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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
T.DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1020. SATL CLAS5IFIEDJ8ATES. i '- !S-" IT cents, one year, pert I f - srT ir.ts- Mtntmttin p tj . .mi ft f! i una Mtuuhk. i . . inwricn only in Now Today. l- ? in advance and not tak- . ,r:;on only in jmmt . ",lV account No allowance for h".-t errors XEW TODAY. SSEDNH'' Gem seed pots e53 --PeTTfe want position as ! i.a .,,a cook for small ci first Jf-rnTiS-- Phone 1091. foil t-l-f4 qj ! irsrCemt Maxwell. hap. i.u StTtoi f Independ fLK Monmouth. 80 acres ""Zw all ia crops, fine land, no Zfl- good buildings, near sta ST miles from towts; U per rood Buildings, - pood cal acres. rlv all in crops; farming Knd n T -i-msiits. horses, cows. nogs. rf-a all ready to move in.. ' aces all In cultivation close town: buildingd. etc. $100 per jti; fine farm. i have other good farms, small ai d larger farms. Come and " , J 11. Moran. Monraoutb. ' ieek-Hl. rhone 2052. O.. H. Croj- 51 . ,.i J K lUKr hum to be for '"STk 1 room plastered house. dtVtrater. cement sidewalks, pav 1 street, fruit large lot. Trice j-iiimi, good terms. Call 796 N. 14th M'"'reTui-n-Td7The picture of Wush i''t.m loaned to a young man last Mi'mlay evening, will be apprecl t,ii liv the owner. L. G. WUsofl of ihe O K shine shop, 110 N. Com iri:il St.. Salem. Or. 61 f(ST Riniple grip. ' John Bollman Cl" stamped inside. I.ost between Jefferson and Salem. Reward. Plume 1011. k5" RWHIKXCK for sale. Northeast Cor on- Hth and Center Sts. See W. T. Stall Cideo nStolz ' Co.. office. Phone 26. -L'."JLi VANTKi) To buy from owner, iiniise with two or more lots, small payment down and rest monthly. Mis V. A. Ilailey, I!t. 1, box 24. . nil 2 WAXTKl) (liri for general house ffurk. J'hone 62. FOE KIIXT 1'nfurnished rooms, my niodern: also 5 cords first ehm wood for Hale. 818 Broadway St. 51 FOP. SAIiR 15 hens . and rooster. Jl.jn each, flold Hollar strawber- n- lilants. 4il -cents per 10-: few Miiiniiioth black berry tips. I'hon t!4I.M. 51 WUiI. person who took suitcase by mistake from O. K. depot Friday p. a. kindly return to ticket office or phone S0K2. 61 FOU lawn work and garden making i:i27 or rail 1467 Center St. , J hiT7 F011 SALE Truck" 1 'i -ton" KoTfey Ulirinsfii'lil. "Will trade for passen W ca i- or roadster. C. (i. Miller, plume 3f.2. 61 FOli SA1,E Wilson -strawberry plants J4.50 per loon; $2 if you dls them. A. E. Allen, "lit. 4. box JJJC. 1 Fill! S.U.E"-12"tTioroli(;i7bri-tl White Wyandotte lions $2 . each. .1770 Braaihviiy. I'hnne 136.U. '- 61 fSALKM fuel yards 7fv2 fivTile street tave n good suptl ydt "dry and green cord wood and slab wood. Plmne 629. For good coal nnd iinitit service call Salem Fuel Vaids phone 52!. eeri3 KK HALE Modern .9 room house, seven Mocks from capital, big gar ner, fine garden ground, just ready fur planting. Nicely nrrnnjred to rent part of house if desired. Call M liiii. . Mni-lon; phone' 13!iR. n53 MAURY" FOR "wenUh, Ijpptaem! Hundreds rich, attractive, congen ial, ivtlling to wed. Photos free. 24 y:ais experience. Mrs. Warn. 2216 S Temple St. Los Angeles, fitl,. o.m.i-. i-arti-iclge ttooK eggs fi' Hetiiii;;; H two fine cockerels writ blood. Phone 171 9J, 22Stl Jill St. f5 ''"I! hale v'..l. Phone - J M'JO.M. . ee5C A SI'iVKSKI-vi, prop7let;irj" "medi 'ine, ivoi-HVs greatest tonlc-hixatlve nukes fii-Mi public- stock offering. Iiiexiienslrp to manufacture; yields tieiN-ndous profits. Write immedi ' W!'., (Irftinn Products Co "3 JjlV M:iJIT'hice. New York. it HI ST TIE SOld) 211 acres two miles ""in Salem, about half In cuhlva balance pasture nnd some " Ik and ash timber. Small build Komi water, family orchard. Jlls ls bottom land rind Is priced 0 (IT., pi-i- acre ineliidins stock. ""I'l.-inenis. etc. All readv to move t-i and to K ,,-oi-U. This won't ui,. The Fleming Ro-,tv Co. .-i;ue t-,.n r . h53 -U.fc.-.'.aiitifui buneaiow ..-K notn university. Call - at Mr Geo. X. Pat Si termm. ' !n I'orrow $1500 from private Miles and give Salem residence ' swmriiy. .,one me 1416 and I fj-'" .'n.y,,. m ' SALE i)y owner." n 6 room or :,.-,si(.0: price right. .."" Hltllout furnitui: Inline ".ue tioKMi-.t-ot.. on.. . . .... . . fi'U Rinv" n In ml - , ,nvner. 90 acres of Mot E "US'' " ''"'K and a ! 'hn":,"W 27 acres of prunes 0 chem(., 10 ))ttftture bHl. i"te la 1 ... Sim, 1, "iimemaie posses. X PT Inquire at 880 -V W ""r t.. Salem. Phone 1216 KlCpf v ? t eke i ,., ' " "'"ins for rent. T7.r.7r-nc..14J6. - Jf,a ek TL wl" ,,e ""'iua Hill u rpasonable. 89 8. iiv,.' --- e52 making. Phone J56 J. Anker Hoi. Xo c - F,a l0r' K"'rt Linbeck. phone 41 iilr r LI ''! me'rV" to mone that will "tern fllTJ .Can ,eaSfk a good tttr- "he'1 or unfurnished Ho mhouse by ApriM 4 m nur a good desk. Phone !KE4rrri.:pr- """Kdr.