Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1920, Image 1

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VweoniTonight fair and colder.
nnri-V Btte 80UtherIy wlnds
Average for Quarter Eadlac
December 81, ltl
M ' mat. "
O 4- O '' O c ;
Vember Audit Bureau et ClrcuUiioa
W Dismisses Qssrges
Against Accessed in
t Tnal of Newfierry tiecuon
; Conspiracy mis morning
Grnd KapMs; Mich., Mar. S Judge
Sessions this morning freed fifteen
awe defendants in the Newberry elee
n. conspiracy case.
ThiTlrit the held at eighty-five de-
badantl. Tne una wm ...u.-...,....
L also dismissed. This was the one
founded on the federal statute of Oc
is 1918.
i.idee Sessions took both actions on
hijown motion, no v - ......
close attention to th prosecution's evt
nd a careful, study of the evi
dence" had convinced him he would
be unwarranted in holding the men for
. inrv verdict. He "directed the clerk
to niter a formal verdict of "not guil-
tf In the fifteen cases.
- Mr. Littleton started to present a
'motion directed against three of the
lt counts in the indictment, j uuge
Sessions halted his momentarily and
mid that unless the government ob
jected he would rule out the fifth
count at once.
Prosecution Protests.
Frank C. Dailey, assistant attorney
general, argued briefly against this ac
tion, maintaining that the evidence
had shown violation in several coun
ties of the law against the purchase of
votes. -
Mr. Littleton then proceeded with
his argument against the sixth count,
alleging conspiracy to violate the law
asainst use of the mails to defraud.
He maintained that the record was
"destitute of evidence" that such a
crime had been committed.
'.. Judge Sessions denied defnse mo
tions for dismissal of counts three and
six of the Indictments. The then noti
fied James O. Murfln that it would be
useless to argue a motion for a di
rected verdict as to all the defendants,
as he would deny it. ,
Berlin, Tuesday, March 2. The
Wit to deprive the former emperor
of his properties and fortune began
in earnest today when the motion of
the majority socialists of the diet to
refer the issue to the national as-
moiy precipitated an acrimonious
oetiate. The majority socialists vied
with, the independents In denuncia
tion of the former ruler In an effort
to defeat the proposed settlement by
accomplishing the confiscation of the
Hotienzollern possessions. This would
done through constitutional
amendment, voting the former em
Pfor a fixed sum for his malnten
ance. Deputy Oraef, a majority socialist,
declared that the ex-ruler had failed
ve up to the historic precedents
his race. He had not died at the
lead of his troops. He chose instead,
the deputy continued, a night flight to
Holland where "he now is promenad
"i and sawing wood."
T1?e Judiciary committee now takes
" bill under advisement and confer-
!"cf ar expected to last many
The motion of the majority social
t providing for action by the na-
t w a Membly has been temPrarllv
Island Yard
To Be Sold
Washington, March 8. The Shlp
. noard Is ready to sell Hog Island,
ngZwarrlCaUn88hIPyard bUUt
,ha,ha,iiHm8n F'a5rn6 announced today,
ffcrt.I i. the yard site had bevn
the , y DaVmeit of 11,757,000 to
C Z!r'Can ternational Bhlpbuild-
Je f" was rM' to receive ten
ror the property.
During the period 1883 to 1891, Herbert Hoover spent
ma boyhood in Salem and Newberg. When he first came
! J Oregon, he was about nine years of age and the gf eater
Portion of the eight years of Hoover's Oregon residence was
spent in this city. - .
The Capital Journal win publish , reminiscences of
"oover's boyhood, submitted by Journal readers. Those
remember him as a young man and as a boy, are inyit-
to furnish the Journal with any interesting biographical
wta of general interest. . - .
undoubtedly, the boyhood of this man, who is now in
"e foremost ranks of internationally known personages,
ws replete with character indications which should be made
Public, not for purposes of partisanship or propaganda, but
irom the viewpoint of specific interest.
r-M. Tr older residents of the city who came into contact
Hoover are invited to take part in this work. Articles
jnay be submitted in the writer's own style, or if difficulty
j exPenenced in composing the story, phone the Capital
journal and a member of the reportorial staff will aid you.
President Takes First
Outing Since October
On Drive Thru Capital
Washington Mar. S. President Wil
son went motor riding toJay, the Prst
time he has been out since he returned
to Washington; from his western tour
last October a very sick man.
