Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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iftHBrouna i own
. 4.5 State high school
JKi-H tournament. To-
"march 5-Nrth Salem Im-
Jnent aviation meet-
Hizhland school, 7.39.
"fit-Lectur. in Com-
arv.. -- Marlon
The rooms of the Toung Women's! f I f i
Christian association, have been re-iLOZXHty LOUJT $
leased from quarantine and the build n , y-m r .
mg has been thoroughly fumigated.! DUCK Ut L, CHTIV Q.12TI
according o word rerwiv.,1 fr.. i r t
quarters Thursday afternoon. The Cat
jeteria will be open again Monday, it
1 Jcoial club; ausptoea Marion
SSw ehildn'- bureau. S
r. U.-Council meeting,
"il-St. Patrick bene-
m dance under the auspices
rf the Salem Senators, arl
! 2.-Women- republt-
J , club meeting, armory.
Cosrf House News.
( In nlt Oaurt.
glisibeth Long vs. James M. Long.
w.lliam Lubkl vs. Maria Lubkl. At
MirH of non-military service.
Helen K. Carson, as administratrix
j .he estate of John A. Carson, ue
JUd vs. Grace i- Uarnes. Motion
l dismiss-
garah A. Lehman vs. Paul J. Leh
man. Summons.
B. L Bunchannan vs. George F.
Booth. Transcript from justice court.
Sarah A. Lehman vs. Paul J. Leh
man. Complaint.
w. H. C.rabenhorst et al vs. Merlin
Harding- Summons.
S. A. llulkey et al vs. Will H. Ben
, superintendent of banks, et al.
Joseph A. Comely vs. H. G. Camp
Mi. MandaU'.
Annie Kitch vs. J. C. Fitch. Certifi
cate of attachment.
Kred Ie Vrics et ux vs. Thomas B.
English et al. Complaint.
Catherine Hill vs. Edward L. Hill.
Order directing payment of Bupport
oney to w ife.
Marimge Licenses.
Levant Pease, 21, of Salem, a sales
man, to Hazel Freeman, 20, of Satern.
The Women's Missionary society !as a's0 announced
of the First Congregational church!
will meet at the home of Mrs. C F S"'1 ' Clear title to 6! acr8 of
Elgin. 74 S Caohol . LiMSS i"uate1 ta Ma" t, was
day, March fifth.
For Big Hospital
Enthusiastic endorsement of the
Salem General hospital project, and
assurance that aid will be lent in the
filed Thursday by Fred DeVries and financial camoaicu for ti Oh null
55', May DeVries against Thos. B. ring- which begins here Sunday, was ithde
. , " I" '"" "l"era- lne P'a'nt.ffs claim 1 Thursday by the county curt wher.
rwo nouses for sale. Houses num- .Ms and th 0,h" defend- U delegation from the hosmtal cam-
. . sima hana .i. . -I
oer zt ana ZD".' South High street. IIV , . V """ winst tne lanOjpaign committee called
will be sold Saturday of this week iZT '""her that they
Look them over and" leave m W !X " " " 'a"d
with Mek Brothers 503 Salem Bank I
of Commerce. Roth houses must be! ,
removed at once to make room for!,,,1": rvulur mommy meeting of
our new building. se 6 ?orth Salem Improvement asso-
iciation will be held in the Highland
held i th Tnal rnaay evening, March S at
! Daily Statistics.
XVRTZ To Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Kurtz, 1105 Leslie street, at the
"Iteaconess hospital, February 28, n
daughter. ,
ty jail on a charge of obtaining money 1 1 oclock- A special program has
under false pretenses, will be given a!, en preuare1 and a members of
hearing in Judge Cnruhs court Fri-! '5'""ou ie requestea to at-
day at 1:30 p. m. Lengele, who wasften"'
arrested by local police for writing!
and passing bogus checks, pleaded not! SIr- and Mrs. L. W. Potter and
guilty when arraigned a week ago, j's. D. T. Potter have returned from
and being unable to pay J1000 bondian extended motor tour of Califor
was remandod to the county jail. nia. They drove as far as Mexicali,
. 'Mexico, before beginning the return
Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. F.'trip to Oregon.