- 1 Kohlen oak piano Hi cT- f,,r L. L, Mil- "i . '1SS combination i53 I r.l,er aie - i,uu H 1VH I Tr-.(l s. f'f fu"iture. Call 689 wiJi,b,nT . 1215 S. V-suJlLthj; jjne. 51 biryPnJ,1, at ! Wet Wash ri, HI. gj NEW TODAY. WANTED To hear from owner of -.uv-.i IO::i i I iiit K Sute eash prtce- fuI1 particulars. D. F Buh Minneapolis. Minn. TOl'R future foretold: sv ,i, Wrthdate for irmhf vn...,- . ..' vincing trial reading. H'tel Hiuse. bos 215. I.os Angeles, 8PIRELLA corsets sold bv Mrs. Alio! A. Miles. 461 N. 21st. Measures tak en, iit guaranteed. Home Tfcursdav aftemoon. Phone- lo;.T. MARRY if lonely for results, try most successful me; best and "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confiden tial; most reliable: years experi ence: descriptions free, -"The Suc cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 558, Oakland, Calif. - n WANTEU One dozen Barred Rook hens, collese strain, ftvnj lavers. See Feathei-s, Novelty Works." !3! Court street; 35 FOR SALE Good steel range. Call n c-otin st. mon l4Si. FOR SALE A fine 7 room house in a most desirable location, just blocks fro mcenter of city. Has double garase. Owner leaving city. mut will ell for 113000. Phone 1813. 61 LOST Fountain pen. gold trimmed black conT attached with high school locker key. Miss Thelitis TMugberty,- 10-19 Union St. kill! FARM for stile by owner. 3"0 acres. - First ekiM in- eerr resect. Fine buildings, on highway.-Price 137, " . Address box F Silreiton. Or. 31 TYPEAVRITKR -desk wanted. Phone 340. and chairs i53 FOR SALE Peach seedlings. How ard Jones. Phone 111F3. d58 I STILL hare a general assortment, of nursery stock. Special prices' oji ornamental stock, shrubs, roses, etc.. to clean up. Howard Jones, Northwest Nursery. Phone 111 F8. j das FOR SALE. For Sale Houses. FOR SALE House. lotiO S. Com'l St. nf.l FOXt SALE 3 room modern bunga low, large lot 6xl2S. 1530 Broad way. a53 FOR SALE 3 room house and good lot. some fruit, 3 blocks to car line. 396 X. 23d. Price $330. terms-. Call at house. a53 FOR SALE Try owner at a bargaiu. . 6 room house, lot 105x110, all In bearing fruit, 50 Turner St. be tween 22 and 23 o nMill St. Price 11300. a5S FIVE room, modern bungalow want ed. State best terms. Mrs. Lobley. Journal office. i FOR SALE 6 room house, barn, chicken houses, electric lights; 1 acre good laud, all kinds fruit and berries; private water system. 12. 000. half cash, balance terms. See owner 17t!0 Waller St. a06 SIX room modern home for sale in the very best residential district of Salem, close in and convenient. This home has never been on the market before nnd you. are deal ing with the owner direct.. Price $5. 000 and It is worth more. Address Select Home care Journal. a.l HERE'S YOUR CHANCE L Having sold my business I will sell my modern 6 roo niresblence- with buth and furnace. If you want a good home, act quick. A. F. Hoff- man. 7 1 6 N.l 4t h St. ii5 4 6 ROOM house, large lot. fruit" trees, garden, barn or garage, near school Tills property is close in, 401th. In desirable location. Priced clrertp at $1S00, and 4 cash, balnnce 6 per cent. Many others. 8. R. Pearson. 403 Oregon bklc. Phone 43. a FtR SALE 2 lots 105x110 feet, . 5 room house. 600. Turner stteet, on Mill between 22 and 23 streets. a58 6 ROOM bungalow, good condition, nicely arranged, large lot, garage, trees, etc., on S. 12th on car line, paved streets. Immediate posses sion. Just what you are looking for. Let me show you. Price $2650 and 14 cash. S. R. Pearson, 40 Ore gun bids. Phone 43. a 13 ROOM plastered house for sale. '5 good lots, mostly in bearing fruit: sightly, location, near school, car line and paved streets. Immediate possession. I advertise only good buys. Price $30th) and $1000 cash wlil handle. S. R. Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. a SIX. room modern house to tell cheap or trade for property 1 or near Albany. Or. Inquire at No. ISO X. 23d street .?.?! FOR SALE By owner, 7 room house good repair, fruit and nuts; easy terms. 705 N. 17th St. a51 FOR SALE For five days only ran offer beautiful home - of seven rooms built four years, finished in white enamel, has furnace, fire ' place, dutch kitchen, located four blocks from post office in choice residence district. A bargain at $6. 000. Airs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State street. Tel. 513. aal FOR. SALE Bungalow well located in south Salem, five rooms strictly modern, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors and garage. Price $1!. 000. Hawkins and Roberts. 205 Ore gon bldg. j n5J! FOR SALE By owner. 7 room house with 2 lots in bearing fruit'. 011 hard surface pavement, house nlrendv to move into, at 1973 N. Commercial St. F. A. Erlxon. 