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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
TBPAY. FEBRUARY . MS TS3 Cim.U. JOCENAL . - r.u,..i Sunday BWI 1: school;. 11 Ba- aJaureh " . ,i sermon. "How . m- t:S D. and addrs. Jbds Hymns," I PAGE ELETETI Acavar. Kiss Margaret X-iresty. lead er. 7:10 p. m. Th Great Exchange. Fee? Brass. Gold" Motion pictures. JASON LEE MEMORIAL Corner Wlntar an Jefferson 8.. ThiwaasSith the premier ysterda. -Jt Premier Opposed To Interference In Road Business Paris, Feb, it. Oorwnmwtai tntr- by the Pans. Lyon, tut 3iditTaB-a railway company towar Its emnkw "J!!51?!?' by Preinl MiUeraad who arrived here yesterday. ray union delegate, conferre ft has b-0 atiMed Camnsunn, a-o ! discharged for hatma Wntxt htm. fm i self from duty to attend a union mr- i 1 f ,. ike W"1 inant Tof christiaott" and at - HteL topic. toUow: "Th. M pou. rotor" ithe ban at o'clock; .TiSw Sunday noon at 10: SO: fin)? at U a. m.; Sunday TLT? sharp. T. P. I at I 11 !y and chorus at o'cloek. -"Trenew acquaintance with own Kels0 0f Eugene, who is tot the week end. Ensign and ' Huer. officer, in charge. -jejUK METHODIST EPISCOPAL 5 US ' a Commercial and Meyers '" Horace N. Aldrieh, pastor. TT m. Sunday school, with el Bases and grade., K. A. Kho t'r.tendent. Primary depsrt- in LesUe hall, under the .' .. Mi. Hue Williams. 11 Events in some action which mi.u . . . a reconsideration of the dismissal of a ..u named Campanaud. which caused the walkout M. teod the men to submit their case to Sundar school :4S a. cnas. tiagemaa la charge; classes foe people ot ail ages, taaght by capable iosttuctora, Stranger and visitors alwavs wAlrm fwa truouc worsntp nam., subject Why arbitration. Th rti,.,- ' Wm Fall Religious:. CUss meetine pressed by the nnmUmZi . Mr. Pl.rh I. .h. - -,. " P" igorous iaa. ; . uiwiuas ai prooaoiy se hint aaain. utk,u :S. Miss Grace Tyler, president the railroad oomnanT- Whf1' This is the most wide k. .,..!..;,a 00,nBo ha nussed IS 8 of the church. Toumt neool. w-Ld n " MdJtion to loomed with a clad hand. Comnr worsnip t:30, subject. The Man Whom No Man Helps. This service will be evangelistic. Special features Reception of new members at the morning service: special music by the choir both morning and evening; the orchestra will play for the Epworth League. We extend to the public a most cordial Invitation to come and worship with na FIRST eHURPff nir i-ucrim SCIENTISTS Sunday service is held n i r f.fc. .... . . . . v.rmcKrs etreer at ii a. m. Subject ofBible lesson "Christ Jesua" Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room 209 It ' . ' - - i uu ill uj .Husomc hin nith sermon W tni temple, open every dav excent Rnn.lnv tnemi?, i - . m. u p. m. A we coraiauv invited to mir 4or; theme, in fTdewtional meeting of th. Ep- U. i' 7:30 p 9TATB INSTITUTIONS Sunday, : state hospital, R. L. Putnam. T m. feeWe minded institute. G. L. ji p. m. girls' training school. f.CKantner. 3:15 p. m tubereulosr MISSIONARY " I ? 1 T V m. evangelis-' services and to our reading room. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Blbl school at :45 a. tu. Preauhing at 1 la. m. C. E. meeting at 6.15 Preaching at 7:30 p. ni. Prayer meeung on Tnursday Rt 7:30 p. ra. ,Our revival meetings arc still in progress with good interest. Some people are getting saved. We are ex porting a great day Sabbath with all ... . 