W. Schwab, formerly of this city but!
now residents of Tacoma, Wash., will' Sirs. Vida Wiley, accompanied bv
be pleased to learn of the arrival of her daughter. Miss Clara Wiley, went
a daughter at their home Wednesday Aumsville Thursday to attend the
morning. The new arrival has been funeral of the former's cousin, Mrs.
named Patricia Anne. Mrs. Schwab! Rosaline Hogan) Humicutt, who
before her marriage was Miss Adelta'was killed In an elevator accident
Nve- j in Seattle, recentl. An aunt of Mrs.
I Wiley, Mrs. Sallie Miller, .was laid
WilliHin Edwards, 25, arrested! to rest in Turner Tuesday.
Wednesday on downtown streets by
Officer INm-e for begging, was re- The local army station has two
leased by Police Judge Race Thurs- 10re recruits to its credit, both of
day morning upon his promise towhom enlisted for three years. Earn-
luy' una auer nl Payment; est F. Brown of Dallas enlisted In the
upon the
court. The benefit the hospital will
be to residents throughout I ho coun-1
ty as well as citizens of Salem, and
the fact that any money that might
be contributed toward the construc
tion of the Institution will not go to
ward the private benefit of any one.,
were cited by Judge Bushey as com
mendable features warranting the
fullest possible support of the county
William McGilchrist, Jr., chairman
of the campaign committee, aided by
J. F. Hutchasnn, Thursday morning
were selecting the various campaign
ers to press the battle for funds when
the first shot is fired from the church
pulpits here Sunday morning. The,
names of the persons, which, it Is un
derstood, represent some of the most
active business men in the city, will
be announced Friday by the commit
8G&$S588SSSSOT8 Meet Me atftoers $aSSB$SSSS3$SS
The Salem Hospital Is Your
Hospital Build It Now
Just Received:--Nevj Draperies
Cretonnes, Silkolines, Scrim
for the meals he had eaten in the
city jail. Edwards carried neatly
printed cards bearing a plea for fin
ancial aid, which he tendered persons
he thought likely donors. He admit
ted begging and receiving $6.32 In
Oregon City.
ordnance division and will be sta
tioned at Camp Kearny, Cal. Leslie
R. Taylor chose the cavalry and will
go to Fort D. A. Russell at Wyoming.
A bicycle, belonging to E. Von
Eschen, 1775 Court street, was report
ed to police as having been stolen
from the High school Wednesday.
Police were seeking the stolen pro
perty Thursday.
RICHARDSON James W. Richard
mn, local hospital, Wednesday.
Body at I'.igdon & Son's, probably
will be sent to his home, at Tigard
ville. Ore., for funeral.
The body of Bethia Carter, 37, who
died at a local hospital Wednesday,
wm sent to her home In Parkland
uiuniiiay oy me uiguon at son corn-
Ralph Schindler, former Salem
man, now manager of Hauser Bro
thers store in Corvallis, was in Salem
Thursday conferring with the local
store interests, and visiting his many
friends here. '
A small chimney blase was extin
guished late Wednesday night by city
firemen at a residence on the cor
ner of 15th and Ferry streets. No
damage was done to either chimney or
A bursted fuse which caused a
slight blaze in an Oregon Electric car
near the depot at 7:16 Thursday
morning caused a run by engines of
the fire department. The fire was put
out upon the arrival of the firemen.
Damage was slight.
Police here Thursday were seeking
two men suspected of passing a bad
Viarlr f, ! t ' (1 1 1 ,1 tha T C Pnnnav
ine tuiifnti ana nuriai win db nen u m ... . . t.j
ktld there. . . L,i n-, , v...
a clerk who later Informed the police
and cave them Annnrntp (lencrlnHnnn
oeima tarter, u. at e n,. , v, i,i ui, ,v, ..
Inral l,,!... I nr-J j.. ' r.... "c """ "1'"'
lous paper.
ent to Portland by the Rlgdon
' ' I A suitcase, reported several days
"" ! no-n hv Mra T V WViito 1(1(10 Tff,ir1.
!nMH'. rilK'e,.ni'8 bpfn appointed; way, as having been stolen, was re-
IUJJ...7 .'. '' turned to police and its owner Wed
' V . Burlon are named as neg(lay by a youth who claimed he
, "! e8,ate ot Richard had mistaken the suitcase for his
U""U1U own. It was taken from Mrs. White's
Died ,
PRATT Fred Walter "Pratt, 21, son
Mr. and Mrs. William Pratt,
Waldo Hills, Wednesday.