201 Masonic bldg. " "' WANTED For cash, 8 room mict- ly modern bungalow, well located. Write Mrs. Ellis care P. O. box ;"Tf.;i Experienced stenograph 256. Salem. J PM pr' g(Jod pay. 1) M care Journal. FOR SALE Good 6 room house electric lights, city water. 2 nice lots with fruit trees and chicken house, near mute school, can iw see nat 2446 Hazel ave. a6J FOR SALE Store with living rooms 1390 S. 12th, Salem. Or. Inquire 1 609 Center. 2.5 2 Foil SALE A small house, and large lot on paved street, good lo cation. $600. or with furniture for fie rooms, $800. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. 51 For Sale Farms. FOR SALE 74 acres two and one half miles of Salem, one half" mile off of paved road on good graveled road, all in cultivation and good buildings, some orchard.-This place is priced at $250 per acre. If you are looking for something good at the right price see Fred W. Ptirbui at 275 State St., and look this over. Phone 615. FOR SALE 3 acres inside of city limits set to eight-.venr old cher - ries. four thousand feet of new lumber on grounds. Price $2000. $900 cash, balance at persent: best land inside of city limits, well drained, Owner, morning or eve- 5 S. 14th St. Sulem, Or. ' ...,i mnia lnnkine for nings, 345 WE have several people looking for close In modern propert-. If you have such to sell let us know and - we can furnish yon a buyer. A. L. Feamster Realty Co.. Phone 333. . n FOPw SALE. -i for 8,-ie: ,rrows tf t hops. fcuH, Rad eire,a(sles. j JTpteJFU.i. Amity. Or. b55 For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR s-ALt: Okt paoerslI.Tlrrap pin? and packing ioc bundle. Cap- nwuiiiiti omce. FOR SALE BaleTclover hav for sale at barn C. S. Teeple. Rt 1. Phoni 8 to 9:30 p. m. - c6S Flv vii p t .... : 1 naerwo4 tvpe writer. Elite trp good condition. .145. Phone 2l?sR 0r caU 1453 Court street. OATS und vetch hay for sitle. on Sil verton road, nortii fair ground srate, $; per ton. J. C. Mullen. .Phone 15S0R. e-. rOR SALE Practically new sewing machine. .134. c. E. Bores, 'list S. lMi. - --,1 EXCELLENT wootl range for sale. Call 124. ..3 iOR SALE All kinds of home ean ned fruits. p-eserves. jelhes and - jams, put up in sugar and heavv syrups. CaU av 574 X. 15th St. near Marion St. evening and forenoons. s51 ONIONS at 2U cents lb. sprouted poou tor seect 1 cent lb. Call 17 S. Com'l or phone S?S. c32 FOR SALE S1-, -inch 'wagon. See It at Center feed shed. e5l FOR SALE Few loads of loose vetch and oat hay $20 ton; also bated cheat hay at barn, rhone S6F22. For .Sale Nursery Stock. NURSERY STOCK Italian prunes. - garftetr -wnlmtts. filbertSi -and all other kinds of nursery stock. Buy direct and save agents commission. Brooks Nursery, Lafayette, Or. ' dG7 WANTED Loganberry vines 2c per hill, light vines. Phone 65F3. . ' g51 STRAWRERRY plants for sale cheap if taken at once, Wilsons, Gations and Etterburgs. John H. Scott, rhone -254 or 622. dSl eToii' Sale Livestock. FRESH milk cows for sale. 776 S. 12th St. - e52 FOR SALE 2 milk goats. 1 fresh. Call any day but Sat. Laurel Ave, Salem. fust 1751 53 FOR SALK lood - general purpose horse, weight about 1100, age 11. Price $30. Phone 1902W. e51 AXI offering for sale 3 large teams, excellent condition. Box 30 Journ fll. efl FOR SALE Brood sow and 2 shoals, E. F. Norwood, Rt. 2, box 9S, Sa lem, eol FOR SALE Holsteln cow just fresh and 4-year old colt. G. L. John ston, phone 10yF2. enl FOR SALE Guernsey cow fresh last month. 560 themeketa, phone l4o PUBLIC SALE IS fine cows. lues. Mar. 2, nt West Salem. Health cer tificate nnd milk test with each cow, seven now fresh. See large bills. Roy Rae, owner. e52 FfiR SALE 2 fresh cows, 1 heifer coming fresh, or would trade for beef cattle, 1 registered Jersey bull. Call 87F24 evenings. e51 FOR SALE Stock hogs, Phone 3F11 or address W. H. Egan, Gerrais. Rt. 2. e? FOR SALE One work team weigh ing 1400. one black horse 1200. one black work team weighing about 1150; also two good single horses; these horses are all good workers and gentle, nt 254 S. Liberty St. un dee -the eld-Waring feed store. e51 For Sale Poultry 200 O. A. C, day old Leghorns for' sale at 558 State St. Phone 400. C. N. Needhani.- - f61" WHITE Rock and White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Phone 93F5, or 403R. . '52 FOR SALE Eggs. Rhode Island Reds, Utah strain, dark red color, very large; 15 for $1.50; nlco cock erels of same kind for sale. 14 mile sooth of 12th St. snrllhe, Rt. 5, box 40. M. Reedy,- Salem. Or. "J&l- FOR SALE ! Fin White Minorca eggs for hatching. $1 per setting. Phone 1lSMj, . . J4. FOR SALE Or trade, yellow Buff Bantam rooster 'or hens same strain. Phone' 37FS2. ' - 'r FOR SALE Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns.. $1.25 each. 1215 Hinhland avel4 j..Jl'l HATCHING esgs. Rhode island Reds of color and productivity, 15 for $1.50. Phone K88W2. C. A. Rut cliff. Salem. Or. BABY CtiVcKS - BABY CHICKS White Leghorns. Buff leghorns. R. I Reds. Haired Rocks. Black Mi norca. White Wyandottes. Buff Orpingtons. Anconris. These vari eties each week. C. N. Needhmn, "55S State St. Tel. 400. f63 Wanted Help. WOOD t'l'TTEHS wanted. $3.50 per cord for oak. l-0c for posts. Pearcy i-Bos... 210 Oregon bldg. TAXTE1-Chainber maids. Marion hotel. 