune trees 35c
each; 1 team horse weight 8400
and 1 black horse weight laO lbs
Claude H. Stevenson, Rt. S. box
1JS, Salem. Paoss 3Flf. cT
HLje Livestock.
. Of niirarc
general .assortment
on ornanr.. . ' l"""8
etc. t -il snruos. roses,
c'an up- Howard Jone
Northwest Nursery. Phone 11 IF3.
SALE Ohpsra,.' n-,.:.
week,old. Call 36F13. 5.
seai-s old; one bay. wt. l oo 5
Jes, g,ylng 3 gall01ls 13n
FOR SAl.e-1 sow, S oldwiTl
f ? we?klM ArU 24;, an(i 9 P"
weeks old. Phone 110F11. Al
bert Egginian, Silverton, Or. Rt. 3.
ewe.T S heal dsT3ck
tombing thw month; 19 head of
Durham stock cattle, yearlings and
years; also 4 head of good mUk
222 "I8h Ja ,hi"? Joe, ptnyion. ur. efio
1200 lbs., must be nold n,,i,.
Will Sell rhinn a a .
o uaLE-iiooii WOik team 7 vrs.
, ?Ii,ci,e.11 wSon. Must sell
Huicaiy. t-au at the Simon place.
Vno oTTt, 7 .
V, tT , , ?ey cow' havy milk.
Walker - store. A. R.
CEXTEk Street feed barn. 225 Cen'
1600, i biack team welght 150(
mrjjeorge Smith. : e58
F SALE Small team nFrses, work
v."",'" "gie; onve an-where.
-gggjn. Apply mo S, High St. e57
XT' AD ci i r iT" Z-i" . -
hi elu"uul. d'-'Ving
;v.v'Ru!u"?,e.or aow:
j ,, , J io-seatea surrey
and light wagon. Call 304 N. 21st
pnuiie s4tK. pCT
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Phone 3F11
w -uuiess n. a. Egan, Gervals,
Jg--i e
For SalePoultry
Cuuuek STOKE An up to dati
self regulating Kresky room heat
er and two 220-egg incubators, used
tor 1 hatching, cheap. Call evenings
?rKW0r.UoJ,-X- WnrlnT. 21" North
t..Salem, Or. fgn
WANTE13 -Chickens, will pay big
. price in trade for large lot on Lib
erty St. deed and abstract up to
date. Write or call evenings, J. L.
.tanner, am IV. 6th St., Salem
W ANTED One dozen Barred Rock
hens, college strain, good layers.
, See Feathers, Novelty Works, 239
Court street.
FOR. SALE Arieona hatching eggs
$1.60 for 15. Phone looSJ. " f57
FOB' SALE Partridge- Rock eggs
for setting; also two fine cockerels
eastern blood. Phone 1719J, 2286
MiH St. ,56
HEX turkeys for sale. Cull 107FJ2.
HATCHING eggs, Rhode Island Reds
ot color and productivity, 15 for
. $1.50. Phone 1788W2. C. A. Rat
ellff, Salem, Or. ' fan
White Leghorns, Buff Leghorns, R.
I. Reds, Barred Rocks, Black Ml
norcas, White Wyandottes, . Buff
" Orpingtons, Anconas. These vari
eties each week. C. N. Needham,
55M State St. Tel. 400.- , f63
WOMAN wanted at Home .Wet Wash
laundry. Phone 171. g5g
WANTED Live man with, car for
real estate work. Must b a huxtlf-r
Call at 201 Bank of Commerce bldg
wainted Men tov. split cord wood
by C. M. Hall, one mile-. west of
waconda. Will pay $1,25 per cord.
Or-Write C M. Hart, GerratB, Or.
. 'g67
WANTED Man to cut brush. Will
furnish shack, garden ground and
pasture for cow. Phone 1141J be
tween 7 and 8 o'clock morning or
. evening, g67
WANTED Woman to do washing
nrst 01 week. Airs. F. J. Rupert,
860 Chenieketa St g57
YOUNG men for railway mail elerks,
siio month. Experience unneces
sary. For free particulars examina
tions, write J. Leonard (former
government examiner) 1087 Equit
able bldg., Washington, I C. g57
WANTED Middle aged lady for gen
eral housework and care for sick
lady. Phone 999 or call at 371 N.
