Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Bids on a highway construction hkt
gregatlng 38.44 miles of grading and
48.34 miles of surfacing will be re
ceived by the state highway commis
sion at its monthly meeting in Port
land, March 23, according to nottees
being forwarded to contractors today.
Contracts will be also be awarded at
this meting for the construction of two
tunnel along tne Columbia river nigh
way In Wasco county, one 75 feet
long and the other 107 foet in length,
at this meeting.
Highway construction on which bids
Are being called for at this time is list
ed in the call as follows:
Gilliam county Blalock-Arlington,
(.9 miles surfacing.
Jefferson county Deschutes coun
ty line-Madras. 17.44 miles grading
Mid broken stone surfacing.
Umatilla county Echo-Pendleton,
22 miles surfacing.
i Wallowa county Wallowa canyon
Action, M mile grading.
t Wasco county Seufert-Deschutes
klver, 12.5 miles grading.
Warmer Dies Not
Die In Accident
Contrary to reports that hava been
Circulated in Salem by parties who
re evidently inclined to "believe the
Wrorst." John Cupp, employed at the
state school for feebleminded, Is not
ead, but is very much alive.
Cupp, who is employed as a farm
er at the institution Is suffering from
bruises and minor injuries as results
cf an accident that occurred Thurs
day morning. Cupp was driving a
farm tractor when the machine stall
ed in the mud. In an effort to extri
cate the tractor from the gumbo, nn
extra heavy charge of fuel and full
throttle is said to have caused the
machine to plunge backward in such
a manner as to catch Cupp and pin
him to the ground.
The fact that the accident occur
red In the soft gumbo is snld to ac
count for th KohtniiM nf n..n. I-
. . . ............... . iui'jb in
juries, br a portion of the machine la 1
' ' w punuvu U I III llllll. ,
According .to accounts received from i
the offices of the institution, Cupp is
recovering rapidly.
gt Paul for SS cents per pound for
each year named. The yield from this
place is estimated at 20,009 pounds.
A. E. Feller of Donald contracts his
5000-pound 1820 crop at 27 cents while
estimated yield for 1921 is under con
tract at 25 cents.
Leen Quan and A. E. Feller contract
the yield from another yard near
Donald at the same terms as for e
5000-pound crop. This fatter contract
is for an , estimated Meld of 10.000
A fourth contract Is also made with
the Seavey firm by Anna Bents ana
Henry Uopp, there being 8000 pounds
of the 1920 crop involved at 25 cents
per pouna.
State House Notes.
Articles of incorporation were fil
ed with Will H. Bennett, state super
intendent of banks, Thursday, by
the Troutdale State bank of Trout-
dale, Multnomah county. The new In
stitution will be capitalized at $15,-
000. O. J. Hawkinson. H. E. Bloyd
and I XL Cleek are the Incorporat
Contract for furnishing 105.000
pairs of 1921 automobile license plates
was awarded by the secretary of
state's office Thursday, to the Irwin
Hodaon company of Portland at a
Contracts Involve
1920-1921 Futures
An aggregate of 43,000 pounds of
bops, the estimated crop for each of
the years 1920, 1921, Is affected by
contracts filed Frlduy with the county
The contracts are made with tho
3, W.'fteavey Itop company of Portland
and represent yards near St. Paul,
Donald and Fargo.
J. K. Smith has contracted the 1920,
Having sold my farm, located 4 1-2
miles Northwest of Salem, on the Wal
lace road,, I will sell at Public Auction,
on TUESDAY, March 9, 1920, 10 a. m.
