THE CAPITAL JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 4, l0 EARLY HISTORY OF PRUNEINDUSTRY TOLD BY PIONEER If you will look up the files of the Corvallia paper for 1S6 jrou will find considerable discussion aa to the advis ability of planting commercial prune orchard says Krl Lockley In the Portland Journal, One of the moat ar dent advocates of the prune indutry t that time was Bob Jhnnson. The agita tion of the leading men of the city w organize to plant a commercial orcn The nromoters suggested that 20 men take one share each at a cost of 160. and that a 20-acre orchard Be set out So enthusiastic were the prospec tive pruuegrowers that 1 men sub scribed for 10 shares each, and it was decided to set-out 18 acres. A chc.e quarter section midway between Car vallts and Albany was purchaed, the ground was deeply plowed and: a nr veyor was empioyd to lay out the or chard so that the trees would be exact ly !0 feet apart, making 10S tiee to the acre. First Prune Tree PUuit'tJ. - A day or so ago I talked with the former secretary of the comp in. Bob Johnson, and asked him to give me the history of this orchard. "We had - more enthusiasm than knowledge of the prune Industry in thOBe days," said Mr. Jonhron. "We purchased Italian prune trees at nine nts a tree and set them out. T.'hen the bill for the 17,280 prune tress rami in. amoutlng to over Jl.GOO, we lov'ad an assessment of $25 a shard an or stock. As the payments for the lani fell due we levied additional assessments. We hoped that we should never have to pay the full assessment of $150 a share, but we were compelled to in crease the par value of share from $150 to $200 a 'allure to keep the en terprise out of debt. The flrsc year we planted 100 acres of potatoes between the rows. We bought 500 bushels ot awed potatoes at $1 a bushel. We had a tremendous crop. Potatoes that full were a drug on the market at 45 cents a bushel, so we didn't dig our potatoes. "When the tiees were five years old are employed Professor Luk, In charg? cf the horticultural department of the Oregon Agricultural oollegc, to take .tharge of our orchard. Wo paid him i i spraying, pruning and cultivating, l-o. anucu SeL,-, ..:. stiil had faun in the prune industry. I i or woman had no right to exist, or borrowed the money and bought It !njt0 jjeep a ,j0g unless he could hire 1911 for about $104 an acre. Tyjhj,,, Ied about on a leash. Under our r"hbTt-Th; prune 1 trees before I could use the land. It has) for "V'll uuuiwcu iti f constantly chained. Under our city been amoney-maker from the start. In 1S18 I made more than twice as wuch money on my crop as I paid for the place; -This fall 1 erjwt to have- no less than 500.000 pounds of prunes, for-which I will receive from la to 18 cents a pound. Pigs, are pigs, and prunes are prunes, these days." INKGLAND,H.C.L ALSO HARKS BOTER WORKING CONDITIONS and state law no sportsman can keep a bird dog for shooting in season. That royal privilege is reserved for the wealthy land owner. Yet in the city of Portland 3009 dogs pay a city license and have their freedom, and Portland hunters' range over the en tire' vatley in pheasant and duck shooting season. If the cruet state law ia upheld by the courts, which requires that a dog shall wear a steel muzzle the moment he is off the owner's premises; no one in the state can use a hunting dog. Those who want Salem a closed town to dogs can go to any large city in the west. orto any state and find no such cruel legislation. If the present city law stands and the state law recently en acted by the legislature is upheld. might as well' put fence around S.Klein and write on it in big letters dog owners and lovers of sports not wanted in the Capital City. COL E. HOFER. THRIFT EXDS IS SCICIDE London, March 4. Wages contln ued to advance, hours . of labor to shrink and the cost . of living went higher thaw ever before in this coun. try Irr 1919, according to the Labor Gasette. "There was a marked reduction in' San Francisco, Mar. 41 Charles ing (,400,000 workers, with an aggre- Peterson, aa elevator operator who gate reduction in weekly hours of committed suicide here recently, left hours of work, the decrease affect- to relatives in San Francisco and in 41,41,0," adds the paper. "This was Sweden an estate of $40,000. the ac an average reduction of aiz and one- cumulation of a life time of thrift. half hours a week for each worker. Increases granted to 6,647,000 em ployes aggregated 2,111,000 lbs. a week. There were In the year 1,413 trade disputes Involving 2,570,000 workers, as a result of which they lost a total of 34,483,000 Working hours. The general level of retail prices at the end of . 