Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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DobHn, Mnr. S. Sharp erHieiom i
th new Irish hum rule bill was ex
pressed bj 8ir Horace Plunkett, cnair
nuut f the Dublin convention, at a
"welcome home" dinner given In his
hoaor here tonight by the Irish Do
miaiom League. He has Just returned
tnm the United States and gave hi
impression of the American attitude
toward Ireland.
f "Long before the war broke out,
fee said, "I was convinced the peace
of the world and the orderly ..wo-
Crea. if not the survival of western
'civilisation oeeended more thaa on
ny other ore thing on mutual under
standing between the British cobj-
jnonwealth of free nations a term
I prefer te the British empire and
the great republic of the west. '
It is a matter of personal knowledge
that from 1911 the Prussian govern
'tent was organizing a German-Irish
JJlUnoa In American politics with a
,vtew to the cming attack upon th
.world's freedom. -
"' "I have not the least doubt that
"supposing the Irish trouble had noth
ing to do whh the beginning of the
war, it was an important factor In
delaying America's decisive partlcipa-
tion in the struggle. To the same
cava was due a great deal of politic'
al embarrassment to the war admlnls
tration In Washington.
i "In America I found more bitter
antl-Englibh feeling than in all my
.forty yearn pt. observation. As usual,
although due to many other causes,
it was tangled up with the Irish
trouble and was generally expressed
in what I in oy call Irish terms. Am
ericans do nut bother themselves
with . details. They want Ireland to
lULve as large a measure of self gov-
.ernment as Is consistent with the
afety of the British empire, for
which they in calmer moments recog-
oiiaa they are almost as much con
icerned as are the British.
I "In my Judgment America does not
want Ireland to' bn an independent
repabllo until the British govern
meat ceases to break its promises to
(Ireland the sentiment of America will
be that the Irish people are Justified
In asking anything they like."
Sir Hornoe criticised the home rule
bill because It guve Ulster and a mi
nority of not more than one fifth of
the Irish people a "virtual mamlu
.lory over Ireland a mandatory with
out responsibility."
In hopes that Marion county resi
dents mny be able to furnish Infor
mation concerning probable Oregon
transactions of Hurvey Weyant, rela
tive of Weyant have written to Coun
1y Clerk U. O. Hover.
The hitter received by Mr. Boyer
is signed hy Royal Weyant Of Salt
Ijike City. Ctnh, and its contents
might easily be mistaken as a synop
sis of a long drawn volume of fic
tion, or "mellerdrnmmar,"
The letter Is given in part:
"Harvey Weyant was born nt
Jones Point, New York. Spent his
boyhood there and luter Hucessfiilly
Engaged In the brick business at
Jones Point and also at Springfield.
Mass., to which place ho moved with
hia family In 1S7-I. In Mny 1890, lie
became Involved In an affair with n
woman and soon after this departed
on an a'miouneod three months' trip
through western states, with the pur
ported purpose of clearing himself
from the nffalr mentioned. Ho wrote
to his family from Oregon, Washing
ton, California and Utah until No
vember 1890. From this date. Ills fain
lly which consisted of his wife, duuKh
ter and five sons, received no wont
roncernliu him until laid when they
learned that he had died at Suit
Ijike Oily in July, 1910, under the
nsstimed iwmo of Harvey W. Fuller.
"It was learned later that when lie
left his home In New York in 1890
Weyant took with him about $100.-
060 In cmh nnd the woman of the af
fair, traveling with her through va
rlous parts of the west and coming
to Salt Lake in November 1890
where she gave birth to a child, ft
boy. From Hint time until his dnuth
Weyant made his home at Salt Lake
and under the name of Harvey W.
Fuller, engaged successfully in vari
ous enterprises.
"The qhllrt, died In April, 1910. ami
Weyant br fuller was nrrangtiitc to
return te his family when he died.
He had Ibeert an Invalid for three
years previotts to his death and his
lawful heirs 'claim that this woman,
posing as nil wife, had laid plans tn
take pwwHMMtAn of the estate and to
loot same.
"Claiming 'that she was his wife
and only heir, she was appointed ad
ministrator of his estate nnd obtain
ed powtesttoit of three bank accounts
of twenty' five thousand dollars each,
contents of two safe deposit boxes.
contents of bis two private safes all
of his private papers and account
books. A strong bog which he kept
u icinii jraii in me vault of a
prominent bank of Salt Lake City dls
appeared about this time. This worn
also obtained possession of real es
tate he owned In Salt Lake county
ana ten thousand dollar- worth of
jewelry belonging to th estate. No
accounting was made to the probate
court by this woman, of the Jewelry,
the contents of the deposit boxes ( the
safe or of the strong box.