Horses, Dairy Cows, Hogs, Chickens,
Turkeys, Hay, Grain, Household
1 fine sorrel team, 7 and 9 years old, weight 3,000 lbs.; 1 brown
mare, 4 years old, weight 1400 lbs.; 1 black mare, ( years old, weight
1,200 lbs.; 2 colts rising 3 years old heavy stock; 1 Jersey cow, 8
. years old, fresh in April, a 6-gaiIon cow; 1 Jersey cow, 8 years old.
fresh in May a 4 1-3 gallon cow; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, freeh in
April a dandy; 1 Jersey cow 4 years old fresh in June; 1 heifer rising
2 years old; 1 Duroc Durham bull calf, 10 months old; 1 Duroo brood
sow, 2 years old; t pigs, 8 months old, weight 60 pounds each; 2 fat
hogs, weight 260 pounds each; 50 chickens good layers; 6 Ancona
ns; 3 bronze turkeys; 1 bronze gobbler; 400 bushels white and grey
oats; 100 bushels 90 day and Red Chaff Spring Wheat; 7 tons baled
Cheat hay; 7 tons loose Cheat and Vetch hay; G sacks barley; 2 sacks
vetch seed; 2 3 1-4 Mltehet wagons, with double box and wood rack;
1 1-2-inch two buttom gang plow; 2 No. 40 Oliver plows; 2 John
Deere double disc plows; 1 Spring tooth harrow, good as new; 1 4-seo-tion
Iron harrow; 1 go-devil; 1 Gunlach 14-inch hose drill; 1 6-foot
McCormlck mower; 1 4 1-2-foot McCorroick mower; 1 10-foot Mc
Corniick hay rake; 1 9-foot Champion hay rake; 1 hay carrier; 1
good Deerng binder, with tongue truck; 1 buggy; 1 buggy pole; I
good hay rack;. 1 bundle rack; 1 gravel bed; 1.8-foot corrigated roll
er; 1 80-foot hay rope; 2 hay forks; 1 Chatham fanning mill, with
bagger attachment, good ns new; 1 hay carrier; 1 good scalding vat;
6 oak barrels; 2 log chains; 4 rolling colters; 2 jointers; 1 cycle grind
er 1 sets double breeching harness; 1 get double hack harness; 1 set
single buggy harness; 1 set plow harness; 25 ricks dry stove wood,
some 4-foot wood; 1 Empire cream separator; 1 kitchen cabinet; 1
Acorn range; 1 gooU extension table, stands, rugs, carpets and many
other articles too numerous to mention.
iiu.m. All hiiiiis or 20 mid ca.vh, oyer that amount, time
given to Oct. 1, 1920, to parlies furiiLsliing approved bankable notes.
" i-e nn iint n-nit
,.,. . , , Phono 510 or 511, Salem, Oregon.
M)T1.: omlry conducts stock nnd farm auctions everywhere. List
jour sales with him for ttlCSl LTS.
HHHtl tl
price of 21 cents a pair. The price
paid for the 1920 tags was 22
cents a pair. Fifteen thousand of the
new tags are to be delivered Septem
ber 1 and the remainder at the rate
of 15.000 every 15 days. There were
only two bidders for the contract.
The Point Adams Packing company
Af Hsmminil 11 u .Li .11 !l CAll lit V rflm-
alized at $50,000 filed articles of in
corporation with the corporation oe
oartment here today. The incorpora
tors are C. L. Rogers, Edward E.
Beard and G. W. UUinger.
Other corporations filing articles to
Corneas & company, Portland, 25000
Robert C. Gise, Warren A. Cornell and
Elwin Cornell.
Deschutes Motor company, Mora
Sherman county. 820,000; R. S. Goff,
F. E. Fortner and C. E. Johnson.
Vttlan T.nmlu. Mmnanv Pnrtlnnri
126,000; Palmer I Fales, R. F. Arndt
ana Robert Treatt Piatt.
Peninsula club, Portland, $109;
John Fulley, W. B. McMillan and oth
er The WJltnrit Qlnro era TlnHarv mm.
pany, incorporated under the laws of
West Virlginia and capitalized at $25,-
000. wan inrinv mntnil narmliulnn hv
corporation Commissioner schulder-
man to operate in Oregon. I if. Klt-
ler of Portland will renrARAnt thA rnm.
pany in this state as attorney-in-fact
Two workmen were accidentally
killed in Oregon industries durinar the
Week endinv March 4 nrrnrrilne' tn
the weekly report of the state indus
trial accident commission. Of the 345
accidents reported to the commission
during the week 316 were subject to
the provisions of the workmen's com
pensation act, 16 were from firms and
corporations that have rejected the
provisions of the compensation act and
13 were from public utility corpora
tions not subject to the nrovlsions of
the act.