Commercial. g66
MAN and wife want position as first
and second cook for small crew.
W H care Journal. h.57
Wanted Sit uations.
WANTED To drjve stock, beef cat
tle especially, years of experience
in Arizona. Phone 199. h58
FOR lawn work and garden making
phone 1327 or call 1407 Center St.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
JOB press wanted. Phone 1597 W.
WANTED Small furnished house,
or modern apartment close in. Ad
dress Seeker care Journal. 156
HAVING sold my farm, I want to
, buy a modern bungalow, (or 7
rooms. Would like a little fruit
Send particulars to M B Journal
office.. ' . i
WANTED Dress making.
WANTED Experienced saleslady for
. dress goods dept. Oale & Co. got
WANTED To furnish you a nice,
new five, six or seven room bun
galow all ready to move In, or will
furnish you the- material all ready
to put together to ' complete the
same. Can save you at least thirty
per cent on purchase of material
and construction. Have formed con
nections with parties who are
abundantly able to supply the ma
terials on short notice. Plans and
specifications all furnished free.
Come and see bis at my residence,
2 North Winter street. If busy
during the day, come in the eve
ning. If married, bring your wife
with you. Phone 1532J only be.
. tween S p. ra, and 9 p. m. W. H.
Burghardt. Sr.
FOR plumbing and general repairing
call 1746R. m58
8ECONDhaad store in Salem for sate
or trade. Call . m58
ORDER your awnings from Diliman,
Write 960 Highland sve. m74
WANTED 6 or room modern bun
galow. $300 cash, balance monthly.
Box 666, Capital Journal. j
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 69
years experience; Depot Nations!
and American fence, sise 81 to IS
inches high. Paints, oil and Tarn
ishes,, etc, loganberry and hop
books. Salem Fence - nd Store
Works. 850 Court street. Phone 121
FOR RKNT S room furnished house
almost modern. Phon 7si t.i.
leur, 271 N. Com; St.
FOR REXT Feur or five modern un
iurmsartt rooms Close
in. fil H
Broadway St. or N. Uberty St. laT
FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, over garage, cheap. 179
& 15th St.
FOR RENT Single housekeep7nE
roams at The Miller, iZ3 Ferrv.
FOR RENT 5 room furnished house
Lava i leur. 371 ff. Com. St. 15
FOR REXT Three large, clean un
furnished housekeeping rooms with
bath, lavatory and lights, upstair
In private residence; B0 children.
15 per month. Inquire 17 South
12th St. ir,?
Lost and Found
LOST Fountain pen. gold trimmed
black cord attached with high
Bcnooi nicser Key. jusb Thelma
Daugherty, 1039- Union St. kit
FOUND Pui-se between Court and
Chetneketa. Owner HI&1V bj-VA Cm tit a
by proving property and paying for
LOSX-Plain gold round wifist watch,
Swiss Waltham. Return to this of-
tice, reward. k5T
LOST A pair ot nese glasses with
chain attached. . Leave at Journal
office. kS7
LOST Nickle plated auto crank near
Silverton. Address B. W. Peyree.
Macleay, Or. - ' (,q
LOST Army oversoat with"lwme
and address Inside. E. N. Bello. 895
S. 21st St., Salem, Ore. Reward.
Phone 473W after 5 p. m. . k56
THE International CorresDondence
school will have their local repre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He also will be
' glad to give the public information
regarding the schools and their
LIST your property with Llston, wa
have the buyers. If your property
Is worth the money, we can sell It.
W. A, Liston, 484 Court St. 67
TO EXCHANGE -- Well improved
acre tana 40 wooaourn for 4 or I
room house and lot in Salem. J. H
Gynn care Peoples cash store. m58
LIST your property, with Liston, we
navo tne buyers. If your property
Is worth the money, we can sell it.
w. A. Liston, 484 Court St. 67'
IF your property Is worth the nioney
we use it, ; we aavertlse it. Estes
- Ma gee, Salem,' 428 Oregon bldg.,
r-ortianq, sua Chamber of Com. n75
LIST your property with Listen, we
nave tne ouyers. if your property
is worm me money, we can sell it.
