Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 27, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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1. -rrTr i.-h insertion oue
rt r "Xrs 5 cents, one month,
t sis . - ,.ents, 0c year, rer
-rtio--. M.-.inmm
i . on:v in New Today.
l rrst 'n in advance and not tak
C? 'tine unless advertiser has
No allowance for
I-,, -s error?-
22--- ,-r-vi- TfllU
l-55nTre w McCianalian
it Phone27F21.
IjEhCownW cow fresh last
FK -"-r- ch,,meketa, phone 104o
-TTpRLO;i. model ?0. This car
'ilf nlv been used for 6 months.
03 h.noallv perfect; 4 nevr tires.
m't d that has never been on
8'" 1 , ,.ins and wind chield
' r0.u-.T.- down will
L if want
"ooudhand price
new car at a
Phone Adams.
q r, 1
-i-STT-i stroiis boy or man to
-v--r... k e
.s. church
Hoy going to
boa i d.
,uld find S"0! ,oom
' uti.i does no
who does not expect iuo
" LZ ies. Kev. J. R. Buck
room house
(.id rep:;"
fruit and nuts; easy
X. 1 7 III St. "i"
.tviOXS. S'wd 'I" '.!'1;1:
, .",ue per in
Call 4F11.
nm "modern house to tell cheap
or trade for property
Albany. Or. Impure at
in or near
No. ISO N.
uP HAIXKKS-Here s the best
b ness on the coast-get a Grimm
nU truck and get to work.
p,rtu..eS in sight. Salem Auto Ex
ci,?lls,. tttjtot ol.'
ffiSTtVli Tl'liKS We'll do your
1' 'oi,'-mli. and sell you aceessor-
; at a price to save you money.
Salem Auto
Exchange, ciaie.
SALK - Kugs. Rhode Island
PC(t I'tali strain, dark red color.
tWiw: 1:' f'"' c00k"
Hvh of same kind I'm-sale. a mil-.'
south of 1-Jtli St. sarline. Kt. 5. box
40 M. Reedy. Salem. Or. f5l
STiIk-s yovr CH.v.vch
Having sold my business I will sell
my modern t roo inresideiico with
bath and furnace. If you want a
nmd home, act quick. A. F. Hoff
man. 71'i X. J HiVsi: "4
WAXTKI Position on K.'ain ranch,
am experienced in all lilies of farm
inc. Do not want hops or berries.
IM !'.. Capital Journal. . d52
EM is Mottled Anconas
from Sheppards strain $2.25 per
jfttiiiK. lamer iiuantities for incu
baiias priced on application. Jas.
Fry. lit. 3. lio 253. Salem. 50
SKi't l!R your copy. Spiritual World
and A Future Life. HI cents; Other
side of Death. 25 cents; Spiritual
ism vs Christianity. 25c. You should
ifani the truth concerning, this
(mat question uppermost in the
niiiiils of thinking people today.
Address C. A. YauCleve. 1340 N.
Knii'l Si. 50
Foil S.M.K 5 loom plastered coi
Bff. city water, lot (10x130. S1200.
wik jenus. Call Tin-. N. 14th. fit)
Ftd! SALE Keliuilt I'nderwood type
writer. Klite type, good condition.
,t:.. Phiii.c L'Oiislt nr call Hal! Court
street. Co 2
W.WTL'D Girl ur woman for gen
era hiiusoivork. wasliiiiR sent out.
Plume 201.SU or call 14.'3 Court
street. j;,"i2
OATS and vetch hay for sale, on Sil
vertr.ri mail, north fair eround
fate. J23 per ton. J. C. Mullen.
.Ph'-ne 1580H. cT12
Ml! SALK Or trade.
Bantam rooster fur
"train. Phone S7K22.
su me
FOP. SALE Hliode Island Keds and
While LeBlioriiK. $l.'2."i each. 1215
Highland nee. f 5 1
HAXTKIi Children to hoard in the
ceimtry; none under 4 years' of nee.
S'hiKit ni.d church close bv. ftux
Jl Capital Journal. ,-il
ok SALK (;o.,i
he'i tf-.
with coils,
some arc g:is lumps.
nt twite.
mniLI; Won.iriu. the barber, will
' with the ttert- Lank shop under
liviu iiimu .March
to rent, ilea
r I"
.cit'ic highway
fair grounds,
box IS. J55
"'i-th.tH-o miles f
K-Rlloiin. Rt.
mi: SALR I
-..m,lc, r, .; limes. U9 s.
''in. - ,
n 1: . 1 iv
fine cows. 'cues,
ilem. Health cer
test with each
fresh. See large
r- 2- at West s
'"'irate and mill
seven ,,.
owner. pf,2
'Oh SALK-Several
It 'id Hi aK"S fi '" weiKht
1 each. Will be sold
-...nice 10 close out
l with guaraniee as
C1U .Stables
. All stock
ana 1.1... " l:IM "'acKs. mare
""'is. ace s and a .ih
; II. will, barness ..,.,1 01V 1, FOR SALE Good
l-nosito rf Imm''-s feed barn.