A. B. Foster sentenced to serve from
one year to 13 months in the state
prison here for the murder of Laur
ence Goodell in Portland last year,
wandered away from the state tuber
culosis sanitarium again last nightl
This Is the second time Foster has left
that institution to which he has been
transferred for treatment, leaving last
week and going to Portland for a visit
with his sister but returning in tho
prison of his own accord the follow
ing auy.
Continues to be the most popular
place for supplying the latest
and best in this important line of
Women's Apparel at the lowest
J. A. Churchill, state RlineHn ten riant
of public instruction, returned Friday
from Cleveland and Chicago where he
has ben In attendance n
metings of the department of superln-
leaents oc the National Educational
association and the National Vocatloal
association. ..While away he also visit
ed a number of part-time schools in
Wisconsin with a, view to obtaining
first hand information relative to these
schools which are being established in
Oregon this year for the first time. .
Court House News.
Failure by witnesses to Identify
him as the individual who attempted
the robbery of the Oregon State bank
of Jefferson early Wednesday morn
ing, caused Sheriff Needham's depu
ties to release the suspect who was
arrested in Salem into
afternoon. His arrest was precipitated
because of .personal appearance sim
ilar to tne description given of the
robber and also because of his alleg
ed SUHlllcIoUS actions In tho vloll
of Jefferson, previous to the entry of
me DanK, No further developments
have been reported in
with the case. '
The biggest and best assortment in town at popular prices. Hats direct from the f v
centers of New York as Well as models from Our Own Expert Workrooms, are now 1
shown. ' 'n8
Ladies Hats ........I $3.75 to $8.50
Children's Hats J8 to
Our Prices Always the Lowest
.Which are the seasons Coats $9.90 to $45
smartest creations and
are just-! direct from
the fashion centers
are to be found here
in miost popular ma
terials and colors:
$14.75 to $39.50
$21.75 to $54.75
$5.00 to $15.50
Gingham Wash Dresses
Of that famous Sassy Jane Line, in a
great assortment of plaids, stripes and
plain colors.
$3.98 ro $14.75
That Please
We have them in Voiles, Lawns, Dimities
and Silks ,
98c TO $7.50
Attorneys representing William
Harlnnd filed notice
appeal to the circuit court from the
recent judgment entered against him
in justice court. Harland bv a lnmr'
verdict returned January 22, was con
victed of unlawfully killing deer and
iinea 4bU ana costs. The complaint
had been lodged aerainst Uni-inmi
and Frank Jackson and Hugh Jen
kins, the latter named men being ac
quitted. At the time of filinsr imilor.
taking of appeal, Harland produced a
bondsman who vouches for the sum
of $250. The principals in the case
are from Detroit and the trial at
tracted much attention, due to the
fact that there had been many com
plaints from this section concerning
the alleged killing of many deer dur
ing the deep snow.
Judge W. M. Bushey Issued an or
der, Thursday, setting aside the first
administrator's bonds as originally
required nnd increasing the sum to
$9000 in the estate of Dan Tracv. The
order also affects the fees to
pharged by the administrator and his
attorney, at $1000 each, instead of
the higher charges permitted. The
administrator is also enjoined from
disposing of certain bonds, pare of
the estate.
"Fu" OnDecrease
In Salem Is Shown
By Health Reports
In apparent confirmation of fore
casts made by the more optimistic,
influenza is rapidly decreasing in Sa
lem, as is indicated by the small num
ber of reports received by city, health
officials during the past seven days.
Within this time there have been on
ly 11 new cases reported while near
ly 25 cases were released .from quar
antine. Two new eases of small nox have
been reported und quarantined, also
one case of ehlckenpox. A few cases
of pneumonia are also reported In
the city, there having been two deaths
from this cause during the past ten
Despite the fact that tne flu ap
pears to be vanishing, health author
ities and physicians urge the public
to avoid nedless exposure such as in
large crowds or gatherings in poor
ly ventilated halls or rooms.