'T"1 CIUUSTIAW .WAkfWAW-. i I'11" Stwi. UdJT ouDoain Wit HJ.1AKCK sserviccs ar a uiuvh. iw meeting, ireaenmg at 11 a. m. ant Thursday afternoon, March 4. at 1 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. Come and enjoy Ut gntlt Cemmercial street, itev. a. t Fee of Portland, will conduet tho, KMe study. A cordial invitation to alt . SKVH.TK DAT ADVENTIST Sorth Fifth St. and Gaines Ave. SkvIm, tomorrow evening at 7:S. ukjMt, who Changed the Sabbath T DM Jeess substitute the first day of the fulll gosnel messages that in h' ing given. I G. Leo and Wife, pastors. NAZARENE Nineteenth and Mar ion, streets. Sunday school 9:45 a. nv. W. B. Hardy, superintendent. Preach ing, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Toung poopls a Bible study at :30 n. m.. sublet of study, Abraham. Song an pmuw service nreui .7:30 to 8 p. m. At seek tat the seventh day? Did) subject for morning message. The .l. UTHn Aidt TCvAMenlitfti Vav .Tai mn K ,1 I. - ihi isosOeB? Who did? Evangelist i wn nnsmp' this sreat miii from the Bible. and with a (aenrne array of facta as testimonyj cniimunc mv ocnpiufe, tutu, wua ih esnresskin at the criminal. Every body invited and cordially welcome. riSST METHODIST episcopal! -Ik. Jt. N. Avison, pastor. Corner! Clnrca and State streets. 9:18 an old doit due meeting, room. 4 down, (taira. W. L Cummings, leader. :36 Su4i! school. Prof. J. W. Todd, apwintentient; Grace Smith, assist t U:r sermon for the young, "Ke To Have Friends," James 3-23. fairing message for young and old, "Swttiat Olfta" 3:00 p. m. Db. H. J. TklM will conduct services at the "Mpegsfee1 home. 8:30 p. m. Senior Kswnth Lsague in Sunday school torn, Junior League in Epworth W. 7:J p. m. sermon, "Our Plaoe aibiKBeet" Sermon both morning m twining by the pastor. The wettly meeting of the W. H. M. 3. Im htt. postponod because .of so nidi sickness. F1BST CHRISTIAN Center and Hitkitreeta, three blocks north of tho 0. (.depot. Bible school at 9:48 a. a. W lowed, by church services at 11. ssnnt Burns and C. A. Wai Mjwiia aiwlst the pastor in this J"" the sermon being on "The "tlsstament Church; Its Elders "JPwcens.'' This will be very in and interesting to alt who MBcerned with the original pat- laid down by Jesug Christ and ru"l,?Stte' The 8Vnln aermon at " m faitn a Sign of Way Jesus went Midweek prayer meeting T:30 Wednesday evening. Tea are invited to these services. Bvery service a special one. A. Wells, pastor; Florence Wells, deaconess. , Marion County Holiness Association will hold its- regular monthly meeting at the Evanireiicai church. 17th onrf ChAtneketsv streets on Friday evening, atarcit ttt All who are- interested in the work of Holiness in Salem come to this meeting. We expect Mary Hill, direct from. China, in the meet ing. A. Wells, president S. Anderson, minister. Church school ae :45, Josoph K. Albert, superin tendent; a good service for everv. body. Public worship at 11 o'clock The pastor will, give the fifth sermon 'Zn'T, " M! on the-general, theme. "Am r m Dem ck, Buss haul giavel a.oo on tne general, theme, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Obligations of the Christian church, the Intar-nhmwh World movement. Intermediate En doavor at 5 o'clock. Youna- ne0nl 0Jurton or " mseUng aat 8:30. and vin. etler, Dan gravel ship at 7:30, A welcome for every body.. UNITED EVANGELICAL Cottage - .v.