K.!?lWfHHe depot. 50
." "ALK One
work team n-ein-h-
- leu).
M;iek n. oi.ick norse 1200. one
t t f 'Rhing about
tWhnrV lngle horses;
M tJntTVle? "" pnm' worker.
rrr,--'-1'1'''' "ore- e51
r,r " largo lot. fruit tree
Thin D;r2'?..''r onr schooll
rau jl - '" north, in
liiM , "f"1""- P''' elrenp at
u. . , nalanee
6 oer
s. .s. 1., Pearson.
one 43. a
good condition,
large lot. garage.
son 1.1. t -
. . mi S
th on ear line
Immediate posses
011 are looking for.
t Tlia ,.u .
. 'iinw v-
""w v'ti. Price $2050 nnrt
?Sht5- loo" innV '" ,,er"'ine lruit:
tend Da 'rj' sch001.
P"if.n 1 ,-reets. Immediate
PriPP ,,?;U'f'rt's' only good
orri,.,- a:re rommercial ap
C' Corvallis. 2 H
OS graw, gricultural col
c1'"' Pron r.r"'- 1500 bellow
fc rei-, 550 "'"nhergs.
?'ja Drrlti" !? years old
i!rK,rn 1IJ '0 boxes this
I mm ' "!-nts. nlii,,,i,i
hts. nlilmhlnv' .
. "'uer.
bath innM ...
f;.. . hou 101-
: Wi.:, '.' '"'ace.
".-inace. beam
r-ete. h Iioo,s,
t. Hoi, . . "
"t,iu rnid not he
d( p?- b:Tr-. "hf. ere.
Ui r"mnt.
ft..: ' "(I 1.(111 11.. .
vv niouic
fcTs, et sprayer.
EX? " ate rBonal terms.
owner. Cor-
t KLSH milk
12th St.
s for
N. tottaee. Phone
WAXTKI. Losanlwrrv vl
ler bill, light vines, i'hiine
eags f,
Ibwk and White
ir hatchiiis. Phone
-,l:. or
O. A.
fwle at 55S State stt. Phone 40rt c
N. Needhani. f-..'
FOR SALE Good general
horse, weight about llo
Prk'e ;'.o. Phone 1S02W.
age 11.
i.i-.A.MJ Inland land for s;,le; grow,.
best hops, fruits and vegetables J
H. Tompklng. Rt. I. Amiiv. Or. br.5
GKNKK.VL automobile t:e7ing
magnetos repaired and recharged
Ford work a specialty; batteries re
charged. The I"aiigrouii(i8 Garage
M. I. Jackson. Prop. Phone 30S.
used Studebaker Siv. n.,;,.
ed and in A-l condition; get our
price on this car. Salem Velie com
pnny. ltij N. Commercial. so
t.OOD used cars, fine running order,
from $2o0 and up; your own terms.
Salem Velie company, 1A . Com
mercial. nV
rul .m."- fountain ien. Owner may
have same by calling at this office
proving property and paving f,.r
, so
FOK SALK Grey & Davis started
and battery for Ford, in g,.od tl)n-
onion, rnone 1 ;t 4 1 Jl
room modern home for s.-iIm h,
the very liest residential district of
Salem, close in and convenient.
This home has never been on the
market before and you are deal
ing with the owner direct. Price $a.
000 and it is worth more. Address
Select Home care Journal. a 51
WILL trade my business clearing
about $200 month for milk cow.
chickens, etc, or Ford. On account
of other interests am selling busi
ness for $400. For particulars write
box 13 Journal office. 50
FOR RF.N'f 6 roomiiiodei'n house
to buyer of $175 worth furniture.
Rent $1750 month. Call 5S9 Trade
FOR SALK Four acres good berry
land 3 miles from Salem, on im
proved road. 3-4 mile from paved
road; no buildings. Price reason
able cash or terms. Address w
!(' Salem. 5 2
FOR SALK P.locky "earn, mare and
gelding, age 6 and 7. weight 3000
lbs., sound and true workers, also
their heavy breeching harness and
3i-in. farm wagon, with double
box and spring sent all complete,
or will sell separate. This team
guaranteed ns represented or mon
ey refunded. Price very low. Must
sell at once. Club stables. . 50
For Sale Houses.
SALK House, lotio S.
FOR SALK 5 room modern bunga
low, large lot 66xl2S. 1530 Hroad-
lv!! n 53
FOR SALK 3 room house and good
lot. some fruit, 3 blocks to car
line. 39ii N. 23d. Price $550, terms.
Call at house. n53
FOR SALK By owner, modern five
room bungalow, full basement, two
lots, chicken house and corral;
variety of fruit, cement side walks
Rotween Capitol and Summer, 1170
Hood St. a50
FOR SALK Ry owner at a bargain"
R room house, lot 105x110, till in
bearing fruit, 500 Turner St. be
tween 22 and 23 o nMill St. Price
$ 1 3 00. a 5 S
FIVE room, modern bungalow want
ed. State best terms. Mrs. Lobley.
Journal office i
FOR SALE 'B room house, barn,
chicken houses, electric lights; 1
acre good land, all kinds fruit and
berries; private water system. $2.