W. A, Liston, 484 Coort St. 57
, 4 acres 8 miles from Salem., paved
road, choice dark loam. $1600.
16 acres near Salem. 12 In cultiva
tion, good buildings,., orchard; cows,
horse, fowls, feed, crop. Snap. $5000.
10 acres choice dark loam soil,
good house, other buildings; good
orchard; near school, good road. $4.
500, easy terms, or exchange fof Sa
lem residence for part.
60 acres near Salem, good build
ings, water system, orchard good soil
for quick sale, $850OY
s room cottage and sleeping oocch
large lot, plenty fruit. $830, easy
Bee us for good bargains.
7 Perrine & Marsters. ;
211-12 Com. club bldg,
Real Investments
1Z00 acre stock ranch near Browns
vllle, Including stock and equipment.
$24,000, terms.
Stock ranch consisting ot 320 acres,
65 acres In cultivation and mostly
seeded. Good family, orchard, spring
water piped to the house. Stock and
machinery all goes. Price $7700, good
terms. , .
200 acres at '$5 per acre. Asses
sor says that it is worffl 'more.
Homestead relinquishment $400.
20 acres, new buildings, sun mo, 1;
clover bay made 4 tons to the acre.
We know that it is worth more than
the price, $2500.
Good house in Mt. Angel, good lo
cation. For Salem property.
5 room bungalow, block from
car' line. $2250, godiU' terms? worth
$3900, ask adjoining, owners.
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not Increase the price
and make the sale Impossible.
, 'T . Estes & Magee'., ; '..
428 Oregon bldg, -Salem
Portland office, Chamber of Com.
" n
Located a few miles from Salem on
good roads, first class soil and most
ly In cultivation and crop. Land lays
level to slightly rolling. 26 acres bear
Ing prunes and cherries, Royal Anne
and Lamberts. Good 8 room plaster
ed house, built in conveniences, bath,
hot and cold water; hydraulic water
pressure. Large barn, implement
sheds, mostly under wire fence. The
owner of this farm Is going east and
wishes to sell everything. The price
is below the value. Price now $150 an
acre and $7500 will handle. Immedi
ate possession. See -
s. ft. rearson
405 Oregon, bldg. Phone 43. , n'
Modern except- furnace. 6 large
rooms and sewing halt Built In fea
tures. Bath, toilet, large closets, full
basement, electric lights. . Large iot.
Price $3250.
7 room bungalow type, full base
ment, furnace, Improved street, gar
age. A good buy. $5500.
7 room modern house, large lot, on
improved street, close-in. $7500; good
7 room house. Its, a dandy, Just
overhauled, painted, and up to the
minute. Lot 100x140; some fruit; on
improved street. $3500' for quick sale.
Call In and see our farm list of
high class tends.
John 11. scott Keaity (Jo.
228 Oreiron hldg.
Good Buys- , .
5 acre tract 10 minutes from Saleti
fair grounds. House, good roomy barn
frost proof fruit house, tower, large
water tank, engine and all conven
iences of a real home; choice orch
ard, etc. $6250.
10 acre tract" fine Wnd. prune
apples and cherries; good barn and
deep well of water, ctasw in. $6600,
It acres close in, I acres loganber
ries, produced last season 26 tons
of berries; 1 acre of strawberries,
balance In fruit and garden; good
room house and other useful build
ings. -. 1 m
43 acres 4 miles out, all tile drained,
tsrew new harn. larire frost nroof fruit
h,,n. S Una iuvarln fruit nro.
duced'74 tons last season. Well equip-!
ped with tools and stock. $20,000.
34 acres 14 in cultivation, good
improvements, well stocked. 18000.
I acres good land, modern roam
house; 2 acres In bearing loganber
ries, must be seen to appreciate.
Must be sold very soon. Let as show
you today.
Oregon Land Co.
- 148 Stat street
FOB 84LR A mU-toiv umhj
r"" pall A completely furnished
modem S r. in, ii KiioA vera ot.iii
! Journal. ao
160 acre stock farm. 4a acrs of mead
ow. good orchard and garden land
balance timber pasture and laying
next to au open range, can run 100
head of stock; S room house, two
good earns and other outbuilding.
