Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 02, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Continued from page one)
transfer wood from tbe yard to wagons
and cant, .
IIuHplUti Donation fcought.
The city was asked by WttHan Me
GUchrlst 4a., and Thomai B. Kay.
members of the Salem general hospital
campaign committee to lend "finan
cial, moral or other aid" to the move
neat They said that they have the
asrarranre from the county that they
can get $25,000; they believe they ean
rt 000 from citizens through pop
ular subscription, and they asked the
council to appropriate 115,000 to make
sip the 1100,000 held nceanary to con
struct the institution. The council
voted the nomination of a commitee
of five to Investigate the project and
t report "what action to take at the
neat meeting.
Details Of Drive
For Hospital Aid
Being Completed
ltelails of the campaign to be con
ducted, beginning next Sunday morn
lag, In thia city for J 100, 000 to con
struct the Salem (iencral Hospital,
were being shaped Tuesday ' by the
committee on mechanics. ' William Mc
tJilcluLst, Jr., chairman of the cam
paign committee,, was Inconference In
the afternoon with W. M. Hamilton,
other member of the mechanics com
mittee, discussing means to pursue to
promote- the campaign. They an
nounced In the. evening that all tenta
tive arrangements had been completed,
and that tliey expected tho drive to be
pushed to a successful coclusion with
in two weeks after it Is started.
Belief that the city would come to
the aid of the movement with an ap
propriation of 115,000 was expressed
br several members of the committee
Tuesday. Interest In the erection of
tba Salem General hospital is steadily
rowing as the cltlsens of the city ap
preciate the Importance of having such
a institution In the city, that will rank
with the leading hospitals on the coast
Kach day up to Sunday various com
mittees will confer on campaign ar.
rangementa, and with the "kick-off"
vt the auUve solicitation by announce.
Mota from the pulpits In the City In
U morning each band Is noxpected to
so thoroughly orgaliied as to carry
the fight for funds to victory.
Portland Daily Is
"Deprived" Of Credit
In a recent article In The Capital
Journal, the Portland Telegram was
Inadvertently presented with the an
nual cross city run In which Albeit
Kpoaraun of Chcmawa took second lion
Now, the truth of the matter Is, that
the annual cross city run Is a Portland
News event, having been Inaugurated
by that paper several years ago.
, The Capital Journal Is glad to cor
rect the erroneous item and "Give to
Caesar, the things that ure Caesar's."
Talks With Men At
Work On Cars Shali
Be Unlaivful Soon
In ten days from Tuesoay when
Mayor Wibwn was to sign the ordi
nance it shall be unlawful to talk to
trainmen on the Salem street railway
Persons found guilty of violating the
ordinance Bhall be fined not less than
$1 nor more than $10, or spend one
day id jail for each 12 of the fine.
The ordinance was passed by the
council Monday night following a talk
by Superintendent Billlngsley, of t
Salem Street Railway company. In fa
vor of the measure. He said, that with
the Increase of traffic on downtown
streets the trainmen have all they can
attend to without talking to passen
gers, and urged , that If the railway
company Is to aid In keeping down
accident that the ordinance be passed.
Councilman- Vandervort spoke
against the ordinance. "I think that
we ought to reverse the whole thing. I
don't think we have been called to
legislate for the a P. I think it's up
to the railroad to make its own orders
against the trainmen talking to pas
sengers. The company's business does
n't belong to the council at all."
McClelland said that the ordinance
should include trainmen. a well as
passengers, . and explained that on
many occasions he had seen the vesti
bule of car "Jammed with trainmen"
talking to the motorman. He said that
it must resolve into, a question of
whether the trainmen were passengers
or employes. The matter was not clar
ified .and the bill passed without fur
ther debate.
Polish Troops At
Kovno Continue In
. Mutiny Is Report
' Warsaw, Saturday, Feb. 28Off iclal
rciiorttt-Rjiv the miithiv of Polfnh tirmn
at Kovno had been completely , sup
pressed but newspapers declare the
trouble Is continuing. It is said sev
eral hundred bolshevik prisoners of
war have been released by insurgent
Polish soldiers, who later Induced the
liberated men tn their I'flnba
There Is no official confirmation of
mis report as yet.