1919 for food, rent, clothing, fuel and light was 125 per cent above that of July, 1914, accord ing to the Gazette. This was an in crease of five percent In the year. On January 1, 1920, food stood at 138 per cent above pre-war- reluil prices. Smith To Attempt One-Day Flight Of Pacific Coast Seattle, Wash., March 4. Major Albeit D. Smith, United States army aviator, today received pennlmion from Washington, D. C, to attempt a 150 a month. The following reason ws one ""V fllft ,rom Camn ewl T .lad a phenomena! crop. Tho trees were. ct,mn- to- San Dh'go. Major Smith, blue with prunes, professor Lake trav .eled all over the Willamette valley In vestlgatlng the various types of prune evaiKirnturs or dryers. Ho finally se lected tho Kllckenstpin, guaranteed to dry 100 bushels a day. We Installed iAe, but because of our Inexperience or for some other reason we were un able to take cure of more than SO linshels a day, the result being that tbe lilk of out cio; rotted under the trees. KlilpH'd Fruit rrcn. who Is at Camp Lewis, nU over the telephone today thnt ha would start at daybreak tomorrow Stops will be made for fuel, oil and water at Eugene, Red Bluff, Han Francisco, Fresno and possibly Los Angeles. Arrangements will fce made for quick service at the stopping points. Major Smith will attempt the flight In a DeHnvlland plane. In a recent flight to Seattle from Snn Diego he used a Sopwlth machine. In coming north he was seven and one-hut Public Forum "The nextyenr we decided to ship .hours nl the air between San Francls- our prunes green and we realised saiiU'co and Seattle. a car for them. This, we thought, oolv cd the problem. The next year awr we packed our green prunes In 22 pound crates, 1000 crates to the car, and shipped te ncarloads and spent the next few weeks figuring where we could spend to best advantage the 13500 we would receive. When the re turns enme we were told we owed $334 for freight. In other words, we were out the labor and the crates and still owed $324. That settled the question of shipping green prunes. We erected another dryer so as to be able to cure for our next year's crop. Hundreds of farmers had planted prune orchards and built dryers of all sorts. The re Hult was that carload of Oregon prunes were being dumped on the .Kaslern and Middle Western markets (that wore Improperly dried. These slilp wents of messy, Micky, unsalable prunes gave tho Oregon prune such n Jilnnk eye that the price went down to 'SH cents a pound and stayed there f r several years. Nwnml the Orchard. "We had to levy an extra assessment on the stock of the company. The torkhnhWs were fed up on prunes and refused to pay. We mortgaged the place to secure funds, and eventually tho niortgigp was foreclosed. For two Why Pyramid V Ask Aar Druggist How IUnrstet alr Han Made Pyranld the ReioKDUed Tr-stmcat. SEXD FOR FI1EB TRIAL. . Mailed free In plain wrapper. It gives you relief. t:?t a 60-cent be frrk Yon Ilsve 1V Idea How onrtrlrf ul Pyramid la lata Yon Try It. of Pyramid Pile Treatment of anj druggist. Be relieved of Itching protruding piles, hemorrhoids am such rectal troubles. A single bo. has often been sufficient in on night. Send coupon for free trial Take no substitute. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PiBAinn miro company. MuPyramld Blag., Umrhill. Klcb. Kindly wd me a Free iiimol of Pyrosis ?U Troatnfaflt, Id pl!u irraiiptr. Nam. . Stmt., City... .State. . Editor Journal: On behalf of dog owners and friends of animals I wish to thank your puper for consideration shown our campaign for better laws on reg ulutlon of dogs. I am fighting for the' rights of the poorest child or family to nave a dog or other pets, without unreasonable dictation from a legis j lature or city council or Intrenching the rights of other people. There are a few rich people nnd huge land owners who want no one should have a dog. They have a right to their per sonal views, and to not keep a dog If they see fit, but they have no right to dictate to others In this mntter. The old sneer of the poorest people having, the most dogs was complete ly answered by the Saviour In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Lazarus wus a frilled of dogs and In his greatest poverty when abandoned by all human beings, his dog stayed with him and licked his sores, iiut he was taken up to Abraham's bosom and the rich man remained In tor ment. With five laws governing! the HAVE EXPERT FLATE MAN With 35 years experience, with me in my dental office DR. D. X. BEECHXEn , 303 V, S. Bank Bldg. FORD TRUCK WITH TWO TON ATTACHMENT. RUNS LIKE A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. S7t Court Street Phone 885 W. W.MOORE House Furnisher HOME OF THE VICTItCLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. kiHMilmr (if iiti7M ml tho r three years the orchnrd was nejt-jlnw the most vicious of all, one woudj leeted. I hated to see It suffering for I think we were Ivlng- In an aristocracy Draperies MADR TO ORDER TO FIT YOUR WINDOWS