The president was accompanied by
Mrs.. ; Wilson, Dr. "Grayson and secret
service men and took a spin nroum.
thi "speedway" along the Potomac.
A closed car was used. Photographers
were prohibited from taking photo
Almost ideal weather prevailed for
the presidents ride. The car was kept
closed throughout the trip, however.
Going through the cap'itol grounds
the president passed Senator Borah of
Idaho, and recognition was nimultam
ous. both waving their hands and
smiling, Throughout thi tlip. Dr.
Grayson said, the president v.-as de
lighted and remarked that he f-H like
he. had ben away from Washington for
a long time.
Passing the vicinity of a market..
house, the president, who delights al
ways in reading signs when he is ,
taring, saw a large sign quoting pork
at 25 cents a pound. Although ho has
given much serious consideration to
the high cost of living, tho president
remarked to Mrs. Wilson: "Thru brings
it home to you when you soe a big aign
like that." '
During the drive the president pass
ed many groups of people who rfieg-
nized him and he smiled his acknowl
edgment of their greeting. Quito oft
en women who recognized him wnvcu
to him. , .
After passing the capitol ths presi
dent returned to the Whito Hous-' Via
the Union station and Massachusetts
avenue, . entering the White House
grounds through the south gate oppo
site the treasury.
Dr. Grayson said that hi president
hau been much benefitted by Ms trip
and that. an, examination of his blood
pressure on his return showed It to be
quite normal. "
Tho president, Dr. Graysjn said,
probably will not go out driving evi-ry
day for a time.
Federal Agent Is
Arrested; Seems
Frame-Up Victim
Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar. 3. Geo.
F. R. Cumnierow, department oi jus
tice 'pgenl (who just returned' from
Iron county, Michigan, where he in
vestigated the so-called "whisky re
bellion" was to appear In police court
today to answer a charge of violating
the state liquor law.
Cumnierow was arrested last night
by Edward A. Nowaok, a special agent
of the state food and drug department,
who charged that Cummerow gave him
a drink of whisky in his room at a
When arrested Cummerow declared
he had been "framed.".
Mexican Foreign
Office Asks For
Details of Raid
Mexico City, Mar. 3. Full informa
tion regarding the raid of Mexicans on
Montana camp near Ruby, Ariz., on
the afternoon of Friday, February 27,
has been requested by the Mexican for
eign office. Nothing official was giv
en out yesterday regarding the Inci
dent in which John A. and Alexander
Fraser brothers, were killed. It was
unofficially stated, however, that no
United States troops had crossed the
border in pursuit.
. The only Incident of the American
soldiers crossing into Nogales, Sonora,
occurred late last week when two
Americans who had crossed the lnter-
inni! una in anmh nf Honor were
fired upon by Mexican customs guards
The afray resulted In the deaths of
one Mexican guard and one American.
Sydney, N. S. W., Mar. 3 The death
was announced today of Sir Thomas
Anderson Stuart, distinguished physi
cian and scientist, and dean of the
faeultv of medicine in the University
of Sydney. He was born in Scotland.
Police and county authorities are
searching today for the man who,at
tempted to rob the Oregon State
bank at Jefferson; last night.
The robbery and looting of the
bank was frustrated early this morn
ing when three young men disturb.
ed a lone marauder who hnfl hrniten
into the bank building, at about
o'clock, ...
Sheriff W. I. Needham and Chief
of Police Welsh were Immediately
informed and patrolmen of Salem
were notified to keep a lookout on
all travel routes, should the robber
head north.
According to the information furn
ished the authorities by those report
ing the attempt, the robber was stand
ing near the vault when the three
men paused, curious as to the pres
ence of anyone in the bank at tnat
hour. They did not fully realize that
the intruder meant business until the
lone robber brandished a gun. This
caused general scattering of the 'wit
nesses' and the alarm was sent out,
the intruder meanwhile making a
hurried get away.
Sheriff Needham and Deputies
Bower and Smith hurried to-the scene
of the attempted robbery. Investiga
tion disclosed that the door of the
bank had been "Jimmied" with the
aid of a chisel. The knob of the vault
lock had been knocked off and evi
dence showed that efforts were being
made 'to smash the ' combination
when the Intruder was Interrupted.