8' WAXTEi A strong boy or man to do janitor work. etc. at the Cath olic church. Boy going to school would find good room and board, or a man who docs not expect too great wages. jieLj!: n- l!c'k- WANTED-" Girl or woman for gen eral housework, washing sent out. Phone 209SR or call 1453 Court street. g: g51 WANTED To hire as a farm hand, have had sufficient experience,, by the month preferred. Call I. E. Sever. Bligh hotel. h.i WANTED Mother with two small children wishes position us hnuse booner. Phone 90F12. or Salem. Rt. 6. box 7A. 151 WANTED Some one to board nnd -D-Solne one 10 -.-, care for tnree-i lonuis ...u "". Will pay fair price .also stay witn her two or tliree evenings euro week. Address box 72 Journal. g5l WlNTF.r-Wood cutters to cut 200 cords oiWirwond07F32. g31 WANTED Experienced saltsman for shoes, window trimming, etc. finV & Company. 5jJ WANTED An experienced grocery clerk, middle aged man preferred. Peoules Cash store. . g Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Children to board In the country; none under 4 years of age. School and church close by. Box c finitnl Journal. 151 WANTED Large size McClanuhan im-ubator. Phone 27F21. 161 'fppTo rent pasture for 5 haJ flf heep; also horses ami cat- tiev Address Rt. 8. box 130, Rose Ki.,n snlem. Phone 59F14. Simon. Salem. Phone 8F14. HAVING sold my farm. I want to buy a modern bungalow. $ or 7 rooms. Would like a little fruit. Rend p,'',i,'U1' W 11 B Journal office.. 1 THE CAPITAL JOUBNAL WANTED. WANTED Kitchen heau-r. CU1 l!,24lFOR SALE Splendid lofrant-err:. c51, land. acre all in cu!tiv;uion ex HAY for saie $25. Cherry City feei barn. " c&l WANTED Garments remodel; new suits $45; cleaning and press ing. E44 State: Society Cleaners; Phone 18. 'Chas. Eira Sparks, tailor. 6 j FOR RENT. HOUSE to rout- senr Pacific hihiy north two niiles from fair grounds. K. R". Aloon. Rt. . box IS, J55 FURNISHED rooms.Ior, rent at s2 X. Cottage. Phone ll8. j55 FOR RENT Seven room dwelling and garage. Good location $32.50 per- month. Ivan O. Martin. Ma sonlc Temple. . jsi Lost and Found. LOST Aut gloce for right Jiand. Finder return to this office k50 Personar THE International Correspondence school will have their local repre sentative at the Bltgh hotel every Saturday to give their students all assistance possible. He also .will be glad to give the public Information regarding the schools and their courses. -. . Wanted Situations.. WANTED Work on grain farm. no hops or berries; experienced.. Box 50 Journal. . hoi WANTED Position on grain ninchi am experienced in all lines of farm ing. Do not want hops or berries. Box 99 Capital Journal. d52 For Sale Wood. FOR SALE Secondhand lumber 1-ini-h stuff. 4x4. 4x6. 6x6 and 8x8, aU lengths. 27SS Lee St., Salem, Or. ee53 FIRST class 16-inch mill wood from Silver Falls Timber Co. Car on track at Church and Trade St. Friday. Strictly cash. Phone 1542 Fred E. Wells. 73 MISCELLANEOUS. SINGLE gentleman wants furnished living room close in. Address X2X Journal. ORDER your awnings from Dillinan, Write 900 Highland ave. m"4 WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw your wood. Phone 1004. , ni52 WANTED 5 or ft room modern bun galow. $300 cash, balance monthly. Box 606. Capital Journal, NEW AND SECOND "HAND furniture exchange, 395, South 12th, will han dle your household goods on com mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining better prices than selling to second hand merchants. At present have nice- clean stock to select from. Cannon, phone 19 REAL ESTATE. First Class-Buys. 4 room cottage, fine lot, fruit, out buildings, east; $12P0. 8 room house, modern, fine loca tion, close in. $4200. 5 acres all in cultivation, bottom land; no buildings. $1500. 65 acres deep black soil, about 50 acres seeded to grain, 15 acres in stumps nnd pasture and timber; pret ty good buildings, in good locality; 10 head stock and all farm imple ments. $10,000. 135 acres, 18 acres In wheat, 30 acres clover, 25 acres in oats and hay, 30 acres ready to seed; good 5 room house, plenty of outbuildings, fine well. $150 per ncre: 314 acres, 200 ucrea in cultivation, balance in oak timber; good buildings on fine road. See us for full descrip tion. Very fine farm. $35,000. Walter McLaren. Room 21. 