- v. iJ. UU, Cll, , - a - -' - - poaiur. me aunaay scnool will meet "'"'"" eiw at 1 a. m. Divine worshin and P"""- "arl haul gravel 3tB0 preachiriK at 11 a. m "Takine One's Sanguinett, J H do Place, p. tn. at 7:30 D. m. Praver Thursday evening. PhrHnn t' .1 . Sahlnhflph. (7 J An VMIMHIUI UI1UWUC HI I. JU , " ' - Evening worship and sermon Soholl & Son J powder meeting on CASTLE CHAPEL, BRETHREN Corner of Nebraska I Wi nwJ ,, oiB" OI ana 7tn st- George Chapman, pas. ! The C. K. will tor. Sunday school at in L m - H t Aa in I...,.- m 1 'r ,rom im rreaching n a. m. and 7:30 p, m. . ,Prayer meeting Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. to ram7rg i Vli ln tha "u- K Monthly business meeting Tues ttsbMeJ Cro88 room).) day at 7:30 p. m. Woman's mission- " an i. . J u l. ,urnl8B!nr meeting Friday at 1 p. m. at Zr a delightful meeting tho church. an to these prayer SOtTTII SALEM FRIENDS Corner . commercial, and Washington Sts., H.' H. penderton. pastor. Church Bibta school at 10 a. m.. classes for all,. Carl Miller, superintendent Pub lic meeting for worship at 11 a. m.; also at 6:30 p. m, Legislators Not Euewte io noia. A member of the state legislature of 1911 is not eltaihU to appointment as master fish warden accoraing to an opinion i remixed to dav hv utamev '. General Brown for Carl D. Shoemaker ! swtte g.une warden. In his opinion ; Brawn states that both positions arvj lucrative offices and further that the ' 1919 legislature enacted a law increas- lag th salary ot the fish warden and j therefore a member ot that body is! prohibited from partaking of this in-! creased salary. The same oninion also 1 applies to deputy fish and deputy game wardens. GREAT OLD REMEDY FOR SKIN DISEASES J?er!L!'kiU ErnPum roni your own druggist. Fifty years Drives Poison From tbe System Get it fixed in your mind that skin eruptions, Ecxema, burning itching skin, and all skin diseases are due en tirely to impure and Infected blood. U the trouble was on the outside of the skin, by eimply washing and keep ing it clean you could obtain relief not even ointments, lotions, and salves would be necessary. Agree with us in this belief and your trouble can be relieved you can ha uiii. . j - . .j ivaivrcu to health, a S. 8. is a ihi table treatment that you can secure ago S. 8. 8. was discovered and given to suffering- mankind. During this period it- has proven its remarkable remedial properties and has relieved thousands of cases of disease caused by poor blood. You- can be relieved, but you must take S. S. S. Take it if; only pimples appear, for they denote! bad blood, and may be followed by: the sufferings from torturing skin: eruptions. Therefore- be sure. Don't j take chances, don't use lotions. If yours is a special case, write for ex pert medical advice. Address Medical Director. 258 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, VjriU GODSIE'S COURT He FcEawcg Is tha Cch! IH , t A Birdwell, W 8 rolling .... putiicanca ct zz recsra cf du etc.... ocaaecner. William, do Ptaff. Jno spread gravel Hammer, Edward, haul gravel eto. : Clabs before tie Kara l-cr the Fdarcary tem, 1S20L tk Cousty Cfcrk IIOAD8 j.j.