Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 02, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE SD.
m mmm of
Ji. A. Harris, who returned to Sa
lem recently from service with the
T. M. C. A. ocverseas, has in his pos
sesion one ot the most unique hook
ever published, in that It deals with
the famous lntcr-allied panics in
which 18 nations participated.
The book Is a well bound and apt
ly illustrated volume contnlnlnx a
complete review of the inter-allled
games at the Pershing stadium, Paris,
June 22 to July s. 1919.
Army officials, French military and
civil authorities and Y. M. C. A. of
ficials have accorded to Mr. Harris
congratulations for bis achievement
in the arranKement and mechanical
production of the volume.
During 18 months service In
France, the ex-state printer was
called upon to work in many im
portant divisions of the tremendous
"Y" organization, but he personally
regards the, production of this book
his largest and most important as
The book was produced by the
joint efforts of United States Military
authorities and the Y. M. C. A in an
effort to perpetuate the tremendous
scope and value of A. E. F., athletic
activities as symbolized by the erec
tion of the Pershing Stadium and the
competition of the allied forces In
the 1919 event. The volume was
compiled under the direction of Ma
jor George White, Infantry. Capt.
Joseph Mills Han9on, Field Artillery,
edited the book while Captain Carl
V. Burger, Infantry, supervised the
art division of the work.
When distribution is completed
there will be five of these volumes
in Oregon, the edition being limited.
For public reference, volumes will be
filed ut the State Library and the
Portland und Sulcm Y. JI. C. A. of
fices. In connection with his work in
prefectlng publication, Lieut. Louis
II. Frohmnn, General Headquarters,
A. K. F., has written the fololwlng
letter to Mr. Harris:
"Having prepared the original
specifications for this book, when In
charge of printing and advertising
for the Inler-Allled games, and hav
ing been associated with the officers
who prepared the dCHigns for the
book, I wish to congratulate you up
on the resourcefulness with which
you have curried out the execution
of the book after the departure of
. the Army Htaff, during a period of
final milting which presented ninny
technical difficulties, which could not
have been foreseen. In overcoming
these difficulties,' you supplied prac
tical solutions which made the fin
ished book a harmonious whole and
a tangible tribute to your labors and
abilities." '''.'
Harris left Salem, .lime, 101 , for
overseas "Y" service, but owing to
unforeseen delays dtd not arrive In
France until August of that year. He
was immediately given charge of
organization of the Civilian Records
ilureau, This division was main
tained In connection with the em
ployment of French civilians by the
Y. M, C, A. This work wag made
necessary liecuuse of the uncertainty
of civilian comllllnhs In France dur
ing the war. This bureau carefully
investigated all help employed In an
effort to eliminate undesirable ap
plicants. That the standard of
French employees was very high and
that efficient and trustworthy help
was the rule, Is attributed to the ac
complishments ot this bureau.
Mr, Harris was next assigned lo
the Archives Bureau. The purpose
of this division was to make all rec
ords and files, concerning Y. f. C.
A. activities available to accredited
investigators and press representa
tives. Here also were kept ready rec
ords of the location, duty and U. S.
residence of all "Y" personnel.
Later. Mr. Harris was appointed
superintendent of printing for the A.
E. F., and. as has been stated, was
intrusted with the technical produc
tion of the inter-allied games review.
This work caused him to be detain
ed in France several months after the
departure of the majority of Ameri
can military and welfare contingents
Although the returning "V man
has received some very good offers
from eastern associations and con
cerns, he says that, "Salem sure looks
good to me, and it must be a mighty
attractive proposition to take me
away from my home town."
Thirsty Yankees
Find Much Solace
Over'Mex Line
Former Salem Man
Dies On His Farm
Succumbing to a stroke of apoplexy
Franklin W. Kelly, 62, for 20 years
a resident of Salem, died late Monday
night on his farm three miles east
of Ciervals. The body was Bent to
the Portland Crematorium Tuesday
by the Webb & Clough company. The
funeral will be held Thursday morn
ing at the crematorium.