Can be bought for $30 per acre;
also 4 head ot stock ana uu
equipment can be bought reason
able. 427 acres ot Marion county's best
grain land: 260 under the plow, all
well fenced; t good houses and
barns and out ' buildings. Without
a doubt this is the best buy i- the
county at $81 per acre. No white
See Mr. Com p ton at . 49
State street, or write V. R. Put
nam, Woedbura, Or. nS
They say "Opportunity comes to ev
eryone at least once in a life time,"
and here is one for someone who
has $500 to $1000 to put into a, II
acre tract f fine- berry or p rente
land. There is a proposition to be
had in connection with the par
chase ot this whereby you (an have
a permanent income while you
grow your fruit. The sale price of
this property is I22&0V " -
A. L, Seamster Realty Ci; '
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 35J. - n
- - , ... - r
151 acres: all choice river bottom
land, located on good graveled road
only t .miles from. Carvutlist .The
owners present income from this
farm is about $800 per month. Good
7 room house with basement, bath,
pressure water tank, etc. Big barn for
30 head cows and lots of hay. Other
DUiidings on- the place are small ten
ant house, silo, hen house and other
outbuildings. With the farm go 25
head of fine grade cows, 3 horses,
harness, wagon, mower, rake, disc.
ouggy. sow and pigs, feed. seed. etc.
Everything goes and you can begin
taxing in the entire proceeds from
the farm as soon as you make the
purchase. .Price for all, $20,000. Half
cash, bataitce long time at t percent.
Kinney & Smith, ' ;
21 Bank of Commerce bldg, ' n
Best Buys.
B acres, 3 in fruit, al! best of soil.
close to Kelser school. $1250.
IS acres, S i walnuts. S mixed
orchard, 8 room house, good set out
buildings, electric lights In all build
ings,- on pirved road. V mile' from
Salem, $9500. terms. .
68 -acres, 30 cultivated, 15 planted
to cherries, 5 acres logans 3 years old
this spring, 23 acres pasture; fair 1 111
provements, 6 miles from Salenu $13.
600, easy terms. ' '
40 acres 4ft miles out on good road
best of land, well drained; good
house and barn; all in cultivation,
some fruit, $18,000, terms..:; ;
.17 acres best of soil, 1 Mi acres lo
gans, 4 acres prunes; house, barn,
etc; 6 miles from Salem.
92 acres all in cultivation, house
and large barn, 4 miles from town;
a good grain or dairy farm. $160 per
341 State St.
-f Good Buys.
10 acre tract all cultivated, 5 room
house, barn, wcH, 1 acre loganberries
close in. Price $2600, V4 cash.
4.86 acre tract, 2 acres loganber
ries, s-f acre strawberries, small
house, good roadi close to Pacific
highway, 4 miles south. Price $265,0.
6114 acre tract located on main
Pacific highway 1V4 miles from car
line, 8 acres of bearing prunes, about
1500 cords of standing fir timber,
running water; house and bam. Price
$300 per acre.
20 acre tract located one mile from
street car line and city limits of Sa
lem, B acres Italian prunes, some ap
ples, pears and cherries; t room
house, electric lights, barn; sightly
location. Price $11,500.
20 acre tract, all cultivated, 4 acres
logans, 5 acres cherries, some apples
good 6 room plastered cottage, barn,
well, rock road, close to Pacific high
way. Price $9000. .
10 acres, 8 room house, barn, 3
acres loganberries, running wuter, 6
miles south. Price $6500.
63 acre tract located 5 miles
south, 65 acres cultivated, 6 room
house, barn, well, first class fruit
land. Price $125 per acre.
15 acre tract located on main Pa
cific highway, 1 3-4 miles from car
line. 10 acres Italian prunes. Price
8 room modern home located at
1695 X. 6th street. Price $4200.
5 room bungalow located at 245
Lincoln street. Price $3600.
8 room house located at 1010 Oak
street. Price $2800.
6 room house located at 1500 Che-
meketa street, Inrge lot. paved street,
bearing fruit. Price $2600; $1000
8 room house and two large lots at
$110 Lefelle street. Price $3000
5 room cottage located south Sa
lem. Price $2000.