-p HICHVrAVS Road District So. t 2lramerman-A J dragging ....t 13.09 Snyder A C patrolman 17.50 FIRST tRSBVTwnT1Mn. J - .. aoua District So. Ann. ZZZZZT VI." ?aa ditching Keck & Son drain tile .96 Bevens, Clarence ditching 7.60 Bozicnlck, John, haul gravel.... 87.00 Braiden, E A filling holes . S.0 Demlcfc. Georsre do Emmert, Ben haul gravel eto Fry, Frank help gravel haul Garland, George haul gravel 39.00 54.00 24.00 27.00 230 )o Jones, Pute repair culvert 1.50 Jungnickel, J haul gravel 24.00 Xoffman. Frank Ritchina- . aim SDshler, J M dragging lg.oa 1 Loom aw, Claud haul: m-avet 8. an The ""dy John 4:34-38. fT. 'onary Society meets rkT': "Brcn wltn Mrs. D. A. tit North Front Street ,' 8TREBT CHRISTIAN rlT .' nteenth and Court Sts. rissuf wiU be on fhl. iu'w W wre very wry that j, ' unaerea our services w esk aad caused) us to pest- rteJrl P'n for Christian 7"lp' btlt hops that noti r" tis delay we mar be , .7"-" unmeoiatBiy into, the! On. W one" campaign now! - mtherhood ta win. 1 no AAA' Domestic Phase Of Peace Treaty Is Before Senate TT-. n t mi. j . kw will: 1US.8VU wr xiiii5iui I QU. !. lufl uumcauu wb ertort. xonr questions reservation to the peace ! t(irf series of serren treaty- was up for consideration today - bJT" 00 'SOUl Winninv" tor thav im tha jani.Ja. fnlliinai tha sintlnn ul, auklg ttil those wholyestarday, by a vote of Si to , of tiie " if ,?u'"winRer- Thai tintj reservation regarding mandatories. 14. ,1 8ri wi" Plven Senator Lodge's draft of the domes 1 ,. jy and the second en, tic questions reservation would reservs isria. S,t7 "r ':n. sm m the Unite Statea the right to de ll. 00 30.00 fuse etc 74.0s Simpson. J A haul (Travel etc.. Troudt. Adam ditching eto .... SJi.So UNITED Welty Olen spreading gravel 13.50 Troudt, C D patrolman 89, js Road District No. 3 Bass. Geo shovel gravel; ........ 3.00 9.44 6.0 3.00 15.00 15.00 7.60 i.7t 11.85 1.00 a. 12 S.00 14.25 64.75 s-t hlk , aam a. m. !H fcTT .1 ln children. Mora- rWh." T.Power ' the Pc- Intermediate Endeav- Mi, El,deavorers give their ,w. . msplrationai a AHt uis siate conven- ttl w.. ,;30 P- m. "The otX, V, Monday 7:30 p. m. ' 1. "J. meeUng. Thursday w . brief dFmi , We extend a hearty i a d 1 vTne to worship -uraam, pastor. i Wrttf n . .. sZf-- State and 18th 'r erhonl h i . . 10:30 a. m.. elds what issues, such as immigration ar purwly internal and therefor not subject to tha Jurisdiction of the league Of nations. OunOHinff this, tha rtetrtn. erats) will attempt to have adopted the uitcncock suostitnts) voted down last November, providing that "no mem ber nation." shall be required to submit to the league- any question it consid ers domestie. Tha- rwnnltlfr'anfi tim-a armit.A that the Hitchcock draft is an amendment to the treaty- instead of a reservation inasmuch as it affects all nations and therefore would have to be submitted tor approval to the other signatories to the pact. '""Tries ata 9 S9ny in fiaih " '. Aftl-nrifl Tha manadamizinir of the highway leading to the Tillamook coun ' vrvn rasaton servics1" ,,nB w warwa "w wuhv. ! W' 11 7- p. m. Visitors1 urt about the first of April and op i at. Q. Koehler, pastor. rations will be conducted from both 1 riQa, - MA. ' ttnA aam that tha CTOtttaf IWIP- tion of the thoroughfare