Mr. Kelly, with his wife, and
daughter Ethel, moved from Salem
to their farm where he died, not
more than a year ago.
He is survived by his widow, three
daughters, Ethel, Mrs. B. W. Kelly,
Mrs. James B. Chinn; three sons,
Lawrence C. Kelly, Harold W. Kelly
and Vernon F. Kelly.
If you are one of the people who
eut our bread, we know you will
agree with us that there is hap
piness baked in every loaf of our
bread. The bright sunshine and
gentle rain that ripens the
wheat conies browned to your
liking in our bread.
The Peerless Bakery
Philip Winters, Prop.
170 N. Com'l t. Phone 247
District Manager The Mutual Life of
N. Y., office 371 State St, Phone 18.
I need your business. Let me prove
that you need insurance. .
Philadelphia. Mar. 2. Johti J,
O'Shea, editor of the Catholic Stand
ard and Times, died today after an
illness of several months. He was 79
years old and was said to be the dean
of Catholic educators in the United
Nogales. Aria. Mar. 2. Bootleggers
have little patronage in this border
iowu. iney do not satisfy a long felt
,want. A Nogales resident who devel
opes a thirst, having permission of
the federal authorities to cross the
border, merely steps across the street
enters a swinging door and names
his liquor. It is as simnle Aft fnlnr
down to the corner saloon in the old
If he names whiskev. he doe n..r
get it. Barkeepers in Kocalea. Slonnm
Just across a narrow street from No
gales, Arizona, are not allowed to sell
wnisKy, for Sonora is partly dry. But
he can get beer, wine or tequila and
many an American, unable to secure
whisky, is now on terms of !riim.,
with the fiery liquor of Mexico.
borne of the bars on th
side are elaborately equipped and
operate handsome dlnimr ronnm In
Americans who like beer with htr
luncheons or wine with their dinners
cross the border at meal time.
One may buy lluuor as 111 lrn 111
as he pleases in Nouales. Sonora hut
he must carry it inside of him when
ne recrosses to Arizona side. Federal
inspectors scrutinize closely everyone
coming through the gate in the high
wire fence in the international street
.11T IWf IT Tr If n .','-..
Colonel E. M. Houie
, Speculation over th probable
successor to Hubert LunsltiR. ei -retnrj
ot State, has brought ifca
nuuia of Colouel E. M. House, ot
Texas, Into renewed prominence
In official circles In Washington.
at L. M iv- -r m t
I ssMii iwutwavwiMisrllm
: i
t :
Hampton! K'm
most pouwfij pictur
Qinctet hy Zttaya Hunter
mte. m M m Mm M
Starting Wednesday
Portland. J: H. Crawford! repre
sentative In the last legislature from
Yamhill county, will be a candidate to
suceea Himself in the Mov nrimnrv-
election, It is announced.
Population nf Rnmn at lh. tl.
. ' . V ,'111, u,
espasiun has been estimated .
a '
ft 1 -
- v
is- Daniel 3. F ""sfc
7' drugsiM
s - i It '
it::- ' i h - r
If ? - ; - - -W
V 1 -
S A--aMteB.:. jO)L.y.,nrft h n m
I n
This Is Uie lad who his mother, reggy Marsh, the London neil
erts Is a rightful heir to wealth left by the mlUlonnalre Chicago merchant.
She will take legal steps to protect what she declares are hU Interests.
Gifts to Women
Jiffy-Jell Users Need Them and are Welcome. See Below
Jiffy-Jell made with Sun-Maid Ra'sins Or
,, Mone Such Mince Meat. Made with
Style C Mold Pint Size.
Half a Piheapple
Crushed to Flavor One Jiffy-Jell Dessert
Here is one example of the wealth of fruit
in Jiffy-Jell desserts. 1
We crush pineapples in Hawaii fruit too
ripe to ship. The juice of half a fruit is con
densed and sealed in a vial to flavor one pint
Yet the whole dessert costs but a few cents,
ready at your call.
So with eight rich fruits which come in Jiffy
Jell. All are made from crushed fruit, all are
abundant. All come in liquid form, condensed
and sealed in glass a bottle in each package.
