Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    f, MARCH 4, 1920.
V 4fc A.BM
rook was re-elected Scout
Xa new members were elected
ua"t . . ,.M,nCll. at a meeting held
va MCvUV vv-
commercial clul) Wednesday
It was ais" -
...i - thA nmincil ab-
1 himself from two consecutive
he would forfeit his member-
a , new member be elected In
Tmmittee was appointed to ma
A for the resumption of the drive
??J $5000 1920 budget, which was
Tu ued because , of the hospital
, ni read from the Salem chapter
j war Mothers, in which the appro-
and support of that organization
iS assured.
Including the appointments, made
US evening the members of the Sa
lem icout council are: .;.
WaJ'er A. Denton, scout commis
doner' E. A. Kurtz, president; Theo
dore Roth, vice-president; Frank iv wcond vice-president; D. D.
Socolofak-, third vice-president; D. W.
ton, treasurer; P. M. Gregory, direc
, of Sea Scouts; J. H. Walker, .di
rKtor of camping; F. O. Deckabach,
dirl!Ctor of finance; C. S. Hamilton, di
rector of civic affairs; Hal D. Patton,
MUiton A. Meyers, Fred Erlxon, Dr. 13.
t Fisher, William McGilchrlst, C K.
Knowland, Dr. Carlton Smith, P. E.
Fullerton, Frank Davey. E. S. TH"ng
tosH H. H. Ollnger, M. D. A. T. Wool
lrt, William Galilsdorf , Roy Wise,
frank Brecknrldge. E. F. Carleton
Aueust Hueckestein, Percy A. Cupper
and Frank A. Baker. - '
Monmouth, Mar. 4. Miss Todd has
announced a householder's meeting
for Tuesday, March 9, at 2:30 p. m
la the dormitory. It is especially urg
ed that all persons who have students
living In their houses attend this
meeting. , . ,
S. 8. Duncan, county superintend
ent, of Yamhill county, will speak
during the chapel hour on Friday,
March 5. An invitation is extended to
the public to hear his talk.
For the first time in several weeks
til the rural centers are in session,
after having been closed for various
periods on account of Influenza.
A plan for work In the literary so
cieties which is different in some re
spects from that formerly followed
has been instituted this quarter. Ac
cording to the new scheme the two
societies will alternate in presenting
their programs, which however will
be given on the first and third Fri
day evenings o: the month, just as
Mr. and Mrs. McNaghten of Port
land visited their daughter, Miss Eu
fenie McNaghten last Sunday.
Miss Lois Sweek of Burns, who will
complete her work in June, has been
elected In the city schools of Burns
for next year at a salary of $120 per
In connection with -tho organiza
tion of tho student body to do its
share toward passing the mlllage bill
there has grown up a very enthusi
astic, energetic committee known as
the "Greater O. N. S. committee."
This group, as tho name implies, has
extended Its range to include many
things besides tho millage bill, and
has already made its influence felt
for the good of tlic student activities.
The girls of the dormitory and sen
ior cottage gave a tea last Saturday
J- m. In honor of the Hisses Todd,
!lor and Levis, at which the girls
wtside of these buildings were the
Nests. Miss Todd graciously showed
and discussed many of tho souvenirs
of her recent Oriental trip. .
Miss West who represented tho fac
"Ity at the chapel hour Wednesday
this week gave a most interesting
diwuesion of motion pictures.
The seniors who will complete the
, " April, 1920, have recently
en Wll of their numbers and found
that theV h.lV fnUctaA.. ' mamluMI
8"ne have already gocurcd positions
' mcn they will go in April. .
n Mondav Mr. :.5iii nv a in.
c'd, helpful explanation of the new
wurse of study recently adopted by
e normal. This new course or rath
courses permit of much greater
yvwoauon than the old curricu
"7. "M greater freedom in the
"eror elective subjects. . :
. " aent body will give a danc-
in the gymnasium on Sat
evening, March 6. The usual
u on the socal list are -invited
Th XIIgiu... .,...
, . nuEBiua .. wcrnagnien,
aana , Hager. Dorcas Conklln, Hal-
g ' 'rie LaHare and Lois
J': nd Koy Penney "hjive'bcen
norm dfelpKiltt-8 to represent the
rmal at the stato oratorical contest
(v, "ela " Forest Grove March 12.
- nays was elected as a mem
- me executive committee last
Wober ana .
- w. uuurw one oi ine
egate, nlf0. The normu, orator lg
m1.. e Bunch as voted here
"M time ago.