W. II. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street n
32 acres, with 7 room dwelling and
barn, situate 2 'A guiles from Salem,
fine loganberry proposition. Price
$450 per acre.
173 acres with S room house and
other buildings, 21. acres In bearing
prunes, 12 acres logaiis, situate 3-4
mile from 8. P. depot and small
town. Price $31,000.
20 acres, all In cultivation; 1600
bearing prune trees; 400" apple trees;
400 bearing Bartlett pear trees; 60
Royal Anne cherry trees, 16 years
old; cheap farm buildings; 1 miles
south of Salem. $10,000 with terms.
40 acres; good house, barn and
fruit dryer; 15 acres of bearing prunes
2 acres of apples, walnuts and cher
ries; all far mequipment. Price 15,
10 acres, fair house and burn; 9
acres In cultivation; '! acres logans;
strawberries and nice young orch
ard; mile to school, 4 miles from
Salem. Price $4500. )
24 acres; six room house with wa
ter connections, equipped tor chicken
ranch; 4Vi miles frotn Maiem, at $8,
060. 233 acres; t room modern house,
with fireplace and pressure water
system; 20 acres 7-year old prunes;
abundance of family orchard and
small fruit; 80 acres seeded to crop;
48 acres timber; balance pasture; Sj
mnes irom eaiem, luny equipped,
Price $46,4. Easy terms.
90 acres; 70 acres In cultivation;
good t room plastered bouse; hot and
cold water with bath;. 13 acres In
prunes; 1 laere of cherries; 1 acre
loganberries, all bearing; 4 miles
.OUt; $13,500.
Z ory brick building; lot 25xll;
known as the old Kalem post office
'"" "
If interested, investigate.
8 room strictly modern bouse, with
lot 71 foot front, situate No. 149
Court street Price 17000.
2 nice six room modern bungalows
price 23000 each.
W. A. Liston
Agent, 4S4 Court street. nS7
FOR SALE Or rent, about four
acres river bottom land ail under
plow, close in. Want to buy cheap
horse. F. L. Wood, 341 State St.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loan
Any amount, Luna ,time.
kana percent Interest.
City building loans.
'A. C Bohrnstedt,
l Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregos
ilARlON-POLK National Farm Loan
Assn. Government money to loan
t id percent. 301 Salem Bank ef
Commerce. W. p. Smith
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
30-year loans at ( per cent. Haw
kins & Roberta; SOS Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or, .
trist -optician, eyea thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
110-11 U. a bank. Phone 141.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sta
Billa payable monthly in advance.
Phone 57.
WANTED Second hand furniture,
. ruga, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices
tor everything.' The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 285 N.
Com'! St. Phone 947.
long- distance hauling. Office 445
Court St. Phone 998. Bight phone
- 679J. Tl
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur
geons, Drs, White and Marshall
60S U. & bank bldg. Phone 869. Dr
White, rea phone 469; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-41 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 58F5; office
phone 1394. 1 78
'Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over ladd Bush Bank, Salem, Ore
WEy'Sell for Less.""
WE wilt pay you more cash for your
: household good. Get our bid be
fore yeu sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 171 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY rasor blade sharpening ma
ohine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop. 347 Court St
SALEM SC A VANG E R Garbage and
refuse ot all kinds removed ' on
monthly contracts at reasonable
. rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed, Office phone Main
' 1T .....
, Lodge Directory.
SHRINE Emblems 1920 11x12 in.
. for autos. Aluminum. Bee J. B.
Hileman, 891 N. Commercial. 68
-. S. CHEMEKETA 1 dge No. 1
w x- maat vr Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday ai
8. J. U Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunta.
K. R. ft 8
Oregon Orage camp No. 1360 meeU
every Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie K. Bunn, 648 Unhin St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 738 North
bly NO. 84 meets every i nursuay ai
p, m. In I. O. O. V. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or. -
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 MeeU
every r riaay nigm ai o w uiuvb
McCornank hall, oer. Court and Lib
..,, Qf V U I ( t n 1, WAndmnn welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. C: 1 8. Geer, clerk
Oregon cedar usmp xmo, b
meets every Thursday evening at I
o'clock In McCornack building
Court and Liberty streets. II. O
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner,
AUTOMOBILE pulntlng, furniture re-
flntsntng. Tne traiem tvennisnnis
Co. 158 S. 12th St.. Phone 1673. m67
GENERAL automobile repairing,
niagnotos repaired and recharged.