It was afterwards ascertained that
the tools used in the attempt were
stolen from a section supply house
near Jefferson.
The only articles reported as miss
ing from the bank are two pistols, a
45 calibre Colts automatic and a
German Luger. The guns are the
property of G'.'P. Griffith, cashier of
the bank. Mr. Griffith values the
guns highly, as they are souvenirs of
his service In France during the late
. The following description of the
,man Is given: Age about 35 years,
weight near 160 pounds, hair dark,
black mustache cropped short, beard
of about week's growth. Those who
disturbed the robber stated also that
he was wearing a dark suit of clothes
a dark slouch hat and a checked
mackinaw coat. '
BY 700,000 VOTES
Chicago, Mar. 3. The National
Farm Bureau federation said to be
backed by 700,000 farmers in twenty
eight states, will represent "the man
with his feet in the furrow." J. R. How
ard of Clemens, Iowa, temporary pres
ident, said at the opening meeting
here today.
Action was taken to establish a gen
eral office in Washington and another
in the middle west, Indianapolis and
Chicago being among the chief con-
tenders for the latter., - j
Plans to secure legislation which
will simplfy the machinery of market
ing and distribution between the farm
er and consumer were discussed.
'Heretofore the farmer has ben mis-
represented by all sorts of organiza-
tions and men who were not real farm-
jers," said Mr. Howard. "They, have
been painted as radicals. I do not be
lieve, for instance, that two per cent
of the farmers of this country are in
favor of the Plum plan for control of
railroads which they were represented
as favoring in the Faruier-Labor Con
gress recently held here."
The purpose of the meeting la to
foderate the county and s'ate farm
bureaus which are already functioning
in 28 states, into a solid, national body,
according to Mr. Howard.
We are planning a system to wik
a direct referendum vote of the farm
ers on all public questions so that the
federation may truly represent them
This referendum is provided for In the
constitution of the federation.'"
I'XDER MILITARY GCARD uuo atty Claims also that a deed
, , conveying title to himself was made
Tamplcol Feb. 14. Garrisons of out at th ,lm' but that the- intru
from SO to 100 soldiers are to be es- ment wa '""t without being rees
tablished in all oil camps In this re- and that ,he defendants now
glon. Hitherto activity of federal clafm tn property In question,
troops has been limited to pursuit of' The Ptlon asks the court pass
rhi hands who have committed den- Pn the representations of Mr. and
I redatlons.
j Victoria. B. C, Mar. 3. The Jap-
anese liner Suwa Maru, arriving here
1 todav from the Orient reported three
i passengers died aboard the vessel
from pneumonia following influenza
aurmg the voyage. Eight others were
j reported suffering Influenza when
!the boat docked at quarantine today,
Cf T TV -TT-. -.-, ln,nTr, " - " "" "
oAiiu, uxuuuxn, vviiJJN5jJAr, MAKCH 3, 1920. " " PEICE 2 CENTS.
Hearing cf House Committee
on Relief Measures for
Former Service Men Brings
on Second Word Battle
Washington, Mar. 3. Another row
occurrd today at hearings before the
house ways and means committee on
soldier relief measures. It came when
Edward K Hale, representing veterans
of foreign wars, told the committee
that statements made yesterday by
Franklin D!OHer, commander of tne
American Legion, were "eroneous and
should be contradicted."
A storm of protest resulted, but
Chairman Fordney restored quiet by
warning .that unless order could be
maintained "we will quit these hear
ings." Atter five minutes of wrangling
among members, Chairman Fordney
ruled that witnesses should not criti
cise other organisations.
Hale urged relief to discharged serv
ice men at the rate of 130 a month In
stead, of $50 with an addtional grant
of $100 to those who served overseas.
He also favored passage of the Mor
gan bill, which would give service men
the option of selecting homesteads.
Would Tax Incomes.
"How could the money be raised for
this bonus?" asked Representative
Kitchin, democrat North Carolina.
"There Is. a publio debt of twenty-six
billion dollars now."
"Our plan," said Hale,M'would be to
tax all Incomes above $50,000 at the
rate of 8 per cent, graduating that un
til seven per cent would v charge on
IncSmes above $1000,000. This vould
provide $200,000,000 according to the
Internal revenue bureau."
"Some of the alleged economies prac
ticed by this congress are a crime," the
witness said.
Hale said "lip appreciation" and
nothing more" had been extended to
discharged soldiers.