C.S. Hamilton 340 Court Street 9 There are food qualities in, wheat and barley wtuch you are not acquainted with, if you h&vo never eaten TV!? H 1 It Li XI This food isn't a simple mixture, but is a scientific blend of these grains-designed to build and rein force physical and menial well bein& IWenly hours baking develops a wonderfully rich flavor and great, ease of digestion Grape-Nuts needs no Sugar Made fry . Ptwtum Cereal Company, Battle Cm?k, Michigan Conference Report On Deficiency Bill Accepted Today Washington, March 4 After a stormy debate today the senate voted 33 to IT to accept the conference re port or the urgent deficiency bill. The conference eliminated a number of items from the senate bill, includ ing J3,0.090 for the repair of naval vessels; Democratic senators vigorously op posed the conferees' action in yield ing to the insistence of the house against the naval, item. Senator Gay, democrat. Louisiana, said elimina tion of the appropriation was "false economy" as many dreadnaughts. cruisers, and smaller naval craft were out of commission because of lack of funds to repair them. Senatov Fhclan, democrat, Califor nia. declared the cut would throw 14,000 skilled navy yard workers "u of work and . wr.UJ scatter them JOTJKNAL WANT ADS PAT i throughout the cou.itry ruining nivy yard orr."imzatirn nnd efficiency. The repor; alrea.'..- !:. been adopt ed by the house. Thru its use Gtandmo; . i-. . . i ...... - Used for 70 Year A ;hria ?1 remained until yo j J bas , X at hrramt but a mvrcorv. Tht soft,rcfintd,pca:;y wf" ' white tppeaiance uu i renders lijvcs tlie icy tor many years, fi baa For Colds, Grip or Influenza, and aa a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROilO QUININE Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. (Adv) JOURNAL WANT ADS PA'S" Ml K Nui ol 'a m if aaW a A NezvMethodof treating ait Old Complaint THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL "WANT" ADS Pit Your complexion tells a story to the world NOTHING so quickly creates an Impression of your personality as your skin. Don't let it tell of unhygienic or thoughtless habits. If it lacks clearness if it is marred by disfiguring little blackheads give it the special treatment thae will overcome this defect. Blackheads are a confession that you ate using the wrong method of cleansing for your type of skin. To keep your skin free from this trouble, use this treatment every night: Apply hot cloths to the face until the skin is reddened. Then with a rough washcloth, work up a heavy lather of Woodbury's Facial Soap and rub it into the pores thoroughly always with an upward and outward motion. Rinse with clear hot water, then with cold. If possible, rub your face for thirty seconds with a lump of ice. To remove the blackheads already formed, substitute a flesh brush for the wash cloth in the treatment given above. Then protect the fingers with a handkerchief and press out the blackheads. Special treatments for each different skin need are given in the famous booklet of treatments that is? wrapped around every caL- of Woodbury's Facial Soap, Get a cake today begin using your treat ment tonight. W oodbury's Facial Soap is en tale at any drug store or toilet goods tounter ia the United States or Canada. A 2 J cent cake lasts for a month r six weeks of any treatment or for general cleansing use. The Andrew Jergens Company, Cincinnati, New York, and Perth, Ontario. Wliili, No. 58. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Salem Bank of Commerce At Salem, in the State ot Oregon, at the close of business February 'it, 1920. Kesoiirws. Loans and dsicounts 1334.223.88 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 3 705 84 Ronds and warrants '. : 283 874.54 1 r.. ..i.i imiinillK Z4.000.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,400.00 One from approved reserve banks 168,294.55 Checks and other ensh Items , 6.500.39 Kxchanges for clearing house 5,695.36 Cash on hand 42,269.14 Friday- DOUBLE PREMIUM ALL OVER THE STORE FIRST nniversarf and TOTAL . ..1870,963.70 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In 50,000.00 Surplus fund lo!oOo!o Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 560.39 Individual deposits subject to check .'. 646,760.09 Cashier checks outstanding 11532.49 Certified checks - 84811 Time and Havings Deposits 143.763.66 TOTAL.. ..-.$870,963.70 r State of Oregon, couty of Marion, ss. ' . 1 I, H. V. Compton, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly nwear that the above statement la true to the best of my knon-ledee and belief H, V. COMPTON, Cashier! Subscribed and aworn to before me this 3rd day of March, 1920. ROT F. SHIELDS, Notary Public. ''. My commission expires June 17th. 1920. CORRECT Attest: H. O. WHITE. J. C. PERRT, a E. ELLIOTT, Directors. 0 Of Peoples Cash Store 186-194 Commercial Street