Salem Children
Not Getting Milk
Enough Is Claim
As a result of a recent survey made
by the teachers in the Lincoln school,
it was found that 112 children, out of
the J45 attending the school, were us
ing a pint or more of milk a day. Of
the 195 children not using it. 108 gave
as their reason that they did not care
for it especially, while the remaining
87 said that they would drink it if they
were enaoiea to get it. "
taxing the case of the Lincoln
school aa an 'example, and assumlne-
that this percentage prevails in the
city generally, there' is about 58 per
cent of the children of Salem doing
without the necessary daily supply of
milk. The parent-teachers associations
of the various schools are taking the
matter, up in an effort to correct the
present state of affairs, and make
some Kind ol arrangement whereby
each school child will be enable to re
ceive this most nourishing of all foods.
Jenkins Ordered
Expelled From
: Mexico, . Report
Mexico City, Mar. 4. W. O. Jenkins
former United States consular agent at
Puebla, whose permission to act in
that, capacity was recently revoked, is
to co expelled rrom Mexico in conse
quence of his alleged -dealings with
rebels, according to insistent reports
here. The United States embassy has
handed a hew note to the Mexican
foreign office relative to charge pre
ferred in an interview by Julio Mitch
ell, prosecutor of the state of Puebla,
which Involved procedure followed by
the embassy during the progress of
ine jenKins case.
Fuccs Property Ixmm.
" Washington, Mar. 4. Expulsion of
William O. Jenkins, former American
consular officer at Puebla by the Mex
lean government as an undesirable
alien probably will be followed by
seizure of his factory at Puebla and
other property, recent reports from
Mexico City have Indicated.
Sending of Jenkins from the coun
try would not surprise officials here.
His exequator as consular agent of the
United States was revoked some time
ago. .
The expulsion of Jenkins is likened
by Mexicans t the recent deportation
of Russian radicals by the American
Other Meeting Is
tailed To Select
Home Firm Heads 2
London, Mar. '4. What is the cash
alue of a wife is a question which
agitated the London divorce court for
a time. Counsel for the husband in
a case, arguing on the question of dam
ages, said that the old theory that a
wife was a ch:Utel and that the jury
had o award damages to the owner of
the property still holds true "with
London, Mar. 4. The allied foreigo
ministers met today at the foreign of
fice to discuss the details of the treaty
with Turkey. After a short session
the conference adjourned until late In
the day.
According to an announcement from
E. W. Hazard, rhnirm-in ,hA k
of directors ef the Salem HomebutM
ers association. Thursday, officers for
the new bousing corporation probably
will be nanipft nt ; a .v. -
directors Friday evenine i the Tom 8om SliBht ,"od,flcatios-"
mercial clul. U?mne in the Com' "Then you caU her a quasi-rhattel,
Two new directors, Thomas B. Kav,
and Joseph Albert, were named on the
directorate at a meeting of the stock-
uiurra Mecinesdav n rht b:..
seven on the board of director. n vrint.-r W F.a nne ti,
others are E. W. Hazard, S. B. Elliott, Winter prices on eggs are highest. If
anon, u. j. t ry, J. W. Chal- your hens do not lay in winter, you
.... . ... W nv Klor natfilc. . . V. 1
-.unuiuuon and bvlaws nt th LcGear'a Poultrv Preiscrim inn trill
"B-mizauon were adorned i,v- h
said the judge.
The court found the matter too
heavy for hasty decision and reserve
judgment. .
London, Mar. 4. Recruits ar nin.
ing the British army at the rate of
Per aay ana many of the men
whose period of service was about to
expire have re-enlisted.
The crack guarda regiment have
mossomea out again in their pre-war
scarlet coats and bearskin busbies,
instead of khaki.
According to the Morning Post, the
regular army ia to have its pre war
establishment increased by about
100,000 men, with the ultimate ob
ject of getting another 500.000 men
voluntarily to undertake liability for
general . service . when the army re
serve is needed.
help your hen lay more eggs the year
round. Buy a package today. Better
results guaranteed. Ask your dealer,
EOs Pile
Vow SS Tears Old But IVorta At,
Trade of Blacksmith and FeeH j
Younger Since Tile
Are Cone. '
The oldest active blacksmith In
Michigan is still pouncing his an
vil In the town of Homer thanks
to my internal method lor treating
If you Ivive catarrhal deafness or 1
are hard of hearing or have head '
noises go to your druggist and get 1
ounce o( Farmint (double strength).
and add to It i. pint of hot water
and a little granulated sugar. Take
one tablesploonful four times a day.
This will often bring quick relief
from the distressing head noises.
Clogged nostrils should open, breath
ing become easy and the mucus stop
dropping into the throat. It Is easy
to prepare, costs little and Is pleas
ant to take. Anyone who has catarrh
al deafness or head noises should
give this prescription a trial. (Adv)
You will find nothing quite so
. . ... . .
enjoyable, refreshing, and ex-
citing as a good bowl.
I . . f
Mr. Jacob lyoa, Homer, Mick.
1 wish that you could hear hlra
tell of his many experiences with
.iutment.. salves, dilators, ie., be
fore lie tried my method. Here Is a
lciur just received from him:
Mr. E. R. Page, Marshall, Mich.