000. half cash, balance terms. See
owner 1760 Waller St.
FtR SALK 2 lots 105x110 feet. 5
room house. 500 Turner street, on
ami between 22 and 23 streets. a5S
FOR SALE For five dnysoiily'oa n
offer beautiful home of seven
rooms built four years, finished in
.white enamel, has furnace, fire
place, dutch kitchen, located four
blocks from post office in choice
residence district, A bargain at $0.-
I 000. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn. 275
! Statestreet. Tel. 515. a51
I FOR SALE liinigTi'iiTw'Tvi-ir located
I in south Salem, five rooms strictly
j modern, fireplace, furnace, liard-
wood floors and garage. Price Sd,-
000. Hawkins and Roberts. 205 ore
gonbIdg. n.'iS
FOR SALE By owner, 7 room
house with 2 lots in bearing fruit.
on hard surface pavement, house
already to more into, at 1973 X.
Commercial St. F. A. Erixnn. 2nl
Masonic bldg. 11 3 4
WA N'T K 1) Forcash,-!! room siikT-
ly modern bungalow, well located.
Write Mrs. Ellis care P. O. box
250. Salem. i
6 room house.
electric lights, city water, 2 nice
lots with fruit trees and chicken
house, near mute school, can be
see nat 2446 Hazel nve. n03i
FOR SALE Store with living rooms
1390 S. 12th, Salem, Or. Inquire
1609 Center. ti52
FOR SALE A small house and
large lot on paved Rtreet. good lo
cation, $600, or with furniture for
five rooms, $S00. F. L. Wood. 341
State St. a51
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 74 acres two and one
half miles of Salem, one half mile
off of paved road on good graveled
road, all in cultivation and good
buildings, some orchard. This place is
priced at $250 per acre. If you are
looking for something good at the
right price see Fred W. Durbin at
27.5 State St., and look this over.
rhone 515, b
FOR SALE By owner, a fruit farm
close In. on paved road. For full
particulars write box 25S Salem.
Or. 1)50
FOR SALE 3 acres inside of city 1
limits set to eight-year old cher-1
ries. four thousand feet of new
lumber on grounds. Price $2ono,
$900 cash, balance at 6 persent:
best land inside of city limits, well
drained. Owner, morning or eve
nings. 845 S. 14th St., Salem. Or.
1.3 1
WE have several people looking for
close in modern property. If you
have such to sell let us know and
we can furnish, you a buyer. A. L.
Seamster Realty Co., Phone 333.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
INCOME tax records for sale at 141
N. High. Phone 840. 60
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Baled clover hay for sale
at barn. C. 8. Teeple. Rt 1. Phone
8 to 9:30 p. m. c5
SALS An kind. w ...
'ed fruits, preserves, jellies and
1( ,:'U.t ,up to sugar and heavy
e - evening and forenoona
r ( k
ALK First das grain
per ton. Phne 2P4
A r INK 1
1 no lor s.1 1,
m.l .-v : l""e
...... j.. .M.ler
B1CYCLK for s.ile. 1215 S
nftrplmi H19M."
WE have a Wamif uf iwbv"
12th. Call
erms for this week onlv. The Wi
ir.yjA'n Co.. 519 Court St. c59
WILL Pay cash for goo4 used piano.
at 2', coins 11. ,.,..,,."::;
good for seed 1 cent lb. Call 197 s
(. 0111 I or phone "Si). Ptn
FOR SALK-3i4 -inch wagon.
2!inr Jfeedjihed.
See it
fOK SALK Rubber
gy. Phone 41F5.
tired top bug-
cALK Few loads of loose vetch
and oat hay $20 ton; also baled
cheat hay at barn. Phone 8GF22.
l2L?r:Nursery Stock
garfted walnuts, filberts, and all
other kinds of nursery stock. Buy
anu save ngents comtui
0..1.RS nursery, Lafayette,
) t t- " ",,:,n,s. for sale cheap
.,( once, u nsons.
ami J-.tterburgs. John
Phone 254 or C22.
H. Scott.
FOL SALK Late Oregon strawber
ry plants, first class shape. $3 per
thousand, if you pick them. $4 50
. iv ineiii. ,1. a. Singer, box 117
1. s-aleni. near r.i-nh mii...
glowers, notice all
growers not
affili.ated with n,..
"oswi id-owers Cooperative ao
ciation are hereby notified of a
meeting to be held at the Salem
I on.mercial club Saturdav. Feb
rStl1 at --'o p. m. Business" of great
i.ipotuioo, ljJiii)iiingiani. iu50
FOR SALK Am closing out mv en
tire nursery stock of Roval Anne
'.!"', Bn.'"l,,'t' trears. Jacob Idohvina
JRrnadvay-. u,-,j
ETTERni'RGS 121 strawberry plants
Ji.iO per thousand; Wilsons 111 P
i LiHiJi!?"', 0r- d50
STRAWBKRRY plants, Etterburg l"'l
extra fine. $2 thousand, dig them
yourself, li mile east Sunnvside
school. Jefferson road. Hurl Pear-
son. Phone 107F24. ,ir,o
STHAWBERRT plantg. vigorous" "and
well rooted Progressive Everbear
ing. Etterburg 121. Wilson, anil the
Gold Dollar. Place orders now.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 North
Front street; Phone 494. (
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SA t.10
fresh. Call
Laurel Ave.