"Sh had five year In which to
loot hi estate and get away with It
befor hi family even knew ot hi
death and the statute of limitations
for prosecuting herself and associates
orimumlry had, lapsed during this
time, aad only civil proceed In sa could
be brought by the heir for the recov
ery of the estate.
"Although Weyant' or 'Fuller's'
state waa known to have been over
two millions ot dollars, only $50,000
ot th holdings have been uncovered
this being located in Salt Lake coun
ty. -
"The San Francisco Examiner or
The Call, published a writeup of
norvtiy weyant in 1SM3, giving a
sketch of his business career both in
th east and west and giving his right
name, hi birthplace and of his fam
ily living then at Sprngfeld.
Thi article stated that he (Weyant)
Had Just then disposed of certain
mining Interests for something over
a million dollars and waa then In
tending to retire from business. Just
how th article came to be published
will never be explained, though no
connection with 'Fuller' was made of
it and no members of his immedi
ate family heard of it until 1916.
'Anyone in Marion county know
ing of any transactions of his, or of
anything regarding this matter are
asked to communicate with his heirs,
who will appreciate any aid given in
the restoration of this estate.
Speakers Before
Farm Convention
Riverside Cal., Mar. 4. Lieutenant
ViztLOllTP. T)anCrP.f my aviator, was killed today at
O March Field i
Chicago. Ma. Farm life la many
parts of the country is dying out and
unless something is done to revive rt
people will continue to go to the city,
speaker told the farm federation bu
reau meeting, here, tod&o, . .
"Rural churches, and schools are de
teriorating in many localities," Mr.
J. C. Ketcbum of Hastings, Mich., de
clared. "As long as conditions remain
a they are or continue to grow worse,
the women will rebel and refuse to
live on the farms.
Another thing which must be done
Is to educate the city people to a real
isation of these conditions. Many of
them feel very bitter toward the farm
er and think he is a profiteer."
"It is ridiculous! to expect young
folks with red blood in their veins and
ambition tugging at their heartstrings,
to stay on some farms," H. I Mo
Knight of N'acodoches, Texas, said.
Oues to the national federation are
to be ten per cent of the individual
county dues received by the state, aa.
am-1 Cording to actJon ,kn y nm$xY.W0U
.UUHB. pnn);., - I . .. , ,
March Field near here when his air
plane went into a tail spin too neat
the ground to recover. Lieutenant
, Pearson had been flying here five or
si months.
For Colds, Grip or Influenza
and a a Preventative, take LAXA
Look for E. W. GROVE'S . signature
on in DOX. J 9c (Adv)
Axe you
Washington, Mar. 4. Th
house today refused by an
overwhelming majority to re
peal the prohibition enforce
ment act.
with your skin?
11 you have ecicma, ringworm or tint
1st itching, burning, sleep-destroying
i kin-era pi ion, try Resmol Ointment and
Betinoi Soap and sec how quickly the
itching stop and the trouble disappears.
Rabat Sow sad Karool OintuMit art asM b
ill Sruufeu. For wnsio, tree, mil to Dept. J-R,
keainol, B&kiiiiais, Mi. : KammivUui-
make aide cituta well
Born in 1839 Dr. Caldwell
Still in His Office Daily
Wonderful vigor of the founder of Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin.
Millions now use his famous prescription
Physicians know that good health depends largely upon proper digestion and elimination
and that much sickness results from constipation. No one knows this better than
the "family" doctor, the general practioner.
DR. W. B. Caldwell of Mon
ticello, Illinois, wa and is a
family doctor. The whole
human body, not any smull part
of it, was his practice. More than
half his "calls" were on women,
children and babies. They are
th one most often sick. But
their illnesses were usually of a
minor nature colds, fevers, head
aches, biliousness and all of
them required first a thorough
ovacuulion.They were constipated.
Dr. Caldwell in the course of 40
years' practice, for he whs grad
uated from Hush Medical College
buck in 1873, hnd found a good
deal of success in such cases with
a prescription, of bis own contain
ing siiupla luxiitive herbs with
pepsin. In 1892 ha decided to
turn this formula in the mttiiufac
- ture of a medicine to be known as
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and
in that year the preparation was
tint placed, on tbo market. The
picture of Dr. Caldwell I hut ap
pears on the package was tuken in
that year.
