THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, March 1 LUMBER STOCKS OF mm isms ARE BELOW KORtlAL Stocks at the lumber milta of west ern Ore con and western Va-ihlntun are eligbtly below normal, accordliiie to the monthly report of the Wert Coast Lumbermen's association, and on ac count of the continued demand for lumber It Is considered unlikely that a normal volume of stocks will be at tained fur more than a year. Even though the present Blocks are below normal, they would be material ly lower If the mills had enough cars to fill the orders now on their book a The report shows that the stock or the higher (Trades of lumber to roia .tirely lower than the common grades. Manufacturers now seem fully -aware that they can expect na sub stantial relief from the chronic c.r ttliortaRe until after the railroads have had a chance to supply themselves , with some new equipment, , They are very cautious, therefor, about accepting new business. - Last week, according to the 12T mills re porting to the association barometer, now orders wera held down to 5?,277. 944 feet, which, it is estimated, wu les ftlhan 50 per cent of the volumo of business actually offered. An aggregate of 42.630.0OS foot or ' 1421 cars of this new business was booked to move; by mil. The rail shipments from the same mills for the same period were 2036 earn. This ex cess of shipments over ordure gave theno mills a chanco to move some of the business that the car shortage has forced them to accumulate on, their books Ut tho last few months. Mills report the log supply some what light and prices are advancing, labor uosls also have advanced since the first of the year. The car short age has increased the financial burden of tho mills as It frequently has pre vented them from loading stock that were ready to move. Incorporations. The Immediate construction of a modern hotel building at Moro, 8her-i man cour.ty, Is Indicated In articles or i in corporation filed here Saturday ty the Moro Hotel company, capitalized at 175.000. The Incorporators are V. H. Bagsdale, F. E. Kortner, A. M Wrisbt, O. L. Eelshee, W. S. Powell and L. L. Peetz. Lewis-Malone Logging company, Portland, tSO.000; Harrison Piatt, Robert Treat Piatt, A rthur Piatt. Astoria Storage Battery eompary, Astoria, 15000; F. C. Grene, B. P. Steele and A. W. Norblad. Astoria Electric company, Astoria; $1000; F. C. Grene, E. P. Steele und A. W. Norblad. Konstructo company, Portland, (50, 000; E. i Clough, G. W. Percival and R. H. Grove. ' ; . Man-in & company, Portland, 115,-' 000; Lee R- Marvin, 3. IS. Kothfoa and Joseph Curletto. , i Oregon Blab Products company, rtland, J0300: Clarence Moore, ; F.. C. Wasesrman and Osborne Mlddleton. American Tire company, Portland,. jiOOO; '. George K. Cassldy, M. jay Walloch and C. A. Sheppard. . j Continental Lumber company, Port land. $1000; John Haydeiv, L. W. Smith ana mini. - Highway Motor Transport company, Portland, $5000; William E. Metigor. Fred W. Hirks and Arthur men. Heas Furnace. Manufacturing com pany, Portland, $0,000; 2L. A. Rca, T,. W. Hess and F. II. Rhoa. Aitec Fraternity, Corvallis, $6000; C. H. Hartman, C. E. Baker, H. L. Wilson and C. M. Howard. Rosedale. Uoaedale, Or., Mar. l.Mrs. Llllio Canimelk returned from the east the evening of the 19th. Lowell Gardner returned to New berg last Saturday. Sirs. C. A. Hudlcy is quite ill with complications following flu. Her moth er, Mrs. Gardner of Portland, also Miss Helen Hartley are with her. The It. M. Cammack family and Sir. and Mrs. May attended tho Friends quarterly meriting in North Balm last Saturday. Ir, Camni.UU addressed ' the Wli lanimetlo Y. M. C. A. last Wednesday evening. Mr. ttradbury lias boon quite 111. ... Found Wednesday by Mrs. It. "M, Cammack a pair of gold rlmmod spun tscles on the hill south of tho church, Would be clad to return them to the owner. :, JCST OXE OF SALEM'S Sunday Sermons . (By Rev. A. Wells of the Xaiarcue, j, Church.) -; Extracts from a sermon preacheojand eleventh verse' of Matthew: "1 in by A. Wplla at the