2 milk
any day
goats. 1 just
but Sat. 2751
FOR SALK Good work horse, suit
able for small tract; will plow. E
'-FJSJillL lilil1; e5
AM offering for sale 3 large teams,
excellent condition. Box 30 Jotirn
'; erl
FOR SALE Brood sow and 2 shoals.
K. F. Norwood, Rt. 2, box 98, Sa-
FOR SALE Holstein cow just fresh
and 4-year old colt. G. L. John-
ston. phone 109F2. e51
FOR SALK Tfresh cows. 1 heifer
coming fresh, or would trade for
beef cattle. 1 registered Jersey bull.
Call 87F24 evenings e51
FOR SALE Stock" hogsTphone 3FU
or address W. II. Egan, Gervais,
Rt. 2. e.
Phone 7F23
good Jersey cows,
after S p. 111. e50
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALK Baby chicks. Having
bought more incuabtors. I have a
few more hundred for Mar. 1st
and 12th delivery. Heavy laying
White Leghorns, wintered right,
hatched right. 20c each. Grape
Lane Poultry Farm. Turner. Or.
If. 2. f.-.i,
i FOR SALE Fine White .Minorca
I eggs fur hatching, SI per setting.
Phone llfi.SAI. f.'i4 1'.'
I HATCHING eggs. Rhode Island Reds
I of color and productivity. 15 for
$1.50. Phone 17SSW2. C. A. Rat
I cliff. Salem. Or. fiio
White Leghorns, Buff Leghorns. R.
I. Reds. Barred Rocks. Black Mi
norca s. White Wyandottcs, Buff
Orpingtons. Anconas. These vari
eties each week. C. N. Needhani.
r.5S State St. Tel. 400. fC3
Wanted Help.
WOOD CITTIORS wanted, $3.50 per
cord for oak. 10c for pogtH. Pea icy
rl!os.. 210 Oregon bldg. g50
WANTED Chamber maids. Marioii
hotel. g
WANTED Experienced stenograph
er, good pay. D M care Journal.
WANTED Man with family
for hop yard work immediately,
Ibuise furnished. Phone KF21, 50
WANTED To hire as a farm hand,
have had sufficient experience, by
the month preferred. Call I. E.
SeyerBligh hotel. h5l
WANTED Mother with two small
children wishes position as house
keeper. Phone 9uF12, or Salem.
Rt. 6 box 7A. 151
WANTED Some one to board and
care for three-months old baby.
Will pay fair price ,also stay with
her two or three evenings each
week. Address box 72 Journal, g.'l
WANTED Wood cutters to cut
cords of fir wood. 10 7F32. g.
WANTED Experienced saltsinan 1
for shoes, window
Gale V Company.
trimming, etc.
WANTED An experienced grocery
clerk, middle aged man preferred.
Peoples Cash store. g
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED One to five acres lose in
Will rent or lease with option to
buy. J'hone J147. 150
WANTED To rent pasture for 5c
head of sheep: also horses and rat
tle. Address Rt. 8. box 130.
Simon. Salem. Phone 59K1 4.
WANTED Kitchen heater. Call
Rose i
HAY for
sale $25. Cherry City
WANTED Garments to remodel;
new suits $4a; cleaning and press-
Ing. 644 State; Society Cleaners;
Phone 1J5. Chas. Ezra Sparks,
tailor. 62
HAVING sold my firm. 1 want to
buy a modern bungalow, 6 or 7
rooms. Would like a little fruit.
Pend particulars to M B Journal
office.. i'
$1 BONUS iU be paid ;o unrone
that will tell me wh-e I can lease
a modern six or seven riion; hocse.
Phone 492 or S evenittes. 1 !
RENT S-'ven
garage. Oood
i(eali.n $.
per month. Ivan
G. Martin.
sonic Temple.
LARGE front mm for two or more
with board. 41 N. Hisrh. Phone
--I- ! W
Lost and Found.
LOST Auto gloce
Finder return to
for right hand
this office k."t
THE International Correspondence
school will have their local repre
sentative at the Bligh hotel every
Saturday to give their students all
assistance possible. He ali will be
glad to give the public information
regarding the schools and their
Wanted Situations.
WANTED Work on grain farm., no
hops or berries; experienced. Box
50 Journal. h.M
For Sale Wood
FOR SALE Secondhand lumber 1
ineh stuff. 4x4. 4x6. 6x6 and SxS.
all lengths. 27S6 Lee St.. Salem.
n- -.,
rMn W ' '
1'IRST class lti-iuch mill wood from
Silver Falls Timber Co. Car on I
track at Church and Trade St. I
Friday. Strictly cash.
Fred E. Wells.
Phone 1542l?rrr
73 !