Members of congress received back
pay when they were discharged from
the army and returned to the house, he
aum. acicung tnat .others were equally
as-'; deserving as ex-soldler congress
men. . -
Service Men Tdte
Assertion by tho witness former
service' men were without work
brought from Representative Green,
republican, Iowa, the statement that
many farm In the middle west oould
not be cultivated because of the
shortage of labor.
Hale replied that the most unem
ployment would be found in cities.
The veterans; association plan, he
added, would provide both financial
relief and provide for taking home
steads. Representative Hull, ' democrat,
Tennessee, said granting a bonus
would impose severe burdens' on the
average taxpayer of the country and
would Increase living costs.
Increased taxes of $SOO,000,000
musi De raised to meet present war
expenditures without granting a cent
to the service men. Representative
Henry T. Rainey, democrat, Illinois,
declared, supporting Representative
Investigation of
Houser Charges
Not Yet Complete
Portland, Or., Mar. 8. Because of
additional testimony procured by examination-of
witnesses In Portland,
United States Attorney Les:er W. Hum
phreys today announced he will not
complete until the latter part of next
week his investigation of charge of
grain price manipulation made by a fed
era! grand jury in Spokane against
Max H. Houser of Portland, northwest
vice-president of the United States
grain corporation. Mr. Humphreys
said he expected to gather additional
evidence in Spokane next week.
The inquiry was started ten days ago
at the requst of Mr. Houser, who de
manded a full investigation.
Failure To Record
Deed Causes Suit
The story of a lost deed is unfold
ed in the complaint filed by Oito E.
Beatty in instituting suit against
George D. A. Beatty and wife. Ac
cording to Beatty's complaint the
Parties of the suit transacted a deal
"over ar a" tmct of land be
ing -oargainea solo, and conveyed"
lo uu0 watiy oy tne defendants.
Mrs. G. D. A. Beatty and cause thm
ito show the nature of their claim on
the property. It Is also asked that
the court determine that Otto Beatty
Is the lawful owner of the property
In question.
European quail winter In Africa,
while the American quail, a different
fowl, remain In the north temperate
lone throughout the year.
---. i
Bert's Playmates Could Say
. "Something Alius Doing
When Young Hoover
Was In Vicinity.
Perhaps many lads of Salem and
vicinity as they read these articles of
Hover's boyhood, have decided that
the now world known man was too
"goody goody" to be adopted as a
modelSome Salem residents who have
contributed to these article's express
ed It "that Bert was a bit serious and
a trifle slow," but this Is not meant
to Indicate that Bert was not 100 per
cent "boy."
Now, while Bert was undoubtedly a
sincere student and it Is i lnlmori 'tnr
him that he was absent from the roll
call of tlw "stepping out" gang, there
are moments galore to show that
young Hoover was right In line whn
a good time was to be had.
There is the picture of Hoover and
Fred Lockley with their hlovoto.
furnishing "jitney trips" to the sun
dry small folks In the neighborhood.
in ssaiem today, there are folks who
remember these 'venturesome jaunts'
when as small tots thv ontm-a
ride "on the handlebars" of tho bike
ridden by Bert.
Those residents who recnll th rtiv.
of the old Salem horse ear rout.. tell
of sundry occasions when Port was
master or ceremonies" of the cltys
transportation system. At the-io times
It is said that the four footed motors
demonstrated Increased speed and in
terest In life" under the ministrations
of their youthful "engineer."
This old horse car outfit is a fun.
tor In another sketch, of Hoover. His
cousin, Agnes Hammer Eskelson re--calls
the time when Bert decided to
annex some of . the motive power for
his own uses. The bicycle was brought
into play and br means of n ran.
was attached to the crir. In this man
ner, ruture relief administrator
"hooked a ride" from the lumberine
carrier, "a brief ride." All went well.
Mrs. Eskelson says." until the solid
tires of the old "safety" bike, caught
in the wide cracks of the nla
track: their, there was a sudden part
ing or the ways. It Is said that Bert
tried this scheme several times but
that the ultimate result of each trial
was the sudden unseating of the
youthful "navigator" and near de
struction to -the much used bicycle
Perhaps no one in 'Bulem hue- a
better recollection than Mrs. Eskel-smtV-cf
Hoover's boyhnod during the
six years of his VasldAjtee, In SiMm
Her reminiscences of Bert are not
given from the view point of rela
tionship with tlm Hoover family, hut
from actual sketches of Ucrt as a
genuine chum and helpful , friend.
