Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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WM 1
Smoke crusted lungs expanded sur
prisingly, parched Us cracked and
one ot the CheirUa faces at the
meeting of the organisation in the
high school Tuesday night went
way without the perpendicular
wrtakle on the chwk that betrays
mirth. Fer every member of the boos
ter crowd, forgetting their age. dig
nity and position, joined, during the
entertainment of the evening, into a
ceweral return excursion Into the bois
tennis Land of Youth.
Under the direction of John W.
Todd, and with Lester Jones aetlng as
coach for O. A. C, Walter Wlnslow
for Willamette university, George
Srown for University of Oregon and
tHlver Myers for, Washington state
college, one of the most unique and
enjoyable "indoor meets" ever stag
ed here was in the high school gym
nasium following the business session.
The cheers, clamorous and lusty, i
miii eumnuieu irom me nign gym
nasium vied at the best with any that
ever rose from the throats of young
er "athletes" and "rooters" congre
gated there before.
Teams are Named
Each coach, with select teams, wag
ed battlo p gainst the opposing colleges
The final score Hhowed: O, A. C. t,
W. U. 6. U. of O. G and W. 8. C. 4
Winners for the various contests
were: W. M. Hamilton boat race, J.
W. Jones blind hurdlo, Zadoc Rises
balloon race and Lester Davis crack
er eating contost, O. A. C; Elmer L.
Terrill foot race, W. U.; E. F. Smith
travelers race, Washington, and Bert
Macy boxing, If. of O.
Teachers at. the hlKh school pre
pared luncheon for the Cherrians,
which was served In the domestic
science quarters house following the
contests" In the high school gymnjr
atom. Work of reconstruction, repair
und building by the boys of tho high
-school in the teachers home was
shown the Cherrians, during their
stay there as guests- of the . peda
gogues. .. . Camp (.round Coining
The Salem Cherrians will meet
with the Salem Auto Dealers associa
tion, at a meeting Satin day night, to
made final arrangements for an auto
tourist camp ground for the city. The
following Cheriinns were delegated
to confer with the auto dealers: L.
U (lllbort, J, W. Jones and C. U.
The advantage Ralom will derive
from having an attractive and con
venient camp ground was pointed
otit In a brief talk to the Cherrians
y F. 8. Delano, president of the Sa
lem Auto Dealers association. Ho Raid
that Salem's interest in the move
ment should not stop with the estab
lishment of a enmp ground here, but
urged that merchants, caterers and
rrther business men prepare to han
dle tourist trade 'in a style that will
1 acceptable to the most -exacting."
"Oregon will bo the future play
ground of America If tourist trade
can be attracted here by good camp
grounds," Mr. Delano told th Chcr
riann, "The erection of a suitable ftmp
ground here, in time to care for the
influx of tourists this spring and sum
mer, will do more to put Salem on
the map than any other thing it can
do now, he declared.
At tho next meeting of the Cher
rians the losing "teams" . in the
games" held In the gymnasium will
he hosts to the two victorious teams,
Willamette university and Oregon
Agricultural college, in a banquet. -
"Furnace Comets"
Are Vanishing
In "Smoky City"
Melborne, Australia, March 3. An
airplane will be of little service in at
Marion. Mar. S. School started
Monday after a vacation of two weeks
on account of the-flu. There were
twenty eight pupils absent on Mon
day which goes to show that there
are still cases of this dreaded dis
ease in the community. Hnrdiy a
home has been missed by this mala
dy, but in general it was in a lighter
form than last year.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Pittsburgh, March S. Intense blast
furnace activity, combined with low
temperatures, has in recent weeks
given to the Pittsburgh district some
of the most beautiful "furnace com
eta' It has ever seen. But they are
gradually losing their brilliancy, and
with the approach of spring, scien
tists say, they will vanish until favor
able conditions reappear next winter.
"Furnace Comets" are great broad
shafts of yellow light which pierce the
black background of a murky sky in
most spectacular manner, J They flash
almost without a moment's notice,
and fade almost as quickly, only to
reappear as bright, if not' brighter
than before. Usually there are two
of them, at times rising -perpendicular,
out one tier cutting the sky like the
beam from a searchlight.