Government nt,ilimpn)a wl.,H,.a
the trouble say the mutineers organ-
nea soiuiers councils and opened a
heavy fire on the government build
lnirn at fCnvnci. Aftni nnita B
fighting the mutiny was nut down it 1
"Y" Basketball
Games On Tonight
The games between the Commer
cial league basketball teams will be
resumed, after a week's postpone
ment, at the gymnasium of tho Y. M.
C. A. Tuesday evening. The games
were postponed last week because of
the engagements between the Wil
lamette university and visiting play
ers. The first game this evening will be
between the Capital National .bank
players and tho Anderson-Urawn
qulntot. ThlB begins at 7:30 The sec
ond game is between Hauser brothers
and the United States National bunk.
"Hot blood" . between the players
promise Interesting games. The pub
lic is invited to witness them.
POLICE A! fill
Salem policemen and firemen must
wait two weeks, or longer, before they
shall know what action will be taken
on their requests made to the city coun
cil Monday night for additional salar
ies. - ThJ policemen' submitted, a peti
tion asking a 125 monthly rise. Tn
city firemen, who now get 1100. asked,
in another petition, also ask an addi
tional $25. The petitions were refer
red to the health and police and tbe
fire and water committees to ' report
what action, to take at the next meet
ing of the body. ;
A plea for attention to the salary of
the chief of police which Is $100 a
month, and Is fixed by charter was
made by Councilman Vandervort.
"While we are taking up the matter
of raises for the iiien,r he said. "I Be
lieve we should do something for the
measly salary the chief of police gets."
Amendment" must be made to the
charter before the chief of police can
get a raise. Vandervort advocated
$150 a month instead of $100.
Pursuant to a promise made to City
Street Commissioner Walter Low at
the first of the year that they would
pay him $150 a month if he would re
tain his position with the city the coun
cil Monday night passed an amend
ment to the charter fixing his salary
ut $1800 a year. An effort to reduce
the salary to $1500, or $125 a month,
The police matron, Myra L. Shank,
was granted a raise of $10 when her
salary was fixed at $85 a month,
Councllmen Craig and McClellnnd vot
ed against the rise. .
Ordinances fixing the' salary of city
attorney at $1500. and allowing $400
for his stenographer, and one fixing
the salary of city engineer at $150 a
mouth were indefinitely' postponed.
Councllmen Hager and McClelland vot
ed against the street commissioner's
raise. McClelland said that he under
stood before the council met that the
majority of the members were in favor
of paying him $125 Instead of $150 a
month, and said that he couldn't un
derstand why they had changed their
McClelland, Vandervort and Huge:
opposed the city attorney's increase,
and McClelland asked that the city en
gineer's salary be kept at $125.
The Malays have a secret process
for refining sago and giving it a fine
pearly luster.
Meat never spoils In Tibet, but dries
until It can be powdered.
Would Rather Fight Ulan
"I suffered for years with stomach
trouble and could not eat and just
hated for anyone to say work to me.
I would rather fight. Since taking
a course of Mayr's Wonderful Reme
dy I actually want to work, and talk
about eat, 1 urn the last one to leave
the table now." It is a simple, harm
less preparation that removes the ca
tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal
tract and allays the Inflammation
which causes practically all stomach,
liver and intestinal ailments, Includ
ing appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded. J. C. Perry
1). J. Fry. (Adv)
; r
-y-T? "nmirmmwmm m, mi mm
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if the largest - i -
Mewvetn-E frnc'8I
this Shows the flowcw in its various stages of dSvei-Oiment h?om
tmc Time the riowif bud orcalix eviRsrs until it de.vek.opS into fullBuoom
p riRST two weks,(2) TMte weK. roo weeks. () fiviwuks. six weeks, seven "A
, awwusg . '. . . . ' ' .
n. U. Marlnt'tll. a retired I'nurli ruiidevllie tutor, lim -rviit l a new and wmideitul lai'uatioii. wbtcfe
lM bat caa,cJ tilt "Morrville rr.iucafse." Juil-nu from H liuuieiite sine one wor.ld think Uiat Uic franince
cd beailtr of tbe flower would be lessened, but It Is not so. A uiatter of fact It I much not beautiful ft
ererjr wi.). Mr. Mtirluelli wns detenulm-d lo itrodiit flower Itint would npiccl from Ka brilliant color, tt
tractiv form mid enlarged tixe. autl in thu lie succcrdi il.