180 N. -Com. St. n' Good Investments. Nice DO acres 5 miles from Salem about 35 in cultivation; good set farm buildings nnd water system, nice orchard, good soil, good road. Bargain $8300. Good 1,5 acre tract near Salem, mostly In cultivation and best soil; good set buildings, family, orchard, several cows, fowls, horses, machin ery, tools, crop, feed. All for $5000. Nice 11 acre tract In high state of cultivation. 2 niiles fro mSalem. or chard, buildings, fine location; $4500 120 acres near Oregon - Electric and good town, an hour's drive from Salem; mostly in cultivation, best loam soil, good set buildings, orch ard, phone, good timber. Exchange for good acreage near Salem or res idence property, Nice close In 12 'a ac re tract, good improvements; orchard, slock, tools, nuuhiniery. crop all for $6500, easy terms. For square deals see us. Perrine & Marsters. 211-12 Coni club .hldg, n "Houses, Farms, Small Tracts. HOUSES 5 room house, on 17th and Trade streets, lot 100x100; bath, toilet and electric lights. $2500 on easy terms. 0 room modern bungalow near fair grounds, large Jot $3230 if sold soon. A snap. 7 room strictly modern house, close in, large lot, sonic fruit furnace heat $7000, easy terms. 8 room bungalow, close to school, north Salem. A real snap. $3200, good terms. We have a list of old bouses from $650 to $1500 on easy term-s. Call nt our office mill we will tell you about them. FARMS 7.5 acres on highway, joining Sa ieni, 6 acres logans. 3 . prunes, 3 pears, 2 cherries. 10 apples. 20 acres cultivated pent lnnd. 13 acres fine rolling cultivated. Some valuable wood land and good pasture. Very fnlr improvements. $50,000. 154 acres, niiles ont. 120 In wheat, balance In pasture, flood farm buildings just off hard surface road. $175 per acre on good term. 50 acres on highway. 1 V miles nntheast of Oregon City: good house ",,,. ,hpr ,,u,lnwi; 2 silos. 2 - f,m,.v fruit: wire- fence and cross fences. An ideal property nt $250 per acre. ; 7 seres joining Snlem , all in wheal fair house. This i a-good buy and will go soon. $20,000. e , SM ALL TR ACTS ;! ' - 10 acres, good 1 room iimsieren house, basement, bath, toilet, run ning water, good family orchard, 1 . .. nf enoil timber, $330. 29 acres, good 4 room plastered house, bath; running wutr. fair barn 2 acres strawberries, good family or chard. 1 acres I" cultivation, bal ance in rough land for pasture with 7 ncres of valuable timber. $3500. $1. 600 cash, balance to suit . i aun nriine rreea. 1 ncreito car. inuu. logans some fruit, two room, house. I sood spring, about acres in cultlva.' g"OU Sl'llOh. , , tlon. balance in rough some timber. $3500. 3 acres. 7 room house; iv orchard, small stream. IJJ.Itl will. good futnl- iv orchard, small stream. 10 minutes walk from street car. $3000. $700 cash, balance $10 per month, John II. Scott Realty Co 228 Oregon bldg. REAL ESTATE. cept 14 acres in timber. Ti'.rec acre of prunes S years, oi J. New Cv roo'i bu tgalow. w!ndi:;i!!. ba r 11 - ;-., chicken house. Seven utiles north ot Salem. Price. $S000 one half cash. 55 acres on Pacific highway, no build intra, ail in, cultivation, black, soil. Between Albany and Jefferson. A bargain at $135Ter acre. 154.5 acres four miles east of Salem, good bulldlntrs. 134 acres in wheat. Crop goes with possession. Price $175 per acre. Terms. Hawkins & Roberts 205 Oregon bldg n5S vop rvi'iitvrT. c-i 1 . ' , .. . ... IT . C "' iaijd all in cultlvarkvn , 5 reom buu- galow and ether buildings, situate LH ?lKS, lorUl .mer,''i'l8 .n'ari Pacific highway. Will accept Sa leoi residence property in part pay ment. W. A. Listen, agent, 48 4 Court St. n51 For Sale. 6 room house on Broadwuy, bulb, well, fruit, lot 66x125. corner. Price $1075, $300 cash, balance $15 month. 7 room house. Court St. Electric lights, gas. bath, good sixe lot. Bar gain, $2900. W. E. Compton. 469 State. Phone 930 or 34F13. n FOR SALE r our acres good berrj land 3 miles from Salem, on Ini- proved road, 3-4 mile from pavetl road: no buildings. Price reason- house an ln cuUiv8Uon. able cash or terms. Address boxtgomp frujt ,j! ()00, tmlia, S. HBJem. Ui). I ,7 a ,., ,.f sn ill orr. 1. IF your property is worth the money we list it we advertise it. Est em & Magee, Salem, 428 Oregon bldg., Portland. 909 Chamber of Com. n75 WANTED A modern house with 2 to 5 acres, will pay cash. Tele phone 254, or call at 223 Oregon bldg at once. n FREE land, 30 acres young orchard for 3 years at Oak Grove. John Lo renfc. Rlckrcall. n53 WOULD like to get in touch with own er of a good 5 to 15 acre tract near ' Salem. Must have good buildings, and some fruit. Nebraska care Journal. m QUICK SALE Improved 10 acres. fine soil, 80 rods east on D St. from city limits at Park and I) Sts. Buildings, fruit, best of water, stock, tools furniture; 10 minutes walk to Asylum ave. car, total 20 mluutes from business center city. This Is on beautiful Salem prairie, fast becoming the choice nnd most desirable for Sclera homes, scarcely any fog in winter, cool breeses in hottest days of summer. Apply at place to owner, B, 1?. Keefer, Rt. 7. box 14. nD2 Good Buys. 63 acres of first class fruit soil, 55 acres cultivated. 