can be im proved this summer. PtikBMt . n; W. I. Btaley.l The- .tnembership of the Wmftn's I J4" "The New' city ehib in Detroit. Mich., has about P- ra. Christian En- reached the 3000 mark. Beniton, O haul poles etc .. Davis, Napolian with spike team ...... .. Feller, Jas P opening road .... tCUensting, Ben dragging CCuensting, Frank do McCormick, Chas corduroy. . Mooney, Thomas haul! gravel Richmond. T H corduroy etc Scott W D do Sinner, John haul gravel WhRneyi A C do Whitney, 0 C cutting corduroy etc Miller, J H patrolman Rood District Sol 4 Gearin, Fred M patrolman 80.00 Road District No. S Bates & Birnie building road grader . Booster. Howard drafting ... Davidson, John- grading etc.... Davidson. Ralph grading and dragging ...... .... Fabor. Ed graver . Davidson, W V patrolman .. Road District So. 7 Cuteforrh, I E K log drag work - Cutsforth, Rosa da ... Harper, J S grading r,mn I 1 K Inr draff work Cutsforth.. John H patrolman Road District So. S flxiam Sewer Plixr CO. plp..- Sowa, Paul nail bar Aicher. G C ditcmng Bauman, Steve epahrinr brigs nir-ltanann. fi R h&Ul til Hall, Henry Hiscel work 1..00 Hah-orsen,. C ditching Keene, Wit M gen . repair Lavine, Mrs Jos haul brush Durant I W repair washout atn , ... .. Road Wstrlr 5f. H Alenbacb, Chas laying cordu roy - Rizon, Paul dragging Eeckhout, Frank, do McKay, George filling bolea. Moore, Robert dragging Scollard, Roy grading drag- B'"B " -nraiat Tnhrt haul brick tl-LOnav ElliS KTSOing eUJ Whitnev. Lloyd filling holes Scollard, Wm patrolman , Road District No. Birdwell, W 8 rolling lft- 17.60 40.7S 30.00 19.25 . lit! ch. Emii, driving team. j.50 uciesenauer, Edward hauling 31.50 (.00 41.00 19.00 ..w .60 6.00 6.00 14,00 18.90 15.00 3.75 32.00 24.00 42.00 gravel iWillig. Constance L dnannm Aniien, Wm B patrolman ... Rood Dtetrtns Kn. 1 1 Hart man. C O patroimani ...... Road District No. l Hrougjier. At L cyh oil- Sbepherdi Carl (Uling holes etc ,., ... Shepherd. Lotus do ...Z Hogg. W T patrolman . Road Diatrtot Sto. IS Oregon Oravel Co.. gravel Deggellcr, William A dragg ' in English, Elvln A planking eto mtgnsit. w O patrolman ..,... Road Dtscrtci So. 14 Alexander. Chas haul rock.. Reinhart. J do Mais. Geo shovel rock eto 31.50 Bachlor, A t haul rack an nn Winter, II J shoveling rock.... 6.00 Oeder,, A. patrolman '29.75 Road District No. 19 Spanlding Logging Co., Chas K, lumber Foster, N R dragging eto ...... Dunm Rollis dragging Road Dkiriut No. 17 Bennett, I V. dragging DeJardin, John do Oregon Gravel Co, gravel .... Salem Tils and Mercantile Co tile Loron, I A dragging nn lAsplnwall, J P tractor pulling grader Dunlavy, 8 ditching j.a Aspinwall, C P running gmder 3,60 Murdick. L S ditching 4.40 Gouley, Romeo patrolman ...... 7.00 Road District No. IS Collard Vf P gravel 17.00 Jerman, A M do 2.00 Patterson, Hay haul gravel etc 126.00 Wayne, Mainard haul gravel 30.00 Patterson, Pearl do ..... 100.59 Perkins. Edwin do 48.00 McCormick, Ray do 24.00 Jerman, A M do 27.00 Whalen, Evert do 10.50 Ryan, James shoveling 7.60 Barrett T 8 do 7.60 cole-, Jtobt patrolman 42.00 Rood Dlxtrtct No. It Beardsley, A F haul gravel etc- 1I.30 Clyde Equipment Co, drag 40.00 Fanner Hdw Co. Ray L nails .ftfi Oregon? Oravel Co, gravel 14.65 00 7.16 24.00 8.00 9.00 6.00 47.25 16.92 LOO 1L26 16.59 66.00 4.00 36.76 3.00 6.00 !. (.90 1 10.50 36.00 1.15 8.00 7.00 8.00 38.00 1.75 10.00 ., 8.00 7.50 150 1.00 18 00 39.09 6.00 24.00 4.00 36.00 1 1 .... 