SINGLE gentleman wants
furnished I
living room close in. Address X2X
WANTED Care of children during
day. 491 N. Cottage St. 150
WANTED Dressiiiaking. 1299 South
High street. 130
ORDER your awnings from Dillmun.
Viite9C( Highlnndjave. 111 74
WOOD SAW -Fisher boys will saw
your wood. Phone 1004. m52
WANTED 5 or 6 room modern bun
galow. $300 cash, balance monthly.
Box Ctiti, Capital Journal. i
FOR ALL KINDS of hauling and mov
ing, phone 1608J. liiederman Trans-
fer Co. i50
exchange, 395, South 12th. will han
dle your household goods on com
mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining
better prices than selling to second
hand merchants. At present have
nice clean stock to select from
Cannon, phone 19.
TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur
niture and appliances bought and
sold. 141 N. High. Phone 340. 50
First Class Buys.
4 room cottage, fine lot, fruit, out
buildings, east; $1200.
8 room house, modern, fino loca
tion, close in. $4200.
5 acres all in cultivation, bottom
land; no buildings. $1500.
65 acres deep black soil, about 50
acres seeded to grain, 15 acres In
stumps tint! pasture mid timber; pret
ty good buildings. In good locality;
10 bead stock and all farm Imple
ments. $10,000.
135 acres, 16 acres In wheat, 30
acres clover, 25 acres in oats and hay,
30 acres ready to seed; good 5 room
house, plenty of outbuildings, fine
well. $150 per acre.
314 acres, 200 acres in cultivation,
balance in oak timber; good buildings
on fine road. See us for full descrip
tion. Very fine farm. $35,000.
Walter McLaren.
Room 21, ISO N. Com. St. n
Good Investments.
Nice 50 acres 5 miles from Salmu.
about 35 in cultivation; good set
farm buildings' and water system,
nice orchard, good soil, good road.
Bargain $S."iO0.
Good 15 acre tract near Salem,
mostly in cultivation and best soil;
good set buildings, family orchard,
several cows, fowls, horses, machin
ery, tools, crop, feed. All for $5000.
Nice II acre tract in high state of
cultivation, 2 miles fro mStilem, or
chard, buildings, fine location: $4500
120 acres near Oregon Electric
and good town, an hour's drive from
Salem; mostly in cultivation, best
loam soil, good set buildings, oreh-
phone, good timber. Exchange
ior goou. acreage near tulelll or res
idence property.
Nice close in 12 U acre tract, good
improvements: orchard, stock, tools,
machinery, crop all for $6500, easy
For sfttare deals see ti3,
Perrine & Marsters.
j'Ji-'- t-m. club bldg. n
Houses, Farms, Small Tracts.
5 room house, on 17th anil Trade
streets, lot 100x100; bath, toilet and
electric lights. $2500 on easy terniH.
6 room modern bungalow near lair
grounds, large lot. $:'.2 i0 if sold soon.
A snap.
7 room strictly modern house, close
in, large lot, some fruit, furnace heat
$7000, easy terms.
8 room bungalow, close to school,
north Salem. A real snap. $3200,
good terms.
We have a list
of old houses from
$650 to $1500 on
our office and wt
easy terms. Call at
will tell you about
75 acres on highway. Joining Sa
lem, 6 acres logans. 3 prunes, 3
pears. 2 cherries, lo apples. 20 acres
cultivated peat land. 12. acres fine
rolling cultivated. Some valuable
wood land and good pasture. Very
fair improvements. $'0,000.
154 acres. 6 miles out. 120 In
wheat, balance in pasture. Good farm
buildings just off bard surface road.
$175 per acre on good terms.
50 acres on highway, 1 miles
southeast of Oil-gon City; good house
1 . r niui
other buildings; 2 silos,
acres family
cross fences,
fruit: wire fence and
An iib il property at
$250 per acre.
57 acres Joining Salem all in wheat
fair house. This is a good buy and
will go soon. $20,000.
ID acres, good 7 room plastered
house, basement, bath, toilet, run-
ning water, good
14 acres of good
f itnily orchard, 1
limber. $3300.
4 room plastered
9 acres, good
house, bath: running water, fair barn
2 acr.-s strawberries, good family or-
chard. 10 acres in cultivation, bal
ance in rough land for pant lire with
7 acres of valuable timber. $3500, $1,
000 cash, balance to suit.
14 acres, 400 prune trees, 1 acre
logans. some fruit, two room house. 1
good spring, about 4 acres in cultlva-
tion, . balance
in rough land wit 11
some timlwr. $3500. '
3 acres. 7 room hou good fami
ly orchard, small stream. 1") minutes
walk from street car. $3000, $700
cash, balance $10 per month.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg.
'FOR SALE Splendid loganberry
j land. 24 acres all in cultivation ex
' cept 1H acres in timber. Three
1 acres of prunes S years o'.J.
'New five room bungalow, windmill.
barn and chicken house. Seven
miles north of Salem. Price $ft0
. one half cash.
35 acres on Pacific highway, no build
ings. all in cultivation, black sod
Between Albany and Jefferson. A
bargain at $135 per acre.