Thomstone, Aria, Mar. 2. The jury
to try Harry E. Wootton. charged with
kidnapping in connection with the Bis
bee deportations, captured yesterday.
lacked one man today when Juror C. j
P. Burnett sought put Judge Samuel
L. Pattee and said he had opinions
that would prevent him from acting
Real Estate Transfers.
Edwin Overland and Carrie
Overlund to Mary L Hanson
, prt It 18 J Id Browns add
Silverton . $1000
L H Turner and C H Davis to
James C Gibson-prt Its 1-11
north of Main St Silverton
Caroline W Dodge Howe and
H H Howe to W S Wilkms
and Anna Wilklns It 3 Wood
burn frnit farms
Harry Kimball Joyce and Cora
Joyce to F H Armstrong and
Mary E Armstrong Vi A, I
L C J B Ducharm In S3 1W
John E Rowland and Anna
Rowland to Henry Sauer
and Alice Sauer prt bl 50
N Salem
J H Reeves and, W E Reeves
to W E Paul and Ella M
Paul It 12 bl i Burlington
add Salem
Zeno C Kimball and Helen H
. Kimball to J A' Wallace, 5
A 73 3V
Ruth E Anderson and A J
Anderson to C V Johnson
It 1 bl 21 N Salem .
E a Palmer and Alice Grace
Palmer-to Clyde Ramsby,
prt Johnson add Silverton....
John K Gow and Maud Gow
to Security State bank It 1
tl 3 Woodburn
J E Parrish and Josephine
Parrish to Monroe Nye and
Alice ... ye, prt It 1 bl 1 In
stitute survey Jefferson
Alva P F.rundrkiire and C
Brundridse to K M Croisan
It 1-S Homestead acres 1
P A Carlson and Anna Carlson
to Henry Eliasea it J Val-
ltv frllif f:.rms Xo. 2
O I Morris and C A Morris to
Dora Stits. It 1-2-3 bl
Hi. sil l ftilpm 1
Marcraret M Commons apd A L
Commons to Henry K hoii
man and Mary J Hoffman
It J bl 10 Capital Park add
Thomas E Wolfenden and
Mary Wolfenden to William
H Trindle Its 12-13-H bl 2
fileii Oak add Salem
p.ittmA ir, in Rather
Roil H R ht S Pniversitv add......
Coolidge McClaine and Al Cool
idge and company to A r
Blackerby It 17 Coolidge and
McClaine cemetery plat
Roseburg. The farm bureau co
operative exchange of Jackson county,
has adopted the California method in
disposing of stock. Under this plan
stockmen bring their animals to com
mon points where they are soru o
highest bidders representing packing
concerns. ,
"A Mass of Sores
Mo Sleep
Unhappy Days"
So writes W. D. Smith, tnh Shelby Strwt,
Suduiky, Otiie, bewtt:
"I raflertd terrible Itching; body cove
ed with awful tare! which csuied me
. great atony. Whta rircn op u incur.
Jtble, having ipent eter tioo, I flaally
tried D. D. D. Prescription. Toil ROKdy
baa mad a well maa o me. "
Thounnds of grateful oiert of D. D. D. are
urt aa enthuaiuue seer ite wonderful reeulta
sa Mr. Smitl). The very 11 rat application allayt
the Itchlnf and barsiac. Juit try a bottle ol
D.D.D.aodcouTinceyourifir. Your money bacl
It the tnl hottle dees not brim relief. Uc, ate
and tlJ. Try P. O. IX Soap, too.
IMl lottos, tbr Shin Disease
J. C. Perry, druggist i
100,000 Prescriptions fere
Filled Before "40 Was
J. C. Mendenhall, Evansville. Ind.,
spent 40 years in the drug business,
compounded over 100,000 prescrip
tions from physicians educated, in
Europe and America before" Num
ber 40 for the Blood" was discovered;
the great remedy for blood diseases.
Successfully employed in diseases of
the glandular system, in blood trou
bles, mercurial and lead poisoning,
chronic rheumatism, catarrh, constl
nation. heDatic coneestlon. dyspepsia
and stomach troubles, sores, ulcers
and scrofulous swellings that have
withstood all other treatment yield
to "No . 40."
Sold by Schuefers drug store. (Ad)
For Colds, Grip or Influenza
and as a Preventative, take LAXA
Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. SOc. (Adv)
C.S. Hamilton
340 Cdurt Street
For Rheumatism
This is the slogan of
many people in this ;
vicinity who have used
this great, herbal remedy
and are now praising it to
all Claiming it has cured
You do not risk anything
when you give Anti-Uric
a trial as it is guaranteed
to give results or your
money i'ill be returned.