0 room house, good barn, well, buildings, built several years ago, rook road, miles from Salem. Price $125 per acre. Well improved 6 acre tract, good B room plastered bungalow, barn, fruit, gravel street and close to car line. Price. $6000. Improved 23 acre tract located south of Salem 011 rock road; house nnd barn, well, good fruit land. Price $4600. 5 acres of loganberries; . good house, barn; located 5 miles from Salem. Price $5000. 270 acre farm nil cultivated hind, with exception of about 20 acres ln pnsture; house, barn, best of grain and clover land. Rock road. Price $125 per acre. 10 acres of good prune and logan berry land, all cultivated, located 5 'A miles south of faletn. Price $1500. 60 acres of good timber located northeast of Salem, mostly old growth. Price $100 per acre. 10 acre orchard located on main Pacific highway. Prunes, " cherries, some apples and pears. Sightly loca tion, 2 mlhs from carline south of Snlem. Price $5500. 10 acre tract. 8 acres loganberries; 8 room house, good barn, running Water. Price $6500. HOUSE I1UYS 6 room house located 1330 South Coinmeroial street. Price $2SO0. 5 room bungalow located In south Salem. Furniture goes. Paved street, Price $4600. 7 room .modern house located nt 1663 Fir street, Falrmoiint Hill, sightly location, enst front lot, bear ing fruit, garage. Price $6000., 6 room cottage located ln south Salem, just outside of cily limits, 1 block from carline. Price $2000. Y. II. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street n Real Investments. Just listed a diindy stock ranch for $7700. Some stock and machinery, crops most all in. We ran tell yon what we think of It Wednesday. Also have listed one ot the best $6000 buys near Snlem until Saturday only. Let us tell you about It. 1200 acre stock ranch near Browns ville. Including stock and equipment. 124,000. 40 acres, 20 acres In cultivation, some goo. I timber, fair house, S miles out. Price $300. Snap. 20 acres, new buildings, soil No. 1, carried 24 head of cattle lust year. Clovei hay made 4 tons per acre. We know It is worth more than our price $2300. It is our luoperty and Is the last that we have in that sec tion of the country. 200 acres at $5 per acre. Asses sor says that It is worth more. Homestead relinquishment $400. Why not work for Uncle Sum, a good snlsry. New bungalow and barn, worth $4000, including Ford car. Lo cated In a good town with a good high school. All for $2700. .Must have $1500 c.tsh. No civil service e.xamt nation. Might consider Salem proper ty. Good house In Alt, Angel, good lo cation. For Salem property. 5 room .modern bungalow, ', block fro incur line. Price $2250. tuirins. Worth VHMii). ask adjoining owners. $770.0. stuck ranch consists, ot 22 acres. 63 acrfs cultivated and- most ly seeded. Good family ' orchard, spring water piped to the house,. Stock and machinery all goes. We advprtlee your property at your price, we will not Increase the price and make the sale Impossible, ; Estes & Magee. 428 Oregon Hldg.: Halftn. Portland office, Clmmder of Com ,,m . .. , ;. hr,2! r.2 Start For a Home. Choice lots $10 down. $3 per month 3-4 acre building location, paved roud. street cur. $600. ; 4 acres ready for berries, close In. $1000. 5 room house, good lot, terms.$S00 S room house, corner lot, close to car, some fruit, barn; terms; $1100. 5 room house, good location, close room house, fine locution, psved street. $1000, A .,.,., t.,.l)ui. htlill lit kltch- ""vii - en. lights, city water, corner 101; uiis Is good. $900. acres extra fine location, fruit, berries, good spring. $2100. Read Monday's ads for high class property. H. E. Brown 341 State, Room I s51 REAL ESTATE. Listen's Bargains in Real Estate' h 39 acres with large dwelling with trot proof fruit trouso. rawer, iariw rressura tank water system, wa-,.r tank, aaglne and all cor.ven barn and pumping system; land all lences ot a real iiotue; choice orch- in cultivation, fine layout for logu berries: three miles out; will consider trade for good farm worth $25, 00 and pay cash difference. 24 acres with cheap buildings, land alt seeded to grain; a splendid logan berry proposition. Easy turma. Frkse $3500. 40 acres with 15 acres bearing prunes. 3 acres cherries and apples. good house, barn an fruit dryer, ait uate s miles Ivo mcuy in iajaioua Rose dole prune district Price $1.00 Two bungalows of six rooms each, ah ,. ,-..,l B.cActa ii I - K .11 i-T- '1 t IT ,11 U ' - ' Price $3200 each. t bunp, vith tire place and ,t hts j streets, terms. Price $2 front. paved 000. W. A. Liaton 484 Court street 5t Best Buys. S acres. 1 in fruit, all best of soil, close to Kt lser school. $1250. 13 acres. 