154.5 acres four miles east of Salem,
good buildings, 134 acres in wheat.
Crop noes with possession. Price
$175 per acre. Terms.
Hawkins & Roberts
205 Oregon bldg n58
FOR EXCHANGE S2v acres of !
land all in cultivation. 5 room bun
galow and other buildings, situate
3 miles north of Gervais. near
t Pacific highway. Will accept Sa
lem residence property in part pay
ment. W. A. Llston. atceiit. 494
Couit St. ul
For Sale.'
5 room house on Broadway, bath.
well, fruit, lot 6KX125. corner. Price
$1075, $300 cash, balance $15 month,
j 7 room house. Court St. Electric
1 lights, gas, bath, good sb-.e lot. liar-
gain. $290.
W. E. Compton.
469 State. Phone 930 or 34F13. n
il- : .... "r:
joui propria. is norm ine moiieN
we list it, we advertise it. Estes
M.nre. stulem. 4"x Or. bi.iir
Portland. 909 Chamber of Com. o75 I
WANTED A modern house with 2
to 0 acres, wilt pay cash. Tele
phone 234, or call at 22S Oregon
bid? nt once. n
iv VTL-n T.."i. :,rT... J "
, ( .-1 . . 1 I. LJ 1 (, uuj u o 01 o i 00111
modern house for cash. Address
1125 X. 4th St. Salem. Or. nf.O
FREE land, 30 acres young orchard
for 3 years at Oak Grove. John Lo-
renz, Rickreall. nB3
WOCLD like to get in touclilvith own
er of a good 5 to 15 acre tract near
Salem. Must have good buildings,
and some fruit. Nebraska care
Journal; m'
(Jl'ICiC SALK Improved it) acres"
fine soil, 80 rods east on D St.
from city limits at Tark and D Sts.
Buildings, fruit, best of water,
stock, tools furniture; 10 minutes
walk to Asylum ave. car, total 20
minutes from business center city.
This is on beautiful Salem prairie,
fast becoming the ;hoice and most
desirable for Salem homes, scarcely
any fog In winter, cool breezes in
hottest days of summer. Apply at
place to owner. It, F. Keefer. Kt.
7, box 14. n52
Good Buys.
63 ncres of first class fruit soil, 55
acres cultivated, 6 room house, good
barn, well, buildings built several
years ago, rock road, 6H miles from
Salem. Price $125 per acre.
Well Improved 5 acre tract, good
5 room plastered bungalow, barn,
fruit, gravel street and close to car
line. Price $H000.
Improved 23 acre tract located
south of Salem on rock road; house
and barn, well, good fruit land. Price
5 ncres of loganberries: good
house, barn; located 6 miles from
Salem. Price $5000.
270 acre farm all cultivated land,
with exception of about 20 acres In
pasture; house, barn, best of grain
and clover land. Rock road. Price
$125 per acre.
10 acres of good prune and logan
berry land, nil cultivated, located o'i
miles south of Salem. Price $1500.
00 acres of good timber located
northeast of Salem, mostly old
growth. Trice $100 per acre.
10 acre orchard located on main
Pacific highway. Prunes, cherries,
some npples and penrs. Sightly loca
tion. 2''i miles from earline south of
Salem. Price $3300.
10 acre tract. S acres loganberries;
S room house, good barn, running
water. Price $650(1.
llol'SE BI YS
6 room house located 1330 South
Commercial street. Price $2sno.
5 room bungalow located in south
Salem. Furniture goes. Paved street.
Price $4600.
7 room modern house located tit
1 66 5 Fir street. F.i Iriiiniint Hill,
sightly location, east front lot. bear
ing fruit, garage. Price $6000.
5 room cottage located in south
Salem, just ouiside of oily limits, 1
block from carllne. Price $2000.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street ii"1
Some Good Buys.
S roiini modern bouse, full base
ment, furnace, on improved street.
S room modern bouse, close In, full
basement, furnace heat. $l."iO0.
Alodern 7 room bungalow with lull
basement. $35no.
5 room strictly modern cottage hi
('-Park. $2000.
5 room strictly modern cottage. N.
Liberty SI. $2300.
5 room house, lot lOOxloo. 17th
and Trade Sis. $2500.
10 acres al Hopewell, Modern Im
provements. $3300.
19 acres 6 miles out. Modern bouse
Largo farms from $75 per acie
and up. See us for reliable proper
ties. John II. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg 45
Real Investments.
Just listed a dandy stock ranch for
$7700. Some stock and machinery,
crops most all in. We am tell you
what we think of it Wednesday, Also
have listed one of the bent $i0H() buys
near Salem until Saturday only. Let
us tell you about it.
1200 acre stock ranch near Browns
ville. including slock and equipment.
$2 1.000.
40 acres, 20 acres in cultivation,
some good timber, fair bouse, 5 miles
out. Price $3800. Knap. ,
20 acres, new buildings, soil No. 1.
carried 24 head of cattle last year.
