AYMARCH 5. 1920, jg Around TownJ CCBBE-VT EVENTS t t I 44 .-State hih school I eJball tournament, araio- ' ffWh S-Sort Salem Im ' Jrncnt association meet Ashland school. 7:J0- . i " , 5-Board of directors, ' Jl' Homebuildeni associ- j'STw Commercial club. j "Tr Business Men a It V' - rommercial club. ' "Tir Associate members rMinercial club. 8 p. m. ' March 10-Regular open fcrum meeting. Commercial Job. I P. March ll-Lecture la Cwb- ... ih- misnicea Marion tK? IZw's bureau. I I eounij v"" I Mar 12 Lecture at libra- .Tne . Revival of Spirit-'.n.-.p " Conklin. Mar- 12 Meeting of Three I Lint Needle club, home of r-nmrnn. orth Mrs. -nu. list Itrev- J jjar. 15. Council meeting, 3. Tatrirfc npne-i 1, jtar. 17 ! raiiKu t I tit dance under the auspices I 01 IW SiUClH 1 1 nivw J Haaii ;C Women's republi- car. club meeting. J Couri House News. Circuit Coiirt G: T. Neal vs F. L. Fletcher and lie city of Woodburn. Order for pub lication of summons. W. F. Parks vs Olaf Oleson. Com jUint. G. T. Neal vs F. L. Fletcher and he city of Woodburn. Affidavit for ptblicatlon of sunions. W. H. Grtibenhorst etc., vs Merlin HanW Motion to strike out parts of complaint. Probate Court Richard Watson Hurlburt, estate. Inventory and appraisement. K. M. Davidson estate. Affidavit if publication of administrator's no- Viavl "The Way to Health." tec um every Monday afternoon by Mrs. Foor, 331 Hotel Marion. 57 Remember the dance at Turner fcturday night February 6th. 56 Love, watchmaker, jeweler, Salem. Dance Saturday night armory. 66 Dance at the armory Saturday light. Ladies free admission. 56 The Women's Missionary society at the First Congregational church till meet at the home of Mrs. C. F. Elgin, 74 S. Capitol street, on Fri day, March fifth. 65 Saturday Specials t Lard $1.24 No. It, Lard 12.48 Best bacon - 35c Edwards Market . . .. 66 TwA hnnses fnr ctila TTnitaaii mim ter 266 and 292 South High street, will be sold Saturday of this week. Look them over and leave your bid With Vick Rrnlhera r,M Knlom Rank t Commerce. Both houses must be removed at once to make room for f new building. 66 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rowan and lo children of North 24th street, who tore beh confined to their home with Mlueroa, are reported to be improv- w rwuauy. Mr. Kowan is employed 'm me street cleaning department, Special matinee n o'clock Satur day, Marv Plfkfnrrt Tt Oregon theater. Children under , only io cents. 57 "llllam Schaeffer nrnnrlotnr nf the Maples on Court gtreet mttde a "Mess visit to Portland Thursday. Saturday SnoHnla Lard ti 91 B. H, Lard $2.48 B bacon 35c Awards Maiket 66 "The Revival of Spiritism" will be " woject of the lecture of Dr. B. C. "Ilo, of the l'nl...u nrnn IW public library Friday evening. " " "nd not 'The Psychology of "Crowd" as was anounced previ j" Conklin is one of the many "peaxers whose services it "w seen secured for a series of lec hte library this winter. i Saturday Specials 'Vrd 1-24 if. Ijtirl n ao Won 35c ards Market 56 j ""nunity sing conducted by Todd, and an address by J. . .. wui oe xeaiures oi m ""Wit nf h X- .u n. w "7.-ociatlon in the Highland this evening. " rai . Wi to thank the many friends beautiful floral offerings and Of V,n.lK j.. . " ouring tne recent (ir? and death of my husband. - ""in nagenauer. 56 W allace reed IN 'D'HT.LE SPEED COMEDT PATHE Roy Burton, appraiser, in the estate of Richard Watson Hurlburt hav re turned a report involving the Inven tory of personal assets valued at J9S2.10. John F. Shafer. an employe of the Valley Motor company, is at work again after a three weeks illnes. The Modern Woodmen of' America held their regular meeting in their hall in the McCornack block Thurs day eveninsf. and riff: t .l . . - . ivi lliC f n- sulng- six months term were installed. The treneral meeting of the Salem Art league will be held Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the public library. A. C. Barber will give a lecture on color photography, illustratinir hi. .ik with slides of pictures