Tbo preparation immediately
bad as great a success in the drug
stores as it previously had in the
doctor's private practice. Today
the third generation is using it.
Mothers are giving it to their
children who were given it by
-their mothers. Every second of
the working day someone some
where is going into a drug store to .
buy tt. for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin is selling at the rate of over
6 million bottles a year.
Its great success is based on
merit, on repeated bnying, on one
satisfied user telling another.
There are thousands of homes in
this country that are never with
out a bottle of Syrup Pepsin, and
th formulate of that prescrip
tion is fortunately living to see its y
, wonderful success. ,
Women, children and elderly
illy bei
people are especially benefitted
by Dr. Caldwell i
While it is promptly eliective on '
the most robust constitution and
in the most obstinate cases, it ia
mild and gentle in its action and
does not cause griping and strain.
Containing neither opiates nor
narcotics, it is safe for the tiniest
baby and children like it and take
it willingly..
', Every drug slore sells Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. Keep a
bottle in your home. Where
many live someone is sure to need
it quickly.
Born ShtlbrvilU, Mo.. March 2, 1834
Bsian la nMnufattur of his famous prt
ctipUon in ism
In spile of the fact that Dr. Cald-
uu"$ Syrup Pepsin is the largest jelling
liijuid laxative in the world, ihtrt
feeing over 6 million fcottlfj sold tack
year, many who netd its beneiu hate
. not ytt used it. If vou have not, lend
your name and address for a free trial
bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldu!!, 511
Waihinjton St., Momicello, Illinois.
t feci sorry
tor boys ho
doiit hwe
1 1n ProgressOur Retiring from Business Sale
Ail prices Reduced at
Least, 10 Per Cent
Most Needed in Salem
The General Hospital
Buy Underwear Now
Whether for immediate or future use. When a real i
saving may be made on a staple commodity Ufa
U nderwear, why wait until the day when il is ac- f
iually needed When you learn the prices on
this class of wearing apparel next fall, you'll be 1
glad you bought Supply your future wants now
Attractive Buys Children's Underwear -
Childi-eii's grey and white cotton ribbed two
piece underwear, size 18 to 22, each 25c
Misses' and Boys' white and grey Cotton fib
bed two-piece garments, sizes 28 to 34, each
garment 50c
Misses' and Boys' grey ribbed Wool Pants
and Drawers no shirts sizes 26 to 34,
at 63c to 90c
. . . . ,
Misses' White Cotton Union Suits, heavy
grade, sizes 28 and 30, suit 40c
Misses Heavy Grey' Cotton Union uits, a
splendid ribbed garment, : sixes 28 and 34 only
puit u i : ... ;..85C
Boys' Summer-weight Balbriggan and Mesh
Drawers, all sizes, each ........15c
Boys' Grey Cotton Undershirts and Drawers
sizes 24 and 26, each ,..:..35c
isoys' Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined Union 1
JMius, natural grey, sizes 30 and 32, a splen
did garment for next winter ;:....$I.0O
Boys' Part Wool Union Suits, grey ribbed,
sizes 32 and 34, suit :.:...$ 1.34
Women's White Ribbed Two-piece Suits, reg
. ular sizes, each garment .....t....45c
Extra sizes, each garment ;:..,.....50c
Women's White Ribbed Closed Pants. I. lac
Men's Best Wool Shirts and Drawersx each $335
' MMMIM HllltlM HMMIIt ()
Our Equipment
is Complete
Our Universal OphthalometerRetinoscope
and Ophtholmoscope are the latest and
best that money will buy. Our Lense Grind
ing Planty none better Call and see for
yourself. t s yolSllSSM
Our knowledge and experience is backed by constant study
several post graduate courses and 19 years of actual experience
in a business equaled by none outside of Portland and only by
one or two in Portland. Our individual Kryptok sales are the
largest in the state, which speaks for itself, as the fitting of
Kryptoks requires more knowledge and painstaking care than
any other part of the science of the fitting of glasses.
When you place your eyesight in our care, yea will receive
the benefit of skilled service and the best mechanical helps that
science has provided.
Henry E. Morris & Co.
Eyesight Specialists
305 State Street, SALEM, OREGON
I ft s
read ifd
tJihn .
Pure, Clean and Wholesome ;." ';
Try a loaf today and be convinced of the super
ior quality of BAKE-R1TE. : -
. Hot Rolls Pies, Cakes, Cookies and Dough- .
nuts. '
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457. State Street
The Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Rcst