Mrs. Eskelaon's story of Ki-overs at-
temnts to secure nn erlnrntlnn tnr
himself will be told In Thursday's
Americans Asked
To Protest Split
of Armenian Land
New York, Mar. 3. Declaring that
the allied premiers have tentatively
planned partition of Amien'a, the
American committee for the Independ
ence of Armenia today Issued an. ap
peal asking Americans to protest such
action and also to demand the end of
Turkish rule there. The committee.
headed by James W. Gerard, former
ambassador to Germany, urges church,
es, civic, commercial and other bodies
to communicate with the president
and congress "to the end that tills an
cient martyr nation may be liberal
and preserved.
Olcott to Review
AggieCadets Soon
Oregon Agricultural College, Mar.
1 Governor Olcott has accepted the
Invitation of Major Partello to be
present as guest of honor at the mil
itary tournament on March 18. Thd
governor's party will be met at the
depot by a military escort and a sa
lute will be fired In his honor. Sev
eral regents -of the college are ex
pected to be present.
With the eauiument at hand anil
the number of stunts and fenutraa
which are on the program, the com
mittee Of which Major MntitnrA la
chairman promises an Interesting and
novel affair.
Linn To Succeed
Jones On Fair Job
James R. Linn of Salem will suc
ceed M. L. Jones also of Salem as a
member of the state fair board when
the tatter's term expires March 14,
accordingto a statement Issued by
Governor Olcott Tuesday.
The appointment of Linn Is made In
conformity with a long established
practice of naming at least one mem
ber whose residence In close prox
imity to the state fair grounds.
Bsrne, Tuesday. Mar. t Adherence
to the league ef nations by Switzerland
was approved by the Swiss national
council today by a vote of 114 to 55.
This decision does not bind this coun
try to enter the league, but recom
mends a plebiscite to be held during
April or May, in which the pe;ple will
v;iie their desires.
Judge Wilson Declares Commission Of
Overt Act By Former Service Man Dar
ing Centralia Armistice Day Parade Not
Established By Testimony In Case.
Montesano, Wash., Mar. 3. Defense counsel in the trial cf
ten alleged I. W. W. charged with the murder of Warren O.
Grimm, Centralia Armistice Day parade victim, has failed to show
that Warren O. Grimm committed an overt act on the day he lost
his life. It has failed to show that Grimm was a party to any
alleged conspiracy to raid the I. W. W. hall in Centralia.
This was
the conclusion of Juoge
John M. Wilson, presiding at the trial,
today. The ruling came at the close of
the morning session of court, Judge
Wilson holding that the evidence thus
far produced by the defense had fallen
far short of showing an overt, act on
the part of Grimm, The court also
held that the defense had failed to
show preconcert and presence on t
part 'Of the deceased In any alleged
, Evidence Falls Short.
The entire morning session of court
was devoted to arguments on the ad
missibility of evidence which defense
counsel asserted would show a conspir
acy to raid the I. W. W. halt.
"The court is of the opinion that the
evidence falls far short of being suffi
cient to show an overt act on the part
of Grimm," said Judge Wilson In rul
ing. Judge Wilson declared, that In
his opinion, only generalities relating
to an alleged conspiracy have thus far
ben brought out by the defense. Bvi.
dence of what may have occurred at
meetings of Centralia commercial in
terests, at which It Is alleged a raid
on the hall was discussed, cannot be
ofefred, the court ruled, until Grimm's
knowledge of, or presence at such
meetings was shown, ,
Seattle, Wash., Mar. 8. Major
Hugh M. Caldwell, war veteran, will
be Inaugurated mayor of Seattle
March 15. Caldwell was elected yester
day over James A. - Duncan, labor
leader, charged with being a radical
by a majority of 18,801, the largest
ever given a candidate for the of
fice. The complete unofficial returns
, Caldwell 50,850, Duncan 34,040. '
Annroxlmately 86 er cent of the
registered voters cast their ballots ycs,The!,e Projects are
terday. In the primaries February 17
eighty percent voted,
Duncan was one of four candidates
of the Triple Alliance, alleged radical
organisation, who lost yesterday. The
other three were Councilman W, D.