Anti-Uric contains no
mnierals or salicylates.
For sale at '
With 35 years experience, with
me In iuy dental office
302 V. S. Bank Bldg.
S7t Court Street
Phone B3B
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
The beautiful
sirens of
the sea
are coming
to captivate
tits rv?iB4
of beauty J
. and youth. J
Yesterday the railroad lines of the Southern Pacific Company were returned to
their owners for operation. As a war measure they have been in charge of the govern
ment during the last two years and two months. The stockholders in that period had
nothing to do with the management. ' - '. ''
in taking over the management of this property, the policy of the owners will be to give as satis
factory service aa lies In their power in return for the patronage given us; to seek the co-operation of
shippers and passengers and of the Whole people In having our service reasonably responsive to the
public needs.
We have to ask the patient forbearance of the public during the readjustment period of the next
six months. It is true during these six months the government continues the standard return allowed the
lines while under its control, based on the pre-war earnings. But this return Is subject to certain leg
islative directions by congress that will affect operations during this, period which ends August 31 next.
We expect, however, within this six months to mature plans for the future. These plans had to be
held in abeyance thus far because of uncertainty as to the legislative conditions to accompany the re
turn of the roads to their owners for operation, and these conditions have been determined by congress
only within the last few days. We now have to study what Is before us in law and in fact and get our
bearings anew. ' .
The operating organization as It existed under. Southern Pacific management has been to some ex
tent disarranged during the period of federal control and operating practices have been changed, but
the benefit of any new practices that may have "proved efficient in the public service during the gov
ernment control period will, of course, be retained.. ',
We could not purchase equipment after we entered the war because the government took control
and war financing occupied the field, while during the reHt of' the time the question of adequate credit
had to wait for answer in congressional action. On the other hand, the locomotives and cars in ser
vice have been subjected to the most active" use and new rolling stock has not been renewed through
out the country in normal numbers for the increase of normal traffic. The burden o extraordinary
war movements fell heavily upon all kinds of rolling stock, making it impossible to shop the equipment
at the proper time, and repair work was further delayed by shortage during the larger part of the war
period in both men and material. . ;
The problem before us al once, therefore, is how . to put to the best use the passenger train ears
and the freight cars that are in service, and how to put into good condition for service every piece of
equipment to be had. This problem is before every railroad. Abreast .of this Is the larger question
whether the earnings under the new law, the "Transportation Act of 1920", will' be enough to estab
lish the credit of the raihoads at a point where they ean provide for themselves with the facilities of
all kinds that they need to give the public proper service. We have the will if only we can find the
ways and means. These are not easy to find, for an assumed earning of even 6 per cent, and no assur
ance of that, Is not attractive to anyone having money to invest when money is worth 7 or 8 per cent In
the open market. '
Hence, the effect of the new act of congress upon earnings and upen the credit of the railroads can
not be Immediately determined: This act provides for a rate-making structure, under which, during the
next two years, the railroads will be permitted to earn up, to 5 1-? per cen annually on the .value of the
railroads as may be determined by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Commission has power
at its discretion to increase these possible earnings to 6 per cent the added one-half of 1 per cent to be
used only for improvements to the property. . . . ' .- , ' '
No guarantee of nny kind Is given to any railroad, but half of any earnings over .6 per cent are
to be taken by the government to make loans to railroads that may need them- for improvements or to -care
for obligations falling due, or to obtain and lease equipment to the carriers that cannot afford to
buy It.
.1 - ' . .
Obviously these elements in the situation will have to be considered in making our plans. The In
terstate Commerce Commission Is the deciding body' with respect to value v( the properties, as well as
the rates which are to yield the 5 1-2 per cent return thereon, and "much will depend upon the vision
and promptness of action with which, that body accepts its great responsibilities. -
In the meantime, it is particularly desirable, in" view of the' shortage of equipment, that every ef-f
fort be made by shippers and the railway forces to eontiuue heavy car loading and train loading, and
to lose no time in loading and unloading cars. -
ISelieving that we will have the full co-operation of the people served by our lines in dealing with
the problems presented. It is due them that In thus aiding us they should know what problems we have
to meet. You ean rest assured we are not Idle with j-espeet to them."
: WM. SPROULB, President.