Bligh Theatre
Army Store To
Close Tomorrow
The Salem, army store, 260 South
Commercial street, will close its doors
Saturday evening, according to an an
nouncement Friday rfom J. T. Conway
manager. Insufficient trade and the
inability to obtain coods are irlven n
reasons for closing the shop that has,
for weeks, proven a boon to many
citizens here.
It is doubtful. Mr. Conw
whether the store will open here ngnm.
The uncertainty of obtaining supplies
in the future make it inino.ihio f,n.
him to make any statement along that
line, ne saw.
The first eron of ta la t.
be ' the third year after the tree is' planted.
Saturday, I p. m.
Ferry and Liberty Streets
5 head of Horses .
1 Set of Work Harness
1 Set Singfe Harness
1 Dozen Chickens
1 Hack and 1 Plow
G. Satterlee,
Soap Special
5 large bars White Navy
Soap 25c
Large Package Citrus 27c
2 cans Old Dutch Cleanser.... 17c
2 bars Ivory Soap 15c
3 Talm Olive Soap : 23c
3 Olivilo Soap 23c
No Soap delivered only with
other Groceries.
Coffee and Tea
5 lbs. Folger's Golden Gate
Coffee, pound 45c
5 lbs. special blend bulk Coffee,
regular price 40c lb., special
Saturday only 34c
Lipton's yellow label Tea
1-2 pound 40c
1 pound 78c
1-2 lb. Folger's Shasta Te ...23c
1 lb. Folger's. Shasta Tea 44o
Dependable Tea, Ceylon and
India, 1-2 lb 25c
1 lb .. 47c
M. J. B. Tree Tea, 1-2 lb. 25c
M. J. M. Tree Tea, 1 lb........... 48c
Phone C. 0. D. Orders Earlv-186-1
ComHSt. at State. ComHSi. atChemeketa
Lard and Shortening
No. 5 Lard .". $1.20
No. 10 lard $2.40
This Lard is fresh and sweet,
maae oy valley racking Co.
6 lbs. Crisco for . $2.00
lbs. Crisco ". $1.05
We will not take DhonB nrrWc
. . . .
tor crisco; no delivery only
with, other groceries.
Salad Oil
Pint Duglas Oil 37c
Pint Wesson Oil 43c
Pint Mozola Oil 40c
Quart Wesson Oil 83c
1-2 gal. Wesson Oil $1.60
1-2 gal. Duglass Oil $1.48
Libby's Salad Dressing... 25c
Durkee's Salad Dressing ..35c
1 can Sun Rise Milk 15c
4 cans Sun Rise milk 55c
12 cans Sun Rise Milk ...... $1.55
48 cans un Rise Milk $6.00
1 can Eagle Milk 27c
3 cans Eagle Milk ....... 75c
3 small cans Milk 25c
Dried Fruit
White Figs," pound .15c
Dry Apples, pound .....25c
Dry Apricots, pound ..... 25c
Split Prunes, pound 15c
Sun Maid Raisins, pkjr. ... 20c
Seedless Raisins, pkg. 24c
wry urapes,. pound .. 20c
Fresh Peanut Butter, 1 lb 25c
5 pounds .. $1.00
Nut Margerine, pound ..........37c
This Margerine is fresh and
we are selling lots of it.
Flour and Cereab ,
Crown Flour, sack. ...-r
Olympic Flour, sack ..
Diamond C Flour
10 lbs. Cream Rolled OaM
Cream of Wheat
2 Grape Nuts
Snow Flake Sodas in 6 pound
Cartons, per' lb.
Bulk Sodas, pound
Bulk Graham Crackers .
Small, juicy and sweet -
Large 25cam"
Fancy Head Lettuce, 3 for
Celery - ' ,
Large Fancy Lemons, doz
2 JelJo .-- --"!
2 Jiffy Jell """""
Canned Pineapple v-