Lane, C. H. Gallant and Ben F. Nau
man, candidates for the council, lane
Is president of the council. j
Lieutenant Phillip Tlndall, attor
ney, who was wounded In action In
France, led the field In the race for!
seats in the council. In the primaries
Tlndall was last. It was believed that
the fight made for Tlndall was one
of the causes of the heavy vote yes
terday. Tlndall will succeed Lane, i
Mayor C. B. Fitzgerald, who suc
ceeded Ole Hanson as mayor and who
was eliminated In the primaries, snup
ported Caldwell In the final cam
paign, Caldwell also received the
support of three of the city's four
dally newspapers. The fourth, a labor
paper, supported Duncan.
One charter intendment which car
ried yesterday will provide for plac
ing honorably discharged soldiers,
sailors and marines on the preferred
classified civil service lists. Charter
amendments Intended to Increase the
salaries of the councilmen, corpora
tion counsel, city treasurer and city
comptroller were defeated. ,
Chlrngo, Mar. 8 Joseph M. Cuf!a
hy, former president of the Cudahy
Packing company, today succeeded W.
H. Isom as president of the Sinclair
Refining company, the refining and
marking subsidiary of the Sinclair Con
sonllated OH corporation.
, Petitions have been sent to the Capital Journal office and
can be signed there to place Herbert Hoover's name upon the .
primary ballot as a democratic candidate for president.
The fact that Hoover has refused to state his party alleg
iance does not prevent the people of either or both parties
from nominating him against the wishes of the politicians,
and his own wishes. It is a case of the job seeking the man.;
Only registered democrats are eligible to sign these
petitions, but if any republican will get out similar petitions
to nominate Hoover, the Capital Journal will render similar
aid in securing signatures.
It is up to the people to beat the politicians to it and name
the next president. If you are a democrat, sign this petition.
If you are a republican, get out a petition of your own.
Associated Press FttH La4 Wire
"Wilt this locality have a Servle
Men's community house T" That Is the
question to be put up to the coumy
court by members of Capital Post No.
0, Salem, as a result of resolutions
adopted at the regular monthly meet-'
Ing held Tuesday night at the Armory.
The proposition receives the em
phatic support of the Lcglonairea who
base the utility for the project upon
the authorisation granted to county
courts by the 1920 legislature for th
appropriation of not less than $10,009
for such purposes.
Plans were formulated at Inst night's
meeting for the Inauguration of n ag
gressive campaign for ft 150.000 struc
ture to be erected at Balcm and to e
used as a club house by all ex-servies
men. Members of the local post are,
confident that, with county and city
aid and by general subscription, suf
ficient funds will be-readlly secured
for the emtton of a suitable building
which will be splendid memorial to
Oregon's gold star heroes,
Those who advocated the plan at
the meeting pointed out , that many
such.. community . 0tMW ' have been
erected In the United States and' that
there are already two In Oregon.
' A resolution prepared by Comrade)
Lyle Page of the local post, places
the measur bfore the county court for
an affirmative or negative answer.,
Despite the fact that the county budget
Is usually "loadeoV to-the guards" tho
legionalres are eonfident that favtn
able action will be taken,
Comrade Pllklngton presented a
measure which also received general
interest. The resolution was heartily
approved and passed, as It embodies
four features now pending In congress
T.and settlement not confined to n
few states but covering farms In ail
Aid to encourage the purchase ot
homes In either city or country,
Vocational training for all ex-srvlc
Individuals desiring it.
Adjustment of compensation or final
adjustment of extra back pay, based
on length of service for thoe net
availing themselves of any one of the
three precding features.
A third resolution adopted by the
post, petitions Oregon congressional
membra to support the bill which pro
vides pensions for disabled (Spanish
American war veterans.
All service and ex-service men In
the vicinity of Halem are urged by tha
local post to Join the American Le
gion, as It Is a case of "united we
stand, divided we full," The projects
supported by the Legion promises fair
play and a square deal fur all who par
ticipated In the late waf. One Logion
aire expressed the situation tritely,
when he stated" "A nlan must be a
pretty poor specimen to look forward
to the benefits these projects will
bring; without himself getting In snd
aiding the work."
Wn-hlngtnn Mir. 8 Admir
al William 8, lienson. retired,
wastoday nominated by Presi
dent Wilson to be a member
of the shipping board.