Jiear Sir: I want you to know
what your treatment has done for
ine. I had sutlered w;iih piles for
many years and used suppositories
ami nil kinds of treatments, but
never got relief until I tried youn
Am now comuieieiy cureu. auiiouk
1 am tS years old, and the oldest
London, Mnr. 4. The London Stand
ard stutes today that the allied su
preme council has decided to allow
Germany to launch an internal loan,
because It is recognized that Oer
nany's ruin would mean a weak and
dangerous spit in Europe, The loan,
a newspaper says, would take prece
dence over any indemnity payments
Germany is culled upon to make,
' if ! : CD
&-jsl Jim -ft tf
;f it? Ml ' ? g
benjamin B.
Hampton ani
. Eltlnge F.Warner
tnotl powttfU fktw0
.Now Showing
Glycerine Mixture
Prevents Appendicitis
Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark,
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, removes
all foul, accumulated poisonous mat
ter from BOTH upper and lower bow
el and prevents appendicitis. Relieves
ANY CASE gas 'on stomach or con
stipation. The INSTANT pleasant ac
tion of Adler-1-ka surprises both doc
tors and patients. A business man re
ports great benefit in a long standing
case of indigestion and sour stomach.
J. C. Perry, druggist, 115 South Com
mercial. (Adv)
122 N. Commercial
Office Phone 330-Res. 327W
R.S. McNeill & Co.
261 Court t.
We have in select Seed Potatoes
Gold Coin and Burbank. Also
Table Potatoes of best Quality.
Bring us your eggs and poultry.
active blacksmith III Michigan, I
Jeel years younger since the piles
have left me. I will surely recom
mend it to all I kuow who suiter
this way. You cau use my letter
any way you wish and 1 hope-it
will lead others to try this wonder
ful remedy.
Tours truly,
There are thoueands of afflicted
people sintering with piles who
nave never yet tried the one enel
ble way of treating them.
Don't be cut. I'on't waste money
on foolish salves, ointments, dila
tors, etc., but fend toUav for a Free
Trial of my Internal method for the
healing of I'iles.
No matter whether your case Is
cf long standing or recent develop
.infiit whether It Is occasional or
permanent you fhould send for
this free trial treatment.
No matter where you live no
mi'.'.ter what your ane or occupation
if you ore troubled with piles, my
method will relieve you promptly.
This liberal offer of free treat
ment Is too important fur you to
neglect a sinsle day. Write now.
Send no money. Simply mall tho
coupon but do this now TODAV.
K, It. Page,
Page Blrtg., Marshall, Mich,
riense send free trial of your
Method toi
jjtosraphs taken by the Daguerre
tJ "lluire'd required an exposure
've to fifteen minutes.
Driven Wild
!,by Eczema
'miT R? ' w t
tm Call.
USrJTJ1 in h la the wtiac.
S "H tctSJ "kin diaeue ho ktKn
5 artist?0" rt f Um jaitl
n n Vn'h to 1c UM ro.1
?tlr jL "J1.' 'tea' teriKBt
-lodcn for SKJa Disease
K- Pe"y. druggist.
Auction House
270 S." Cora'L St., 1 :M p. m. -
Furniture. Ranges, Heaters.
Canned Fruit, Kitchen Utensils.
Dishes, Tools, etc.
"Go Where the Crowds Go Boy
Whew Yob Buy the Cheapest'
The Auctioneer
Phone 510 or 511
We wish to announce thai our company has pur
chased and paid tor the largest water power plant
and compressor with which to operate machine
'drills to open up our mines in the Elkhorn District,
and we are now offeringa small block of non-assessable
treasury stock with which to finish our de
velopment work and place the mine on a paying
For further information call on or write our
Salem representative, Mr.C.Chappell at the Hotel
Blighy Salem, or J. J. Langmack, Portland, Oregon
either of whom will be glad to give you the facts
concerning the rich gold, silver, lead property
known as the SILVER KING MINE. Come and
be convinced and invest with us.
The Silver King Mining Co., Inc.
J. J. Langmack
201 Gerlinger Bid?., Portland, Oregon.
E. E. Williams Wm. S. Risley
Vice Pres. Sec.-Treas.
' ,
THOUSANDS of people have
fully determined to buy a
new car for delivery before the '
first warm day of spring. -Many
are doomed to disap
pointment We are facing the
greatest shortage of good auto-.'
mobiJes the industry has ever
known. And this shortage will
be most acute when cars will
be most in demand.
Dealers have been unable loae '
cumulate any stock of cars for.
spring delivery.
Von will run less chance of dis
appointment if you place your
order for a Studebaker now.
I Pi
! Peo
nles Cash Store
186-194 Commercial Street.
I.Friday Speda
Todav at our uemmu , i
You are invited t
i S.M.Roberts' Grocery f