Clover hay made 4 tons per to re. We
know it is worth more than our
price $2500. It is our properly and
is the last that we have In that sec
tion of the country. I
200 acres al per acre. Asses-1
nor says that it is worth more. I
Homestead relinquishment $400.
Why not work for I'ncle Sim. aj
good salary. New bungalow rind barn,!
worth $401(0. including Ford car. Lo
rated In a good town with 11 good
high school. All for $2700. .Must have
$1500 cash. No civil service exami
nation. .Might consider Salem proper-
Good house In Jit. Angel, good lo
cation. For Kaleiri property.
5 room modern bungalow. (4 block
fro incur line. Price $2250, terms.
Worth $3uoo. ask adjoining owners.
$7700 stock ranch consists of 220
acres. t acres cultivated aim most
ly seeded. Good family orchard,
spring water piped to the bouse. Stock
and machinery all goes.
We advertise jour property at your
price, we will not increase the price
and make the sale Impossible.
Estes & Mugee.
42. Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland office. Chamber of Com.
Liston's Bargains in Real Estate'
SO acres with large dwelling with
pressure tank water system.
barn and pumping system; laud al'
in cultivation, fine layout for logan
berries; three miles out; will consider
trade for good farm worth $2J.09u
and pay cash difference.
24 acres with cheap buildings, land
all seeded toiain; a splendid logan
berry proposition. Easy terms. lricc
40 acres with 15 acres bearing
prunes. 2 acres cherries and apples,
good house, barn and fruit dryer, mii
uate miles fro loeity in famous
Rosedale prune district. Price $14,00
Two bungalows of six rooms each,
on paved streets with furnace; terms.
Price $3200 each.
4 room bungalow with fire place,
bath and lights, east front, paved
streets, terms. Price $2000.
W. A. Llston
484 Court street nal'
Best Buya.
5 acres. 3 in fruit, all best of soil,
close to Keiser school; $1250.
13 acres. 6 in walnuts. 2 mixed
orchard. S. room -house, good set out
buildings, electric lights In all build
ings, on paved road, ij mile from
Salem. $9500. terms.
63 acres. 30 cultivated. t5 planted
to cherrbs. B acres logons S years old
this spring. 13 ucres pasture; fair Im
provenients. 6 miles from Salem. $12.
50. esy terms.
40 acres 4V miles out on good road
best of land, well drained; good
, house and barn; all in cultivation,
some fruit. $12,000, terms.
17 acres best of soil, 14 acres lo
gans. 6Vi acres prune; house, barn,
etc; 6 miles from Salem.
92 acres all in cultivation, house
and large barn. 41j miles from town:
a good grain or dairy farm. $150 per
341 State St.
Good Buys.
5 acre trurt 10 minutes from Salem
fair grounds. House, good roomy barn
frost proof Truil house, tower, large
water tank, engine and all conven
iences of a real home; choice orch
ard, etc. $6250.
10 acre tract fine land. 7 prunes,
apples and cherries; good barn and
deep well of water, close In. $5500.
10 acres close in, 6 acres loganber
ries, produced last season 26 tons
of berries; 1 acre of strawberries,
balance in fruit and garden; good 8
room house and other useful build
ings. 57 ncres close In, fair buildings,
43 acres 4 miles out, all tile drained,
large new barn, largo frost proof fruit
house; 6 acres fine bearing fruit pro
duced 76 tons last season. Well equip
ped with tools and stock. $2300.
2 4 ncres H in cultivation, good
Improvements, well stocked. $8000.
5 acres good land, modern 9 room
house; 2 acres in bearing loganber
ries, must be seen to appreciate.
Must be sold very Boon. Let us show
you today.
Oregon Land Co.
4 42 Stnto street
Kinney & Smith.
110 acres, fine grain and dairy
farm: lays fine and Is a real produc
er. 106 Hcres cultivated; 50 acres now
in fall crop. All fenced with woven
wire. Good set of farm buildings and
good family orchard. Located 1111
county road within a mile of west
side Pacific highway. About 17 miles
from Salem. 6 cows, 5 horses, pigs,
about 100 hens, binder, wagon, mow
er, woodsaw outfit, feed grinder, 7
h. p. gas engine and all kinds of
tools, feed, seed, etc., included with
far in for ? 125 per acre.
Here Is a fine farm that has 65
acres in cultivation and 60 acres In
crop.-It lays on the highway now be
ing paved, 7 miles from Corvnllls.
Close to electric R. R. station.
Land lays Just rolling enough to drain
well. Place Is well Improved with 6
room house with hot nod cold wa
ter, bath, toilet, sleeping porch, etc.
Born 50x70: usual outbuildings. 16
acres Umber for family use. A fine
little farm lit $125 per acre. Immedi
ate possession. ,
About 46 acres cultivated! good
potato land. 5 room house, barn, ma
chine shed and usual outbuildings.
About 5 miles from Salem on gravel
road. Numerous Implements, few
chickens, etc. included at $6300. This
is a good place and a good buy. We
have exclusive listing of this.
See our ad elsewhere in this issue
of a 2 1 acre tract of fine loganfieii-y
land with fine Improvements and a
lot of extras included at $8000. K Is
a real place.