taken in and around Salem. Everyt.ie interested In photography is invited to attend, whether or not they are members of the league. A business meeting will take place at 7:30 immediately pro ceeding the lecture. Announcement was made Friday by Miss Flora Case, librarian, that the public library has been closed because workmen decorating the interior. No definite time could be. given for the reopening, but it is probable that the building will be closed until Tuesday, Miss Case Baid. Old Independence Resident Is Found Drowned In Slough Independence. Or, Mar. 5. Mrs. D. B. Boydston, a well known resident or this place, was found drowned in a slough near her home Thursday and the coroner, after an investigation. -pressed the belief that she had com mited suicide through despondency at the death of her daughter. Mrs. Wil liam Ridgeway, who succumbed to in fluenza two weeks ago. Mrs. Boydston disappeared from her borne last Tues day, and constant search for her had been mad since that time. PAGE SEVEN Dance Saturday night armory. 66 O. C. Dunnette, who pleaded not guilty when brought before Judge Unruh Thursday on a charge of lar ceny by bailee, will have his hearing in justice court Monday at 1:30 p. m. acocrding to the court's docket Fri day, Dunnette is said to have sold a truck that was in his possession, and which belonged to his employer. England forbids huntinir harem nn Sundays and Christmas days only. Tradition reports the appearance of Esquimaux in Greenland in 1349. Auction Saturday WOODRY'S Auction Mouse 270 X. Coiri'l. St, 1:80 p. m. Furniture, Ranges, Heaters, Canned Fruit, Kitchen Utensils, Dishes, Tools, etc. Harness Cream Separator 6 Ancona Hens. "Go Where tlie Crowds Go Buy Whore You Buy the Cheaiiest'' BE ON TIME 1:80 P. M. F. N. WOODRY The Auctioneer Phone 510 or 611 " PRIVATE SALES DAILY Club Associate Members To Meet A general got-together meeting of all associate members of the ConiT,. cial club, when the program for the year's activities will be discussed, will be held at the Commercial club cham bers at 8 o'clock next Monday night. Announcement to this effect was made at the club Friday morning. Plans for tne inauguration of the salesmen's club that was much dis cussed several months ago. probably will he tiken up with the members. Other matters of Importance to wie associate members will be discussed during the evening, and all such mem mers are u'.-gvd to be on hand. Alleged Forger Waits To Plead Arond Banks. 19. arrested Thurs day by Olicer Morelock for forgery, and who police sax confesed. .was granted until Saturday to make his! plea, when arraigned before Judge j Unruh Friday afternoon. His brother. Albert aBuks. age 17. ! arrested as being an accomplice in! the forgery of a cheek for $20, which was passed on the J. C. Penney com pany, was bound over to the juvenile court. John aPinter, 15, a high school boy. was also turned over to the ju venile authorities when arraigned be fore Judge Unruh on a charge of aid ing in the passing of the' sprious check. .A....;:.: . -.l i I 1 fXt,, u I ",.' 'i mm lenjaminfc V rV Hampton and Sf"v Eltlnge F.Warner present ZANE CREY'S mott powtjfutpietxrr DESERT GOLD SHOWING TO CAPACITY COME EARLY YE LIBERTY SPECIAL MATINEE MARY PICKFORD "POLLYANNA" SATURDAY 11 A. M. CHILDREN UNDER TOURTEEN YEARS ONLY ADMISSION 10c ugir HAND LAUNDRY VA r CLEANING AND 1 nLL PRESSING 194 S. 12th. Thone 8 High land Grocery 746 Highland Avenue 9 cans Spinach $1.00 9 cans Pumpkin $1.00 1 case Libby's milk ..$6.50 1 gal. Separator oil 85c 1 gal. Engine oil 60c 2 bars Laundry soap $1.00 100 lbs Early Rose spuds $5.00 20 lbs onions ......4.;. $1.00 100 lbs Carrots M.L. .