2.70 24.00 81.00 57.00 67.50 187.60 22.50 34.90 27.00 3.00 .100 Beardsley, Arthur gravel McCall. Fred do , Hall, Monte .haul gravel Savage, W E do Beardsley, Arthur do ... McCalr. Fred do Livesley t Co, T A do ... Banks, Albert shovel gravel.. Evans, John haul gravel ...... Radke. Car! do .. Darling, W I dragging ,W.90 Dariing, O B haul gravel 9.00 Hall, B C patrolman 75.50 Road District So, 30 Oregon Gravel Co, gravel 13.60 Anderson, H haul gravel Anderson, A T) spread gravel Hoffman, Carl haul gravel Hoffman, Theodore spreading gravel .. Kaplinger. Wm F patrolman Hoad District No. 26 & Oregon- Gravel Co, gravel .. 11.55 Salem Sand &Grave) Co, gravel Road District No. 21 Conger, H W auto hlra Oregon Grav Co, gravel UaGes, M M patrolman Kiia1 Dbarict No-. 23 Clymer, Geo draggln Cone. A J da Raniaden.. Carl do . . Ramsden. C J patrolman 3.50 Road District No. 2S Lang, Fred dragging etc ...... .' Road District No, 24 Herren. J II levelm.m etc ... RtMid Dlotrk-t No. 25 Colvin, Chas dragging ... Lewie, Clark, do MUler, C M lumber Road DiMrf"t No, 2 6.00 3.00 26.00 S.40 2.50 6.40 27.(9 7.60 7.60 (.26 12.00 12.i 13.00 22.00 4.03 TI12 Question of tlie Are f -ImA-i cm1- 1 .ttS' I a mr ni S -N..-f"-.- Did Jesus Substitute the Rrst Day cf tha Week for the Seventh Day? Did the Apostles? WHO DID? Should Christians Observe the True ' Bible Sabbath ? I V AH WIMY HATH W tWS 4To have been a thousand years wrong will not make us ' right for on e single hour" Why are Christians keeping Sunday? the First day of the week, when GOD proclaims with His own voice "The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy GOD?" COME AND HEAR THIS GREAT QUES TION AN SWERED BY EVANGELIST A. R. BELL Tomorrow Evening 7:30 S.D.AXhurch, North Fifth St. and Gaines Ave. Take North Commercial Car ' " " . ' , 1 ". "K 1 m , ... a.,iwiii irw." I edroom Furniture Charming in Design Of Excellent Quality W announce the arrival of several vciy,handdom Bedroom Suited Furniture of eharming design unusual and well worth seeing. Every one interested in beautiful furniture is invited to see this display. We are displaying ene of these Ivory Enamel Suites in our west window. The bed is full size; chiifonem very roomy. The dresser and triplicate mirrored dressing table complete the suit. Regular $140.50 Six-Piece Ivory Bedroom..Set Ct1 flA Special now .... t4XlUU Regular $8.00 Iron Bed, special now 8 5.40 Regular $12.00 Iron Bed, special now $ 9.35 Regular $16.00 Iron Bed9 special now $12.80 Regular $18.00 Iron Bed, special now S14.35 Regular $30.00 Brass Bed, special now . S23.80 Regular $42.50 Brass Bed, special now S35.40 Regular $60.00 Brass Bed, special now : $47.85 Lloyd Princess Baby Buggies Siraukr to illustration for ft few- days more, we wilf offer you at a great discount several close-out pattern a Regular fa&OO- Baby Buggy new $24.00 Regular $-10.00 Baby Buggy now $34.80 Regular $43.75 Baby Buggy now $39.40 Regular $5150 Baby Bagsy now $11.20 Regular $64.35 Baby Buggy now '. $49.75 Regular $60.00 Baby Buggy now , $47.50 SALEM SILVERTON (Continued on page twelve) THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL "WANT" ADS PAY