Nazarene church, deed baptize you with water unto re February 25, 1920; - Ipentance; but he' that cometh afer Text Eph. 4-24 with Heb. li-10.!mf is "'Ushtler than I whose shoes 1 ..n4. i i . am not worthy to wear, He shall bttp- 'CraU.d in righteousness and true L ,M you wUh fhe o!y sbo8t am, fire. holiness tliat we might be partakers of ( when this ! done we are partakers of His holiness." v jHis holiness and cleansed from all sin ' We nntlee In thi. Th.tiir thorn la and guilt of sin for His holiness and implied the thought of true holiness IPKuFO.nAL TO COMPENSATE eific company to reconstruct the j WILilEl.M BlU.VtiS PROTEST' roaa j,ttween Mapletoc :mu ' p.ian o'i the Siuslaw river. Berlin, March 1. Protests against j the nronosa! of the Prussian diet tn s compensate former Emiieror William for the loss of hi throne, and de mands that the estates of the crown be expropriated were voiced In reso lutions passed unanimously at a meet ling of the socialist party of the Ber ilin district last evening. Several I members of the ministry were pre.s ient. Warning was given that if the diet's proposal was accepted by the bourgeoise parties, the socialists would withdraw from the German governments. wag- :u.h- W.W.MOORE House Furnisher . HOME OF THK V1CTROLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. NOT A THEORY It's a fact that the use of alcohol even in moderate doses as taken in tonics is often habit-forming in effect SCOTT'S EMULSION' n easily assimilated tonic nutrient supplies the body with those elements that contribute to strength. Free from alcohol or any other harmful element. Seott't builds strength by nourishment, t ittid.N.j. a-u Scott SWM,B! Fiirmors l the number of 200 have formed the Malheur county farm bu reau. ' FORD TRVOIl WITH TWO TON ATTACHMENT. RUNS UKB A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. iT1 Ponrt Street Phone (91 S Ma as compared with that, that is called holiness but which in fact is not holi ness but a false profession. The word hollnws In Its real meaning means wholeness, completeness, perfection, and we are told that by putting off the old man and putting on the new man which is created In righteousness and true holiness we are made complete. There are two conditions Implied in the tt by putting them together, the first representing a state of being as partakers of His holiness, and the oth er possessing the experience so that we live In a state of holiness expressed by the first tiunYed condition. In one we arc cretfted If true holiness and in the other we are partakers of His holi ness through the truth. The question naturally comes "What does it mean to be holy?" W?e answer that it means to be like God in our heart, just as free from tun as He ts free from it and with no desire to enter into it any way. . We have partaken of His divine nature until we do not de sire any thing He does not desire, with the limitation of not knowing all things as He knows them but, just as far as we know, we have no desires that are not natural to the divine for He is in us and dwells In us and walks In. us. He is our life. This is holiness. We obtain it by putting off the old man and; putting on the new man created in righteousness and true holiness )n contrast with the old nun which is corrupt in nil his ways. What do we mean then by the new man? We find the unswer in the verse in which our text is found nnd a part of the text. We read in Genesis that man was made in the Image of the Creator -and that the Creator was a holy being. Then if man were made in His inmge we naturally conclude that man was a holy ..being when he camo from the hands of the Creutor but in the fall he forfeited that image and now we find that the new man is created in righloousnes sand true holi ness. Hence we conclude that the new man is that which was lost in tho fall and when ho is put on we are brought back into the same covenant relation to the Creator that we held before the fall and we are again in possession of the holiness we had before the fall. The linage has been restored and we are sanctified and niutle holy In this life. ....... We have the. two experiences very clearly shown (in the third chapter sin cannot be partaken of at the same time. This give us power to lay all sin aside and to cleanse ourselves from all malice, envy, hatred, evil speaking, desire to get revenge, lying ,and every thing else not in acocnlance with Him. When they reviled Him He reviled not back again." ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Matted tMk For Infanta and Invalids Aveiu Imiltia und frvb.'.itutat Some action will Si he taken Lane county to comm 1 Southern i HAVE EXPERT PLATE MAJi With 35 years experience, who mc In my dental office ; DR. D. X. BEECHLEI 303 r. S. Bank Bldg. 1.'-. '.-?v 1? i i i h Whose Careful Dnpojst ami.' fMMMMt MM MM M M H H H H .lllllltl L.M.HUM MIS Of Yick So Tosg Chinese Medicine end Tea Go. Eai medicine which will core any known disease. Open Bnndays from 10 A. IL until IF. U. 163 Boats High St. Salem, Oregon. Phone XSt - A M. A a A A -J For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. SOc. (Adv) DRAPERIES MADE TO OBDKR TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS C. S. HAMILTON 840 Court Breet HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Klads Beit Ftlcns Guaranteed CALL 898 CAPITAL JUNX CO. The Sfjaui Deal House 171 Ohemeket St Phone SOI Of course, the imall boy meant a cucumber vine but, just the same, the idea is good. You can easily raise the most tempting table-delicacies, right in your own yard. It's just a matter of making a selection of Morse's Seeds always de . pcndablereadily available. ,; Five cenU a packet at grocers, florists, fltug and hardware stores, etc., everywhere. C C MORSE & CO. 12S Market St. San Francisco WORKING IN AID OF RUSSIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE "A New Lease of Life Through Internal Baths" Mr. E. Sim In of Kanta Cruz, Cal., writes to the .Tyrrell Hygienic Institute: "jiy wile unci. I will be 75 years ynuu-7 next birthday and consider that Hie 'J. IS. L, Cascade' has given us a new lease of life for we now enjoy the best of health. Wo wore Koins down hill fast but the Cuscnds hits given us such heulth ns we have not enjoyed In yours.'1 The "J. I!. L. Cascade" cleanses tho lower intestine its entire, length and keeps it always free of iiolson oun waste. Thuusunds testify that constipation, iiirUKr-fttou. stomach troubles, bilious ness, headaches nnd all tho many serious troubles which they cause nre absolutely relieved diid prevented by this nature treatment. Daniel J. Fry, wholesale druggist and nianiifncturliiff pharmacist in Sa lem, Ore., will be ulad h show you the "J. . L. Cascade," explain its .slmplf, operation ami will tjlve you, froa on reiiucst, .an Interesting little book by l)r. Chns. A. Tyrrell of New York, a noted specialist on internal Imthiutf for years hi that city. Clip this out as a reminder to ask for the booklet at your first opportunity, (Adv) ! 1 7 , I A it 4 'A it Mrs, 1. J. Oakley ithinelande- U clialrmtn of the New York Chapter ot I be American Ccutrat ConunltUc tot ltiis.!:io liclicf, wlik-U wn orsualtrd at tier liomo rercntly to siC riou R .lslio Ik ;. rt? of Krtstem Eurot AGK HURT ALL THE TIME Mrs. Hill Says Lydia E. Pinkkm's Vegetable Compound RemoTed The Cause. Knoxville. Tenn.-"Mv back hurt me all tho time, I was all run down, could not eat and my head bothered me, all caused by female trouble. I was three years with theae troubles and doctors did me no good. Your med icine helped my sis ter so she advised me to take it. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com nound and the Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and now I am well, can eat heartily and work. . : 1 give you my thanks for your great medicines. You limy publish my letter and 1 will tell everyone what your medicines did for me. -Mrs. Pearl Hill, US Jaeksboro St, Knoxville, Tennessee. Hundreds of such letters expressing patitudc for the good Lydia E. Pink hnm's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. If you are ill do not drag along and continue to sutfer day in and day out but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Voire table Compound, a woman's remedy for woman's ills. It' vawi r ,--'-' 1 4 If P,'S Youthful in Body and Mind How do you Never mind your age as measured by years. feel .' Thnt s the thins that counts! See this sprightly old pentlemen coming toward you down the street. -Ilia birth, record would show you that he ia past seventy. But judging from the easy prace with which he Bwinfts alttfig. his erreet carriage, his ruddy complexion, the keen glance of his eyf, his whole appearance the very picture of health, you would say that he is not a day past fifty. lie is young in spite of hfcs three score years and ten. More TretiUfntly you see the opposite of hia type. Man scarcely in their thirties haggiml, Itttlesn, weak, nervous men who take no interest in life, just drap:i;rfi'(f out a weary existence, all in, tired and worn out .Though young in yr3 they are. nevertheless, old men. Their vital forces are on Uio- wane. They've wet their "punch" and "pep." They feel old and they look it! Stay yottntr bf kepp'"? Spur body fit. Keep stomach, bowels, liver, kidney and biu.iclcf healthy and active. Build up your strength and health. .Nothing will accomplish, these results better than The Great General Tonic Juit try "LYKO" mhn no n (mHiw tk b' trmi aixt wain oi l, Sw for yirwli how uuickly tl rjuv-iM-tiat frk fNiiiur of atrvntiOi nd pow n ln yuii. It ' ri-'m W- pr'Uter. lmlid mid t dixvtion. bo- kim ttttiin to trwt hen auri tw up tfi -nttr body. Vnriiiwwt m "LY KO." tii-t k bottlo taasy. look (or tlM um on ttw twlrem and rwpt M nututltut. Sal Mamrfnctwrm LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kuw City, Mo. For Sale by all Druggists. Always in Stock at Perry's Drug Store. LYKO llaMk MI M.IU4M 1 You Will YJant Just Such Blouses As These There are lovely blouses here for every occasion in such de sirable materials as Georgette and Crepe de Chine. The new Blakan, Smock and Short Overblouse styles are ar riving daily and many of these feature the new short sleeves. The shades include gold, rose, flame, copen, flesh, cream and copen. Priced from $7.50 S35 OUR SPECIAL BLOUSE OFFER Of Georgette Crepe, Priced at only $5.95 A sample line of blouSes made in most attractive styles and in a great variety of shades. Not all sizes; a very unusual opportunity. ' Modart And Warner Corsets Where Shopping Is A Pleasure 115-147 Liberty Street MODART AND WARNER CORSETS ' WHERE HOPPING IS A PLEASURE t. .... ttimMIIIHIIIIIIMIIHttTtttMM It's a ' Sale ' With the True Ring Twenty-eight years of straightforward business methods has won and held, for us, the confidence of Marion and Polk Counties' good people".- Our career has not been punctuated with sensational sales and we hope to close this career with such a reputation intact 10 of o There is a reduction of at least 10 per cent on every thing in Of HlOffi Nothing excepted. In many instances 20 per cent and even more. ' . . These Are Very Specia Men's Rubber Boots Women's Overalls Wholesale prk'OH advanced 20 per c we have reiltuoil for next fall have nt. In spile of that our entire line of Hay State Knee Hoots, to. pr ..M.25 Heaviest ami best Uoston Puck and V. S. Knee Hoots, reduced to. pr ;!..-, Women's and GirVs Shoes !nod low heel, medium toe. Hutton Shoes In Kid and Gun Metal. First lot per pair . S2.IT "Womanali; Overall tor Women, Stt-eet-Orr product, striped, also blue chainhray, pajr . $!.' Lee's Khaki "UnionalU" for would'. garment worth very much ro" Sl. a for Also two-piece Suits, eaeh.. Second lot. per pair $!1.25 Silk Velvets Our entire line of Siik Velvets, ex cepting black, at a big reduction. Large assortment of colors, lS-lnchcn wide, erect and pan pile, yd MEN! BUY UIVIBRELLA Our entire line is reduced 10 per cent. We have a large and varied assortment and you surely pay double our price next season. We say this with all sincerity. Buy Umbrella for every member of the family.