We want more listings of small
farms within 8 or 10 miles of Salem.
Price them right and we can turn
your farms,
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of ('omiucioe bldg. 51
AlTOJlOBILE painting, furniture r
flnlHliing. The Hulem Reflnlshlng
Co. 156 S. K'lh St. Phone 16f3. m07
WE build delivery bodies. The Salem
Rcfinisliing Co. 1 1 1 5 3
FOR SALE Thousand pound trailer,
feed barn. Center street. q52
FOR SALE Bulek Six louring car
less than year old. fine condition.
Phone 71. ..Itl'l'
lU.'PMOBILK bargain. For sale or
trade for lighter ear. Run only
8000 miles. Box Bargain Capital
Joiirniil. .6
FOR SALE A new 2-tou Diamond
T truck, all ready for business.
Phone I6I1H.I. A. If. Bledermnn. q59
FOR SALE A good bargain in a
speedv bug. new cord tires. Phone
1704. q53
Why Sell tor Less.
WE "wili"pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 28 to 6S
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street. Phone 1 2 i
Safety Razor Blades.
HA FETY razor blade "sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court 8b
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd at Bush Bank, Salem, Ors.
"Salem Auto Exchange
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 229 State 81. Phone
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loam
Any amount Long tim.
& Si and percent interest.
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic TempleSalem. Oregoa
MARION-POLK Natloual FarraLoai
Ass' 11. Government money to loan
at 5H percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optic.
an, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fittei.
610-1? C. S. bank. Phone $41.
Water Company.
comer Commercial and Trade Sta.
BilU payable monthly in advance.
Phone 57
WANT EiT Second hand furniture.
rus. carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest price
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 35 N.
Com'l St Phone Mf.
long distance hauling. Office 445
Court St. Phone S, night phone
79J. 71
OSTEOPATHIC physicians and Bur
geons, Drs. White and Marshall,
606 1'. S. bank bidg. Phone 83. Dr. ,
White, res. phone 46S; Dr. Marshall
res. phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 493-4 Ora- y
gon bldg. phone 68F6; office
phone 1894. o57 .
SALEM SC AVA NG ER Garbage and
recuse 01 ail Kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals -removed. Office phone Main
Lodge Directory.
meets everv Wednesday
evening at T;30 at t. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kuntz,
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meet
every Thursday evening. in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle.
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 fniou St.
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
bly No. 81 meets every Thursday at.
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An- '
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec -retary,
Salem, Or,
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meet
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
UcCornack hall, oor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. C; U S. Goer, clerk
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6248
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets. H. O.
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner.
Eau Claire, Wis., Feb. 26. Several
persons were Injured here today wnn
a westbound passenger train on tin
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Oma
ha railroad collided with the North
Const Limited. The accident took plae
In the yards where the limited wa
Of (lie state of Oivgou, for Jlnrkia
County. Department No. 2
J. IS. PoUycrew, plaintiff, vs C. A.
Rockhlll mid Lulu A. Rockhill, hi
wife; Guy S. Smith us administrator
of the estate of F. O. Doyle, deceas
ed ;Mrs. Howard Allison and Howar.l
Allison, Gus Doyle and Guy O. Smith,
Edna oDyle and Geo. N, Doyle, de
fendants. Summons.
To Howard Allison, Mrs. Howard
Allison, Gus Doyle, Edna Doyle and
Geo. N. Doyle, above named defend
ants: In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to up
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitle 1
court and cause within six weekj
from tho date of the first publication
of this summons lowil: Friday. Feb.
13th, 1920, and If you fail to so ap
pear or answer sold complaint, plain,
tiff will nppl yto the court for th
relief prayed for in his complaint
filed herein towit: for the foreclos
ure of his mortgage recorded in booI
of mortgages, vol 71 at page 428 on
Dec. 7th, 191, for Marlon county,
Oregon, and for the sum of $1700 tin t
for the sale of the real premises de
scribed In said mortgage and com
plaint and being the N. W.' quarter
of the S. W, quarter of section eight,
T. 8, S. R. 3 west of the W. M.. Ma
rlon county. Oregon, and also an un
divided one half Interest In aor-i
being a strip 15 and feet wide f.r
road purposes and being situate In
the N. E. Vi of the S. W. of see.
8 .T. 8 8. R. 3 VV. of W. M Marion
county, Oregon, and for his cost
and disbursements incurred heroin
together with 11 reasonable attorney!
You are hereby further notifiel
that this summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof In the Capital
Journal, a newspaper of general cir
culation published dally In the city
of Salern, Oregon, Marion cnunty,
pursuant to an order made on th
11th day of February, 1920, by th
Hon. Percy P Kelly, Judge of tn-
circuit court for Marlon county, Ore
gon. Lastly you are notified that th
date of the first publication thereof
will be on Friday, March 26th, 12.
G. K. r.NRl H. Atty
Any amount. Low rates. Full
repayment privileges. Very
prompt service. Ask aboul
our 20-year loans at 6 per
Hawkins & Roberts
203 Oregon Bldg.
Salem Oregon