Funeral at chnpel of Webb and
c"Ugh at 2 D. m. Frldav. Burial Orirt
s cemetery.
CHURCHILL E. C. Churchill, at his
Home 532 North High street, Thurs
"lay, March 4.
The body is at Webb 'and Clough
Md funeral announcements will be
Bde later.
v,. Born
KfcLLEV To Mr.- and Mrs. Nolan
Kelley, 0 N. 17th street, Tues
March '2, a son.
He has been named Harry William
K. S.
ALAYJIAN-To Mr. and Mrs,
yjian. 2610 Gherry
"oay r ehruary 27, a son.
Special matinee 11 o'clock
J I Al.trV Mil' L- f nHrl t tn-ii i
0reS" theater. Children under
only 10 cents. 57
wo houses for sale. Houses num-
and 292 South High street,
r be sold Saturday of this week.
vm. ith m OVPr B,la "'ave yur bM
"1 Vick Brothers 603 Salem Bank
t-ommerce. Both houses must be
at once to make room for
new building.
Asking for an
absolute decree ot
son at a restaurant in Oregon City.
James W. Richardson, 18, from
Tigardville, Ore., after confinement in
a local hospital 19 days, diet there
Wednesday. Body is being held at the
parlors of the Rlgdon & Son com
pany, pending receipt of word from
Word was received In Salem Thurs
day morning that the bank at Scio
had been entered on the night of
March 3 and that access to the vault
had been gained by breaking thru
the brick walls of the chamber. The
report stated that the thieves failed
to open the strong box In the vault
but that a few safety deposit boxes
were looted.
M. L. Jones, well known farmer of
the famous Lake Labish district, was
a Salem visitor Thursday.
P. Richards, who operates a farm
east of Salem, was transacting busi
ness in this city Thursday.
Suit Is End Of
Conjugal Bliss
One month of domestic turmoil
and unhappiness is revealed in the
complaint made by Sarah A. Lehman
in an action for divorce against her
husband, Paul J. Lehman. j
In her petition fifcd Monday, Mrs.'
Lehman alleges that her husband,
failed to provide a home for her and;
charges cruel treatment. A few days!
after tiieir marriage at The Dalles,!
September 29-, 1919, she alleges that
Lehman said "Damn any woman, un-!
less she is old and has money." She
clitims that Lehman was ('filthy dir-
ty" In his personal habits and that hei
took an automobile belonging to her,
mortgaged it and then damaged the'
machine ii. an accident.
In conclusion, Mrs. Lehman claims;
that her husband left for the state of;
Washington Octohr 28, 1919, after
receiving a letter from a woman, and
explained his departure by stating
that he "would have to go, because he
could not have two women together".
Mrs. Lehman asks that her former
name, Sarah A. Sylvester be restored.
Albert Egan, farmer and hopgrow
er of Hopmere, was in Salem Thurs
day morning.
W. D. Greig, who has a fruit farm
near Chemawa, f-pent Thursday In
1 di ii fir ? '''j
Pool Hall Owner
Is Arrested For
Housing Minors
Joseph Lavock, proprietor of La
vock's pool hall, was arrested Thurs
day afternoon by local police on a
charge of permitting minors to play
In his hall, and Otto Kletts pool was
also arrested for allowing minors in
the game halls, by Officer Harry
Justin Smith, Marvin Lucas and
Floyd Abbott, all under age, were ar
rested by Officer Rowe for being in
the hall. The trio was released upon
their own recognizance to appear be
fore Police Judge Race Friday morn
ing at nine.
Armond and Albert Banks, being
held for forgery, were arrested in La-
i vock's pool hall. Both are under age.
Pleading guilty of shooting Chinese
pheasants out of season, John Mlch
allk, IB, residing on a farm 10 miles
north of Salem, was fined $25 and
costs Thursday by Judge ITnruh.
Michalik was arrested by Deputy
Game Warden 'Roy Bremmer.
Both the Gothic and Celtic lan
guages bear traces as having the same
origin a the Sanskrit.
Harold Dimick, a member of the
1920 class of Willamette University
will be employed as physical director
at the state training school, for boys
here, his employment being approved
by the state board of control at its
meeting Wednesday afternoon. Dim
ick will have charge of all physical
training and athletics at tn institu
tion under a new policy now being
put Into effect by Superintendent Gil
bert. He will also act as assistant to
G. H. Besto just installed as manager
of the third company of boys at the
school which ha 8. been organized
among the larger boys.