Ford work a specialty; batteries re
charged. The Fairgrounds Garage,
M. D, Jackson, , Prop. Phone 308.
HUPMOBILE buiEaln. For sale or
trade tor lighter car. Run only
4000 miles. Box Burgaln Capital
TournaL Jt'
BUICK bug, a winner for any buyer
come quick. It'sJi'snap. Salem Auto
Exchange. 229 Htftte. q57
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 239 State 6U Phone
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2 Q 2.10; fees
oats 8085c; milling oats 8086e;
cheat hay $18i&20; oat hay 121022:
clover hay $23; mill'. run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfut -., creamery
butter, 7i& 68c.
Pork, yea! a ad mnttoat Pork oa foe
I54c; veal fancy '24c; steers Ho;
lambs 13 He; cows 7 9c; awes 9o:
sheep, yearlings 12V4.
Dressed pork 21c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash $4o,
light hens, 30 if 32c; heavy hens 28c;
old roosters 15 16c; sprimw 24c.
Vegetables; Onions per pound lo.
celery dot, $1.75; potatoes, laklm s
5c Oregon tVk 4c; sweet potatoes 8c
beets per sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.76; carrots per sack $1.85; parsnip
per sack $3.60; spinach lOo lb.; rao
tehes 40c do.
Fruit: Oranges $.007 0r lemons
$707.69; bananas 11c; honey extract
80c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage Bfte:
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45e; Bru
sell sprouts 16c; cauliflower $1.71 do
red peppers 25s lb; rhubarb 13 V4
peas 15c lb. ' ' .
Retail prices Eggs dozen 40c;
creamery butter fi75c; country but
ter I8e; flour, hard wheat $3.2f 91.49
oft wheat $3.10.
Portland, March 5 Cattle steady;
receipts 158; grain and pulp fed
steer $1.6011.00; choice l.0IO
10.69; good to choice ll.5IO10.t0;
medium to good 8.50.6O; fair to
medium I7.60OI.II; common to gal'
$6.5007.50; choice cows and heifers
$3.69tj9 59; ' twd to chorea t.S9
8.50; medium to, good $.& 7.60;
fair to medium $5 Sf 50; oaoner
$J.805.60; bulls $5.0t.5: prima
light calves $15.617.09; medians
Usht $10.00 flJ.JO; heavy $!.
1 00; stackers and feeders $7.69 S
Hoga firm; receipts 479; prime
m-e4f-K.KfC 121; medium $is.0
: rough heavy $11.00015.00:
pigs $12 14.
- Sheep steady; receipts 106; eastern
Iambs $17.00018 0; light TaUey 111
17.00; heavy $14.60 15.50; feeder
lambs $18015: yearlings $15916.(0;
wethers $13013.61; ewes $111.
' ' Batter
Portland, Or. March S Cube ex
tra !c; parchment wrapped box lots
5c; eartona 64; half bone e
less than bexee le more; butterfat
4018c fob station; 9e Portland.
Posritry and Eggs,
Porttand, Or. March Egga sell,
ing price case count 40c; buying price
case count lc; buvla nrk tr-
selling price, candled 48c; selected
candled in cartons 48c
Poultry: Hens S034e; broiler SI
40c; roosters 20c; turkeys dressed
49 060c; geese 30L26c; ducks IS 44a.
Wheat and Mill Stuffs,
Wheat: II.IO; barley, 7t; eat
$59.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $5.7i
bid. ......
of lteal Property ea Exemtlusi
By virtue of an execution issued
out of the circuit court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Marlon '
on the 24 day of February, 1980, In
favor of Annie Fitch plaintiff and
""Inst J. C. Fitch defendant, for
the sum ot five hundred seventy five
($576.00) dollars, V. 8, gold coin,
with Interest at the rate ot I per cent
per annum, from the 3d day of Feb
ruary. 1930, and accruing costs, I
have levied upon and will sell at peb
11a auction, on Saturday the 3d day
ot April, 1980, at It o'clock a, m.,
at the court house door to Salem.