5 ia walnuts, 2 mixed orchard. S room house, good set out buildings, electric lights iu all build ings, on paved road. Vi mile from Saieni. $9500. terms. 53 acres, 30 cultivated. 15 planted to cherries: 5 acres logans 3 years old r this spring. 23 -acres pasture) fair ini ..l. ai ,ii.,. ... w, , rtri,i... ,lfwl gans. acres prunes; house, barn, etc; S miles from Salem. 92 acres all in cultivation, house and large horn. 4' miles from town; a good grain or dairy farm. $l-per acre. Socolofsky. 341 State St. ' Kinney & Smith. BIG VALUES IN FARM LANDS 116 acres, fine grain and dairy farm: lays fine and Is a real produc er. 106 acres cultivated; 60 acre new in fall crop. All fenced with woven wire.' Good set of farm buildings and good family orchard. Ideated on from Salem. 6 cows, 5 horses, pigs, county roud. within a mile of west side Pacific highway. About 17 miles about 10ft hens, binder, wagon, mow er, wqodsaw outfit, feed grinder, 7 h. p. gas engine and nil kinds . of tools, feed, seed, etc., Included With far mfor $125 per acre. . 80 ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM Here is a fine farm that has 83 acres In cultivation and 60 ncres in crop. It lays on the highway now be ing paved. 7 miles from Corvallis. Close to electric R. R. station. Land lays Just rolling enough t drain well. Place Is well Improved with 0 room house with hot and cold wa ter, bath, toilet, sleeping porch, etc. Barn 60x70; usual outbuildings. 15 acres timber for family use. A fine little farm at $125 per acre. Immedi ate possession. , 68 ACRE RIVE BOTTOM FARM About 43 acres cultivated! good potato land. 5 room house, barn, ma-, chine shed and usual outbuildings. About B miles from Salem on gravel road. Numerous Implements, few chickens, etc.. Included at $6300, This is a good place and a good buy. Wo hare exclusive listing of this. See our ad elsewhere In this Issue of a 21 acre tract ot fine loganberry land with fine Improvements and 11 lot of extras included at $8000. It is a real placi i AVe want more listings of small farms within 8 or 10 miles ot Snlem. Price them right and wo can turn your farms. EXCELLENT LOGA NKKRflT LAND 24 acres B miles from state house on good graveled rond. Fine new house, barn nnd garage, Chooolnte lomn soil; all fine new land. About 2-3 In cultivation; 8 acres open pas ture. Big water tank and gns engine for pumping. AVnter piped Into house bain, pasture hint big chicken house. With the place go a light teiim, wa gon, harness, plow, harrow, stump pul'er, 175 flue chickens, seed, feed and nearly 7 ueres In full wheat. Ev erything goes for $8000. This is an Ideal place, 100 yards to station and mile to school. Kinney & Smith. 201 Bunk of Commcice bldg. 51 Good Buys. 63 ucre farm, 55 acres cultivated, balance timber und pasture; 6 room house, burn, well, first class fruit land. Located 5 'i iliilcs south of Sa lem on hard road. Price $125 per acre 20 acres located 3-4 mile from cily limits south of Salem, all cultivated, 5 acres Italian prunes. 3 acres tip ples, pears and some cherries; house and burn, electric lights, sightly lo cation, gravel street, lays first class to subdivide. Price $$11,600. 4. SO acre tract. 4 acres cultivated, two acres loganberries, 3-4 acre of strawberries; small house, rock roud. Vi mild off main Pacific highway. Price $2650. 9S ucre farm located 7 miles cast of Salem on main Sllverton road; 50 seres cultivated, balance pasture and timber; house, barn, orchard. Price $13,500. ' 270 Hi re farm located 011 rock roud all cultivated; house. barn, good clover and grain bind. Price $125 per acre. 56 tral't of Clsst class soil, mostly new land:' 8 room modern house, barn, family orchard. 2 acres strawberries, rock roud, B miles from Sulem, Price $200 per acre. 5 acre tract located close to car line; good 5 room plastered bunga low, burn, fruit, gravel street, sightly- locution. Price $6000. 10 acres of good prune, lognnlxirry or strawberry laud, located B miles from Sulem, all cultivated, Price $1, 600. 10 acre bearing prune orchard lo cated oil good hard road, four miles from Hiilem. Price $6000, 6 1 acre tract located on main pacific highway, 1 V miles from ... n.,Hllnu- u t,..icM hft' iirnnes about 1500 cords of standing fir tliri-! j her, running water; house and burn, 1 i 11 Price $3o per acre. , HOUSE BUYS ; o ood B room bungalow located in south Salem. Price $2300. i room house located' at 94 Ouk street. Price $2800. 5 room cottage located in south Su lem, sightly locution, Just outside of city limits. Price $2000, cash. room house located nt 1500 Che mvketu street, large lot, bearing fruit paved street. Price $2500, $1000 down .8 room modern home located at 1595 N. 6th street. Price $4200. 7 room strictly modern house lo. cnted wrthln three block of state houae. fries $6500. 