The hearing of Harry Davis. 38.
who has been held in the city J;tll
for more than a week on a charge of
obtaining money under false pretens
es, was continued by Judge Unruh
I Thursday afternoon until the first oi
' . I. Tin. -la tu r!,l M hflVfl H.T
rce. the retn-,. . .... """'. 1'" .
Unit of Pii.h .v mV ... ed a spurious cnec on a uowmow..
" rehef as the court may deem ad-j" '
e Elizabeth Long.' has started, c a Ecnnett, arrested Thursday
With Si aBainSt Jamea M- Lon8;- afternoon by Conlable Walter DeLong
aman"1,? Be.nemal "C.rUe' a"dn a re f ,arceny by baiIee- WHB
bM That ''eatment' Mrs, Long al- granted until 10 a. m. Friday to make
ItofTi, . 78,ba"d Wa" ln the'his plea, when arraigned before Judge
-SiellUh'' ,VA f it ' v heI" aCti0"8 a8 Unruh following the arrest. Bennett
"rtr llttiJ . h " Hed her a , ,,, to have mM a truck belonging
Uim wV h SevfUl7V7, w a firm for winch he worked. The
Head" .J?. g Cna8ed her llfelon romplaint was signed by A. TP.
v , , -" upon tne occasion ot
Kit to her in October.
ltlm p ' 11,11 1
" . The Petition
states that the
no children and no pro-
!Tr r,Bh' are involved.
"TnE couxtfrffit-
Steiner. He Is being derenuea oy wai
ter Winslow.
Regarding the sending of parcels to
prisoners ln prison camps in Siberia,
the following rules have been set forth
by the post office authorities. Post-,
master August Huckestein has offered,
the rules for publication in case that,
any local people may be interested !
All parcels, except those containing
perishable f.Kjdsiuffs will be received:
up to the limit of 15 pounds, at a.
postage rate of 12 cents a pound J
Packages must be strongly wrapped,
and substantially packed to insure le-
liverv. and must be addressed to the,
prisoner intended for at a particular
amp in Siberia. In addition they -roust ,
v.r the words 'Care of Daman, vie;
i vmrfiiHKiok. Siberia, via tean
tniui.w1. --"
Grand Opera
Monday, March 8
The Great Laugh
Josephine Saxe
And the Great New Y6rk
Direct from Heilig Theatre
PRICES 50c to $2.00
Seat Sale Next Saturday at
Opera House Pharmacy
Seivica Our earn
est endeavor to give
satisfaction, and su
perior sen-Ice, is ev
idenced by the cour
tesy of our staff.tlie
ewwiciency of our
management. The
satisfaction of our
clients and the qual
ity of service ren
dered. Quality Cour
tesy, Efficiency.
E ..Jjg,
: J
A . . - i
. 4 1
'f ' ,
" - . h
....fc-MailWi ,j.t . il(nj
Mary Pickford
in .
Mt fV44-H
On Sale
' See Our Classified Advertisement Under "Poultry"
1 ........ . i ' -
P.reels cannot he resis-t ft M M
It is high time to think of
Spring House Cleaning
and New Draperies and
Window Hangings. The
new Draperies just re
ceived are of the best
quality. "Good Goods",
and all moderate in
price. Come early while
stock is complete.
i V- ' : -'
Ti 13 I
Eleanor Briggs has returned from Portland and Seattle,
bringing "Special" and late "Creations" for this event.
Whether a purchaser or not, do not fail to visit the Millinery
Section Tomorrow. '
150 and 200 Yard spool
. , White or black
You can always do better at
Who Always Do Better By You
9 Jf.
The proof of the shirt is in the
This message is for the woman
who knows values and wants her
men folks to profit by knowledge.
You know how it isMen are
busy and liable to rush in and
make a purchase without stopping
to see that they are buying satisfac
tion as well as merchandise.
' A Her he gets home he discovers it
wasn't what he wanted at all. There
is no comfort about it just a shirt that's all.
Why not buy the shirt that carries right with it the
guarantee of comfort and quality as well as looks.
For your next shirt try a real one.
tered, insured or sent C, O. D.