Real-fruit flavors in bottles
Mark this Jiffy-Jell distinction. Note how it
differs from old-style quick gelatine desserts.
Jiffy-Jell alone has these bottled fruit-juice
Jiffy-Jell desserts are fruit-made dainties,
rich in fruit. The fruit tastK is not mere flavor
and not artificial. " ,
Teoplr need fruit daily. Now, when fruit is
costly, this is an ideal way to serve it.
Complete desserts
Jiffy-Jell comes ready-sweetened. It is acid
ulated with evaporated fruit acid. A rare
grade geiatine is in it, and the fruit-juice es
sence in a vial.
You simply add hot water as directed on
package, and let cool. Then a package of Jiffy
Jell serves six people in mold form, or twelve
if you whip the jell.
Yet this fruit-made dainty, rich in fruit, costs,
a trifle. It costs less than serving apples.
'Twill delight you
Try Jiffy-Jetl in various fruit flavors. Try lime
fru.t flavor or a tart green salad jell. Try mint
for a mint jell to serve with meats.
Learn what these dainties mean to you. Compart
them with old-style desserts of this type.
We offer you choice of several 50-cent molds il
you will do this, and at once. Cut out our offer so
you won't forget.
Ten Flavors in Glass Vials
Bot'lr In Each Package
Kbit Lime Cherry'
Kupberry Loganberry
Strawberry Pineapple
Or. me Lemon Coffee
Individual dessert molds
Style 4The Mm w pint ilie Style-C
In issorted styles of alumi
num, six to the set. The six
will serve a full package nf
Jiffy-Jell. Send 5 trade-marks
for the six assorted.
Jiffy-Cup for measuring
An aluminum half-pint cup.
Fill twice with water to dissolve
one package Jiffy-Jell. Use as
an exact cup measure in all reci
pes. Send 2 trade-marks for it
Teaspoon Size -
Silver Dessert Spoons, teaspoon size, in a favorite pattern of Wm Rogers
silver plate, guaranteed 20 years. For the first spoon send 2 trade-marks
plus 10c for postage and packing. Then we will offer you the balance of the set
Free to users
Cut out the (2) trade-marks tn the circle on the
front of Jiffy-Jell packages. Send 5 for any pint
mold or the Set of Six ItTdivid'tal Molds. Send 2
for the Jiffy-Cup, or 2 and 10c for the Spoon.
.The pint molds are as follows all aluminum.
Style B rint Mold, heart shaped.
Style C Pint Mold, fluted as above.
Style D Pint Salad Mold
Style E Pint Mold with pinnacles.
rial MeM '
....Wtyle B
....Style C
...'.Style J
....Style K
....." t ot Sis
....SUrer 9po
Seed S crretee
fee aay pint moid
or the eet of (tlx.
fen I tor JMty
n. Send t an4
ltc for ipoen.
Jiffy Dessert Co., MAIL !
Waukesha, Wis. THIS
I enclose... trade-marks '
for which send the gifts I '
check at side. !
Enclose 10c for postage and !
packing on the spoon alone.
United States Disc SpJ
"With ethers, SO turn. , ,
This means that the N- '
Separator h to
Slow.pedmeajlskj J
therefore lesstire, .
t -e. not lound in oiU ..... . ,
i djustinr Wl .
simple but durable discs ujj;
skimming qualiu'a )
that the newUnitedStatlv
is the best separator oa tlei
Come tni hi
a r
. i
Willamette vs.
Pacific Universi
t MM.tMM4a.W
-t'mT-r-f fHfrH,
' and
Drawing Crowds
That Grow larger Each Buy
WillametteV alley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
L. M. HU
Yick So K
Chinese Jfedidw Jj
lias medicine
,. know" a- f
,53 South Hilh
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
Radiators, Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
Tractor Radiators a Specialty
Ford Radiators for Sale
198 a 12th St. . ... Salfm, Or.
j jiilem, Orc8"
'Bay Remnants
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
,nrl SAC
-WAN -