1.3 1 ge house, five apartments, bring ing in $7i per month, goon location, paved street, large lot. Price $6000. Large 10 room house, two five room apartment, furnished, targe lot. Rented .at $40 per month, located 656 N. Winter St. V. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street n PAGE SEVEN J. Good Buys. acre tract 10 minutes trom SaJern ard. etc. SI2aCk 10 acre -tract fine land. 7 prune apples and cherries; good barn and deep well of waler. close ia. $5508. 10 acres closu lit. f acres loganber ries, predaoed last season 5? tons of berries; 1 acre of strawberries, balance In fruit ancl grtrrten; good 8 room house and other useful build' ings. 43 acres miles out. ail tile drained. targe new inu-d. ihikp pran house; acres line Bearing trait pro duced. 76 tons last season. Well equip ped with tools and stock. $20,000. 4 acres 14 in cultivation, gcoa itnprovementa. well stocked. $9000. S acres good land, modern rom he use; S acres ha Dear in g Isgaafeer ries, must be sees to appreciate. Must be sold- very soon.. Let tu show you today. Oregon Land Co. 442 State street - AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILE painting, furniture re flnlshing. The Salem Reftniehing Co. 150 8. 12th St. Phone H.'S. mT WE build deliver bodies. The Salem Refinlshing Co. m53 FOR SALE Thousand pound trailer. feed barrl. OeMer street. qf? TIRES AND TUBES We'll do your repair work, and sell you accessor ies at a price to save you money. Salem Auto Exchange, 229 State. q.61 TOPS AND REPAIRING Alho uDholsterins: ia"'4 1 ' u'i kinds, seal fTX I covers. Service. O. er? j. nun. t. m. c A. Building. Salens Oregon. GENERAL automobile repairing, magnetos repaired and recharged. Ford work a specialty; batteries re charged. The Fairgrounds Garage, -M. L. Jackson, Prop. Phone 308. ; WOOD HAULERS Here' the best business on the coast get a Grimm Bernstein truck and get to work. Fortunes In sight. Salem Auto Kx change, 229 State. ql GOOD used cam, fine running order, from $350 and upi your own terms. Salem Vetie company. 163 N. Coia- ' niercinl.j 5-r. GOOD" used Studebuker Six. repaint ed and in A-l condition; get our price on thto car. Salem Velie com pany. 162 N. Commercial. 50 FOniALB Grey & Davla" started and battery 'or Ford, in good con dition. Phone 1341M. q HUPMOBILE bargain. For sale or trade for lighter ear. Run only iOOO miles. Box Bargain Capital Journal. , PSK FOR SALE A new 3-ton" filamond T truck, all ready for business Phone1608J. A. H. Blederman. 59 FOR SALE A good bargain In 11 speedy bug, new cord tires. Phone 1704. DIRECTORY. Why Sell for Less. WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 73. Stove Repairing;. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. B0 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sties 'it to ds inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc, loganberry and , ho hooks. 8alem Fence and Stove Works 250 Court street. Phone 124 Safety Razor Bladea. SAFETY rarer "blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. B. Btew art Repair Shop, 347 Court Bt Money to Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd Bush Bank, SajerrijOrs. " Salem "Auto T Exchange. Monitor cars now on display. Com and see them.' 229 Stats St. Phons 869. - Money to Loan., Federal Farm Loans Any amount, Long time. $i4 and 6 percent Interest. City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple. ""niOregoa MARION-POLK Ntlona.rFann Loan Assn. Government money tit loan at 514 percent. 303 Sulem Bank of Commerce. W. 11 Smith. Optician. bR.Ai.BBRT R- MILLER Optome trist -optician, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. (10-13 U. 8. bank. Phone 341 Water Company. h.M.E.M W ATER COM PAN 1 Office corner (.'oninuTcliil und 1 rude Sts Hills payable monthly In advanoe. J'hone 67. . WANTED Second hand furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. We pay the highest prices for everything. This Capital Hard wure and Furniture Co., 286 N. Com'l St. Phone J47. Ell Pi: i " lit ANSKER - IsicTil and long distance hauling. Office 445 Court St. Phone 9118, night phone 679J. 71 Osteopath. OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur geons, Drs. White nnd M.imhall. BO V. S. bank bldg. Phons 85. Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall res. phone 83 4. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH," osteopathic physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore gon bldg. Res phone 68F6; office phone 1J94. , J5J Scavenger. SALEM SCAVANGER Gurbags and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani mals removed. Office phono Main 117. ' FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask aboul our 20-year loans at 6 per cent. Hawkins & Roberts 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem Oregon AUTO KG