$1.25 100 lbs hay $1.00 1 ton hay '. $18.00 1-2 lb Ridgeway's tea 40c 1 - " ' ' ' 1 gal. machine oil 45c 25c Linen Mixed Toweling 15c Yard Limit 5 Yards to the Customer Silk Remnants 36 inches wide 69c Each Fine for Trimming 25c Curtain Goods . Saturday Price Special at the Remnant Store For Saturday Remember Prices are good for the one day only SATURDAY, MARCH 4th XTRA! XTRA! XTRA! 17c Yard ilkoline 36 inches wide Saturday Price 29c Yard Indian Head "Remnants 2 yards to 6 yards 39c Yard Fancy Pladis Fine for ' Children Dresses 75c quality Saturday Price 48c Yard 60c Knox Knit Ladies Hose Saturday Price 39c Pair Just arrived by express from Marshall Fields of Chicago, 400 yards of novelty voiles in the latest colors. 40 inches wide, retailing at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 a yard today. Saturday price QKp per yard UO These are mill ends in perfect condition, except some are torn on selvedge, which does not harm the goods. Come, buy at this sale. The Best goods buy of the season. Another big buy, a lot of Ladies' Shirt Waist samples and last season goods, while they last. Saturday price ONE-HALF OFF Remnants of Table Cloths 2 yards for $1.98 2 1-2 yards for $2.69 TlieRemnant Store L D. Thomson, Prop. The Home of the Real Bargains With out so much Noise Bob White Laundry Soap 5c A Cake Limit 3 bars to the customers. This soap is sold to custom ers that buy-other merchandise 50c Men's Woolen Hose Saturday Price 3 pairs for $1.00 Remnants of Dress Goods 5 yards 42-inch French Serge $7.95 Calico Special for Saturday yard 19c 73c Feather Proof Fancy Ticking 59c Yard $2.00 Ladies' Silk Hose Saturday price $1.69 No more than 2 pairs to a customer. Bustor Erown Hosiery for Children, pair 50c RSaSBSESSSESSffiSXES Meet fie it Kerers KeSSe3S3KESSKt3C3 The Salem Hospital Is Your Hospital Build It Now JustReceived'.-NeYj Draperies Cretonnes, Silholines, Scrim It is high time to think of Spring House Cleaning and New Draperies and Window Hangings. The netv Draperies just re- ceivea are or me pest quality. "Good Goods"; and all moderate in price. Come early while stock is complete. fF5f mm fir Tomorrovj Formal Openingl Millinery Section Eleanor Briggs has returned from Portland and Seattle, bringing "Special" and late "Creations" for this event. Whether a purchaser or nof, do not fail to visit the Millinery Section Tomorrow. ' SPOOL COTTON 150 and 200 Yard spool White or black 6 FOR 25c You can always do better at Who Always Do Better By You sfe V-.I)W KID TWINS MAY! "OVK HlltDWAKE WKAKK." The OREGON THEATRE STARTING SUNDAY liood Uivir, Or., Alar, i. Mr. 11. 1. 10m il him v ccrvf'd word of thu ilMi(h.of In r husltund, the Hov. H. H. Kmtl, a MnituitiKt ininNt'-r in Mlberlu, wlier he haH htcn for tile hist two yvars with Amui'lran solilixi'i. INVESTfilENTS SAY, it you are going to move to Woodburn soon, we have one of the best buvit In a good modern 7 ream noune in the town; juKt 2 blocks from JIain At. and, if sold soon $2, 200. Yle Just llnted a strictly modern bungalow in suuth Salem at $3800. 22 acres of the bent kind of soil only t miles from Hulem, with sood building, all cul tivated, at I7&00. J0 acres of the oel land In Polk county, close in on paved road. All In cultivation ; no buildings. $20 p"r acre. i room eouags tungalow, modern with furnace, paved street. 13000. 40 acres, about JO acres or chard, mostly prufa, full benr Ins;; good dryer, house with water piped; about I miles from alem. $10,000. ; S room bouse on paves fit. Rood lot; bath, toilet. A great buy. tMtt. . 0 room house clone in, toil et, city water. Kor o,ui'k sale H',0. 14 acr?. 1 mile out: 5 acre orchard; good buildings, elec tric HghtK, water system, on paved road: wants t.-. traoe on !&rr farm. ri0 acres clo to Pot! land, good builillni?; a.l unde." cul tivation. I12.&00 Photographs of nearly nil the above plac-s at our oflire. LAFLAR & LAEAR 46C-1-4 Orwon hh. 57 1 t ' " $ Mary Pickford IN "Pollyanna" Grand Opera f House Monday, March 8 The Great Laugh Festival "TWIN I BEDS" I With Josephine Saxe And the Great New York Cast LAUGHS EVERY MINUTE? GROWING INTO SCREAMS Direct from Ileilig Theatre Portland PRICES 50c to $2.00 Seat Sale Next Saturday at Opera Hou?e Pharmacy -Mttte BABY CHICKS Now On Sale 1 558 STATE STREET THONE 400 i C. N. NEEDHAM See Our Classified Advertisement Under "Foultry" 1. (MHtikmHHtwmHtTTTTT.