Scientists at the Allegheny Observa-
tory explained the lights by saying
that the light from blast furnaces
penetrates the atmosphere above the
city to a great height, and there be
ing caught by frost crystals send back
the reflection in the form of broad
bands, tor years they have passed
aimost unnoticed until this year.when
because of the continued operation o
large numbers of furnaces. thv he.
came much more frequent and much
more beautiful.
tempting to reach the South Pole. ir'pntT burned to the ground one day
the opinion of Dr. Griffith Taylor, ol
the Australian Meterorological Bur- neignoors couio ao. n causr-t
eau. who was formerly an Antarctic m th 0e. nd was well under
explorer. Dr. Taj lor said he be WJr nl way when discovered. Mr.
lieved that the expedition to the south Gentry was sick with the flu, but
Pole to be conducted next summer managed to get out and to his son's j
by Dr. J. L. Cope would find it dlf- nome wimout taxing a Dacxsei. .Many
ficnlt to reach the South Pole by the Wings were saved, and tney were
air route. He said: 1 (moved into the Hadley house where
"Hurricanes blow for weeks in the Mr. and Mrs. Gentry now live. By-
Antarctic and can spring up in half carrying water from nearby wells.
an hour from nothing to 60 miles an their wood was saved, although
hour. I do not think it possible that large part of the wood shed burned.
an airplane can rise above a blizzard. There was no Insurance.
It can not stay up indefinitely and- it j Mr. Wilson's public sale which was
can not descend." ... 1 I held one day last week was not very
Dr. Taylor is skeptical as to the well attended on account of the cold
mineral wealth of the Antarctic, for weather and the flu situation, but
which Dr. Cope's expedition is especi- nearly everything sold well. Mr. Wil
ally to explore.. Speaking from his'g0r, and family have given up the
own experience, ne uoes not tninnidet of rainir to raiud.r nnil havn nnl
Nimrods Lured by
Call of Spring;
Permits Secured
With the softening of the weather,
nimrods of Marlon county are resum
ing application for game licenses.
Imring the month of February nearly
ivi permits were made out In this
county, most of these were for finn
ing licenses.
During the Inst wwlf tit Februnrv
and including the fl
March, permits in the following forms
were issued In this city:
Combination pioneers' and civil war
veterans' permits: Jerome Morlev. 811.
rcrton; C. L. Parmentrr, Isaac Balm
gardner, O. C. Carter, J. H. McCorkle,
Salem; James L. S. RossWI, Stayton.
Combination hunting and fishing
forms: L. D. McAllister, Shaw; E. C.
Bushnell, Salem; A. J. Patton, Mo'
Cleay; E. T. Norwood, Geo. Schmidt
Salem: J. E. Whitehead, Turner.
Anglers' licenses: Albert Breckmar,
Marion; ... dward Matthews, Lloyd J
Gnntenbein, J. J. Davis, Ben Savage
J. W. Sve. Hurvey Peterson, Paul
Woodward, C. T. Hnynes, Salem; An
ton Lee, Detroit,
- Hunters' permits: A. B. Stewart,
Carl Gibson, Wilfred Feller, J. . C.
(lurch Salem; Frank Martin, Independence.
For Colds, Grip or Influenza
Hiid hi a Preventative, take LAXA
-ook for E. W. GROVE'S signature
n the box. 80o. (Adv)
there is anything of economic value
on the coast of the Antarctic contin
ent; and, although coal is to be found
Finland, the extent of the depoBits,he
says, is uncertain and it is improb
able on account of its remoteness tha
it. can be mined within the next 50
years. .
Plymouth, Mass., Mar. 3. The
home furnishingsof Mrs. Lavina W.
Magii (Mrs. Thorn Thumb) who died
recently .will bo placed in museums by
the terms of her will which has been
filed here.
Her collection is said to include the
smallest practical furniture in use.
Several articles were giifts from- Eu
ropean royalty before whom she per
decided .where they will go.
The picayune, a small coin worth
tA cents, has not been current In the
United States since 1857.
Quickly Enih-d By A Fleiwniit tipriir
Killing Antiseptic.
The little Hyomei Inhaler Is made
of hard rubber and can easily be car
ried In pocket or purse. It was lasf a
Into this Inhaler pour a few drops
of magic Hyemet. t ' -.
This Is absorbed by the antiseptic
gauze within and now you are ready
to breathe it In over the germ infested
membrane where it will speedily be
gin its work of killing catarrh germs.
Hyomei is made ot Australian euca
lyptus combined with other antisep
tics and is very pleasant to breathe.
It Is guaranteed to end catarrh,
bronchitis,' sore throat, croup, coughs
and colds or money back. It cleans
out a stuffed up head in two minutes
1 1 immmt Hieti-o-Mi)
Ends Catarrh or money back. Jnst
breathe it in. Outfit including inhaler
1 Id TV,. U dA- All V, . '
fiavi ajaiib vvvttco vvv, All Arugglltg,
Apply Zemo, the Clean, Anti
septic Liquid. Gives
Prompt Relief
There is one safe, dependable treat
ment that relieves itching torture and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
of Zemo and apply h as directed. Soon
you will nnd tliat irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm
and similar skin troubles wiil disappear.
Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying
liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes most skin eruptions, makes
the skin soft, smooth and healthy.
The E. W. Rose Co , Cleveland. 0.
With S3 years experience, with
me in my dental office
- 302 V. S. Bank Bldg.
871 Court Street Phone 69B f
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
C.S. Hamilton
340 Court Street
Just out-JAetlevO
THE flavor and economy of the new Karo Maple
Flavor has made it so popular with thousands
of families that to those who have not yet tried
it we make this suggestion:
Go to your grocer, buy one can of Karo Maple
Flavor in the Green Can. a Taste it, serve it. Enjoy
its delicious flavor the appetizing tang of fresh
maple syrup. Compare its flavor and price to
other maple syrups.
. - i
1 If you and your palate are not entirely satisfied :
your grocer will return your money. , v
Make this test today.
17 Bttery Place New York
SrnKixg XimHUtakH
JoLoo Lieta Conpaiy
' g-rr--r-TT?rrg -
I r
and v.'e rejoice with thpm
over the fact, and nope their cond
A well atended program was given I cerned,
last week at the Fleasant View'
schol houee. The entertainment con-; fortune will continue
sisted of dialogues, reciuiiiuus. songs, j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colgan went
and graphophone music, and was 'to Hubbard last Wednesday to attend
much enjoyed by those privileged to J the funeral of the infant child of
attend. This school has had clear sail ' Mrs, Co'.gan's sister. ' '
ing so far as far as disease is con- j Mrs. George Penrod has returned
it with friend i.
Mr. and Mrs. (Jlv R
-Pent , few davs
" their sons nJ ' v,.
Mr. and Urs. r. f h(!f
lem were the Bue$a M u.
Higher Quality and More.Style Shoes or Oxfords can not be
found, and to pay more is like trying to pour water into l
bottle that is already full. The overflow is simply ivaste
High grade shoe, broken ,
.lines, in brown kid, grey
kid, bjack kid, military
and French heel, value
to?12-now- $6.50- :
1 lot black kid and gun
metal, button and lace
French and Military heel
: $3.95
Extra Special
Grey top patent Colt
French leather heel, in
the latest style last,
on,y --$9.50
Grey kid shoe, French
or Military heel, welt
sole, regular $12.50, now
Oxford black French kid
5 eyelet lace, beautiful
leather, French heels,
for - $9.85
Dark brown No 1 French
kid in French heel, wild
metal caps, sure a beau
ty for $11.50
Black and brown oxfords
in Military heel, stitched
cap, blind eyelet and welt
sole, the best of calf,
leather is used in this
shoe $8ib
White canvas oxford in v
French and military heel .
very neat $4.50 .
Our stock of children's shoes is complete, cuffers in black or brown, lace or button
in all sizes. - '
Light or medium weight white kid tops, patent for the baby and older girls.
1 strap pump in patent black kid, white kid and brown kid, all sizes.
466-474 .
for the Family
At retiring from business sale prices. Substantial, service
able Shoes, especially for Boys and Girls, that for quality
alone can not be duplicated in the factory at these prices. The
whole family may be well shod for a year or two at compara
tively small cost.
At Least
Boys' Shoes
Youths1 Shoes
TI Sizes 8 to 10 Only
Heavy Buster Browns for sturdy little fel
lows, lace and button, pair
$3.25 '
, Boys1 Shoes . .
Sizes 2 1-2 to 6
Well built, full toe Buster Brown Button
Shoes for big boys, Gun Metal, per pair :
. ... $4.25
Boys Shoes
Sizes 3 1-2 to 6
Buster Brown-Gun Metal Shoes With sole
leather toe, caps known as "Tel-Til-TiDs"
Boys cannot -kick them through heavy
chrome soles, button, pair
vSLflr aJ, Men' Shoes" AU Men's
Bay State Rubber Boots, knee lengths, pair
- v'7 ., .ji - $3.25'.'
The best and heaviest Boston Duck and U.
S. Boots, pair
On. every article in the
Store. No Exceptions.
mmW a rr
'Si lili
if PSIfi
Girls' Shoes
Misses Shoes
'' Sizes 8 1-2 to 2
Lace and button, kid, gun metal and heavy
box calf, pair
Misses Shoes
Sizes 9 to 2 .
Lace and button, kid and gun metal, also pat
ent with. white cloth top and a few extra
heavy chrome leathers for country wear
:: $2.65
Girls' And Women's Shoes :
' . i Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 vj
Medium arid wide toe, low heel, button,
. and gun metal, pair
Girls1 And Women's Shoes
' Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 - ,
Buster Brown and Maxine, with medium
wide toe, medium and low heel. Gun mew
kid and patent leathers, lace and button
solid footwear at, pair
All other shoes reduced 10 per tent-