M" n county and state ot Oregon,
all the right, title and interest which
the said i, C. Fitch defendant kail
on or after the 21st day of March,
1917, date property was levied Boon,
in or to the following described
promises, towlt: 4 , v
Tea acres In he ft W, corner of
the following described real proper
ty: Beginning at the V W. corner ef '
the J. B. Kennedy farm described as
follows: Beginning at a point In the
center of the county read extending
along the northerly boundary ot the
Louis Vandult 1). L. C. which, bears
south 10 degs. 46 mln. east 40.8
chains from a point which bears
north 83 degs, 86 nib, east 10 link
from a point 17.8 chains east of the
northwest earner of section 8, T. I
8. R. 3 W. of the Willamette merid
ian and running thence along the
center of said road south 60 degs. 45
mln, east 25.58 chains to the Lenrery
land; thence south 23 degs. 15 mln.
west along the westerly line ot said
Lemery land 89.10 chains; thence
north 68 degs. 46 mln. west 26.60
chains; thence north 23 degs. IS mln,
east 89.20 chains to tha plaoe of be
ginning, containing one hundred aores
of land more or less and situated In
Marlon county, state of Oregon,
The land conveyed by this Instru
ment begins at the S. W. corner of
the above described land, and ex
tends 628.55 ft. in a northerly direc
tion along the west boundary of the
"hove described land, thenoe 888 ft.
in an easterly direct lou to a point
which point is 628,66 ft, from the
southerly boundary of the above de- '
scribed 100 acre tract of land, thence
628.65 ft. In a southerly direction to
a point In the south boundary of the
above described 100 acre tract which
point Is 826.87 ft. from the S. W. oor
ner ot the said 100 acre tract, thence
In a westerly direction 828.87 ft.
along said south boundary ot said
100 acre tract to the place ot begin- "
ning, containing 10 acres more or less.
Terms of sale, rush, unless bid la
by plaintiff,
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th
day of March, 1920.
Sheriff of Marlon county, Oregon.
By O. V, Bower, deputy.
Of thn state- of Oregon, for Markin
County. Department No. 9
J. E. Pettycrew, plaintiff, vs C. A.
Rockhlll and Lulu A. Rockhlll, hi
wife; auy S. Smith as administrator
of the estate of F. O, Doyle, deceas
ed ;Mrs. Howard Allison and Howard
Allison, Gus Doyle and Guy O. Smith.
Edna oDyle and Geo. N. Doyle, de
fendants, Summons.
To Howard Allison, Mrs. Howard
Allison, Gus Doyle, Edna Doyle and
Geo, N, Doyle, above named defend
ants: In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
court and cause within six week
from the date of the first publication ,
of this summons towlt: Friday,' Feb,
13th, 1920, and if you fail to so' ap
pear or answer said complaint, plain
tiff will appl yto the court for the
relief prayed for In his complaint
filed herein tswtt: for the foreclos
ure of his mortgage recorded in book
of mortgages, vol Jl'at bag 428 on
Dec, 7th,19l, for Marion county.
Oregon, and for the sum of $1701 and
for the sale ot the real premkM de
scribed In said mortgage and com
plaint and being the N. W. quarter
ot the 8. W. quarter ot section eight.
T. 8, S. R. a west of the W. M , Ma
rlon county, Oregon, and also' an un
divided one half interest In acre
being- a strip 16 and H feet wide tor
road purposes and being situate la
the. N. E. of the S. W. 14 of ec
I T, I S. H. 3 W, ot W. M., Marlon
county, Oregon, and for his cost
and disbursement Incurred herein -together
with a reasonable attorney
Tou ar hereby further notified
that this summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Capital
Journal. newspaper- of general cir
culation published daily ta the city
of Salem, Oregon, Marion county,
pursuant to an order mad oa the
11th day of February, 1920, by th
Hon. Percy P Kelly, Judge of th
circuit court for Marion county. Ore.
Lastly yon ' are notified that the
data of the first publication thereof
will b on Friday, March 2Sth. 1980.
C. E. LNRUU. Atty.